コード例 #1
ファイル: GeometryUtil.cs プロジェクト: d3x0r/Voxelarium
		static bool notExist( ref btVector3 planeEquation, btList<btVector3> planeEquations )
			int numbrushes = planeEquations.Count;
			for( int i = 0; i < numbrushes; i++ )
				btVector3 N1 = planeEquations[i];
				if( planeEquation.dot( ref N1 ) > (double)( 0.999 ) )
					return false;
			return true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: GeometryUtil.cs プロジェクト: d3x0r/Voxelarium
		public static void getPlaneEquationsFromVertices( btList<btVector3> vertices, btList<btVector3> planeEquationsOut )
			int numvertices = vertices.Count;
			// brute force:
			for( int i = 0; i < numvertices; i++ )
				btVector3 N1 = vertices[i];

				for( int j = i + 1; j < numvertices; j++ )
					btVector3 N2 = vertices[j];

					for( int k = j + 1; k < numvertices; k++ )

						btVector3 N3 = vertices[k];

						btVector3 planeEquation, edge0, edge1;
						N2.Sub( ref N1, out edge0 );
						N3.Sub( ref N1, out edge1 );
						double normalSign = (double)( 1.0 );
						for( int ww = 0; ww < 2; ww++ )
							btVector3 tmp;
							edge0.cross( ref edge1, out tmp );
							tmp.Mult( normalSign, out planeEquation );
							if( planeEquation.length2() > (double)( 0.0001 ) )
								if( notExist( ref planeEquation, planeEquationsOut ) )
									planeEquation[3] = -planeEquation.dot( ref N1 );

									//check if inside, and replace supportingVertexOut if needed
									if( areVerticesBehindPlane( ref planeEquation, vertices, (double)( 0.01 ) ) )
										planeEquationsOut.Add( planeEquation );
							normalSign = (double)( -1.0 );


コード例 #3
ファイル: GeometryUtil.cs プロジェクト: d3x0r/Voxelarium
		public static bool isPointInsidePlanes( btList<btVector3> planeEquations
							, ref btVector3 point, double margin )
			btVector3[] pe = planeEquations.InternalArray;
			int numbrushes = planeEquations.Count;
			for( int i = 0; i < numbrushes; i++ )
				double dist = ( pe[i].dot( ref point ) ) + (double)( pe[i][3] ) - margin;
				if( dist > btScalar.BT_ZERO )
					return false;
			return true;
コード例 #4
ファイル: GeometryUtil.cs プロジェクト: d3x0r/Voxelarium
		public static bool areVerticesBehindPlane( ref btVector3 planeNormal, btList<btVector3> vertices, double margin )
			btVector3[] va = vertices.InternalArray;
			int numvertices = vertices.Count;
			for( int i = 0; i < numvertices; i++ )
				//ref btVector3 N1 = vertices[i];
				double dist = (double)( planeNormal.dot( ref va[i] ) ) + (double)( planeNormal[3] ) - margin;
				if( dist > btScalar.BT_ZERO )
					return false;
			return true;
コード例 #5
ファイル: Dbvt.cs プロジェクト: d3x0r/Voxelarium
		public static int Allocate( btList<int> ifree,
			btList<sStkNPS> stock,
			sStkNPS value )
			//int	i;
			//	i = ifree[ifree.Count - 1]; 
			//	ifree.pop_back(); 
			//	stock[i] = value; 
			//	i=stock.Count;
			//	stock.push_back(value); 
			return 0;
コード例 #6
ファイル: Dbvt.cs プロジェクト: d3x0r/Voxelarium
		public void OptimizeTopDown( int bu_threshold )
			// threshhold defaults to 128
			if( Root != null )
				btList<btDbvtNode> leafs = new btList<btDbvtNode>( m_leaves );
				FetchLeafs( this, Root, leafs );
				Root = TopDown( this, leafs, bu_threshold );
コード例 #7
ファイル: Dbvt.cs プロジェクト: d3x0r/Voxelarium
			public static btDbvtVolume FromPoints( btList<btList<btVector3>> points )
				return new btDbvtVolume();
コード例 #8
ファイル: Dbvt.cs プロジェクト: d3x0r/Voxelarium
			public static btDbvtVolume FromPoints( btList<btVector3> points )
				btDbvtVolume box;
				box._min = box._max = points[0];
				for( int i = 1; i < points.Count; ++i )
					btVector3 temp = points[i];
					//SetMin(ref box._min, ref temp);
					//SetMax(ref box._max, ref temp);
					box._min.setMin( ref temp );
					box._max.setMin( ref temp );
				return ( box );
コード例 #9
ファイル: Dbvt.cs プロジェクト: d3x0r/Voxelarium
		public void OptimizeBottomUp()
			if( Root != null )
				btList<btDbvtNode> leafs = new btList<btDbvtNode>( m_leaves );
				FetchLeafs( this, Root, leafs );
				BottomUp( this, leafs );
				Root = leafs[0];
コード例 #10
ファイル: ConvexHull.cs プロジェクト: d3x0r/Voxelarium
		public ConvexH( int vertices_size, int edges_size, int facets_size )
			vertices = new btList<btVector3>( vertices_size );
			edges = new btList<HalfEdge>( edges_size );
			facets = new btList<btPlane>( facets_size );
コード例 #11
ファイル: ConvexHull.cs プロジェクト: d3x0r/Voxelarium
			int calchull( btVector3[] verts, int verts_count, out TUIntArray tris_out, out int tris_count, int vlimit )
				int rc = calchullgen( verts, verts_count, vlimit );
				if( rc == 0 )
					tris_out = null;
					tris_count = 0;
					return 0;
				btList<int> ts = new btList<int>();
				int i;

