コード例 #1
    void interiorShip(float moveX, float moveY, float width4)
        Sprite pauseSprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("interhull_faded(256x64)");

        GameObject          dershi = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\interhullA")) as GameObject;
        objResourceNameHold fudg   = dershi.AddComponent <objResourceNameHold>(); //creates a holding script that contains the orignal resource name

        fudg.objName = "dertypShips\\interhullA";
        dershi.name  = "interiorWall(" + moveX + "," + moveY + ")";
        dershi.transform.position = new Vector2((moveX), (moveY - width4 / 2));
        Debug.Log("Wiedth is " + width4);

        int directionChoice = randomDirection.Next(0, 37);
        //    Debug.Log("SystemRand degreeCnt" + directionChoice);
        int rotCnt = (blarg.Next(0, 36));
        //   Debug.Log("Rand degreeCnt" + rotCnt);
        float degreeCnt = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < directionChoice; i++)
            degreeCnt = degreeCnt + 10.0f;
        float yRotation = degreeCnt;
        //   Renderer[] renderers = GetComponentsInChildren<Renderer>();

        Renderer renderers = dershi.GetComponent <Renderer>();

        //  gameObject.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color = Color.green;

        dershi.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(transform.eulerAngles.x, transform.eulerAngles.y, yRotation);
コード例 #2
    public void PlaceCoolers()
        bossLoad = false;
        float startX = -4;
        float startY = -2.5f;
        float moveX = startX;
        float moveY = startY;

        int shipX = 2;
        int shipY = 2;
        int stupY = 1;
        int stupX = 1;
        float shipTop, shipBottom, ShipLeft, ShipRight;
        shipTop = 0;
        ShipRight = 0;
        shipBottom = shipY;
        ShipLeft = shipX;
        string loadObj = "boss\\regCool";
        for (int x = 0; x < shipX; x++)
             loadObj = "boss\\regCool";
            stupY = 0;
            GameObject shipTest = Instantiate(Resources.Load(loadObj)) as GameObject;
            objResourceNameHold fudg = shipTest.AddComponent<objResourceNameHold>(); //creates a holding script that contains the orignal resource name
            fudg.objName = "dertypShips\\genericBack";
            shipTest.name = "genericBack(" + stupX + "," + stupY + ")";
            shipTest.transform.position = new Vector2(moveX, moveY);
            posXarr[x] = moveX;
            posYarr[stupY] = moveY;

            var renderer4 = shipTest.GetComponent<Renderer>();
            float width4 = renderer4.bounds.size.x;

            GameObject fud2 = Instantiate(Resources.Load(loadObj)) as GameObject;
            fudg = fud2.AddComponent<objResourceNameHold>(); //creates a holding script that contains the orignal resource name
            fudg.objName = "dertypShips\\shipHull";
            fud2.name = "shipHull(" + stupX + "," + stupY + ")";
            var renderer2 = shipTest.GetComponent<Renderer>();
            float width2 = renderer2.bounds.size.x;
            if (x == 0)
                ShipLeft = moveX;
                //     shipTop = moveY;
            if (x == shipX - 1)
                ShipRight = moveX;
                fud2.transform.position = new Vector2((moveX + width2 / 2), moveY);
                if (shipX == 1)//only one column
                    GameObject fud3 = Instantiate(Resources.Load(loadObj)) as GameObject;
                    fud3.name = "shipHull(" + stupX + "," + stupY + "2)";
                    fud3.transform.position = new Vector2((moveX - width2 / 2), moveY);

                fud2.transform.position = new Vector2((moveX - width2 / 2), moveY);

            shipTest.transform.parent = fud2.transform; //how do I put a parent with a child prefab, this is how!

            //  moveY = shipTest.GetComponent<Renderer>().bounds.size.y + moveY;
            Debug.Log("Your MOVE" + shipTest.GetComponent<Renderer>().bounds.size.x);

            for (int y = 0; y < shipY; y++)

                if ((UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 100) < 50 && bossLoad == false)|| (y==shipY-1 &&bossLoad==false))
                    bossLoad = true;
                    loadObj = "boss\\notCool";
                float posX = 0;
                float posY = 0;
                GameObject shipTest2 = Instantiate(Resources.Load(loadObj)) as GameObject;
                shipTest2.name = "genericBack(" + stupX + "," + stupY + ")";
                shipTest2.transform.position = new Vector2(moveX, moveY);
                loadObj = "boss\\regCool";
                //we only need the size of one box, since all the shapes are uniform It won't matter as much

                posXarr[x] = moveX;
                posYarr[stupY] = moveY;

                    GameObject fud = Instantiate(Resources.Load(loadObj)) as GameObject;
                    fud.name = "shipHull(" + stupX + "," + stupY + ")";
                    var renderer = shipTest2.GetComponent<Renderer>();
                    float width = renderer.bounds.size.x;
                    if (x == 0)
                        ShipLeft = moveX;
                        //     shipTop = moveY;
                    //we decide if this is the end (left or right)
                    if (x == shipX - 1)
                        ShipRight = moveX;
                        fud.transform.position = new Vector2((moveX + width / 2), (moveY));
                         if (shipX == 1)//only one column
                            GameObject fud3 = Instantiate(Resources.Load(loadObj)) as GameObject;
                            fud3.name = "shipHull(" + stupX + "," + stupY + "2)";
                            fud3.transform.position = new Vector2((moveX - width / 2), moveY);
                            posX = fud3.transform.position.x;
                            posY = fud3.transform.position.y;

                        fud.transform.position = new Vector2((moveX - width / 2), (moveY));

                    shipTest2.transform.parent = fud.transform; //how do I put a parent with a child prefab, this is how!

                if (y == shipY - 1) //- 1)
                    shipTop = moveY;
                if (y == 0)
                    shipBottom = moveY;

                moveY = shipTest2.GetComponent<Renderer>().bounds.size.y + moveY;

                Debug.Log("shipY" + shipY);

                // GameObject LeftDoor = GameObject.Find("genericBack(" + stupX + "," + stupY + ")");
                // Transform LeftFound = LeftDoor.GetComponent<Transform>();

            moveX = shipTest.GetComponent<Renderer>().bounds.size.x + moveX;
            moveY = startY;
コード例 #3
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        float[] posXarr = new float[3];
        float[] posYarr = new float[3];

        packageLoad = false;
        GameObject       MastCont = GameObject.Find("PlayerShip");
        MasterController backEnd  = MastCont.GetComponent <MasterController>();

        for (int i = 0; i < backEnd.level; i++)
            int fundas = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 100);
            if (fundas < 25)
                GameObject ExpDust = Instantiate(Resources.Load("AstMan2019")) as GameObject;
                ExpDust.name = "AstMan2019";
                ExpDust.transform.position   = new Vector2(UnityEngine.Random.Range(-12, 12), UnityEngine.Random.Range(-8, 8));
                ExpDust.transform.localScale = new Vector2(UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 5), UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 5));
            else if (fundas < 50)
                GameObject ExpDust = Instantiate(Resources.Load("Asteroid2017")) as GameObject;
                ExpDust.name = "Asteroid2017";
                ExpDust.transform.position   = new Vector2(UnityEngine.Random.Range(-12, 12), UnityEngine.Random.Range(-8, 8));
                ExpDust.transform.localScale = new Vector2(UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 5), UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 5));
            else if (fundas < 75)
                GameObject ExpDust = Instantiate(Resources.Load("blueWallJunk")) as GameObject;
                ExpDust.name = "blueWallJunk";
                ExpDust.transform.position   = new Vector2(UnityEngine.Random.Range(-12, 12), UnityEngine.Random.Range(-8, 8));
                ExpDust.transform.localScale = new Vector2(UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 2), UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 2));
            else if (fundas < 100)
                GameObject ExpDust = Instantiate(Resources.Load("StdWall")) as GameObject;
                ExpDust.name = "StdWall";
                ExpDust.transform.position   = new Vector2(UnityEngine.Random.Range(-12, 12), UnityEngine.Random.Range(-8, 8));
                ExpDust.transform.localScale = new Vector2(UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 3), UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 2));

         * GameObject MastCont = GameObject.Find(gameObject.name);
         * MasterController backEnd = MastCont.GetComponent<MasterController>();
         * if (backEnd.level==0) //load the player in the screen
         * {
         *  GameObject PoopPEE = Instantiate(Resources.Load("PlayerShip")) as GameObject;
         *  PoopPEE.name = "PlayerShip";
         *  PoopPEE.transform.position = new Vector2(-0.0f, -5.0f);
         * }

        Debug.Log("HI THERE");
        //deriship spawner 4-28-19
        float startX = -4;
        float startY = -2.5f;

        float moveX = startX;
        float moveY = startY;

        //first decide the orientation, up down left or right
        int shipiOri = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 4);

        if (shipiOri == 1)
            shipiOri = 0;
        else if (shipiOri == 2)
            shipiOri = 90;
        else if (shipiOri == 3)
            shipiOri = 180;
        else //catch everything else to be leftward facing
            shipiOri = 270;

        //next decide the total size of the ship
        int  shipX = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 4);
        int  shipY = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 4);
        bool vertl = true;

        if (shipX > shipY)
            vertl = false; //we are wide
        //now we got the intial stuff, now loop through the sizes
        int   stupY = 1;
        int   stupX = 1;
        float shipTop, shipBottom, ShipLeft, ShipRight;

        shipTop    = 0;
        ShipRight  = 0;
        shipBottom = shipY;
        ShipLeft   = shipX;
        float dumbnut  = 0;
        float dumbnut2 = 0;

        for (int x = 0; x < shipX; x++)
            if (x == shipX - 1)
                ShipRight = moveX;
            if (x == 0)
                ShipLeft = moveX;
                //     shipTop = moveY;
            stupY = 0;
            GameObject          shipTest = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\genericBack")) as GameObject;
            objResourceNameHold fudg     = shipTest.AddComponent <objResourceNameHold>(); //creates a holding script that contains the orignal resource name
            fudg.objName  = "dertypShips\\genericBack";
            shipTest.name = "genericBack(" + stupX + "," + stupY + ")";
            shipTest.transform.position = new Vector2(moveX, moveY);
            posXarr[x]     = moveX;
            posYarr[stupY] = moveY;

            var   renderer4 = shipTest.GetComponent <Renderer>();
            float width4    = renderer4.bounds.size.x;
            interiorShip(moveX, moveY, width4);

