コード例 #1
        private static uint ComputeImageBufferSize(uint width, uint height, uint depth, uint mipmaps, VTFImageFormat imageFormat)
            uint uiImageSize = 0, tempWidth = width, tempHeight = height;

            if (tempWidth > 0 && tempHeight > 0 && depth > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < mipmaps; i++)
                    uiImageSize += ComputeImageBufferSize(tempWidth, tempHeight, depth, imageFormat);

                    tempWidth  >>= 1;
                    tempHeight >>= 1;
                    depth      >>= 1;

                    if (tempWidth < 1)
                        tempWidth = 1;

                    if (tempHeight < 1)
                        tempHeight = 1;

                    if (depth < 1)
                        depth = 1;

コード例 #2
        private static uint ComputeMipmapSize(uint width, uint height, uint depth, uint mipmapLevel, VTFImageFormat ImageFormat)
            // figure out the width/height of this MIP level
            uint uiMipmapWidth, uiMipmapHeight, uiMipmapDepth;

            ComputeMipmapDimensions(width, height, depth, mipmapLevel, out uiMipmapWidth, out uiMipmapHeight, out uiMipmapDepth);

            // return the memory requirements
            return(ComputeImageBufferSize(uiMipmapWidth, uiMipmapHeight, uiMipmapDepth, ImageFormat));
コード例 #3
        private static Color[] DecompressImage(Stream data, ushort width, ushort height, VTFImageFormat imageFormat)
            Color[] vtfColors = new Color[width * height];

            Texture2DHelpers.TextureFormat format;
            if (imageFormat == VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT1 || imageFormat == VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT1_ONEBITALPHA)
                format = Texture2DHelpers.TextureFormat.DXT1;
            else if (imageFormat == VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT3)
                format = Texture2DHelpers.TextureFormat.DXT3;
            else if (imageFormat == VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT5)
                format = Texture2DHelpers.TextureFormat.DXT5;
            else if (imageFormat == VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_BGR888)
                format = Texture2DHelpers.TextureFormat.BGR888;
            else if (imageFormat == VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_BGRA8888)
                format = Texture2DHelpers.TextureFormat.BGRA8888;
                format = Texture2DHelpers.TextureFormat.BGR888;
                Debug.LogError("SourceTexture: Unsupported format " + imageFormat + ", will read as " + format);

            vtfColors = Texture2DHelpers.DecompressRawBytes(data, width, height, format);
            Texture2DHelpers.FlipVertical(vtfColors, width, height);

コード例 #4
        private static uint ComputeImageBufferSize(uint width, uint height, uint depth, VTFImageFormat imageFormat)
            uint tempWidth = width, tempHeight = height;

            if (imageFormat == VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT1 || imageFormat == VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT1_ONEBITALPHA)
                if (tempWidth < 4 && tempWidth > 0)
                    tempWidth = 4;

                if (tempHeight < 4 && tempHeight > 0)
                    tempHeight = 4;

                return(((tempWidth + 3) / 4) * ((tempHeight + 3) / 4) * 8 * depth);
            else if (imageFormat == VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT3 || imageFormat == VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT5)
                if (tempWidth < 4 && tempWidth > 0)
                    tempWidth = 4;

                if (tempHeight < 4 && tempHeight > 0)
                    tempHeight = 4;

                return(((tempWidth + 3) / 4) * ((tempHeight + 3) / 4) * 16 * depth);
                return((uint)(tempWidth * tempHeight * depth * VTFImageConvertInfo[(int)imageFormat, (int)VTFImageConvertInfoIndex.bytesPerPixel]));
コード例 #5
ファイル: VTFFile.cs プロジェクト: CRACKbomber/Source360
 public void UnSerialize(IOReader reader)
     // Make sure we are reading big endian
     reader.ByteOrder = Endian.Big;
     this.Flags = (VTFFlags)reader.ReadInt();
     this.Width = reader.ReadUShort();
     this.Height = reader.ReadUShort();
     this.Depth = reader.ReadUShort();
     this.NumFrames = reader.ReadUShort();
     this.PreloadSize = reader.ReadUShort();
     this.MipSkipCount = reader.ReadByte();
     this.NumResources = reader.ReadByte();
     this.BumpScale = reader.ReadFloat();
     this.ImageFormat = (VTFImageFormat)reader.ReadInt();
     this.LowResImgSmple = reader.ReadBytes(4);
     this.CompressedSize = reader.ReadUInt();
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Parser VTF format
        /// <br>Supported versions: 7.1 - 7.5 (maybe 7.0)</br>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">Stream of input file</param>
        /// <param name="FileName">Name of input file (optional)</param>
        public VTFFile(Stream stream, String FileName = "")
            using (uReader FileStream = new uReader(stream))
                String TempHeader = FileStream.ReadFixedLengthString(Encoding.ASCII, 4);
                if (TempHeader != VTFHeader)
                    throw new Exception("Invalid VTF header. Expected '" + VTFHeader + "', got '" + TempHeader + "'.");

                Header = new VTFHeader();

                UInt32  VersionMajor = FileStream.ReadUInt32();
                UInt32  VersionMinor = FileStream.ReadUInt32();
                Decimal Version      = VersionMajor + (VersionMinor / 10m); // e.g. 7.3
                Header.Version = Version;

                UInt32 headerSize = FileStream.ReadUInt32();
                Width  = FileStream.ReadUInt16();
                Height = FileStream.ReadUInt16();

                Header.Flags = (VTFImageFlag)FileStream.ReadUInt32();

                UInt16 NumFrames  = FileStream.ReadUInt16();
                UInt16 FirstFrame = FileStream.ReadUInt16();

                FileStream.ReadBytes(4); // padding

                Header.Reflectivity = FileStream.ReadVector3D(false);

                FileStream.ReadBytes(4); // padding

                Header.BumpmapScale = FileStream.ReadSingle();

                VTFImageFormat HighResImageFormat = (VTFImageFormat)FileStream.ReadUInt32();
                Byte           MipmapCount        = FileStream.ReadByte();
                VTFImageFormat LowResImageFormat  = (VTFImageFormat)FileStream.ReadUInt32();
                Byte           LowResWidth        = FileStream.ReadByte();
                Byte           LowResHeight       = FileStream.ReadByte();

                UInt16 Depth        = 1;
                UInt32 NumResources = 0;

                if (Version >= 7.2m)
                    Depth = FileStream.ReadUInt16();
                if (Version >= 7.3m)
                    NumResources = FileStream.ReadUInt32();

                Int32 NumFaces = 1;
                if (Header.Flags.HasFlag(VTFImageFlag.TEXTUREFLAGS_ENVMAP))
                    NumFaces = Version < 7.5m && FirstFrame != 0xFFFF ? 7 : 6;

                VTFImageFormatInfo HighResFormatInfo = VTFImageFormatInfo.FromFormat(HighResImageFormat);
                VTFImageFormatInfo LowResFormatInfo  = VTFImageFormatInfo.FromFormat(LowResImageFormat);

                Int32 ThumbnailSize = LowResImageFormat == VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_NONE ? 0 : LowResFormatInfo.GetSize(LowResWidth, LowResHeight);

                UInt32 ThumbnailOffset = headerSize;
                Int64  DataOffset      = headerSize + ThumbnailSize;

                Resources = new VTFResource[NumResources];
                for (Int32 i = 0; i < NumResources; i++)
                    VTFResourceType type     = (VTFResourceType)FileStream.ReadUInt32();
                    UInt32          DataSize = FileStream.ReadUInt32();
                    switch (type)
                    case VTFResourceType.LowResImage:
                        // Low res image
                        ThumbnailOffset = DataSize;

                    case VTFResourceType.Image:
                        // Regular image
                        DataOffset = DataSize;

                    case VTFResourceType.Sheet:
                    case VTFResourceType.CRC:
                    case VTFResourceType.TextureLodSettings:
                    case VTFResourceType.TextureSettingsEx:
                    case VTFResourceType.KeyValueData:
                        // todo
                        Resources[i] = new VTFResource
                            Type = type,
                            Data = DataSize

                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(type), (uint)type, "Unknown resource type");

                if (LowResImageFormat != VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_NONE)
                    FileStream.BaseStream.Position = ThumbnailOffset;
                    Int32 thumbSize = LowResFormatInfo.GetSize(LowResWidth, LowResHeight);
                    LowResImage = new VTFImage
                        Format = LowResImageFormat,
                        Width  = LowResWidth,
                        Height = LowResHeight,
                        Data   = FileStream.ReadBytes(thumbSize)

                Boolean ConvertToBGRA32 = true;
                Boolean hasAlpha        = true;
                switch (HighResImageFormat)
                //Unity support this formats natively
                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_A8:
                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_ABGR8888:
                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_ARGB8888:
                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_BGRA4444:
                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT1_ONEBITALPHA:
                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT3:
                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT5:
                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA8888:
                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_BGRA8888:
                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_BGRX8888:
                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA16161616F:
                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA16161616:
                    ConvertToBGRA32 = false;

                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_BGR565:
                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB565:
                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT1:
                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB888:
                    hasAlpha        = false;
                    ConvertToBGRA32 = false;

