protected void Button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { WS.AllLifePrincingClient WS = new WS.AllLifePrincingClient(); DataTable ReturnDT; ReturnDT = WS.returnPremium(TextBox4.Text, TextBox5.Text, TextBox6.Text, TextBox7.Text, TextBox8.Text, TextBox9.Text, TextBox10.Text, TextBox11.Text, TextBox12.Text, TextBox13.Text); //ReturnDT = WS.loginSubscriber(TextBox4.Text, TextBox5.Text, TextBox6.Text); GridView1.DataSource = ReturnDT; GridView1.DataBind(); //Label2.Text = strReturnVal; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["UserID"] == null) { //Response.Redirect("~/Login.aspx?ID=9"); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "mykey", "CloseSessionExpired('9');", true); } lblInfo.Text = ""; strMagnumID = Request.QueryString["MagnumID"].ToString(); strQuoteAuditID = Request.QueryString["QuoteAuditID"].ToString(); if (!IsPostBack) { RadPanelBar1.Items[0].Expanded = true; WS.AllLifePrincingClient WS = new WS.AllLifePrincingClient(); string strSettingValue = string.Empty; #region "SQL Section" SqlConnection sqlConnectionX; SqlCommand sqlCommandX; SqlParameter sqlParam; SqlDataReader sqlDR; try { sqlConnectionX = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SQLConnection"]); sqlConnectionX.Open(); sqlCommandX = new SqlCommand(); sqlCommandX.Connection = sqlConnectionX; sqlCommandX.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; sqlCommandX.CommandText = "spx_SELECT_QuoteOptionAuditTrailByAuditTrailID"; sqlParam = new SqlParameter("QuoteAuditTrailID", strQuoteAuditID); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); sqlDR = sqlCommandX.ExecuteReader(); DataTable dt = new DataTable("AuditTrail"); dt.Load(sqlDR); sqlDR.Close(); sqlCommandX.Cancel(); sqlCommandX.Dispose(); sqlConnectionX.Close(); Telerik.Web.UI.RadGrid OptionsGrid = (Telerik.Web.UI.RadGrid)RadPanelBar1.FindItemByValue("PanelItem1").FindControl("RadGridOptions"); OptionsGrid.DataSource = dt; OptionsGrid.DataBind(); sqlConnectionX.Close(); sqlConnectionX.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { lblInfo.Text = ex.Message; } #endregion } }
private string GetSetting(string SettingName) { WS.AllLifePrincingClient WS = new WS.AllLifePrincingClient(); DataTable ReturnDT; string strSettingValue = string.Empty; SqlConnection sqlConnectionX; SqlCommand sqlCommandX; SqlParameter sqlParam; SqlDataReader sqlDR; try { sqlConnectionX = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SQLConnection"]); sqlConnectionX.Open(); sqlCommandX = new SqlCommand(); sqlCommandX.Connection = sqlConnectionX; sqlCommandX.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; sqlCommandX.CommandText = "spx_SELECT_Setting"; sqlParam = new SqlParameter("SettingName", SettingName); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); sqlDR = sqlCommandX.ExecuteReader(); while (sqlDR.Read()) { strSettingValue = sqlDR.GetValue(0).ToString(); } sqlDR.Close(); sqlCommandX.Cancel(); sqlCommandX.Dispose(); sqlConnectionX.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { lblInfo.Text = ex.Message; } return strSettingValue; }
private void ProcessOptionButton(int buttonNumber) { SqlConnection sqlConnectionX; SqlCommand sqlCommandX; SqlCommand sqlCommandX2; SqlParameter sqlParam; SqlDataReader sqlDR; SqlDataReader sqlDR2; try { //Get the income amount decimal decIncome = Convert.ToDecimal(RadNumericTxtIncome.Text.Trim()); //Get the percentage from the setting table for Option 1 decimal decPI = 0; decimal decRate = 0; decimal decRateLife = 0; decimal decRateDisability = 0; string strSubscriberName = string.Empty; string strSubscriberPassword = string.Empty; string strSubscriberCode = string.Empty; string strProduct = string.Empty; string strBaseRisk = string.Empty; string strRiskModifier = string.Empty; string strGender = string.Empty; Decimal decCover = 0; Decimal decPremium = 0; Decimal decPremiumUnrounded = 0; Decimal decPremiumFixedFee = 0; Decimal decCoverDisability = 0; Decimal decPremiumDisability = 0; Decimal decPremiumDisabilityUnrounded = 0; string strDiabetesType = string.Empty; string strAgeBracket = string.Empty; string strControlLevel = string.Empty; string strDiabetesDuration = string.Empty; string strCholesterolIndicator = string.Empty; string strBPIndicator = string.Empty; string strSmokerLevel = string.Empty; string strDateDiagnosed = string.Empty; string strQuoteDate = string.Empty; string strOptionPISetting = string.Empty; string strControlFee = string.Empty; string strQualification = string.Empty; int intClass = 0; //decimal decDesiredContribution = 0; string strRiskband = string.Empty; string strProductType = string.Empty; string strEscalation = string.Empty; int LifeOrDisability = 1; Decimal decCPRateLife = 0; Decimal decCPRateDisability = 0; strOptionPISetting = "Option" + buttonNumber.ToString() + "PI"; sqlConnectionX = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SQLConnection"]); sqlConnectionX.Open(); if ((buttonNumber == 1) || (buttonNumber == 2) || (buttonNumber == 3)) { #region "Get Option PI" sqlCommandX = new SqlCommand(); sqlCommandX.Connection = sqlConnectionX; sqlCommandX.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; sqlCommandX.CommandText = "spx_SELECT_Setting"; sqlParam = new SqlParameter("SettingName", strOptionPISetting); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); sqlDR = sqlCommandX.ExecuteReader(); while (sqlDR.Read()) { decPI = Convert.ToDecimal(sqlDR.GetValue(0)); } sqlDR.Close(); sqlCommandX.Cancel(); sqlCommandX.Dispose(); #endregion } #region "Get SubscriberName" sqlCommandX = new SqlCommand(); sqlCommandX.Connection = sqlConnectionX; sqlCommandX.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; sqlCommandX.CommandText = "spx_SELECT_Setting"; sqlParam = new SqlParameter("SettingName", "SubscriberName"); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); sqlDR = sqlCommandX.ExecuteReader(); while (sqlDR.Read()) { strSubscriberName = sqlDR.GetValue(0).ToString(); } sqlDR.Close(); sqlCommandX.Cancel(); sqlCommandX.Dispose(); #endregion #region "Get SubscriberPassword" sqlCommandX = new SqlCommand(); sqlCommandX.Connection = sqlConnectionX; sqlCommandX.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; sqlCommandX.CommandText = "spx_SELECT_Setting"; sqlParam = new SqlParameter("SettingName", "SubscriberPassword"); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); sqlDR = sqlCommandX.ExecuteReader(); while (sqlDR.Read()) { strSubscriberPassword = sqlDR.GetValue(0).ToString(); } sqlDR.Close(); sqlCommandX.Cancel(); sqlCommandX.Dispose(); #endregion #region "Get SubscriberCode" sqlCommandX = new SqlCommand(); sqlCommandX.Connection = sqlConnectionX; sqlCommandX.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; sqlCommandX.CommandText = "spx_SELECT_Setting"; sqlParam = new SqlParameter("SettingName", "SubscriberCode"); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); sqlDR = sqlCommandX.ExecuteReader(); while (sqlDR.Read()) { strSubscriberCode = sqlDR.GetValue(0).ToString(); } sqlDR.Close(); sqlCommandX.Cancel(); sqlCommandX.Dispose(); #endregion #region "Get Default Diabetes Product" sqlCommandX = new SqlCommand(); sqlCommandX.Connection = sqlConnectionX; sqlCommandX.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; sqlCommandX.CommandText = "spx_SELECT_Setting"; sqlParam = new SqlParameter("SettingName", "Default Diabetes Product"); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); sqlDR = sqlCommandX.ExecuteReader(); while (sqlDR.Read()) { strProduct = sqlDR.GetValue(0).ToString(); } sqlDR.Close(); sqlCommandX.Cancel(); sqlCommandX.Dispose(); #endregion if (RadioButtonMale.Checked) strGender = "M"; if (RadioButtonFemale.Checked) strGender = "F"; if (RadioButtonOther.Checked) strGender = "M"; //Compile the baserisk //[ANB][Gender][Smoker Status][Class of Life][Benefit Code] // Smoker status is always NS AND Benifit Code always WL - From meeting on 2015-06-9 #region "If no class of life" if (HiddenFieldClassOfLife.Value == "0") { if (RadioButtonNotMat.Checked) strQualification = "No matric"; if (RadioButtonMatriculated.Checked) strQualification = "Matric"; if (RadioButtonDiploma.Checked) strQualification = "3 or 4 yr. Diploma/3 yr. Degree"; if (RadioButtonDegree.Checked) strQualification = "4 yr. Degree/professional qualification"; if ((decIncome >= 0) && (decIncome < 10499)) { switch (strQualification) { case "No matric": intClass = 4; break; case "Matric": intClass = 4; break; case "3 or 4 yr. Diploma/3 yr. Degree": intClass = 3; break; case "4 yr. Degree/professional qualification": intClass = 1; break; } } if ((decIncome >= 10500) && (decIncome < 15749)) { switch (strQualification) { case "No matric": intClass = 4; break; case "Matric": intClass = 3; break; case "3 or 4 yr. Diploma/3 yr. Degree": intClass = 2; break; case "4 yr. Degree/professional qualification": intClass = 1; break; } } if ((decIncome >= 15750) && (decIncome < 26249)) { switch (strQualification) { case "No matric": intClass = 3; break; case "Matric": intClass = 2; break; case "3 or 4 yr. Diploma/3 yr. Degree": intClass = 1; break; case "4 yr. Degree/professional qualification": intClass = 1; break; } } if ((decIncome >= 26250) && (decIncome < 41999)) { switch (strQualification) { case "No matric": intClass = 2; break; case "Matric": intClass = 2; break; case "3 or 4 yr. Diploma/3 yr. Degree": intClass = 1; break; case "4 yr. Degree/professional qualification": intClass = 1; break; } } if (decIncome >= 42000) { switch (strQualification) { case "No matric": intClass = 2; break; case "Matric": intClass = 1; break; case "3 or 4 yr. Diploma/3 yr. Degree": intClass = 1; break; case "4 yr. Degree/professional qualification": intClass = 1; break; } } HiddenFieldClassOfLife.Value = intClass.ToString(); } #endregion //strBaseRisk = RadTxtAgeOfNextBirthday.Text.Trim() + strGender + "NS" + HiddenFieldClassOfLife.Value + "WL"; strBaseRisk = GetBaseRisk(1); //1 = Life //Compile the risk modifier //[Diabetes Type][Age Bracket at Quote][Control Level][Diabetes Duration][Cholesterol Indicator][BP Indicator][Smoker Level] #region "Diabetes Type" if (RadioButtonDiabetesType1.Checked) strDiabetesType = "T1"; if (RadioButtonDiabetesType2.Checked) strDiabetesType = "T2"; if (RadioButtonDiabetesTypeNotSure.Checked) strDiabetesType = "T2"; //if insulin then T1 else T2 if (RadioButtonInsulinYes.Checked) strDiabetesType = "T1"; #endregion #region "AgeBracket" if (Convert.ToInt16(RadTxtAgeOfNextBirthday.Text.Trim()) < 30) { strAgeBracket = "A1"; } if ((Convert.ToInt16(RadTxtAgeOfNextBirthday.Text.Trim()) >= 30) && (Convert.ToInt16(RadTxtAgeOfNextBirthday.Text.Trim()) < 40)) { strAgeBracket = "A2"; } if ((Convert.ToInt16(RadTxtAgeOfNextBirthday.Text.Trim()) >= 40) && (Convert.ToInt16(RadTxtAgeOfNextBirthday.Text.Trim()) < 50)) { strAgeBracket = "A3"; } if ((Convert.ToInt16(RadTxtAgeOfNextBirthday.Text.Trim()) >= 50) && (Convert.ToInt16(RadTxtAgeOfNextBirthday.Text.Trim()) < 60)) { strAgeBracket = "A4"; } if ((Convert.ToInt16(RadTxtAgeOfNextBirthday.Text.Trim()) >= 60) && (Convert.ToInt16(RadTxtAgeOfNextBirthday.Text.Trim()) < 70)) { strAgeBracket = "A5"; } if (Convert.ToInt16(RadTxtAgeOfNextBirthday.Text.Trim()) >= 70) { strAgeBracket = "A6"; } #endregion #region "Control Level" //C1 <=7 //C2 >7<=8 //C3 >8<=9 //C4 >9<=10 //C5 >10<=11 //C6 >11<=12 //C7 >12<=14 if ((RadioButtonHbA1c3.Checked == true) || (RadioButtonHbA1c4.Checked == true) || (RadioButtonHbA1c6.Checked == true)) strControlLevel = "C1"; if (RadioButtonHbA1c7.Checked == true) strControlLevel = "C2"; if (RadioButtonHbA1c8.Checked == true) strControlLevel = "C3"; if (RadioButtonHbA1c9.Checked == true) strControlLevel = "C4"; if (RadioButtonHbA1c10.Checked == true) strControlLevel = "C5"; if (RadioButtonHbA1c11.Checked == true) strControlLevel = "C6"; if (RadioButtonHbA1c12.Checked == true) strControlLevel = "C7"; if (RadioButtonHbA1cUnknown.Checked == true) { //C3 1 //C4 2 //C5 3 //C6 4 } #endregion #region "Diabetes Duration" /* Duration = CASE WHEN DATEPART(year,Q.dtFieldValue) – D.iFieldValue < 5 THEN '<5' WHEN DATEPART(year,Q.dtFieldValue) – D.iFieldValue < 15 THEN '5_15' ELSE '>15' END <5 Less than 5 years 5_15 More than 5 but less than 15 years >15 More than 15 years */ //strDateDiagnosed = RadDatePickerDateOfDiag.SelectedDate.ToString(); strDateDiagnosed = RadMonthYearPickerDateOfDiag.SelectedDate.ToString(); strQuoteDate = RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(); DateTime DTDateDiagnosed = Convert.ToDateTime(strDateDiagnosed); DateTime DTQuoteDate = Convert.ToDateTime(strQuoteDate); int YearsPassed = DTQuoteDate.Year - DTDateDiagnosed.Year; if (YearsPassed < 5) strDiabetesDuration = "<5"; if ((YearsPassed >= 5) && (YearsPassed < 15)) strDiabetesDuration = "5_15"; if (YearsPassed >= 15) strDiabetesDuration = ">15"; #endregion #region "Cholesterol Indicator" /* High Yes Norm No Norm Unsure */ if (RadioButtonCholesterolYes.Checked == true) strCholesterolIndicator = "High"; if (RadioButtonCholesterolNo.Checked == true) strCholesterolIndicator = "Norm"; if (RadioButtonCholesterolNotSure.Checked == true) strCholesterolIndicator = "Norm"; #endregion #region "BP Indicator" /* High Yes Norm No Norm Unsure */ if (RadioButtonHighBPYes.Checked == true) strBPIndicator = "High"; if (RadioButtonHighBPNo.Checked == true) strBPIndicator = "Norm"; if (RadioButtonHighBP.Checked == true) strBPIndicator = "Norm"; #endregion #region "Smoker Level" /* S0 Non Smoker (P_M2_Q12 = False or P_TOBACCOFREQ = 0) S1 <=2 S2 >2;<=5 S3 >5;<=20 S4 >20 */ if (RadioButtonListTobacco.SelectedValue == "non-smoker") strSmokerLevel = "S0"; if (RadioButtonListTobacco.SelectedValue == "< 1") strSmokerLevel = "S1"; if (RadioButtonListTobacco.SelectedValue == "1 - 5") strSmokerLevel = "S2"; if (RadioButtonListTobacco.SelectedValue == "6 - 20") strSmokerLevel = "S3"; if (RadioButtonListTobacco.SelectedValue == "> 20") strSmokerLevel = "S4"; #endregion //strRiskModifier = strDiabetesType + strAgeBracket + strControlLevel + strDiabetesDuration + strCholesterolIndicator + strBPIndicator + strSmokerLevel; strRiskModifier = GetRiskModifier(); HiddenFieldRiskModifier.Value = strRiskModifier; HiddenFieldRMDiabetesType.Value = strDiabetesType; //Calc Premium //e.g. Income * 6% decRate = (decIncome * decPI) / 100; //Split the Rate 50%-%0% decRateLife = decRate / 2; decRateDisability = decRate / 2; DataTable ReturnDT; WS.AllLifePrincingClient WS = new WS.AllLifePrincingClient(); bool blnUseLife = false; bool blnUseDisability = false; //Life //**************************************** #region "Life" //Get the Cover if (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitLife.SelectedItem.Text == "ADB") { strRiskModifier = "ACCIDENTAL"; } if (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitLife.SelectedItem.Text == "ACDB") { strRiskModifier = "ACCIDENTAL_CANCER"; } if (RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Text.Trim() == "") RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Text = "0"; strProductType = GetBenifitCode(1); //1= life; 2 = Disability //if (RadioButtonEscLife6.Checked == true) if (RadioButtonEsc6.Checked == true) strEscalation = "06"; //if (RadioButtonEscLife10.Checked == true) if (RadioButtonEsc10.Checked == true) strEscalation = "10"; if (RadioButtonQuoteLifeNo.Checked == false) { if ((buttonNumber != 4) && (buttonNumber != 5)) { if (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitLife.SelectedItem.Text == "FDB") { ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Cover(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk + RadTxtRiskBand.Text.Trim(), strRiskModifier, decRateLife.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), RadTxtMagnumID.Text.Trim(), "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Text); } else { ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Cover(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk, strRiskModifier, decRateLife.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), RadTxtMagnumID.Text.Trim(), "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Text); } //ReturnDT = WS.returnCover(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct, strBaseRisk, strRiskModifier, decRateLife.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), "", ""); //ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Cover(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk + RadTxtRiskBand.Text.Trim(), strRiskModifier, decRateLife.