コード例 #1
        private void RenderShadowMap(out XMFloat4X4 mViewProjLight, out XMFloat3 vLightDir)
            var context = this.deviceResources.D3DContext;

            D3D11Rect[]     oldRects = context.RasterizerStageGetScissorRects();
            D3D11Viewport[] oldVp    = context.RasterizerStageGetViewports();

            D3D11Rect[] rects = new D3D11Rect[1] {
                new D3D11Rect(0, (int)g_fShadowMapWidth, 0, (int)g_fShadowMapHeight)

            D3D11Viewport[] vp = new D3D11Viewport[1] {
                new D3D11Viewport(0, 0, g_fShadowMapWidth, g_fShadowMapHeight, 0.0f, 1.0f)

            // Set our scene render target & keep original depth buffer
            D3D11RenderTargetView[] pRTVs = new D3D11RenderTargetView[2];
            context.OutputMergerSetRenderTargets(pRTVs, this.g_pDepthStencilTextureDSV);

            // Clear the render target
            context.ClearDepthStencilView(this.g_pDepthStencilTextureDSV, D3D11ClearOptions.Depth | D3D11ClearOptions.Stencil, 1.0f, 0);

            // Get the projection & view matrix from the camera class
            XMFloat3 up           = new XMFloat3(0, 1, 0);
            XMFloat4 vLight       = new XMFloat4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
            XMFloat4 vLightLookAt = new XMFloat4(0.0f, -0.5f, 1.0f, 0.0f);

            vLightLookAt = vLight.ToVector() + vLightLookAt.ToVector();
            vLight       = XMVector4.Transform(vLight, this.LightWorldMatrix);
            vLightLookAt = XMVector4.Transform(vLightLookAt, this.LightWorldMatrix);

            vLightDir = XMVector.Subtract(vLightLookAt, vLight);

            XMMatrix mProj = XMMatrix.OrthographicOffCenterLH(-8.5f, 9, -15, 11, -20, 20);
            XMMatrix mView = XMMatrix.LookAtLH(vLight, vLightLookAt, up);

            mViewProjLight = mView * mProj;

            // Setup the constant buffer for the scene vertex shader
            ConstantBufferConstants pConstants = new ConstantBufferConstants
                WorldViewProjection = mViewProjLight.ToMatrix().Transpose(),
                WorldViewProjLight  = mViewProjLight.ToMatrix().Transpose(),
                ShadowMapDimensions = new XMFloat4(
                    1.0f / g_fShadowMapWidth,
                    1.0f / g_fShadowMapHeight),
                LightDir = new XMFloat4(vLightDir.X, vLightDir.Y, vLightDir.Z, 0.0f),
                SunWidth = this.SunWidth

            context.UpdateSubresource(this.g_pcbConstants, 0, null, pConstants, 0, 0);
            context.VertexShaderSetConstantBuffers(g_iConstantsConstantBufferBind, new[] { this.g_pcbConstants });
            context.PixelShaderSetConstantBuffers(g_iConstantsConstantBufferBind, new[] { this.g_pcbConstants });

            // Set the shaders
            context.VertexShaderSetShader(this.g_pShadowMapVS, null);
            context.PixelShaderSetShader(null, null);

            // Set the vertex buffer format

            // Render the scene
            this.g_Poles.Render(0, -1, -1);

            // reset the old viewport etc.