コード例 #1
        internal void TransformFrameAbsolute(SdkMeshFile file, double time)
            int tick = file.GetAnimationKeyFromTime(time);

            if (this.AnimationFrameIndex != -1)
                SdkMeshAnimationFrame animationFrame   = file.AnimationFrames[this.AnimationFrameIndex];
                SdkMeshAnimationKey   animationKey     = animationFrame.AnimationKeys[tick];
                SdkMeshAnimationKey   animationKeyOrig = animationFrame.AnimationKeys[0];

                XMMatrix mTrans1 = XMMatrix.Translation(-animationKeyOrig.Translation.X, -animationKeyOrig.Translation.Y, -animationKeyOrig.Translation.Z);
                XMMatrix mTrans2 = XMMatrix.Translation(animationKey.Translation.X, animationKey.Translation.Y, animationKey.Translation.Z);

                XMVector quat1 = animationKeyOrig.Orientation;
                quat1 = XMQuaternion.Inverse(quat1);
                XMMatrix mRot1  = XMMatrix.RotationQuaternion(quat1);
                XMMatrix mInvTo = mTrans1 * mRot1;

                XMVector quat2 = animationKey.Orientation;
                XMMatrix mRot2 = XMMatrix.RotationQuaternion(quat2);
                XMMatrix mFrom = mRot2 * mTrans2;

                XMMatrix mOutput = mInvTo * mFrom;
                this.TransformedFrameMatrix = mOutput;
コード例 #2
        static void Transform(XMMatrix target, Viewport viewport, float angle, float scale, float w, float h)
            using var r = new XMMatrix();
            using var b = new XMMatrix();
            using var s = new XMMatrix();
            using var t = new XMMatrix();

            r.RotationZ((float)(angle / 180 * Math.PI));
            s.Scaling(scale, scale, 1.0f);
            t.Translation(viewport.Width / 2 - w * scale / 2, viewport.Height / 2 - h * scale / 2, 0.0f);
            b.Translation(-viewport.Width / 2, -viewport.Height / 2, 0.0f);
            b.Translation(viewport.Width / 2, viewport.Height / 2, 0.0f);


コード例 #3
        public void Update(ITimer timer)
            float t = timer == null ? 0.0f : (float)timer.TotalSeconds;

            this.worldMatrix1 = XMMatrix.RotationY(t);

            XMMatrix spin      = XMMatrix.RotationZ(-t);
            XMMatrix orbit     = XMMatrix.RotationY(-t * 2.0f);
            XMMatrix translate = XMMatrix.Translation(-4.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            XMMatrix scale     = XMMatrix.Scaling(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f);

            this.worldMatrix2 = scale * spin * translate * orbit;
コード例 #4
        internal void TransformFrame(SdkMeshFile file, XMMatrix parentWorld, double time)
            // Get the tick data
            XMMatrix mLocalTransform;

            int tick = file.GetAnimationKeyFromTime(time);

            if (this.AnimationFrameIndex == -1)
                mLocalTransform = this.Matrix;
                SdkMeshAnimationFrame animationFrame = file.AnimationFrames[this.AnimationFrameIndex];
                SdkMeshAnimationKey   animationKey   = animationFrame.AnimationKeys[tick];

                // turn it into a matrix (Ignore scaling for now)
                XMFloat3 parentPos  = animationKey.Translation;
                XMMatrix mTranslate = XMMatrix.Translation(parentPos.X, parentPos.Y, parentPos.Z);

                XMVector quat = animationKey.Orientation;

                if (XMVector4.Equal(quat, XMVector.Zero))
                    quat = XMQuaternion.Identity;

                quat = XMQuaternion.Normalize(quat);
                XMMatrix mQuat = XMMatrix.RotationQuaternion(quat);
                mLocalTransform = mQuat * mTranslate;

            // Transform ourselves
            XMMatrix mLocalWorld = mLocalTransform * parentWorld;

            this.TransformedFrameMatrix = mLocalWorld;
            this.WorldPoseFrameMatrix   = mLocalWorld;

            // Transform our siblings
            if (this.SiblingFrameIndex != -1)
                file.Frames[this.SiblingFrameIndex].TransformFrame(file, parentWorld, time);