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), "", "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Text); foreach (DataRow row in ReturnDT.Rows) { if (row["UnroudedCover"].ToString() == "") { decCover = 0; } else { //decCover = Convert.ToDecimal(row["Cover"].ToString()); decCover = Convert.ToDecimal(row["UnroudedCover"].ToString()); } } } else { if (buttonNumber == 4) { decCover = Convert.ToDecimal(RadNumericTxtCoverLife.Text.Trim()); } if (buttonNumber == 5) { //decDesiredContribution = Convert.ToDecimal(RadNumericTxtDesireContribution.Text); ////if the disability panel is unavalable then we don't spilt the month;y contribution //if (PanelDisability.GroupingText.Contains("Unavailable") == false) //{ // decDesiredContribution = decDesiredContribution / 2; //} if (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitLife.SelectedItem.Text == "FDB") { ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Cover(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk + RadTxtRiskBand.Text.Trim(), strRiskModifier, RadNumericTxtPremiumLife.Text, RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), RadTxtMagnumID.Text.Trim(), "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Text); } else { ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Cover(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk, strRiskModifier, RadNumericTxtPremiumLife.Text, RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), RadTxtMagnumID.Text.Trim(), "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Text); } //ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Cover(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk + RadTxtRiskBand.Text.Trim(), strRiskModifier, RadNumericTxtPremiumLife.Text, RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), "", "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Text); //ReturnDT = WS.returnCover(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct, strBaseRisk, strRiskModifier, decDesiredContribution.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), "", ""); foreach (DataRow row in ReturnDT.Rows) { if (row["Cover"].ToString() == "") { decCover = 0; } else { //decCover = Convert.ToDecimal(row["Cover"].ToString()); decCover = Convert.ToDecimal(row["UnroudedCover"].ToString()); } } } } if (buttonNumber != 4) { //Match closest cover amount in the CoverRounding table #region "Match closest cover amount in the CoverRounding table" sqlCommandX = new SqlCommand(); sqlCommandX.Connection = sqlConnectionX; sqlCommandX.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; sqlCommandX.CommandText = "spx_SELECT_CoverRounding"; sqlParam = new SqlParameter("CoverAmount", decCover); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); sqlDR = sqlCommandX.ExecuteReader(); while (sqlDR.Read()) { decCover = Convert.ToDecimal(sqlDR.GetValue(0).ToString()); } sqlDR.Close(); sqlCommandX.Cancel(); sqlCommandX.Dispose(); #endregion } //sqlConnectionX.Close(); //Get the premium //if (buttonNumber != 5) //{ ReturnDT = null; //66011307 //ReturnDT = WS.returnPremium(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct, strBaseRisk, strRiskModifier, decCover.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), "", ""); //ReturnDT = WS.returnPremium(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk + RadTxtRiskBand.Text.Trim(), strRiskModifier, decCover.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), "", ""); if (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitLife.SelectedItem.Text == "FDB") { ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Premium(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk + RadTxtRiskBand.Text.Trim(), strRiskModifier, decCover.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), RadTxtMagnumID.Text.Trim(), "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Text); } else { ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Premium(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk, strRiskModifier, decCover.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), RadTxtMagnumID.Text.Trim(), "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Text); } foreach (DataRow row in ReturnDT.Rows) { if (row["LoadedPremium"].ToString() != "") { decPremium = Convert.ToDecimal(row["LoadedPremium"].ToString()); decPremiumUnrounded = Convert.ToDecimal(row["UnroudedStandardPremium"].ToString()); decPremiumFixedFee = Convert.ToDecimal(row["FixedFee"].ToString()); } } decPremium = decPremium + decPremiumFixedFee; #region "If less than 130" //if (decPremium < 130) //{ // decPremium = 130; ///Making this 110 - this is the fee of 130 with out the fixed fee // if (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitLife.SelectedItem.Text == "FDB") // { // ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Cover(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk + RadTxtRiskBand.Text.Trim(), strRiskModifier, decPremium.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), "", "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Text); // } // else // { // ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Cover(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk, strRiskModifier, decPremium.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), "", "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Text); // } // foreach (DataRow row in ReturnDT.Rows) // { // if (row["Cover"].ToString() == "") // { // decCover = 0; // } // else // { // decCover = Convert.ToDecimal(row["UnroudedCover"].ToString()); // } // } // //Match closest cover amount in the CoverRounding table // #region "Match closest cover amount in the CoverRounding table" // sqlCommandX = new SqlCommand(); // sqlCommandX.Connection = sqlConnectionX; // sqlCommandX.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; // sqlCommandX.CommandText = "spx_SELECT_CoverRounding"; // sqlParam = new SqlParameter("CoverAmount", decCover); // sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); // sqlDR = sqlCommandX.ExecuteReader(); // while (sqlDR.Read()) // { // decCover = Convert.ToDecimal(sqlDR.GetValue(0).ToString()); // } // sqlDR.Close(); // sqlCommandX.Cancel(); // sqlCommandX.Dispose(); // #endregion // decPremium = decPremium + decPremiumFixedFee; //} #endregion //} //else //{ // decPremium = Convert.ToDecimal(RadNumericTxtPremiumLife.Text); //} } #endregion //Disability //**************************************** #region "Disability" if (RadNumericTxtEMLoadingDisability.Text.Trim() == "") RadNumericTxtEMLoadingDisability.Text = "0"; //if (PanelDisability.GroupingText.Contains("Unavailable") == false) //{ strRiskModifier = GetRiskModifier(); if (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitDisability.SelectedItem.Text == "ADB") { strRiskModifier = "ACCIDENTAL"; } if (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitDisability.SelectedItem.Text == "ACDB") { strRiskModifier = "ACCIDENTAL_CANCER"; } strBaseRisk = GetBaseRisk(2); //2 = Disability strProductType = GetBenifitCode(2); //1= life; 2 = Disability //if (RadioButtonEscalationDis6.Checked == true) // strEscalation = "06"; //if (RadioButtonEscalationDis10.Checked == true) // strEscalation = "10"; //Get the Cover if (RadioButtonQuoteDisNo.Checked == false) { DataTable ReturnDTDisability; if ((buttonNumber != 4) && (buttonNumber != 5)) { //ReturnDTDisability = WS.returnCover(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct, strBaseRisk, strRiskModifier, decRateLife.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), "", ""); //ReturnDTDisability = WS.returnCover(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk + RadTxtRiskBand.Text.Trim(), strRiskModifier, decRateDisability.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), "", ""); if (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitDisability.SelectedItem.Text == "FDB") { ReturnDTDisability = WS.returnEM_Affected_Cover(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk + RadTxtRiskBand.Text.Trim(), strRiskModifier, decRateLife.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), RadTxtMagnumID.Text.Trim(), "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Text); } else { ReturnDTDisability = WS.returnEM_Affected_Cover(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk, strRiskModifier, decRateLife.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), RadTxtMagnumID.Text.Trim(), "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Text); } foreach (DataRow row in ReturnDTDisability.Rows) { if (row["Cover"].ToString() == "") { decCoverDisability = 0; } else { decCoverDisability = Convert.ToDecimal(row["Cover"].ToString()); } strRiskband = row["Riskband"].ToString(); } } else { if (buttonNumber == 4) { if (RadNumericTxtCoverAmnDis.Text.Trim() == "") RadNumericTxtCoverAmnDis.Text = "0"; decCoverDisability = Convert.ToDecimal(RadNumericTxtCoverAmnDis.Text.Trim()); } if (buttonNumber == 5) { //decDesiredContribution = Convert.ToDecimal(RadNumericTxtDesireContribution.Text); //ReturnDTDisability = WS.returnCover(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk + RadTxtRiskBand.Text.Trim(), strRiskModifier, RadNumericTxtPremiumDis.Text, RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), "", ""); if (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitDisability.SelectedItem.Text == "FDB") { ReturnDTDisability = WS.returnEM_Affected_Cover(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk + RadTxtRiskBand.Text.Trim(), strRiskModifier, RadNumericTxtPremiumDis.Text.Trim(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), RadTxtMagnumID.Text.Trim(), "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingDisability.Text); } else { ReturnDTDisability = WS.returnEM_Affected_Cover(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk, strRiskModifier, RadNumericTxtPremiumDis.Text.Trim(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), RadTxtMagnumID.Text.Trim(), "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingDisability.Text); } //ReturnDTDisability = WS.returnCover(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct, strBaseRisk, strRiskModifier, decDesiredContribution.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), "", ""); foreach (DataRow row in ReturnDTDisability.Rows) { if (row["Cover"].ToString() == "") { decCoverDisability = 0; } else { decCoverDisability = Convert.ToDecimal(row["Cover"].ToString()); } strRiskband = row["Riskband"].ToString(); } } } //Match closest cover amount in the CoverRounding table if (buttonNumber != 4) { #region "Match closest cover amount in the CoverRounding table" sqlCommandX = new SqlCommand(); sqlCommandX.Connection = sqlConnectionX; sqlCommandX.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; sqlCommandX.CommandText = "spx_SELECT_CoverRounding"; sqlParam = new SqlParameter("CoverAmount", decCoverDisability); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); sqlDR = sqlCommandX.ExecuteReader(); while (sqlDR.Read()) { decCoverDisability = Convert.ToDecimal(sqlDR.GetValue(0).ToString()); } sqlDR.Close(); sqlCommandX.Cancel(); sqlCommandX.Dispose(); #endregion } //Get the premium //if (buttonNumber != 5) //{ ReturnDT = null; //ReturnDT = WS.returnPremium(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct, strBaseRisk, strRiskModifier, decCoverDisability.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), "", ""); //ReturnDT = WS.returnPremium(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk + RadTxtRiskBand.Text.Trim(), strRiskModifier, decCoverDisability.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), "", ""); //ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Premium(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk + RadTxtRiskBand.Text.Trim(), strRiskModifier, decCoverDisability.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), "", "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingDisability.Text); if (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitDisability.SelectedItem.Text == "FDB") { ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Premium(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk + RadTxtRiskBand.Text.Trim(), strRiskModifier, decCoverDisability.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), RadTxtMagnumID.Text.Trim(), "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingDisability.Text); } else { ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Premium(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk, strRiskModifier, decCoverDisability.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), RadTxtMagnumID.Text.Trim(), "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingDisability.Text); } foreach (DataRow row in ReturnDT.Rows) { if (row["LoadedPremium"].ToString() != "") { decPremiumDisability = Convert.ToDecimal(row["LoadedPremium"].ToString()); decPremiumDisabilityUnrounded = Convert.ToDecimal(row["UnroudedStandardPremium"].ToString()); decPremiumFixedFee = Convert.ToDecimal(row["FixedFee"].ToString()); } else { decPremiumDisability = 0; decPremiumDisabilityUnrounded = 0; decPremiumFixedFee = 0; } } decPremiumDisability = decPremiumDisability + decPremiumFixedFee; //} //else //{ // decPremium = Convert.ToDecimal(RadNumericTxtPremiumLife.Text); //} } //} #endregion // "Button 1, 2 / 3 only" if ((buttonNumber != 4) && (buttonNumber != 5)) { #region "Button 1, 2 / 3 only" if (decCover > 0) decCPRateLife = (decPremiumUnrounded / decCover); if (decCoverDisability > 0) decCPRateDisability = (decPremiumDisabilityUnrounded / decCoverDisability); if (RadioButtonQuoteLifeNo.Checked == false) { if ((PanelLife.GroupingText.Contains("Unavailable") == false) || (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitLife.SelectedItem.Text != "FDB")) { blnUseLife = true; } } if (RadioButtonQuoteDisNo.Checked == false) { if ((PanelDisability.GroupingText.Contains("Unavailable") == false) || (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitDisability.SelectedItem.Text != "FDB")) { blnUseDisability = true; } } if ((blnUseLife == true) && (blnUseDisability == false)) { #region "Life == true | Disability == false" decCover = ((((decIncome * decPI) / 100)) / decCPRateLife); if (buttonNumber != 4) { #region "Match closest cover amount in the CoverRounding table" sqlCommandX = new SqlCommand(); sqlCommandX.Connection = sqlConnectionX; sqlCommandX.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; sqlCommandX.CommandText = "spx_SELECT_CoverRounding"; sqlParam = new SqlParameter("CoverAmount", decCover); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); sqlDR = sqlCommandX.ExecuteReader(); while (sqlDR.Read()) { decCover = Convert.ToDecimal(sqlDR.GetValue(0).ToString()); } sqlDR.Close(); sqlCommandX.Cancel(); sqlCommandX.Dispose(); #endregion } strBaseRisk = GetBaseRisk(1); //1= life; 2 = Disability strProductType = GetBenifitCode(1); //1= life; 2 = Disability ReturnDT = null; //if (RadioButtonEscalationDis6.Checked == true) // strEscalation = "06"; //if (RadioButtonEscalationDis10.Checked == true) // strEscalation = "10"; //2015-10-19 - WG added the below section because it was missing. if (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitLife.SelectedItem.Text == "ADB") { strRiskModifier = "ACCIDENTAL"; } if (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitLife.SelectedItem.Text == "ACDB") { strRiskModifier = "ACCIDENTAL_CANCER"; } //if (RadioButtonEscLife6.Checked == true) if (RadioButtonEsc6.Checked == true) strEscalation = "06"; //if (RadioButtonEscLife10.Checked == true) if (RadioButtonEsc10.Checked == true) strEscalation = "10"; //ReturnDT = WS.returnPremium(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk + RadTxtRiskBand.Text.Trim(), strRiskModifier, decCover.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), "", ""); //ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Premium(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk + RadTxtRiskBand.Text.Trim(), strRiskModifier, decCover.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), "", "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingDisability.Text); if (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitLife.SelectedItem.Text == "FDB") { ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Premium(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk + RadTxtRiskBand.Text.Trim(), strRiskModifier, decCover.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), "", "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingDisability.Text); } else { ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Premium(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk, strRiskModifier, decCover.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), "", "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingDisability.Text); } foreach (DataRow row in ReturnDT.Rows) { if (row["LoadedPremium"].ToString() != "") { decPremium = Convert.ToDecimal(row["LoadedPremium"].ToString()); decPremiumUnrounded = Convert.ToDecimal(row["UnroudedStandardPremium"].ToString()); decPremiumFixedFee = Convert.ToDecimal(row["FixedFee"].ToString()); } } decPremium = decPremium + decPremiumFixedFee; #endregion } if ((blnUseLife == false) && (blnUseDisability == true)) { #region "Life == false | Disability == true" decCoverDisability = ((((decIncome * decPI) / 100)) / decCPRateDisability); if (buttonNumber != 4) { #region "Match closest cover amount in the CoverRounding table" sqlCommandX = new SqlCommand(); sqlCommandX.Connection = sqlConnectionX; sqlCommandX.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; sqlCommandX.CommandText = "spx_SELECT_CoverRounding"; sqlParam = new SqlParameter("CoverAmount", decCoverDisability); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); sqlDR = sqlCommandX.ExecuteReader(); while (sqlDR.Read()) { decCoverDisability = Convert.ToDecimal(sqlDR.GetValue(0).ToString()); } sqlDR.Close(); sqlCommandX.Cancel(); sqlCommandX.Dispose(); #endregion } //Recalculate the disability premium strBaseRisk = GetBaseRisk(2); //1= life; 2 = Disability strProductType = GetBenifitCode(2); //1= life; 2 = Disability ReturnDT = null; //2015-10-19 - WG added the below section because it was missing. if (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitDisability.SelectedItem.Text == "ADB") { strRiskModifier = "ACCIDENTAL"; } if (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitDisability.SelectedItem.Text == "ACDB") { strRiskModifier = "ACCIDENTAL_CANCER"; } //if (RadioButtonEscalationDis6.Checked == true) if (RadioButtonEsc6.Checked == true) strEscalation = "06"; //if (RadioButtonEscalationDis10.Checked == true) if (RadioButtonEsc10.Checked == true) strEscalation = "10"; //ReturnDT = WS.returnPremium(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk + RadTxtRiskBand.Text.Trim(), strRiskModifier, decCoverDisability.