コード例 #1
            // Move and rotate the pelvis
            private void TranslatePelvis(Leg[] legs, Vector3 deltaPosition, Quaternion deltaRotation, float scale)
                // Rotation
                Vector3 p = head.solverPosition;

                deltaRotation = QuaTools.ClampRotation(deltaRotation, chestClampWeight, 2);

                Quaternion r = Quaternion.Slerp(Quaternion.identity, deltaRotation, bodyRotStiffness * rotationWeight);

                r = Quaternion.Slerp(r, QuaTools.FromToRotation(pelvis.solverRotation, IKRotationPelvis), pelvisRotationWeight);
                VirtualBone.RotateAroundPoint(bones, 0, pelvis.solverPosition, pelvisRotationOffset * r);

                deltaPosition -= head.solverPosition - p;

                // Position
                // Move the body back when head is moving down
                Vector3 m      = rootRotation * Vector3.forward;
                float   deltaY = V3Tools.ExtractVertical(deltaPosition, rootRotation * Vector3.up, 1f).magnitude;

                if (scale > 0f)
                    deltaY /= scale;
                float backOffset = deltaY * -moveBodyBackWhenCrouching * headHeight;

                deltaPosition += m * backOffset;

                MovePosition(LimitPelvisPosition(legs, pelvis.solverPosition + deltaPosition * bodyPosStiffness * positionWeight, false));
コード例 #2
ファイル: Amplifier.cs プロジェクト: looki666/Green-Hell
            public void Update(IKSolverFullBodyBiped solver, float w, float deltaTime)
                if (this.transform == null || this.relativeTo == null)
                Vector3 a = this.relativeTo.InverseTransformDirection(this.transform.position - this.relativeTo.position);

                if (this.firstUpdate)
                    this.lastRelativePos = a;
                    this.firstUpdate     = false;
                Vector3 vector = (a - this.lastRelativePos) / deltaTime;

                this.smoothDelta = ((this.speed > 0f) ? Vector3.Lerp(this.smoothDelta, vector, deltaTime * this.speed) : vector);
                Vector3 v  = this.relativeTo.TransformDirection(this.smoothDelta);
                Vector3 a2 = V3Tools.ExtractVertical(v, solver.GetRoot().up, this.verticalWeight) + V3Tools.ExtractHorizontal(v, solver.GetRoot().up, this.horizontalWeight);

                for (int i = 0; i < this.effectorLinks.Length; i++)
                    solver.GetEffector(this.effectorLinks[i].effector).positionOffset += a2 * w * this.effectorLinks[i].weight;
                this.lastRelativePos = a;
コード例 #3
        void FixedUpdate()
            gravity = GetGravity();

            verticalVelocity = V3Tools.ExtractVertical(_rigidbody.velocity, gravity, 1f);
            velocityY        = verticalVelocity.magnitude;
            if (Vector3.Dot(verticalVelocity, gravity) > 0f)
                velocityY = -velocityY;

            // Smoothing out the fixed time step
            _rigidbody.interpolation = smoothPhysics ? RigidbodyInterpolation.Interpolate : RigidbodyInterpolation.None;


            GroundCheck(); // detect and stick to ground

            // Friction
            if (blackboard.input == Vector2.zero && groundDistance < airborneThreshold * 0.5f)

            bool stopSlide = onGround && groundDistance < airborneThreshold * 0.5f;

            // Individual gravity
            if (gravityTarget != null)
                _rigidbody.useGravity = false;

                if (!stopSlide)

            if (stopSlide)
                _rigidbody.useGravity = false;
                _rigidbody.velocity   = Vector3.zero;
            else if (gravityTarget == null)
                _rigidbody.useGravity = true;

            // Scale the capsule colllider while crouching
            ScaleCapsule(blackboard.isCrouching ? crouchCapsuleScaleMlp : 1f);

            fixedFrame = true;
コード例 #4
        private void MoveFixed(Vector3 deltaPosition)
            // Process horizontal wall-running

            Vector3 velocity = fixedDeltaTime > 0f? deltaPosition / fixedDeltaTime: Vector3.zero;

