public Child(Order doc, ViewType viewType) : this() { // Configure the title. this.Text = doc.LastFileName; this.Document = doc; // Create a reference for the view. // This reference can accomodate any type of control. Control view = null; // Instantiate the appropriate view. switch (viewType) { case ViewType.ItemGrid: view = new OrderGridView(doc); break; case ViewType.PrintPreview: view = new OrderPrintPreview(doc); break; } // Add the view to the form. view.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; this.Controls.Add(view); }
private static void CloseView(ViewType viewType) { if (_cacheSingle.ContainsKey(viewType) && _cacheSingle[viewType].IsAlive) { ResponsiveMDIChild view = _cacheSingle[viewType].Target as ResponsiveMDIChild; if (view != null) { view.Close(); } _cacheSingle[viewType].Target = null; _cacheSingle.Remove(viewType); } List<ViewType> deleteItems = new List<ViewType>(); foreach (var item in _cacheSingle) { if (item.Value.IsAlive == false || item.Value.Target == null) { deleteItems.Add(item.Key); } } foreach (var item in deleteItems) { _cacheSingle.Remove(item); } }
//This gets called from SceneManager's Start() public virtual void InitManager() { m_UIEventHandler.CloseView += OnTappedOnCloseButton; InputController.SingleTapped += OnSingleTapped; mActiveViewType = ViewType.ARCAMERAVIEW; }
public PostCommentModel(PostComment comment, ViewType viewType) : this() { this.Comment = comment; this.ViewMode = viewType; this.Root_ContentID = this.Comment.Root_ContentID; }
public AdditionalViewControlsAttribute(string message, string messagePropertyName, ViewType targetViewType, AdditionalViewControlsProviderPosition additionalViewControlsProviderPosition) { this.message = message; this.messagePropertyName = messagePropertyName; this.targetViewType = targetViewType; this.additionalViewControlsProviderPosition = additionalViewControlsProviderPosition; }
public SearchUserViewModel(ViewType viewType, Decimal TwitterAccountID) { this.TwitterAccountID = TwitterAccountID; this.CancelCommand = new RelayCommand(new Action(this.Cancel)); this.OKCommand = new RelayCommand(new Action(this.OK)); this.viewType = viewType; }
private void OnDoubleTapped() { if(mActiveViewType == ViewType.ARCAMERAVIEW) { mActiveViewType = ViewType.UIVIEW; } }
public ActionStateRuleAttribute(string id, string actionId, Nesting targetViewNesting, string normalCriteria, string emptyCriteria, ViewType viewType, string module, ActionState actionState, string viewId) : base(id, targetViewNesting, normalCriteria, emptyCriteria, viewType, module, viewId) { this.actionId = actionId; ActionState = actionState; }
protected LogicAttribute(string id,Nesting targetViewNesting, ViewType viewType,string viewId) { ViewId = viewId; ID=id; ViewType = viewType; Nesting = targetViewNesting; }
void Register(ViewType type, Uri address) { if (!_views.ContainsKey(type)) _views.Add(type, address); else _views[type] = address; }
public EditNodeWindow(Sidebar sidebar, string Type, string Name, ViewType viewType) : this(sidebar, viewType) { titlePanelEditNode.lblTitle.Text = "Edit " + Type; lblName.Text = Type + " Name:"; txtName.Text = Name; }
public View Create(Element subject, ViewType viewType) { var view = new View(subject, viewType); view.Model = _model; Views.Add(view); return view; }
public void RegisterAppearance(ChartAppearance appearance, ViewType viewType, Palette palette) { AppearanceColors row = new AppearanceColors(appearance, palette); matrix.Add(row); for (int i = 0; i <= palette.Count; i++) row[i] = AddStyleEditor(AppearanceImageHelper.CreateImage(viewType, appearance, palette, i), i); lastRegisteredAppearance++; }
