private void FATabStrip_TabStripItemClosing(TabStripItemClosingEventArgs e) { if (e.Item.Equals(defaulItem)) { e.Cancel = true; return; } if (e.Item.Controls.Count == 0) { return; } frmBase frm = (frmBase)e.Item.Controls[0]; if (frm != null && dicShows.ContainsKey(frm.Name)) { dicShows.Remove(frm.Name); frm.Close(); GC.Collect(); } if (dicShows.Count == 0) { defaulItem.Visible = true; } }
public void RunMethodFormBase() { if (this.NarMain.SelectedLink == null) { return; } if (this.NarMain.SelectedLink.Item.Tag == "") { return; } int iID = int.Parse(this.NarMain.SelectedLink.ItemName); NarvarItemControl tbCtrl = (NarvarItemControl)this.NarMain.SelectedLink.Item; frmMain frmM = (frmMain)this.FindForm(); tsmiControl tsmi = Common.FindTsmi(frmM.msMainSys, iID); tbTabControl tbTabMain = frmM.tbTabMain; if (tsmi != null) { tbTabPageControl tbTabPage = new tbTabPageControl(); tbTabPage.Name = "tabPage" + iID.ToString(); for (int i = 0; i < tbTabMain.TabPages.Count; i++) { if (tbTabPage.Name == tbTabMain.TabPages[i].Name) { tbTabMain.SelectedTabPage = tbTabMain.TabPages[i]; return; } } frmBase obj = (frmBase)Common.RunMethodTabFormBase(tsmi); if (Common.InlistLike(obj.Text, "frm")) { frmView fv = new frmView(); try { fv = (frmView)obj; fv.Object_ID = tbCtrl.strObject_ID; } catch { } if (!fv.isView) { return; } } //obj.Visible = false; Common.AddFormOnTab(obj, "tabPage" + iID.ToString(), tbCtrl.strVietNamese, tbCtrl.strEnglish, tbCtrl.strOtherLanguage, tbCtrl.strImageFileName, tbCtrl.strObject_ID); } }
public frmMain() { InitializeComponent(); frmBase fb = new frmBase(); fb.panel_DERECHO = this.splitContainer1.Panel2; fb.panel_IZQUIERDO = this.splitContainer1.Panel1; fb.CargarBotones(); fb.Show(); }
public void ShowForm(Form frm, bool autoSelect) { FATabStripItem item = null; if (dicShows.ContainsKey(frm.Name)) { try { FATabStrip.SelectedItem = dicShows[frm.Name]; item = FATabStrip.SelectedItem; item.Controls.RemoveAt(0); frmBase opennedForm = (frmBase)Application.OpenForms[frm.Name]; opennedForm.Close(); } catch { } //return; } else { item = new FATabStripItem(frm.Text, null); FATabStrip.AddTab(item); dicShows.Add(frm.Name, item); } FATabStrip.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; item.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; frm.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; frm.TopLevel = false; frm.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None; frm.AutoScroll = true; frm.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; item.Controls.Add(frm); //frm.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; if (autoSelect || FATabStrip.Items.DrawnCount == 1) { FATabStrip.SelectedItem = item; item.Selected = true; } frm.Show(); defaulItem.Visible = false; GC.Collect(); }
private DialogResult showForm(DataRow row, frmBase frm) { DialogResult rs = DialogResult.Cancel; if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (frm.DataReturn != null) { row[LinhMucConst.MaLinhMuc] = frm.DataReturn[LinhMucConst.MaLinhMuc]; row[LinhMucConst.TenThanh] = frm.DataReturn[LinhMucConst.TenThanh]; row[LinhMucConst.HoTen] = frm.DataReturn[LinhMucConst.HoTen]; row[LinhMucConst.ChucVu] = frm.DataReturn[LinhMucConst.ChucVu]; row[LinhMucConst.NgaySinh] = frm.DataReturn[LinhMucConst.NgaySinh]; row[LinhMucConst.TuNgay] = frm.DataReturn[LinhMucConst.TuNgay]; row[LinhMucConst.DenNgay] = frm.DataReturn[LinhMucConst.DenNgay]; row[LinhMucConst.GhiChu] = frm.DataReturn[LinhMucConst.GhiChu]; rs = DialogResult.OK; } } return(rs); }