            // Add velocity of the rigidbody the character is standing on
            if (!fullRootMotion)
                velocity += V3Tools.ExtractHorizontal(platformVelocity, gravity, 1f);

                if (onGround)
                    // Rotate velocity to ground tangent
                    if (velocityToGroundTangentWeight > 0f)
                        Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(transform.up, normal);
                        velocity = Quaternion.Lerp(Quaternion.identity, rotation, velocityToGroundTangentWeight) * velocity;
                    // Air move
                    //Vector3 airMove = new Vector3 (userControl.state.move.x * airSpeed, 0f, userControl.state.move.z * airSpeed);
                    Vector3 airMove = V3Tools.ExtractHorizontal(userControl.state.move * airSpeed, gravity, 1f);
                    velocity = Vector3.Lerp(r.velocity, airMove, Time.deltaTime * airControl);

                if (onGround && Time.time > jumpEndTime)
                    r.velocity = r.velocity - transform.up * stickyForce * Time.deltaTime;

                // Vertical velocity
                Vector3 verticalVelocity   = V3Tools.ExtractVertical(r.velocity, gravity, 1f);
                Vector3 horizontalVelocity = V3Tools.ExtractHorizontal(velocity, gravity, 1f);

                if (onGround)
                    if (Vector3.Dot(verticalVelocity, gravity) < 0f)
                        verticalVelocity = Vector3.ClampMagnitude(verticalVelocity, maxVerticalVelocityOnGround);

                r.velocity = horizontalVelocity + verticalVelocity;
                r.velocity = velocity;

            // Dampering forward speed on the slopes (Not working since Unity 2017.2)
            //float slopeDamper = !onGround? 1f: GetSlopeDamper(-deltaPosition / Time.deltaTime, normal);
            //forwardMlp = Mathf.Lerp(forwardMlp, slopeDamper, Time.deltaTime * 5f);
            forwardMlp = 1f;
コード例 #5
         * Pulling the body with the hands
         * */
        private void PullBody()
            // Getting the body positionOffset
            if (pullBodyVertical != 0f || pullBodyHorizontal != 0f)
                Vector3 offset = GetBodyOffset();

                bodyEffector.positionOffset += V3Tools.ExtractVertical(offset, root.up, pullBodyVertical) + V3Tools.ExtractHorizontal(offset, root.up, pullBodyHorizontal);
コード例 #6
 private void PullBody()
     if (this.iterations < 1)
     if (this.pullBodyVertical != 0f || this.pullBodyHorizontal != 0f)
         Vector3 bodyOffset = this.GetBodyOffset();
         this.bodyEffector.positionOffset += V3Tools.ExtractVertical(bodyOffset, this.root.up, this.pullBodyVertical) + V3Tools.ExtractHorizontal(bodyOffset, this.root.up, this.pullBodyHorizontal);
コード例 #7
        private void MoveFixed(Vector3 deltaPosition)
            // Process horizontal wall-running

            Vector3 velocity = deltaPosition / Time.deltaTime;

            // Add velocity of the rigidbody the character is standing on
            velocity += V3Tools.ExtractHorizontal(platformVelocity, gravity, 1f);

            if (onGround)
                // Rotate velocity to ground tangent
                if (velocityToGroundTangentWeight > 0f)
                    Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(transform.up, normal);
                    velocity = Quaternion.Lerp(Quaternion.identity, rotation, velocityToGroundTangentWeight) * velocity;
                // Air move
                Vector3 airMove = V3Tools.ExtractHorizontal(blackboard.input * airSpeed, gravity, 1f);
                velocity = Vector3.Lerp(_rigidbody.velocity, airMove, Time.deltaTime * airControl);

            if (onGround && Time.time > jumpEndTime)
                _rigidbody.velocity = _rigidbody.velocity - transform.up * stickyForce * Time.deltaTime;

            // Vertical velocity
            Vector3 verticalVelocity   = V3Tools.ExtractVertical(_rigidbody.velocity, gravity, 1f);
            Vector3 horizontalVelocity = V3Tools.ExtractHorizontal(velocity, gravity, 1f);

            if (onGround)
                if (Vector3.Dot(verticalVelocity, gravity) < 0f)
                    verticalVelocity = Vector3.ClampMagnitude(verticalVelocity, maxVerticalVelocityOnGround);

