private static uint ComputeImageBufferSize(uint width, uint height, uint depth, uint mipmaps, VTFImageFormat imageFormat)
            uint uiImageSize = 0, tempWidth = width, tempHeight = height;

            if (tempWidth > 0 && tempHeight > 0 && depth > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < mipmaps; i++)
                    uiImageSize += ComputeImageBufferSize(tempWidth, tempHeight, depth, imageFormat);

                    tempWidth  >>= 1;
                    tempHeight >>= 1;
                    depth      >>= 1;

                    if (tempWidth < 1)
                        tempWidth = 1;

                    if (tempHeight < 1)
                        tempHeight = 1;

                    if (depth < 1)
                        depth = 1;

        private static uint ComputeMipmapSize(uint width, uint height, uint depth, uint mipmapLevel, VTFImageFormat ImageFormat)
            // figure out the width/height of this MIP level
            uint uiMipmapWidth, uiMipmapHeight, uiMipmapDepth;

            ComputeMipmapDimensions(width, height, depth, mipmapLevel, out uiMipmapWidth, out uiMipmapHeight, out uiMipmapDepth);

            // return the memory requirements
            return(ComputeImageBufferSize(uiMipmapWidth, uiMipmapHeight, uiMipmapDepth, ImageFormat));
        private static Color[] DecompressImage(Stream data, ushort width, ushort height, VTFImageFormat imageFormat)
            Color[] vtfColors = new Color[width * height];

            Texture2DHelpers.TextureFormat format;
            if (imageFormat == VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT1 || imageFormat == VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT1_ONEBITALPHA)
                format = Texture2DHelpers.TextureFormat.DXT1;
            else if (imageFormat == VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT3)
                format = Texture2DHelpers.TextureFormat.DXT3;
            else if (imageFormat == VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT5)
                format = Texture2DHelpers.TextureFormat.DXT5;
            else if (imageFormat == VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_BGR888)
                format = Texture2DHelpers.TextureFormat.BGR888;
            else if (imageFormat == VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_BGRA8888)
                format = Texture2DHelpers.TextureFormat.BGRA8888;
                format = Texture2DHelpers.TextureFormat.BGR888;
                Debug.LogError("SourceTexture: Unsupported format " + imageFormat + ", will read as " + format);

            vtfColors = Texture2DHelpers.DecompressRawBytes(data, width, height, format);
            Texture2DHelpers.FlipVertical(vtfColors, width, height);

        private static uint ComputeImageBufferSize(uint width, uint height, uint depth, VTFImageFormat imageFormat)
            uint tempWidth = width, tempHeight = height;

            if (imageFormat == VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT1 || imageFormat == VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT1_ONEBITALPHA)
                if (tempWidth < 4 && tempWidth > 0)
                    tempWidth = 4;

                if (tempHeight < 4 && tempHeight > 0)
                    tempHeight = 4;

                return(((tempWidth + 3) / 4) * ((tempHeight + 3) / 4) * 8 * depth);
            else if (imageFormat == VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT3 || imageFormat == VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT5)
                if (tempWidth < 4 && tempWidth > 0)
                    tempWidth = 4;

                if (tempHeight < 4 && tempHeight > 0)
                    tempHeight = 4;

                return(((tempWidth + 3) / 4) * ((tempHeight + 3) / 4) * 16 * depth);
                return((uint)(tempWidth * tempHeight * depth * VTFImageConvertInfo[(int)imageFormat, (int)VTFImageConvertInfoIndex.bytesPerPixel]));
Esempio n. 5
 public void UnSerialize(IOReader reader)
     // Make sure we are reading big endian
     reader.ByteOrder = Endian.Big;
     this.Flags = (VTFFlags)reader.ReadInt();
     this.Width = reader.ReadUShort();
     this.Height = reader.ReadUShort();
     this.Depth = reader.ReadUShort();
     this.NumFrames = reader.ReadUShort();
     this.PreloadSize = reader.ReadUShort();
     this.MipSkipCount = reader.ReadByte();
     this.NumResources = reader.ReadByte();
     this.BumpScale = reader.ReadFloat();
     this.ImageFormat = (VTFImageFormat)reader.ReadInt();
     this.LowResImgSmple = reader.ReadBytes(4);
     this.CompressedSize = reader.ReadUInt();
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Parser VTF format
        /// <br>Supported versions: 7.1 - 7.5 (maybe 7.0)</br>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">Stream of input file</param>
        /// <param name="FileName">Name of input file (optional)</param>
        public VTFFile(Stream stream, String FileName = "")
            using (uReader FileStream = new uReader(stream))
                String TempHeader = FileStream.ReadFixedLengthString(Encoding.ASCII, 4);
                if (TempHeader != VTFHeader)
                    throw new Exception("Invalid VTF header. Expected '" + VTFHeader + "', got '" + TempHeader + "'.");