public override Texture ToTextureView(ViewType viewType, int arraySlice, int mipMapSlice) { // Exists since OpenGL 4.3 if (viewType != ViewType.Full || arraySlice != 0 || mipMapSlice != 0) throw new NotImplementedException(); return new Texture2D(GraphicsDevice, this); }
public static Texture ToTextureView(this Texture texture, ViewType type, int arraySlice, int mipLevel) { var viewDescription = texture.ViewDescription; viewDescription.Type = type; viewDescription.ArraySlice = arraySlice; viewDescription.MipLevel = mipLevel; return texture.ToTextureView(viewDescription); }
public ControllerStateRuleAttribute(string id, Type controllerType, Nesting targetViewNesting, string normalCriteria, string emptyCriteria, ViewType viewType, string module, State state, string viewId) : base(id, targetViewNesting, normalCriteria, emptyCriteria, viewType, module, state, viewId) { this.controllerType = controllerType; }
public ViewInfo(string key, string title, string shortcut, ViewType viewType, Type type) : base(key) { Title = title; Shortcut = shortcut; ViewType = viewType; Type = type; }
public ModuleView(string moduleName, string name, string displayName, string description, ViewType viewType) { ModuleName = moduleName; Name = name; DisplayName = displayName; Description = description; ViewType = viewType; }
public void NavigateTo(ViewType type) { if (!_views.ContainsKey(type)) return; var address = _views[type]; var root = Application.Current.RootVisual as PhoneApplicationFrame; Debug.Assert(root != null, "Root is null"); root.Navigate(address); }
public PageDisplaySettings(int imagesPerRow, ViewType viewType, double horizontalOffsetBetweenPages, ImageRotation rotation = ImageRotation.None, float zoomFactor = 1.0f) { this.ImagesPerRow = imagesPerRow; this.ZoomFactor = zoomFactor; this.ViewType = viewType; this.HorizontalOffsetBetweenPages = viewType == ViewType.SinglePage ? 0 : horizontalOffsetBetweenPages; this.Rotation = rotation; }
private EditNodeWindow(Sidebar sidebar, ViewType viewType) { this.sidebar = sidebar; this.manager = sidebar.manager; neoSidebar = new NeoSidebar(manager); neoSidebar.Init(); int tomtom = 5; neoSidebar.ClientArea.BackColor = UserInterface.TomDark; neoSidebar.BackColor = Color.Black; neoSidebar.BevelBorder = BevelBorder.All; Margins tomtomtomtom = new Margins(tomtom, tomtom, tomtom, tomtom); neoSidebar.ClientMargins = tomtomtomtom; neoSidebar.Left = sidebar.master.Left; neoSidebar.Width = sidebar.Width; neoSidebar.Top = 0; neoSidebar.Resizable = false; neoSidebar.Movable = false; neoSidebar.Height = OrbIt.ScreenHeight; neoSidebar.Text = "Edit"; manager.Add(neoSidebar); int width = 120; int offset = neoSidebar.Width - width - 20; titlePanelEditNode = new TitlePanel(sidebar, neoSidebar, "Edit", true); titlePanelEditNode.btnBack.Click += (s, e) => { sidebar.groupsView.UpdateGroups(); manager.Remove(neoSidebar); }; HeightCounter += titlePanelEditNode.Height; lblName = new Label(manager); lblName.Init(); lblName.Parent = neoSidebar; lblName.Left = LeftPadding; lblName.Top = HeightCounter; lblName.Width = width; txtName = new TextBox(manager); txtName.Init(); txtName.Parent = neoSidebar; txtName.Top = HeightCounter; txtName.Width = width; txtName.Left = offset; HeightCounter += txtName.Height + LeftPadding; txtName.TextColor = Color.Black; txtName.Enabled = false; componentView = new ComponentView(sidebar, neoSidebar, 0, HeightCounter, viewType); componentView.Width = neoSidebar.Width - 20; componentView.insView.Height += componentView.insView.Height / 2; neoSidebar.Width += 100; neoSidebar.Width -= 100; }
public static void Navigate(ViewType sourcePageType, object parameter) { var pageType = GetViewType(sourcePageType); if (pageType != null) { ((Frame)Window.Current.Content).Navigate(pageType, parameter); } }