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), "", ""); //ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Premium(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk + RadTxtRiskBand.Text.Trim(), strRiskModifier, decCoverDisability.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), "", "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingDisability.Text); if (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitDisability.SelectedItem.Text == "FDB") { ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Premium(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk + RadTxtRiskBand.Text.Trim(), strRiskModifier, decCoverDisability.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), RadTxtMagnumID.Text.Trim(), "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingDisability.Text); } else { ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Premium(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk, strRiskModifier, decCoverDisability.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), RadTxtMagnumID.Text.Trim(), "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingDisability.Text); } foreach (DataRow row in ReturnDT.Rows) { decPremiumDisability = Convert.ToDecimal(row["LoadedPremium"].ToString()); decPremiumDisabilityUnrounded = Convert.ToDecimal(row["UnroudedStandardPremium"].ToString()); decPremiumFixedFee = Convert.ToDecimal(row["FixedFee"].ToString()); } decPremiumDisability = decPremiumDisability + decPremiumFixedFee; #endregion } if ((blnUseLife == true) && (blnUseDisability == true)) { #region "Life == true | Disability == true" //decCover = ((decPremiumUnrounded + decPremiumDisabilityUnrounded) / (decCPRateLife + decCPRateDisability)); decCover = ((((decIncome * decPI) / 100)) / (decCPRateLife + decCPRateDisability)); if (buttonNumber != 4) { #region "Match closest cover amount in the CoverRounding table" sqlCommandX = new SqlCommand(); sqlCommandX.Connection = sqlConnectionX; sqlCommandX.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; sqlCommandX.CommandText = "spx_SELECT_CoverRounding"; sqlParam = new SqlParameter("CoverAmount", decCover); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); sqlDR = sqlCommandX.ExecuteReader(); while (sqlDR.Read()) { decCover = Convert.ToDecimal(sqlDR.GetValue(0).ToString()); } sqlDR.Close(); sqlCommandX.Cancel(); sqlCommandX.Dispose(); #endregion } decCoverDisability = decCover; //Recalculate the life premium #region "Life" strRiskModifier = GetRiskModifier(); if (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitLife.SelectedItem.Text == "ADB") { strRiskModifier = "ACCIDENTAL"; } if (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitLife.SelectedItem.Text == "ACDB") { strRiskModifier = "ACCIDENTAL_CANCER"; } //Recalculate the life premium strBaseRisk = GetBaseRisk(1); //1= life; 2 = Disability strProductType = GetBenifitCode(1); //1= life; 2 = Disability ReturnDT = null; //if (RadioButtonEscLife6.Checked == true) if (RadioButtonEsc6.Checked == true) strEscalation = "06"; //if (RadioButtonEscLife10.Checked == true) if (RadioButtonEsc10.Checked == true) strEscalation = "10"; //ReturnDT = WS.returnPremium(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk + RadTxtRiskBand.Text.Trim(), strRiskModifier, decCover.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), "", ""); //ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Premium(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk + RadTxtRiskBand.Text.Trim(), strRiskModifier, decCover.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), "", "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Text); if (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitLife.SelectedItem.Text == "FDB") { ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Premium(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk + RadTxtRiskBand.Text.Trim(), strRiskModifier, decCover.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), RadTxtMagnumID.Text.Trim(), "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Text); } else { ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Premium(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk, strRiskModifier, decCover.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), RadTxtMagnumID.Text.Trim(), "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Text); } foreach (DataRow row in ReturnDT.Rows) { if (row["LoadedPremium"].ToString() != "") { decPremium = Convert.ToDecimal(row["LoadedPremium"].ToString()); decPremiumUnrounded = Convert.ToDecimal(row["UnroudedStandardPremium"].ToString()); decPremiumFixedFee = Convert.ToDecimal(row["FixedFee"].ToString()); } } #endregion decPremium = decPremium + decPremiumFixedFee; //Recalculate the disability premium #region "Disability" strRiskModifier = GetRiskModifier(); if (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitDisability.SelectedItem.Text == "ADB") { strRiskModifier = "ACCIDENTAL"; } if (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitDisability.SelectedItem.Text == "ACDB") { strRiskModifier = "ACCIDENTAL_CANCER"; } strBaseRisk = GetBaseRisk(2); //1= life; 2 = Disability strProductType = GetBenifitCode(2); //1= life; 2 = Disability ReturnDT = null; //if (RadioButtonEscalationDis6.Checked == true) if (RadioButtonEsc6.Checked == true) strEscalation = "06"; //if (RadioButtonEscalationDis10.Checked == true) if (RadioButtonEsc10.Checked == true) strEscalation = "10"; //ReturnDT = WS.returnPremium(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk + RadTxtRiskBand.Text.Trim(), strRiskModifier, decCoverDisability.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), "", ""); //ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Premium(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk + RadTxtRiskBand.Text.Trim(), strRiskModifier, decCoverDisability.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), "", "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingDisability.Text); if (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitDisability.SelectedItem.Text == "FDB") { ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Premium(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk + RadTxtRiskBand.Text.Trim(), strRiskModifier, decCoverDisability.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), RadTxtMagnumID.Text.Trim(), "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingDisability.Text); } else { ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Premium(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk, strRiskModifier, decCoverDisability.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), RadTxtMagnumID.Text.Trim(), "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingDisability.Text); } foreach (DataRow row in ReturnDT.Rows) { if (row["LoadedPremium"].ToString() != "") { decPremiumDisability = Convert.ToDecimal(row["LoadedPremium"].ToString()); decPremiumDisabilityUnrounded = Convert.ToDecimal(row["UnroudedStandardPremium"].ToString()); decPremiumFixedFee = Convert.ToDecimal(row["FixedFee"].ToString()); } else { decPremiumDisability = 0; decPremiumDisabilityUnrounded = 0; decPremiumFixedFee = 0; } } #endregion decPremiumDisability = decPremiumDisability + decPremiumFixedFee; #endregion } #endregion } //If less than 130 //if ((buttonNumber != 4) && (buttonNumber != 5)) //2015-10-05 - included button option 5 because we were going to add the same logic below for option 5 only if (buttonNumber != 4) { strControlFee = decPremiumFixedFee.ToString(); if (strControlFee == "") strControlFee = "1"; //2015-09-19 - The total (decPremium + decPremiumDisability) was commentd out. I am not going back to using the total ///if (decPremium < 130) //if ((decPremium + decPremiumDisability) < 130) if ((((decPremium + decPremiumDisability)) - (Convert.ToDecimal(1 * Convert.ToDecimal(strControlFee)))) < 130) { #region "If less than 130" //decPremium = 130; ///Making this 110 - this is the fee of 130 with out the fixed fee //2015-10-13 - commented out the below so that it sets the blnUseLife and\or blnUseDisability //if (decPremiumDisability == 0) //{ // decPremium = 130; //} //else //{ //decPremium = 130 - decPremiumDisability + 20; if (RadioButtonQuoteLifeNo.Checked == false) { if ((PanelLife.GroupingText.Contains("Unavailable") == false) || (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitLife.SelectedItem.Text != "FDB")) { blnUseLife = true; } } if (RadioButtonQuoteDisNo.Checked == false) { if ((PanelDisability.GroupingText.Contains("Unavailable") == false) || (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitDisability.SelectedItem.Text != "FDB")) { blnUseDisability = true; } } if ((blnUseLife == true) && (blnUseDisability == true)) { decPremium = 75; decPremiumDisability = 75; } if ((blnUseLife == true) && (blnUseDisability == false)) { decPremium = 130; decPremiumDisability = 0; } if ((blnUseLife == false) && (blnUseDisability == true)) { decPremium = 0; decPremiumDisability = 130; } //} strBaseRisk = GetBaseRisk(1); //1= life; 2 = Disability strProductType = GetBenifitCode(1); //1= life; 2 = Disability //strRiskModifier = GetRiskModifier(); if (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitLife.SelectedItem.Text == "ADB") { strRiskModifier = "ACCIDENTAL"; } if (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitLife.SelectedItem.Text == "ACDB") { strRiskModifier = "ACCIDENTAL_CANCER"; } ReturnDT = null; if (blnUseLife == true) { if (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitLife.SelectedItem.Text == "FDB") { ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Cover(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk + RadTxtRiskBand.Text.Trim(), strRiskModifier, decPremium.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), RadTxtMagnumID.Text.Trim(), "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Text); } else { ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Cover(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk, strRiskModifier, decPremium.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), RadTxtMagnumID.Text.Trim(), "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Text); } foreach (DataRow row in ReturnDT.Rows) { if (row["Cover"].ToString() == "") { decCover = 0; } else { decCover = Convert.ToDecimal(row["UnroudedCover"].ToString()); } } //Match closest cover amount in the CoverRounding table #region "Match closest cover amount in the CoverRounding table" sqlCommandX2 = new SqlCommand(); sqlCommandX2.Connection = sqlConnectionX; sqlCommandX2.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; sqlCommandX2.CommandText = "spx_SELECT_CoverRounding"; sqlParam = new SqlParameter("CoverAmount", decCover); sqlCommandX2.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); sqlDR2 = sqlCommandX2.ExecuteReader(); while (sqlDR2.Read()) { decCover = Convert.ToDecimal(sqlDR2.GetValue(0).ToString()); } sqlDR2.Close(); sqlCommandX2.Cancel(); sqlCommandX2.Dispose(); #endregion if (decCover == 40000) { if (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitLife.SelectedItem.Text == "FDB") { ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Premium(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk + RadTxtRiskBand.Text.Trim(), strRiskModifier, decCover.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), RadTxtMagnumID.Text.Trim(), "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Text); } else { ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Premium(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk, strRiskModifier, decCover.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), RadTxtMagnumID.Text.Trim(), "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Text); } foreach (DataRow row in ReturnDT.Rows) { if (row["LoadedPremium"].ToString() != "") { decPremium = Convert.ToDecimal(row["LoadedPremium"].ToString()); decPremiumUnrounded = Convert.ToDecimal(row["UnroudedStandardPremium"].ToString()); decPremiumFixedFee = Convert.ToDecimal(row["FixedFee"].ToString()); } } decPremium = decPremium + decPremiumFixedFee; } } if (RadioButtonQuoteDisNo.Checked == false) { //Disability //Recalculate the disability premium strBaseRisk = GetBaseRisk(2); //1= life; 2 = Disability strProductType = GetBenifitCode(2); //1= life; 2 = Disability ReturnDT = null; if (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitLife.SelectedItem.Text == "FDB") { ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Cover(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk + RadTxtRiskBand.Text.Trim(), strRiskModifier, decPremiumDisability.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), RadTxtMagnumID.Text.Trim(), "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Text); } else { ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Cover(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk, strRiskModifier, decPremiumDisability.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), RadTxtMagnumID.Text.Trim(), "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Text); } foreach (DataRow row in ReturnDT.Rows) { if (row["Cover"].ToString() == "") { decCoverDisability = 0; } else { decCoverDisability = Convert.ToDecimal(row["UnroudedCover"].ToString()); } } //Match closest cover amount in the CoverRounding table #region "Match closest cover amount in the CoverRounding table" sqlCommandX2 = new SqlCommand(); sqlCommandX2.Connection = sqlConnectionX; sqlCommandX2.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; sqlCommandX2.CommandText = "spx_SELECT_CoverRounding"; sqlParam = new SqlParameter("CoverAmount", decCoverDisability); sqlCommandX2.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); sqlDR2 = sqlCommandX2.ExecuteReader(); while (sqlDR2.Read()) { decCoverDisability = Convert.ToDecimal(sqlDR2.GetValue(0).ToString()); } sqlDR2.Close(); sqlCommandX2.Cancel(); sqlCommandX2.Dispose(); #endregion //decPremium = decPremium + decPremiumFixedFee; if (decCoverDisability == 40000) { if (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitLife.SelectedItem.Text == "FDB") { ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Premium(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk + RadTxtRiskBand.Text.Trim(), strRiskModifier, decCoverDisability.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), RadTxtMagnumID.Text.Trim(), "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingDisability.Text); } else { ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Premium(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk, strRiskModifier, decCoverDisability.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), RadTxtMagnumID.Text.Trim(), "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingDisability.Text); } foreach (DataRow row in ReturnDT.Rows) { if (row["LoadedPremium"].ToString() != "") { decPremiumDisability = Convert.ToDecimal(row["LoadedPremium"].ToString()); decPremiumDisabilityUnrounded = Convert.ToDecimal(row["UnroudedStandardPremium"].ToString()); decPremiumFixedFee = Convert.ToDecimal(row["FixedFee"].ToString()); } else { decPremiumDisability = 0; decPremiumDisabilityUnrounded = 0; decPremiumFixedFee = 0; } } decPremiumDisability = decPremiumDisability + decPremiumFixedFee; if ((((decPremium + decPremiumDisability)) - (Convert.ToDecimal(1 * Convert.ToDecimal(strControlFee)))) < 130) { //if the total premium is still less that 130 then use the rounded cover //decPremium = 130; ///Making this 110 - this is the fee of 130 with out the fixed fee if (decPremiumDisability == 0) { decPremium = 130; } else { //decPremium = 130 - decPremiumDisability + 20; if ((blnUseLife == true) && (blnUseDisability == true)) { decPremium = 75; decPremiumDisability = 75; } if ((blnUseLife == true) && (blnUseDisability == false)) { decPremium = 130; decPremiumDisability = 0; } if ((blnUseLife == false) && (blnUseDisability == true)) { decPremium = 0; decPremiumDisability = 130; } } strBaseRisk = GetBaseRisk(1); //1= life; 2 = Disability strProductType = GetBenifitCode(1); //1= life; 2 = Disability //strRiskModifier = GetRiskModifier(); if (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitLife.SelectedItem.Text == "ADB") { strRiskModifier = "ACCIDENTAL"; } if (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitLife.SelectedItem.Text == "ACDB") { strRiskModifier = "ACCIDENTAL_CANCER"; } ReturnDT = null; if (blnUseLife == true) { if (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitLife.SelectedItem.Text == "FDB") { ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Cover(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk + RadTxtRiskBand.Text.Trim(), strRiskModifier, decPremium.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), RadTxtMagnumID.Text.Trim(), "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Text); } else { ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Cover(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk, strRiskModifier, decPremium.