            //we decide if this is the end (left or right)
            //  if (x==0)
            //*  {
            if (vertl == true)
                GameObject fud2 = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\shipHull")) as GameObject;
                fudg         = fud2.AddComponent <objResourceNameHold>(); //creates a holding script that contains the orignal resource name
                fudg.objName = "dertypShips\\shipHull";
                fud2.name    = "shipHull(" + stupX + "," + stupY + ")";
                var   renderer2 = shipTest.GetComponent <Renderer>();
                float width2    = renderer2.bounds.size.x;
                if (x == 0)
                    ShipLeft = moveX;
                    //     shipTop = moveY;
                if (x == shipX - 1)
                    ShipRight = moveX;
                    fud2.transform.position = new Vector2((moveX + width2 / 2), moveY);
                    if (shipX == 1)//only one column
                        GameObject fud3 = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\shipHull")) as GameObject;
                        fud3.name = "shipHull(" + stupX + "," + stupY + "2)";
                        fud3.transform.position = new Vector2((moveX - width2 / 2), moveY);
                    fud2.transform.position = new Vector2((moveX - width2 / 2), moveY);

                shipTest.transform.parent = fud2.transform; //how do I put a parent with a child prefab, this is how!
                GameObject fud2 = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\shipHull - Flat")) as GameObject;
                fud2.name = "shipHull(" + stupX + "," + stupY + ")";
                var   renderer2 = shipTest.GetComponent <Renderer>();
                float width2    = renderer2.bounds.size.y;
                if (stupY == shipY - 1)
                    shipTop = moveY;
                    fud2.transform.position = new Vector2((moveX), (moveY + width2 / 2));
                    if (shipY == 1)//only one column
                        GameObject fud3 = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\shipHull - Flat")) as GameObject;
                        fud3.name = "shipHull(" + stupX + "," + stupY + "2)";
                        fud3.transform.position = new Vector2((moveX), (moveY - width2 / 2));
                    fud2.transform.position = new Vector2((moveX), (moveY - width2 / 2));

                shipTest.transform.parent = fud2.transform; //how do I put a parent with a child prefab, this is how!
            if (x == shipX - 1)
                ShipRight = moveX;
                //     shipTop = moveY;
            if (x == 0)
                ShipLeft = moveX;
                //     shipTop = moveY;

            if (stupY == 0)
                shipBottom = moveY;

            Debug.Log("shipY" + shipY);

            //     }

            //  moveY = shipTest.GetComponent<Renderer>().bounds.size.y + moveY;
            Debug.Log("Your MOVE" + shipTest.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.size.x);

            //old dummy way:
            //  shipTest.GetComponent<Collider2D>().bounds.size.x
            moveY = shipTest.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.size.y + moveY;
            for (int y = 1; y < shipY; y++)
                float posX = 0;
                float posY = 0;
                GameObject shipTest2 = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\genericBack")) as GameObject;
                shipTest2.name = "genericBack(" + stupX + "," + stupY + ")";
                shipTest2.transform.position = new Vector2(moveX, moveY);

                //we only need the size of one box, since all the shapes are uniform It won't matter as much
                interiorShip(moveX, moveY, width4);

                posXarr[x]     = moveX;
                posYarr[stupY] = moveY;
                if (vertl == true)
                    GameObject fud = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\shipHull")) as GameObject;
                    fud.name = "shipHull(" + stupX + "," + stupY + ")";
                    var   renderer = shipTest2.GetComponent <Renderer>();
                    float width    = renderer.bounds.size.x;
                    if (x == 0)
                        ShipLeft = moveX;
                        //     shipTop = moveY;
                    //we decide if this is the end (left or right)
                    if (x == shipX - 1)
                        ShipRight = moveX;
                        fud.transform.position = new Vector2((moveX + width / 2), (moveY));
                        if (shipX == 1)//only one column
                            GameObject fud3 = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\shipHull")) as GameObject;
                            fud3.name = "shipHull(" + stupX + "," + stupY + "2)";
                            fud3.transform.position = new Vector2((moveX - width / 2), moveY);
                            posX = fud3.transform.position.x;
                            posY = fud3.transform.position.y;
                        fud.transform.position = new Vector2((moveX - width / 2), (moveY));

                    shipTest2.transform.parent = fud.transform; //how do I put a parent with a child prefab, this is how!
                    GameObject fud = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\shipHull - Flat")) as GameObject;
                    fud.name = "shipHull(" + stupX + "," + stupY + ")";
                    var   renderer = shipTest2.GetComponent <Renderer>();
                    float width    = renderer.bounds.size.y;
                    //we decide if this is the end (left or right)
                    if (y == 0)
                        shipBottom = moveY;

                        dumbnut2 = fud.transform.position.y; //bottom
                    if (y == shipY - 1)
                        shipTop = moveY;
                        fud.transform.position = new Vector2((moveX), (moveY + width / 2));
                        dumbnut = fud.transform.position.y; //top
                        if (shipY == 1)                     //only one column
                            GameObject fud3 = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\shipHull - Flat")) as GameObject;
                            fud3.name = "shipHull(" + stupX + "," + stupY + "2)";
                            fud3.transform.position = new Vector2((moveX), (moveY - width / 2));
                            posX    = fud3.transform.position.x;
                            posY    = fud3.transform.position.y;
                            shipTop = moveY;
                    else if (x == shipX - 1)
                        ShipLeft = moveX;
                        fud.transform.position = new Vector2((moveX), (moveY + width / 2));
                    if (stupY == 1 && packageLoad == false)
                        if (stupX == 1)

                    shipTest2.transform.parent = fud.transform; //how do I put a parent with a child prefab, this is how!
                if (y == shipY - 1)                             //- 1)
                    shipTop = moveY;
                if (y == 0)
                    shipBottom = moveY;

                moveY = shipTest2.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.size.y + moveY;

                Debug.Log("shipY" + shipY);

                // GameObject LeftDoor = GameObject.Find("genericBack(" + stupX + "," + stupY + ")");
                // Transform LeftFound = LeftDoor.GetComponent<Transform>();
            moveX = shipTest.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.size.x + moveX;
            moveY = startY;
        //  ShipRight = moveX;
        //   shipTop = moveY;
        //    moveX = startX;
        //now we want to get the orientation and put the top and bottom parts of the ship togather
        Debug.Log("Top:" + shipTop + "Bottom:" + shipBottom + "Left:" + ShipLeft + "Right:" + ShipRight);

        if (shipX > shipY) //horizontal ship
            GameObject shipTestTop = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\shipTop")) as GameObject;
            shipTestTop.name = "shipTop";
            shipTestTop.transform.position = new Vector2(ShipRight + shipTestTop.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.size.x, (UnityEngine.Random.Range(shipBottom, shipTop)));//  shipTestTop.transform.position = new Vector2(ShipRight+ shipTestTop.GetComponent<Renderer>().bounds.size.x, (shipTop-shipBottom/2)); //(shipTop-shipBottom/2)
            shipTestTop.transform.Rotate(0, 0, -90 * 1);

            GameObject LeftDoor   = GameObject.Find("shipHull(1" + "," + "0)");
            var        renderer   = LeftDoor.GetComponent <Renderer>();
            float      width      = renderer.bounds.size.x;
            GameObject shipbehind = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\shipBack")) as GameObject;
            shipbehind.name = "shipbut";
            shipbehind.transform.position = new Vector2(LeftDoor.transform.position.x - width, (UnityEngine.Random.Range(shipBottom, shipTop))); //   shipbehind.transform.position = new Vector2(LeftDoor.transform.position.x - width, (shipTop - shipBottom / 2));
            shipbehind.transform.Rotate(0, 0, -90 * 1);
            //new random size for tops/bottoms 7-28-19
            float herdir = UnityEngine.Random.Range(-.05f, 0.5f); //  float herdir=  UnityEngine.Random.Range(shipBottom, shipTop);
            shipbehind.transform.localScale  += new Vector3(herdir, 0, 0);
            shipTestTop.transform.localScale += new Vector3(herdir, 0, 0);
        else if (shipY > shipX) //vertical ship
            GameObject shipTestTop = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\shipTop")) as GameObject;
            shipTestTop.name = "shipTop";
            shipTestTop.transform.position = new Vector2(UnityEngine.Random.Range(ShipLeft, ShipRight), shipTop + shipTestTop.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.size.y); //   shipTestTop.transform.position = new Vector2(Mathf.Abs((ShipRight - ShipLeft) / 2), shipTop + shipTestTop.GetComponent<Renderer>().bounds.size.y);

            GameObject LeftDoor   = GameObject.Find("shipHull(1" + "," + "0)");
            var        renderer   = LeftDoor.GetComponent <Renderer>();
            float      width      = renderer.bounds.size.y;
            GameObject shipbehind = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\shipBack")) as GameObject;
            shipbehind.name = "shipbut";
            shipbehind.transform.position = new Vector2((UnityEngine.Random.Range(ShipLeft, ShipRight)), LeftDoor.transform.position.y - width);  // shipbehind.transform.position = new Vector2((ShipRight - ShipLeft / 2), LeftDoor.transform.position.y - width);

            //new random size for tops/bottoms 7-28-19
            float herdir = UnityEngine.Random.Range(-.05f, 0.5f); // float herdir = UnityEngine.Random.Range(ShipLeft, ShipRight);
            shipbehind.transform.localScale  += new Vector3(herdir, 0, 0);
            shipTestTop.transform.localScale += new Vector3(herdir, 0, 0);