            // Transform our children
            if (this.ChildFrameIndex != -1)
                file.Frames[this.ChildFrameIndex].TransformFrame(file, mLocalWorld, time);
        public override void FrameMove(double fElapsedTime)
            if (IsKeyDown(m_aKeys[(int)SdkCameraKey.Reset]))

            // If no dragged has happend since last time FrameMove is called,
            // and no camera key is held down, then no need to handle again.
            if (!m_bDragSinceLastUpdate && m_cKeysDown == 0)

            m_bDragSinceLastUpdate = false;

            //// If no mouse button is held down,
            //// Get the mouse movement (if any) if the mouse button are down
            //if( m_nCurrentButtonMask != 0 )
            //    UpdateMouseDelta( fElapsedTime );

            GetInput(m_bEnablePositionMovement, m_nCurrentButtonMask != 0);

            // Get amount of velocity based on the keyboard input and drag (if any)

            // Simple euler method to calculate position delta
            XMVector vPosDelta = XMVector.LoadFloat3(m_vVelocity) * (float)fElapsedTime;

            // Change the radius from the camera to the model based on wheel scrolling
            if (m_nMouseWheelDelta != 0 && m_nZoomButtonMask == SdkCameraMouseKeys.Wheel)
                m_fRadius -= m_nMouseWheelDelta * m_fRadius * 0.1f / 120.0f;

            m_fRadius          = Math.Min(m_fMaxRadius, m_fRadius);
            m_fRadius          = Math.Max(m_fMinRadius, m_fRadius);
            m_nMouseWheelDelta = 0;

            // Get the inverse of the arcball's rotation matrix
            XMMatrix mCameraRot = m_ViewArcBall.GetRotationMatrix().Inverse();

            // Transform vectors based on camera's rotation matrix
            XMVector vWorldUp    = XMVector3.TransformCoord(XMVector.FromFloat(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), mCameraRot);
            XMVector vWorldAhead = XMVector3.TransformCoord(XMVector.FromFloat(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), mCameraRot);

            // Transform the position delta by the camera's rotation
            XMVector vPosDeltaWorld = XMVector3.TransformCoord(vPosDelta, mCameraRot);

            // Move the lookAt position
            XMVector vLookAt = m_vLookAt;

            vLookAt += vPosDeltaWorld;

            if (m_bClipToBoundary)
                vLookAt = ConstrainToBoundary(vLookAt);

            m_vLookAt = vLookAt;

            // Update the eye point based on a radius away from the lookAt position
            XMVector vEye = vLookAt - vWorldAhead * m_fRadius;

            m_vEye = vEye;

            // Update the view matrix
            XMMatrix mView = XMMatrix.LookAtLH(vEye, vLookAt, vWorldUp);

            m_mView = mView;

            XMMatrix mInvView = mView.Inverse();

            mInvView.M41 = 0.0f;
            mInvView.M42 = 0.0f;
            mInvView.M43 = 0.0f;

            XMMatrix mModelLastRot    = m_mModelLastRot;
            XMMatrix mModelLastRotInv = mModelLastRot.Inverse();

            // Accumulate the delta of the arcball's rotation in view space.
            // Note that per-frame delta rotations could be problematic over long periods of time.
            XMMatrix mModelRot0 = m_WorldArcBall.GetRotationMatrix();
            XMMatrix mModelRot  = m_mModelRot;

            mModelRot *= mView * mModelLastRotInv * mModelRot0 * mInvView;

            if (m_ViewArcBall.IsBeingDragged() && m_bAttachCameraToModel && !IsKeyDown(m_aKeys[(int)SdkCameraKey.ControlDown]))
                // Attach camera to model by inverse of the model rotation
                XMMatrix mCameraRotLast    = m_mCameraRotLast;
                XMMatrix mCameraLastRotInv = mCameraRotLast.Inverse();
                XMMatrix mCameraRotDelta   = mCameraLastRotInv * mCameraRot; // local to world matrix
                mModelRot *= mCameraRotDelta;

            m_mModelLastRot  = mModelRot0;
            m_mCameraRotLast = mCameraRot;

