コード例 #1
ファイル: c3d2obj.cs プロジェクト: JazzaMaxwell/c3d2obj
 public bool eq(cOutputNormal e)
     if ((s.A == e.A) && (s.B == e.B) && (s.C == e.C))
コード例 #2
ファイル: c3d2obj.cs プロジェクト: JazzaMaxwell/c3d2obj
            public int CompareTo(object obj)
                cOutputNormal c = (cOutputNormal)obj;

                if ((this.A == c.A) && (this.B == c.B) && (this.C == c.C))
コード例 #3
ファイル: c3d2obj.cs プロジェクト: JazzaMaxwell/c3d2obj
        static int Main(string[] args)
            List <int>           NbrVertices_x3   = new List <int>();
            List <int>           FaceStartIndex   = new List <int>();
            List <int>           NbrFaces_x3      = new List <int>();
            List <int>           VertexStartIndex = new List <int>();
            List <String>        objName          = new List <String>();
            List <String>        textureName      = new List <String>();
            List <objParams>     ObjParamList     = new List <objParams>();
            List <cOutputVertex> OutputVertexList = new List <cOutputVertex>();
            List <cOutputNormal> OutputNormalList = new List <cOutputNormal>();
            List <cOutputUV>     OutputUVList     = new List <cOutputUV>();

            Common.InputArguments arguments = new Common.InputArguments(args);

            bool verbose = arguments.Contains("v");

            if (!arguments.Contains("f"))
                Version version = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version;
                Console.WriteLine("Version {0}.{1}", version.Major, version.Minor);
                Console.WriteLine("Usage: c3d2obj -f <filename> | -v");

            string FileBaseName = arguments["-f"];

                string extension = Path.GetExtension(FileBaseName);
                if (extension == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Usage: c3d2obj -f <filename> | -v");
                else if (extension == String.Empty)
                    FileBaseName += ".c3d";
                else if (Path.GetExtension(FileBaseName) != ".c3d")
                    Console.WriteLine("Usage: c3d2obj -f <filename> | -v");

                // Open a filestream to read from
                FileStream fsC3DReader = new FileStream(FileBaseName, FileMode.Open);

                // Pass read stream to BinaryReader
                BinaryReader readBinary = new BinaryReader(fsC3DReader, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("iso-8859-1"));

                // Create new file name to write to
                string WriteFN = Path.ChangeExtension(FileBaseName, ".obj");
                // Open filestream to write to
                FileStream fsObjWriter = new FileStream(WriteFN, FileMode.Create);
                // Pass write file stream to a StreamWriter
                TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(fsObjWriter);

                // Create new file name to write material to
                string MtlFN = Path.ChangeExtension(FileBaseName, ".mtl");
                // Open filestream to write to
                FileStream fsMtlWriter = new FileStream(MtlFN, FileMode.Create);
                // Pass write file stream to a StreamWriter
                TextWriter MtlWriter = new StreamWriter(fsMtlWriter);

                int count = 0;
                    if (readBinary.ReadInt32() != 0x01443343)
                        Console.Write("Not a C3D File");
                        throw new FormatException();

                    int    unknown1    = SwapEndianness(readBinary.ReadInt32());
                    int    NbrObj      = SwapEndianness(readBinary.ReadInt32());
                    int    NbrTextures = SwapEndianness(readBinary.ReadInt32());
                    byte[] x           = readBinary.ReadBytes(3);

                    if (verbose)
                        Console.WriteLine("File contains {0} objects", NbrObj);

                    // For each object in the c3d file read each object's generic parameters
                    for (count = 0; count < NbrObj; count++)
                        // Read the object parameters
                        objParams objParam = new objParams();
                        objParam.Red   = readBinary.ReadSingle();
                        objParam.Green = readBinary.ReadSingle();
                        objParam.Blue  = readBinary.ReadSingle();
                        objParam.Alpha = readBinary.ReadSingle();
                        objParam.Spec  = readBinary.ReadSingle();
                        objParam.Shiny = readBinary.ReadSingle();
                        objParam.Env   = readBinary.ReadSingle();
                        // Add this object to the list

                        // Write material file
                        MtlWriter.Write("# Blender MTL File from c3d2obj" + Environment.NewLine);
                        MtlWriter.Write("newmtl Material_" + count.ToString() + Environment.NewLine);
                        MtlWriter.Write("Ns 300.0" + Environment.NewLine);
                        MtlWriter.Write("Ka 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000" + Environment.NewLine);                                                                                                  // Ambient
                        MtlWriter.Write("Kd " + objParam.Red.ToString("0.000000") + " " + objParam.Green.ToString("0.000000") + " " + objParam.Blue.ToString("0.000000") + Environment.NewLine); // Ambient
                        MtlWriter.Write("Ks " + objParam.Spec.ToString("0.000000") + " " + objParam.Spec.ToString("0.000000") + " " + objParam.Spec.ToString("0.000000") + Environment.NewLine); // Ambient
                        MtlWriter.Write("Ni 1.5" + Environment.NewLine);
                        MtlWriter.Write("d 1.000000" + Environment.NewLine);
                        MtlWriter.Write("illum 2" + Environment.NewLine);
                        MtlWriter.Write("map_Kd " + textureName[count] + Environment.NewLine);
                    if (verbose)
                        Console.WriteLine(MtlFN + " written");