public static GameObject GetViewParent(ViewType type) { switch(type) { case ViewType.CityView: return cityUI; case ViewType.BattleView: return battleUI; default: return ui; } }
void ChangeSeries(ViewType viewType) { //double[] values = { 3.1, 2.3, 3.2, 3.9, 5.1 }; //Series series = new Series("Series", viewType); //for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) // series.Points.Add(new SeriesPoint((i + 1) * 10, new double[] { values[i], values[i] + 3, values[i] + 2, values[i] + 1 })); //chartControl.Series.Clear(); //chartControl.Series.Add(series); }
public void ChangeView(ViewType viewType) { _selectedViewType = viewType; foreach (var view in _views.Values) view.Active = false; if (_views.ContainsKey(viewType)) _views[viewType].ShowView(); gbDate.Visible = viewType != ViewType.VideoInfoReport; }
internal override RenderTargetView GetRenderTargetView(ViewType viewType, int arrayOrDepthSlice, int mipIndex) { if ((this.Description.BindFlags & BindFlags.RenderTarget) == 0) return null; if (viewType == ViewType.MipBand) throw new NotSupportedException("ViewSlice.MipBand is not supported for render targets"); int arrayCount; int mipCount; GetViewSliceBounds(viewType, ref arrayOrDepthSlice, ref mipIndex, out arrayCount, out mipCount); var rtvIndex = GetViewIndex(viewType, arrayOrDepthSlice, mipIndex); lock (this.renderTargetViews) { var rtv = this.renderTargetViews[rtvIndex]; // Creates the shader resource view if (rtv == null) { // Create the render target view var rtvDescription = new RenderTargetViewDescription() { Format = this.Description.Format }; if (this.Description.ArraySize > 1) { rtvDescription.Dimension = this.Description.SampleDescription.Count > 1 ? RenderTargetViewDimension.Texture2DMultisampledArray : RenderTargetViewDimension.Texture2DArray; if (this.Description.SampleDescription.Count > 1) { rtvDescription.Texture2DMSArray.ArraySize = arrayCount; rtvDescription.Texture2DMSArray.FirstArraySlice = arrayOrDepthSlice; } else { rtvDescription.Texture2DArray.ArraySize = arrayCount; rtvDescription.Texture2DArray.FirstArraySlice = arrayOrDepthSlice; rtvDescription.Texture2DArray.MipSlice = mipIndex; } } else { rtvDescription.Dimension = this.Description.SampleDescription.Count > 1 ? RenderTargetViewDimension.Texture2DMultisampled : RenderTargetViewDimension.Texture2D; if (this.Description.SampleDescription.Count <= 1) rtvDescription.Texture2D.MipSlice = mipIndex; } rtv = new RenderTargetView(GraphicsDevice, Resource, rtvDescription); this.renderTargetViews[rtvIndex] = ToDispose(rtv); } // Associate this instance rtv.Tag = this; return rtv; } }
protected StateRuleAttribute(string id,Nesting targetViewNesting, string normalCriteria, string emptyCriteria, ViewType viewType,State state,string viewId) { this.state=state; ViewId = viewId; ID=id; ViewType = viewType; Nesting = targetViewNesting; NormalCriteria = normalCriteria; EmptyCriteria = emptyCriteria; }
public void SecondaryViewTypeWithStep(ViewType viewType, string step) { if (step != wizardStep || viewType != secondaryViewType) { secondaryViewType = viewType; wizardStep = step; OnPropertyChanged("SecondaryViewType"); OnPropertyChanged("WizardStep"); } }
public bool IsMatchTextBoxEnabled(int rowNumber, ViewType viewType) { List<UITestControl> dataGridRowChildList = GetDataGridRowChildList(rowNumber, viewType); UITestControl firstOrDefault = dataGridRowChildList[3].GetChildren().FirstOrDefault(c => c.ControlType == ControlType.Edit); if(firstOrDefault == null) { throw new Exception("Could not find the matches text box."); } return firstOrDefault.IsEnabled(); }
void Register(ViewType type, Uri address) { if (views.ContainsKey(type)) //update { views[type] = address; return; } views.Add(type, address); //add }
public ViewChangedArgs(ViewType viewType) { ViewType = viewType; }