             * GameObject shipTestTop = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\shipTop")) as GameObject;
             * shipTestTop.name = "shipTop";
             * shipTestTop.transform.position = new Vector2((ShipRight-ShipLeft/2), shipTop);
             * GameObject LeftDoor = GameObject.Find("shipHull(1"  + "," +  "0)");
             * var renderer = LeftDoor.GetComponent<Renderer>();
             * float width = renderer.bounds.size.y;
             * GameObject shipbehind = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\shipBack")) as GameObject;
             * shipbehind.name = "shipbut";
             * shipbehind.transform.position = new Vector2((ShipRight - ShipLeft / 2), LeftDoor.transform.position.y-width);
        else //they are equal and does not matter where
            GameObject shipTestTop = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\shipTop")) as GameObject;
            shipTestTop.name = "shipTop";
            shipTestTop.transform.position = new Vector2(UnityEngine.Random.Range(ShipLeft, ShipRight), shipTop + shipTestTop.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.size.y); // shipTestTop.transform.position = new Vector2(((ShipRight - ShipLeft) / 2), shipTop+ shipTestTop.GetComponent<Renderer>().bounds.size.y);

            GameObject LeftDoor   = GameObject.Find("shipHull(1" + "," + "0)");
            var        renderer   = LeftDoor.GetComponent <Renderer>();
            float      width      = renderer.bounds.size.y;
            GameObject shipbehind = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\shipBack")) as GameObject;
            shipbehind.name = "shipbut";
            shipbehind.transform.position = new Vector2(UnityEngine.Random.Range(ShipLeft, ShipRight), LeftDoor.transform.position.y - width);  //  shipbehind.transform.position = new Vector2(Mathf.Abs(ShipRight - ShipLeft / 2), LeftDoor.transform.position.y - width);

            //new random size for tops/bottoms 7-28-19
            float herdir = UnityEngine.Random.Range(-.05f, 0.5f); //    float herdir = UnityEngine.Random.Range(ShipLeft, ShipRight);
            shipbehind.transform.localScale  += new Vector3(herdir, 0, 0);
            shipTestTop.transform.localScale += new Vector3(herdir, 0, 0);

        if (packageLoad == false)
            // if (stupX == 1)
            //  {
            GameObject fud5323 = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\caseShip")) as GameObject;
            fud5323.name = "thePackage(" + stupX + "," + stupY + ")";
            fud5323.transform.position = new Vector2((posXarr[0] + .35f), (posYarr[0]));
            GameObject fud53233 = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\casePipes")) as GameObject;
            fud53233.name = "thePackage2(" + stupX + "," + stupY + ")";
            fud53233.transform.position = new Vector2((posXarr[0]), (posYarr[0] + .35f));
            GameObject fud54323 = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\caseGlass")) as GameObject;
            fud54323.name = "thePackage3(" + stupX + "," + stupY + ")";
            fud54323.transform.position = new Vector2((posXarr[0]), (posYarr[0] - .35f));
            GameObject fud53523 = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\casePlain")) as GameObject;
            fud53523.name = "thePackage4(" + stupX + "," + stupY + ")";
            fud53523.transform.position = new Vector2((posXarr[0] - .35f), (posYarr[0]));
            packageLoad = true;
            //  }

        //6-17-19 we want to add junk
        //  ExpDust.transform.position = new Vector2(UnityEngine.Random.Range(-12, 12), UnityEngine.Random.Range(-8, 8));
        int herder = UnityEngine.Random.Range(10, 20); //we get the count of how many random objects we want to put in

        for (int i = 0; i < herder; i++)
            //zero always exists , it is where the package is
            float derptyX, derptyY;
            derptyX = UnityEngine.Random.Range(posXarr[0] - 1.75f, posXarr[shipX - 1] + 1.75f);
            derptyY = UnityEngine.Random.Range(posYarr[0] - 1.75f, posYarr[shipY - 1] + 1.75f);

            GameObject dershi = Instantiate(Resources.Load("shipDebris\\nucWaste")) as GameObject;
            dershi.name = "nucWaste(" + derptyX + "," + derptyY + ")";
            dershi.transform.position = new Vector2((derptyX), (derptyY - .35f));
        //  Debug.Log("herder value" + herder);

        //now we want to put angle'd ship stuff in

        GameObject shipbehind44 = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\diag")) as GameObject;
        var        renderer44   = shipbehind44.GetComponent <Renderer>();
        float      width44      = renderer44.bounds.size.x;
        float      height44     = renderer44.bounds.size.y;

        shipbehind44.name = "dertypShips\\diag";
        // shipbehind44.transform.position = new Vector2((ShipRight - ShipLeft / 2), LeftDoor44.transform.position.y - width44);
        shipbehind44.transform.position = new Vector2(ShipRight + (width44), shipTop + (height44));

        //ship back/bottom top or if horizantal- up left
        GameObject shipbehind544 = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\diag")) as GameObject;
        var        renderer544   = shipbehind544.GetComponent <Renderer>();
        float      width544      = renderer544.bounds.size.x;
        float      height544     = renderer544.bounds.size.y;

        shipbehind544.name = "dertypShips\\diagLEFT";
        shipbehind544.transform.position = new Vector2(ShipLeft - (width544), shipTop + (height544 * 1.25f));

        GameObject shipbehind344 = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\diag")) as GameObject;
        var        renderer344   = shipbehind344.GetComponent <Renderer>();
        float      width344      = renderer344.bounds.size.x;
        float      height344     = renderer344.bounds.size.y;

        shipbehind344.name = "dertypShips\\diagRIGHT";
        shipbehind344.transform.position = new Vector2(ShipRight + (width344), shipBottom - (height344));

        GameObject shipbehind244 = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\diag")) as GameObject;
        var        renderer244   = shipbehind344.GetComponent <Renderer>();
        float      width244      = renderer244.bounds.size.x;
        float      height244     = renderer244.bounds.size.y;

        shipbehind244.name = "dertypShips\\diagumIdontKnow";
        shipbehind244.transform.position = new Vector2(ShipLeft - (width244), shipBottom - (height244 * 1.25f));

        shipbehind44.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0f, 180.0f, 0.0f));

        shipbehind344.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0f, 0.0f, 180.0f));

        shipbehind244.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
        //if vertl is false, then we are wide and laying down otherwise if true then we are vertical
        if (vertl == false)
            shipbehind44.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0f, 0f, -90.0f));

            shipbehind544.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0f, 0f, 270.0f));

            shipbehind344.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0f, 180.0f, 270.0f));

            shipbehind244.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0f, 180.0f, -90.0f));
        //   GameObject MastCont = GameObject.Find("PlayerShip");
        //   MasterController backEnd = MastCont.GetComponent<MasterController>();
        //descide how many special enemies should be spawned in
        //these enemies are described as
        //baderang      4
        //nutdude       7
        //usspotetoe    1
        int baderang             = 0;
        int nutdud               = 0;
        int usspotetoe           = 0;
        int enemyApperanceChance = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, backEnd.level);
        int howmanyenemies       = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 15); //we will only let 12 different aggressive enemies be on screen at a given time in addition to the asteroids/stuff

        if (enemyApperanceChance > (backEnd.level / 2))             //+5
            //boom you got random enemies spawning in
            for (int i = 0; i < howmanyenemies; i++)
                GameObject smrtEnemy;
                int        randEnemyType = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 100);
                if (randEnemyType < 33 && usspotetoe < 1)
                    smrtEnemy      = Instantiate(Resources.Load("kusspottetoe")) as GameObject;
                    smrtEnemy.name = "usspoteto_0";
                    smrtEnemy.transform.position = new Vector2(UnityEngine.Random.Range(GameObject.Find("WestTrigger").transform.position.x, GameObject.Find("EastTrigger").transform.position.x), UnityEngine.Random.Range(GameObject.Find("SouthTrigger").transform.position.y, GameObject.Find("NorthTrigger").transform.position.y));
                    smrtEnemy.transform.position = new Vector2(0, 0);
                else if (randEnemyType < 66 && baderang < 4)
                    smrtEnemy      = Instantiate(Resources.Load("faterang")) as GameObject;
                    smrtEnemy.name = "dertypShips\\baderang";
                    smrtEnemy.transform.position = new Vector2(UnityEngine.Random.Range(GameObject.Find("WestTrigger").transform.position.x, GameObject.Find("EastTrigger").transform.position.x), UnityEngine.Random.Range(GameObject.Find("SouthTrigger").transform.position.y, GameObject.Find("NorthTrigger").transform.position.y));
                    smrtEnemy.transform.position = new Vector2(0, 0);
                    smrtEnemy      = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dud")) as GameObject;
                    smrtEnemy.name = "dertypShips\\dud";
                    smrtEnemy.transform.position = new Vector2(UnityEngine.Random.Range(GameObject.Find("WestTrigger").transform.position.x, GameObject.Find("EastTrigger").transform.position.x), UnityEngine.Random.Range(GameObject.Find("SouthTrigger").transform.position.y, GameObject.Find("NorthTrigger").transform.position.y));
                    smrtEnemy.transform.position = new Vector2(0, 0);

                Vector3 spawnPoint = smrtEnemy.transform.position;
                //    var hitColliders = Physics.OverlapSphere(spawnPoint, 1);//1 is purely chosen arbitrarly
                // var hitf = Physics2D.OverlapArea(spawnPoint, 2.0f);

                // Find all colliders that overlap
                PolygonCollider2D myCollider     = smrtEnemy.GetComponent <PolygonCollider2D>();
                Collider2D[]      otherColliders = Physics2D.OverlapAreaAll(myCollider.bounds.min, myCollider.bounds.max);

                // Check for any colliders that are on top
                bool isUnderneath = false;
                //  foreach (var otherCollider in otherColliders)

                if (otherColliders.Length > 1)   //    if (otherCollider.transform.position.z < smrtEnemy.transform.position.z)
                    isUnderneath = true;
                    while ((isUnderneath))     //You have someone with a collider here
                        smrtEnemy.transform.position = new Vector2(UnityEngine.Random.Range(GameObject.Find("WestTrigger").transform.position.x, GameObject.Find("EastTrigger").transform.position.x), UnityEngine.Random.Range(GameObject.Find("SouthTrigger").transform.position.y, GameObject.Find("NorthTrigger").transform.position.y));
                        if (otherColliders.Length > 1)//  if (otherCollider.transform.position.z < smrtEnemy.transform.position.z)
                            isUnderneath = false;
                    //   break;

