コード例 #1
ファイル: App.xaml.cs プロジェクト: Leo-Ngok/isweep_proj_v1.2
        public static async void calcvdAsync()
            double cvd_idx = double.NaN;
            var    dbc     = new SQLiteConnection(DBPATH);
            var    c       = dbc.Table <DB_pdata>().ToList().First();

            int[][] holiday =
            { new int[] {  1 },
              new int[] {5, 6, 7 },
              new int[] {    },
              new int[] {5, 19, 20 },
              new int[] {1, 12 },
              new int[] {  7 },
              new int[] {    },
              new int[] {    },
              new int[] { 14 },
              new int[] {1, 2, 7 },
              new int[] {  2 },
              new int[] {8, 20, 22, 24, 25 } };
            bool isholiday = holiday[DateTime.Now.Month - 1].Contains(DateTime.Now.Day);
            string res   = await new HttpClient().GetStringAsync("http://www.smg.gov.mo/smg/airQuality/latestAirConcentration.json");
            var    stuff = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AirQualityResponse>(res);
            var    aq    = new weatherkey()
                date        = DateTime.Parse(stuff.datetime),
                CO_level    = getwwmean(stuff.pohopolu.HE_CO, stuff.enhopolu.HE_CO, stuff.tchopolu.HE_CO, stuff.tghopolu.HE_CO, stuff.cdhopolu.HE_CO, stuff.khhopolu.HE_CO),
                NO2_level   = getwwmean(stuff.pohopolu.HE_NO2, stuff.enhopolu.HE_NO2, stuff.tchopolu.HE_NO2, stuff.tghopolu.HE_NO2, stuff.cdhopolu.HE_NO2, stuff.khhopolu.HE_NO2),
                PM_10_level = getwwmean(stuff.pohopolu.HE_PM10, stuff.enhopolu.HE_PM10, stuff.tchopolu.HE_PM10, stuff.tghopolu.HE_PM10, stuff.cdhopolu.HE_PM10, stuff.khhopolu.HE_PM10),
                PM2_5_level = getwwmean(stuff.pohopolu.HE_PM2_5, stuff.enhopolu.HE_PM2_5, stuff.tchopolu.HE_PM2_5, stuff.tghopolu.HE_PM2_5, stuff.cdhopolu.HE_PM2_5, stuff.khhopolu.HE_PM2_5),
                O3_level    = getwwmean(stuff.pohopolu.HE_O3, stuff.enhopolu.HE_O3, stuff.tchopolu.HE_O3, stuff.tghopolu.HE_O3, stuff.cdhopolu.HE_O3, stuff.khhopolu.HE_O3),
                SO2_level   = getwwmean(stuff.pohopolu.HE_SO2, stuff.enhopolu.HE_SO2, stuff.tchopolu.HE_SO2, stuff.tghopolu.HE_SO2, stuff.cdhopolu.HE_SO2, stuff.khhopolu.HE_SO2)
            var               tmp        = await new HttpClient().GetStreamAsync("http://www.smg.gov.mo/smg/latestWeather/e_7daysforecast.xml");
            XmlSerializer     serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(SevenDaysForecast));
            SevenDaysForecast items      = (SevenDaysForecast)serializer.Deserialize(tmp);
            var               temps      = items.WeatherItem.WeatherForecast[0].Temperature;
            double            todaytemp  = (double.Parse(temps.First(x => x.Type == "1").Value) + double.Parse(temps.First(x => x.Type == "2").Value)) / 2;

            cvd_idx = calcvd(c, todaytemp, aq, isholiday);
            CrossLocalNotifications.Current.Show("CVD Calculated", "Your CVD Index for today is " + cvd_idx.ToString(), 100000);
            using (SQLiteConnection savedt = new SQLiteConnection(legacyweatherDBpath))
                savedt.CreateTable <weatherkey>();
                savedt.Insert(new weatherkey()
                    CVD_idx = cvd_idx
コード例 #2
        private static double calcvd(DB_pdata c, double tem, weatherkey aq, bool ishol)
            DateTime td  = DateTime.Today;
            double   age = (DateTime.Today.Year - c.dob.Year);

            if (td.Month < c.dob.Month || td.Day < c.dob.Day)

            double height      = c.heig;
            double weight      = c.weig;
            bool   gender      = c.genD;
            double SP          = c.Sbp;
            double DP          = c.Dbp;
            double CL          = c.Cho;
            double BH          = c.hdll;
            bool   is_smoker   = c.smoK;
            bool   is_diabetic = c.diaB;

            double temp = tem;

            double frs = 0;

            double pm_2_5 = aq.PM2_5_level;
            double pm_10  = aq.PM_10_level;
            double so2    = aq.SO2_level;
            double no2    = aq.NO2_level;