				for( i = 0; i < m_tris.Count; i++ )
					if( m_tris[i] != null )
						for( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
							ts.Add( ( m_tris[i].v)[j] );
						deAllocateTriangle( m_tris[i] );
				tris_count = ts.Count / 3;
				tris_out = new TUIntArray( ts.Count );

				for( i = 0; i < ts.Count; i++ )
					tris_out[i] = (uint)( ts[i] );
				m_tris.Count = ( 0 );

				return 1;
コード例 #12
ファイル: Dbvt.cs プロジェクト: d3x0r/Voxelarium
		public static void Split( btList<btDbvtNode> leaves, btList<btDbvtNode> left, btList<btDbvtNode> right, ref btVector3 org, ref btVector3 axis )
			left.Count = ( 0 );
			right.Count = ( 0 );
			for( int i = 0, ni = leaves.Count; i < ni; ++i )
				btVector3 tmp;
				leaves[i].volume.Center().Sub( ref org, out tmp );
				if( btVector3.dot( ref axis, ref tmp ) < 0 )
					left.Add( leaves[i] );
					right.Add( leaves[i] );
コード例 #13
ファイル: GeometryUtil.cs プロジェクト: d3x0r/Voxelarium
		public static void getVerticesFromPlaneEquations( btList<btVector3> planeEquations, btList<btVector3> verticesOut )
			int numbrushes = planeEquations.Count;
			// brute force:
			for( int i = 0; i < numbrushes; i++ )
				btVector3 N1 = planeEquations[i];

				for( int j = i + 1; j < numbrushes; j++ )
					btVector3 N2 = planeEquations[j];

					for( int k = j + 1; k < numbrushes; k++ )

						btVector3 N3 = planeEquations[k];

						btVector3 n2n3;
						N2.cross( ref N3, out n2n3 );
						btVector3 n3n1;
						N3.cross( ref N1, out n3n1 );
						btVector3 n1n2;
						N1.cross( ref N2, out n1n2 );

						if( ( n2n3.length2() > (double)( 0.0001 ) ) &&
							 ( n3n1.length2() > (double)( 0.0001 ) ) &&
							 ( n1n2.length2() > (double)( 0.0001 ) ) )
							//point P out of 3 plane equations:

							//	d1 ( N2 * N3 ) + d2 ( N3 * N1 ) + d3 ( N1 * N2 )  
							//P =  -------------------------------------------------------------------------  
							//   N1 . ( N2 * N3 )  

							double quotient = ( N1.dot( ref n2n3 ) );
							if( btScalar.btFabs( quotient ) > (double)( 0.000001 ) )
								quotient = (double)( -1.0 ) / quotient;

								n2n3.Mult( N1[3], out n2n3 );
								n3n1.Mult( N2[3], out n3n1 );
								n1n2.Mult( N3[3], out n1n2 );
								btVector3 potentialVertex = n2n3;
								potentialVertex.Add( ref n3n1, out potentialVertex );
								potentialVertex.Add( ref n1n2, out potentialVertex );
								potentialVertex.Mult( quotient, out potentialVertex );

								//check if inside, and replace supportingVertexOut if needed
								if( isPointInsidePlanes( planeEquations, ref potentialVertex, (double)( 0.01 ) ) )
									verticesOut.Add( potentialVertex );
コード例 #14
		static void MycollideTT( btDbvt.btDbvtNode root0,
										  btDbvt.btDbvtNode root1,
										  ref btTransform xform,
										  btCompoundCompoundLeafCallback callback )

			if( root0 != null && root1 != null )
				int depth = 1;
				int treshold = btDbvt.DOUBLE_STACKSIZE - 4;
				btList<btDbvt.sStkNN> stkStack = new btList<btDbvt.sStkNN>( btDbvt.DOUBLE_STACKSIZE );
				stkStack[0].Initialize( root0, root1 );
					btDbvt.sStkNN p = stkStack[--depth];
					if( MyIntersect( p.a.volume, p.b.volume, ref xform ) )
						if( depth > treshold )
							stkStack.Capacity = ( stkStack.Count * 2 );
							treshold = stkStack.Count - 4;
						if( p.a.IsInternal() )
							if( p.b.IsInternal() )
								stkStack[depth++].Initialize( p.a._children0, p.b._children0 );
								stkStack[depth++].Initialize( p.a._children1, p.b._children0 );
								stkStack[depth++].Initialize( p.a._children0, p.b._children1 );
								stkStack[depth++].Initialize( p.a._children1, p.b._children1 );
								stkStack[depth++].Initialize( p.a._children0, p.b );
								stkStack[depth++].Initialize( p.a._children1, p.b );
							if( p.b.IsInternal() )
								stkStack[depth++].Initialize( p.a, p.b._children0 );
								stkStack[depth++].Initialize( p.a, p.b._children1 );
								callback.Process( p.a, p.b );
				} while( depth != 0 );
コード例 #15
ファイル: ConvexHull.cs プロジェクト: d3x0r/Voxelarium
			bool CleanupVertices( int svcount,
							   btVector3[] svertices,
							   int stride,
							   out int vcount,       // output number of vertices
							   btList<btVector3> vertices,                 // location to store the results.
							   double normalepsilon,
							   ref btVector3 scale)
				if( svcount == 0 ) {
					vcount = 0;
					return false;

				m_vertexIndexMapping.Count =( 0 );

				vcount = 0;

				double[] recip = new double[3];