private void btnEntrar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtUsuario.Text) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtSenha.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Informe o login e a senha."); } else { try { Funcionario funcionario = new Funcionario(); Criptografia criptografia = new Criptografia(); funcionario.Email = txtUsuario.Text; string cifra = criptografia.Cifrar(txtSenha.Text); funcionario.Senha = criptografia.Cifrar(txtSenha.Text); if (new BLL.FuncionarioBLL().isNull(funcionario)) { MessageBox.Show("O login foi realizado com sucesso."); this.Name = "form"; Form form = this; form.Hide(); frmBase frm = new frmBase(); frm.ShowDialog(); this.Visible = true; } else { MessageBox.Show("Erro! Verifique o seu email e senha."); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Erro. " + ex.Message); } } }
//public int DesignerInstanceID; public void LoadForm(Type FormToLoad) { //If the requested class is neither frmBase or a subclass, then don't load it. //TODO: Work out this logic /* * if (FormToLoad.GetType() != typeof (frmBase) | FormToLoad.IsSubclassOf(typeof (frmBase)) == false) * { * //TODO: Error out * return; * } */ this.PropertyPanel.Canvas = this; this.CurrentContainer = (IWidgetContainer)this; //Load the Designer class this.DesignerType = FormToLoad; this.DesignerClass = (frmBase)ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(FormToLoad); this.DesignerClass.EventsEnabled = false; this.DesignerClass.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave; //this.DesignerInstanceID = this.DesignerClass.GetInstanceID(); //Cross connect the Canvas componnts to the desinger class this.Children = this.DesignerClass.Children; this.ToolBox.Canvas = this; this.ToolBox.HierarchyContainer.ObjectID = this.ObjectID; //Hacky way of tricking the property panel to switch to the form settings views. //TODO: Work out how to do this properly //this.PropertyPanel.Canvas_CanvasActiveControlChanged(new UEditorWidgetBase(eWidgetType.Generic) { Name = "__widgetDesignerRoot" }); this.PropertyPanel.CanvasBindings(); this.ToolBox.Show(); this.PropertyPanel.Show(); }
private void addGiaoDan(frmBase frm) { if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (frm.DataReturn != null) { DataTable tbl = (DataTable)gxBiTichChiTiet1.DataSource; if (tbl != null) { DataRow newRow = null; if (frm is frmGiaoDan) { DataTable tblTmp = Memory.GetData(SqlConstants.SELECT_GIAODAN_LIST_CO_GIAOHO + " AND DaXoa=0 AND DaChuyenXu=0 AND MaGiaoDan = " + frm.DataReturn[GiaoDanConst.MaGiaoDan].ToString()); if (!Memory.ShowError() && tblTmp != null) { newRow = tblTmp.Rows[0]; } else { return; } } else { newRow = frm.DataReturn; } //Check existance start //Check in current list DataRow[] rowsCheck = tbl.Select(string.Format("MaGiaoDan={0}", newRow[GiaoDanConst.MaGiaoDan])); if (rowsCheck != null && rowsCheck.Length > 0) { MessageBox.Show("Đã tồn tại giáo dân này trong danh sách. Vui lòng nhập giáo dân khác", "Thông báo", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } //check in database in other DotBiTich DataTable tblCheck = Memory.GetData(string.Format(SqlConstants.SELECT_BITICH_CHITIET_THEOLOAI + " AND MaGiaoDan={0} AND LoaiBiTich={1}", newRow[GiaoDanConst.MaGiaoDan], (int)loaiBiTich)); if (Memory.ShowError()) { return; } if (tblCheck != null && tblCheck.Rows.Count > 0) { MessageBox.Show("Đã tồn tại giáo dân này trong đợt bí tích " + gxBiTichChiTiet1.TenBiTich + " khác. Vui lòng nhập giáo dân khác", "Thông báo", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } //Check existance end newRow.Table.Columns.Add(GiaDinhConst.MaGiaDinh, typeof(int)); newRow.Table.Columns.Add(GiaDinhConst.MaGiaDinhCo, typeof(int)); newRow.Table.Columns.Add(GiaDinhConst.TenGiaDinh, typeof(string)); DataTable tblConCai = Memory.GetData(SqlConstants.SELECT_THANHVIEN_GIADINH_LIST + " AND MaGiaoDan=? AND VaiTro = ?", new object[] { newRow[GiaoDanConst.MaGiaoDan], GxConstants.VAITRO_CON }); if (!Memory.ShowError() && tblConCai != null) { if (tblConCai.Rows.Count > 0) { newRow[GiaDinhConst.MaGiaDinh] = newRow[GiaDinhConst.MaGiaDinhCo] = tblConCai.Rows[0][ThanhVienGiaDinhConst.MaGiaDinh]; newRow[GiaDinhConst.TenGiaDinh] = tblConCai.Rows[0][GiaDinhConst.TenGiaDinh]; } tbl.ImportRow(newRow); } } } } }