                Header = new VTFHeader();

                UInt32  VersionMajor = FileStream.ReadUInt32();
                UInt32  VersionMinor = FileStream.ReadUInt32();
                Decimal Version      = VersionMajor + (VersionMinor / 10m); // e.g. 7.3
                Header.Version = Version;

                UInt32 headerSize = FileStream.ReadUInt32();
                Width  = FileStream.ReadUInt16();
                Height = FileStream.ReadUInt16();

                Header.Flags = (VTFImageFlag)FileStream.ReadUInt32();

                UInt16 NumFrames  = FileStream.ReadUInt16();
                UInt16 FirstFrame = FileStream.ReadUInt16();

                FileStream.ReadBytes(4); // padding

                Header.Reflectivity = FileStream.ReadVector3D(false);

                FileStream.ReadBytes(4); // padding

                Header.BumpmapScale = FileStream.ReadSingle();

                VTFImageFormat HighResImageFormat = (VTFImageFormat)FileStream.ReadUInt32();
                Byte           MipmapCount        = FileStream.ReadByte();
                VTFImageFormat LowResImageFormat  = (VTFImageFormat)FileStream.ReadUInt32();
                Byte           LowResWidth        = FileStream.ReadByte();
                Byte           LowResHeight       = FileStream.ReadByte();

                UInt16 Depth        = 1;
                UInt32 NumResources = 0;

                if (Version >= 7.2m)
                    Depth = FileStream.ReadUInt16();
                if (Version >= 7.3m)
                    NumResources = FileStream.ReadUInt32();

                Int32 NumFaces = 1;
                if (Header.Flags.HasFlag(VTFImageFlag.TEXTUREFLAGS_ENVMAP))
                    NumFaces = Version < 7.5m && FirstFrame != 0xFFFF ? 7 : 6;

                VTFImageFormatInfo HighResFormatInfo = VTFImageFormatInfo.FromFormat(HighResImageFormat);
                VTFImageFormatInfo LowResFormatInfo  = VTFImageFormatInfo.FromFormat(LowResImageFormat);

                Int32 ThumbnailSize = LowResImageFormat == VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_NONE ? 0 : LowResFormatInfo.GetSize(LowResWidth, LowResHeight);

                UInt32 ThumbnailOffset = headerSize;
                Int64  DataOffset      = headerSize + ThumbnailSize;

                Resources = new VTFResource[NumResources];
                for (Int32 i = 0; i < NumResources; i++)
                    VTFResourceType type     = (VTFResourceType)FileStream.ReadUInt32();
                    UInt32          DataSize = FileStream.ReadUInt32();
                    switch (type)
                    case VTFResourceType.LowResImage:
                        // Low res image
                        ThumbnailOffset = DataSize;

                    case VTFResourceType.Image:
                        // Regular image
                        DataOffset = DataSize;

                    case VTFResourceType.Sheet:
                    case VTFResourceType.CRC:
                    case VTFResourceType.TextureLodSettings:
                    case VTFResourceType.TextureSettingsEx:
                    case VTFResourceType.KeyValueData:
                        // todo
                        Resources[i] = new VTFResource
                            Type = type,
                            Data = DataSize

                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(type), (uint)type, "Unknown resource type");

                if (LowResImageFormat != VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_NONE)
                    FileStream.BaseStream.Position = ThumbnailOffset;
                    Int32 thumbSize = LowResFormatInfo.GetSize(LowResWidth, LowResHeight);
                    LowResImage = new VTFImage
                        Format = LowResImageFormat,
                        Width  = LowResWidth,
                        Height = LowResHeight,
                        Data   = FileStream.ReadBytes(thumbSize)

                Boolean ConvertToBGRA32 = true;
                Boolean hasAlpha        = true;
                switch (HighResImageFormat)
                //Unity support this formats natively
                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_A8:
                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_ABGR8888:
                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_ARGB8888:
                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_BGRA4444:
                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT1_ONEBITALPHA:
                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT3:
                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT5:
                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA8888:
                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_BGRA8888:
                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_BGRX8888:
                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA16161616F:
                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA16161616:
                    ConvertToBGRA32 = false;

                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_BGR565:
                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB565:
                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT1:
                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB888:
                    hasAlpha        = false;
                    ConvertToBGRA32 = false;

                FileStream.BaseStream.Position = DataOffset;
                Frames = new Texture2D[NumFrames, NumFaces];
                List <Byte>[] FramesData = new List <Byte> [NumFrames];
                for (Int32 MipLevel = MipmapCount - 1; MipLevel >= 0; MipLevel--)
                    for (Int32 FrameID = 0; FrameID < NumFrames; FrameID++)
                        if (FramesData[FrameID] == null)
                            FramesData[FrameID] = new List <Byte>();

                        for (Int32 FaceID = 0; FaceID < NumFaces; FaceID++)
                            for (Int32 SliceID = 0; SliceID < Depth; SliceID++)
                                Int32 Wid      = GetMipSize(Width, MipLevel);
                                Int32 Hei      = GetMipSize(Height, MipLevel);
                                Int32 DataSize = HighResFormatInfo.GetSize(Wid, Hei);

                                if (ConvertToBGRA32)
                                    FramesData[FrameID].InsertRange(0, VTFImageFormatInfo.FromFormat(HighResImageFormat).ConvertToBgra32(FileStream.ReadBytes(DataSize), Wid, Hei));
                                    FramesData[FrameID].InsertRange(0, FileStream.ReadBytes(DataSize));

                TextureFormat InternalFormat = TextureFormat.BGRA32;
                Boolean       needCompress   = false;
                switch (HighResImageFormat)
                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_A8:
                    InternalFormat = TextureFormat.Alpha8;

                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_ABGR8888:
                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_ARGB8888:
                    InternalFormat = TextureFormat.ARGB32;

                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_BGR565:
                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB565:
                    InternalFormat = TextureFormat.RGB565;

                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_BGRA4444:
                    InternalFormat = TextureFormat.RGBA4444;

                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT1:
                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT1_ONEBITALPHA:
                    InternalFormat = TextureFormat.DXT1;

                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT3:
                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT5:
                    InternalFormat = TextureFormat.DXT5;

                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB888:
                    InternalFormat = TextureFormat.RGB24;

                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA8888:
                    InternalFormat = TextureFormat.RGBA32;

                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA16161616F:
                case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA16161616:
                    InternalFormat = TextureFormat.RGBAHalf;

                    //needCompress = true;

                Boolean mipmaps = MipmapCount > 1;
                for (Int32 FrameID = 0; FrameID < NumFrames; FrameID++)
                    for (Int32 FaceID = 0; FaceID < NumFaces; FaceID++)
                        Frames[FrameID, FaceID]      = new Texture2D(Width, Height, InternalFormat, mipmaps);
                        Frames[FrameID, FaceID].name = FileName;
                        Frames[FrameID, FaceID].alphaIsTransparency = hasAlpha;
                        Frames[FrameID, FaceID].LoadRawTextureData(FramesData[FrameID].ToArray());
                        Frames[FrameID, FaceID].Apply();

                        if (needCompress)
                            Frames[FrameID, FaceID].Compress(false);
                            Debug.LogWarning(FileName + " compressed!");
Esempio n. 7
        private void UnSerialize(Stream input)
            m_vtfReader = new IOReader(input);
            int ident = this.m_vtfReader.ReadInt();
            if (ident == "VTF\0".MakeID())
                this.m_bIs360 = false;
            else if (ident == "VTFX".MakeID())
                this.m_bIs360 = true;
                this.m_vtfReader.ByteOrder = Endian.Big;
                throw new BadImageFormatException();
            // rewind stream
            VTFFileHeader vtfHDR = new VTFFileHeader();
            this.m_dwVersionMajor = (int)vtfHDR.VersionMajor;
            this.m_dwVersionMinor = (int)vtfHDR.VersionMinor;

            VTFHeader_PC hdr = new VTFHeader_PC();
            this.m_dwResourceCount = (int)hdr.NumResources;
            this.m_dwHeight = hdr.Height;
            this.m_dwWidth = hdr.Width;
            this.m_Format = hdr.ImageFormat;
            this.m_dwFlags = hdr.Flags;
            this.m_dwFrameCount = hdr.NumFrames;
            this.m_dwDepth = hdr.Depth;
            // Envmaps only have 1 face, if its not then it must be a cubemap with 7 sides
            if (m_dwFlags.IsFlagSet<VTFFlags>(VTFFlags.TEXTUREFLAGS_ENVMAP))
                this.m_dwFaceCount = 1;
                this.m_dwFaceCount = 7;
            this.m_vecReflectivity = hdr.Reflectivity;
            this.m_flBumpScale = hdr.BumpScale;
            this.m_dwLowResImageWidth = hdr.LowResImgWidth;
            this.m_dwLowResImageHeight = hdr.LowResImgHeight;
            this.m_LowResImageFormat = hdr.LowResImgFmt;
            this.m_dwMipCount = ComputeMipCount();
Esempio n. 8
 public void UnSerialize(IOReader reader)
     this.Width = reader.ReadUShort();
     this.Height = reader.ReadUShort();
     this.Flags = (VTFFlags)reader.ReadInt();
     this.NumFrames = reader.ReadUShort();
     this.StartFrame = reader.ReadUShort();
     this.BumpScale = reader.ReadFloat();
     this.ImageFormat = (VTFImageFormat)reader.ReadInt();
     this.NumMipLevels = reader.ReadByte();
     this.LowResImgFmt = (VTFImageFormat)reader.ReadInt();
     this.LowResImgWidth = reader.ReadByte();
     this.LowResImgHeight = reader.ReadByte();
Esempio n. 9
        private int ComputeImageSize(int width, int height, int depth, int mipMaps, VTFImageFormat imgFmt)
            int imgSize = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < mipMaps; i++)
                imgSize += ComputeImageSize(width, height, depth, mipMaps, imgFmt);
                width >>= 1;
                height >>= 1;
                depth >>= 1;
                if (width < 1)
                    width = 1;

                if (height < 1)
                    height = 1;

                if (depth < 1)
                    depth = 1;
            return imgSize;
Esempio n. 10
 private VTFImageFormatInfo_t GetImageFormatInfo(VTFImageFormat fmt)
     return VTFImageFormatInfo[(int)fmt];
Esempio n. 11
 /// <summary>
 /// Computes image size from a format
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="width"></param>
 /// <param name="height"></param>
 /// <param name="depth"></param>
 /// <param name="fmt"></param>
 /// <returns>size in bytes</returns>
 private int ComputeFormatSize(int width, int height, int depth, VTFImageFormat fmt)
     switch (fmt)
             if (width < 4 && width > 0)
                 width = 4;
             if (height < 4 && height > 0)
                 height = 4;
             return ((width + 3) / 4) * ((height + 3) / 4) * 8 * depth;
         case (VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT5):
             if (width < 4 && width > 0)
                 width = 4;
             if (height < 4 && height > 0)
                 height = 4;
             return ((width + 3) / 4) * ((height + 3) / 4) * 16 * depth;
             return width * height * depth * GetImageFormatInfo(fmt).bytesPerPixle;
Esempio n. 12
        static uint ComputeImageSize(int width, int height, int mipmaps, uint frames, VTFImageFormat imageFormat)
            uint imageSize = 0;

            for (uint i = 0; i < mipmaps; i++)
                imageSize += ComputeImageSize(width, height, imageFormat);

                width  >>= 1;
                height >>= 1;

                if (width < 1)
                    width = 1;

                if (height < 1)
                    height = 1;
            imageSize *= frames;
Esempio n. 13
        /*Texture2D CreateThumbnailTexture(string name, vtfheader header)
         * {
         *      Texture2D temp;
         *      if (header.lowResImageFormat == VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT5)
         *      {
         *              temp=new Texture2D((int)header.lowResImageWidth, (int)header.lowResImageHeight, TextureFormat.DXT5,false);
         *              temp.LoadRawTextureData(ThumbnailImageData);
         *              temp.Apply();
         *              temp.filterMode=FilterMode.Point;
         *    ;
         *              //Debug.Log("Texture loaded "+header.lowResImageWidth+"x"+header.lowResImageHeight);
         *              return temp;
         *      }
         *      if (header.lowResImageFormat == VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT1)
         *      {
         *              temp=new Texture2D((int)header.lowResImageWidth, (int)header.lowResImageHeight, TextureFormat.DXT1, false);
         *              temp.LoadRawTextureData(ThumbnailImageData);
         *              temp.Apply();
         *              temp.filterMode=FilterMode.Point;
         *    ;
         *              //Debug.Log("Texture loaded "+header.lowResImageWidth+"x"+header.lowResImageHeight);
         *              return temp;
         *      }
         *      return null;
         * }*/

        static uint ComputeImageSize(int Width, int Height, VTFImageFormat imageFormat)
            switch (imageFormat)
            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT1:
            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT1_ONEBITALPHA:
                if (Width < 4 && Width > 0)
                    Width = 4;

                if (Height < 4 && Height > 0)
                    Height = 4;

                return((((uint)Width + 3) / 4) * (((uint)Height + 3) / 4) * 8);

            //return (uint)Width * (uint)Height * 1;
            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT3:
            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT5:
                if (Width < 4 && Width > 0)
                    Width = 4;

                if (Height < 4 && Height > 0)
                    Height = 4;

                return((((uint)Width + 3) / 4) * (((uint)Height + 3) / 4) * 16);

            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_ABGR8888:
            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_ARGB8888:
            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA8888:
            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_BGRA8888:
            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_BGRX8888:
            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_UVWQ8888:
            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_UVLX8888:
            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_R32F:
            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_NV_INTZ:
            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_NV_RAWZ:
            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_NV_NULL:
                return((uint)Width * (uint)Height * 4);

            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB888:
            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_BGR888:
            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB888_BLUESCREEN:
            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_BGR888_BLUESCREEN:
            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_NV_DST24:
                return((uint)Width * (uint)Height * 3);

            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB565:
            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_IA88:
            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_BGR565:
            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_BGRX5551:
            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_BGRA4444:
            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_BGRA5551:
            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_UV88:
            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_NV_DST16:
            case VTFImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_ATI_DST16:
                return((uint)Width * (uint)Height * 2);

                return((uint)Width * (uint)Height * 1);       //GetImageFormatInfo(imageFormat).BytesPerPixel;
Esempio n. 14
        private VTFImageFormatInfo(
            VTFImageFormat format,
            Int32 bitsPerPixel, Int32 bytesPerPixel,
            Int32 redBitsPerPixel, Int32 greenBitsPerPixel, Int32 blueBitsPerPixel, Int32 alphaBitsPerPixel,
            Int32 redIndex, Int32 greenIndex, Int32 blueIndex, Int32 alphaIndex,
            Boolean isCompressed, Boolean isSupported,
            TransformPixel pixelTransform = null
            Format = format;

            BitsPerPixel  = bitsPerPixel;
            BytesPerPixel = bytesPerPixel;

            RedBitsPerPixel   = redBitsPerPixel;
            GreenBitsPerPixel = greenBitsPerPixel;
            BlueBitsPerPixel  = blueBitsPerPixel;
            AlphaBitsPerPixel = alphaBitsPerPixel;

            RedIndex   = redIndex;
            GreenIndex = greenIndex;
            BlueIndex  = blueIndex;
            AlphaIndex = alphaIndex;

            IsCompressed = isCompressed;
            IsSupported  = isSupported;

            _pixelTransform = pixelTransform;

            _is8Aligned = (redBitsPerPixel == 0 || redBitsPerPixel == 8) &&
                          (greenBitsPerPixel == 0 || greenBitsPerPixel == 8) &&
                          (blueBitsPerPixel == 0 || blueBitsPerPixel == 8) &&
                          (alphaBitsPerPixel == 0 || alphaBitsPerPixel == 8);

            _is16Aligned = (redBitsPerPixel == 0 || redBitsPerPixel == 16) &&
                           (greenBitsPerPixel == 0 || greenBitsPerPixel == 16) &&
                           (blueBitsPerPixel == 0 || blueBitsPerPixel == 16) &&
                           (alphaBitsPerPixel == 0 || alphaBitsPerPixel == 16);

            _is32Aligned = (redBitsPerPixel == 0 || redBitsPerPixel == 32) &&
                           (greenBitsPerPixel == 0 || greenBitsPerPixel == 32) &&
                           (blueBitsPerPixel == 0 || blueBitsPerPixel == 32) &&
                           (alphaBitsPerPixel == 0 || alphaBitsPerPixel == 32);

            if (!_is8Aligned && !_is16Aligned && !_is32Aligned)
                var masks = new[] {
                    new Mask('r', redBitsPerPixel, redIndex),
                    new Mask('g', greenBitsPerPixel, greenIndex),
                    new Mask('b', blueBitsPerPixel, blueIndex),
                    new Mask('a', alphaBitsPerPixel, alphaIndex),
                }.OrderBy(x => x.Index).ToList();

                var offset = bitsPerPixel;
                foreach (var m in masks)
                    offset  -= m.Size;
                    m.Offset = offset;

                var dict = masks.ToDictionary(x => x.Component, x => x);
                _masks = new[] { dict['b'], dict['g'], dict['r'], dict['a'] };
Esempio n. 15
 public static VTFImageFormatInfo FromFormat(VTFImageFormat imageFormat) => ImageFormats[imageFormat];