            // Since we're accumulating delta rotations, we need to orthonormalize
            // the matrix to prevent eventual matrix skew
            XMVector xBasis = XMVector3.Normalize(XMVector.FromFloat(mModelRot.M11, mModelRot.M12, mModelRot.M13, mModelRot.M14));
            XMVector yBasis = XMVector3.Cross(XMVector.FromFloat(mModelRot.M31, mModelRot.M32, mModelRot.M33, mModelRot.M34), xBasis);

            yBasis = XMVector3.Normalize(yBasis);
            XMVector zBasis = XMVector3.Cross(xBasis, yBasis);

            mModelRot.M11 = xBasis.X;
            mModelRot.M12 = xBasis.Y;
            mModelRot.M13 = xBasis.Z;
            mModelRot.M21 = yBasis.X;
            mModelRot.M22 = yBasis.Y;
            mModelRot.M23 = yBasis.Z;
            mModelRot.M31 = zBasis.X;
            mModelRot.M32 = zBasis.Y;
            mModelRot.M33 = zBasis.Z;

            // Translate the rotation matrix to the same position as the lookAt position
            mModelRot.M41 = vLookAt.X;
            mModelRot.M42 = vLookAt.Y;
            mModelRot.M43 = vLookAt.Z;

            m_mModelRot = mModelRot;

            // Translate world matrix so its at the center of the model
            XMMatrix mTrans = XMMatrix.Translation(-m_vModelCenter.X, -m_vModelCenter.Y, -m_vModelCenter.Z);
            XMMatrix mWorld = mTrans * mModelRot;

            m_mWorld = mWorld;
コード例 #6
        public static byte[] Generate(uint width, uint height, string optFileName, RenderFace side, RenderMethod method)
            var options = new DeviceResourcesOptions
                UseHighestFeatureLevel = false,
                PreferMultisampling    = true

            var deviceResources = new RenderTargetDeviceResources(width, height, D3D11FeatureLevel.FeatureLevel100, options);
            var optComponent    = new OptComponent(optFileName);


                optComponent.WorldMatrix =
                    XMMatrix.Translation(optComponent.OptCenter.X, -optComponent.OptCenter.Z, optComponent.OptCenter.Y)
                    * XMMatrix.ScalingFromVector(XMVector.Replicate(0.95f / optComponent.OptSize));

                switch (side)
                case RenderFace.Top:
                    optComponent.ViewMatrix = XMMatrix.LookAtRH(new XMFloat3(0, 2, 0), new XMFloat3(0, 0, 0), new XMFloat3(0, 0, 1));

                case RenderFace.Front:
                    optComponent.ViewMatrix = XMMatrix.LookAtRH(new XMFloat3(0, 0, 2), new XMFloat3(0, 0, 0), new XMFloat3(0, 1, 0));

                case RenderFace.Side:
                    optComponent.ViewMatrix = XMMatrix.LookAtRH(new XMFloat3(2, 0, 0), new XMFloat3(0, 0, 0), new XMFloat3(0, 1, 0));

                optComponent.ProjectionMatrix = XMMatrix.OrthographicRH(1, 1, 0, 5);

                var context = deviceResources.D3DContext;
                context.OutputMergerSetRenderTargets(new[] { deviceResources.D3DRenderTargetView }, deviceResources.D3DDepthStencilView);
                context.ClearRenderTargetView(deviceResources.D3DRenderTargetView, new[] { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f });
                context.ClearDepthStencilView(deviceResources.D3DDepthStencilView, D3D11ClearOptions.Depth, 1.0f, 0);


                var buffer = deviceResources.GetBackBufferContent();

                for (int i = 0; i < width * height; i++)
                    byte a = buffer[i * 4 + 3];
                    buffer[i * 4 + 3] = a == 0 ? (byte)0 : (byte)255;

                switch (method)
                case RenderMethod.Color:

                case RenderMethod.GrayScaleLight:
                    return(ConvertToGrayScaleLight(buffer, (int)width, (int)height));

                case RenderMethod.GrayScaleDark:
                    return(ConvertToGrayScaleDark(buffer, (int)width, (int)height));

                case RenderMethod.Blue:
                    return(ConvertToBlue(buffer, (int)width, (int)height));
コード例 #7
        public void CreateDeviceDependentResources(DeviceResources resources)
            this.deviceResources = resources;