            //rb.velocity = horizontalVelocity + verticalVelocity;

            // Dampering forward speed on the slopes
            float slopeDamper = !onGround ? 1f : GetSlopeDamper(-deltaPosition / Time.deltaTime, normal);

            forwardMlp = Mathf.Lerp(forwardMlp, slopeDamper, Time.deltaTime * 5f);
コード例 #8
            public override void PreSolve(float scale)
                if (headTarget != null)
                    IKPositionHead = headTarget.position;
                    IKRotationHead = headTarget.rotation;

                if (chestGoal != null)
                    goalPositionChest = chestGoal.position;

                if (pelvisTarget != null)
                    IKPositionPelvis = pelvisTarget.position;
                    IKRotationPelvis = pelvisTarget.rotation;

                // Use animated head height range
                if (useAnimatedHeadHeightWeight > 0f && useAnimatedHeadHeightRange > 0f)
                    Vector3 rootUp = rootRotation * Vector3.up;

                    if (animatedHeadHeightBlend > 0f)
                        float headTargetVOffset = V3Tools.ExtractVertical(IKPositionHead - head.solverPosition, rootUp, 1f).magnitude;
                        float abs = Mathf.Abs(headTargetVOffset);
                        abs = Mathf.Max(abs - useAnimatedHeadHeightRange * scale, 0f);
                        float f = Mathf.Lerp(0f, 1f, abs / (animatedHeadHeightBlend * scale));
                        f = Interp.Float(1f - f, InterpolationMode.InOutSine);

                        Vector3 toHeadPos = head.solverPosition - IKPositionHead;
                        IKPositionHead += V3Tools.ExtractVertical(toHeadPos, rootUp, f * useAnimatedHeadHeightWeight);
                        IKPositionHead += V3Tools.ExtractVertical(head.solverPosition - IKPositionHead, rootUp, useAnimatedHeadHeightWeight);

                headPosition = V3Tools.Lerp(head.solverPosition, IKPositionHead, positionWeight);
                headRotation = QuaTools.Lerp(head.solverRotation, IKRotationHead, rotationWeight);

                pelvisRotation = QuaTools.Lerp(pelvis.solverRotation, IKRotationPelvis, rotationWeight);
コード例 #9
        // 1 is writhe animation, 0 is catch fall
        private float GetBlendTarget(float groundHeight)
            if (groundHeight > writheHeight)

            Vector3 verticalVelocity = V3Tools.ExtractVertical(puppetMaster.muscles[0].rigidbody.velocity, puppetMaster.targetRoot.up, 1f);
            float   velocityY        = verticalVelocity.magnitude;

            if (Vector3.Dot(verticalVelocity, puppetMaster.targetRoot.up) < 0f)
                velocityY = -velocityY;

            if (velocityY > writheYVelocity)

            //if (puppetMaster.muscles[0].rigidbody.velocity.y > writheYVelocity) return 1f;
コード例 #10
            // Update the Body
            public void Update(IKSolverFullBodyBiped solver, float w, float deltaTime)
                if (transform == null || relativeTo == null)

                // Find the relative position of the transform
                Vector3 relativePos = relativeTo.InverseTransformDirection(transform.position - relativeTo.position);

                // Initiating
                if (firstUpdate)
                    lastRelativePos = relativePos;
                    firstUpdate     = false;

                // Find how much the relative position has changed
                Vector3 delta = (relativePos - lastRelativePos) / deltaTime;

                // Smooth the change
                smoothDelta = speed <= 0f? delta: Vector3.Lerp(smoothDelta, delta, deltaTime * speed);

                // Convert to world space
                Vector3 worldDelta = relativeTo.TransformDirection(smoothDelta);

                // Extract horizontal and vertical offset
                Vector3 offset = V3Tools.ExtractVertical(worldDelta, solver.GetRoot().up, verticalWeight) + V3Tools.ExtractHorizontal(worldDelta, solver.GetRoot().up, horizontalWeight);

                // Apply the amplitude to the effector links
                for (int i = 0; i < effectorLinks.Length; i++)
                    solver.GetEffector(effectorLinks[i].effector).positionOffset += offset * w * effectorLinks[i].weight;

                lastRelativePos = relativePos;
コード例 #11
            protected override void OnRead(Vector3[] positions, Quaternion[] rotations, bool hasChest, bool hasNeck, bool hasShoulders, bool hasToes, bool hasLegs, int rootIndex, int index)
                Vector3    pelvisPos = positions[index];
                Quaternion pelvisRot = rotations[index];
                Vector3    spinePos  = positions[index + 1];
                Quaternion spineRot  = rotations[index + 1];
                Vector3    chestPos  = positions[index + 2];
                Quaternion chestRot  = rotations[index + 2];
                Vector3    neckPos   = positions[index + 3];
                Quaternion neckRot   = rotations[index + 3];
                Vector3    headPos   = positions[index + 4];
                Quaternion headRot   = rotations[index + 4];

                this.hasLegs = hasLegs;

                if (!hasChest)
                    chestPos = spinePos;
                    chestRot = spineRot;

                if (!initiated)
                    this.hasChest = hasChest;
                    this.hasNeck  = hasNeck;
                    headHeight    = V3Tools.ExtractVertical(headPos - positions[0], rotations[0] * Vector3.up, 1f).magnitude;

                    int boneCount = 3;
                    if (hasChest)
                    if (hasNeck)
                    bones = new VirtualBone[boneCount];

                    chestIndex = hasChest? 2: 1;

                    neckIndex = 1;
                    if (hasChest)
                    if (hasNeck)

                    headIndex = 2;
                    if (hasChest)
                    if (hasNeck)

                    bones[0] = new VirtualBone(pelvisPos, pelvisRot);
                    bones[1] = new VirtualBone(spinePos, spineRot);
                    if (hasChest)
                        bones[chestIndex] = new VirtualBone(chestPos, chestRot);
                    if (hasNeck)
                        bones[neckIndex] = new VirtualBone(neckPos, neckRot);
                    bones[headIndex] = new VirtualBone(headPos, headRot);

                    pelvisRotationOffset = Quaternion.identity;
                    chestRotationOffset  = Quaternion.identity;
                    headRotationOffset   = Quaternion.identity;

                    anchorRelativeToHead   = Quaternion.Inverse(headRot) * rotations[0];
                    anchorRelativeToPelvis = Quaternion.Inverse(pelvisRot) * rotations[0];

                    faceDirection = rotations[0] * Vector3.forward;

                    IKPositionHead    = headPos;
                    IKRotationHead    = headRot;
                    IKPositionPelvis  = pelvisPos;
                    IKRotationPelvis  = pelvisRot;
                    goalPositionChest = chestPos + rotations[0] * Vector3.forward;

                // Forward and up axes
                pelvisRelativeRotation = Quaternion.Inverse(headRot) * pelvisRot;
                chestRelativeRotation  = Quaternion.Inverse(headRot) * chestRot;

                chestForward = Quaternion.Inverse(chestRot) * (rotations[0] * Vector3.forward);

                bones[0].Read(pelvisPos, pelvisRot);
                bones[1].Read(spinePos, spineRot);
                if (hasChest)
                    bones[chestIndex].Read(chestPos, chestRot);
                if (hasNeck)
                    bones[neckIndex].Read(neckPos, neckRot);
                bones[headIndex].Read(headPos, headRot);

                float spineLength = Vector3.Distance(pelvisPos, headPos);

                sizeMlp = spineLength / 0.7f;
コード例 #12
            public void Solve(VirtualBone rootBone, Spine spine, Leg leftLeg, Leg rightLeg, Arm leftArm, Arm rightArm, int supportLegIndex, out Vector3 leftFootPosition, out Vector3 rightFootPosition, out Quaternion leftFootRotation, out Quaternion rightFootRotation, out float leftFootOffset, out float rightFootOffset, out float leftHeelOffset, out float rightHeelOffset)
                if (weight <= 0f)
                    leftFootPosition  = Vector3.zero;
                    rightFootPosition = Vector3.zero;
                    leftFootRotation  = Quaternion.identity;
                    rightFootRotation = Quaternion.identity;
                    leftFootOffset    = 0f;
                    rightFootOffset   = 0f;
                    leftHeelOffset    = 0f;
                    rightHeelOffset   = 0f;