                // Take the appropriate action

                /*    if (!isUnderneath)
                 *  {
                 *      Debug.Log("HOORAY!");
                 *      Destroy(this.gameObject);
                 *  }
                 *  else
                 *  {
                 *      Debug.Log("OOPS!");
                 *  }

                 *              while ((isUnderneath)) //You have someone with a collider here
                 *              {
                 *                   isUnderneath = false;
                 *                  //regenerate
                 *                  Debug.Log("FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFRegenerate spawn location at" + Time.time.ToString());
                 *                  smrtEnemy.transform.position = new Vector2(UnityEngine.Random.Range(GameObject.Find("WestTrigger").transform.position.x, GameObject.Find("EastTrigger").transform.position.x), UnityEngine.Random.Range(GameObject.Find("SouthTrigger").transform.position.y, GameObject.Find("NorthTrigger").transform.position.y));
                 *                  foreach (var otherCollider in otherColliders)
                 *                  {
                 *                      if (otherCollider.transform.position.z < this.transform.position.z)
                 *                      {
                 *                          isUnderneath = true;
                 *                      }
                 *                  }
                 *              } */

            //   sweedy.transform.position = GameObject.Find("WestTrigger").transform.position;
コード例 #4
    private void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D collision)
            //since this is directly from the bullet (which will be deleted) we do not want to do checks...
            AudioSource AudSrc = gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(AudioSource)) as AudioSource;
            AudSrc.volume = .4f;
            //  audioSource.PlayOneShot(clip1);
            int rando = blarg.Next(100);
            if (rando < 16)
            else if (rando < 32)
            else if (rando < 48)
            else if (rando < 64)
            else if (rando < 80)

            // Debug.Log("COLLISION SOUND SHOULD PLAY!!");
        catch (Exception ex)

        if (!collision.gameObject.CompareTag("PlayerShot"))
            // Destroy(this.gameObject);
            //  transform.position = new Vector2(100, 100);
            //    transform.Rotate(0, 0, 180 * 1);
            //  rb.velocity = Vector3.zero;
                //     rb.velocity = new Vector2(collision.relativeVelocity.x, collision.relativeVelocity.y) * 0.25f; //+blarg.Next(0,0)
                //   rrb2.AddForce(-transform.up * 250);
                //////        rb.velocity = Vector3.zero;
                //   rb.transform.rotation = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 180);
                ///////      transform.Rotate(0, 0, blarg.Next(45,135) * -1);
                ////////////         rb.AddForce(transform.up * 2.25f);
                rb.velocity = new Vector2(collision.relativeVelocity.x + blarg.Next(-30, 30), collision.relativeVelocity.y + blarg.Next(-30, 30)) * 0.05f;
                this.transform.localScale = this.transform.localScale / 2;
            catch (Exception ex)

            //    transform.Rotate(0, 0, blarg.Next(180));
            // rb.velocity = new Vector2(-collision.relativeVelocity.x, -collision.relativeVelocity.y) * 3;
            if (!collision.gameObject.CompareTag("Player"))
                if (GameObject.Find(collision.gameObject.name) != null)

                        GameObject       MastCont = GameObject.Find("PlayerShip");
                        MasterController backEnd  = MastCont.GetComponent <MasterController>();
                        if (GameObject.Find(collision.gameObject.name).CompareTag("SpaceJunk")) //split it like a bloody madman
                            backEnd.score = backEnd.score + 10;
                            System.Random blarg = new System.Random();

                            GameObject ExpDust = Instantiate(Resources.Load("Exp2017")) as GameObject;
                            ExpDust.name = "EXPLOSION";
                            ExpDust.transform.position   = collision.transform.position + collision.transform.right * 2;
                            ExpDust.transform.localScale = collision.transform.localScale + collision.transform.right * 2;

                            GameObject PoopPEE  = Instantiate(Resources.Load(collision.gameObject.name)) as GameObject;
                            GameObject PoopPEE2 = Instantiate(Resources.Load(collision.gameObject.name)) as GameObject;
                            PoopPEE.name  = collision.gameObject.name;
                            PoopPEE2.name = collision.gameObject.name;
                            //PoopPEE.transform.position = transform.position + (new Vector3(0.25f, 0.0f));
                            //    Debug.Log(PoopPEE.transform.localScale);
                            PoopPEE.transform.position  = collision.transform.position + transform.right * 2;
                            PoopPEE2.transform.position = collision.transform.position - transform.right * 2;
                            //   PoopPEE.transform.Rotate(0, 0, blarg.Next(100, 1000) * Time.deltaTime);
                            // PoopPEE2.transform.Rotate(0, 0, -blarg.Next(100, 1000) * Time.deltaTime);
                            Rigidbody2D rrb = PoopPEE.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
                            rrb.AddForce(transform.up * 250);
                            Rigidbody2D rrb2 = PoopPEE2.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
                            rrb2.AddForce(-transform.up * 250);

                            float turn = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
                            rrb.AddTorque(blarg.Next(10, 100));
                            rrb2.AddTorque(-blarg.Next(10, 100));
                            //     Debug.Log(PoopPEE.transform.localScale);
                            PoopPEE.transform.localScale  = collision.transform.localScale / 2;
                            PoopPEE2.transform.localScale = collision.transform.localScale / 2;
                            //  Debug.Log(PoopPEE.transform.localScale);
                            if ((PoopPEE.transform.localScale.x < .25f) && (PoopPEE.transform.localScale.y < .1f))
                                Destroy(PoopPEE.gameObject); //to small to have on screen
                            if ((PoopPEE2.transform.localScale.x < .25f) && (PoopPEE2.transform.localScale.y < .1f))
                                Destroy(PoopPEE2.gameObject); //to small to have on screen
                        else if (GameObject.Find(collision.gameObject.name).CompareTag("HotAst")) //split it like a bloody madman
                            backEnd.score = backEnd.score + UnityEngine.Random.Range(25, 75);
                            System.Random blarg = new System.Random();

                            GameObject ExpDust = Instantiate(Resources.Load("Exp2017")) as GameObject;
                            ExpDust.name = "EXPLOSION";
                            ExpDust.transform.position   = collision.transform.position + collision.transform.right * 2;
                            ExpDust.transform.localScale = collision.transform.localScale + collision.transform.right * 2;

                            GameObject PoopPEE  = Instantiate(Resources.Load(collision.gameObject.name)) as GameObject;
                            GameObject PoopPEE2 = Instantiate(Resources.Load(collision.gameObject.name)) as GameObject;
                            PoopPEE.name  = collision.gameObject.name;
                            PoopPEE2.name = collision.gameObject.name;
                            //PoopPEE.transform.position = transform.position + (new Vector3(0.25f, 0.0f));
                            //    Debug.Log(PoopPEE.transform.localScale);
                            PoopPEE.transform.position  = collision.transform.position + transform.right * 2;
                            PoopPEE2.transform.position = collision.transform.position - transform.right * 2;
                            //   PoopPEE.transform.Rotate(0, 0, blarg.Next(100, 1000) * Time.deltaTime);
                            // PoopPEE2.transform.Rotate(0, 0, -blarg.Next(100, 1000) * Time.deltaTime);
                            Rigidbody2D rrb = PoopPEE.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
                            rrb.AddForce(transform.up * 250);
                            Rigidbody2D rrb2 = PoopPEE2.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
                            rrb2.AddForce(-transform.up * 250);

                            float turn = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
                            rrb.AddTorque(blarg.Next(10, 100));
                            rrb2.AddTorque(-blarg.Next(10, 100));
                            //     Debug.Log(PoopPEE.transform.localScale);
                            PoopPEE.transform.localScale  = collision.transform.localScale / 2;
                            PoopPEE2.transform.localScale = collision.transform.localScale / 2;
                            //  Debug.Log(PoopPEE.transform.localScale);
                            if ((PoopPEE.transform.localScale.x < .25f) && (PoopPEE.transform.localScale.y < .1f))
                                Destroy(PoopPEE.gameObject); //to small to have on screen
                            if ((PoopPEE2.transform.localScale.x < .25f) && (PoopPEE2.transform.localScale.y < .1f))
                                Destroy(PoopPEE2.gameObject); //to small to have on screen
                        else if (GameObject.Find(collision.gameObject.name).CompareTag("ShipJunk")) //split it more equally and with less velocity
                            backEnd.score = backEnd.score + 50;
                            System.Random blarg = new System.Random();

                            GameObject ExpDust = Instantiate(Resources.Load("Exp2017")) as GameObject;
                            ExpDust.name = "EXPLOSION";
                            ExpDust.transform.position   = collision.transform.position + collision.transform.right * 2;
                            ExpDust.transform.localScale = collision.transform.localScale + collision.transform.right * 2;

                            objResourceNameHold dddd = collision.gameObject.GetComponent <objResourceNameHold>();

                            GameObject PoopPEE;
                            GameObject PoopPEE2;

                            if (collision.gameObject.name.Contains("\\")) //we use the new system for childern below (the object is referenced in the name)-for use only with subdirectories
                                string fu = collision.gameObject.name.ToString();
                                PoopPEE       = Instantiate(Resources.Load(fu)) as GameObject;
                                PoopPEE2      = Instantiate(Resources.Load(fu)) as GameObject;
                                PoopPEE.name  = collision.gameObject.name;
                                PoopPEE2.name = collision.gameObject.name;
                                PoopPEE       = Instantiate(Resources.Load(dddd.objName)) as GameObject;
                                PoopPEE2      = Instantiate(Resources.Load(dddd.objName)) as GameObject;
                                PoopPEE.name  = dddd.objName; //collision.gameObject.name;
                                PoopPEE2.name = dddd.objName; // collision.gameObject.name;