                FileStream.BaseStream.Position = DataOffset;
                Frames = new Texture2D[NumFrames, NumFaces];
                List <Byte>[] FramesData = new List <Byte> [NumFrames];
                for (Int32 MipLevel = MipmapCount - 1; MipLevel >= 0; MipLevel--)
                    for (Int32 FrameID = 0; FrameID < NumFrames; FrameID++)
                        if (FramesData[FrameID] == null)
                            FramesData[FrameID] = new List <Byte>();

                        for (Int32 FaceID = 0; FaceID < NumFaces; FaceID++)
                            for (Int32 SliceID = 0; SliceID < Depth; SliceID++)
                                Int32 Wid      = GetMipSize(Width, MipLevel);
                                Int32 Hei      = GetMipSize(Height, MipLevel);
                                Int32 DataSize = HighResFormatInfo.GetSize(Wid, Hei);

                                if (ConvertToBGRA32)
                                    FramesData[FrameID].InsertRange(0, VTFImageFormatInfo.FromFormat(HighResImageFormat).ConvertToBgra32(FileStream.ReadBytes(DataSize), Wid, Hei));
                                    FramesData[FrameID].InsertRange(0, FileStream.ReadBytes(DataSize));

                TextureFormat InternalFormat = TextureFormat.BGRA32;
                Boolean       needCompress   = false;
                switch (HighResImageFormat)
                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_A8:
                    InternalFormat = TextureFormat.Alpha8;

                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_ABGR8888:
                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_ARGB8888:
                    InternalFormat = TextureFormat.ARGB32;

                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_BGR565:
                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB565:
                    InternalFormat = TextureFormat.RGB565;

                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_BGRA4444:
                    InternalFormat = TextureFormat.RGBA4444;

                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT1:
                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT1_ONEBITALPHA:
                    InternalFormat = TextureFormat.DXT1;

                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT3:
                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT5:
                    InternalFormat = TextureFormat.DXT5;

                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB888:
                    InternalFormat = TextureFormat.RGB24;

                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA8888:
                    InternalFormat = TextureFormat.RGBA32;

                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA16161616F:
                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA16161616:
                    InternalFormat = TextureFormat.RGBAHalf;

                    //needCompress = true;

                Boolean mipmaps = MipmapCount > 1;
                for (Int32 FrameID = 0; FrameID < NumFrames; FrameID++)
                    for (Int32 FaceID = 0; FaceID < NumFaces; FaceID++)
                        Frames[FrameID, FaceID]      = new Texture2D(Width, Height, InternalFormat, mipmaps);
                        Frames[FrameID, FaceID].name = FileName;
                        Frames[FrameID, FaceID].alphaIsTransparency = hasAlpha;
                        Frames[FrameID, FaceID].LoadRawTextureData(FramesData[FrameID].ToArray());
                        Frames[FrameID, FaceID].Apply();

                        if (needCompress)
                            Frames[FrameID, FaceID].Compress(false);
                            Debug.LogWarning(FileName + " compressed!");
コード例 #7
ファイル: VTFFile.cs プロジェクト: CRACKbomber/Source360
        private void UnSerialize(Stream input)
            m_vtfReader = new IOReader(input);
            int ident = this.m_vtfReader.ReadInt();
            if (ident == "VTF\0".MakeID())
                this.m_bIs360 = false;
            else if (ident == "VTFX".MakeID())
                this.m_bIs360 = true;
                this.m_vtfReader.ByteOrder = Endian.Big;
                throw new BadImageFormatException();
            // rewind stream
            VTFFileHeader vtfHDR = new VTFFileHeader();
            this.m_dwVersionMajor = (int)vtfHDR.VersionMajor;
            this.m_dwVersionMinor = (int)vtfHDR.VersionMinor;