public void Activate(bool activate, ViewType chgMode) { if (activate) { GCodeSender.RewindFile(); GCodeSender.CallHandler(GCode.File.IsLoaded ? StreamingState.Idle : (sdStream ? StreamingState.Start : StreamingState.NoFile), false); sdStream = false; if (initOK != true) { focusedControl = this; model.Message = string.Format("Waiting for controller ({0})...", AppConfig.Settings.Base.PortParams); string response = GrblInfo.Startup(); if (response.StartsWith("<Alarm")) { GrblViewModel data = DataContext as GrblViewModel; data.ParseStatus(response); // Alarm 1, 2 and 10 are critical events if (!(data.GrblState.Substate == 1 || data.GrblState.Substate == 2 || data.GrblState.Substate == 10)) { InitSystem(); } } else if (response.StartsWith("<Tool")) {; GrblViewModel data = DataContext as GrblViewModel; data.ParseStatus(; } else if (response != string.Empty) { InitSystem(); } } if (initOK == null) { initOK = false; } #if ADD_CAMERA if (MainWindow.UIViewModel.Camera != null) { MainWindow.UIViewModel.Camera.MoveOffset += Camera_MoveOffset; MainWindow.UIViewModel.Camera.Opened += Camera_Opened; } #endif //if (viewer == null) // viewer = new Viewer(); if (GCode.File.IsLoaded) { MainWindow.ui.WindowTitle = ((GrblViewModel)DataContext).FileName; } } else if (ViewType != ViewType.Shutdown) { DRO.IsFocusable = false; #if ADD_CAMERA if (MainWindow.UIViewModel.Camera != null) { MainWindow.UIViewModel.Camera.MoveOffset -= Camera_MoveOffset; } #endif focusedControl = AppConfig.Settings.Base.KeepMdiFocus && Keyboard.FocusedElement is TextBox && (string)(Keyboard.FocusedElement as TextBox).Tag == "MDI" ? Keyboard.FocusedElement : this; } if (GCodeSender.Activate(activate)) { Task.Delay(500).ContinueWith(t => DRO.EnableFocus()); Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new System.Action(() => { focusedControl.Focus(); }), DispatcherPriority.Render); } }
public void Navigate(ViewType viewType) { InitializeView(viewType); ContentOwner.ContentControl.Content = ViewsDictionary[viewType]; }
private Task <IActionResult> RenderAsync(ViewType viewType, object model) { ViewData["ViewType"] = viewType; return(RenderViewAsync(MenuItems.AdminUsers, model)); }
public RenderTarget ToRenderTarget(ViewType viewType, int arrayOrDepthSlice, int mipIndex) { return(null); }
public void Activate(bool activate, ViewType chgMode) { if (activate) { GCodeSender.RewindFile(); GCodeSender.CallHandler(GCode.File.IsLoaded ? StreamingState.Idle : (model.IsSDCardJob ? StreamingState.Start : StreamingState.NoFile), false); model.ResponseLogFilterOk = AppConfig.Settings.Base.FilterOkResponse; if (Controller == null) { Controller = new Controller(model); } if (initOK != true) { focusedControl = this; switch (Controller.Restart()) { case Controller.RestartResult.Ok: initOK = InitSystem(); break; case Controller.RestartResult.Close: MainWindow.ui.Close(); break; case Controller.RestartResult.Exit: Environment.Exit(-1); break; } model.Message = Controller.Message; } if (initOK == null) { initOK = false; } #if ADD_CAMERA if (MainWindow.UIViewModel.Camera != null) { MainWindow.UIViewModel.Camera.MoveOffset += Camera_MoveOffset; MainWindow.UIViewModel.Camera.IsVisibilityChanged += Camera_Opened; } #endif //if (viewer == null) // viewer = new Viewer(); if (GCode.File.IsLoaded) { MainWindow.ui.WindowTitle = ((GrblViewModel)DataContext).FileName; } } else if (ViewType != ViewType.Shutdown) { DRO.IsFocusable = false; #if ADD_CAMERA if (MainWindow.UIViewModel.Camera != null) { MainWindow.UIViewModel.Camera.MoveOffset -= Camera_MoveOffset; } #endif focusedControl = focusedControl = AppConfig.Settings.Base.KeepMdiFocus && Keyboard.FocusedElement is TextBox && (Keyboard.FocusedElement as TextBox).Tag is string && (string)(Keyboard.FocusedElement as TextBox).Tag == "MDI" ? Keyboard.FocusedElement : this; } if (GCodeSender.Activate(activate)) { showProgramLimits(); Task.Delay(500).ContinueWith(t => DRO.EnableFocus()); Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new System.Action(() => { focusedControl.Focus(); }), DispatcherPriority.Render); } }