                            //PoopPEE.transform.position = transform.position + (new Vector3(0.25f, 0.0f));
                            //    Debug.Log(PoopPEE.transform.localScale);
                            PoopPEE.transform.position     = collision.transform.position + transform.right * .5f;
                            PoopPEE2.transform.position    = collision.transform.position - transform.right * .5f;
                            PoopPEE.transform.eulerAngles  = collision.transform.eulerAngles;
                            PoopPEE2.transform.eulerAngles = collision.transform.eulerAngles;
                            //   PoopPEE.transform.Rotate(0, 0, blarg.Next(100, 1000) * Time.deltaTime);
                            // PoopPEE2.transform.Rotate(0, 0, -blarg.Next(100, 1000) * Time.deltaTime);
                            //// Rigidbody2D rrb = PoopPEE.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
                            ////  rrb.AddForce(transform.up * 250);
                            ////    Rigidbody2D rrb2 = PoopPEE2.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
                            ////     rrb2.AddForce(-transform.up * 250);
                            float turn = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
                            ////    rrb.AddTorque(blarg.Next(10, 100));
                            ////     rrb2.AddTorque(-blarg.Next(10, 100));
                            //     Debug.Log(PoopPEE.transform.localScale);
                            PoopPEE.transform.localScale  = collision.transform.localScale / 2;
                            PoopPEE2.transform.localScale = collision.transform.localScale / 2;
                            //  Debug.Log(PoopPEE.transform.localScale);
                            if ((PoopPEE.transform.localScale.x < .25f) && (PoopPEE.transform.localScale.y < .1f))
                                Destroy(PoopPEE.gameObject); //to small to have on screen
                            if ((PoopPEE2.transform.localScale.x < .25f) && (PoopPEE2.transform.localScale.y < .1f))
                                Destroy(PoopPEE2.gameObject); //to small to have on screen
                        else if (GameObject.Find(collision.gameObject.name).CompareTag("ShipLiquidWaste")) //split it with water effects
                            backEnd.score = backEnd.score + 25;
                            //load in the hazardous/collision waste
                            GameObject nucWaste = Instantiate(Resources.Load("nucWasteSplash")) as GameObject;
                            nucWaste.name = "nucWasteSplash";
                            nucWaste.transform.position   = collision.transform.position; //+ collision.transform.right * 2;
                            nucWaste.transform.localScale = collision.transform.right + collision.transform.right * 4;
                            nucWaste.transform.localScale = collision.transform.up + collision.transform.up * 4;
                        else if (GameObject.Find(collision.gameObject.name).CompareTag("CaseProtector")) //split it with water effects
                            backEnd.score = backEnd.score + 100;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Debug.Log("Your value:" + collision.gameObject.name);
コード例 #5
    //this is a experiment taking the orginal code of the scens ship
    //and putting it in the overworld by calling it from another script
    //making this become more modular and or independent/easier to read or use in the future
    //your welcome ~past dan

    public void constructThis(float truStartX, float truStartY)
        float[] posXarr = new float[3];
        float[] posYarr = new float[3];

        //    Debug.Log("HI THERE");
        //deriship spawner 4-28-19
        float startX = truStartX; //-4;
        float startY = truStartY; //-2.5f;

        float moveX = startX;
        float moveY = startY;
        //first decide the orientation, up down left or right
        int shipiOri = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 4);

        if (shipiOri == 1)
            shipiOri = 0;
        else if (shipiOri == 2)
            shipiOri = 90;
        else if (shipiOri == 3)
            shipiOri = 180;
        else //catch everything else to be leftward facing
            shipiOri = 270;

        //next decide the total size of the ship
        int  shipX = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 4);
        int  shipY = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 4);
        bool vertl = true;

        if (shipX > shipY)
            vertl = false; //we are wide
        //now we got the intial stuff, now loop through the sizes
        int   stupY = 1;
        int   stupX = 1;
        float shipTop, shipBottom, ShipLeft, ShipRight;

        shipTop    = 0;
        ShipRight  = 0;
        shipBottom = shipY;
        ShipLeft   = shipX;
        float dumbnut  = 0;
        float dumbnut2 = 0;

        for (int x = 0; x < shipX; x++)
            if (x == shipX - 1)
                ShipRight = moveX;
            if (x == 0)
                ShipLeft = moveX;
                //     shipTop = moveY;
            stupY = 0;
            GameObject          shipTest = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\genericBack")) as GameObject;
            objResourceNameHold fudg     = shipTest.AddComponent <objResourceNameHold>(); //creates a holding script that contains the orignal resource name
            fudg.objName  = "dertypShips\\genericBack";
            shipTest.name = "genericBack(" + stupX + "," + stupY + ")";
            shipTest.transform.position = new Vector2(moveX, moveY);
            posXarr[x]     = moveX;
            posYarr[stupY] = moveY;

            var   renderer4 = shipTest.GetComponent <Renderer>();
            float width4    = renderer4.bounds.size.x;
            interiorShip(moveX, moveY, width4);

            //we decide if this is the end (left or right)
            //  if (x==0)
            //*  {
            if (vertl == true)
                GameObject fud2 = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\shipHull")) as GameObject;
                fudg         = fud2.AddComponent <objResourceNameHold>(); //creates a holding script that contains the orignal resource name
                fudg.objName = "dertypShips\\shipHull";
                fud2.name    = "shipHull(" + stupX + "," + stupY + ")";
                var   renderer2 = shipTest.GetComponent <Renderer>();
                float width2    = renderer2.bounds.size.x;
                if (x == 0)
                    ShipLeft = moveX;
                    //     shipTop = moveY;
                if (x == shipX - 1)
                    ShipRight = moveX;
                    fud2.transform.position = new Vector2((moveX + width2 / 2), moveY);
                    if (shipX == 1)//only one column
                        GameObject fud3 = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\shipHull")) as GameObject;
                        fud3.name = "shipHull(" + stupX + "," + stupY + "2)";
                        fud3.transform.position = new Vector2((moveX - width2 / 2), moveY);
                    fud2.transform.position = new Vector2((moveX - width2 / 2), moveY);

                shipTest.transform.parent = fud2.transform; //how do I put a parent with a child prefab, this is how!
                GameObject fud2 = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\shipHull - Flat")) as GameObject;
                fud2.name = "shipHull(" + stupX + "," + stupY + ")";
                var   renderer2 = shipTest.GetComponent <Renderer>();
                float width2    = renderer2.bounds.size.y;
                if (stupY == shipY - 1)
                    shipTop = moveY;
                    fud2.transform.position = new Vector2((moveX), (moveY + width2 / 2));
                    if (shipY == 1)//only one column
                        GameObject fud3 = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\shipHull - Flat")) as GameObject;
                        fud3.name = "shipHull(" + stupX + "," + stupY + "2)";
                        fud3.transform.position = new Vector2((moveX), (moveY - width2 / 2));
                    fud2.transform.position = new Vector2((moveX), (moveY - width2 / 2));

                shipTest.transform.parent = fud2.transform; //how do I put a parent with a child prefab, this is how!
            if (x == shipX - 1)
                ShipRight = moveX;
                //     shipTop = moveY;
            if (x == 0)
                ShipLeft = moveX;
                //     shipTop = moveY;

            if (stupY == 0)
                shipBottom = moveY;

            //    Debug.Log("shipY" + shipY);

            //     }

            //  moveY = shipTest.GetComponent<Renderer>().bounds.size.y + moveY;
            //   Debug.Log("Your MOVE" + shipTest.GetComponent<Renderer>().bounds.size.x);

            //old dummy way:
            //  shipTest.GetComponent<Collider2D>().bounds.size.x
            moveY = shipTest.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.size.y + moveY;
            for (int y = 1; y < shipY; y++)
                float posX = 0;
                float posY = 0;
                GameObject shipTest2 = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\genericBack")) as GameObject;
                shipTest2.name = "genericBack(" + stupX + "," + stupY + ")";
                shipTest2.transform.position = new Vector2(moveX, moveY);

                //we only need the size of one box, since all the shapes are uniform It won't matter as much
                interiorShip(moveX, moveY, width4);

                posXarr[x]     = moveX;
                posYarr[stupY] = moveY;
                if (vertl == true)
                    GameObject fud = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\shipHull")) as GameObject;
                    fud.name = "shipHull(" + stupX + "," + stupY + ")";
                    var   renderer = shipTest2.GetComponent <Renderer>();
                    float width    = renderer.bounds.size.x;
                    if (x == 0)
                        ShipLeft = moveX;
                        //     shipTop = moveY;
                    //we decide if this is the end (left or right)
                    if (x == shipX - 1)
                        ShipRight = moveX;
                        fud.transform.position = new Vector2((moveX + width / 2), (moveY));
                        if (shipX == 1)//only one column
                            GameObject fud3 = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\shipHull")) as GameObject;
                            fud3.name = "shipHull(" + stupX + "," + stupY + "2)";
                            fud3.transform.position = new Vector2((moveX - width / 2), moveY);
                            posX = fud3.transform.position.x;
                            posY = fud3.transform.position.y;
                        fud.transform.position = new Vector2((moveX - width / 2), (moveY));

                    shipTest2.transform.parent = fud.transform; //how do I put a parent with a child prefab, this is how!
                    GameObject fud = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\shipHull - Flat")) as GameObject;
                    fud.name = "shipHull(" + stupX + "," + stupY + ")";
                    var   renderer = shipTest2.GetComponent <Renderer>();
                    float width    = renderer.bounds.size.y;
                    //we decide if this is the end (left or right)
                    if (y == 0)
                        shipBottom = moveY;

                        dumbnut2 = fud.transform.position.y; //bottom
                    if (y == shipY - 1)
                        shipTop = moveY;
                        fud.transform.position = new Vector2((moveX), (moveY + width / 2));
                        dumbnut = fud.transform.position.y; //top
                        if (shipY == 1)                     //only one column
                            GameObject fud3 = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\shipHull - Flat")) as GameObject;
                            fud3.name = "shipHull(" + stupX + "," + stupY + "2)";
                            fud3.transform.position = new Vector2((moveX), (moveY - width / 2));
                            posX    = fud3.transform.position.x;
                            posY    = fud3.transform.position.y;
                            shipTop = moveY;
                    else if (x == shipX - 1)
                        ShipLeft = moveX;
                        fud.transform.position = new Vector2((moveX), (moveY + width / 2));

                    shipTest2.transform.parent = fud.transform; //how do I put a parent with a child prefab, this is how!
                if (y == shipY - 1)                             //- 1)
                    shipTop = moveY;
                if (y == 0)
                    shipBottom = moveY;

                moveY = shipTest2.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.size.y + moveY;