				//if( scale )
					scale[0] = 1;
					scale[1] = 1;
					scale[2] = 1;

				double[] bmin = new double[3] { btScalar.BT_MAX_FLOAT, btScalar.BT_MAX_FLOAT, btScalar.BT_MAX_FLOAT };
				double[] bmax = new double[3] { btScalar.BT_MIN_FLOAT, btScalar.BT_MIN_FLOAT, btScalar.BT_MIN_FLOAT };

				//char vtx = (char)svertices;

				//	if ( 1 )
					for( uint i = 0; i < svcount; i++ )
						for( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
							if( svertices[i][j] < bmin[j] ) bmin[j] = svertices[i][j];
							if( svertices[i][j] > bmax[j] ) bmax[j] = svertices[i][j];

				double dx = bmax[0] - bmin[0];
				double dy = bmax[1] - bmin[1];
				double dz = bmax[2] - bmin[2];

				btVector3 center = new btVector3( dx * (double)( 0.5 ) + bmin[0],
					dy * (double)( 0.5 ) + bmin[1],
					dz * (double)( 0.5 ) + bmin[2] );

				if( dx < btScalar.SIMD_EPSILON || dy < btScalar.SIMD_EPSILON || dz < btScalar.SIMD_EPSILON || svcount < 3 )

					double len = btScalar.BT_MAX_FLOAT;

					if( dx > btScalar.SIMD_EPSILON & dx < len ) len = dx;
					if( dy > btScalar.SIMD_EPSILON && dy < len ) len = dy;
					if( dz > btScalar.SIMD_EPSILON && dz < len ) len = dz;

					if( len == btScalar.BT_MAX_FLOAT )
						dx = dy = dz = (double)( 0.01 ); // one centimeter
						if( dx < btScalar.SIMD_EPSILON ) dx = len * (double)( 0.05 ); // 1/5th the shortest non-zero edge.
						if( dy < btScalar.SIMD_EPSILON ) dy = len * (double)( 0.05 );
						if( dz < btScalar.SIMD_EPSILON ) dz = len * (double)( 0.05 );

					double x1 = center.x - dx;
					double x2 = center.x + dx;

					double y1 = center.y - dy;
					double y2 = center.y + dy;

					double z1 = center.z - dz;
					double z2 = center.z + dz;

					addPoint( ref vcount, vertices, x1, y1, z1 );
					addPoint( ref vcount, vertices, x2, y1, z1 );
					addPoint( ref vcount, vertices, x2, y2, z1 );
					addPoint( ref vcount, vertices, x1, y2, z1 );
					addPoint( ref vcount, vertices, x1, y1, z2 );
					addPoint( ref vcount, vertices, x2, y1, z2 );
					addPoint( ref vcount, vertices, x2, y2, z2 );
					addPoint( ref vcount, vertices, x1, y2, z2 );

					return true; // return cube

					//if( scale )
						scale[0] = dx;
						scale[1] = dy;
						scale[2] = dz;

						recip[0] = 1 / dx;
						recip[1] = 1 / dy;
						recip[2] = 1 / dz;

						center.x = recip[0];
						center.y = recip[1];
						center.z = recip[2];



				//vtx = (stringchar)svertices;

				for( uint i = 0; i < svcount; i++ )
					//btVector3 p = (btVector3)vtx;
					//vtx += stride;

					double px = svertices[i].x;
					double py = svertices[i].y;
					double pz = svertices[i].z;

					//if( scale )
						px = px * recip[0]; // normalize
						py = py * recip[1]; // normalize
						pz = pz * recip[2]; // normalize

					//		if ( 1 )
						int j;

						btVector3[] v = vertices.InternalArray;
						for( j = 0; j < vcount; j++ )
							/// XXX might be broken

							double x = v[j][0];
							double y = v[j][1];
							double z = v[j][2];

							dx = btScalar.btFabs( x - px );
							dy = btScalar.btFabs( y - py );
							dz = btScalar.btFabs( z - pz );

							if( dx < normalepsilon && dy < normalepsilon && dz < normalepsilon )
								// ok, it is close enough to the old one
								// now let us see if it is further from the center of the point cloud than the one we already recorded.
								// in which case we keep this one instead.

								double dist1 = GetDist( px, py, pz, ref center );
								double dist2 = GetDist( v[j][0], v[j][1], v[j][2], ref center );

								if( dist1 > dist2 )
									v[j][0] = px;
									v[j][1] = py;
									v[j][2] = pz;



						if( j == vcount )
							vertices.InternalArray[vcount][0] = px;
							vertices.InternalArray[vcount][1] = py;
							vertices.InternalArray[vcount][2] = pz;
						m_vertexIndexMapping.Add( j );