internal override TextureView GetRenderTargetView(ViewType viewType, int arrayOrDepthSlice, int mipIndex) { throw new NotSupportedException(); }
internal override TextureView GetShaderResourceView(Format viewFormat, ViewType viewType, int arrayOrDepthSlice, int mipIndex) { if ((Description.BindFlags & BindFlags.ShaderResource) == 0) { return(null); } int arrayCount; int mipCount; GetViewSliceBounds(viewType, ref arrayOrDepthSlice, ref mipIndex, out arrayCount, out mipCount); var textureViewKey = new TextureViewKey(viewFormat, viewType, arrayOrDepthSlice, mipIndex); lock (shaderResourceViews) { TextureView srv; // Creates the shader resource view if (!shaderResourceViews.TryGetValue(textureViewKey, out srv)) { // Create the view var srvDescription = new ShaderResourceViewDescription { Format = viewFormat }; // Initialize for texture arrays or texture cube if (Description.ArraySize > 1) { // If texture cube if ((Description.OptionFlags & ResourceOptionFlags.TextureCube) != 0) { srvDescription.Dimension = ShaderResourceViewDimension.TextureCube; srvDescription.TextureCube.MipLevels = mipCount; srvDescription.TextureCube.MostDetailedMip = mipIndex; } else { // Else regular Texture2D srvDescription.Dimension = Description.SampleDescription.Count > 1 ? ShaderResourceViewDimension.Texture2DMultisampledArray : ShaderResourceViewDimension.Texture2DArray; // Multisample? if (Description.SampleDescription.Count > 1) { srvDescription.Texture2DMSArray.ArraySize = arrayCount; srvDescription.Texture2DMSArray.FirstArraySlice = arrayOrDepthSlice; } else { srvDescription.Texture2DArray.ArraySize = arrayCount; srvDescription.Texture2DArray.FirstArraySlice = arrayOrDepthSlice; srvDescription.Texture2DArray.MipLevels = mipCount; srvDescription.Texture2DArray.MostDetailedMip = mipIndex; } } } else { srvDescription.Dimension = Description.SampleDescription.Count > 1 ? ShaderResourceViewDimension.Texture2DMultisampled : ShaderResourceViewDimension.Texture2D; if (Description.SampleDescription.Count <= 1) { srvDescription.Texture2D.MipLevels = mipCount; srvDescription.Texture2D.MostDetailedMip = mipIndex; } } srv = new TextureView(this, new ShaderResourceView(Device, Resource, srvDescription)); shaderResourceViews.Add(textureViewKey, ToDispose(srv)); } return(srv); } }
/// <summary> /// Gets a specific <see cref="DepthStencilView" /> from this texture. /// </summary> /// <param name="viewType">Type of the view slice.</param> /// <param name="arrayOrDepthSlice">The texture array slice index.</param> /// <param name="mipMapSlice">The mip map slice index.</param> /// <param name="readOnlyView">Indicates if the view is read-only.</param> /// <returns>A <see cref="DepthStencilView" /></returns> internal virtual TextureView GetDepthStencilView(ViewType viewType, int arrayOrDepthSlice, int mipIndex, bool readOnlyView) { if ((this.Description.BindFlags & BindFlags.DepthStencil) == 0) { return(null); } if (viewType == ViewType.MipBand) { throw new NotSupportedException("ViewSlice.MipBand is not supported for depth stencils"); } if (readOnlyView && !HasReadOnlyView) { return(null); } var views = readOnlyView ? readOnlyViews : depthStencilViews; int arrayCount; int mipCount; GetViewSliceBounds(viewType, ref arrayOrDepthSlice, ref mipIndex, out arrayCount, out mipCount); var dsvIndex = GetViewIndex(viewType, arrayOrDepthSlice, mipIndex); lock (views) { var dsv = views[dsvIndex]; // Creates the shader resource view if (dsv == null) { // Create the depth stencil view var dsvDescription = new DepthStencilViewDescription() { Format = (Format)DepthFormat }; if (this.Description.ArraySize > 1) { dsvDescription.Dimension = this.Description.SampleDescription.Count > 1 ? DepthStencilViewDimension.Texture2DMultisampledArray : DepthStencilViewDimension.Texture2DArray; if (this.Description.SampleDescription.Count > 1) { dsvDescription.Texture2DMSArray.ArraySize = arrayCount; dsvDescription.Texture2DMSArray.FirstArraySlice = arrayOrDepthSlice; } else { dsvDescription.Texture2DArray.ArraySize = arrayCount; dsvDescription.Texture2DArray.FirstArraySlice = arrayOrDepthSlice; dsvDescription.Texture2DArray.MipSlice = mipIndex; } } else { dsvDescription.Dimension = this.Description.SampleDescription.Count > 1 ? DepthStencilViewDimension.Texture2DMultisampled : DepthStencilViewDimension.Texture2D; if (this.Description.SampleDescription.Count <= 1) { dsvDescription.Texture2D.MipSlice = mipIndex; } } if (readOnlyView) { dsvDescription.Flags = DepthStencilViewFlags.ReadOnlyDepth; if (HasStencil) { dsvDescription.Flags |= DepthStencilViewFlags.ReadOnlyStencil; } } dsv = new TextureView(this, new DepthStencilView(GraphicsDevice, Resource, dsvDescription)); views[dsvIndex] = ToDispose(dsv); } return(dsv); } }
internal void Navigate(ViewType viewType, MyProcess process = null) { _navigationModel.Navigate(viewType, process); }
public void Activate(bool activate, ViewType chgMode) { if (activate) { if (model.CoordinateSystems.Count == 0) { // model.CoordinateSystems.Add(model.CoordinateSystem = new CoordinateSystem("Active", "0")); foreach (var cs in GrblWorkParameters.CoordinateSystems) { if (cs.Id > 0 && cs.Id < 9) { model.CoordinateSystems.Add(new CoordinateSystem(cs.Code, "0")); } if (cs.Id == 9) { model.HasCoordinateSystem9 = true; } } model.HasToolTable = GrblInfo.NumTools > 0; } if (GrblInfo.IsGrblHAL) {; } if (!model.Grbl.IsGrblHAL && !AppConfig.Settings.Jog.KeyboardEnable) { Jog.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } GrblWorkParameters.Get(); GrblParserState.Get(true); model.DistanceMode = GrblParserState.DistanceMode; model.Tool = model.Grbl.Tool == GrblConstants.NO_TOOL ? "0" : model.Grbl.Tool; model.CanProbe = !model.Grbl.Signals.Value.HasFlag(Signals.Probe); model.HeightMapApplied = GCode.File.HeightMapApplied; int csid = GrblWorkParameters.GetCoordinateSystem(model.Grbl.WorkCoordinateSystem).Id; model.CoordinateSystem = csid == 0 || csid >= 9 ? 1 : csid; model.ReferenceToolOffset &= model.CanReferenceToolOffset; if (model.Grbl.IsTloReferenceSet && !double.IsNaN(model.Grbl.TloReference)) { model.TloReference = model.Grbl.TloReference; model.ReferenceToolOffset = false; } getView(tab.SelectedItem as TabItem)?.Activate(); model.Grbl.PropertyChanged += Grbl_PropertyChanged; probeTriggered = model.Grbl.Signals.Value.HasFlag(Signals.Probe); probeDisconnected = model.Grbl.Signals.Value.HasFlag(Signals.ProbeDisconnected); cycleStartSignal = model.Grbl.Signals.Value.HasFlag(Signals.CycleStart); DisplayPosition(model.Grbl); } else { model.Grbl.PropertyChanged -= Grbl_PropertyChanged; // If probing alarm active unlock //if(model.Grbl.GrblState.State == GrblStates.Alarm && (model.Grbl.GrblState.Substate == 4 || model.Grbl.GrblState.Substate == 5)) // model.Grbl.ExecuteCommand(GrblConstants.CMD_UNLOCK); //else if (model.Grbl.GrblError != 0) { model.Grbl.ExecuteCommand(""); // Clear error } model.Grbl.ExecuteCommand(model.DistanceMode == DistanceMode.Absolute ? "G90" : "G91"); } model.Message = string.Empty; model.Grbl.Poller.SetState(activate ? AppConfig.Settings.Base.PollInterval : 0); }
protected abstract void InitializeView(ViewType viewType);