                //    Debug.Log("shipY" + shipY);

                // GameObject LeftDoor = GameObject.Find("genericBack(" + stupX + "," + stupY + ")");
                // Transform LeftFound = LeftDoor.GetComponent<Transform>();
            moveX = shipTest.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.size.x + moveX;
            moveY = startY;
        //  ShipRight = moveX;
        //   shipTop = moveY;
        //    moveX = startX;
        //now we want to get the orientation and put the top and bottom parts of the ship togather
        //  Debug.Log("Top:" + shipTop + "Bottom:" + shipBottom + "Left:" + ShipLeft + "Right:" + ShipRight);

        if (shipX > shipY) //horizontal ship
            GameObject shipTestTop = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\shipTop")) as GameObject;
            shipTestTop.name = "shipTop";
            shipTestTop.transform.position = new Vector2(ShipRight + shipTestTop.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.size.x, (UnityEngine.Random.Range(shipBottom, shipTop)));//  shipTestTop.transform.position = new Vector2(ShipRight+ shipTestTop.GetComponent<Renderer>().bounds.size.x, (shipTop-shipBottom/2)); //(shipTop-shipBottom/2)
            shipTestTop.transform.Rotate(0, 0, -90 * 1);

            GameObject LeftDoor = GameObject.Find("shipHull(1" + "," + "0)");
            var        renderer = LeftDoor.GetComponent <Renderer>();
            float      width    = renderer.bounds.size.x;

            GameObject shipbehind = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\shipBack")) as GameObject;
            shipbehind.name = "shipbut";
            shipbehind.transform.position = new Vector2(truStartX - width, (UnityEngine.Random.Range(shipBottom, shipTop))); //   shipbehind.transform.position = new Vector2(LeftDoor.transform.position.x - width, (shipTop - shipBottom / 2));
            shipbehind.transform.Rotate(0, 0, -90 * 1);
            //new random size for tops/bottoms 7-28-19
            float herdir = UnityEngine.Random.Range(-.05f, 0.5f); //  float herdir=  UnityEngine.Random.Range(shipBottom, shipTop);
            shipbehind.transform.localScale  += new Vector3(herdir, 0, 0);
            shipTestTop.transform.localScale += new Vector3(herdir, 0, 0);
        else if (shipY > shipX) //vertical ship
            GameObject shipTestTop = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\shipTop")) as GameObject;
            shipTestTop.name = "shipTop";
            shipTestTop.transform.position = new Vector2(UnityEngine.Random.Range(ShipLeft, ShipRight), shipTop + shipTestTop.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.size.y); //   shipTestTop.transform.position = new Vector2(Mathf.Abs((ShipRight - ShipLeft) / 2), shipTop + shipTestTop.GetComponent<Renderer>().bounds.size.y);

            GameObject LeftDoor   = GameObject.Find("shipHull(1" + "," + "0)");
            var        renderer   = LeftDoor.GetComponent <Renderer>();
            float      width      = renderer.bounds.size.y;
            GameObject shipbehind = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\shipBack")) as GameObject;
            shipbehind.name = "shipbut";
            shipbehind.transform.position = new Vector2((UnityEngine.Random.Range(ShipLeft, ShipRight)), truStartY - width);  // shipbehind.transform.position = new Vector2((ShipRight - ShipLeft / 2), LeftDoor.transform.position.y - width);

            //new random size for tops/bottoms 7-28-19
            float herdir = UnityEngine.Random.Range(-.05f, 0.5f); // float herdir = UnityEngine.Random.Range(ShipLeft, ShipRight);
            shipbehind.transform.localScale  += new Vector3(herdir, 0, 0);
            shipTestTop.transform.localScale += new Vector3(herdir, 0, 0);

             * GameObject shipTestTop = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\shipTop")) as GameObject;
             * shipTestTop.name = "shipTop";
             * shipTestTop.transform.position = new Vector2((ShipRight-ShipLeft/2), shipTop);
             * GameObject LeftDoor = GameObject.Find("shipHull(1"  + "," +  "0)");
             * var renderer = LeftDoor.GetComponent<Renderer>();
             * float width = renderer.bounds.size.y;
             * GameObject shipbehind = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\shipBack")) as GameObject;
             * shipbehind.name = "shipbut";
             * shipbehind.transform.position = new Vector2((ShipRight - ShipLeft / 2), LeftDoor.transform.position.y-width);
        else //they are equal and does not matter where
            GameObject shipTestTop = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\shipTop")) as GameObject;
            shipTestTop.name = "shipTop";
            shipTestTop.transform.position = new Vector2(UnityEngine.Random.Range(ShipLeft, ShipRight), shipTop + shipTestTop.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.size.y); // shipTestTop.transform.position = new Vector2(((ShipRight - ShipLeft) / 2), shipTop+ shipTestTop.GetComponent<Renderer>().bounds.size.y);

            GameObject LeftDoor   = GameObject.Find("shipHull(1" + "," + "0)");
            var        renderer   = LeftDoor.GetComponent <Renderer>();
            float      width      = renderer.bounds.size.y;
            GameObject shipbehind = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\shipBack")) as GameObject;
            shipbehind.name = "shipbut";
            shipbehind.transform.position = new Vector2(UnityEngine.Random.Range(ShipLeft, ShipRight), LeftDoor.transform.position.y - width);  //  shipbehind.transform.position = new Vector2(Mathf.Abs(ShipRight - ShipLeft / 2), LeftDoor.transform.position.y - width);

            //new random size for tops/bottoms 7-28-19
            float herdir = UnityEngine.Random.Range(-.05f, 0.5f); //    float herdir = UnityEngine.Random.Range(ShipLeft, ShipRight);
            shipbehind.transform.localScale  += new Vector3(herdir, 0, 0);
            shipTestTop.transform.localScale += new Vector3(herdir, 0, 0);

        //6-17-19 we want to add junk
        //  ExpDust.transform.position = new Vector2(UnityEngine.Random.Range(-12, 12), UnityEngine.Random.Range(-8, 8));
        int herder = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 7); //we get the count of how many random objects we want to put in

        for (int i = 0; i < herder; i++)
            //zero always exists , it is where the package is
            float derptyX, derptyY;
            derptyX = UnityEngine.Random.Range(posXarr[0] - 1.75f, posXarr[shipX - 1] + 1.75f);
            derptyY = UnityEngine.Random.Range(posYarr[0] - 1.75f, posYarr[shipY - 1] + 1.75f);

            GameObject dershi = Instantiate(Resources.Load("shipDebris\\nucWaste")) as GameObject;
            dershi.name = "nucWaste(" + derptyX + "," + derptyY + ")";
            dershi.transform.position = new Vector2((derptyX), (derptyY - .35f));
        //  Debug.Log("herder value" + herder);

        //now we want to put angle'd ship stuff in

        GameObject shipbehind44 = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\diag")) as GameObject;
        var        renderer44   = shipbehind44.GetComponent <Renderer>();
        float      width44      = renderer44.bounds.size.x;
        float      height44     = renderer44.bounds.size.y;

        shipbehind44.name = "dertypShips\\diag";
        // shipbehind44.transform.position = new Vector2((ShipRight - ShipLeft / 2), LeftDoor44.transform.position.y - width44);
        shipbehind44.transform.position = new Vector2(ShipRight + (width44), shipTop + (height44));

        //ship back/bottom top or if horizantal- up left
        GameObject shipbehind544 = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\diag")) as GameObject;
        var        renderer544   = shipbehind544.GetComponent <Renderer>();
        float      width544      = renderer544.bounds.size.x;
        float      height544     = renderer544.bounds.size.y;

        shipbehind544.name = "dertypShips\\diagLEFT";
        shipbehind544.transform.position = new Vector2(ShipLeft - (width544), shipTop + (height544 * 1.25f));

        GameObject shipbehind344 = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\diag")) as GameObject;
        var        renderer344   = shipbehind344.GetComponent <Renderer>();
        float      width344      = renderer344.bounds.size.x;
        float      height344     = renderer344.bounds.size.y;

        shipbehind344.name = "dertypShips\\diagRIGHT";
        shipbehind344.transform.position = new Vector2(ShipRight + (width344), shipBottom - (height344));

        GameObject shipbehind244 = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\diag")) as GameObject;
        var        renderer244   = shipbehind344.GetComponent <Renderer>();
        float      width244      = renderer244.bounds.size.x;
        float      height244     = renderer244.bounds.size.y;

        shipbehind244.name = "dertypShips\\diagumIdontKnow";
        shipbehind244.transform.position = new Vector2(ShipLeft - (width244), shipBottom - (height244 * 1.25f));

        shipbehind44.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0f, 180.0f, 0.0f));

        shipbehind344.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0f, 0.0f, 180.0f));

        shipbehind244.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
        //if vertl is false, then we are wide and laying down otherwise if true then we are vertical
        if (vertl == false)
            shipbehind44.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0f, 0f, -90.0f));

            shipbehind544.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0f, 0f, 270.0f));

            shipbehind344.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0f, 180.0f, 270.0f));

            shipbehind244.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0f, 180.0f, -90.0f));
コード例 #6
ファイル: hand_placer.cs プロジェクト: DanielFeissle/SPEC_R3
    private void SpawnPhase2()
        //deriship spawner 4-28-19
        float startX = -4;
        float startY = -2.5f;

        float moveX = startX;
        float moveY = startY;

        //first decide the orientation, up down left or right
        int shipiOri = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 4);

        if (shipiOri == 1)
            shipiOri = 0;
        else if (shipiOri == 2)
            shipiOri = 90;
        else if (shipiOri == 3)
            shipiOri = 180;
        else //catch everything else to be leftward facing
            shipiOri = 270;