				// ok..now make sure we didn't prune so many vertices it is now invalid.
				//	if ( 1 )
					/* reset min max */
					bmin = new double[] { btScalar.BT_MAX_FLOAT, btScalar.BT_MAX_FLOAT, btScalar.BT_MAX_FLOAT };
					bmax = new double[] { btScalar.BT_MIN_FLOAT, btScalar.BT_MIN_FLOAT, btScalar.BT_MIN_FLOAT };

					for( int i = 0; i < vcount; i++ )
						btVector3 p = vertices[i];
						for( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
							if( p[j] < bmin[j] ) bmin[j] = p[j];
							if( p[j] > bmax[j] ) bmax[j] = p[j];

					dx = bmax[0] - bmin[0];
					dy = bmax[1] - bmin[1];
					dz = bmax[2] - bmin[2];

					if( dx < btScalar.SIMD_EPSILON || dy < btScalar.SIMD_EPSILON || dz < btScalar.SIMD_EPSILON || vcount < 3 )
						double cx = dx * 0.5 + bmin[0];
						double cy = dy * 0.5 + bmin[1];
						double cz = dz * 0.5 + bmin[2];

						double len = btScalar.BT_MAX_FLOAT;

						if( dx >= btScalar.SIMD_EPSILON && dx < len ) len = dx;
						if( dy >= btScalar.SIMD_EPSILON && dy < len ) len = dy;
						if( dz >= btScalar.SIMD_EPSILON && dz < len ) len = dz;

						if( len == btScalar.BT_MAX_FLOAT )
							dx = dy = dz = (double)( 0.01 ); // one centimeter
							if( dx < btScalar.SIMD_EPSILON ) dx = len * (double)( 0.05 ); // 1/5th the shortest non-zero edge.
							if( dy < btScalar.SIMD_EPSILON ) dy = len * (double)( 0.05 );
							if( dz < btScalar.SIMD_EPSILON ) dz = len * (double)( 0.05 );

						double x1 = cx - dx;
						double x2 = cx + dx;

						double y1 = cy - dy;
						double y2 = cy + dy;

						double z1 = cz - dz;
						double z2 = cz + dz;

						vcount = 0; // add box

						addPoint( ref vcount, vertices, x1, y1, z1 );
						addPoint( ref vcount, vertices, x2, y1, z1 );
						addPoint( ref vcount, vertices, x2, y2, z1 );
						addPoint( ref vcount, vertices, x1, y2, z1 );
						addPoint( ref vcount, vertices, x1, y1, z2 );
						addPoint( ref vcount, vertices, x2, y1, z2 );
						addPoint( ref vcount, vertices, x2, y2, z2 );
						addPoint( ref vcount, vertices, x1, y2, z2 );

						return true;

				return true;
コード例 #16
ファイル: ConvexHull.cs プロジェクト: d3x0r/Voxelarium
			static void addPoint( ref int vcount, btList<btVector3> p, double x, double y, double z )
				// XXX, might be broken
				p.InternalArray[vcount].x = x;
				p.InternalArray[vcount].y = y;
				p.InternalArray[vcount].z = z;
コード例 #17
ファイル: ConvexHull.cs プロジェクト: d3x0r/Voxelarium
			//*[]*  HullLib header

			//*[]*  HullLib implementation

			HullError CreateConvexHull( HullDesc       desc,           // describes the input request
										HullResult           result)         // contains the resulst
				HullError ret = HullError.QE_FAIL;

				PHullResult hr = new PHullResult();

				int vcount = desc.mVcount;
				if( vcount < 8 ) vcount = 8;

				btList<btVector3> vertexSource = new btList<btVector3>();
				vertexSource.Count = vertexSource.Capacity = ( (int)vcount  );

				btVector3 scale = btVector3.Zero;

				int ovcount;

				bool ok = CleanupVertices( desc.mVcount, desc.mVertices.InternalArray, desc.mVertexStride
						, out ovcount, vertexSource, desc.mNormalEpsilon, ref scale ); // normalize point cloud, remove duplicates!

				if( ok )

					//		if ( 1 ) // scale vertices back to their original size.
						for( uint i = 0; i < ovcount; i++ )
							btVector3 v = vertexSource[(int)( i )];
							v[0] = scale[0];
							v[1] = scale[1];
							v[2] = scale[2];

					ok = ComputeHull( ovcount, vertexSource.InternalArray, hr, desc.mMaxVertices );

					if( ok )

						// re-index triangle mesh so it refers to only used vertices, rebuild a new vertex table.
						btList<btVector3> vertexScratch = new btList<btVector3>( (int)hr.mVcount );

						BringOutYourDead( hr.mVertices, hr.mVcount, vertexScratch, out ovcount, hr.m_Indices, hr.mIndexCount );

						ret = HullError.QE_OK;

						if( desc.HasHullFlag( HullFlag.QF_TRIANGLES ) ) // if he wants the results as triangle!
							result.mPolygons = false;
							result.mNumOutputVertices = ovcount;
							result.m_OutputVertices.Count = result.m_OutputVertices.Capacity = ovcount;
							result.mNumFaces = hr.mFaceCount;
							result.mNumIndices = hr.mIndexCount;

							result.m_Indices.Count = result.m_Indices.Capacity = hr.mIndexCount;
							for( int j = 0; j < ovcount; j++ )
								result.m_OutputVertices[j] = vertexScratch[j];
							//memcpy( result.m_OutputVertices, vertexScratch, sizeof( btVector3 ) * ovcount );

							uint[] source = hr.m_Indices.InternalArray;
							uint[] dest = result.m_Indices.InternalArray;
							if( desc.HasHullFlag( HullFlag.QF_REVERSE_ORDER ) )

								for( uint i = 0; i < hr.mFaceCount; i++ )
									//dest = source;
									dest[i*3+0] = source[i*3+2];
									dest[i * 3 + 1] = source[i * 3 + 1];
									dest[i * 3 + 2] = source[i * 3 + 0];
									//dest += 3;
									//source += 3;

								for( int i = 0; i < 3*hr.mIndexCount; i++ )
									dest[i] = source[i];
								//memcpy( result.m_Indices, hr.m_Indices, sizeof( uint ) * hr.mIndexCount );