                    // Next is the total number of vertices (over all objects)
                    int            TotalNbrVertices = readBinary.ReadInt32();
                    List <cVertex> VertexList       = new List <cVertex>();

                    // Read the vertex information into VertexList
                    for (count = 0; count < TotalNbrVertices; count++)
                        cVertex Vertex = new cVertex();
                        Vertex.Y  = readBinary.ReadSingle();
                        Vertex.X  = -readBinary.ReadSingle();
                        Vertex.Z  = readBinary.ReadSingle();
                        Vertex.nY = readBinary.ReadSingle();
                        Vertex.nX = -readBinary.ReadSingle();
                        Vertex.nZ = readBinary.ReadSingle();
                        Vertex.U  = readBinary.ReadSingle();
                        Vertex.V  = 1.0f - readBinary.ReadSingle();
                        // Add this vertex to the list

                    // Number of faces to end of file (triplets)
                    int nbrFaces = readBinary.ReadInt32();

                    // Read face information
                    List <cFace> FaceList = new List <cFace>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < nbrFaces / 3; i++)
                        cFace Face = new cFace();
                        Face.A = readBinary.ReadInt32();
                        Face.B = readBinary.ReadInt32();
                        Face.C = readBinary.ReadInt32();

                    // Done reading so close .c3d file

                     * Now for each object we have the general information such as names and RGB values.
                     * There is also a list of vertices with their X Y Z nX Ny nZ U and V values
                     * For each face there is a list of indices into VertexList
                     * Now need to rearrange all that data into .obj format
                     * There is a separate section for each object
                    int faceIndex      = 0;
                    int UVIndex        = 0;
                    int OldUVIndex     = 0;
                    int XYZIndex       = 0;
                    int OldXYZIndex    = 0;
                    int NormalIndex    = 0;
                    int OldNormalIndex = 0;

                    #region for each object
                    for (int objCount = 0; objCount < NbrObj; objCount++)
                        // Write name of material file
                        writer.Write("mtllib " + Path.GetFileName(MtlFN) + Environment.NewLine);
                        writer.Write("o " + objName[objCount] + Environment.NewLine);

                        int maxCount;

                        maxCount = NbrVertices_x3[objCount];
                        // Create list of vertices with the same X Y Z values
                        XYZIndex = VertexStartIndex[objCount];
                        for (int i = 0; i < maxCount; i++)
                            cVertex v = VertexList[XYZIndex++];
                            if (!isInGeometryList(v, OutputVertexList))
                                // Add current vertex to output list
                                cOutputVertex ov = new cOutputVertex();
                                ov.X = v.X;
                                ov.Y = v.Y;
                                ov.Z = v.Z;
                                // Add this to the OutputVertexList
                                // Write v .obj record
                                writer.Write("v " + ov.X.ToString("0.000000") + " " + ov.Z.ToString("0.000000") + " " + ov.Y.ToString("0.000000") + Environment.NewLine);

                        // Create list of unique UVs
                        UVIndex = VertexStartIndex[objCount];
                        for (int i = 0; i < maxCount; i++)
                            cVertex v = VertexList[UVIndex++];
                            if (!isInUVList(v, OutputUVList))
                                // Add current normal to output list
                                cOutputUV oUV = new cOutputUV();
                                oUV.U = v.U;
                                oUV.V = v.V;
                                writer.Write("vt " + oUV.U.ToString("0.000000") + " " + oUV.V.ToString("0.000000") + Environment.NewLine);

                        // Create list of unique Normals
                        NormalIndex = VertexStartIndex[objCount];
                        for (int i = 0; i < maxCount; i++)
                            cVertex v = VertexList[NormalIndex++];
                            if (!isInNormalList(v, OutputNormalList))
                                // Add current normal to output list
                                cOutputNormal oNormal = new cOutputNormal();
                                oNormal.A = v.nX;
                                oNormal.B = v.nY;
                                oNormal.C = v.nZ;
                                writer.Write("vn " + oNormal.A.ToString("0.000000") + " " + oNormal.C.ToString("0.000000") + " " + oNormal.B.ToString("0.000000") + Environment.NewLine);

                        writer.Write("usemtl Material_" + objCount.ToString() + Environment.NewLine);
                        writer.Write("s off" + Environment.NewLine); // No smoothing group

                        int[] vNum = new int[3]; // vertex number
                        int[] tNum = new int[3]; // texture
                        int[] nNum = new int[3]; // Normal

