コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles reading from the eventArgs to determine what action to take.
        /// </summary>
        private void HandleEventArgResults()
            // clear the Device reference
            storageDevice = null;

            // determine the next action...
            switch (eventArgs.Response)
            // will have the manager prompt the user with the option of reselecting the storage device
            case StorageDeviceEventResponse.Prompt:
                state = deviceWasConnected
                                                ? StorageDevicePromptState.PromptForDisconnected
                                                : StorageDevicePromptState.PromptForCanceled;

            // will have the manager prompt the user that the device must be selected
            case StorageDeviceEventResponse.Force:
                state = deviceWasConnected
                                                ? StorageDevicePromptState.ForceDisconnectedReselection
                                                : StorageDevicePromptState.ForceCanceledReselection;

            // will have the manager do nothing
                state = StorageDevicePromptState.None;
コード例 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Flags the SaveDevice to prompt for a storage device on the next Update.
 /// </summary>
 public void PromptForDevice()
     // we only let the programmer show the selector if the
     // SaveDevice isn't busy doing something else.
     if (state == StorageDevicePromptState.None)
         state = StorageDevicePromptState.ShowSelector;
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// A callback for either of the message boxes asking the user
        /// to select a new device, either from cancelling the device
        /// seledctor or disconnecting the device.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="result">The result of the prompt.</param>
        private void ReselectPromptCallback(IAsyncResult result)
            int?choice = Guide.EndShowMessageBox(result);

            // get the device if the user chose the first option
            state = choice.HasValue && choice.Value == 0 ? StorageDevicePromptState.ShowSelector : StorageDevicePromptState.None;

            // fire an event for the game to know the result of the prompt
            promptEventArgs.ShowDeviceSelector = state == StorageDevicePromptState.ShowSelector;
            if (DeviceReselectPromptClosed != null)
                DeviceReselectPromptClosed(this, promptEventArgs);
コード例 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// A callback for either of the message boxes telling users they
 /// have to choose a storage device, either from cancelling the
 /// device selector or disconnecting the device.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="result">The result of the prompt.</param>
 private void ForcePromptCallback(IAsyncResult result)
     // just end the message and instruct the SaveDevice to show the selector
     state = StorageDevicePromptState.ShowSelector;
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Allows the component to update itself.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gameTime">The current game timestamp.</param>
        public void Update(GameTime gameTime)
#if XBOX
            // make sure gamer services are available for all of our Guide methods we use
            if (!GamerServicesDispatcher.IsInitialized)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.NeedGamerService);

            Boolean deviceIsConnected = storageDevice != null && storageDevice.IsConnected;
            if (!deviceIsConnected && deviceWasConnected)
                // if the device was disconnected, fire off the event and handle result

                if (DeviceDisconnected != null)
                    DeviceDisconnected(this, eventArgs);

            else if (!deviceIsConnected)
                // we use the try/catch because of the asynchronous nature of the Guide.
                // the Guide may not be visible when we do our test, but it may open
                // up after that point and before we've made a call, causing our Guide
                // methods to throw exceptions.
#if XBOX
                if (!Guide.IsVisible)
                switch (state)
                // show the normal storage device selector
                case StorageDevicePromptState.ShowSelector:
                    state = StorageDevicePromptState.None;

// these actions don't apply anywhere but Xbox so we compile them out for Windows to prevent
// issues with gamer services in redistributed games.
#if XBOX
                // the user cancelled the device selector, and we've decided to
                // see if they want another chance to choose a device
                case SaveDevicePromptState.PromptForCanceled:
                    ShowMessageBox(eventArgs.PlayerToPrompt, deviceOptionalTitle, promptForCancelledMessage, deviceOptionalOptions, reselectPromptCallback);

                // the user cancelled the device selector, and we've decided to
                // force them to choose again. this message is simply to inform
                // the user of that.
                case SaveDevicePromptState.ForceCanceledReselection:
                    ShowMessageBox(eventArgs.PlayerToPrompt, deviceRequiredTitle, forceCancelledReselectionMessage, deviceRequiredOptions, forcePromptCallback);

                // the device has been disconnected, and we've decided to ask
                // the user if they want to choose a new one
                case SaveDevicePromptState.PromptForDisconnected:
                    ShowMessageBox(eventArgs.PlayerToPrompt, deviceOptionalTitle, promptForDisconnectedMessage, deviceOptionalOptions, reselectPromptCallback);

                // the device has been disconnected, and we've decided to force
                // the user to select a new one. this message is simply to inform
                // the user of that.
                case SaveDevicePromptState.ForceDisconnectedReselection:
                    ShowMessageBox(eventArgs.PlayerToPrompt, deviceRequiredTitle, forceDisconnectedReselectionMessage, deviceRequiredOptions, forcePromptCallback);
#if XBOX
                #if !SILVERLIGHT

            // catch this one type of exception just to be safe

            catch (GuideAlreadyVisibleException) { }

            deviceWasConnected = deviceIsConnected;
コード例 #6
		/// <summary>
		/// Handles reading from the eventArgs to determine what action to take.
		/// </summary>
		private void HandleEventArgResults()
			// clear the Device reference
			storageDevice = null;