            XMFloat3 vCenter = new XMFloat3(0.25767413f, -28.503521f, 111.00689f);
            XMMatrix m       = XMMatrix.Translation(-vCenter.X, -vCenter.Y, -vCenter.Z);

            m *= XMMatrix.RotationY(XMMath.PI);
            m *= XMMatrix.RotationX(XMMath.PIDivTwo);
            this.centerMesh = m;

            // Load the mesh
            this.mesh = SdkMeshFile.FromFile(

            // Create the shaders
            byte[] vertexShaderBytecode = File.ReadAllBytes("BasicHLSL11_VS.cso");
            this.vertexShader = this.deviceResources.D3DDevice.CreateVertexShader(vertexShaderBytecode, null);

            D3D11InputElementDesc[] layoutDesc = new D3D11InputElementDesc[]
                new D3D11InputElementDesc
                    SemanticName         = "POSITION",
                    SemanticIndex        = 0,
                    Format               = DxgiFormat.R32G32B32Float,
                    InputSlot            = 0,
                    AlignedByteOffset    = 0,
                    InputSlotClass       = D3D11InputClassification.PerVertexData,
                    InstanceDataStepRate = 0
                new D3D11InputElementDesc
                    SemanticName         = "NORMAL",
                    SemanticIndex        = 0,
                    Format               = DxgiFormat.R32G32B32Float,
                    InputSlot            = 0,
                    AlignedByteOffset    = 12,
                    InputSlotClass       = D3D11InputClassification.PerVertexData,
                    InstanceDataStepRate = 0
                new D3D11InputElementDesc
                    SemanticName         = "TEXCOORD",
                    SemanticIndex        = 0,
                    Format               = DxgiFormat.R32G32Float,
                    InputSlot            = 0,
                    AlignedByteOffset    = 24,
                    InputSlotClass       = D3D11InputClassification.PerVertexData,
                    InstanceDataStepRate = 0

            this.inputLayout = this.deviceResources.D3DDevice.CreateInputLayout(layoutDesc, vertexShaderBytecode);

            byte[] pixelShaderBytecode = File.ReadAllBytes("BasicHLSL11_PS.cso");
            this.pixelShader = this.deviceResources.D3DDevice.CreatePixelShader(pixelShaderBytecode, null);

            // Create a sampler state
            D3D11SamplerDesc samplerDesc = new D3D11SamplerDesc(
                new float[] { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f },

            this.sampler = this.deviceResources.D3DDevice.CreateSamplerState(samplerDesc);

            // Setup constant buffers
            this.constantBufferVSPerObject = this.deviceResources.D3DDevice.CreateBuffer(
                new D3D11BufferDesc(ConstantBufferVSPerObject.Size, D3D11BindOptions.ConstantBuffer));

            this.constantBufferPSPerObject = this.deviceResources.D3DDevice.CreateBuffer(
                new D3D11BufferDesc(ConstantBufferPSPerObject.Size, D3D11BindOptions.ConstantBuffer));

            this.constantBufferPSPerFrame = this.deviceResources.D3DDevice.CreateBuffer(
                new D3D11BufferDesc(ConstantBufferPSPerFrame.Size, D3D11BindOptions.ConstantBuffer));
コード例 #8
        private void Animate(double fTime)
            float t = (float)(fTime * 0.2);

            float camera0OriginX = this.cameraOrigins[0].X;
            float camera1OriginX = this.cameraOrigins[1].X;
            float camera2OriginX = this.cameraOrigins[2].X;
            float camera3OriginX = this.cameraOrigins[3].X;
            float camera3OriginZ = this.cameraOrigins[3].Z;

            // animate sphere 0 around the frustum
                BoundingSphere sphere = this.secondarySpheres[0].Sphere;

                sphere.Center = new XMFloat3
                    X = 10 * XMScalar.Sin(3 * t),
                    Y = 7 * XMScalar.Cos(5 * t),
                    Z = sphere.Center.Z

                this.secondarySpheres[0].Sphere = sphere;