							result.mPolygons = true;
							result.mNumOutputVertices = ovcount;
							result.m_OutputVertices.Count = result.m_OutputVertices.Capacity = ovcount;
							result.mNumFaces = hr.mFaceCount;
							result.mNumIndices = hr.mIndexCount + hr.mFaceCount;
							result.m_Indices.Count = result.m_Indices.Capacity = ( result.mNumIndices );
								btVector3[] dest = result.m_OutputVertices.InternalArray;
								btVector3[] source = vertexScratch.InternalArray;
								for( int i = 0; i < 3 * hr.mIndexCount; i++ )
									dest[i] = source[i];
							//memcpy( result.m_OutputVertices, vertexScratch, sizeof( btVector3 ) * ovcount );

							//				if ( 1 )
								uint[] source = hr.m_Indices.InternalArray;
								uint[] dest = result.m_Indices.InternalArray;
								for( uint i = 0; i < hr.mFaceCount; i++ )
									dest[i*4 + 0] = 3;
									if( desc.HasHullFlag( HullFlag.QF_REVERSE_ORDER ) )
										dest[i * 4 + 1] = source[i * 3 + 2];
										dest[i * 4 + 2] = source[i * 3 + 1];
										dest[i * 4 + 3] = source[i * 3 + 0];
										dest[i * 4 + 1] = source[i * 3 + 0];
										dest[i * 4 + 2] = source[i * 3 + 1];
										dest[i * 4 + 3] = source[i*3+2];

									//dest += 4;
									//source += 3;
						ReleaseHull( hr );

				return ret;
コード例 #18
ファイル: Dbvt.cs プロジェクト: d3x0r/Voxelarium
		// depth is defaulted to -1
		public static void FetchLeafs( btDbvt pdbvt, btDbvtNode root, btList<btDbvtNode> leafs )
			FetchLeafs( pdbvt, root, leafs, -1 );
コード例 #19
ファイル: Dbvt.cs プロジェクト: d3x0r/Voxelarium
		public static void FetchLeafs( btDbvt pdbvt, btDbvtNode root, btList<btDbvtNode> leafs, int depth )
			if( root.IsInternal() && depth != 0 )
				FetchLeafs( pdbvt, root._children0, leafs, depth - 1 );
				FetchLeafs( pdbvt, root._children1, leafs, depth - 1 );
				DeleteNode( pdbvt, root );
				leafs.Add( root );
コード例 #20
ファイル: Dbvt.cs プロジェクト: d3x0r/Voxelarium
		public static void Bounds( btList<btDbvtNode> leafs, out btDbvtVolume volume )
			volume = leafs[0].volume;
			foreach( btDbvtNode node in leafs )
				btDbvtVolume.Merge( ref volume, ref node.volume, out volume );
コード例 #21
ファイル: Dbvt.cs プロジェクト: d3x0r/Voxelarium
		public static btDbvtNode TopDown( btDbvt pdbvt, btList<btDbvtNode> leaves, int bu_treshold )
			if( leaves.Count > 1 )
				if( leaves.Count > bu_treshold )
					btDbvtVolume vol; Bounds( leaves, out vol );
					btVector3 org = vol.Center();
					btList<btDbvtNode> sets0 = new btList<btDbvtNode>();
					btList<btDbvtNode> sets1 = new btList<btDbvtNode>();
					int bestaxis = -1;
					int bestmidp = leaves.Count;
					int[] a1 = new int[] { 0, 0 };
					int[] a2 = new int[] { 0, 0 };
					int[] a3 = new int[] { 0, 0 };

					int[][] splitcount = new int[][] { a1, a2, a3 };
					int i;
					for( i = 0; i < leaves.Count; ++i )
						btVector3 x = leaves[i].volume.Center() - org;
						for( int j = 0; j < 3; ++j )
							++splitcount[j][btVector3.dot( ref x, ref axis[j] ) > 0 ? 1 : 0];
					for( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
						if( ( splitcount[i][0] > 0 ) && ( splitcount[i][1] > 0 ) )
							int midp = (int)Math.Abs( ( splitcount[i][0] - splitcount[i][1] ) );
							if( midp < bestmidp )
								bestaxis = i;
								bestmidp = midp;
					if( bestaxis >= 0 )
						sets0.Capacity = ( splitcount[bestaxis][0] );
						sets1.Capacity = ( splitcount[bestaxis][1] );
						Split( leaves, sets0, sets1, ref org, ref axis[bestaxis] );
						sets0.Capacity = ( leaves.Count / 2 + 1 );
						sets1.Capacity = ( leaves.Count / 2 );
						for( int i2 = 0, ni = leaves.Count; i2 < ni; ++i2 )
							if( (i2 & 1)== 0 )
								sets0.Add( leaves[i2] );
								sets1.Add( leaves[i2] );
					btDbvtNode node = CreateNode( pdbvt, null, ref vol, null );
					node._children0 = TopDown( pdbvt, sets0, bu_treshold );
					node._children1 = TopDown( pdbvt, sets1, bu_treshold );
					node._children0.parent = node;
					node._children1.parent = node;
					return ( node );
					BottomUp( pdbvt, leaves );
					return ( leaves[0] );
			return ( leaves[0] );
コード例 #22
ファイル: ConvexHull.cs プロジェクト: d3x0r/Voxelarium
			int calchullgen( btVector3[] verts, int verts_count, int vlimit )
				if( verts_count < 4 ) return 0;
				if( vlimit == 0 ) vlimit = 1000000000;
				int j;
				btVector3 bmin = verts[0], bmax= verts[0];
				btList<int> isextreme = new btList<int>( verts_count );
				btList<int> allow = new btList<int>( verts_count );