/// <summary> /// SetUI /// </summary> /// <param name="child"></param> public override void SetUI(frmBase child) { base.SetUI(child); Viewer = (frmLoadDicHq)child; }
/// <summary> /// SetUI /// </summary> /// <param name="child"></param> public override void SetUI(frmBase child) { base.SetUI(child); Viewer = (frmSbFirstPageUp)child; }
/// <summary> /// SetUI /// </summary> /// <param name="child"></param> public override void SetUI(frmBase child) { base.SetUI(child); Viewer = (frmContagionEdit)child; }
/// <summary> /// SetUI /// </summary> /// <param name="child"></param> public override void SetUI(frmBase child) { base.SetUI(child); Viewer = (frmOutpatientInterview)child; }
private bool addGiaoDan(frmBase frm, bool isAdd) { cont: if (frm is frmGiaoDan) { ((frmGiaoDan)frm).FromGiaDinhForm = true; } if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (frm.DataReturn != null) { DataTable tbl = (DataTable)gxHocSinhList1.DataSource; if (tbl != null) { int maGiaoDan = (int)frm.DataReturn[GiaoDanConst.MaGiaoDan]; //check ton tai trong danh sac DataRow[] rows = tbl.Select("MaGiaoDan=" + maGiaoDan.ToString()); if (rows != null && rows.Length > 0) { MessageBox.Show("Giáo dân này đã tồn tại trong danh sách", "Thông báo", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return(false); } //check da thuoc ve lop giao ly nao chua DataTable tblCheck = Memory.GetData("select * from ChiTietLopGiaoLy where MaGiaoDan = ? and MaLop in (select MaLop from LopGiaoLy where MaKhoi = ?)", new object[] { maGiaoDan, idKhoi }); if (Memory.ShowError()) { return(false); } if (tblCheck != null && tblCheck.Rows.Count > 0) { //string tenGiaDinh = tblCheck.Rows[0][GiaDinhConst.TenGiaDinh].ToString(); MessageBox.Show("Giáo dân này đã thuộc về lớp khác", "Thông báo", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return(false); } frm.DataReturn.AcceptChanges(); frm.DataReturn.SetAdded(); frm.DataReturn.Table.Columns.Add("HoanThanh", System.Type.GetType("System.Boolean")); frm.DataReturn.Table.Columns.Add("GhiChuGLy", System.Type.GetType("System.String")); frm.DataReturn.Table.Columns.Add("SoThuTu", System.Type.GetType("System.Int32")); frm.DataReturn["HoanThanh"] = false; frm.DataReturn["GhiChuGLy"] = ""; frm.DataReturn["SoThuTu"] = getNextSoThuTu(); tbl.ImportRow(frm.DataReturn); //DataRow drHS = tblHocSinh.NewRow(); //drHS["MaLop"] = id; //drHS["MaGiaoDan"] = maGiaoDan; //drHS["SoThuTu"] = frm.DataReturn["SoThuTu"]; //drHS["HoanThanh"] = false; //drHS["GhiChuGLy"] = ""; //tblHocSinh.Rows.Add(drHS); gxHocSinhList1.Row = gxHocSinhList1.RowCount - 1; if (isAdd) { frm = new frmGiaoDan(); goto cont; } } else { return(false); } } else { return(false); } } else { return(false); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// SetUI /// </summary> /// <param name="child"></param> public override void SetUI(frmBase child) { base.SetUI(child); Viewer = (frmZrbbgAdvers)child; }
private bool addGiaoDan(frmBase frm, bool isAdd) { cont: if (frm is frmGiaoDan) { ((frmGiaoDan)frm).MaGiaoHo = MaGiaoHo; ((frmGiaoDan)frm).FromGiaDinhForm = true; } if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (frm.DataReturn != null) { DataTable tbl = (DataTable)gxGiaoDanList1.DataSource; if (tbl != null) { int maGiaoDan = (int)frm.DataReturn[GiaoDanConst.MaGiaoDan]; if (maGiaoDan == txtNguoiChong.MaGiaoDan || maGiaoDan == txtNguoiVo.MaGiaoDan) { MessageBox.Show("Giáo dân này đã có trong gia đình", "Thông báo", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return(false); } //check ton tai trong danh sac DataRow[] rows = tbl.Select("MaGiaoDan=" + maGiaoDan.ToString()); if (rows != null && rows.Length > 0) { MessageBox.Show("Giáo dân này đã tồn tại trong danh sách thành viên", "Thông báo", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return(false); } //check da thuoc gia dinh nao chua DataTable tblCheck = Memory.GetData(SqlConstants.SELECT_THANHVIEN_GIADINH_LIST + " AND MaGiaoDan = ? AND VaiTro>1", new object[] { maGiaoDan }); if (Memory.ShowError()) { return(false); } if (tblCheck != null && tblCheck.Rows.Count > 0) { string tenGiaDinh = tblCheck.Rows[0][GiaDinhConst.TenGiaDinh].ToString(); MessageBox.Show("Giáo dân này đã thuộc về gia đình [" + tenGiaDinh + "].