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), RadTxtMagnumID.Text.Trim(), "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Text); } foreach (DataRow row in ReturnDT.Rows) { if (row["Cover"].ToString() == "") { decCover = 0; } else { decCover = Convert.ToDecimal(row["UnroudedCover"].ToString()); } } //Match closest cover amount in the CoverRounding table #region "Match closest cover amount in the CoverRounding table" sqlCommandX2 = new SqlCommand(); sqlCommandX2.Connection = sqlConnectionX; sqlCommandX2.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; sqlCommandX2.CommandText = "spx_SELECT_CoverRounding"; sqlParam = new SqlParameter("CoverAmount", decCover); sqlCommandX2.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); sqlDR2 = sqlCommandX2.ExecuteReader(); while (sqlDR2.Read()) { decCover = Convert.ToDecimal(sqlDR2.GetValue(0).ToString()); } sqlDR2.Close(); sqlCommandX2.Cancel(); sqlCommandX2.Dispose(); #endregion if (decCover == 40000) { if (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitLife.SelectedItem.Text == "FDB") { ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Premium(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk + RadTxtRiskBand.Text.Trim(), strRiskModifier, decCover.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), RadTxtMagnumID.Text.Trim(), "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Text); } else { ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Premium(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk, strRiskModifier, decCover.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), RadTxtMagnumID.Text.Trim(), "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Text); } foreach (DataRow row in ReturnDT.Rows) { if (row["LoadedPremium"].ToString() != "") { decPremium = Convert.ToDecimal(row["LoadedPremium"].ToString()); decPremiumUnrounded = Convert.ToDecimal(row["UnroudedStandardPremium"].ToString()); decPremiumFixedFee = Convert.ToDecimal(row["FixedFee"].ToString()); } } decPremium = decPremium + decPremiumFixedFee; } } if (RadioButtonQuoteDisNo.Checked == false) { //Disability //Recalculate the disability premium strBaseRisk = GetBaseRisk(2); //1= life; 2 = Disability strProductType = GetBenifitCode(2); //1= life; 2 = Disability ReturnDT = null; if (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitLife.SelectedItem.Text == "FDB") { ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Cover(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk + RadTxtRiskBand.Text.Trim(), strRiskModifier, decPremiumDisability.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), RadTxtMagnumID.Text.Trim(), "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Text); } else { ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Cover(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk, strRiskModifier, decPremiumDisability.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), RadTxtMagnumID.Text.Trim(), "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Text); } foreach (DataRow row in ReturnDT.Rows) { if (row["Cover"].ToString() == "") { decCoverDisability = 0; } else { decCoverDisability = Convert.ToDecimal(row["Cover"].ToString()); } } //Match closest cover amount in the CoverRounding table #region "Match closest cover amount in the CoverRounding table" sqlCommandX2 = new SqlCommand(); sqlCommandX2.Connection = sqlConnectionX; sqlCommandX2.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; sqlCommandX2.CommandText = "spx_SELECT_CoverRounding"; sqlParam = new SqlParameter("CoverAmount", decCoverDisability); sqlCommandX2.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); sqlDR2 = sqlCommandX2.ExecuteReader(); while (sqlDR2.Read()) { decCoverDisability = Convert.ToDecimal(sqlDR2.GetValue(0).ToString()); } sqlDR2.Close(); sqlCommandX2.Cancel(); sqlCommandX2.Dispose(); #endregion //decPremium = decPremium + decPremiumFixedFee; //decPremiumDisability = decPremiumDisability + decPremiumFixedFee; } } } } #endregion } } //If less than 130 for button 4 only if (buttonNumber == 4) { #region "If less than 130 for button 4 only" strControlFee = decPremiumFixedFee.ToString(); if (strControlFee == "") strControlFee = "1"; #region "Life Only" if (RadioButtonQuoteLifeYes.Checked == true && RadioButtonQuoteDisYes.Checked == false) { if (decPremium < 130) { decPremium = 130; ///Making this 110 - this is the fee of 130 with out the fixed fee //if (RadioButtonEscalationDis6.Checked == true) if (RadioButtonEsc6.Checked == true) strEscalation = "06"; //if (RadioButtonEscalationDis10.Checked == true) if (RadioButtonEsc10.Checked == true) strEscalation = "10"; strBaseRisk = GetBaseRisk(1); //1= life; 2 = Disability strProductType = GetBenifitCode(1); //1= life; 2 = Disability ReturnDT = null; if (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitLife.SelectedItem.Text == "FDB") { //ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Cover(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk + RadTxtRiskBand.Text.Trim(), strRiskModifier, decPremium.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), RadTxtMagnumID.Text.Trim(), "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Text); ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Cover(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk + RadTxtRiskBand.Text.Trim(), strRiskModifier, decPremium.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), RadTxtMagnumID.Text.Trim(), "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Text); } else { //ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Cover(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk, strRiskModifier, decPremium.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), RadTxtMagnumID.Text.Trim(), "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Text); ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Cover(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk, strRiskModifier, decPremium.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), RadTxtMagnumID.Text.Trim(), "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Text); } foreach (DataRow row in ReturnDT.Rows) { if (row["Cover"].ToString() == "") { decCover = 0; } else { decCover = Convert.ToDecimal(row["UnroudedCover"].ToString()); } } //Match closest cover amount in the CoverRounding table #region "Match closest cover amount in the CoverRounding table" sqlCommandX2 = new SqlCommand(); sqlCommandX2.Connection = sqlConnectionX; sqlCommandX2.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; sqlCommandX2.CommandText = "spx_SELECT_CoverRounding"; sqlParam = new SqlParameter("CoverAmount", decCover); sqlCommandX2.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); sqlDR2 = sqlCommandX2.ExecuteReader(); while (sqlDR2.Read()) { decCover = Convert.ToDecimal(sqlDR2.GetValue(0).ToString()); } sqlDR2.Close(); sqlCommandX2.Cancel(); sqlCommandX2.Dispose(); #endregion //2015-10-13 - taken out because the premium from option 4 was R150 and not matching premium (130) on option 5 (e.g. MagID 67332124) //decPremium = decPremium + decPremiumFixedFee; } } #endregion #region "Disability only" if (RadioButtonQuoteDisYes.Checked == true && RadioButtonQuoteLifeYes.Checked == false) { if (decPremiumDisability < 130) { decPremiumDisability = 130; ///Making this 110 - this is the fee of 130 with out the fixed fee RadNumericTxtOption4Total.Text = (decPremium + decPremiumDisability).ToString(); } //if (RadioButtonEscalationDis6.Checked == true) if (RadioButtonEsc6.Checked == true) strEscalation = "06"; //if (RadioButtonEscalationDis10.Checked == true) if (RadioButtonEsc10.Checked == true) strEscalation = "10"; //Recalculate the disability premium strBaseRisk = GetBaseRisk(2); //1= life; 2 = Disability strProductType = GetBenifitCode(2); //1= life; 2 = Disability if (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitLife.SelectedItem.Text == "ADB") { strRiskModifier = "ACCIDENTAL"; } if (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitLife.SelectedItem.Text == "ACDB") { strRiskModifier = "ACCIDENTAL_CANCER"; } ReturnDT = null; if (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitDisability.SelectedItem.Text == "FDB") { ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Cover(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk + RadTxtRiskBand.Text.Trim(), strRiskModifier, decPremiumDisability.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), RadTxtMagnumID.Text.Trim(), "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingDisability.Text); } else { ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Cover(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk, strRiskModifier, decPremiumDisability.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), RadTxtMagnumID.Text.Trim(), "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingDisability.Text); } foreach (DataRow row in ReturnDT.Rows) { if (row["Cover"].ToString() == "") { decCoverDisability = 0; } else { decCoverDisability = Convert.ToDecimal(row["UnroudedCover"].ToString()); } } //Match closest cover amount in the CoverRounding table #region "Match closest cover amount in the CoverRounding table" sqlCommandX2 = new SqlCommand(); sqlCommandX2.Connection = sqlConnectionX; sqlCommandX2.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; sqlCommandX2.CommandText = "spx_SELECT_CoverRounding"; sqlParam = new SqlParameter("CoverAmount", decCoverDisability); sqlCommandX2.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); sqlDR2 = sqlCommandX2.ExecuteReader(); while (sqlDR2.Read()) { decCoverDisability = Convert.ToDecimal(sqlDR2.GetValue(0).ToString()); } sqlDR2.Close(); sqlCommandX2.Cancel(); sqlCommandX2.Dispose(); #endregion //decPremiumDisability = decPremiumDisability + decPremiumFixedFee; } #endregion if (RadioButtonQuoteDisYes.Checked == true && RadioButtonQuoteLifeYes.Checked == true) { #region "Life and Disability" if ((((decPremium + decPremiumDisability)) - (Convert.ToDecimal(1 * Convert.ToDecimal(strControlFee)))) < 130) { //if ((blnUseLife == true) && (blnUseDisability == true)) //{ decPremium = 75; decPremiumDisability = 75; //} strBaseRisk = GetBaseRisk(1); //1= life; 2 = Disability strProductType = GetBenifitCode(1); //1= life; 2 = Disability //strRiskModifier = GetRiskModifier(); if (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitLife.SelectedItem.Text == "ADB") { strRiskModifier = "ACCIDENTAL"; } if (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitLife.SelectedItem.Text == "ACDB") { strRiskModifier = "ACCIDENTAL_CANCER"; } ReturnDT = null; #region "Life" if (blnUseLife == true) { if (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitLife.SelectedItem.Text == "FDB") { ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Cover(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk + RadTxtRiskBand.Text.Trim(), strRiskModifier, decPremium.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), RadTxtMagnumID.Text.Trim(), "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Text); } else { ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Cover(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk, strRiskModifier, decPremium.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), RadTxtMagnumID.Text.Trim(), "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Text); } foreach (DataRow row in ReturnDT.Rows) { if (row["Cover"].ToString() == "") { decCover = 0; } else { decCover = Convert.ToDecimal(row["UnroudedCover"].ToString()); } } //Match closest cover amount in the CoverRounding table #region "Match closest cover amount in the CoverRounding table" sqlCommandX2 = new SqlCommand(); sqlCommandX2.Connection = sqlConnectionX; sqlCommandX2.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; sqlCommandX2.CommandText = "spx_SELECT_CoverRounding"; sqlParam = new SqlParameter("CoverAmount", decCover); sqlCommandX2.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); sqlDR2 = sqlCommandX2.ExecuteReader(); while (sqlDR2.Read()) { decCover = Convert.ToDecimal(sqlDR2.GetValue(0).ToString()); } sqlDR2.Close(); sqlCommandX2.Cancel(); sqlCommandX2.Dispose(); #endregion if (decCover == 40000) { if (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitLife.SelectedItem.Text == "FDB") { ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Premium(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk + RadTxtRiskBand.Text.Trim(), strRiskModifier, decCover.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), RadTxtMagnumID.Text.Trim(), "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Text); } else { ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Premium(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk, strRiskModifier, decCover.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), RadTxtMagnumID.Text.Trim(), "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Text); } foreach (DataRow row in ReturnDT.Rows) { if (row["LoadedPremium"].ToString() != "") { decPremium = Convert.ToDecimal(row["LoadedPremium"].ToString()); decPremiumUnrounded = Convert.ToDecimal(row["UnroudedStandardPremium"].ToString()); decPremiumFixedFee = Convert.ToDecimal(row["FixedFee"].ToString()); } } decPremium = decPremium + decPremiumFixedFee; } } #endregion #region "Disability" if (RadioButtonQuoteDisNo.Checked == false) { //Disability //Recalculate the disability premium strBaseRisk = GetBaseRisk(2); //1= life; 2 = Disability strProductType = GetBenifitCode(2); //1= life; 2 = Disability ReturnDT = null; if (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitDisability.SelectedItem.Text == "FDB") { ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Cover(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk + RadTxtRiskBand.Text.Trim(), strRiskModifier, decPremiumDisability.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), RadTxtMagnumID.Text.Trim(), "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Text); } else { ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Cover(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk, strRiskModifier, decPremiumDisability.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), RadTxtMagnumID.Text.Trim(), "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Text); } foreach (DataRow row in ReturnDT.Rows) { if (row["Cover"].ToString() == "") { decCoverDisability = 0; } else { decCoverDisability = Convert.ToDecimal(row["Cover"].ToString()); } } //Match closest cover amount in the CoverRounding table #region "Match closest cover amount in the CoverRounding table" sqlCommandX2 = new SqlCommand(); sqlCommandX2.Connection = sqlConnectionX; sqlCommandX2.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; sqlCommandX2.CommandText = "spx_SELECT_CoverRounding"; sqlParam = new SqlParameter("CoverAmount", decCoverDisability); sqlCommandX2.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); sqlDR2 = sqlCommandX2.ExecuteReader(); while (sqlDR2.Read()) { decCoverDisability = Convert.ToDecimal(sqlDR2.GetValue(0).ToString()); } sqlDR2.Close(); sqlCommandX2.Cancel(); sqlCommandX2.Dispose(); #endregion //decPremium = decPremium + decPremiumFixedFee; //decPremiumDisability = decPremiumDisability + decPremiumFixedFee; } #endregion } #endregion } #endregion } #region "EM Loading" //if (RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Enabled == true) //{ // //EM loading calc is a straight sum onto premium as Final premium = final premium (without EM loading) + unloaded prem *max( (EM loading – 25),0) / 100 // if (RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Text.Trim() == "") // RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Text = "0"; // decimal decEmLoading = Convert.ToDecimal(RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Text.Trim()); // ////decPremium = decPremium + (decPremium * (decEmLoading - 25) / 100); // //decPremium = decPremium + (decPremium * calculation(decEmLoading, 25) / 100); // strBaseRisk = GetBaseRisk(1); //1= life; 2 = Disability // strProductType = GetBenifitCode(1); //1= life; 2 = Disability // DataTable DTEMLoading = WS.returnEM_Affected_Premium(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk + RadTxtRiskBand.Text.Trim(), strRiskModifier, decCoverDisability.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), "", "", decEmLoading.ToString()); // foreach (DataRow row in DTEMLoading.Rows) // { // if (row["LoadedPremium"].ToString() != "") // { // decPremium = Convert.ToDecimal(row["LoadedPremium"].ToString()); // decPremiumUnrounded = Convert.ToDecimal(row["UnroudedStandardPremium"].ToString()); // decPremiumFixedFee = Convert.ToDecimal(row["FixedFee"].ToString()); // } // else // { // decPremium = 0; // decPremiumUnrounded = 0; // decPremiumFixedFee = 0; // } // } // decPremium = decPremium + decPremiumFixedFee; //} //if (RadNumericTxtEMLoadingDisability.Enabled == true) //{ // if (RadNumericTxtEMLoadingDisability.Text.Trim() == "") // RadNumericTxtEMLoadingDisability.Text = "0"; // decimal decEmLoading = Convert.ToDecimal(RadNumericTxtEMLoadingDisability.Text.Trim()); // ////decPremiumDisability = decPremiumDisability + (decPremiumDisability * (decEmLoading - 25) / 100); // //decPremiumDisability = decPremiumDisability + (decPremiumDisability * calculation(decEmLoading, 25) / 100); // strBaseRisk = GetBaseRisk(2); //1= life; 2 = Disability // strProductType = GetBenifitCode(2); //1= life; 2 = Disability // DataTable DTEMLoading = WS.returnEM_Affected_Premium(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk + RadTxtRiskBand.Text.Trim(), strRiskModifier, decCoverDisability.