				for( j = 0; j < verts_count; j++ )
					allow.Add( 1 );
					isextreme.Add( 0 );
					bmin.setMin( ref verts[j] );
					bmax.setMax( ref verts[j] );
				btVector3 del;
				bmax.Sub( ref bmin, out del );
				double epsilon = ( del ).length() * 0.001;
				Debug.Assert( epsilon != 0.0 );

				int4 p = FindSimplex( verts, verts_count, allow.InternalArray );
				if( p.x == -1 ) return 0; // simplex failed

				btVector3 tmp;
				btVector3 center; //= ( verts[p[0]] + verts[p[1]] + verts[p[2]] + verts[p[3]] ) / 4.0;  // a valid interior point
				verts[p[0]].Add( ref verts[p[1]], out tmp );
				tmp.Add( ref verts[p[2]], out tmp );
				tmp.Add( ref verts[p[3]], out tmp );
				tmp.Div( 4, out center );
				btHullTriangle t0 = allocateTriangle( p[2], p[3], p[1] ); t0.n = new int3( 2, 3, 1 );
				btHullTriangle t1 = allocateTriangle( p[3], p[2], p[0] ); t1.n = new int3( 3, 2, 0 );
				btHullTriangle t2 = allocateTriangle( p[0], p[1], p[3] ); t2.n = new int3( 0, 1, 3 );
				btHullTriangle t3 = allocateTriangle( p[1], p[0], p[2] ); t3.n = new int3( 1, 0, 2 );
				isextreme[p[0]] = isextreme[p[1]] = isextreme[p[2]] = isextreme[p[3]] = 1;
				checkit( t0 ); checkit( t1 ); checkit( t2 ); checkit( t3 );

				for( j = 0; j < m_tris.Count; j++ )
					btHullTriangle t = m_tris[j];
					Debug.Assert( t != null );
					Debug.Assert( t.vmax < 0 );
					btVector3 n; btPlane.TriNormal( ref verts[ t.v[0]], ref verts[ t.v[1]], ref verts[ t.v[2]], out n );
					t.vmax = maxdirsterid( verts, verts_count, ref n, allow.InternalArray );
					btVector3 tmp2;
					verts[t.vmax].Sub( ref verts[( t ).v[0]], out tmp2 );
					t.rise = btVector3.btDot( ref n, ref tmp );
				btHullTriangle te;
				vlimit -= 4;
				while( vlimit > 0 && ( ( te = extrudable( epsilon ) ) != null ) )
					//int3 ti=te;
					int v = te.vmax;
					Debug.Assert( v != -1 );
					Debug.Assert( isextreme[v] == 0 );  // wtf we've already done this vertex
					isextreme[v] = 1;
					//if(v==p0 || v==p1 || v==p2 || v==p3) continue; // done these already
					j = m_tris.Count;
					while( j-- != 0  )
						if( m_tris[j] == null ) continue;
						int3 t = m_tris[j].v;
						if( above( verts, t, ref verts[v], 0.01 * epsilon ) )
							extrude( m_tris[j], v );
					// now check for those degenerate cases where we have a flipped triangle or a really skinny triangle
					j = m_tris.Count;
					while( j-- != 0 )
						if( m_tris[j] == null ) continue;
						if( !hasvert( m_tris[j].v, v ) ) break;
						int3 nt = m_tris[j].v;
						btVector3 tmp2;
						btVector3 tmp3;
						verts[nt[1]].Sub( ref verts[nt[0]], out tmp );
						verts[nt[2]].Sub( ref verts[nt[1]], out tmp2 );
                        btVector3.btCross( ref tmp, ref tmp2, out tmp3 );
                        if( above( verts, nt, ref center, 0.01 * epsilon ) || 
							tmp3.length() < epsilon * epsilon * 0.1 )
							btHullTriangle nb = m_tris[m_tris[j].n[0]];
							Debug.Assert( nb != null ); Debug.Assert( !hasvert( nb.v, v ) ); Debug.Assert( nb.id < j );
							extrude( nb, v );
							j = m_tris.Count;
					j = m_tris.Count;
					while( j-- != 0 )
						btHullTriangle t = m_tris[j];
						if( t == null ) continue;
						if( t.vmax >= 0 ) break;
						btVector3 n; btPlane.TriNormal( ref verts[( t ).v[0]], ref verts[( t ).v[1]], ref verts[( t ).v[2]], out n );
						t.vmax = maxdirsterid( verts, verts_count, ref n, allow.InternalArray );
						if( isextreme[t.vmax] != 0 )
							t.vmax = -1; // already done that vertex - algorithm needs to be able to terminate.
							verts[t.vmax].Sub( ref verts[( t ).v[0]], out tmp );
                            t.rise = btVector3.btDot( ref n, ref tmp );
				return 1;
コード例 #23
ファイル: Dbvt.cs プロジェクト: d3x0r/Voxelarium
		public static void BottomUp( btDbvt pdbvt, btList<btDbvtNode> leaves )
			while( leaves.Count > 1 )
				double minsize = double.MaxValue;
				int minidx0 =  -1;
				int minidx1 =  -1;
				for( int i = 0; i < leaves.Count; ++i )
					for( int j = i + 1; j < leaves.Count; ++j )
						btDbvtVolume mergeResults = btDbvtVolume.Merge( ref leaves[i].volume, ref leaves[j].volume );
						double sz = Size( ref mergeResults );
						if( sz < minsize )
							minsize = sz;
							minidx0 = i;
							minidx1 = j;
				btDbvtNode n0 =  leaves[minidx0];
				btDbvtNode n1 =  leaves[minidx1];
				btDbvtNode p = CreateNode( pdbvt, null, ref n0.volume, ref n1.volume, null );
				p._children0 = n0;
				p._children1 = n1;
				n0.parent = p;
				n1.parent = p;
				leaves[minidx0] = p;
				leaves.Swap( minidx1, leaves.Count - 1 );
				leaves.Count--;// PopBack();
コード例 #24
	void gimpact_vs_shape_find_pairs(
					  btTransform & trans0,
					  btTransform & trans1,
					  btGImpactShapeInterface * shape0,
					  btCollisionShape * shape1,
					  btList<int> & collided_primitives);
コード例 #25
		///optional method mainly used to generate multiple contact points by clipping polyhedral features (faces/edges)
		public virtual bool initializePolyhedralFeatures( bool shiftVerticesByMargin = false )