        //next decide the total size of the ship
        shipX = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 4);
        shipY = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 4);
        vertl = true;
        if (shipX > shipY)
            vertl = false; //we are wide
        //now we got the intial stuff, now loop through the sizes

        shipTop    = 0;
        ShipRight  = 0;
        shipBottom = shipY;
        ShipLeft   = shipX;
        float dumbnut  = 0;
        float dumbnut2 = 0;

        for (int x = 0; x < shipX; x++)
            if (x == shipX - 1)
                ShipRight = moveX;
            if (x == 0)
                ShipLeft = moveX;
                //     shipTop = moveY;
            stupY = 0;
            GameObject          shipTest = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\genericBack")) as GameObject;
            objResourceNameHold fudg     = shipTest.AddComponent <objResourceNameHold>(); //creates a holding script that contains the orignal resource name
            fudg.objName  = "dertypShips\\genericBack";
            shipTest.name = "genericBack(" + stupX + "," + stupY + ")";
            shipTest.transform.position = new Vector2(moveX, moveY);
            posXarr[x]     = moveX;
            posYarr[stupY] = moveY;

            var   renderer4 = shipTest.GetComponent <Renderer>();
            float width4    = renderer4.bounds.size.x;
            interiorShip(moveX, moveY, width4);

            //we decide if this is the end (left or right)
            //  if (x==0)
            //*  {
            if (vertl == true)
                GameObject fud2 = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\shipHull")) as GameObject;
                fudg         = fud2.AddComponent <objResourceNameHold>(); //creates a holding script that contains the orignal resource name
                fudg.objName = "dertypShips\\shipHull";
                fud2.name    = "shipHull(" + stupX + "," + stupY + ")";
                var   renderer2 = shipTest.GetComponent <Renderer>();
                float width2    = renderer2.bounds.size.x;
                if (x == 0)
                    ShipLeft = moveX;
                    //     shipTop = moveY;
                if (x == shipX - 1)
                    ShipRight = moveX;
                    fud2.transform.position = new Vector2((moveX + width2 / 2), moveY);
                    if (shipX == 1)//only one column
                        GameObject fud3 = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\shipHull")) as GameObject;
                        fud3.name = "shipHull(" + stupX + "," + stupY + "2)";
                        fud3.transform.position = new Vector2((moveX - width2 / 2), moveY);
                    fud2.transform.position = new Vector2((moveX - width2 / 2), moveY);

                shipTest.transform.parent = fud2.transform; //how do I put a parent with a child prefab, this is how!
                GameObject fud2 = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\shipHull - Flat")) as GameObject;
                fud2.name = "shipHull(" + stupX + "," + stupY + ")";
                var   renderer2 = shipTest.GetComponent <Renderer>();
                float width2    = renderer2.bounds.size.y;
                if (stupY == shipY - 1)
                    shipTop = moveY;
                    fud2.transform.position = new Vector2((moveX), (moveY + width2 / 2));
                    if (shipY == 1)//only one column
                        GameObject fud3 = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\shipHull - Flat")) as GameObject;
                        fud3.name = "shipHull(" + stupX + "," + stupY + "2)";
                        fud3.transform.position = new Vector2((moveX), (moveY - width2 / 2));
                    fud2.transform.position = new Vector2((moveX), (moveY - width2 / 2));

                shipTest.transform.parent = fud2.transform; //how do I put a parent with a child prefab, this is how!
            if (x == shipX - 1)
                ShipRight = moveX;
                //     shipTop = moveY;
            if (x == 0)
                ShipLeft = moveX;
                //     shipTop = moveY;

            if (stupY == 0)
                shipBottom = moveY;

            Debug.Log("shipY" + shipY);

            //     }

            //  moveY = shipTest.GetComponent<Renderer>().bounds.size.y + moveY;
            Debug.Log("Your MOVE" + shipTest.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.size.x);

            //old dummy way:
            //  shipTest.GetComponent<Collider2D>().bounds.size.x
            moveY = shipTest.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.size.y + moveY;
            for (int y = 1; y < shipY; y++)
                float posX = 0;
                float posY = 0;
                GameObject shipTest2 = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\genericBack")) as GameObject;
                shipTest2.name = "genericBack(" + stupX + "," + stupY + ")";
                shipTest2.transform.position = new Vector2(moveX, moveY);

                //we only need the size of one box, since all the shapes are uniform It won't matter as much
                interiorShip(moveX, moveY, width4);

                posXarr[x]     = moveX;
                posYarr[stupY] = moveY;
                if (vertl == true)
                    GameObject fud = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\shipHull")) as GameObject;
                    fud.name = "shipHull(" + stupX + "," + stupY + ")";
                    var   renderer = shipTest2.GetComponent <Renderer>();
                    float width    = renderer.bounds.size.x;
                    if (x == 0)
                        ShipLeft = moveX;
                        //     shipTop = moveY;
                    //we decide if this is the end (left or right)
                    if (x == shipX - 1)
                        ShipRight = moveX;
                        fud.transform.position = new Vector2((moveX + width / 2), (moveY));
                        if (shipX == 1)//only one column
                            GameObject fud3 = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\shipHull")) as GameObject;
                            fud3.name = "shipHull(" + stupX + "," + stupY + "2)";
                            fud3.transform.position = new Vector2((moveX - width / 2), moveY);
                            posX = fud3.transform.position.x;
                            posY = fud3.transform.position.y;
                        fud.transform.position = new Vector2((moveX - width / 2), (moveY));

                    shipTest2.transform.parent = fud.transform; //how do I put a parent with a child prefab, this is how!
                    GameObject fud = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\shipHull - Flat")) as GameObject;
                    fud.name = "shipHull(" + stupX + "," + stupY + ")";
                    var   renderer = shipTest2.GetComponent <Renderer>();
                    float width    = renderer.bounds.size.y;
                    //we decide if this is the end (left or right)
                    if (y == 0)
                        shipBottom = moveY;

                        dumbnut2 = fud.transform.position.y; //bottom
                    if (y == shipY - 1)
                        shipTop = moveY;
                        fud.transform.position = new Vector2((moveX), (moveY + width / 2));
                        dumbnut = fud.transform.position.y; //top
                        if (shipY == 1)                     //only one column
                            GameObject fud3 = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\shipHull - Flat")) as GameObject;
                            fud3.name = "shipHull(" + stupX + "," + stupY + "2)";
                            fud3.transform.position = new Vector2((moveX), (moveY - width / 2));
                            posX    = fud3.transform.position.x;
                            posY    = fud3.transform.position.y;
                            shipTop = moveY;
                    else if (x == shipX - 1)
                        ShipLeft = moveX;
                        fud.transform.position = new Vector2((moveX), (moveY + width / 2));
                    if (stupY == 1 && packageLoad == false)
                        if (stupX == 1)

                    shipTest2.transform.parent = fud.transform; //how do I put a parent with a child prefab, this is how!
                if (y == shipY - 1)                             //- 1)
                    shipTop = moveY;
                if (y == 0)
                    shipBottom = moveY;

                moveY = shipTest2.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.size.y + moveY;

                Debug.Log("shipY" + shipY);

                // GameObject LeftDoor = GameObject.Find("genericBack(" + stupX + "," + stupY + ")");
                // Transform LeftFound = LeftDoor.GetComponent<Transform>();
            moveX = shipTest.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.size.x + moveX;
            moveY = startY;
        //  ShipRight = moveX;
        //   shipTop = moveY;
        //    moveX = startX;
        //now we want to get the orientation and put the top and bottom parts of the ship togather
        Debug.Log("Top:" + shipTop + "Bottom:" + shipBottom + "Left:" + ShipLeft + "Right:" + ShipRight);

        if (shipX > shipY) //horizontal ship
            GameObject shipTestTop = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\shipTop")) as GameObject;
            shipTestTop.name = "shipTop";
            shipTestTop.transform.position = new Vector2(ShipRight + shipTestTop.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.size.x, (UnityEngine.Random.Range(shipBottom, shipTop)));//  shipTestTop.transform.position = new Vector2(ShipRight+ shipTestTop.GetComponent<Renderer>().bounds.size.x, (shipTop-shipBottom/2)); //(shipTop-shipBottom/2)
            shipTestTop.transform.Rotate(0, 0, -90 * 1);

            GameObject LeftDoor   = GameObject.Find("shipHull(1" + "," + "0)");
            var        renderer   = LeftDoor.GetComponent <Renderer>();
            float      width      = renderer.bounds.size.x;
            GameObject shipbehind = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\shipBack")) as GameObject;
            shipbehind.name = "shipbut";
            shipbehind.transform.position = new Vector2(LeftDoor.transform.position.x - width, (UnityEngine.Random.Range(shipBottom, shipTop))); //   shipbehind.transform.position = new Vector2(LeftDoor.transform.position.x - width, (shipTop - shipBottom / 2));
            shipbehind.transform.Rotate(0, 0, -90 * 1);
            //new random size for tops/bottoms 7-28-19
            float herdir = UnityEngine.Random.Range(-.05f, 0.5f); //  float herdir=  UnityEngine.Random.Range(shipBottom, shipTop);
            shipbehind.transform.localScale  += new Vector3(herdir, 0, 0);
            shipTestTop.transform.localScale += new Vector3(herdir, 0, 0);
        else if (shipY > shipX) //vertical ship
            GameObject shipTestTop = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\shipTop")) as GameObject;
            shipTestTop.name = "shipTop";
            shipTestTop.transform.position = new Vector2(UnityEngine.Random.Range(ShipLeft, ShipRight), shipTop + shipTestTop.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.size.y); //   shipTestTop.transform.position = new Vector2(Mathf.Abs((ShipRight - ShipLeft) / 2), shipTop + shipTestTop.GetComponent<Renderer>().bounds.size.y);