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), "", "", decEmLoading.ToString()); // foreach (DataRow row in DTEMLoading.Rows) // { // if (row["LoadedPremium"].ToString() != "") // { // decPremiumDisability = Convert.ToDecimal(row["LoadedPremium"].ToString()); // decPremiumDisabilityUnrounded = Convert.ToDecimal(row["UnroudedStandardPremium"].ToString()); // decPremiumFixedFee = Convert.ToDecimal(row["FixedFee"].ToString()); // } // else // { // decPremiumDisability = 0; // decPremiumDisabilityUnrounded = 0; // decPremiumFixedFee = 0; // } // } // decPremiumDisability = decPremiumDisability + decPremiumFixedFee; //} #endregion //strControlFee = GetSetting("ControlFee"); strControlFee = decPremiumFixedFee.ToString(); if (strControlFee == "") strControlFee = "1"; bool blnLifeOk = true; bool blnDisabilityOk = true; if (RadioButtonQuoteLifeNo.Checked == true) { blnLifeOk = false; } if ((PanelLife.GroupingText.Contains("Unavailable") == true) && (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitLife.SelectedItem.Text == "FDB")) { blnLifeOk = false; } if (RadioButtonQuoteDisNo.Checked == true) { blnDisabilityOk = false; } if ((PanelDisability.GroupingText.Contains("Unavailable") == true) && (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitDisability.SelectedItem.Text == "FDB")) { blnDisabilityOk = false; } if (RadioButtonQuoteLifeNo.Checked == false) { if ((PanelLife.GroupingText.Contains("Unavailable") == false) || (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitLife.SelectedItem.Text != "FDB")) { switch (buttonNumber) { case 1: #region "Button 1" RadNumericTxtOption1RandValue.Visible = true; RadNumericTxtOption1RandValue.Text = decCover.ToString(); lblOp1_1.Visible = true; RadNumericTxtOption1Premium.Visible = true; RadNumericTxtOption1Premium.Text = decPremium.ToString(); lblOp1_2.Visible = true; if ((PanelDisability.GroupingText.Contains("Unavailable") == true) && (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitDisability.SelectedItem.Text == "FDB")) { lblOp1_2.Text = "rands per month"; RadNumericTxtOption1Total.Text = decPremium.ToString(); } else { lblOp1_2.Text = "rands per month AND"; decimal decTotal = 0; if ((RadioButtonQuoteLifeNo.Checked == false && RadioButtonQuoteDisNo.Checked == false)) { decTotal = ((decPremium + decPremiumDisability)) - (Convert.ToDecimal(1 * Convert.ToDecimal(strControlFee))); } else { decTotal = (decPremium + decPremiumDisability); } RadNumericTxtOption1Total.Text = decTotal.ToString(); } #endregion break; case 2: #region "Button 2" RadNumericTxtOption2RandValue.Visible = true; RadNumericTxtOption2RandValue.Text = decCover.ToString(); lblOp2_1.Visible = true; RadNumericTxtOption2Premium.Visible = true; RadNumericTxtOption2Premium.Text = decPremium.ToString(); lblOp2_2.Visible = true; if ((PanelDisability.GroupingText.Contains("Unavailable") == true) && (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitDisability.SelectedItem.Text == "FDB")) { lblOp2_2.Text = "rands per month"; //if (Convert.ToInt32(RadNumericTxtOption1Premium.Text) >= 130) if (Convert.ToInt32(RadNumericTxtOption1Total.Text) >= 130) { #region "old" //if (decPremium < 130) //{ // #region "Get cover for R130" // decPremium = 130; ///Making this 110 - this is the fee of 130 with out the fixed fee // if (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitLife.SelectedItem.Text == "FDB") // { // ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Cover(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk + RadTxtRiskBand.Text.Trim(), strRiskModifier, decPremium.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), RadTxtMagnumID.Text.Trim(), "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Text); // } // else // { // ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Cover(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk, strRiskModifier, decPremium.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), RadTxtMagnumID.Text.Trim(), "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Text); // } // foreach (DataRow row in ReturnDT.Rows) // { // if (row["Cover"].ToString() == "") // { // decCover = 0; // } // else // { // decCover = Convert.ToDecimal(row["UnroudedCover"].ToString()); // } // } // //Match closest cover amount in the CoverRounding table // #region "Match closest cover amount in the CoverRounding table" // sqlCommandX = new SqlCommand(); // sqlCommandX.Connection = sqlConnectionX; // sqlCommandX.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; // sqlCommandX.CommandText = "spx_SELECT_CoverRounding"; // sqlParam = new SqlParameter("CoverAmount", decCover); // sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); // sqlDR = sqlCommandX.ExecuteReader(); // while (sqlDR.Read()) // { // decCover = Convert.ToDecimal(sqlDR.GetValue(0).ToString()); // } // sqlDR.Close(); // sqlCommandX.Cancel(); // sqlCommandX.Dispose(); // #endregion // decPremium = decPremium + decPremiumFixedFee; // #endregion // RadNumericTxtOption2RandValue.Text = decCover.ToString(); // RadNumericTxtOption2Premium.Text = decPremium.ToString(); //} #endregion //dont show option 2 if the total is the same as option 1 if (decPremium == Convert.ToInt32(RadNumericTxtOption1Total.Text)) { hideOption2Life(); //hideOption2Disability(); lblSuitable0.Visible = false; lblOr.Visible = false; RadNumericTxtOption2Total.Text = "0"; } else { RadNumericTxtOption2Total.Text = decPremium.ToString(); } } else { hideOption2Life(); lblSuitable0.Visible = false; lblOr.Visible = false; } } else { lblOp2_2.Text = "rands per month AND"; decimal decTotal = 0; if ((RadioButtonQuoteLifeNo.Checked == false && RadioButtonQuoteDisNo.Checked == false)) { decTotal = ((decPremium + decPremiumDisability)) - (Convert.ToDecimal(1 * Convert.ToDecimal(strControlFee))); } else { decTotal = (decPremium + decPremiumDisability); } RadNumericTxtOption2Total.Text = decTotal.ToString(); //if (Convert.ToInt32(RadNumericTxtOption1Premium.Text) > 130) if (Convert.ToInt32(RadNumericTxtOption1Total.Text) > 130) { //dont show option 2 if the total is the same as option 1 if (decTotal == Convert.ToInt32(RadNumericTxtOption1Total.Text)) { hideOption2Life(); hideOption2Disability(); lblSuitable0.Visible = false; lblOr.Visible = false; } #region "old" //if (decPremium < 130) //{ // #region "Get cover for R130" // decPremium = 130; ///Making this 110 - this is the fee of 130 with out the fixed fee // if (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitLife.SelectedItem.Text == "FDB") // { // ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Cover(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk + RadTxtRiskBand.Text.Trim(), strRiskModifier, decPremium.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), RadTxtMagnumID.Text.Trim(), "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Text); // } // else // { // ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Cover(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk, strRiskModifier, decPremium.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), RadTxtMagnumID.Text.Trim(), "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Text); // } // foreach (DataRow row in ReturnDT.Rows) // { // if (row["Cover"].ToString() == "") // { // decCover = 0; // } // else // { // decCover = Convert.ToDecimal(row["UnroudedCover"].ToString()); // } // } // //Match closest cover amount in the CoverRounding table // #region "Match closest cover amount in the CoverRounding table" // sqlCommandX = new SqlCommand(); // sqlCommandX.Connection = sqlConnectionX; // sqlCommandX.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; // sqlCommandX.CommandText = "spx_SELECT_CoverRounding"; // sqlParam = new SqlParameter("CoverAmount", decCover); // sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); // sqlDR = sqlCommandX.ExecuteReader(); // while (sqlDR.Read()) // { // decCover = Convert.ToDecimal(sqlDR.GetValue(0).ToString()); // } // sqlDR.Close(); // sqlCommandX.Cancel(); // sqlCommandX.Dispose(); // #endregion // decPremium = decPremium + decPremiumFixedFee; // #endregion // RadNumericTxtOption2RandValue.Text = decCover.ToString(); // RadNumericTxtOption2Premium.Text = decPremium.ToString(); //} #endregion } else { hideOption2Life(); hideOption2Disability(); lblSuitable0.Visible = false; lblOr.Visible = false; } } #endregion break; case 3: #region "Button 3" RadNumericTxtOption3RandValue.Visible = true; RadNumericTxtOption3RandValue.Text = decCover.ToString(); lblOp3_1.Visible = true; RadNumericTxtOption3Premium.Visible = true; RadNumericTxtOption3Premium.Text = decPremium.ToString(); lblOp3_2.Visible = true; if ((PanelDisability.GroupingText.Contains("Unavailable") == true) && (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitDisability.SelectedItem.Text == "FDB")) { lblOp3_2.Text = "rands per month"; //if (Convert.ToInt32(RadNumericTxtOption2Premium.Text) > 130) if (Convert.ToInt32(RadNumericTxtOption2Total.Text) > 130) { #region "Old" //if (decPremium < 130) //{ // #region "Get cover for R130" // decPremium = 130; ///Making this 110 - this is the fee of 130 with out the fixed fee // if (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitLife.SelectedItem.Text == "FDB") // { // ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Cover(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk + RadTxtRiskBand.Text.Trim(), strRiskModifier, decPremium.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), RadTxtMagnumID.Text.Trim(), "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Text); // } // else // { // ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Cover(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk, strRiskModifier, decPremium.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), RadTxtMagnumID.Text.Trim(), "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Text); // } // foreach (DataRow row in ReturnDT.Rows) // { // if (row["Cover"].ToString() == "") // { // decCover = 0; // } // else // { // decCover = Convert.ToDecimal(row["UnroudedCover"].ToString()); // } // } // ////Match closest cover amount in the CoverRounding table // //#region "Match closest cover amount in the CoverRounding table" // //sqlCommandX = new SqlCommand(); // //sqlCommandX.Connection = sqlConnectionX; // //sqlCommandX.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; // //sqlCommandX.CommandText = "spx_SELECT_CoverRounding"; // //sqlParam = new SqlParameter("CoverAmount", decCover); // //sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); // //sqlDR = sqlCommandX.ExecuteReader(); // //while (sqlDR.Read()) // //{ // // decCover = Convert.ToDecimal(sqlDR.GetValue(0).ToString()); // //} // //sqlDR.Close(); // //sqlCommandX.Cancel(); // //sqlCommandX.Dispose(); // //#endregion // decPremium = decPremium + decPremiumFixedFee; // #endregion // RadNumericTxtOption3RandValue.Text = decCover.ToString(); // RadNumericTxtOption3Premium.Text = decPremium.ToString(); //} #endregion if (decPremium == Convert.ToInt32(RadNumericTxtOption2Total.Text)) { hideOption3Life(); //hideOption3Disability(); RadNumericTxtOption3Total.Text = "0"; } else { RadNumericTxtOption3Total.Text = decPremium.ToString(); } } else { hideOption3Life(); lblAlso.Visible = false; } } else { lblOp3_2.Text = "rands per month AND"; decimal decTotal = 0; if ((RadioButtonQuoteLifeNo.Checked == false && RadioButtonQuoteDisNo.Checked == false)) { decTotal = ((decPremium + decPremiumDisability)) - (Convert.ToDecimal(1 * Convert.ToDecimal(strControlFee))); } else { decTotal = (decPremium + decPremiumDisability); } RadNumericTxtOption3Total.Text = decTotal.ToString(); if (Convert.ToInt32(RadNumericTxtOption2Total.Text) > 130) { if (decTotal == Convert.ToInt32(RadNumericTxtOption2Total.Text)) { hideOption3Life(); //hideOption3Disability(); lblAlso.Visible = false; } #region "Old" //if (decPremium < 130) //{ // #region "Get cover for R130" // decPremium = 130; ///Making this 110 - this is the fee of 130 with out the fixed fee // if (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitLife.SelectedItem.Text == "FDB") // { // ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Cover(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk + RadTxtRiskBand.Text.Trim(), strRiskModifier, decPremium.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), RadTxtMagnumID.Text.Trim(), "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Text); // } // else // { // ReturnDT = WS.returnEM_Affected_Cover(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + strProductType + strEscalation, strBaseRisk, strRiskModifier, decPremium.ToString(), RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString(), RadTxtMagnumID.Text.Trim(), "", RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Text); // } // foreach (DataRow row in ReturnDT.Rows) // { // if (row["Cover"].ToString() == "") // { // decCover = 0; // } // else // { // decCover = Convert.ToDecimal(row["UnroudedCover"].ToString()); // } // } // ////Match closest cover amount in the CoverRounding table // //#region "Match closest cover amount in the CoverRounding table" // //sqlCommandX = new SqlCommand(); // //sqlCommandX.Connection = sqlConnectionX; // //sqlCommandX.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; // //sqlCommandX.CommandText = "spx_SELECT_CoverRounding"; // //sqlParam = new SqlParameter("CoverAmount", decCover); // //sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); // //sqlDR = sqlCommandX.ExecuteReader(); // //while (sqlDR.Read()) // //{ // // decCover = Convert.ToDecimal(sqlDR.GetValue(0).ToString()); // //} // //sqlDR.Close(); // //sqlCommandX.Cancel(); // //sqlCommandX.Dispose(); // //#endregion // decPremium = decPremium + decPremiumFixedFee; // #endregion // RadNumericTxtOption3RandValue.Text = decCover.ToString(); // RadNumericTxtOption3Premium.Text = decPremium.ToString(); //} #endregion } else { hideOption3Life(); hideOption3Disability(); lblAlso.Visible = false; } } #endregion break; case 4: #region "Button 4" hideOption4Life(); hideOption4Disability(); RadNumericTxtOption4RandValue.Visible = true; RadNumericTxtOption4RandValue.Text = decCover.ToString(); lblOp4_1.Visible = true; RadNumericTxtOption4Premium.Visible = true; RadNumericTxtOption4Premium.Text = decPremium.ToString(); lblOp4_2.Visible = true; //if (PanelDisability.GroupingText.Contains("Unavailable") == true) if ((PanelDisability.GroupingText.Contains("Unavailable") == true) && (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitDisability.SelectedItem.Text == "FDB")) { lblOp4_2.Text = "rands per month"; //2015-10-12 - removed the below because it was making the premium and the total the same value on the quote letter //decimal decTotal = 0; //if ((RadioButtonQuoteLifeNo.Checked == false && RadioButtonQuoteDisNo.Checked == false)) //{ // decTotal = (decPremium - (Convert.ToDecimal(1 * Convert.ToDecimal(strControlFee)))); //} //else //{ // decTotal = (decPremium + decPremiumDisability); //} //RadNumericTxtOption4Total.Text = decTotal.ToString(); RadNumericTxtOption4Total.Text = decPremium.ToString(); } else { if (RadioButtonQuoteDisNo.Checked == false) { lblOp4_2.Text = "rands per month AND"; //decimal decTotal = ((decPremium + decPremiumDisability)) - (Convert.ToDecimal(1 * Convert.ToDecimal(strControlFee))); decimal decTotal = 0; if ((RadioButtonQuoteLifeNo.Checked == false && RadioButtonQuoteDisNo.Checked == false)) { decTotal = ((decPremium + decPremiumDisability)) - (Convert.ToDecimal(1 * Convert.ToDecimal(strControlFee))); } else { decTotal = (decPremium + decPremiumDisability); } RadNumericTxtOption4Total.Text = decTotal.ToString(); } else { lblOp4_2.Text = "rands per month"; //2015-10-12 - removed the below because it was making the premium and the total the same value on the quote letter //decimal decTotal = ((decPremium)) - (Convert.ToDecimal(1 * Convert.ToDecimal(strControlFee))); //RadNumericTxtOption4Total.Text = decTotal.ToString(); RadNumericTxtOption4Total.Text = decPremium.ToString(); } } if (Convert.ToDecimal(RadNumericTxtOption4Total.Text) < 130) { lblOp4_Problem.Text = "The total premium is too low, please try a different cover values"; lblOp4_Problem.Visible = true; hideOption4Life(); hideOption4Disability(); } else { lblOp4_Problem.Text = ""; lblOp4_Problem.Visible = false; } #endregion break; case 5: #region "Button 5" hideOption5Life(); hideOption5Disability(); RadNumericTxtOption5RandValue.Visible = true; RadNumericTxtOption5RandValue.Text = decCover.ToString(); lblOp5_1.Visible = true; RadNumericTxtOption5Premium.Visible = true; RadNumericTxtOption5Premium.Text = decPremium.ToString(); //RadNumericTxtOption5Premium.Text = decDesiredContribution.ToString(); lblOp5_2.Visible = true; //if (PanelDisability.GroupingText.Contains("Unavailable") == true) if ((PanelDisability.GroupingText.Contains("Unavailable") == true) && (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitDisability.SelectedItem.Text == "FDB")) { lblOp5_2.Text = "rands per month"; decimal decTotal = 0; //2015-10-12 - removed the below because it was making the