                Vector3 rootUp = rootBone.solverRotation * Vector3.up;

                Vector3 leftThighPosition  = spine.pelvis.solverPosition + spine.pelvis.solverRotation * leftLeg.thighRelativeToPelvis;
                Vector3 rightThighPosition = spine.pelvis.solverPosition + spine.pelvis.solverRotation * rightLeg.thighRelativeToPelvis;

                footsteps[0].characterSpaceOffset = footDistance * Vector3.left;
                footsteps[1].characterSpaceOffset = footDistance * Vector3.right;

                Vector3 forward  = spine.faceDirection;
                Vector3 forwardY = V3Tools.ExtractVertical(forward, rootUp, 1f);

                forward -= forwardY;
                Quaternion forwardRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(forward, rootUp);

                if (spine.rootHeadingOffset != 0f)
                    forwardRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(spine.rootHeadingOffset, rootUp) * forwardRotation;

                //centerOfMass = Vector3.Lerp(spine.pelvis.solverPosition, spine.head.solverPosition, 0.25f) + rootBone.solverRotation * offset;

                float pelvisMass = 1f;
                float headMass   = 1f;
                float armMass    = 0.2f;
                float totalMass  = pelvisMass + headMass + 2f * armMass;

                centerOfMass  = Vector3.zero;
                centerOfMass += spine.pelvis.solverPosition * pelvisMass;
                centerOfMass += spine.head.solverPosition * headMass;
                centerOfMass += leftArm.position * armMass;
                centerOfMass += rightArm.position * armMass;
                centerOfMass /= totalMass;

                centerOfMass += rootBone.solverRotation * offset;

                comVelocity     = Time.deltaTime > 0f? (centerOfMass - lastComPosition) / Time.deltaTime: Vector3.zero;
                lastComPosition = centerOfMass;
                comVelocity     = Vector3.ClampMagnitude(comVelocity, maxVelocity) * velocityFactor;
                Vector3 centerOfMassV = centerOfMass + comVelocity;

                Vector3 pelvisPositionGroundLevel = V3Tools.PointToPlane(spine.pelvis.solverPosition, rootBone.solverPosition, rootUp);
                Vector3 centerOfMassVGroundLevel  = V3Tools.PointToPlane(centerOfMassV, rootBone.solverPosition, rootUp);

                Vector3 centerOfPressure = Vector3.Lerp(footsteps[0].position, footsteps[1].position, 0.5f);

                Vector3 comDir   = centerOfMassV - centerOfPressure;
                float   comAngle = Vector3.Angle(comDir, rootBone.solverRotation * Vector3.up) * comAngleMlp;

                // Set support leg
                for (int i = 0; i < footsteps.Length; i++)
                    footsteps[i].isSupportLeg = supportLegIndex == i;

                // Update stepTo while stepping
                for (int i = 0; i < footsteps.Length; i++)
                    if (footsteps[i].isStepping)
                        Vector3 stepTo = centerOfMassVGroundLevel + rootBone.solverRotation * footsteps[i].characterSpaceOffset;

                        if (!StepBlocked(footsteps[i].stepFrom, stepTo, rootBone.solverPosition))
                            footsteps[i].UpdateStepping(stepTo, forwardRotation, 10f);
                        footsteps[i].UpdateStanding(forwardRotation, relaxLegTwistMinAngle, relaxLegTwistSpeed);

                // Triggering new footsteps
                if (CanStep())
                    int   stepLegIndex = -1;
                    float bestValue    = -Mathf.Infinity;

                    for (int i = 0; i < footsteps.Length; i++)
                        if (!footsteps[i].isStepping)
                            Vector3 stepTo = centerOfMassVGroundLevel + rootBone.solverRotation * footsteps[i].characterSpaceOffset;