			if( m_polyhedron != null )
				m_polyhedron = null;

			m_polyhedron = new btConvexPolyhedron();

			int count = getNumVertices();
			btList<btVector3> orgVertices = new btList<btVector3>( count );
			btVector3[] arrVertices = orgVertices.InternalArray;
			for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
				getVertex( i, out arrVertices[i] );

			btConvexHullComputer conv = new btConvexHullComputer();

			if( shiftVerticesByMargin )
				btList<btVector3> planeEquations = new btList<btVector3>();
				btGeometryUtil.getPlaneEquationsFromVertices( orgVertices, planeEquations );

				btList<btVector3> shiftedPlaneEquations = new btList<btVector3>();
				for( int p = 0; p < planeEquations.Count; p++ )
					btVector3 plane = planeEquations[p];
					//	   double margin = getMargin();
					plane[3] -= getMargin();
					shiftedPlaneEquations.Add( plane );

				btList<btVector3> tmpVertices = new btList<btVector3>();

				btGeometryUtil.getVerticesFromPlaneEquations( shiftedPlaneEquations, tmpVertices );

				conv.compute( tmpVertices, tmpVertices.Count, 0, 0 );
				conv.compute( orgVertices, orgVertices.Count, 0, 0 );

			btList<btVector3> faceNormals = new btList<btVector3>( conv.faces.Count );
			int numFaces = conv.faces.Count;
			btConvexHullComputer convexUtil = conv;
			btVector3[] arr_faceNormals = faceNormals.InternalArray;

			btList<btConvexPolyhedron.btFace> tmpFaces = new btList<btConvexPolyhedron.btFace>( numFaces );

			int numVertices = convexUtil.vertices.Count;
			m_polyhedron.m_vertices.Count = m_polyhedron.m_vertices.Capacity = ( numVertices );

			for( int p = 0; p < numVertices; p++ )
				m_polyhedron.m_vertices[p] = convexUtil.vertices[p];

			for( int i = 0; i < numFaces; i++ )
				btConvexHullComputer.Edge face = convexUtil.faces[i];
				//btConvexHullComputer::Edge* firstEdge = &convexUtil.edges[face];
				btConvexHullComputer.Edge edge = face;

				btVector3[] edges = new btVector3[3];
				int numEdges = 0;
				//compute face normals

					int src = edge.getSourceVertex();
					tmpFaces[i].m_indices.Add( (short)src );
					int targ = edge.getTargetVertex();
					btVector3 wa = convexUtil.vertices[src];

					btVector3 wb = convexUtil.vertices[targ];
					btVector3 newEdge; wb.Sub( ref wa, out newEdge );
					if( numEdges < 2 )
						edges[numEdges++] = newEdge;

					edge = edge.getNextEdgeOfFace();
				} while( edge != face );

				double planeEq = btScalar.BT_LARGE_FLOAT;

				if( numEdges == 2 )
					edges[0].cross( ref edges[1], out faceNormals.InternalArray[i] );
					tmpFaces[i].m_plane[0] = faceNormals[i].x;
					tmpFaces[i].m_plane[1] = faceNormals[i].y;
					tmpFaces[i].m_plane[2] = faceNormals[i].z;
					tmpFaces[i].m_plane[3] = planeEq;

					Debug.Assert( false );//degenerate?

				for( int v = 0; v < tmpFaces[i].m_indices.Count; v++ )
					double eq = m_polyhedron.m_vertices[tmpFaces[i].m_indices[v]].dot( ref arr_faceNormals[i] );
					if( planeEq > eq )
						planeEq = eq;
				tmpFaces[i].m_plane[3] = -planeEq;