\r\nBạn có thể sử dụng chức năng [tìm gia đình của giáo dân] để biết giáo dân này đã thuộc về những gia đình nào.", "Thông báo", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return(false); } frm.DataReturn.Table.Columns.Add(GiaDinhConst.MaGiaDinh, typeof(int)); frm.DataReturn.Table.Columns.Add(ThanhVienGiaDinhConst.VaiTro, typeof(int)); frm.DataReturn[ThanhVienGiaDinhConst.VaiTro] = 2; frm.DataReturn.AcceptChanges(); frm.DataReturn.SetAdded(); tbl.ImportRow(frm.DataReturn); gxGiaoDanList1.Row = gxGiaoDanList1.RowCount - 1; if (Memory.IsRedGiaoDan(frm.DataReturn)) { gxGiaoDanList1.CurrentRow.RowStyle = new GridEXFormatStyle(); gxGiaoDanList1.CurrentRow.RowStyle.FontStrikeout = TriState.True; gxGiaoDanList1.CurrentRow.RowStyle.ForeColor = Color.Red; } if (isAdd) { frm = new frmGiaoDan(); goto cont; } } else { return(false); } } else { return(false); } } else { return(false); } return(true); }
private void frmBaseToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var f = new frmBase(); f.Show(); }
/// <summary> /// SetUI /// </summary> /// <param name="child"></param> public override void SetUI(frmBase child) { base.SetUI(child); Viewer = (frmInterviewEdit)child; }
private bool addGiaoLyVien(frmBase frm, bool isAdd) { cont: if (frm is frmGiaoDan) { ((frmGiaoDan)frm).FromGiaDinhForm = true; } if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (frm.DataReturn != null) { DataTable tbl = (DataTable)gxGiaoLyVien1.DataSource; if (tbl != null) { int maGiaoDan = (int)frm.DataReturn[GiaoDanConst.MaGiaoDan]; //check ton tai trong danh sac DataRow[] rows = tbl.Select("MaGiaoDan=" + maGiaoDan.ToString()); if (rows != null && rows.Length > 0) { MessageBox.Show("Giáo lý viên này đã tồn tại trong danh sách", "Thông báo", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return(false); } //frm.DataReturn.AcceptChanges(); //frm.DataReturn.SetAdded(); tbl.ImportRow(frm.DataReturn); DataRow drGLV = tblGiaoLyVien.NewRow(); if (operation == GxOperation.ADD) { drGLV["MaLop"] = Memory.Instance.GetNextId("LopGiaoLy", "malop", true); } else { drGLV["MaLop"] = id; } drGLV["MaGiaoDan"] = maGiaoDan; tblGiaoLyVien.Rows.Add(drGLV); gxGiaoLyVien1.Row = gxGiaoLyVien1.RowCount - 1; if (isAdd) { frm = new frmGiaoDan(); goto cont; } } else { return(false); } } else { return(false); } } else { return(false); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// SetUI /// </summary> /// <param name="child"></param> public override void SetUI(frmBase child) { base.SetUI(child); Viewer = (frmPatient)child; }
/// <summary> /// SetUI /// </summary> /// <param name="child"></param> public override void SetUI(frmBase child) { base.SetUI(child); Viewer = (frmSbMzcfxmdr)child; }
/// <summary> /// SetUI /// </summary> /// <param name="child"></param> public override void SetUI(frmBase child) { base.SetUI(child); Viewer = (frmZyrbgkEdit)child; }
/// <summary> /// SetUI /// </summary> /// <param name="child"></param> public override void SetUI(frmBase child) { base.SetUI(child); Viewer = (frmRole)child; }
//Public constuctor public UFormCodeGen(frmBase Form) { _form = Form; }
/// <summary> /// SetUI /// </summary> /// <param name="child"></param> public override void SetUI(frmBase child) { base.SetUI(child); Viewer = (frmAdverseEvent)child; }