            GameObject LeftDoor   = GameObject.Find("shipHull(1" + "," + "0)");
            var        renderer   = LeftDoor.GetComponent <Renderer>();
            float      width      = renderer.bounds.size.y;
            GameObject shipbehind = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\shipBack")) as GameObject;
            shipbehind.name = "shipbut";
            shipbehind.transform.position = new Vector2((UnityEngine.Random.Range(ShipLeft, ShipRight)), LeftDoor.transform.position.y - width);  // shipbehind.transform.position = new Vector2((ShipRight - ShipLeft / 2), LeftDoor.transform.position.y - width);

            //new random size for tops/bottoms 7-28-19
            float herdir = UnityEngine.Random.Range(-.05f, 0.5f); // float herdir = UnityEngine.Random.Range(ShipLeft, ShipRight);
            shipbehind.transform.localScale  += new Vector3(herdir, 0, 0);
            shipTestTop.transform.localScale += new Vector3(herdir, 0, 0);

             * GameObject shipTestTop = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\shipTop")) as GameObject;
             * shipTestTop.name = "shipTop";
             * shipTestTop.transform.position = new Vector2((ShipRight-ShipLeft/2), shipTop);
             * GameObject LeftDoor = GameObject.Find("shipHull(1"  + "," +  "0)");
             * var renderer = LeftDoor.GetComponent<Renderer>();
             * float width = renderer.bounds.size.y;
             * GameObject shipbehind = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\shipBack")) as GameObject;
             * shipbehind.name = "shipbut";
             * shipbehind.transform.position = new Vector2((ShipRight - ShipLeft / 2), LeftDoor.transform.position.y-width);
        else //they are equal and does not matter where
            GameObject shipTestTop = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\shipTop")) as GameObject;
            shipTestTop.name = "shipTop";
            shipTestTop.transform.position = new Vector2(UnityEngine.Random.Range(ShipLeft, ShipRight), shipTop + shipTestTop.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.size.y); // shipTestTop.transform.position = new Vector2(((ShipRight - ShipLeft) / 2), shipTop+ shipTestTop.GetComponent<Renderer>().bounds.size.y);

            GameObject LeftDoor   = GameObject.Find("shipHull(1" + "," + "0)");
            var        renderer   = LeftDoor.GetComponent <Renderer>();
            float      width      = renderer.bounds.size.y;
            GameObject shipbehind = Instantiate(Resources.Load("dertypShips\\shipBack")) as GameObject;
            shipbehind.name = "shipbut";
            shipbehind.transform.position = new Vector2(UnityEngine.Random.Range(ShipLeft, ShipRight), LeftDoor.transform.position.y - width);  //  shipbehind.transform.position = new Vector2(Mathf.Abs(ShipRight - ShipLeft / 2), LeftDoor.transform.position.y - width);

            //new random size for tops/bottoms 7-28-19
            float herdir = UnityEngine.Random.Range(-.05f, 0.5f); //    float herdir = UnityEngine.Random.Range(ShipLeft, ShipRight);
            shipbehind.transform.localScale  += new Vector3(herdir, 0, 0);
            shipTestTop.transform.localScale += new Vector3(herdir, 0, 0);
コード例 #7
    //always update this section with the master found in playerbulletmove.cs 8-7-19
    private void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D collision)
        if ((!collision.gameObject.CompareTag("PlayerShot")) || (!collision.gameObject.CompareTag("IndestShot")) || (!collision.gameObject.CompareTag("North")) || (!collision.gameObject.CompareTag("South")) || (!collision.gameObject.CompareTag("East")) || (!collision.gameObject.CompareTag("West")))
            if (!collision.gameObject.CompareTag("Player"))
                if (GameObject.Find(collision.gameObject.name) != null)
                        if (GameObject.Find(collision.gameObject.name).CompareTag("SpaceJunk")) //split it like a bloody madman
                            System.Random blarg = new System.Random();

                            GameObject ExpDust = Instantiate(Resources.Load("Exp2017")) as GameObject;
                            ExpDust.name = "EXPLOSION";
                            ExpDust.transform.position   = collision.transform.position + collision.transform.right * 2;
                            ExpDust.transform.localScale = collision.transform.localScale + collision.transform.right * 2;

                            GameObject PoopPEE  = Instantiate(Resources.Load(collision.gameObject.name)) as GameObject;
                            GameObject PoopPEE2 = Instantiate(Resources.Load(collision.gameObject.name)) as GameObject;
                            PoopPEE.name  = collision.gameObject.name;
                            PoopPEE2.name = collision.gameObject.name;
                            //PoopPEE.transform.position = transform.position + (new Vector3(0.25f, 0.0f));
                            //    Debug.Log(PoopPEE.transform.localScale);
                            PoopPEE.transform.position  = collision.transform.position + transform.right * 2;
                            PoopPEE2.transform.position = collision.transform.position - transform.right * 2;
                            //   PoopPEE.transform.Rotate(0, 0, blarg.Next(100, 1000) * Time.deltaTime);
                            // PoopPEE2.transform.Rotate(0, 0, -blarg.Next(100, 1000) * Time.deltaTime);
                            Rigidbody2D rrb = PoopPEE.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
                            rrb.AddForce(transform.up * 250);
                            Rigidbody2D rrb2 = PoopPEE2.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
                            rrb2.AddForce(-transform.up * 250);

                            float turn = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
                            rrb.AddTorque(blarg.Next(10, 100));
                            rrb2.AddTorque(-blarg.Next(10, 100));
                            //     Debug.Log(PoopPEE.transform.localScale);
                            PoopPEE.transform.localScale  = collision.transform.localScale / 2;
                            PoopPEE2.transform.localScale = collision.transform.localScale / 2;
                            //  Debug.Log(PoopPEE.transform.localScale);
                            if ((PoopPEE.transform.localScale.x < .25f) && (PoopPEE.transform.localScale.y < .1f))
                                Destroy(PoopPEE.gameObject); //to small to have on screen
                            if ((PoopPEE2.transform.localScale.x < .25f) && (PoopPEE2.transform.localScale.y < .1f))
                                Destroy(PoopPEE2.gameObject); //to small to have on screen
                        else if (GameObject.Find(collision.gameObject.name).CompareTag("ShipJunk")) //split it more equally and with less velocity
                            System.Random blarg = new System.Random();

                            GameObject ExpDust = Instantiate(Resources.Load("Exp2017")) as GameObject;
                            ExpDust.name = "EXPLOSION";
                            ExpDust.transform.position   = collision.transform.position + collision.transform.right * 2;
                            ExpDust.transform.localScale = collision.transform.localScale + collision.transform.right * 2;

                            objResourceNameHold dddd = collision.gameObject.GetComponent <objResourceNameHold>();

                            GameObject PoopPEE;
                            GameObject PoopPEE2;

                            if (collision.gameObject.name.Contains("\\")) //we use the new system for childern below (the object is referenced in the name)-for use only with subdirectories
                                string fu = collision.gameObject.name.ToString();
                                PoopPEE       = Instantiate(Resources.Load(fu)) as GameObject;
                                PoopPEE2      = Instantiate(Resources.Load(fu)) as GameObject;
                                PoopPEE.name  = collision.gameObject.name;
                                PoopPEE2.name = collision.gameObject.name;
                                PoopPEE       = Instantiate(Resources.Load(dddd.objName)) as GameObject;
                                PoopPEE2      = Instantiate(Resources.Load(dddd.objName)) as GameObject;
                                PoopPEE.name  = dddd.objName; //collision.gameObject.name;
                                PoopPEE2.name = dddd.objName; // collision.gameObject.name;

                            //PoopPEE.transform.position = transform.position + (new Vector3(0.25f, 0.0f));
                            //    Debug.Log(PoopPEE.transform.localScale);
                            PoopPEE.transform.position     = collision.transform.position + transform.right * .5f;
                            PoopPEE2.transform.position    = collision.transform.position - transform.right * .5f;
                            PoopPEE.transform.eulerAngles  = collision.transform.eulerAngles;
                            PoopPEE2.transform.eulerAngles = collision.transform.eulerAngles;
                            //   PoopPEE.transform.Rotate(0, 0, blarg.Next(100, 1000) * Time.deltaTime);
                            // PoopPEE2.transform.Rotate(0, 0, -blarg.Next(100, 1000) * Time.deltaTime);
                            //// Rigidbody2D rrb = PoopPEE.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
                            ////  rrb.AddForce(transform.up * 250);
                            ////    Rigidbody2D rrb2 = PoopPEE2.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
                            ////     rrb2.AddForce(-transform.up * 250);
                            float turn = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
                            ////    rrb.AddTorque(blarg.Next(10, 100));
                            ////     rrb2.AddTorque(-blarg.Next(10, 100));
                            //     Debug.Log(PoopPEE.transform.localScale);
                            PoopPEE.transform.localScale  = collision.transform.localScale / 2;
                            PoopPEE2.transform.localScale = collision.transform.localScale / 2;
                            //  Debug.Log(PoopPEE.transform.localScale);
                            if ((PoopPEE.transform.localScale.x < .25f) && (PoopPEE.transform.localScale.y < .1f))
                                Destroy(PoopPEE.gameObject); //to small to have on screen
                            if ((PoopPEE2.transform.localScale.x < .25f) && (PoopPEE2.transform.localScale.y < .1f))
                                Destroy(PoopPEE2.gameObject); //to small to have on screen
                        else if (GameObject.Find(collision.gameObject.name).CompareTag("ShipLiquidWaste")) //split it with water effects
                            //load in the hazardous/collision waste
                            GameObject nucWaste = Instantiate(Resources.Load("nucWasteSplash")) as GameObject;
                            nucWaste.name = "nucWasteSplash";
                            nucWaste.transform.position   = collision.transform.position; //+ collision.transform.right * 2;
                            nucWaste.transform.localScale = collision.transform.right + collision.transform.right * 4;
                            nucWaste.transform.localScale = collision.transform.up + collision.transform.up * 4;
                        else if (GameObject.Find(collision.gameObject.name).CompareTag("CaseProtector")) //split it with water effects
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Debug.Log("Your value:" + collision.gameObject.name);