premium and the total the same value on the quote letter //if ((RadioButtonQuoteLifeNo.Checked == false && RadioButtonQuoteDisNo.Checked == false)) //{ // decTotal = (decPremium - (Convert.ToDecimal(1 * Convert.ToDecimal(strControlFee)))); //} //else //{ // decTotal = (decPremium + decPremiumDisability); //} //RadNumericTxtOption5Total.Text = decTotal.ToString(); RadNumericTxtOption5Total.Text = decPremium.ToString(); } else { if (RadioButtonQuoteDisNo.Checked == false) { lblOp5_2.Text = "rands per month AND"; //decimal decTotal = ((decPremium + decPremiumDisability)) - (Convert.ToDecimal(1 * Convert.ToDecimal(strControlFee))); ////decimal decTotal = ((decDesiredContribution + decDesiredContribution)) - (Convert.ToDecimal(1 * Convert.ToDecimal(strControlFee))); decimal decTotal = 0; if ((RadioButtonQuoteLifeNo.Checked == false && RadioButtonQuoteDisNo.Checked == false)) { decTotal = ((decPremium + decPremiumDisability)) - (Convert.ToDecimal(1 * Convert.ToDecimal(strControlFee))); } else { decTotal = (decPremium + decPremiumDisability); } RadNumericTxtOption5Total.Text = decTotal.ToString(); } else { lblOp5_2.Text = "rands per month"; //2015-10-12 - removed the below because it was making the premium and the total the same value on the quote letter //decimal decTotal = ((decPremium)) - (Convert.ToDecimal(1 * Convert.ToDecimal(strControlFee))); //RadNumericTxtOption5Total.Text = decTotal.ToString(); RadNumericTxtOption5Total.Text = decPremium.ToString(); } } #endregion break; } } else { switch (buttonNumber) { case 1: hideOption1Life(); break; case 2: hideOption2Life(); break; case 3: hideOption3Life(); break; case 4: hideOption4Life(); break; case 5: hideOption5Life(); break; } } } sqlConnectionX.Close(); if (RadioButtonQuoteDisNo.Checked == false) { if ((PanelDisability.GroupingText.Contains("Unavailable") == false) || (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitDisability.SelectedItem.Text != "FDB")) { decimal decTotal = 0; switch (buttonNumber) { case 1: #region "Button 1" RadNumericTxtOption1DisCover.Visible = true; RadNumericTxtOption1DisCover.Text = decCoverDisability.ToString(); lblOp1_3.Visible = true; RadNumericTxtOption1DisPremium.Visible = true; RadNumericTxtOption1DisPremium.Text = decPremiumDisability.ToString(); lblOp1_4.Visible = true; if (RadioButtonQuoteLifeNo.Checked == true) { lblOp1_4.Text = "rands per month"; //decimal decTotal = ((decPremium + decPremiumDisability)) - (Convert.ToDecimal(1 * Convert.ToDecimal(strControlFee))); if ((RadioButtonQuoteLifeNo.Checked == false && RadioButtonQuoteDisNo.Checked == false)) { decTotal = ((decPremium + decPremiumDisability)) - (Convert.ToDecimal(1 * Convert.ToDecimal(strControlFee))); } else { decTotal = (decPremium + decPremiumDisability); } RadNumericTxtOption1Total.Text = decTotal.ToString(); hideOption1Life(); lblOp1_4.Visible = false; RadNumericTxtOption1Total.Visible = false; lblOp1_5.Visible = false; } else { lblOp1_4.Text = "rands per month. So, that's a total monthly premium of"; RadNumericTxtOption1Total.Visible = true; lblOp1_5.Visible = true; } #endregion break; case 2: #region "Button 2" if (Convert.ToInt32(RadNumericTxtOption1Total.Text) > 130) { //decimal decTotal; decimal decTotalTemp; RadNumericTxtOption2DisCover.Visible = true; RadNumericTxtOption2DisCover.Text = decCoverDisability.ToString(); lblOp2_3.Visible = true; RadNumericTxtOption2DisPremium.Visible = true; RadNumericTxtOption2DisPremium.Text = decPremiumDisability.ToString(); lblOp2_4.Visible = true; if (RadioButtonQuoteLifeNo.Checked == true) { lblOp2_4.Text = "rands per month"; //decTotal = ((decPremium + decPremiumDisability)) - (Convert.ToDecimal(1 * Convert.ToDecimal(strControlFee))); if ((RadioButtonQuoteLifeNo.Checked == false && RadioButtonQuoteDisNo.Checked == false)) { decTotal = ((decPremium + decPremiumDisability)) - (Convert.ToDecimal(1 * Convert.ToDecimal(strControlFee))); } else { decTotal = (decPremium + decPremiumDisability); } RadNumericTxtOption2Total.Text = decTotal.ToString(); hideOption2Life(); lblOp2_4.Visible = false; RadNumericTxtOption2Total.Visible = false; lblOp2_5.Visible = false; } else { lblOp2_4.Text = "rands per month. So, that's a total monthly premium of"; RadNumericTxtOption2Total.Visible = true; lblOp2_5.Visible = true; } decTotalTemp = ((decPremium + decPremiumDisability)) - (Convert.ToDecimal(1 * Convert.ToDecimal(strControlFee))); //dont show option 2 if the total is the same as option 1 if (decTotalTemp == Convert.ToInt32(RadNumericTxtOption1Total.Text)) { //hideOption2Life(); hideOption2Disability(); lblSuitable0.Visible = false; lblOr.Visible = false; RadNumericTxtOption2Total.Text = "0"; } } else { hideOption2Life(); hideOption2Disability(); RadNumericTxtOption2Total.Text = "0"; } #endregion break; case 3: #region "Button 3" if (Convert.ToInt32(RadNumericTxtOption2Total.Text) > 130) { RadNumericTxtOption3DisCover.Visible = true; RadNumericTxtOption3DisCover.Text = decCoverDisability.ToString(); lblOp3_3.Visible = true; RadNumericTxtOption3DisPremium.Visible = true; RadNumericTxtOption3DisPremium.Text = decPremiumDisability.ToString(); lblOp3_4.Visible = true; if (RadioButtonQuoteLifeNo.Checked == true) { lblOp3_4.Text = "rands per month"; //decimal decTotal = ((decPremium + decPremiumDisability)) - (Convert.ToDecimal(1 * Convert.ToDecimal(strControlFee))); //decimal decTotalTemp = ((decPremium + decPremiumDisability)) - (Convert.ToDecimal(1 * Convert.ToDecimal(strControlFee))); decimal decTotalTemp = 0; if ((RadioButtonQuoteLifeNo.Checked == false && RadioButtonQuoteDisNo.Checked == false)) { decTotal = ((decPremium + decPremiumDisability)) - (Convert.ToDecimal(1 * Convert.ToDecimal(strControlFee))); decTotalTemp = ((decPremium + decPremiumDisability)) - (Convert.ToDecimal(1 * Convert.ToDecimal(strControlFee))); } else { decTotal = (decPremium + decPremiumDisability); decTotalTemp = (decPremium + decPremiumDisability); } RadNumericTxtOption3Total.Text = decTotal.ToString(); hideOption3Life(); lblOp3_4.Visible = false; RadNumericTxtOption3Total.Visible = false; lblOp3_5.Visible = false; //dont show option 2 if the total is the same as option 1 if (decTotalTemp == Convert.ToInt32(RadNumericTxtOption2Total.Text)) { //hideOption3Life(); hideOption3Disability(); RadNumericTxtOption3Total.Text = "0"; } } else { lblOp3_4.Text = "rands per month. So, that's a total monthly premium of"; RadNumericTxtOption3Total.Visible = true; lblOp3_5.Visible = true; } } else { hideOption3Life(); hideOption3Disability(); RadNumericTxtOption3Total.Text = "0"; } #endregion break; case 4: #region "Button 4" if (Convert.ToDecimal(RadNumericTxtOption4Total.Text) >= 130) { RadNumericTxtOption4DisCover.Visible = true; RadNumericTxtOption4DisCover.Text = decCoverDisability.ToString(); lblOp4_3.Visible = true; RadNumericTxtOption4DisPremium.Visible = true; RadNumericTxtOption4DisPremium.Text = decPremiumDisability.ToString(); lblOp4_4.Visible = true; if (RadioButtonQuoteLifeNo.Checked == true) { lblOp4_4.Text = "rands per month"; decTotal = 0; if ((RadioButtonQuoteLifeNo.Checked == false && RadioButtonQuoteDisNo.Checked == false)) { decTotal = (decPremium - (Convert.ToDecimal(1 * Convert.ToDecimal(strControlFee)))); } else { decTotal = (decPremium + decPremiumDisability); } RadNumericTxtOption4Total.Text = decTotal.ToString(); hideOption4Life(); RadNumericTxtOption4Total.Visible = false; lblOp4_5.Visible = false; } else { lblOp4_4.Text = "rands per month. So, that's a total monthly premium of"; //decTotal = ((decPremium)) - (Convert.ToDecimal(1 * Convert.ToDecimal(strControlFee))); decTotal = ((decPremium + decPremiumDisability)) - (Convert.ToDecimal(1 * Convert.ToDecimal(strControlFee))); RadNumericTxtOption4Total.Text = decTotal.ToString(); RadNumericTxtOption4Total.Visible = true; lblOp4_5.Visible = true; } } #endregion break; case 5: #region "Button 5" RadNumericTxtOption5DisCover.Visible = true; RadNumericTxtOption5DisCover.Text = decCoverDisability.ToString(); lblOp5_3.Visible = true; RadNumericTxtOption5DisPremium.Visible = true; //RadNumericTxtOption5DisPremium.Text = decPremium.ToString(); //RadNumericTxtOption5DisPremium.Text = decDesiredContribution.ToString(); RadNumericTxtOption5DisPremium.Text = decPremiumDisability.ToString(); lblOp5_4.Visible = true; if (RadioButtonQuoteLifeNo.Checked == true) { hideOption5Life(); lblOp5_4.Text = "rands per month"; decTotal = 0; if ((RadioButtonQuoteLifeNo.Checked == false && RadioButtonQuoteDisNo.Checked == false)) { //decTotal = (decPremium - (Convert.ToDecimal(1 * Convert.ToDecimal(strControlFee)))); decTotal = ((decPremium + decPremiumDisability)) - (Convert.ToDecimal(1 * Convert.ToDecimal(strControlFee))); } else { decTotal = (decPremium + decPremiumDisability); } RadNumericTxtOption5Total.Text = decTotal.ToString(); RadNumericTxtOption5Total.Visible = false; lblOp5_5.Visible = false; } else { lblOp5_4.Text = "rands per month. So, that's a total monthly premium of"; decTotal = ((decPremium + decPremiumDisability)) - (Convert.ToDecimal(1 * Convert.ToDecimal(strControlFee))); RadNumericTxtOption5Total.Text = decTotal.ToString(); RadNumericTxtOption5Total.Visible = true; lblOp5_5.Visible = true; } #endregion break; } } else { switch (buttonNumber) { case 1: hideOption1Disability(); break; case 2: hideOption2Disability(); break; case 3: hideOption3Disability(); break; case 4: hideOption4Disability(); break; case 5: hideOption5Disability(); break; } } } else { switch (buttonNumber) { case 1: hideOption1Disability(); break; case 2: hideOption2Disability(); break; case 3: hideOption3Disability(); break; case 4: hideOption4Disability(); break; case 5: hideOption5Disability(); break; } } #region "old code" //if (RadioButtonQuoteLifeNo.Checked == false) //{ // if (PanelLife.GroupingText.Contains("Unavailable") == false) // { // switch (buttonNumber) // { // case 1: // #region "Button 1" // RadNumericTxtOption1RandValue.Visible = true; // RadNumericTxtOption1RandValue.Text = decCover.ToString(); // lblOp1_1.Visible = true; // RadNumericTxtOption1Premium.Visible = true; // RadNumericTxtOption1Premium.Text = decPremium.ToString(); // lblOp1_2.Visible = true; // if (PanelDisability.GroupingText.Contains("Unavailable") == true) // { // lblOp1_2.Text = "rands per month"; // } // else // { // lblOp1_2.Text = "rands per month AND"; // decimal decTotal = ((decPremium + decPremiumDisability)) - (Convert.ToDecimal(1 * Convert.ToDecimal(strControlFee))); // RadNumericTxtOption1Total.Text = decTotal.ToString(); // } // #endregion // break; // case 2: // #region "Button 2" // RadNumericTxtOption2RandValue.Visible = true; // RadNumericTxtOption2RandValue.Text = decCover.ToString(); // lblOp2_1.Visible = true; // RadNumericTxtOption2Premium.Visible = true; // RadNumericTxtOption2Premium.Text = decPremium.ToString(); // lblOp2_2.Visible = true; // if (PanelDisability.GroupingText.Contains("Unavailable") == true) // { // lblOp2_2.Text = "rands per month"; // } // else // { // lblOp2_2.Text = "rands per month AND"; // decimal decTotal = ((decPremium + decPremiumDisability)) - (Convert.ToDecimal(1 * Convert.ToDecimal(strControlFee))); // RadNumericTxtOption2Total.Text = decTotal.ToString(); // } // #endregion // break; // case 3: // #region "Button 3" // RadNumericTxtOption3RandValue.Visible = true; // RadNumericTxtOption3RandValue.Text = decCover.ToString(); // lblOp3_1.Visible = true; // RadNumericTxtOption3Premium.Visible = true; // RadNumericTxtOption3Premium.Text = decPremium.ToString(); // lblOp3_2.Visible = true; // if (PanelDisability.GroupingText.Contains("Unavailable") == true) // { // lblOp3_2.Text = "rands per month"; // } // else // { // lblOp3_2.Text = "rands per month AND"; // decimal decTotal = ((decPremium + decPremiumDisability)) - (Convert.ToDecimal(1 * Convert.ToDecimal(strControlFee))); // RadNumericTxtOption3Total.Text = decTotal.ToString(); // } // #endregion // break; // case 4: // #region "Button 4" // RadNumericTxtOption4RandValue.Visible = true; // RadNumericTxtOption4RandValue.Text = decCover.ToString(); // lblOp4_1.Visible = true; // RadNumericTxtOption4Premium.Visible = true; // RadNumericTxtOption4Premium.Text = decPremium.ToString(); // lblOp4_2.Visible = true; // if (PanelDisability.GroupingText.Contains("Unavailable") == true) // { // lblOp4_2.Text = "rands per month"; // } // else // { // lblOp4_2.Text = "rands per month AND"; // decimal decTotal = ((decPremium + decPremiumDisability)) - (Convert.ToDecimal(1 * Convert.ToDecimal(strControlFee))); // RadNumericTxtOption4Total.Text = decTotal.ToString(); // } // #endregion // break; // case 5: // #region "Button 5" // RadNumericTxtOption5RandValue.Visible = true; // RadNumericTxtOption5RandValue.Text = decCover.ToString(); // lblOp5_1.Visible = true; // RadNumericTxtOption5Premium.Visible = true; // RadNumericTxtOption5Premium.Text = decPremium.ToString(); // //RadNumericTxtOption5Premium.Text = decDesiredContribution.ToString(); // lblOp5_2.Visible = true; // if (PanelDisability.GroupingText.Contains("Unavailable") == true) // { // lblOp5_2.Text = "rands per month"; // } // else // { // lblOp5_2.Text = "rands per month AND"; // decimal decTotal = ((decPremium + decPremiumDisability)) - (Convert.ToDecimal(1 * Convert.ToDecimal(strControlFee))); // //decimal decTotal = ((decDesiredContribution + decDesiredContribution)) - (Convert.ToDecimal(1 * Convert.ToDecimal(strControlFee))); // RadNumericTxtOption5Total.Text = decTotal.ToString(); // } // #endregion // break; // } // } // else // { // switch (buttonNumber) // { // case 1: // hideOption1Life(); // break; // case 2: // hideOption2Life(); // break; // case 3: // hideOption3Life(); // break; // case 4: // hideOption4Life(); // break; // case 5: // hideOption5Life(); // break; // } // } //} //if (RadioButtonQuoteDisNo.Checked == false) //{ // if (PanelDisability.GroupingText.Contains("Unavailable") == false) // { // switch (buttonNumber) // { // case 1: // #region "Button 1" // RadNumericTxtOption1DisCover.Visible = true; // RadNumericTxtOption1DisCover.Text = decCoverDisability.ToString(); // lblOp1_3.Visible = true; // RadNumericTxtOption1DisPremium.Visible = true; // RadNumericTxtOption1DisPremium.Text = decPremiumDisability.ToString(); // lblOp1_4.Visible = true; // if (RadioButtonQuoteLifeNo.Checked == true) // { // lblOp1_4.Text = "rands per month"; // } // else // { // lblOp1_4.Text = "rands per month AND"; // RadNumericTxtOption1Total.Visible = true; // lblOp1_5.Visible = true; // } // #endregion // break; // case 2: // #region "Button 2" // RadNumericTxtOption2DisCover.Visible = true; // RadNumericTxtOption2DisCover.Text = decCoverDisability.ToString(); // lblOp2_3.Visible = true; // RadNumericTxtOption2DisPremium.Visible = true; // RadNumericTxtOption2DisPremium.Text = decPremiumDisability.ToString(); // lblOp2_4.Visible = true; // if (RadioButtonQuoteLifeNo.Checked == true) // { // lblOp2_4.Text = "rands per month"; // } // else // { // lblOp2_4.Text = "rands per month AND"; // RadNumericTxtOption2Total.Visible = true; // lblOp2_5.Visible = true; // } // #endregion // break; // case 3: // #region "Button 3" // RadNumericTxtOption3DisCover.Visible = true; // RadNumericTxtOption3DisCover.Text = decCoverDisability.ToString(); // lblOp3_3.Visible = true; // RadNumericTxtOption3DisPremium.Visible = true; // RadNumericTxtOption3DisPremium.Text = decPremiumDisability.ToString(); // lblOp3_4.Visible = true; // if (RadioButtonQuoteLifeNo.Checked == true) // { // lblOp3_4.Text = "rands per month"; // } // else // { // lblOp3_4.Text = "rands per month AND"; // RadNumericTxtOption3Total.Visible = true; // lblOp3_5.Visible = true; // } // #endregion // break; // case 4: // #region "Button 4" // RadNumericTxtOption4DisCover.Visible = true; // RadNumericTxtOption4DisCover.Text = decCoverDisability.ToString(); // lblOp4_3.Visible = true; // RadNumericTxtOption4DisPremium.Visible = true; // RadNumericTxtOption4DisPremium.Text = decPremiumDisability.ToString(); // lblOp4_4.Visible = true; // if (RadioButtonQuoteLifeNo.Checked == true) // { // lblOp4_4.Text = "rands per month"; // } // else // { // lblOp4_4.Text = "rands per month AND"; // RadNumericTxtOption4Total.Visible = true; // lblOp4_5.Visible = true; // } // #endregion // break; // case 5: // #region "Button 5" // RadNumericTxtOption5DisCover.Visible = true; // RadNumericTxtOption5DisCover.Text = decCoverDisability.ToString(); // lblOp5_3.Visible = true; // RadNumericTxtOption5DisPremium.Visible = true; // //RadNumericTxtOption5DisPremium.Text = decPremium.ToString(); // //RadNumericTxtOption5DisPremium.Text = decDesiredContribution.ToString(); // RadNumericTxtOption5DisPremium.Text = decPremiumDisability.ToString(); // lblOp5_4.Visible = true; // if (RadioButtonQuoteLifeNo.Checked == true) // { // lblOp5_4.Text = "rands per month"; // } // else // { // lblOp5_4.Text = "rands per month AND"; // RadNumericTxtOption5Total.Visible = true; // lblOp5_5.Visible = true; // } // #endregion // break; // } // } // else // { // switch (buttonNumber) // { // case 1: // hideOption1Disability(); // break; // case 2: // hideOption2Disability(); // break; // case 3: // hideOption3Disability(); // break; // case 4: // hideOption4Disability(); // break; // case 5: // hideOption5Disability(); // break; // } // } //} #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { lblInfo.Text = ex.Message; lblInfo2.Text = ex.Message; } }
