protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { userManager theUserManager = (userManager)Session["theUserManager"]; theDisplayProgramName = theUserManager.getProgName(); theDisplayPlineName = theUserManager.getPlineName(); theDisplayUserName = theUserManager.getUserName(); theDisplayCompanyCode = theUserManager.getCompanyCode(); theDisplayProgramCode = theUserManager.getProgCode(); theProgValue = theUserManager.getProgVlaue(); string theMenuCompanyCode = theUserManager.getCompanyCode(); theMenuUserCode = theUserManager.getUserCode(); Response.Cookies["CurrentProgramCode"].Value = theDisplayProgramCode; ////打印 //thePrintSql = (string)Session["thePrintSql"]; //显示提示信息 20071219 //string str = theDisplayPlineName + "-->" + theDisplayUserName + "___" + theDisplayProgramName; //Response.Write("<script>window.status='" + str + "';</script>"); //theHelpFile = theUrlTemp + "/Rmes/Help/" + theDisplayProgramCode + ".htm"; //考虑以后可能对程序内容做一些处理,暂且定义变量 //string theProgTemp = ""; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { PubCs thePubCs = new PubCs(); string theServerPath = Server.MapPath("~/").ToString(); theServerPath = theServerPath + "Rmes/Pub/Xml/RmesConfig.xml"; baseURI = thePubCs.ReadFromXml(theServerPath, "rootPath"); userManager theUserManager = (userManager)Session["theUserManager"]; theDisplayProgramName = theUserManager.getProgName(); theDisplayPlineName = theUserManager.getPlineName(); theDisplayUserName = theUserManager.getUserName(); theDisplayCompanyCode = theUserManager.getCompanyCode(); theDisplayProgramCode = theUserManager.getProgCode(); string theMenuCompanyCode = theUserManager.getCompanyCode(); string theMenuUserCode = theUserManager.getUserCode(); string theMenuUserId = theUserManager.getUserId(); string opt = Request["opt"] as string; string progid = Request["progCode"] as string; if (opt != null && progid != null && opt != string.Empty && progid != string.Empty) { if (opt == "setdefaultpage") { try { dataConn dc = new dataConn(); string _theSql = "SELECT * FROM REL_USER_DEFAULTPAGE WHERE COMPANY_CODE = '" + theDisplayCompanyCode + "' AND USER_ID = '" + theMenuUserId + "'"; dc.setTheSql(_theSql); if (dc.GetState()) { _theSql = "UPDATE REL_USER_DEFAULTPAGE SET DEFAULT_PAGE = '" + progid + "' WHERE COMPANY_CODE = '" + theDisplayCompanyCode + "' AND USER_ID = '" + theMenuUserId + "'"; } else { _theSql = "INSERT INTO REL_USER_DEFAULTPAGE(COMPANY_CODE,USER_ID,DEFAULT_PAGE)VALUES('" + theDisplayCompanyCode + "','" + theMenuUserId + "','" + progid + "')"; } dc.ExeSql(_theSql); Response.Write("设置成功:" + progid); } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Write("设置失败,信息如下:\n" + ex.Message); } Response.End(); } } //得到菜单绝对地址 string theHost = Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"]; string thePort = Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_PORT"]; string theUrl = Request.ServerVariables["URL"]; string theUrlTemp = theUrl.Substring(0, theUrl.IndexOf("/", 1)); string str = "欢迎使用RMES系统," + theDisplayPlineName + " 的 " + theDisplayUserName + ",你当前打开的页面:" + theDisplayProgramName; ASPxRoundPanel1.HeaderText = str; //帮助 20080408 theHelpFile = theUrlTemp + "/Rmes/Help/" + theDisplayProgramCode + ".htm"; //考虑以后可能对程序内容做一些处理,暂且定义变量 //string theProgTemp = ""; string theSql = "select menu_code,menu_name,menu_code_father,menu_index,program_code,program_name,program_value from vw_rel_user_menu where company_code='" + theMenuCompanyCode + "' and user_id='" + theMenuUserId + "' order by menu_level,menu_index"; dataConn theDataConn = new dataConn(theSql); //theDataConn.OpenConn(); //theDataConn.theComd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; //theDataConn.theComd.CommandText = theSql; //OracleDataReader dr = theDataConn.theComd.ExecuteReader(); DataTable dt = theDataConn.GetTable(theSql); DataView dv = new DataView(dt); dv.RowFilter = "menu_code_father is NULL and menu_code is not NUll and menu_name is not NULL"; dv.Sort = "menu_index"; string name = "", text = "", url = ""; foreach (DataRowView dvr in dv) { name = dvr["menu_code"].ToString(); text = dvr["menu_name"].ToString(); url = dvr["program_value"].ToString().Trim(); url = url.Equals("") ? "" : ("../.." + url + "?progCode=" + dvr["program_code"].ToString() + "&progName=" + dvr["program_name"]); if (!text.Trim().Equals("")) { DevExpress.Web.ASPxMenu.MenuItem m = new DevExpress.Web.ASPxMenu.MenuItem(text, name, "", url); ASPxMenu1.Items.Add(m); AddChildMenu(dt, m); } } if (ASPxMenu1.Items.Count > 0) { //modeify by thl 20161011 用户不需要 注释了 ASPxMenu1.Target = "ifmain"; ASPxMenu1.Items.Add("附加功能", "ext_menu", "", ""); DevExpress.Web.ASPxMenu.MenuItem m = ASPxMenu1.Items.FindByName("ext_menu"); m.Items.Add("设置为默认页", "ext_set_homepage", "", "javascript:$.setDefaultPage(window.ifmain.location.href)", "_self"); //m.Items.Add("选择主题", "ext_set_theme", "", ""); DevExpress.Web.ASPxMenu.MenuItem n = ASPxMenu1.Items.FindByName("ext_set_theme"); string path = Server.MapPath("~/App_Themes"); //string[] themes = System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories(path); //string sTemp = ""; //foreach (string s in themes) //{ // sTemp = s.Substring(s.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1); // if (!sTemp.StartsWith(".")) // n.Items.Add(sTemp, sTemp, "", "javascript:jQuery.setTheme('" + sTemp + "')", "_self"); //} } }