            //age factor=====================================
            if (age >= 30 && age < 35)
            else if (age >= 40 && age < 45)
            else if (age >= 45 && age < 50)
                frs += 2;
            else if (age >= 50 && age < 55)
                frs += 3;
            else if (age >= 55 && age < 60)
                frs += 4;
            else if (age >= 60 && age < 65)
                frs += 5;
            else if (age >= 65 && age < 70)
                frs += 6;
            else if (age >= 70 && age < 75)
                frs += 7;
            //cholesterol level===============================
            if (CL < 160)
                frs -= 3;
            else if (CL >= 160 && CL < 200)
                frs += 0;
            else if (CL >= 200 && CL < 240)
            else if (CL >= 240 && CL < 280)
                frs += 2;
                frs += 3;
            //blood HDL=======================================
            if (BH < 35)
                frs += 2;
            else if (BH >= 35 && BH < 45)
            else if (BH >= 45 && BH < 60)
                frs += 0;
                frs -= 2;
            //blood pressure==================================
            if (SP >= 160 || DP >= 100)
                frs += 3;
            else if (SP >= 140 || DP >= 90)
                frs += 2;
            else if (SP >= 130 || DP >= 85)
            //else frs += 0;
            if (is_diabetic)
                frs += 2;
            if (is_smoker)
                frs += 2;
            //convert to probability
            if (frs <= -3)
                frs = 0.01;
            else if (frs == -2)
                frs = 0.02;
            else if (frs == -1)
                frs = 0.02;
            else if (frs == 0)
                frs = 0.03;
            else if (frs == 1)
                frs = 0.04;
            else if (frs == 2)
                frs = 0.04;
            else if (frs == 3)
                frs = 0.06;
            else if (frs == 4)
                frs = 0.07;
            else if (frs == 5)
                frs = 0.09;
            else if (frs == 6)
                frs = 0.11;
            else if (frs == 7)
                frs = 0.14;
            else if (frs == 8)
                frs = 0.18;
            else if (frs == 9)
                frs = 0.22;
            else if (frs == 10)
                frs = 0.27;
            else if (frs == 11)
                frs = 0.33;
            else if (frs == 12)
                frs = 0.4;
            else if (frs == 13)
                frs = 0.47;
            else if (frs == 14)
                frs = 0.56;

            if (temp > 26)
                frs *= Math.Pow(1.17, (temp - 26));
            else if (temp < 26)
                frs *= Math.Pow(1.12, (-temp + 26));
            //air quality=====================================
            if (pm_2_5 > 96.2)
                frs *= Math.Pow(1.27, (pm_2_5 - 96.2) / 10);
            if (pm_10 > 115.6 && age >= 65)
                frs *= Math.Pow(1.012, (pm_10 - 115.6) / 10);
            if (so2 >= 53.21)
                frs *= Math.Pow(1.01, (so2 - 53.21) / 10);
            if (no2 >= 53.08)
                frs *= Math.Pow(1.019, (no2 - 53.08) / 10);

            //holiday factor
            if (ishol)
                frs *= 2.375;
            CrossLocalNotifications.Current.Show("CVD Calculated", "your cvd index is" + frs, 100000);
コード例 #3
        public static async void calcvdAsync(bool showaqi)
            //https://icon-library.net/icon/air-quality-icon-22.html (the air quality icon are from this free website)
            if (!CrossConnectivity.Current.IsConnected)
                while (true)
                    bool v = await new ContentPage().DisplayAlert("Warning", "You are not connected to the Internet, records cannot be updated", "retry", "cancel");
                    if (!v)
                    if (CrossConnectivity.Current.IsConnected)
                double   cvd_idx = double.NaN;
                DB_pdata c;

                using (SQLiteConnection dbc = new SQLiteConnection(DB_persondata))
                    dbc.CreateTable <DB_pdata>();
                    if (dbc.Table <DB_pdata>().ToList().Count == 0)
                    c = dbc.Table <DB_pdata>().ToList().First();