protected void RadBtnQualifyClient_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { WS.AllLifePrincingClient WS = new WS.AllLifePrincingClient(); DataTable ReturnDT; string strSubscriberName = string.Empty; string strSubscriberPassword = string.Empty; string strSubscriberCode = string.Empty; SqlConnection sqlConnectionX; SqlCommand sqlCommandX; SqlParameter sqlParam; SqlDataReader sqlDR; try { hideOption1Life(); hideOption1Disability(); hideOption2Life(); hideOption2Disability(); hideOption3Life(); hideOption3Disability(); hideOption4Life(); hideOption4Disability(); hideOption5Life(); hideOption5Disability(); lblRequalify.Text = ""; sqlConnectionX = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SQLConnection"]); sqlConnectionX.Open(); #region "Get SubscriberName" strSubscriberName = GetSetting("SubscriberName"); //sqlCommandX = new SqlCommand(); //sqlCommandX.Connection = sqlConnectionX; //sqlCommandX.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; //sqlCommandX.CommandText = "spx_SELECT_Setting"; //sqlParam = new SqlParameter("SettingName", "SubscriberName"); //sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); //sqlDR = sqlCommandX.ExecuteReader(); //while (sqlDR.Read()) //{ // strSubscriberName = sqlDR.GetValue(0).ToString(); //} //sqlDR.Close(); //sqlCommandX.Cancel(); //sqlCommandX.Dispose(); #endregion #region "Get SubscriberPassword" strSubscriberPassword = GetSetting("SubscriberPassword"); //sqlCommandX = new SqlCommand(); //sqlCommandX.Connection = sqlConnectionX; //sqlCommandX.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; //sqlCommandX.CommandText = "spx_SELECT_Setting"; //sqlParam = new SqlParameter("SettingName", "SubscriberPassword"); //sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); //sqlDR = sqlCommandX.ExecuteReader(); //while (sqlDR.Read()) //{ // strSubscriberPassword = sqlDR.GetValue(0).ToString(); //} //sqlDR.Close(); //sqlCommandX.Cancel(); //sqlCommandX.Dispose(); #endregion #region "Get SubscriberCode" strSubscriberCode = GetSetting("SubscriberCode"); //sqlCommandX = new SqlCommand(); //sqlCommandX.Connection = sqlConnectionX; //sqlCommandX.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; //sqlCommandX.CommandText = "spx_SELECT_Setting"; //sqlParam = new SqlParameter("SettingName", "SubscriberCode"); //sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); //sqlDR = sqlCommandX.ExecuteReader(); //while (sqlDR.Read()) //{ // strSubscriberCode = sqlDR.GetValue(0).ToString(); //} //sqlDR.Close(); //sqlCommandX.Cancel(); //sqlCommandX.Dispose(); #endregion bool blnTobaccoUse; int intHbA1c = 0; int intAlcoholUnitsPerDay = 0; string strEmployment = string.Empty; string strQualification = string.Empty; string strSpouseQualification = string.Empty; string strResultLife = string.Empty; string strResultDisability = string.Empty; int intClass = 0; int intMarriedTypeID = 0; string strTobaccoSelection = RadioButtonListTobacco.SelectedValue; if (strTobaccoSelection == "non-smoker") blnTobaccoUse = false; else blnTobaccoUse = true; //if (RadioButtonListTobacco.Checked == true) // blnTobaccoUse = true; //else // blnTobaccoUse = false; string strAcoholSelection = RadioButtonListAlcohol.SelectedValue; if (strAcoholSelection == "non-drinker") intAlcoholUnitsPerDay = 0; if (strAcoholSelection == "0 - 5") intAlcoholUnitsPerDay = 5; if (strAcoholSelection == "> 5") intAlcoholUnitsPerDay = 6; #region "HbA1c" if (RadioButtonHbA1c3.Checked == true) intHbA1c = 4; if (RadioButtonHbA1c4.Checked == true) intHbA1c = 4; if (RadioButtonHbA1c6.Checked == true) intHbA1c = 6; if (RadioButtonHbA1c7.Checked == true) intHbA1c = 7; if (RadioButtonHbA1c8.Checked == true) intHbA1c = 8; if (RadioButtonHbA1c9.Checked == true) intHbA1c = 9; if (RadioButtonHbA1c10.Checked == true) intHbA1c = 10; if (RadioButtonHbA1c11.Checked == true) intHbA1c = 11; if (RadioButtonHbA1c12.Checked == true) intHbA1c = 12; if (RadioButtonHbA1c15.Checked == true) intHbA1c = 15; #endregion #region "Married" if (RadioButtonMaritalStatusNotMarried.Checked == true) { intMarriedTypeID = 0; } if (RadioButtonMaritalStatusMarried.Checked == true) { intMarriedTypeID = 1; } #endregion if (RadioButtonEsc6.Checked == true) HiddenFieldEscalationLife.Value = "6.00"; if (RadioButtonEsc10.Checked == true) HiddenFieldEscalationLife.Value = "10.00"; //if (RadioButtonEscLife6.Checked == true) // HiddenFieldEscalationLife.Value = "6.00"; //if (RadioButtonEscLife10.Checked == true) // HiddenFieldEscalationLife.Value = "10.00"; //if (RadioButtonEscalationDis6.Checked == true) // HiddenFieldEscalationDisablility.Value = "6.00"; //if (RadioButtonEscalationDis10.Checked == true) // HiddenFieldEscalationDisablility.Value = "10.00"; strEmployment = RadComboBoxOccupation.SelectedItem.Text.ToString().Trim(); #region "QualifyLife" ReturnDT = WS.QualifyLife(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, RadTxtAgeOfNextBirthday.Text.Trim(), blnTobaccoUse.ToString(), intHbA1c.ToString(), RadNumericTxtBMI.Text.ToString().Trim(), RadNumericTxtPantSize.Text.Trim(), intAlcoholUnitsPerDay.ToString(), strEmployment); foreach (DataRow row in ReturnDT.Rows) { strResultLife = row["Result"].ToString(); } if (strResultLife == "Successful") { LblQualificationMessage.Text = "ok"; PanelLife.GroupingText = "Life"; //PanelLife.Enabled = true; RadioButtonEscLife6.Enabled = true; RadioButtonEscLife10.Enabled = true; RadNumericTxtCoverLife.Enabled = true; RadNumericTxtPremiumLife.Enabled = true; RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Enabled = true; RadioButtonQuoteLifeYes.Checked = true; //RadioButtonEscLife6.Checked = true; RadioButtonEsc6.Checked = true; } else { LblQualificationMessage.Text = strResultLife; PanelLife.GroupingText = "Life - Unavailable"; if (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitLife.SelectedItem.Text == "FDB") { //PanelLife.Enabled = false; RadioButtonEscLife6.Enabled = false; RadioButtonEscLife10.Enabled = false; RadNumericTxtCoverLife.Enabled = false; RadNumericTxtPremiumLife.Enabled = false; RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Enabled = false; hideOption1Life(); } else { RadioButtonEscLife6.Enabled = true; RadioButtonEscLife10.Enabled = true; RadNumericTxtCoverLife.Enabled = true; RadNumericTxtPremiumLife.Enabled = true; RadNumericTxtEMLoadingLife.Enabled = true; //RadioButtonQuoteLifeYes.Checked = true; //RadioButtonEscLife6.Checked = true; //RadioButtonEsc6.Checked = true; } } #endregion //Does the client qualify for the disability //********************************************************** #region "QualifyDisability" if (RadioButtonNotMat.Checked) strQualification = "No matric"; if (RadioButtonMatriculated.Checked) strQualification = "Matric"; if (RadioButtonDiploma.Checked) strQualification = "3 or 4 yr. Diploma/3 yr. Degree"; if (RadioButtonDegree.Checked) strQualification = "4 yr. Degree/professional qualification"; if (RadioButtonSNotMat.Checked) strSpouseQualification = "No matric"; if (RadioButtonSMat.Checked) strSpouseQualification = "Matric"; if (RadioButtonSDip.Checked) strSpouseQualification = "3 or 4 yr. Diploma/3 yr. Degree"; if (RadioButtonSDegree.Checked) strSpouseQualification = "4 yr. Degree/professional qualification"; strEmployment = RadComboBoxOccupation.SelectedItem.Text.ToString().Trim(); string strSpouseIncome = RadNumericTxtSpouseIncome.Text.Trim(); if (strSpouseIncome == "") strSpouseIncome = "0"; string strProduct = string.Empty; #region "Get Default Diabetes Product" sqlCommandX = new SqlCommand(); sqlCommandX.Connection = sqlConnectionX; sqlCommandX.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; sqlCommandX.CommandText = "spx_SELECT_Setting"; sqlParam = new SqlParameter("SettingName", "Default Diabetes Product"); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); sqlDR = sqlCommandX.ExecuteReader(); while (sqlDR.Read()) { strProduct = sqlDR.GetValue(0).ToString(); } sqlDR.Close(); sqlCommandX.Cancel(); sqlCommandX.Dispose(); #endregion //Get the risk band string strRiskModifier = GetRiskModifier(); ReturnDT = WS.returnRiskBand(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, strProduct + "WL06", strRiskModifier, RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString()); string strRiskBand = ReturnDT.Rows[0][0].ToString(); RadTxtRiskBand.Text = strRiskBand; ReturnDT = WS.QualifyDisability(strSubscriberName, strSubscriberPassword, strSubscriberCode, RadTxtAgeOfNextBirthday.Text.Trim(), blnTobaccoUse.ToString(), intHbA1c.ToString(), RadNumericTxtBMI.Text.ToString().Trim(), RadNumericTxtPantSize.Text.Trim(), intAlcoholUnitsPerDay.ToString(), strEmployment, strQualification, RadNumericTxtIncome.Text.Trim(), strSpouseIncome, strRiskBand); foreach (DataRow row in ReturnDT.Rows) { strResultDisability = row["Result"].ToString(); intClass = Convert.ToInt16(row["Class"].ToString()); } HiddenFieldClassOfLife.Value = intClass.ToString(); if (strResultDisability == "Successful") { lblDisabilityMessage.Text = "ok"; PanelDisability.GroupingText = "Disability"; //PanelDisability.Enabled = true; RadioButtonTypeOfDisADW.Enabled = true; RadioButtonTypeOfDisOCC.Enabled = true; RadioButtonEscalationDis6.Enabled = true; RadioButtonEscalationDis10.Enabled = true; RadioButtonQuoteDisYes.Enabled = true; RadioButtonQuoteDisNo.Enabled = true; RadNumericTxtCoverAmnDis.Enabled = true; RadNumericTxtPremiumDis.Enabled = true; RadNumericTxtEMLoadingDisability.Enabled = true; RadioButtonQuoteDisYes.Checked = true; ////RadioButtonEscalationDis6.Checked = true; ////if (intClass > 0) ////{ //// lblDisabilityMessage.Text += ", class:" + intClass.ToString(); ////} sqlCommandX = new SqlCommand(); sqlCommandX.Connection = sqlConnectionX; sqlCommandX.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; sqlCommandX.CommandText = "spx_Select_OccupationLimitsByOccupation"; sqlParam = new SqlParameter("Occupation", strEmployment); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); bool blnADW = false; bool blnOCC = false; sqlDR = sqlCommandX.ExecuteReader(); while (sqlDR.Read()) { if (sqlDR.GetBoolean(1) == true) //sql column 1 = ADW blnADW = true; if (sqlDR.GetBoolean(2) == true) //sql column 2 = OCC blnOCC = true; } sqlDR.Close(); sqlDR.Dispose(); if ((intClass >= 1) && (intClass < 4)) { if (blnOCC == true) { RadioButtonTypeOfDisOCC.Enabled = true; RadioButtonTypeOfDisOCC.Checked = true; RadioButtonTypeOfDisADW.Enabled = true; RadTxtDisabilityType.Text = "OCC"; } else { if (blnADW == true) { RadioButtonTypeOfDisOCC.Enabled = false; RadioButtonTypeOfDisOCC.Checked = false; RadioButtonTypeOfDisADW.Enabled = true; RadioButtonTypeOfDisADW.Checked = true; RadTxtDisabilityType.Text = "ADW"; } else { strResultDisability = "Occupation does not allow disability"; lblDisabilityMessage.Text = strResultDisability; PanelDisability.GroupingText = "Disability - Unavailable"; //PanelDisability.Enabled = false; RadioButtonTypeOfDisADW.Enabled = false; RadioButtonTypeOfDisOCC.Enabled = false; RadioButtonEscalationDis6.Enabled = false; RadioButtonEscalationDis10.Enabled = false; RadioButtonQuoteDisYes.Enabled = false; RadioButtonQuoteDisNo.Enabled = false; RadNumericTxtCoverAmnDis.Enabled = false; RadNumericTxtPremiumDis.Enabled = false; RadNumericTxtEMLoadingDisability.Enabled = false; hideOption1Disability(); } } } if (intClass > 3) { if (blnADW == true) { RadioButtonTypeOfDisOCC.Enabled = false; RadioButtonTypeOfDisOCC.Checked = false; RadioButtonTypeOfDisADW.Enabled = true; RadioButtonTypeOfDisADW.Checked = true; RadTxtDisabilityType.Text = "ADW"; } else { strResultDisability = "Occupation does not allow disability"; lblDisabilityMessage.Text = strResultDisability; PanelDisability.GroupingText = "Disability - Unavailable"; //PanelDisability.Enabled = false; RadioButtonTypeOfDisADW.Enabled = false; RadioButtonTypeOfDisOCC.Enabled = false; RadioButtonEscalationDis6.Enabled = false; RadioButtonEscalationDis10.Enabled = false; RadioButtonQuoteDisYes.Enabled = false; RadioButtonQuoteDisNo.Enabled = false; RadNumericTxtCoverAmnDis.Enabled = false; RadNumericTxtPremiumDis.Enabled = false; RadNumericTxtEMLoadingDisability.Enabled = false; hideOption1Disability(); } } } else { if (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitDisability.SelectedItem.Text == "FDB") { lblDisabilityMessage.Text = strResultDisability; PanelDisability.GroupingText = "Disability - Unavailable"; if ((RadComboBoxTypeBenefitDisability.SelectedItem.Text == "FDB") && (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitLife.Items.Count() == 1)) { //PanelDisability.Enabled = false; RadioButtonTypeOfDisADW.Enabled = false; RadioButtonTypeOfDisOCC.Enabled = false; RadioButtonEscalationDis6.Enabled = false; RadioButtonEscalationDis10.Enabled = false; RadioButtonQuoteDisYes.Enabled = false; RadioButtonQuoteDisNo.Enabled = false; RadNumericTxtCoverAmnDis.Enabled = false; RadNumericTxtPremiumDis.Enabled = false; RadNumericTxtEMLoadingDisability.Enabled = false; hideOption1Disability(); } else { RadioButtonTypeOfDisADW.Enabled = true; RadioButtonTypeOfDisOCC.Enabled = true; RadioButtonEscalationDis6.Enabled = true; RadioButtonEscalationDis10.Enabled = true; RadioButtonQuoteDisYes.Enabled = true; RadioButtonQuoteDisNo.Enabled = true; RadNumericTxtCoverAmnDis.Enabled = true; RadNumericTxtPremiumDis.Enabled = true; RadNumericTxtEMLoadingDisability.Enabled = true; } } else { RadioButtonTypeOfDisADW.Enabled = true; RadioButtonTypeOfDisOCC.Enabled = true; RadioButtonEscalationDis6.Enabled = true; RadioButtonEscalationDis10.Enabled = true; RadioButtonQuoteDisYes.Enabled = true; RadioButtonQuoteDisNo.Enabled = true; RadNumericTxtCoverAmnDis.Enabled = true; RadNumericTxtPremiumDis.Enabled = true; RadNumericTxtEMLoadingDisability.Enabled = true; //RadioButtonQuoteDisYes.Checked = true; //////RadioButtonEscalationDis6.Checked = true; //////if (intClass > 0) //////{ ////// lblDisabilityMessage.Text += ", class:" + intClass.ToString(); //////} sqlCommandX = new SqlCommand(); sqlCommandX.Connection = sqlConnectionX; sqlCommandX.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; sqlCommandX.CommandText = "spx_Select_OccupationLimitsByOccupation"; sqlParam = new SqlParameter("Occupation", strEmployment); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); bool blnADW = false; bool blnOCC = false; sqlDR = sqlCommandX.ExecuteReader(); while (sqlDR.Read()) { if (sqlDR.GetBoolean(1) == true) //sql column 1 = ADW blnADW = true; if (sqlDR.GetBoolean(2) == true) //sql column 2 = OCC blnOCC = true; } sqlDR.Close(); sqlDR.Dispose(); if ((intClass >= 1) && (intClass < 4)) { if (blnOCC == true) { RadioButtonTypeOfDisOCC.Enabled = true; RadioButtonTypeOfDisOCC.Checked = true; RadioButtonTypeOfDisADW.Enabled = true; RadTxtDisabilityType.Text = "OCC"; } else { if (blnADW == true) { RadioButtonTypeOfDisOCC.Enabled = false; RadioButtonTypeOfDisOCC.Checked = false; RadioButtonTypeOfDisADW.Enabled = true; RadioButtonTypeOfDisADW.Checked = true; RadTxtDisabilityType.Text = "ADW"; } else { strResultDisability = "Occupation does not allow disability"; lblDisabilityMessage.Text = strResultDisability; PanelDisability.GroupingText = "Disability - Unavailable"; if ((RadComboBoxTypeBenefitDisability.SelectedItem.Text == "FDB") && (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitLife.Items.Count() == 1)) { //PanelDisability.Enabled = false; RadioButtonTypeOfDisADW.Enabled = false; RadioButtonTypeOfDisOCC.Enabled = false; RadioButtonEscalationDis6.Enabled = false; RadioButtonEscalationDis10.Enabled = false; RadioButtonQuoteDisYes.Enabled = false; RadioButtonQuoteDisNo.Enabled = false; RadNumericTxtCoverAmnDis.Enabled = false; RadNumericTxtPremiumDis.Enabled = false; RadNumericTxtEMLoadingDisability.Enabled = false; hideOption1Disability(); } else { RadioButtonTypeOfDisADW.Enabled = true; RadioButtonTypeOfDisOCC.Enabled = true; RadioButtonEscalationDis6.Enabled = true; RadioButtonEscalationDis10.Enabled = true; RadioButtonQuoteDisYes.Enabled = true; RadioButtonQuoteDisNo.Enabled = true; RadNumericTxtCoverAmnDis.Enabled = true; RadNumericTxtPremiumDis.Enabled = true; RadNumericTxtEMLoadingDisability.Enabled = true; } } } } if (intClass > 3) { if (blnADW == true) { RadioButtonTypeOfDisOCC.Enabled = false; RadioButtonTypeOfDisOCC.Checked = false; RadioButtonTypeOfDisADW.Enabled = true; RadioButtonTypeOfDisADW.Checked = true; RadTxtDisabilityType.Text = "ADW"; } else { strResultDisability = "Occupation does not allow disability"; lblDisabilityMessage.Text = strResultDisability; PanelDisability.GroupingText = "Disability - Unavailable"; if ((RadComboBoxTypeBenefitDisability.SelectedItem.Text == "FDB") && (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitLife.Items.Count() == 1)) { //PanelDisability.Enabled = false; RadioButtonTypeOfDisADW.Enabled = false; RadioButtonTypeOfDisOCC.Enabled = false; RadioButtonEscalationDis6.Enabled = false; RadioButtonEscalationDis10.Enabled = false; RadioButtonQuoteDisYes.Enabled = false; RadioButtonQuoteDisNo.Enabled = false; RadNumericTxtCoverAmnDis.Enabled = false; RadNumericTxtPremiumDis.Enabled = false; RadNumericTxtEMLoadingDisability.Enabled = false; hideOption1Disability(); } else { RadioButtonTypeOfDisADW.Enabled = true; RadioButtonTypeOfDisOCC.Enabled = true; RadioButtonEscalationDis6.Enabled = true; RadioButtonEscalationDis10.Enabled = true; RadioButtonQuoteDisYes.Enabled = true; RadioButtonQuoteDisNo.Enabled = true; RadNumericTxtCoverAmnDis.Enabled = true; RadNumericTxtPremiumDis.Enabled = true; RadNumericTxtEMLoadingDisability.Enabled = true; } } } } } #endregion #region "Add the quote to the Quote audit table" sqlCommandX = new SqlCommand(); sqlCommandX.Connection = sqlConnectionX; sqlCommandX.