コード例 #1
        public static void Restore(ZComponent newObj, ZComponent oldObj)
            if (newObj == null || oldObj == null) return;
            //Console.WriteLine("Restore: {0}({1}) -> {2}({3})", oldObj.GetType().Name, oldObj.Name ?? "", newObj.GetType().Name, newObj.Name ?? "");

            MemberwiseCopy(newObj, newObj.GetType(), oldObj, oldObj.GetType());

            // A reference to oldObj should be updated to newObj in its Children
            foreach (ZComponent child in newObj.Children)
                if (child.Owner == oldObj) child.ReplaceOwner(newObj);

            // If it is NOT a ZApplication
            if (typeof(ZApplication).IsAssignableFrom(newObj.GetType()) == false)
                ZComponent.App.RemoveComponent(oldObj);     // remove the old component
                //ZComponent.App.AddNewComponent(newObj);        // add the new component
                // We should always set the Owner <= old Owner has been copied to newObj
                if (newObj.OwnerList != null)  // replace old object in OwnerList
                    //newObj.OwnerList = oldObj.OwnerList;
                    int idx = newObj.OwnerList.IndexOf(oldObj);
                    if (idx != -1) newObj.OwnerList[idx] = newObj;
                else if (newObj.Owner != null) // replace old object among Owner's Children
                    int idx = newObj.Owner.Children.IndexOf(oldObj);
                    if (idx != -1) newObj.Owner.Children[idx] = newObj;

                if (typeof(Model).IsAssignableFrom(newObj.GetType()))
                    ZComponent.App.RemoveModel(oldObj as Model);
                    Model newMod = newObj as Model;
                    // Find named reference in App (only necessary for GameObjects)
                    if (newMod != null && newMod.Prototype == false && newMod.HasName())
                        FieldInfo fi = ZComponent.App.GetType().GetField(newMod.Name, BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
                        if (fi != null && fi.FieldType == newObj.GetType())
                            //Console.WriteLine("Setting named reference {0} / {1}", fi.Name, fi.FieldType.Name);
                            fi.SetValue(ZComponent.App, newObj);
                    // Clear the static CustomGame reference 'App' in the old model classes
                    // It is enough to do this for the prototypes (there is one prototype for each class)
                    // If we don't null this, the old application will never be finalized
                    if (newMod.Prototype)
                        FieldInfo fi = oldObj.GetType().GetField("App", BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
                        if (fi != null)
                            //Console.WriteLine("Setting named reference {0} / {1}", fi.Name, fi.FieldType.Name);
                            fi.SetValue(oldObj, null);
            // Correct the Treeview tags
            ZNodeProperties props = newObj.Tag as ZNodeProperties;
            if (props != null)
                props.Component = newObj;          

                TreeNode treeNode = props.treeNode;
                if (treeNode != null)
                    foreach (TreeNode childNode in treeNode.Nodes)
                        ZNodeProperties props1 = childNode.Tag as ZNodeProperties;
                        // Clear the reference to oldObj in the ZNodeProperties of all children / member lists
                        if (props1 != null && props1.Parent == oldObj)
                            props1.Parent = newObj;                            
                        /*foreach (TreeNode grandchildNode in childNode.Nodes)
                            ZNodeProperties props2 = grandchildNode.Tag as ZNodeProperties;
                            if (props2 != null && props2.parent_component == oldObj)
                                props2.parent_component = newObj;
                                // oldObj can also be the Owner of its grandchildren (in various member lists)
                                // this reference must be updated to newObj 
                                ZComponent grandchild = props2.component as ZComponent;
                                if (grandchild != null && grandchild.Owner == oldObj) grandchild.Owner = newObj;

            // oldObj can also be the Owner of its grandchildren (in various member lists)
            // the Owner reference must be updated to newObj in all components 
            foreach(ZComponent comp in ZComponent.App.GetAllComponents())
                if (comp.Owner == oldObj) comp.ReplaceOwner(newObj);

            // oldObj can also be the Owner of ZEvent instances
            // update the Owner reference to newObj
            foreach (ZEvent ev in ZComponent.App.FindEvents(oldObj))
                ev.Owner = newObj;

            // If it is a ZApplication
            if (typeof(ZApplication).IsAssignableFrom(newObj.GetType()))
                // Check named references in CustomGame                
                foreach(FieldInfo fi in newObj.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance))
                    // If the named reference is null, then try to find the component
                    // This is necessary for all newly-added or renamed components
                    if (fi.GetValue(newObj) == null)                       
                        ZComponent comp = ZComponent.App.Find(fi.Name);
                        if (comp != null && fi.FieldType == comp.GetType())
                            Console.WriteLine("Setting new named reference {0} / {1}", fi.Name, fi.FieldType.Name);
                            fi.SetValue(newObj, comp);

            // If the oldObj was selected in the editor, then we have to replace it with newObj 
            if (editor.SelectedComponent == oldObj)
                editor.SelectedComponent = newObj;
                //Console.WriteLine("SelectedComponent changed to {0}", newObj.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName);