コード例 #1
ファイル: Noise.cs プロジェクト: johtela/Compose3D
 public static float Random(Vec2i vec)
     var n = vec.X + (vec.Y * 57);
     n = (n << 13) ^ n;
     n = (n * (n * n * 15731 + 789221) + 1376312589) & 0x7fffffff;
     return 1f - (n / 1073741824f);
コード例 #2
        protected override void OnCreateTexture( string definitionName, ref Vec2i size )
            base.OnCreateTexture( definitionName, ref size );

            if( definitionName == "scene" || definitionName == "temp" )
                size = Owner.DimensionsInPixels.Size / 2;
コード例 #3
ファイル: Noise.cs プロジェクト: johtela/Compose3D
        public static float Smooth(Vec2i vec)
            var corners = _corners.Aggregate (0f, (res, c) => res + Random (c + vec)) / (_corners.Length * 4f);
            var sides = _sides.Aggregate (0f, (res, s) => res + Random (s + vec)) / (_corners.Length * 2f);
            var center = Random (vec) / 4f;

            return corners + sides + center;
コード例 #4
ファイル: StartingVessel.cs プロジェクト: NickPowers43/SW
    public override bool PlaceBlock(BlockType type, Vec2i location)
        if (type == BlockType.Spawner) {
            spawnerLocation = location;

        return base.PlaceBlock(type, location);
コード例 #5
ファイル: Noise.cs プロジェクト: johtela/Compose3D
        public static float Interpolated(Vec2 vec, float amplitude)
            var intVec = new Vec2i ((int)vec.X, (int)vec.Y);
            var fracVec = vec.Fraction ();

            var vs = _nexts.Map (next => Smooth (intVec + next) * amplitude);
            var i1 = GLMath.CosMix (vs[0], vs[1], fracVec.X);
            var i2 = GLMath.CosMix (vs[2], vs[3], fracVec.X);

            return GLMath.CosMix (i1, i2, fracVec.Y);
コード例 #6
ファイル: AABBi.cs プロジェクト: NickPowers43/SW
		public void FitWhole(Vec2i point)
			if (point.x < bl.x){
				bl.x = point.x;
			if (point.y < bl.y){
				bl.y = point.y;
			if (point.x >= tr.x){
				tr.x = point.x + 1;
			if (point.y >= tr.y){
				tr.y = point.y + 1;
コード例 #7
ファイル: ServerVessel.cs プロジェクト: NickPowers43/SW
    public void Reset(Vec2i pos)
        this.pos = pos;

        l2Tile = vessel.TryGetTile(new Vec2i(pos.x-2,pos.y));
        lTile = vessel.TryGetTile(new Vec2i(pos.x-1,pos.y));
        blTile = vessel.TryGetTile(new Vec2i(pos.x-1,pos.y-1));
        bTile = vessel.TryGetTile(new Vec2i(pos.x,pos.y-1));
        b2Tile = vessel.TryGetTile(new Vec2i(pos.x,pos.y-2));
        brTile = vessel.TryGetTile(new Vec2i(pos.x+1,pos.y-1));
        b2rTile = vessel.TryGetTile(new Vec2i(pos.x+1,pos.y-2));
        br2Tile = vessel.TryGetTile(new Vec2i(pos.x+2,pos.y-1));
        tile = vessel.TryGetTile(new Vec2i(pos.x, pos.y));
        rTile = vessel.TryGetTile(new Vec2i(pos.x+1, pos.y));
        r2Tile = vessel.TryGetTile(new Vec2i(pos.x+2, pos.y));
コード例 #8
ファイル: AABBi.cs プロジェクト: NickPowers43/SW
		public void Fit(Vec2i point)
			if (point.x < bl.x){
				bl.x = point.x;
			if (point.y < bl.y){
				bl.y = point.y;
			if (point.x > tr.x){
				tr.x = point.x;
			if (point.y > tr.y){
				tr.y = point.y;
コード例 #9
        protected override void OnCreateTexture( string definitionName, ref Vec2i size )
            base.OnCreateTexture( definitionName, ref size );

            if( definitionName == "rt_brightPass" )
                size = Owner.DimensionsInPixels.Size / 2;
                brightPassTextureSize = size;
            else if( definitionName == "rt_bloomBlur" ||
                definitionName == "rt_bloomHorizontal" || definitionName == "rt_bloomVertical" )
                size = Owner.DimensionsInPixels.Size / 4;
                bloomTextureSize = size;
コード例 #10
ファイル: ClientVessel.cs プロジェクト: NickPowers43/SW
 public void ReinstantiateChunks()
     for (int i = 0; i < chunks.dim.y; i++) {
         for (int j = 0; j < chunks.dim.x; j++) {
             Vec2i chunkI = new Vec2i(j, i) + chunks.origin;
             ClientVC chunk;
             if ((chunk = (ClientVC)chunks.TryGet(chunkI)) != null) {
                 if (chunk.Modified) {
                     foreach (var c in chunks.WithinRange(chunk.Index, 1)) {
                         if (c != null) {
                             if (c.Instantiated) {
                             Debug.Log ("Instantiating chunk: " + c.Index.ToString());
                     chunk.Modified = false;
コード例 #11
ファイル: Subworld.cs プロジェクト: nikitapond/ProceduralRPG
 public void SetWorldEntrance(Vec2i ent)
     InternalEntrancePos = ent;
コード例 #12
 public TerrainMesh(SceneGraph graph, Vec2i start, Vec2i size, float amplitude, float frequency,
                    int octaves, float amplitudeDamping, float frequencyMultiplier) : base(graph)
     Patch = new TerrainPatch <V> (start, size, amplitude, frequency, octaves,
                                   amplitudeDamping, frequencyMultiplier);
コード例 #13
ファイル: _Def.cs プロジェクト: kuviman/Q
 public Texture(Vec2i size) : this(size.X, size.Y)
コード例 #14
ファイル: Tiles.cs プロジェクト: justangel/NinjaRace
 public static Vec2 GetPosition(Vec2i Coords)
     return(new Vec2(Coords.X * Tile.Size.X * 2, Coords.Y * Tile.Size.Y * 2));
コード例 #15
 public Cursor(Vec2i pos)
     : this(pos.X, pos.Y)
コード例 #16
        private bool FindSlot(IAtlasDescriptor descriptor, byte[] scan, GlyphDescriptor gi, ref Vec2i minsize)
            long reqWidth = gi.Width;
            long reqHeight = gi.Height;
            long big = (long)descriptor.MaxSize;

            if (reqHeight == 0 || reqWidth == 0)
                gi.X = (int)0;
                gi.Y = (int)0;
                return true;

            // try to find an empty space within the current used box
            for (long y = 0; y <= (minsize.Y - reqHeight); y++)
                for (long x = 0; x <= (minsize.X - reqWidth); x++)
                    long cx, cy;
                    long incr = y * big;
                    for (cy = y; cy < y + reqHeight; cy++)
                        for (cx = x; cx < x + reqWidth; cx++)
                            if (scan[incr + cx] != 0)
                                cy = 9999;
                        incr += big;

                    // put it here
                    if (cy < 9999)
                        gi.X = (int)x;
                        gi.Y = (int)y;
                        return true;

            // if no space was found, expand the smallest edge of the used box,
            // which will keep the texture close to square
            if (minsize.X < minsize.Y)
                if (minsize.X == descriptor.MaxSize - 1)
                    return false;

                minsize.X += (int)reqWidth;
                if (minsize.X >= descriptor.MaxSize)
                    minsize.X = descriptor.MaxSize - 1;
                if (minsize.Y == descriptor.MaxSize - 1)
                    return false;

                minsize.Y += (int)reqHeight;
                if (minsize.Y >= descriptor.MaxSize)
                    minsize.Y = descriptor.MaxSize - 1;

            return FindSlot(descriptor, scan, gi, ref minsize);
コード例 #17
ファイル: ServerVessel.cs プロジェクト: NickPowers43/SW
    public void SetCompartmentFloor(FloorType type, Compartment c)
        Vec2i start = ChunkIToTileI(aabb.bl);
        Vec2i end = ChunkIToTileI(aabb.tr);

        for (int i = start.y; i < end.y; i++) {
            for (int j = start.x; j < end.x; j++) {
                Vec2i tileI = new Vec2i(j, i);
                VesselTile tile;
                if ((tile = TryGetTile(tileI)) != null) {
                    bool modified = false;
                    if (tile.c0 != null && tile.c0.Instance == c) {
                        tile.floor0 = type;
                        modified = true;
                    if (tile.c1 != null && tile.c1.Instance == c) {
                        tile.floor1 = type;
                        modified |= true;

                    if (modified) {
コード例 #18
        public static void SampleToBuffer <T> (this Signal <Vec2i, T> signal, T[] buffer, Vec2i bufferSize)
            var length = bufferSize.Producti();

            Parallel.For(0, bufferSize.Y, y =>
                for (var x = 0; x < bufferSize.X; x++)
                    buffer[y * bufferSize.Y + x] = signal(new Vec2i(x, bufferSize.Y - y - 1));
コード例 #19
 public static Func <Vec2i, Vec2> BitmapCoordTo0_1(Vec2i bitmapSize, float scale)
     return(vec => new Vec2(
                vec.X * scale / bitmapSize.X,
                vec.Y * scale / bitmapSize.Y));
コード例 #20
 public bool InBounds(Vec2i p)
     return(p.x >= 0 && p.y >= 00 && p.x < grid.GetLength(0) && p.y < grid.GetLength(1));
コード例 #21
        private void tryBfsRemove(int x, int z)
            Queue <Vec2i>   nodesToVisit = new Queue <Vec2i>();
            HashSet <Vec2i> nodesVisited = new HashSet <Vec2i>();

            nodesToVisit.Enqueue(new Vec2i(x, z));

            List <Vec2i> foundPieces = new List <Vec2i>();

            while (nodesToVisit.Count > 0)
                Vec2i node = nodesToVisit.Dequeue();

                for (int i = 0; i < BlockFacing.HORIZONTALS.Length; i++)
                    BlockFacing face  = BlockFacing.HORIZONTALS[i];
                    Vec2i       nnode = node.Copy().Add(face.Normali.X, face.Normali.Z);

                    if (nnode.X < 0 || nnode.X >= 16 || nnode.Y < 0 || nnode.Y >= 16)
                    if (!Voxels[nnode.X, nnode.Y])

                    if (nodesVisited.Contains(nnode))


                    if (SelectedRecipe.Voxels[nnode.X, 0, nnode.Y])


            // Single voxel with no neighbours
            if (nodesVisited.Count == 0 && foundPieces.Count == 0)
                foundPieces.Add(new Vec2i(x, z));

            Vec3d tmp = new Vec3d();

            foreach (var val in foundPieces)
                Voxels[val.X, val.Y] = false;

                if (Api.Side == EnumAppSide.Client)
                    tmp.Set(Pos.X + val.X / 16f, Pos.Y, Pos.Z + val.Y / 16f);
コード例 #22
 public FramePattern(byte[,] pattern, Vec2i angle)
     this.pattern = pattern;
     this.angle   = angle;
コード例 #23
 public BrickWall(Vec2i worldPosition, int height = 1, WorldObjectMetaData meta = null, Vec2i size = null) : base(worldPosition, meta, size)
コード例 #24
 public CharaView snapToGridPos(Vec2i gridPos)
コード例 #25
ファイル: PatternVariation.cs プロジェクト: toyboot4e/wfc.cs
 /// <summary>Converts a point in a <c>Pattern</c> to one in the <c>source</c></summary>
 public static Vec2i localPosToSourcePos(this Pattern self, Vec2i localPosition, int N)
     return(self.offset + self.variant.apply(localPosition, N));
コード例 #26
 public static Func <Vec2i, float> BitmapYToFloat(Vec2i bitmapSize, float scale)
     return(vec => vec.X * scale / bitmapSize.X);
コード例 #27
 public Grass(Vec2i worldPosition) : base(worldPosition, null, null)
コード例 #28
 public BuildingEntrance(Vec2i a, Vec2i b)
     A = a;
     B = b;
コード例 #29
ファイル: ServerVessel.cs プロジェクト: NickPowers43/SW
    public void SetTile(Vec2i index, VesselTile val)
        Vec2i index2 = index;
        Vec2i chunkI = TileToChunkI(index);
        ServerVC vc = (ServerVC)chunks.TryGet(chunkI);

        if (vc == null) {
            vc = CreateChunk(chunkI);

        try {
            index -= vc.OriginTileIndex();
            vc.SetTile(index, val);

        } catch (System.Exception ex) {
            Debug.Log("Failed to set tile at " + index2.ToString() + "/" + index.ToString() + " at chunk " + chunkI.ToString());
コード例 #30
 public LevelWrapZone(Vec2i pos, int ident)
     : base(pos)
     target_world = (ident & MASK_WORLD) >> 4;
     target_level = (ident & MASK_LEVEL);
コード例 #31
ファイル: Tiles.cs プロジェクト: justangel/NinjaRace
    public Tile GetByID(int id)
        Vec2i coords = GetCoords(id);

        return(GetTile(coords.X, coords.Y));
コード例 #32
    private void OnDrawGizmos()

        if (TestSettle != null && !hasBuilt)
            for (int x = 0; x < TestSettle.PathNodes.GetLength(0); x++)
                for (int z = 0; z < TestSettle.PathNodes.GetLength(0); z++)
                    if (TestSettle.SettlementPathFinder.PathNodes[x, z] > 0)
                        Vector3    pos = Vec2i.ToVector3(new Vec2i(x, z) * World.ChunkSize + TestSettle.BaseCoord);
                        GameObject obj = Instantiate(TEST_PREF);
                        obj.transform.position = pos;
                        PathFindingNodeTest pnt = obj.GetComponent <PathFindingNodeTest>();
                        pnt.map = TestSettle.SettlementPathFinder.PathNodes;
                        pnt.x   = x;
                        pnt.z   = z;
                    else if (TestSettle.SettlementPathFinder.PathNodes[x, z] == -1)
                        Vector3    pos = Vec2i.ToVector3(new Vec2i(x, z) * World.ChunkSize + TestSettle.BaseCoord);
                        GameObject obj = Instantiate(TEST_PREF);
                        obj.transform.position   = pos;
                        obj.transform.localScale = Vector3.one * 5;
                        PathFindingNodeTest pnt = obj.GetComponent <PathFindingNodeTest>();
                        pnt.map = TestSettle.SettlementPathFinder.PathNodes;
                        pnt.x   = x;
                        pnt.z   = z;
              * foreach (SettlementPathNode spn in TestSettle.tNodes)
              * {
              * if (spn == null)
              *     continue;
              * Vector3 pos = Vec2i.ToVector3(spn.Position + TestSettle.BaseCoord);
              * GameObject obj = Instantiate(TEST_PREF);
              * obj.transform.position = pos;
              * obj.GetComponent<PathFindingNodeTest>().spn = spn;
              * }*/
            hasBuilt = true;

        if (TestSettle != null)
            foreach (SettlementPathNode spn in TestSettle.tNodes)
                if (spn == null)
                Vector3 pos = Vec2i.ToVector3(spn.Position + TestSettle.BaseCoord);
                Gizmos.DrawSphere(pos, 0.5f);

                foreach (SettlementPathNode con in spn.Connected)
                    if (con != null)
                        //Debug.Log("not null");
                        Gizmos.DrawLine(pos, Vec2i.ToVector3(con.Position + TestSettle.BaseCoord));
コード例 #33
ファイル: Tiles.cs プロジェクト: justangel/NinjaRace
 public void AddTile(Vec2i v, Tile t)
     AddTile(v.X, v.Y, t);
コード例 #34
 protected virtual Vec2i GetNextPos(Vec2i current)
コード例 #35
 public Cursor(String tex, Vec2i pos, Vec2i size, Texture parent, bool isSingleUser, int singleUserID)
     : base(tex, pos, size, parent, isSingleUser, singleUserID, GUIEvents.None, false)
コード例 #36
 public Connection(Vec2i a, Vec2i b, bool xAxis)
     this.a     = a;
     this.b     = b;
     this.xAxis = xAxis;
コード例 #37
ファイル: Compartment.cs プロジェクト: NickPowers43/SW
	public void FitTile(Vec2i index)
コード例 #38
 public BeanStalkSpawnZone(Vec2i pos)
     : base(pos)
コード例 #39
ファイル: Subworld.cs プロジェクト: nikitapond/ProceduralRPG
 public void SetExternalEntrancePos(Vec2i v)
     ExternalEntrancePos = v;
コード例 #40
 static void CalculateDownScale4x4SampleOffsets( Vec2i sourceTextureSize, Vec2[] sampleOffsets )
     // Sample from the 16 surrounding points. Since the center point will be in
     // the exact center of 16 texels, a 0.5f offset is needed to specify a texel
     // center.
     Vec2 invSize = 1.0f / sourceTextureSize.ToVec2();
     int index = 0;
     for( int y = 0; y < 4; y++ )
         for( int x = 0; x < 4; x++ )
             sampleOffsets[ index ] = new Vec2( ( (float)x - 1.5f ), ( (float)y - 1.5f ) ) * invSize;
コード例 #41
ファイル: PatternVariation.cs プロジェクト: toyboot4e/wfc.cs
 public static Vec2i apply(this PatternVariation self, Vec2i v, int N)
     return(applyInt((int)self, v, N));
コード例 #42
        private void SlotGlyphPosition(GlyphDescriptorCollection glyphs, IAtlasDescriptor descriptor, List<Vec2i> sizes, Action<float> progress, CancellationTokenSource cts)
            long big = (long)descriptor.MaxSize;
            byte[] scan = new byte[big * big];
            Vec2i minsize = Vec2i.Zero;

            int count = glyphs.Count;
            int current = 0;
            int page = 0;

            foreach (var gi in glyphs)
                if (!FindSlot(descriptor, scan, gi, ref minsize))
                    if (descriptor.MultiTexture)

                        // inc to next texture

                        // clear
                        Array.Clear(scan, 0, scan.Length);
                        minsize = Vec2i.Zero;

                        // find again and place on new texture
                        FindSlot(descriptor, scan, gi, ref minsize);
                        throw new Exception("Unable to fit glyphs on a single texture");

                gi.Page = page;

                // mark glyph area used
                long incr0 = (gi.Y) * big;
                for (long y = 0; y < gi.Height; y++)
                    long incrx1 = incr0 + gi.X;
                    for (long x = 0; x < gi.Width; x++)
                        scan[incrx1 + x] = 0xff;
                    incr0 += big;

                if (progress != null)
                    progress((float)(++current) / count);

                if (cts != null)

            // add the last page (or first page if single texture)
            if (sizes.Count <= page)

            if (descriptor.PowerTwo)
                for (int i = 0; i < sizes.Count; i++)
                    int mm = MathEx.HighPow2(Math.Max(sizes[i].X, sizes[i].Y));
                    sizes[i] = new Vec2i(mm, mm);
                // calc tightest box
                foreach (var gi in glyphs)
                    Vec2i sz = sizes[gi.Page];
                    sz.X = Math.Max(sz.X, gi.X + gi.Width);
                    sz.Y = Math.Max(sz.Y, gi.Y + gi.Height);
                    sizes[gi.Page] = sz;
コード例 #43
 private static extern void GetIdealLayerDimensions(int layerId, ref Vec2i dims);
コード例 #44
        public void ServerOrSingle_SetIndex( Vec2i index )
            this.index = index;

            //send Index to clients
            if( EntitySystemWorld.Instance.IsServer() )
                Server_SendIndexToClients( EntitySystemWorld.Instance.RemoteEntityWorlds );
コード例 #45
        public Image CropImage(Image image, out Vec2i offset)
            // find crop area
            Vec2i min = new Vec2i(int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue);
            Vec2i max = new Vec2i(int.MinValue, int.MinValue);
            Vec2i maxVal = min;

            var img = (Bitmap)image.Clone();
                var bmp = img.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, img.Width, img.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);

                    byte* scan0 = (byte*)bmp.Scan0.ToPointer();
                    int incx, incy = 0;

                    for (int y = 0; y < img.Height; ++y)
                        incx = incy;
                        for (int x = 0; x < img.Width; ++x, incx += 4)
                            if (*(scan0 + incx + 3) != 0)
                                if (x < min.X) min.X = x;
                                if (y < min.Y) min.Y = y;

                                if (x > max.X) max.X = x;
                                if (y > max.Y) max.Y = y;

                        incy += bmp.Stride;


                // crop it
                if (min == maxVal)
                    offset = Vec2i.Zero;
                    return (Image)img.Clone();
                    offset = min;
                    Rectangle cropArea = new Rectangle(min.X, min.Y, max.X - min.X + 1, max.Y - min.Y + 1);
                    return img.Clone(cropArea, img.PixelFormat);
コード例 #46
ファイル: ServerVessel.cs プロジェクト: NickPowers43/SW
 public AdjacentTiles(ServerVessel vessel, Vec2i start)
     this.vessel = vessel;
コード例 #47
        private void GridGlyphPosition(GlyphDescriptorCollection glyphs, IAtlasDescriptor descriptor, out Vec2i texSize, Action<float> progress, CancellationTokenSource cts)
            texSize = Vec2i.Zero;

            int mx = 0;
            int my = 0;

            // calc max sizes
            foreach (var gi in glyphs)
                mx = Math.Max(mx, gi.Width);
                my = Math.Max(my, gi.Height);

            // calc smallest size block
            int count = glyphs.Count;
            int sz = Math.Max(mx, my);
            int dim = sz;
            int cx = 0;

            while (dim <= descriptor.MaxSize)
                cx = dim / sz;
                int cnt = cx * cx;
                if (count <= cnt)

                // increase
                dim += sz;

            if (dim > descriptor.MaxSize)
                throw new Exception("Unable to fit glyphs on a single image");

            dim = descriptor.PowerTwo ? MathEx.HighPow2(dim + 1) : dim;

            // position
            int current = 0;
            foreach (var gi in glyphs)
                gi.X = (current % cx) * sz;
                gi.Y = (current / cx) * sz;

                if (progress != null)
                    progress((float)(current) / count);

                if (cts != null)

            Vec2i size = Vec2i.Zero;
            size.X = cx;
            size.Y = ((count - 1) / cx) + 1;
            descriptor.GridCells = size;

            size.X = sz;
            size.Y = sz;
            descriptor.GridSize = size;

            if (descriptor.PowerTwo)
                texSize = new Vec2i(dim, dim);
                // calc tightest box
                foreach (var gi in glyphs)
                    texSize.X = Math.Max(texSize.X, gi.X + gi.Width);
                    texSize.Y = Math.Max(texSize.Y, gi.Y + gi.Height);
コード例 #48
ファイル: ServerVessel.cs プロジェクト: NickPowers43/SW
    private ServerVC CreateChunk(Vec2i index)
        ServerVC temp = new ServerVC(index);
        chunks.Set(index.x, index.y, temp);


        return temp;
コード例 #49
        void ServerOrSingle_CreatePiece( Vec2i index )
            JigsawPuzzlePiece piece = (JigsawPuzzlePiece)Entities.Instance.Create(
                "JigsawPuzzlePiece", Map.Instance );

            piece.ServerOrSingle_SetIndex( index );

            //calculate position
                Rect area = GetGameArea();
                area.Expand( -.5f );
                Rect exceptArea = GetDestinationArea();
                exceptArea.Expand( 1 );

                float x = 0;
                float y = 0;

                bool free = false;
                    free = true;

                    EngineRandom random = World.Instance.Random;
                    x = area.Minimum.X + random.NextFloat() * area.Size.X;
                    y = area.Minimum.Y + random.NextFloat() * area.Size.Y;

                    if( exceptArea.IsContainsPoint( new Vec2( x, y ) ) )
                        free = false;

                    Bounds checkBounds = new Bounds(
                        new Vec3( x - .5f, y - .5f, -100 ),
                        new Vec3( x + .5f, y + .5f, 100 ) );

                    Map.Instance.GetObjects( checkBounds, delegate( MapObject mapObject )
                            JigsawPuzzlePiece p = mapObject as JigsawPuzzlePiece;
                            if( p != null )
                                free = false;
                        } );

                } while( !free );

                piece.Position = new Vec3( x, y, .1f );

コード例 #50
        void ServerOrSingle_SetPieceCount( Vec2i pieceCount )
            this.pieceCount = pieceCount;

            //send pieceCount to clients
            if( EntitySystemWorld.Instance.IsServer() )
                Server_SendPieceCountToClients( EntitySystemWorld.Instance.RemoteEntityWorlds );
コード例 #51
 void Client_ReceiveIndex( RemoteEntityWorld sender, ReceiveDataReader reader )
     Vec2i value = reader.ReadVec2i();
     if( !reader.Complete() )
     index = value;
コード例 #52
ファイル: ServerVessel.cs プロジェクト: NickPowers43/SW
    public virtual bool PlaceBlock(BlockType type, Vec2i location)
        VesselTile tile;

        if ((tile = TryGetTile(location)) != null) {
            tile.blockT = type;

        return false;
コード例 #53
        static void CalculateGaussianBlur5x5SampleOffsets( Vec2i textureSize,
			Vec2[] sampleOffsets, Vec4[] sampleWeights, float multiplier )
            float tu = 1.0f / (float)textureSize.X;
            float tv = 1.0f / (float)textureSize.Y;

            Vec4 white = new Vec4( 1, 1, 1, 1 );

            float totalWeight = 0.0f;
            int index = 0;
            for( int x = -2; x <= 2; x++ )
                for( int y = -2; y <= 2; y++ )
                    // Exclude pixels with a block distance greater than 2. This will
                    // create a kernel which approximates a 5x5 kernel using only 13
                    // sample points instead of 25; this is necessary since 2.0 shaders
                    // only support 16 texture grabs.
                    if( Math.Abs( x ) + Math.Abs( y ) > 2 )

                    // Get the unscaled Gaussian intensity for this offset
                    sampleOffsets[ index ] = new Vec2( x * tu, y * tv );
                    sampleWeights[ index ] = white * GaussianDistribution( (float)x, (float)y, 1 );
                    totalWeight += sampleWeights[ index ].X;


            // Divide the current weight by the total weight of all the samples; Gaussian
            // blur kernels add to 1.0f to ensure that the intensity of the image isn't
            // changed when the blur occurs. An optional multiplier variable is used to
            // add or remove image intensity during the blur.
            for( int i = 0; i < index; i++ )
                sampleWeights[ i ] /= totalWeight;
                sampleWeights[ i ] *= multiplier;
コード例 #54
ファイル: StartingVessel.cs プロジェクト: NickPowers43/SW
    private void Initialize()
        BuildFoundation(new Vec2i(-50,-50), new Vec2i(100, 100));
        //		BuildWall(new Vec2i(4,13), 1, WallType.OneByZero);
        //		//outer left
        //		//
        //		BuildWall(new Vec2i(1,1), 1, WallType.ZeroByOne);
        //		BuildWall(new Vec2i(1,2), 1, WallType.OneByTwo);
        //		BuildWall(new Vec2i(2,4), 5, WallType.ZeroByOne);
        //		BuildWall(new Vec2i(2,9), 1, WallType.OneByTwo);
        //		BuildWall(new Vec2i(3,11), 1, WallType.ZeroByOne);
        //		BuildWall(new Vec2i(3,12), 1, WallType.OneByOne);
        //		//outer right
        //		//
        //		BuildWall(new Vec2i(8,1), 1, WallType.ZeroByOne);
        //		BuildWall(new Vec2i(8,2), 1, WallType.OneByTwoFlipped);
        //		BuildWall(new Vec2i(7,4), 5, WallType.ZeroByOne);
        //		BuildWall(new Vec2i(7,9), 1, WallType.OneByTwoFlipped);
        //		BuildWall(new Vec2i(6,11), 1, WallType.ZeroByOne);
        //		BuildWall(new Vec2i(6,12), 1, WallType.OneByOneFlipped);
        //		BuildWall(new Vec2i(1,1), 7, WallType.OneByZero);
        //		//inner vertical walls
        //		BuildWall(new Vec2i(4,4), 7, WallType.ZeroByOne);
        //		BuildWall(new Vec2i(5,4), 7, WallType.ZeroByOne);
        //		//left horizontal walls
        //		BuildWall(new Vec2i(3,11), 1, WallType.OneByZero);
        //		BuildWall(new Vec2i(2,7), 2, WallType.OneByZero);
        //		BuildWall(new Vec2i(2,4), 2, WallType.OneByZero);
        //		//right horizontal walls
        //		BuildWall(new Vec2i(5,11), 1, WallType.OneByZero);
        //		BuildWall(new Vec2i(5,7), 2, WallType.OneByZero);
        //		BuildWall(new Vec2i(5,4), 2, WallType.OneByZero);

        Vec2i loc0 = new Vec2i(0,-1);
        BuildWall(ref loc0, 1, WallType.OneByOneFlipped, false);
        BuildWall(ref loc0, 1, WallType.ZeroByOne, false);
        BuildWall(ref loc0, 1, WallType.OneByOne, false);
        loc0 += new Vec2i(1, 0); //BuildWall(ref loc0, 1, WallType.OneByZero, false);
        BuildWall(ref loc0, 1, WallType.OneByOneFlipped, true);
        BuildWall(ref loc0, 1, WallType.ZeroByOne, true);
        BuildWall(ref loc0, 1, WallType.OneByOne, true);
        BuildWall(ref loc0, 1, WallType.OneByZero, true);
        loc0 = new Vec2i(0,2);
        BuildWall(ref loc0, 4, WallType.ZeroByOne, false);
        BuildWall(ref loc0, 1, WallType.OneByOneFlipped, false);
        BuildWall(ref loc0, 1, WallType.ZeroByOne, false);
        Vec2i circleInner = loc0;
        BuildWall(ref loc0, 3, WallType.ZeroByOne, false);
        Vec2i circleOuter = loc0;
        BuildWall(ref loc0, 1, WallType.ZeroByOne, false);
        BuildWall(ref loc0, 3, WallType.OneByZero, false);
        BuildWall(ref loc0, 5, WallType.ZeroByOne, true);
        BuildWall(ref loc0, 1, WallType.OneByOne, true);
        BuildWall(ref loc0, 4, WallType.ZeroByOne, true);

        BuildWall(ref circleInner, 4, WallType.OneByZero, true);
        BuildWall(ref circleInner, 2, WallType.OneByOne, true);
        BuildWall(ref circleInner, 11, WallType.ZeroByOne, true);
        BuildWall(ref circleInner, 2, WallType.OneByOneFlipped, true);
        BuildWall(ref circleInner, 11, WallType.OneByZero, false);
        BuildWall(ref circleInner, 2, WallType.OneByOne, false);
        BuildWall(ref circleInner, 11, WallType.ZeroByOne, false);
        BuildWall(ref circleInner, 2, WallType.OneByOneFlipped, false);
        BuildWall(ref circleInner, 4, WallType.OneByZero, true);

        BuildWall(ref circleOuter, 5, WallType.OneByZero, true);
        BuildWall(ref circleOuter, 4, WallType.OneByOne, true);
        BuildWall(ref circleOuter, 13, WallType.ZeroByOne, true);
        BuildWall(ref circleOuter, 4, WallType.OneByOneFlipped, true);
        BuildWall(ref circleOuter, 13, WallType.OneByZero, false);
        BuildWall(ref circleOuter, 4, WallType.OneByOne, false);
        BuildWall(ref circleOuter, 13, WallType.ZeroByOne, false);
        BuildWall(ref circleOuter, 4, WallType.OneByOneFlipped, false);
        BuildWall(ref circleOuter, 5, WallType.OneByZero, true);

        //place spawner for noobs
        PlaceBlock(BlockType.Spawner, new Vec2i(0, 0));

コード例 #55
 void Client_ReceivePieceCount( RemoteEntityWorld sender, ReceiveDataReader reader )
     Vec2i value = reader.ReadVec2i();
     if( !reader.Complete() )
     pieceCount = value;
コード例 #56
        public void Maze_Quality_Test_1()
            Random rand = new Random();

            PM_Maze maze = new PM_Maze(2, 2);

            Assert.IsTrue(maze.NumCells__All() == 4);
            Assert.IsTrue(maze.NumCells__OfSpecificDirections(Directions_Ortho_2D.None) == 4);

            Assert.IsTrue(maze.IsFullyExpanded() == false);
            Assert.IsTrue(maze.IsFullyConnected() == false);
            Assert.IsTrue(maze.IsCyclic() == false);
            Assert.IsTrue(maze.Islands(rand).Count == 4);
            Assert.IsTrue(maze.All_ActiveEdges_List().Count == 0);
            Assert.IsTrue(maze.All_ActiveEdges_Set().Count == 0);
            Assert.IsTrue(maze.All_InactiveEdges_InBounds_List().Count == 4);
            Assert.IsTrue(maze.All_InactiveEdges_InBounds_Set().Count == 4);
            //Assert.IsTrue(maze.All_ExpansionEdges_List().Count == 0);

            Vec2i bottom_left  = new Vec2i(0, 0);
            Vec2i bottom_right = new Vec2i(1, 0);
            Vec2i top_left     = new Vec2i(0, 1);
            Vec2i top_right    = new Vec2i(1, 1);

            maze.OP_AddEdge(new UEdge2i(bottom_left, bottom_right));
            Assert.IsTrue(maze.IsFullyExpanded() == false);
            Assert.IsTrue(maze.IsFullyConnected() == false);
            Assert.IsTrue(maze.IsCyclic() == false);
            Assert.IsTrue(maze.Islands(rand).Count == 3);
            Assert.IsTrue(maze.All_ActiveEdges_List().Count == 1);
            Assert.IsTrue(maze.All_ActiveEdges_Set().Count == 1);
            Assert.IsTrue(maze.All_InactiveEdges_InBounds_List().Count == 3);
            Assert.IsTrue(maze.All_InactiveEdges_InBounds_Set().Count == 3);

            maze.OP_AddEdge(new UEdge2i(top_left, top_right));
            Assert.IsTrue(maze.IsFullyExpanded() == true);
            Assert.IsTrue(maze.IsFullyConnected() == false);
            Assert.IsTrue(maze.IsCyclic() == false);
            Assert.IsTrue(maze.Islands(rand).Count == 2);
            Assert.IsTrue(maze.All_ActiveEdges_List().Count == 2);
            Assert.IsTrue(maze.All_ActiveEdges_Set().Count == 2);
            Assert.IsTrue(maze.All_InactiveEdges_InBounds_List().Count == 2);
            Assert.IsTrue(maze.All_InactiveEdges_InBounds_Set().Count == 2);

            maze.OP_AddEdge(new UEdge2i(bottom_left, top_left));
            Assert.IsTrue(maze.IsFullyExpanded() == true);
            Assert.IsTrue(maze.IsFullyConnected() == true);
            Assert.IsTrue(maze.IsCyclic() == false);
            Assert.IsTrue(maze.Islands(rand).Count == 1);
            Assert.IsTrue(maze.All_ActiveEdges_List().Count == 3);
            Assert.IsTrue(maze.All_ActiveEdges_Set().Count == 3);
            Assert.IsTrue(maze.All_InactiveEdges_InBounds_List().Count == 1);
            Assert.IsTrue(maze.All_InactiveEdges_InBounds_Set().Count == 1);

            maze.OP_AddEdge(new UEdge2i(bottom_right, top_right));
            Assert.IsTrue(maze.IsFullyExpanded() == true);
            Assert.IsTrue(maze.IsFullyConnected() == true);
            Assert.IsTrue(maze.IsCyclic() == true);
            Assert.IsTrue(maze.Islands(rand).Count == 1);
            Assert.IsTrue(maze.All_ActiveEdges_List().Count == 4);
            Assert.IsTrue(maze.All_ActiveEdges_Set().Count == 4);
            Assert.IsTrue(maze.All_InactiveEdges_InBounds_List().Count == 0);
            Assert.IsTrue(maze.All_InactiveEdges_InBounds_Set().Count == 0);
コード例 #57
        void ServerOrSingle_GeneratePuzzles( Vec2i pieceCount )

            ServerOrSingle_SetPieceCount( pieceCount );

            for( int y = 0; y < pieceCount.Y; y++ )
                for( int x = 0; x < pieceCount.X; x++ )
                    ServerOrSingle_CreatePiece( new Vec2i( x, y ) );
コード例 #58
 public MoveAnyPipeZone(Vec2i pos)
     : base(pos)
コード例 #59
 public Vec2 GetPieceDestinationPosition( Vec2i index )
     //piece size is always 1,1
     return new Vec2( .5f, .5f ) + index.ToVec2();
コード例 #60
ファイル: Tiles.cs プロジェクト: justangel/NinjaRace
 public Tile GetTile(Vec2i v)
     return(GetTile(v.X, v.Y));