                bool isholiday = holiday[DateTime.Now.Month - 1].Contains(DateTime.Now.Day);
                string res   = await new HttpClient().GetStringAsync("http://www.smg.gov.mo/smg/airQuality/latestAirConcentration.json");
                var    stuff = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AirQualityResponse>(res);
                var    aq    = new weatherkey()
                    date        = DateTime.Parse(stuff.datetime),
                    CO_level    = getwwmean(stuff.pohopolu.HE_CO, stuff.enhopolu.HE_CO, stuff.tchopolu.HE_CO, stuff.tghopolu.HE_CO, stuff.cdhopolu.HE_CO, stuff.khhopolu.HE_CO),
                    NO2_level   = getwwmean(stuff.pohopolu.HE_NO2, stuff.enhopolu.HE_NO2, stuff.tchopolu.HE_NO2, stuff.tghopolu.HE_NO2, stuff.cdhopolu.HE_NO2, stuff.khhopolu.HE_NO2),
                    PM_10_level = getwwmean(stuff.pohopolu.HE_PM10, stuff.enhopolu.HE_PM10, stuff.tchopolu.HE_PM10, stuff.tghopolu.HE_PM10, stuff.cdhopolu.HE_PM10, stuff.khhopolu.HE_PM10),
                    PM2_5_level = getwwmean(stuff.pohopolu.HE_PM2_5, stuff.enhopolu.HE_PM2_5, stuff.tchopolu.HE_PM2_5, stuff.tghopolu.HE_PM2_5, stuff.cdhopolu.HE_PM2_5, stuff.khhopolu.HE_PM2_5),
                    O3_level    = getwwmean(stuff.pohopolu.HE_O3, stuff.enhopolu.HE_O3, stuff.tchopolu.HE_O3, stuff.tghopolu.HE_O3, stuff.cdhopolu.HE_O3, stuff.khhopolu.HE_O3),
                    SO2_level   = getwwmean(stuff.pohopolu.HE_SO2, stuff.enhopolu.HE_SO2, stuff.tchopolu.HE_SO2, stuff.tghopolu.HE_SO2, stuff.cdhopolu.HE_SO2, stuff.khhopolu.HE_SO2)
                var               tmp         = await new HttpClient().GetStreamAsync("http://www.smg.gov.mo/smg/latestWeather/e_7daysforecast.xml");
                XmlSerializer     serializer  = new XmlSerializer(typeof(SevenDaysForecast));
                SevenDaysForecast items       = (SevenDaysForecast)serializer.Deserialize(tmp);
                var               temps       = items.WeatherItem.WeatherForecast[0].Temperature;
                var               futuretemps = items.WeatherItem.WeatherForecast[1].Temperature;
                double            todaytemp   = (double.Parse(temps.First(x => x.Type == "1").Value) + double.Parse(temps.First(x => x.Type == "2").Value)) / 2;
                double            futuretemp  = (double.Parse(futuretemps.First(x => x.Type == "1").Value) + double.Parse(futuretemps.First(x => x.Type == "2").Value)) / 2;
                cvd_idx = calcvd(c, todaytemp, aq, isholiday);
                CrossLocalNotifications.Current.Show("CVD Calculated", "Your CVD Index for today is " + (Math.Round(cvd_idx * 10000) / 100).ToString() + "%", 100000);
                var    web     = new HttpClient();
                string aqilink = await web.GetStringAsync("http://www.smg.gov.mo/smg/airQuality/ho_api_history.json");

                JObject  aqi    = JObject.Parse(aqilink);
                string[] places = new string[] { "en", "tc", "tg", "kh", "po", "cd" };
                var      aqi0   = aqi["sysdate"].ToObject <DateTime>();
                var aqi1 = aqi["en"].Children().ToList().Last().ToObject <AQIVal>().value;
                var aqi2 = aqi["po"].Children().ToList().Last().ToObject <AQIVal>().value;
                var aqi3 = aqi["tc"].Children().ToList().Last().ToObject <AQIVal>().value;
                var aqi4 = aqi["tg"].Children().ToList().Last().ToObject <AQIVal>().value;
                var aqi5 = aqi["kh"].Children().ToList().Last().ToObject <AQIVal>().value;
                var    aqi6 = aqi["cd"].Children().ToList().Last().ToObject <AQIVal>().value;
                double aqia = getwwmean(aqi1, aqi2, aqi3, aqi4, aqi5, aqi6);
                // if(showaqi)
                CrossLocalNotifications.Current.Show("Air Quality Notice", "The AQI for today is " + aqia.ToString(), 100001);
                using (SQLiteConnection savedt = new SQLiteConnection(everydayinfo))
                    savedt.CreateTable <weatherkey>();
                    savedt.Insert(new weatherkey()
                        date = DateTime.Now, CVD_idx = cvd_idx, AQI_idx = aqia, todaytemp = todaytemp, futuretemp = futuretemp
            }catch (Exception EX) {
                CrossLocalNotifications.Current.Show("error", EX.Message + " " + EX.Source);