            // animate oriented box 0 around the frustum
                BoundingOrientedBox box = this.secondaryOrientedBoxes[0].Box;

                box.Center = new XMFloat3
                    X = 8 * XMScalar.Sin(3.5f * t),
                    Y = 5 * XMScalar.Cos(5.1f * t),
                    Z = box.Center.Z

                box.Orientation = XMQuaternion.RotationRollPitchYaw(t * 1.4f, t * 0.2f, t);

                this.secondaryOrientedBoxes[0].Box = box;

            // animate aligned box 0 around the frustum
                BoundingBox box = this.secondaryAABoxes[0].Box;

                box.Center = new XMFloat3
                    X = 10 * XMScalar.Sin(2.1f * t),
                    Y = 7 * XMScalar.Cos(3.8f * t),
                    Z = box.Center.Z

                this.secondaryAABoxes[0].Box = box;

            // animate sphere 1 around the aligned box
                BoundingSphere sphere = this.secondarySpheres[1].Sphere;

                sphere.Center = new XMFloat3
                    X = 8 * XMScalar.Sin(2.9f * t) + camera1OriginX,
                    Y = 8 * XMScalar.Cos(4.6f * t),
                    Z = 8 * XMScalar.Cos(1.6f * t)

                this.secondarySpheres[1].Sphere = sphere;

            // animate oriented box 1 around the aligned box
                BoundingOrientedBox box = this.secondaryOrientedBoxes[1].Box;

                box.Center = new XMFloat3
                    X = 8 * XMScalar.Sin(3.2f * t) + camera1OriginX,
                    Y = 8 * XMScalar.Cos(2.1f * t),
                    Z = 8 * XMScalar.Sin(1.6f * t)

                box.Orientation = XMQuaternion.RotationRollPitchYaw(t * 0.7f, t * 1.3f, t);

                this.secondaryOrientedBoxes[1].Box = box;

            // animate aligned box 1 around the aligned box
                BoundingBox box = this.secondaryAABoxes[1].Box;

                box.Center = new XMFloat3
                    X = 8 * XMScalar.Sin(1.1f * t) + camera1OriginX,
                    Y = 8 * XMScalar.Cos(5.8f * t),
                    Z = 8 * XMScalar.Cos(3.0f * t)

                this.secondaryAABoxes[1].Box = box;

            // animate sphere 2 around the oriented box
                BoundingSphere sphere = this.secondarySpheres[2].Sphere;

                sphere.Center = new XMFloat3
                    X = 8 * XMScalar.Sin(2.2f * t) + camera2OriginX,
                    Y = 8 * XMScalar.Cos(4.3f * t),
                    Z = 8 * XMScalar.Cos(1.8f * t)

                this.secondarySpheres[2].Sphere = sphere;

            // animate oriented box 2 around the oriented box
                BoundingOrientedBox box = this.secondaryOrientedBoxes[2].Box;

                box.Center = new XMFloat3
                    X = 8 * XMScalar.Sin(3.7f * t) + camera2OriginX,
                    Y = 8 * XMScalar.Cos(2.5f * t),
                    Z = 8 * XMScalar.Sin(1.1f * t)

                box.Orientation = XMQuaternion.RotationRollPitchYaw(t * 0.9f, t * 1.8f, t);

                this.secondaryOrientedBoxes[2].Box = box;

            // animate aligned box 2 around the oriented box
                BoundingBox box = this.secondaryAABoxes[2].Box;

                box.Center = new XMFloat3
                    X = 8 * XMScalar.Sin(1.3f * t) + camera2OriginX,
                    Y = 8 * XMScalar.Cos(5.2f * t),
                    Z = 8 * XMScalar.Cos(3.5f * t)

                this.secondaryAABoxes[2].Box = box;

            // triangle points in local space - equilateral triangle with radius of 2
            XMVector trianglePointA = new(0, 2, 0, 0);
            XMVector trianglePointB = new(1.732f, -1, 0, 0);
            XMVector trianglePointC = new(-1.732f, -1, 0, 0);

            XMMatrix triangleCoords;
            XMMatrix translation;