                            float   legLength = i == 0? leftLeg.mag: rightLeg.mag;
                            Vector3 thighPos  = i == 0? leftThighPosition: rightThighPosition;

                            float thighDistance = Vector3.Distance(footsteps[i].position, thighPos);

                            bool lengthStep = false;
                            if (thighDistance >= legLength * maxLegStretch)                              // * 0.95f) {
                                stepTo     = pelvisPositionGroundLevel + rootBone.solverRotation * footsteps[i].characterSpaceOffset;
                                lengthStep = true;

                            bool collision = false;
                            for (int n = 0; n < footsteps.Length; n++)
                                if (n != i && !lengthStep)
                                    if (Vector3.Distance(footsteps[i].position, footsteps[n].position) < 0.25f && (footsteps[i].position - stepTo).sqrMagnitude < (footsteps[n].position - stepTo).sqrMagnitude)
                                        collision = GetLineSphereCollision(footsteps[i].position, stepTo, footsteps[n].position, 0.25f);
                                    if (collision)

                            float angle = Quaternion.Angle(forwardRotation, footsteps[i].stepToRootRot);

                            if (!collision || angle > angleThreshold)
                                float stepDistance = Vector3.Distance(footsteps[i].position, stepTo);
                                float sT           = Mathf.Lerp(stepThreshold, stepThreshold * 0.1f, comAngle * 0.015f);
                                if (lengthStep)
                                    sT *= 0.5f;
                                if (i == 0)
                                    sT *= 0.9f;

                                if (!StepBlocked(footsteps[i].position, stepTo, rootBone.solverPosition))
                                    if (stepDistance > sT || angle > angleThreshold)
                                        float value = 0f;

                                        value -= stepDistance;

                                        if (value > bestValue)
                                            stepLegIndex = i;
                                            bestValue    = value;

                    if (stepLegIndex != -1)
                        Vector3 stepTo = centerOfMassVGroundLevel + rootBone.solverRotation * footsteps[stepLegIndex].characterSpaceOffset;
                        footsteps[stepLegIndex].stepSpeed = UnityEngine.Random.Range(stepSpeed, stepSpeed * 1.5f);
                        footsteps[stepLegIndex].StepTo(stepTo, forwardRotation, stepThreshold);

                footsteps[0].Update(stepInterpolation, onLeftFootstep);
                footsteps[1].Update(stepInterpolation, onRightFootstep);

                leftFootPosition  = footsteps[0].position;
                rightFootPosition = footsteps[1].position;

                leftFootPosition  = V3Tools.PointToPlane(leftFootPosition, leftLeg.lastBone.readPosition, rootUp);
                rightFootPosition = V3Tools.PointToPlane(rightFootPosition, rightLeg.lastBone.readPosition, rootUp);

                leftFootOffset  = stepHeight.Evaluate(footsteps[0].stepProgress);
                rightFootOffset = stepHeight.Evaluate(footsteps[1].stepProgress);

                leftHeelOffset  = heelHeight.Evaluate(footsteps[0].stepProgress);
                rightHeelOffset = heelHeight.Evaluate(footsteps[1].stepProgress);

                leftFootRotation  = footsteps[0].rotation;
                rightFootRotation = footsteps[1].rotation;
コード例 #13
        void FixedUpdate()
            if (initialised)
                gravity = GetGravity();

                verticalVelocity = V3Tools.ExtractVertical(r.velocity, gravity, 1f);
                velocityY        = verticalVelocity.magnitude;
                if (Vector3.Dot(verticalVelocity, gravity) > 0f)
                    velocityY = -velocityY;

                 * if (animator != null && animator.updateMode == AnimatorUpdateMode.AnimatePhysics) {
                 *  smoothPhysics = false;
                 *  characterAnimation.smoothFollow = false;
                 * }

                // Smoothing out the fixed time step
                r.interpolation = smoothPhysics ? RigidbodyInterpolation.Interpolate : RigidbodyInterpolation.None;
                characterAnimation.smoothFollow = smoothPhysics;