                         * for each face we need 9 numbers, which are indecies
                         * i.e. the first vertex is number 1, the second number 2 etc.
                         * The same applies for textures (UV coordinates) and Normals
                        faceIndex = FaceStartIndex[objCount] / 3;
                        for (int i = 0; i < NbrFaces_x3[objCount] / 3; i++)
                            cFace f = FaceList[faceIndex++];
                            // f.A is the integer index of one vertex of the face
                            // Get the XYZ of that vertex
                            var Coord = new cOutputVertex();
                            Coord.X = VertexList[f.A].X;
                            Coord.Y = VertexList[f.A].Y;
                            Coord.Z = VertexList[f.A].Z;
                            var es = new XYZ(Coord);
                            // Now find the index of that coordinate in the OutputVertexList
                            vNum[0] = OutputVertexList.FindIndex(es.eq);
                            if (vNum[0] == -1)
                            vNum[0] += 1 + OldXYZIndex;

                            Coord.X = VertexList[f.B].X;
                            Coord.Y = VertexList[f.B].Y;
                            Coord.Z = VertexList[f.B].Z;
                            // Now find the index of that coordinate in the OutputVertexList
                            vNum[1] = OutputVertexList.FindIndex(es.eq);
                            if (vNum[1] == -1)
                            vNum[1] += 1 + OldXYZIndex;

                            Coord.X = VertexList[f.C].X;
                            Coord.Y = VertexList[f.C].Y;
                            Coord.Z = VertexList[f.C].Z;
                            // Now find the index of that coordinate in the OutputVertexList
                            vNum[2] = OutputVertexList.FindIndex(es.eq);
                            if (vNum[2] == -1)
                            vNum[2] += 1 + OldXYZIndex;

                            var OUV = new cOutputUV();
                            OUV.U = VertexList[f.A].U;
                            OUV.V = VertexList[f.A].V;
                            var oOUV = new UV(OUV);

                            // Now find the index of that coordinate in the OutputUVList
                            tNum[0] = OutputUVList.FindIndex(oOUV.eq);
                            if (tNum[0] == -1)
                            tNum[0] += 1 + OldUVIndex;

                            OUV.U = VertexList[f.B].U;
                            OUV.V = VertexList[f.B].V;
                            // Now find the index of that coordinate in the OutputUVList
                            tNum[1] = OutputUVList.FindIndex(oOUV.eq);
                            if (tNum[1] == -1)
                            tNum[1] += 1 + OldUVIndex;

                            OUV.U = VertexList[f.C].U;
                            OUV.V = VertexList[f.C].V;
                            // Now find the index of that coordinate in the OutputUVList
                            tNum[2] = OutputUVList.FindIndex(oOUV.eq);
                            if (tNum[2] == -1)
                            tNum[2] += 1 + OldUVIndex;

                            var ONorm = new cOutputNormal();
                            ONorm.A = VertexList[f.A].nX;
                            ONorm.B = VertexList[f.A].nY;
                            ONorm.C = VertexList[f.A].nZ;
                            var oABC = new ABC(ONorm);

                            // Now find the index of that coordinate in the OutputNormalList
                            nNum[0] = OutputNormalList.FindIndex(oABC.eq);
                            if (nNum[0] == -1)
                            nNum[0] += 1 + OldNormalIndex;

                            ONorm.A = VertexList[f.B].nX;
                            ONorm.B = VertexList[f.B].nY;
                            ONorm.C = VertexList[f.B].nZ;
                            // Now find the index of that coordinate in the OutputNormalList
                            nNum[1] = OutputNormalList.FindIndex(oABC.eq);
                            if (nNum[1] == -1)
                            nNum[1] += 1 + OldNormalIndex;

                            ONorm.A = VertexList[f.C].nX;
                            ONorm.B = VertexList[f.C].nY;
                            ONorm.C = VertexList[f.C].nZ;
                            // Now find the index of that coordinate in the OutputNormalList
                            nNum[2] = OutputNormalList.FindIndex(oABC.eq);
                            if (nNum[2] == -1)
                            nNum[2] += 1 + OldNormalIndex;

                            // The order these are written is important!
                            writer.Write("f " + vNum[0] + "/" + tNum[0] + "/" + nNum[0] + " ");
                            writer.Write(vNum[2] + "/" + tNum[2] + "/" + nNum[2] + " ");
                            writer.Write(vNum[1] + "/" + tNum[1] + "/" + nNum[1] + Environment.NewLine);
                        OldXYZIndex    += OutputVertexList.Count;
                        OldUVIndex     += OutputUVList.Count;
                        OldNormalIndex += OutputNormalList.Count;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.WriteLine("Oh dear something went wrong");
                if (verbose)
                    Console.WriteLine(WriteFN + " written");
            catch (SecurityException ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Security error.\n\nError message: {ex.Message}\n\n" +
コード例 #4
ファイル: c3d2obj.cs プロジェクト: JazzaMaxwell/c3d2obj
 public ABC(cOutputNormal ss)
     s = ss;