			//merge coplanar faces and copy them to m_polyhedron

			double faceWeldThreshold = 0.999f;
			btList<int> todoFaces = new btList<int>();
			for( int i = 0; i < tmpFaces.Count; i++ )
				todoFaces.Add( i );

			btList<int> coplanarFaceGroup = new btList<int>();
			while( todoFaces.Count > 0 )
				int refFace = todoFaces[todoFaces.Count - 1];

				coplanarFaceGroup.Add( refFace );
				btConvexPolyhedron.btFace faceA = tmpFaces[refFace];

				btVector3 faceNormalA = new btVector3( faceA.m_plane[0], faceA.m_plane[1], faceA.m_plane[2] );
				for( int j = todoFaces.Count - 1; j >= 0; j-- )
					int i = todoFaces[j];
					btConvexPolyhedron.btFace faceB = tmpFaces[i];
					btVector3 faceNormalB = new btVector3( faceB.m_plane[0], faceB.m_plane[1], faceB.m_plane[2] );
					if( faceNormalA.dot( ref faceNormalB ) > faceWeldThreshold )
						coplanarFaceGroup.Add( i );
						todoFaces.RemoveAt( i );

				bool did_merge = false;
				if( coplanarFaceGroup.Count > 1 )
					//do the merge: use Graham Scan 2d convex hull

					btList<GrahamVector3> orgpoints = new btList<GrahamVector3>();
					btVector3 averageFaceNormal = btVector3.Zero;

					for( int i = 0; i < coplanarFaceGroup.Count; i++ )
						//				m_polyhedron.m_faces.Add(tmpFaces[coplanarFaceGroup[i]]);

						btConvexPolyhedron.btFace face = tmpFaces[coplanarFaceGroup[i]];
						btVector3 faceNormal = new btVector3( face.m_plane[0], face.m_plane[1], face.m_plane[2] );
						averageFaceNormal.Add( ref faceNormal, out averageFaceNormal );
						for( int f = 0; f < face.m_indices.Count; f++ )
							int orgIndex = face.m_indices[f];
							btVector3 pt = m_polyhedron.m_vertices[orgIndex];

							bool found = false;

							for( int j = 0; j < orgpoints.Count; j++ )
								//if ((orgpoints[i].m_orgIndex == orgIndex) || ((rotatedPt-orgpoints[i]).length2()<0.0001))
								if( orgpoints[j].m_orgIndex == orgIndex )
									found = true;
							if( !found )
								orgpoints.Add( new GrahamVector3( ref pt, orgIndex ) );

					btConvexPolyhedron.btFace combinedFace = new btConvexPolyhedron.btFace();
					for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
						combinedFace.m_plane[i] = tmpFaces[coplanarFaceGroup[0]].m_plane[i];

					btList<GrahamVector3> hull = new btList<GrahamVector3>();

					GrahamVector3.GrahamScanConvexHull2D( orgpoints, hull, ref averageFaceNormal );

					for( int i = 0; i < hull.Count; i++ )
						combinedFace.m_indices.Add( hull[i].m_orgIndex );
						for( int k = 0; k < orgpoints.Count; k++ )
							if( orgpoints[k].m_orgIndex == hull[i].m_orgIndex )
								orgpoints[k].m_orgIndex = -1; // invalidate...

					// are there rejected vertices?
					bool reject_merge = false;

					for( int i = 0; i < orgpoints.Count; i++ )
						if( orgpoints[i].m_orgIndex == -1 )
							continue; // this is in the hull...
									  // this vertex is rejected -- is anybody else using this vertex?
						for( int j = 0; j < tmpFaces.Count; j++ )

							btConvexPolyhedron.btFace face = tmpFaces[j];
							// is this a face of the current coplanar group?
							bool is_in_current_group = false;
							for( int k = 0; k < coplanarFaceGroup.Count; k++ )
								if( coplanarFaceGroup[k] == j )
									is_in_current_group = true;
							if( is_in_current_group ) // ignore this face...
							// does this face use this rejected vertex?
							for( int v = 0; v < face.m_indices.Count; v++ )
								if( face.m_indices[v] == orgpoints[i].m_orgIndex )
									// this rejected vertex is used in another face -- reject merge
									reject_merge = true;
							if( reject_merge )
						if( reject_merge )

					if( !reject_merge )
						// do this merge!
						did_merge = true;
						m_polyhedron.m_faces.Add( combinedFace );
				if( !did_merge )
					for( int i = 0; i < coplanarFaceGroup.Count; i++ )
						btConvexPolyhedron.btFace face = tmpFaces[coplanarFaceGroup[i]];
						m_polyhedron.m_faces.Add( face );




			return true;
コード例 #26
ファイル: ConvexHull.cs プロジェクト: d3x0r/Voxelarium
			void BringOutYourDead( btList<btVector3> verts, int vcount, btList<btVector3> overts, out int ocount, TUIntArray indices, int indexcount )
				btList<int> tmpIndices = new btList<int>( m_vertexIndexMapping.Count );
				int i;

				for( i = 0; i < m_vertexIndexMapping.Count; i++ )
					tmpIndices[i] = m_vertexIndexMapping[i];

				TUIntArray usedIndices = new TUIntArray( (int)vcount );
				//usedIndices.Capacity( (int)vcount ) );
				//memset( usedIndices, 0, sizeof( uint ) * vcount );

				ocount = 0;

				for( i = 0; i < (int)indexcount; i++ )
					int v = (int)indices[i]; // original array index

					Debug.Assert( v >= 0 && v < vcount );

					if( usedIndices[(int) v] != 0 ) // if already remapped
						indices[i] = usedIndices[v] - 1; // index to new array

						indices[i] = (uint)ocount;      // new index mapping

						overts[ocount] = verts[v]; // copy old vert to new vert array

						for( int k = 0; k < m_vertexIndexMapping.Count; k++ )
							if( tmpIndices[k] ==  v )
								m_vertexIndexMapping[k] = ocount;

						ocount++; // increment output vert count

						Debug.Assert( ocount >= 0 && ocount <= vcount );

						usedIndices[v] = (uint)ocount; // assign new index remapping