            VTFHeader_PC hdr = new VTFHeader_PC();
            this.m_dwResourceCount = (int)hdr.NumResources;
            this.m_dwHeight = hdr.Height;
            this.m_dwWidth = hdr.Width;
            this.m_Format = hdr.ImageFormat;
            this.m_dwFlags = hdr.Flags;
            this.m_dwFrameCount = hdr.NumFrames;
            this.m_dwDepth = hdr.Depth;
            // Envmaps only have 1 face, if its not then it must be a cubemap with 7 sides
            if (m_dwFlags.IsFlagSet<VTFFlags>(VTFFlags.TEXTUREFLAGS_ENVMAP))
                this.m_dwFaceCount = 1;
                this.m_dwFaceCount = 7;
            this.m_vecReflectivity = hdr.Reflectivity;
            this.m_flBumpScale = hdr.BumpScale;
            this.m_dwLowResImageWidth = hdr.LowResImgWidth;
            this.m_dwLowResImageHeight = hdr.LowResImgHeight;
            this.m_LowResImageFormat = hdr.LowResImgFmt;
            this.m_dwMipCount = ComputeMipCount();
コード例 #8
ファイル: VTFFile.cs プロジェクト: CRACKbomber/Source360
 public void UnSerialize(IOReader reader)
     this.Width = reader.ReadUShort();
     this.Height = reader.ReadUShort();
     this.Flags = (VTFFlags)reader.ReadInt();
     this.NumFrames = reader.ReadUShort();
     this.StartFrame = reader.ReadUShort();
     this.BumpScale = reader.ReadFloat();
     this.ImageFormat = (VTFImageFormat)reader.ReadInt();
     this.NumMipLevels = reader.ReadByte();
     this.LowResImgFmt = (VTFImageFormat)reader.ReadInt();
     this.LowResImgWidth = reader.ReadByte();
     this.LowResImgHeight = reader.ReadByte();
コード例 #9
ファイル: VTFFile.cs プロジェクト: CRACKbomber/Source360
        private int ComputeImageSize(int width, int height, int depth, int mipMaps, VTFImageFormat imgFmt)
            int imgSize = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < mipMaps; i++)
                imgSize += ComputeImageSize(width, height, depth, mipMaps, imgFmt);
                width >>= 1;
                height >>= 1;
                depth >>= 1;
                if (width < 1)
                    width = 1;

                if (height < 1)
                    height = 1;

                if (depth < 1)
                    depth = 1;
            return imgSize;
コード例 #10
ファイル: VTFFile.cs プロジェクト: CRACKbomber/Source360
 private VTFImageFormatInfo_t GetImageFormatInfo(VTFImageFormat fmt)
     return VTFImageFormatInfo[(int)fmt];
コード例 #11
ファイル: VTFFile.cs プロジェクト: CRACKbomber/Source360
 /// <summary>
 /// Computes image size from a format
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="width"></param>
 /// <param name="height"></param>
 /// <param name="depth"></param>
 /// <param name="fmt"></param>
 /// <returns>size in bytes</returns>
 private int ComputeFormatSize(int width, int height, int depth, VTFImageFormat fmt)
     switch (fmt)
             if (width < 4 && width > 0)
                 width = 4;
             if (height < 4 && height > 0)
                 height = 4;
             return ((width + 3) / 4) * ((height + 3) / 4) * 8 * depth;
         case (VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT5):
             if (width < 4 && width > 0)
                 width = 4;
             if (height < 4 && height > 0)
                 height = 4;
             return ((width + 3) / 4) * ((height + 3) / 4) * 16 * depth;
             return width * height * depth * GetImageFormatInfo(fmt).bytesPerPixle;
コード例 #12
        static uint ComputeImageSize(int width, int height, int mipmaps, uint frames, VTFImageFormat imageFormat)
            uint imageSize = 0;

            for (uint i = 0; i < mipmaps; i++)
                imageSize += ComputeImageSize(width, height, imageFormat);

                width  >>= 1;
                height >>= 1;

                if (width < 1)
                    width = 1;

                if (height < 1)
                    height = 1;
            imageSize *= frames;
コード例 #13
        /*Texture2D CreateThumbnailTexture(string name, vtfheader header)
         * {
         *      Texture2D temp;
         *      if (header.lowResImageFormat == VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT5)
         *      {
         *              temp=new Texture2D((int)header.lowResImageWidth, (int)header.lowResImageHeight, TextureFormat.DXT5,false);
         *              temp.LoadRawTextureData(ThumbnailImageData);
         *              temp.Apply();
         *              temp.filterMode=FilterMode.Point;
         *              temp.name=name;
         *              //Debug.Log("Texture loaded "+header.lowResImageWidth+"x"+header.lowResImageHeight);
         *              return temp;
         *      }
         *      if (header.lowResImageFormat == VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT1)
         *      {
         *              temp=new Texture2D((int)header.lowResImageWidth, (int)header.lowResImageHeight, TextureFormat.DXT1, false);
         *              temp.LoadRawTextureData(ThumbnailImageData);
         *              temp.Apply();
         *              temp.filterMode=FilterMode.Point;
         *              temp.name=name;
         *              //Debug.Log("Texture loaded "+header.lowResImageWidth+"x"+header.lowResImageHeight);
         *              return temp;
         *      }
         *      return null;
         * }*/

        static uint ComputeImageSize(int Width, int Height, VTFImageFormat imageFormat)
            switch (imageFormat)
            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT1:
            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT1_ONEBITALPHA:
                if (Width < 4 && Width > 0)
                    Width = 4;

                if (Height < 4 && Height > 0)
                    Height = 4;

                return((((uint)Width + 3) / 4) * (((uint)Height + 3) / 4) * 8);