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; sqlCommandX.CommandText = "spx_INSERT_QuoteAuditTrail"; #region "Parameters" string strGender = string.Empty; string strHighestQualification = string.Empty; string strDiabetesType = string.Empty; string strInsulinUse = string.Empty; string strTabletUse = string.Empty; string strDoctorsVisits = string.Empty; string strDiabeticControl = string.Empty; string strHbA1c = string.Empty; string strExercisePlan = string.Empty; string strExHowWellFollowed = string.Empty; string strEatingPlan = string.Empty; string strEatHowWellFollowed = string.Empty; string strHighBP = string.Empty; string strHighCholesterol = string.Empty; string strMedicalAid = string.Empty; string strAlcohol = string.Empty; string strAlcoholUnits = string.Empty; string strTobacco = string.Empty; decimal decEscalationLife = 0; decimal decEscalationDisability = 0; string strTobaccoUnits = string.Empty; string strLifeBenifit = string.Empty; string strDisabilityBenifit = string.Empty; int intQuoteLife = 1; int intQuoteDisability = 1; sqlParam = new SqlParameter("MagnumID", RadTxtMagnumID.Text); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); sqlParam = new SqlParameter("UserID", Session["UserID"].ToString()); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); sqlParam = new SqlParameter("ClientName", RadTxtClientNameAndSurname.Text); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); sqlParam = new SqlParameter("IDType", RadComboIDType.SelectedItem.Text.ToString()); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); sqlParam = new SqlParameter("IDNumber", RadTxtIDNumber.Text.Trim()); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); sqlParam = new SqlParameter("QuoteDate", Convert.ToDateTime(RadDatePickerQuoteDate.SelectedDate.ToString()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); sqlParam = new SqlParameter("EmailAddress", RadTxtEmail.Text); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); sqlParam = new SqlParameter("DOB", Convert.ToDateTime(RadDatePickerDOB.SelectedDate.ToString()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); sqlParam = new SqlParameter("AgeAtNextBD", RadTxtAgeOfNextBirthday.Text); if (RadioButtonMale.Checked == true) strGender = "M"; if (RadioButtonFemale.Checked == true) strGender = "F"; if (RadioButtonOther.Checked == true) strGender = "M"; sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); sqlParam = new SqlParameter("Gender", strGender); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); sqlParam = new SqlParameter("IDValidation", LabelValidationMsg.Text); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); sqlParam = new SqlParameter("HighestQualification", strQualification); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); sqlParam = new SqlParameter("OccupationID", Convert.ToInt16(RadComboBoxOccupation.SelectedItem.Value)); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); sqlParam = new SqlParameter("Income", Convert.ToDecimal(RadNumericTxtIncome.Text.Trim())); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); sqlParam = new SqlParameter("@MarriedStatusID", intMarriedTypeID); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); sqlParam = new SqlParameter("SpouseQualification", strSpouseQualification); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); sqlParam = new SqlParameter("SpouseIncome", Convert.ToDecimal(strSpouseIncome)); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); //sqlParam = new SqlParameter("DateOfDiagnisis", Convert.ToDateTime(RadDatePickerDateOfDiag.SelectedDate.ToString()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); sqlParam = new SqlParameter("DateOfDiagnisis", Convert.ToDateTime(RadMonthYearPickerDateOfDiag.SelectedDate.ToString()).ToString("yyyy")); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); if (RadioButtonDiabetesType1.Checked) { strDiabetesType = "type1"; HiddenFieldRMDiabetesType.Value = "T1"; } if (RadioButtonDiabetesType2.Checked) { strDiabetesType = "type2"; HiddenFieldRMDiabetesType.Value = "T2"; } if (RadioButtonDiabetesTypeNotSure.Checked) { strDiabetesType = "NotSure"; HiddenFieldRMDiabetesType.Value = "T2"; } sqlParam = new SqlParameter("DiabetesType", strDiabetesType); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); if (RadioButtonInsulinYes.Checked) { strInsulinUse = "Yes"; HiddenFieldRMDiabetesType.Value = "T1"; } if (RadioButtonInsulinNo.Checked) strInsulinUse = "No"; if (RadioButtonInsulinNotSure.Checked) strInsulinUse = "NotSure"; sqlParam = new SqlParameter("InsulineUse", strInsulinUse); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); if (RadioButtonTabletUseYes.Checked) strTabletUse = "Yes"; if (RadioButtonTabletUseNo.Checked) strTabletUse = "No"; if (RadioButtonTabletUseNotSure.Checked) strTabletUse = "NotSure"; sqlParam = new SqlParameter("TabletUse", strTabletUse); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); if (RadioButtonDVYes1.Checked) strDoctorsVisits = "1"; if (RadioButtonDVYes2.Checked) strDoctorsVisits = "2"; if (RadioButtonDVYes3.Checked) strDoctorsVisits = "3"; if (RadioButtonDVNo.Checked) strDoctorsVisits = "4"; sqlParam = new SqlParameter("DoctorsVisits", strDoctorsVisits); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); if (RadioButtonDiabetControlExcellent.Checked) strDiabeticControl = "Excellent"; if (RadioButtonDiabetControlGood.Checked) strDiabeticControl = "Good"; if (RadioButtonDiabetControlMod.Checked) strDiabeticControl = "Moderate"; if (RadioButtonDiabetControlPoor.Checked) strDiabeticControl = "Poor"; sqlParam = new SqlParameter("DiabeticControl", strDiabeticControl); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); if (RadioButtonHbA1c3.Checked) strHbA1c = "4"; if (RadioButtonHbA1c4.Checked) strHbA1c = "0"; if (RadioButtonHbA1c6.Checked) strHbA1c = "6"; if (RadioButtonHbA1c7.Checked) strHbA1c = "7"; if (RadioButtonHbA1c8.Checked) strHbA1c = "8"; if (RadioButtonHbA1c9.Checked) strHbA1c = "9"; if (RadioButtonHbA1c10.Checked) strHbA1c = "10"; if (RadioButtonHbA1c11.Checked) strHbA1c = "11"; if (RadioButtonHbA1c12.Checked) strHbA1c = "12"; if (RadioButtonHbA1c15.Checked) strHbA1c = "15"; if (RadioButtonHbA1cUnknown.Checked) strHbA1c = "0"; sqlParam = new SqlParameter("HbA1c", strHbA1c); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); if (RadioButtonExPYes.Checked) strExercisePlan = "Yes"; if (RadioButtonExPNo.Checked) strExercisePlan = "No"; sqlParam = new SqlParameter("ExercisePlan", strExercisePlan); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); if (RadioButtonExFollowedVW.Checked) strExHowWellFollowed = "Very Well"; if (RadioButtonExFollowedok.Checked) strExHowWellFollowed = "Ok"; if (RadioButtonExFollowedpoor.Checked) strExHowWellFollowed = "Poor"; sqlParam = new SqlParameter("ExHowWellFollowed", strExHowWellFollowed); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); if (RadioButtonEatPYes.Checked) strEatingPlan = "Yes"; if (RadioButtonEatPNo.Checked) strEatingPlan = "No"; sqlParam = new SqlParameter("EatingPlan", strEatingPlan); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); if (RadioButtonEatFollowedVW.Checked) strEatHowWellFollowed = "Very Well"; if (RadioButtonEatFollowedOk.Checked) strEatHowWellFollowed = "Ok"; if (RadioButtonEatFollowedPoor.Checked) strEatHowWellFollowed = "Poor"; sqlParam = new SqlParameter("EatHowWellFollowed", strEatHowWellFollowed); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); if (RadioButtonHighBPYes.Checked) strHighBP = "Yes"; if (RadioButtonHighBPNo.Checked) strHighBP = "No"; if (RadioButtonHighBP.Checked) strHighBP = "Not sure"; sqlParam = new SqlParameter("HighBP", strHighBP); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); if (RadioButtonCholesterolYes.Checked) strHighCholesterol = "Yes"; if (RadioButtonCholesterolNo.Checked) strHighCholesterol = "No"; if (RadioButtonCholesterolNotSure.Checked) strHighCholesterol = "Not sure"; sqlParam = new SqlParameter("HighCholesterol", strHighCholesterol); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); if (RadioButtonMedicalAidNone.Checked) strMedicalAid = "None"; if (RadioButtonMedicalAidNotSure.Checked) strMedicalAid = "Not sure"; if (RadioButtonMedicalAidComp.Checked) strMedicalAid = "Comprehensive"; if (RadioButtonMedicalAidHos.Checked) strMedicalAid = "Hospital plan"; sqlParam = new SqlParameter("MedicalAid", strMedicalAid); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); if (RadNumericTxtHeight.Text != "") sqlParam = new SqlParameter("Height", Convert.ToDecimal(RadNumericTxtHeight.Text)); else sqlParam = new SqlParameter("Height", Convert.ToDecimal("0")); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); if (RadNumericTxtWeight.Text != "") sqlParam = new SqlParameter("Weight", Convert.ToDecimal(RadNumericTxtWeight.Text)); else sqlParam = new SqlParameter("Weight", Convert.ToDecimal("0")); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); if (RadNumericTxtPantSize.Text != "") sqlParam = new SqlParameter("PantSize", Convert.ToInt16(RadNumericTxtPantSize.Text)); else sqlParam = new SqlParameter("PantSize", Convert.ToDecimal("0")); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); if (RadNumericTxtBMI.Text != "") sqlParam = new SqlParameter("BMI", Convert.ToDecimal(RadNumericTxtBMI.Text)); else sqlParam = new SqlParameter("BMI", Convert.ToDecimal("0")); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); if (RadioButtonListAlcohol.SelectedValue == "non-drinker") strAlcohol = "No"; else strAlcohol = "Yes"; //if (RadioButtonAlcoholYes.Checked) // strAlcohol = "Yes"; //if (RadioButtonAlcoholNo.Checked) // strAlcohol = "No"; sqlParam = new SqlParameter("Alcohol", strAlcohol); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); sqlParam = new SqlParameter("AlcoholUnits", RadioButtonListAlcohol.SelectedValue.ToString()); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); if (RadioButtonListTobacco.SelectedValue == "non-smoker") strTobacco = "No"; else strTobacco = "Yes"; //if (RadioButtonTobaccoYes.Checked) // strTobacco = "Yes"; //if (RadioButtonTobaccoNo.Checked) // strTobacco = "No"; sqlParam = new SqlParameter("Tobacco", strTobacco); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); sqlParam = new SqlParameter("TobaccoUnits", RadioButtonListTobacco.SelectedValue.ToString()); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); sqlParam = new SqlParameter("QualifyLife", LblQualificationMessage.Text); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); sqlParam = new SqlParameter("QualifyDisability", lblDisabilityMessage.Text); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); sqlParam = new SqlParameter("RiskBand", RadTxtRiskBand.Text); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); sqlParam = new SqlParameter("DisabilityType", RadTxtDisabilityType.Text); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); if (RadioButtonEsc6.Checked) decEscalationLife = 6; if (RadioButtonEsc10.Checked) decEscalationLife = 10; //if (RadioButtonEscLife6.Checked) // decEscalationLife = 6; //if (RadioButtonEscLife10.Checked) // decEscalationLife = 10; sqlParam = new SqlParameter("EscalationLife", decEscalationLife); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); //if (RadioButtonEscalationDis6.Checked) // decEscalationDisability = 6; //if (RadioButtonEscalationDis10.Checked) // decEscalationDisability = 10; decEscalationDisability = 0; sqlParam = new SqlParameter("EscalationDisability", decEscalationDisability); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); strLifeBenifit = RadComboBoxTypeBenefitLife.SelectedItem.Text; sqlParam = new SqlParameter("LifeBenifit", strLifeBenifit); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); strDisabilityBenifit = RadComboBoxTypeBenefitDisability.SelectedItem.Text; sqlParam = new SqlParameter("DisabilityBenifit", strDisabilityBenifit); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); if (RadioButtonQuoteLifeNo.Checked == true) intQuoteLife = 0; else intQuoteLife = 1; sqlParam = new SqlParameter("QuoteLife", intQuoteLife); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); if (RadioButtonQuoteDisNo.Checked == true) intQuoteDisability = 0; else intQuoteDisability = 1; sqlParam = new SqlParameter("QuoteDisability", intQuoteDisability); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); sqlDR = sqlCommandX.ExecuteReader(); while (sqlDR.Read()) { HiddenFieldQuoteAuditID.Value = sqlDR.GetValue(0).ToString(); } sqlDR.Close(); sqlCommandX.Cancel(); sqlCommandX.Dispose(); #endregion #endregion //The below was added so that if ADB or ACDB are selected iit does not take the qualification into account if (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitLife.SelectedItem.Text != "FDB") { strResultLife = "Successful"; } if (RadComboBoxTypeBenefitDisability.SelectedItem.Text != "FDB") { strResultLife = "Successful"; } if ((strResultLife == "Successful") || (strResultDisability == "Successful")) { LblOffer.Text = "We can offer you:"; LblAcceptedQuote.Visible = true; //RadBtnOption1.Visible = true; RadioButtonOption1.Visible = true; //RadBtnOption2.Visible = true; RadioButtonOption2.Visible = true; //RadBtnOption3.Visible = true; RadioButtonOption3.Visible = true; RadBtnOption4.Visible = true; RadioButtonOption4.Visible = true; RadBtnOption5.Visible = true; RadioButtonOption5.Visible = true; RadBtnOption1_Click(sender, e); RadBtnOption2_Click(sender, e); RadBtnOption3_Click(sender, e); } else { LblOffer.Text = "Unfortnatley we are unable to offer you cover at this time"; LblAcceptedQuote.Visible = false; lblOr.Visible = false; RadBtnOption1.Visible = false; RadioButtonOption1.Visible = false; RadBtnOption2.Visible = false; RadioButtonOption2.Visible = false; RadBtnOption3.Visible = false; RadioButtonOption3.Visible = false; RadBtnOption4.Visible = false; RadioButtonOption4.Visible = false; RadBtnOption5.Visible = false; RadioButtonOption5.Visible = false; lblSuitable0.Visible = false; lblAlso.Visible = false; lblSuitable.Visible = false; lblSpecificCover.Visible = false; lblSpecificPremium.Visible = false; } PanelQuotePresentation.Visible = true; RadBtnQualifyClient.Enabled = true; sqlConnectionX.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { lblInfo.Text = ex.Message; lblInfo2.Text = ex.Message; //throw; } }
protected void RadGridCurrentLoad_NeedDataSource(object sender, Telerik.Web.UI.GridNeedDataSourceEventArgs e) { WS.AllLifePrincingClient WS = new WS.AllLifePrincingClient(); DataTable ReturnDT; string strSettingValue = string.Empty; SqlConnection sqlConnectionX; SqlCommand sqlCommandX; SqlParameter sqlParam; SqlDataReader sqlDR; try { sqlConnectionX = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SQLConnection"]); sqlConnectionX.Open(); sqlCommandX = new SqlCommand(); sqlCommandX.Connection = sqlConnectionX; sqlCommandX.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; sqlCommandX.CommandText = "spx_SELECT_QuoteAuditTrailByMagnumID"; sqlParam = new SqlParameter("MagnumID", strMagnumID); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); //sqlDR = sqlCommandX.ExecuteReader(); //while (sqlDR.Read()) //{ // strSettingValue = sqlDR.GetValue(0).ToString(); //} sqlDR = sqlCommandX.ExecuteReader(); DataTable dt = new DataTable("AuditTrail"); dt.Load(sqlDR); sqlDR.Close(); sqlCommandX.Cancel(); sqlCommandX.Dispose(); sqlConnectionX.Close(); //RadGridCurrentLoad.DataSource = dt; } catch (Exception ex) { lblInfo.Text = ex.Message; } }
protected void RadGrid1_DetailTableDataBind(object sender, GridDetailTableDataBindEventArgs e) { GridDataItem parentItem = e.DetailTableView.ParentItem as GridDataItem; if (parentItem.Edit) { return; } //if (e.DetailTableView.DataMember == "OrderDetails") //{ //DataSet ds = (DataSet)e.DetailTableView.DataSource; //DataView dv = ds.Tables["OrderDetails"].DefaultView; //dv.RowFilter = "CustomerID = '" + parentItem["CustomerID"].Text + "'"; //e.DetailTableView.DataSource = dv; GridDataItem dataItem = (GridDataItem)e.DetailTableView.ParentItem; string strAuditTrailID = dataItem.GetDataKeyValue("AuditID").ToString(); WS.AllLifePrincingClient WS = new WS.AllLifePrincingClient(); string strSettingValue = string.Empty; SqlConnection sqlConnectionX; SqlCommand sqlCommandX; SqlParameter sqlParam; SqlDataReader sqlDR; try { sqlConnectionX = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SQLConnection"]); sqlConnectionX.Open(); sqlCommandX = new SqlCommand(); sqlCommandX.Connection = sqlConnectionX; sqlCommandX.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; sqlCommandX.CommandText = "spx_SELECT_QuoteOptionAuditTrailByAuditTrailID"; sqlParam = new SqlParameter("QuoteAuditTrailID", strAuditTrailID); sqlCommandX.Parameters.Add(sqlParam); sqlDR = sqlCommandX.ExecuteReader(); DataTable dt = new DataTable("AuditTrail"); dt.Load(sqlDR); sqlDR.Close(); sqlCommandX.Cancel(); sqlCommandX.Dispose(); sqlConnectionX.Close(); e.DetailTableView.DataSource = dt; } catch (Exception ex) { lblInfo.Text = ex.Message; } //} }