            // animate triangle 0 around the frustum
            triangleCoords = XMMatrix.RotationRollPitchYaw(t * 1.4f, t * 2.5f, t);
            translation    = XMMatrix.Translation(
                5 * XMScalar.Sin(5.3f * t) + camera0OriginX,
                5 * XMScalar.Cos(2.3f * t),
                5 * XMScalar.Sin(3.4f * t));
            triangleCoords = XMMatrix.Multiply(triangleCoords, translation);
            this.secondaryTriangles[0].PointA = XMVector3.Transform(trianglePointA, triangleCoords);
            this.secondaryTriangles[0].PointB = XMVector3.Transform(trianglePointB, triangleCoords);
            this.secondaryTriangles[0].PointC = XMVector3.Transform(trianglePointC, triangleCoords);

            // animate triangle 1 around the aligned box
            triangleCoords = XMMatrix.RotationRollPitchYaw(t * 1.4f, t * 2.5f, t);
            translation    = XMMatrix.Translation(
                8 * XMScalar.Sin(5.3f * t) + camera1OriginX,
                8 * XMScalar.Cos(2.3f * t),
                8 * XMScalar.Sin(3.4f * t));
            triangleCoords = XMMatrix.Multiply(triangleCoords, translation);
            this.secondaryTriangles[1].PointA = XMVector3.Transform(trianglePointA, triangleCoords);
            this.secondaryTriangles[1].PointB = XMVector3.Transform(trianglePointB, triangleCoords);
            this.secondaryTriangles[1].PointC = XMVector3.Transform(trianglePointC, triangleCoords);

            // animate triangle 2 around the oriented box
            triangleCoords = XMMatrix.RotationRollPitchYaw(t * 1.4f, t * 2.5f, t);
            translation    = XMMatrix.Translation(
                8 * XMScalar.Sin(5.3f * t) + camera2OriginX,
                8 * XMScalar.Cos(2.3f * t),
                8 * XMScalar.Sin(3.4f * t));
            triangleCoords = XMMatrix.Multiply(triangleCoords, translation);
            this.secondaryTriangles[2].PointA = XMVector3.Transform(trianglePointA, triangleCoords);
            this.secondaryTriangles[2].PointB = XMVector3.Transform(trianglePointB, triangleCoords);
            this.secondaryTriangles[2].PointC = XMVector3.Transform(trianglePointC, triangleCoords);

            // animate primary ray (this is the only animated primary object)
            this.primaryRay.Direction = new XMVector(XMScalar.Sin(t * 3), 0, XMScalar.Cos(t * 3), 0);

            // animate sphere 3 around the ray
                BoundingSphere sphere = this.secondarySpheres[3].Sphere;

                sphere.Center = new XMFloat3(camera3OriginX - 3, 0.5f * XMScalar.Sin(t * 5), camera3OriginZ);

                this.secondarySpheres[3].Sphere = sphere;

            // animate aligned box 3 around the ray
                BoundingBox box = this.secondaryAABoxes[3].Box;

                box.Center = new XMFloat3(camera3OriginX + 3, 0.5f * XMScalar.Sin(t * 4), camera3OriginZ);

                this.secondaryAABoxes[3].Box = box;

            // animate oriented box 3 around the ray
                BoundingOrientedBox box = this.secondaryOrientedBoxes[3].Box;

                box.Center      = new XMFloat3(camera3OriginX, 0.5f * XMScalar.Sin(t * 4.5f), camera3OriginZ + 3);
                box.Orientation = XMQuaternion.RotationRollPitchYaw(t * 0.9f, t * 1.8f, t);

                this.secondaryOrientedBoxes[3].Box = box;

            // animate triangle 3 around the ray
            triangleCoords = XMMatrix.RotationRollPitchYaw(t * 1.4f, t * 2.5f, t);
            translation    = XMMatrix.Translation(
                0.5f * XMScalar.Cos(4.3f * t),
                camera3OriginZ - 3);
            triangleCoords = XMMatrix.Multiply(triangleCoords, translation);
            this.secondaryTriangles[3].PointA = XMVector3.Transform(trianglePointA, triangleCoords);
            this.secondaryTriangles[3].PointB = XMVector3.Transform(trianglePointB, triangleCoords);
            this.secondaryTriangles[3].PointC = XMVector3.Transform(trianglePointC, triangleCoords);