			// determine the next action...
			switch (eventArgs.Response)
				// will have the manager prompt the user with the option of reselecting the storage device
				case StorageDeviceEventResponse.Prompt:
					state = deviceWasConnected
						? StorageDevicePromptState.PromptForDisconnected
						: StorageDevicePromptState.PromptForCanceled;

				// will have the manager prompt the user that the device must be selected
                case StorageDeviceEventResponse.Force:
					state = deviceWasConnected
						? StorageDevicePromptState.ForceDisconnectedReselection
						: StorageDevicePromptState.ForceCanceledReselection;

				// will have the manager do nothing
					state = StorageDevicePromptState.None;
コード例 #7
		/// <summary>
		/// A callback for either of the message boxes asking the user
		/// to select a new device, either from cancelling the device
		/// seledctor or disconnecting the device.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="result">The result of the prompt.</param>
		private void ReselectPromptCallback(IAsyncResult result)
			int? choice = Guide.EndShowMessageBox(result);

			// get the device if the user chose the first option
			state = choice.HasValue && choice.Value == 0 ? StorageDevicePromptState.ShowSelector : StorageDevicePromptState.None;

			// fire an event for the game to know the result of the prompt
			promptEventArgs.ShowDeviceSelector = state == StorageDevicePromptState.ShowSelector;
			if (DeviceReselectPromptClosed != null)
				DeviceReselectPromptClosed(this, promptEventArgs);
コード例 #8
		/// <summary>
		/// A callback for either of the message boxes telling users they
		/// have to choose a storage device, either from cancelling the
		/// device selector or disconnecting the device.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="result">The result of the prompt.</param>
		private void ForcePromptCallback(IAsyncResult result)
			// just end the message and instruct the SaveDevice to show the selector
			state = StorageDevicePromptState.ShowSelector;
コード例 #9
		/// <summary>
		/// Allows the component to update itself.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="gameTime">The current game timestamp.</param>
		public void Update(GameTime gameTime)
#if XBOX
			// make sure gamer services are available for all of our Guide methods we use			
			if (!GamerServicesDispatcher.IsInitialized)
				throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.NeedGamerService);

			Boolean deviceIsConnected = storageDevice != null && storageDevice.IsConnected;
			if (!deviceIsConnected && deviceWasConnected)
				// if the device was disconnected, fire off the event and handle result

				if (DeviceDisconnected != null)
					DeviceDisconnected(this, eventArgs);

			else if (!deviceIsConnected)
				// we use the try/catch because of the asynchronous nature of the Guide. 
				// the Guide may not be visible when we do our test, but it may open 
				// up after that point and before we've made a call, causing our Guide
				// methods to throw exceptions.
#if XBOX
					if (!Guide.IsVisible)
						switch (state)
							// show the normal storage device selector
							case StorageDevicePromptState.ShowSelector:
								state = StorageDevicePromptState.None;
// these actions don't apply anywhere but Xbox so we compile them out for Windows to prevent 
// issues with gamer services in redistributed games.
#if XBOX
							// the user cancelled the device selector, and we've decided to 
							// see if they want another chance to choose a device
							case SaveDevicePromptState.PromptForCanceled:
								ShowMessageBox(eventArgs.PlayerToPrompt, deviceOptionalTitle, promptForCancelledMessage, deviceOptionalOptions, reselectPromptCallback);

							// the user cancelled the device selector, and we've decided to
							// force them to choose again. this message is simply to inform
							// the user of that.	
							case SaveDevicePromptState.ForceCanceledReselection:
								ShowMessageBox(eventArgs.PlayerToPrompt, deviceRequiredTitle, forceCancelledReselectionMessage, deviceRequiredOptions, forcePromptCallback);

							// the device has been disconnected, and we've decided to ask
							// the user if they want to choose a new one
							case SaveDevicePromptState.PromptForDisconnected:
								ShowMessageBox(eventArgs.PlayerToPrompt, deviceOptionalTitle, promptForDisconnectedMessage, deviceOptionalOptions, reselectPromptCallback);

							// the device has been disconnected, and we've decided to force
							// the user to select a new one. this message is simply to inform
							// the user of that.
							case SaveDevicePromptState.ForceDisconnectedReselection:
								ShowMessageBox(eventArgs.PlayerToPrompt, deviceRequiredTitle, forceDisconnectedReselectionMessage, deviceRequiredOptions, forcePromptCallback);
#if XBOX
                #if !SILVERLIGHT

				// catch this one type of exception just to be safe

				catch (GuideAlreadyVisibleException) { }

            deviceWasConnected = deviceIsConnected;
コード例 #10
		/// <summary>
		/// Flags the SaveDevice to prompt for a storage device on the next Update.
		/// </summary>
		public void PromptForDevice()
			// we only let the programmer show the selector if the 
			// SaveDevice isn't busy doing something else.
			if (state == StorageDevicePromptState.None)
				state = StorageDevicePromptState.ShowSelector;