private void HandleVortexInput()
        // upon pressing the left-click button
        if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1") && canSpawnVortex)
            // enable the visual indicator
            vortexIndicator.enabled = true;

            // start building the vortex scale
            isBuildingVortex = true;

        // while holding the left-click button
        if (Input.GetButton("Fire1") && canSpawnVortex && isBuildingVortex)
            // build up the power of the vortex over time
            vortexScaleProgress = Mathf.Clamp(vortexScaleProgress + Time.deltaTime, 0, vortexBuildTime);

            // get the current mouse position in world coordinates
            Vector2 mousePos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);

            // set the indicator at the current mouse position
            vortexIndicator.transform.position = mousePos;

            // calculate the current radius based on the vortex scale
            float vortexScale = Mathf.Lerp(vortexMinScale, vortexMaxScale, vortexScaleProgress / vortexBuildTime) - 1;
            float radius      = vortexBaseRadius + vortexRadiusGrowthRate * vortexScale;

            // scale the indicator based on the current radius
            vortexIndicator.transform.localScale = * radius * 2;

            // set the indicator color based on the current radius
            vortexIndicator.color = radius > vortexCrushRadiusThreshold ? vortexCrushIndicatorColor : vortexRegularIndicatorColor;

        // upon releasing the left-click button
        if (Input.GetButtonUp("Fire1") && canSpawnVortex && isBuildingVortex)
            // start the vortex spawn cooldown

            // stop building the vortex scale
            isBuildingVortex = false;

            // disable the visual indicator
            vortexIndicator.enabled = false;

            // get the current mouse position in world coordinates
            Vector2 mousePos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);

            // spawn a new vortex object at the mouse position
            Vortex vortex = Instantiate(vortexPrefab, mousePos, Quaternion.identity, spawnParent);

            // calculate the vortex stats based on the current vortex scale
            float vortexScale   = Mathf.Lerp(vortexMinScale, vortexMaxScale, vortexScaleProgress / vortexBuildTime) - 1;
            float radius        = vortexBaseRadius + vortexRadiusGrowthRate * vortexScale;
            float innerStrength = vortexBaseInnerStrength + vortexInnerStrengthGrowthRate * vortexScale;
            float outerStrength = vortexBaseOuterStrength + vortexOuterStrengthGrowthRate * vortexScale;

            // activate the vortex at the current vortex scale
            vortex.Activate(radius, innerStrength, outerStrength, vortexCrushForceThreshold, vortexCrushRadiusThreshold, vortexTargetLayers);

            // reset the scale progress
            vortexScaleProgress = 0;

        // upon pressing the right-click button
        if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire2") && isBuildingVortex)
            // stop building the vortex scale
            isBuildingVortex = false;

            // disable the visual indicator
            vortexIndicator.enabled = false;

            // reset the scale progress
            vortexScaleProgress = 0;