            //return (uint)Width * (uint)Height * 1;
            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT3:
            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT5:
                if (Width < 4 && Width > 0)
                    Width = 4;

                if (Height < 4 && Height > 0)
                    Height = 4;

                return((((uint)Width + 3) / 4) * (((uint)Height + 3) / 4) * 16);

            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_ABGR8888:
            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_ARGB8888:
            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA8888:
            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_BGRA8888:
            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_BGRX8888:
            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_UVWQ8888:
            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_UVLX8888:
            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_R32F:
            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_NV_INTZ:
            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_NV_RAWZ:
            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_NV_NULL:
                return((uint)Width * (uint)Height * 4);

            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB888:
            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_BGR888:
            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB888_BLUESCREEN:
            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_BGR888_BLUESCREEN:
            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_NV_DST24:
                return((uint)Width * (uint)Height * 3);

            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB565:
            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_IA88:
            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_BGR565:
            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_BGRX5551:
            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_BGRA4444:
            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_BGRA5551:
            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_UV88:
            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_NV_DST16:
            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_ATI_DST16:
                return((uint)Width * (uint)Height * 2);

                return((uint)Width * (uint)Height * 1);       //GetImageFormatInfo(imageFormat).BytesPerPixel;
コード例 #14
        private VTFImageFormatInfo(
            VTFImageFormat format,
            Int32 bitsPerPixel, Int32 bytesPerPixel,
            Int32 redBitsPerPixel, Int32 greenBitsPerPixel, Int32 blueBitsPerPixel, Int32 alphaBitsPerPixel,
            Int32 redIndex, Int32 greenIndex, Int32 blueIndex, Int32 alphaIndex,
            Boolean isCompressed, Boolean isSupported,
            TransformPixel pixelTransform = null
            Format = format;

            BitsPerPixel  = bitsPerPixel;
            BytesPerPixel = bytesPerPixel;

            RedBitsPerPixel   = redBitsPerPixel;
            GreenBitsPerPixel = greenBitsPerPixel;
            BlueBitsPerPixel  = blueBitsPerPixel;
            AlphaBitsPerPixel = alphaBitsPerPixel;

            RedIndex   = redIndex;
            GreenIndex = greenIndex;
            BlueIndex  = blueIndex;
            AlphaIndex = alphaIndex;

            IsCompressed = isCompressed;
            IsSupported  = isSupported;

            _pixelTransform = pixelTransform;

            _is8Aligned = (redBitsPerPixel == 0 || redBitsPerPixel == 8) &&
                          (greenBitsPerPixel == 0 || greenBitsPerPixel == 8) &&
                          (blueBitsPerPixel == 0 || blueBitsPerPixel == 8) &&
                          (alphaBitsPerPixel == 0 || alphaBitsPerPixel == 8);

            _is16Aligned = (redBitsPerPixel == 0 || redBitsPerPixel == 16) &&
                           (greenBitsPerPixel == 0 || greenBitsPerPixel == 16) &&
                           (blueBitsPerPixel == 0 || blueBitsPerPixel == 16) &&
                           (alphaBitsPerPixel == 0 || alphaBitsPerPixel == 16);

            _is32Aligned = (redBitsPerPixel == 0 || redBitsPerPixel == 32) &&
                           (greenBitsPerPixel == 0 || greenBitsPerPixel == 32) &&
                           (blueBitsPerPixel == 0 || blueBitsPerPixel == 32) &&
                           (alphaBitsPerPixel == 0 || alphaBitsPerPixel == 32);

            if (!_is8Aligned && !_is16Aligned && !_is32Aligned)
                var masks = new[] {
                    new Mask('r', redBitsPerPixel, redIndex),
                    new Mask('g', greenBitsPerPixel, greenIndex),
                    new Mask('b', blueBitsPerPixel, blueIndex),
                    new Mask('a', alphaBitsPerPixel, alphaIndex),
                }.OrderBy(x => x.Index).ToList();

                var offset = bitsPerPixel;
                foreach (var m in masks)
                    offset  -= m.Size;
                    m.Offset = offset;

                var dict = masks.ToDictionary(x => x.Component, x => x);
                _masks = new[] { dict['b'], dict['g'], dict['r'], dict['a'] };
コード例 #15
 public static VTFImageFormatInfo FromFormat(VTFImageFormat imageFormat) => ImageFormats[imageFormat];