                // Move
                fixedDeltaPosition = Vector3.zero;

                //r.MoveRotation(transform.rotation * fixedDeltaRotation);
                fixedDeltaRotation = Quaternion.identity;


                GroundCheck(); // detect and stick to ground

                // Friction
                if (userControl.state.move == Vector3.zero && groundDistance < airborneThreshold * 0.5f)

                bool stopSlide = onGround && userControl.state.move == Vector3.zero && r.velocity.magnitude < 0.5f && groundDistance < airborneThreshold * 0.5f;

                // Individual gravity
                if (gravityTarget != null)
                    r.useGravity = false;

                    if (!stopSlide)

                if (stopSlide)
                    r.useGravity = false;
                    r.velocity   = Vector3.zero;
                else if (gravityTarget == null)
                    r.useGravity = true;

                if (onGround)
                    // Jumping
                    animState.jump = Jump();
                    jumpReleased   = false;
                    doubleJumped   = false;
                    if (!userControl.state.jump)
                        jumpReleased = true;

                    //r.AddForce(gravity * gravityMultiplier);
                    if (jumpReleased && userControl.state.jump && !doubleJumped && doubleJumpEnabled)
                        jumpEndTime          = Time.time + 0.1f;
                        animState.doubleJump = true;

                        Vector3 jumpVelocity = userControl.state.move * airSpeed;
                        r.velocity   = jumpVelocity;
                        r.velocity  += transform.up * jumpPower * doubleJumpPowerMlp;
                        doubleJumped = true;

                // Scale the capsule colllider while crouching
                ScaleCapsule(userControl.state.crouch ? crouchCapsuleScaleMlp : 1f);

                fixedFrame = true;
コード例 #14
        void FixedUpdate()
            gravity = GetGravity();

            verticalVelocity = V3Tools.ExtractVertical(r.velocity, gravity, 1f);
            Debug.Log("verticalVelocity = " + verticalVelocity);
            velocityY = verticalVelocity.magnitude;
            //速度与重力同向, Y轴速度 velocityY 为负
            if (Vector3.Dot(verticalVelocity, gravity) > 0f)
                velocityY = -velocityY;

            if (animator != null && animator.updateMode == AnimatorUpdateMode.AnimatePhysics)
                smoothPhysics = false;
                characterAnimation.smoothFollow = false;

            // Smoothing out the fixed time step
            r.interpolation = smoothPhysics? RigidbodyInterpolation.Interpolate: RigidbodyInterpolation.None;
            characterAnimation.smoothFollow = smoothPhysics;

            // Move
            fixedDeltaPosition = Vector3.zero;

            transform.rotation *= fixedDeltaRotation;
            fixedDeltaRotation  = Quaternion.identity;


            GroundCheck();              // detect and stick to ground

            // Friction
            if (userControl.state.move == Vector3.zero && groundDistance < airborneThreshold * 0.5f)

            // Individual gravity
            if (gravityTarget != null)
                r.useGravity = false;

            if (onGround)
                // Jumping
                animState.jump = Jump();
                r.AddForce(gravity * gravityMultiplier);

            // Scale the capsule colllider while crouching
            ScaleCapsule(userControl.state.crouch? crouchCapsuleScaleMlp: 1f);

            fixedFrame = true;
コード例 #15
        private void Solve()
            if (scale <= 0f)
                Debug.LogError("VRIK solver scale <= 0, can not solve!");

            if (lastLocomotionWeight <= 0f && locomotion.weight > 0f)
                locomotion.Reset(readPositions, readRotations);

            if (hasArms)
                foreach (Arm arm in arms)
            if (hasLegs)
                foreach (Leg leg in legs)

            // Pre-Solving
            if (hasArms)
                foreach (Arm arm in arms)
            if (hasLegs)
                foreach (Leg leg in legs)

            // Applying spine and arm offsets
            if (hasArms)
                foreach (Arm arm in arms)

            // Spine
            spine.Solve(animator, rootBone, legs, arms, scale);

            if (hasLegs && spine.pelvisPositionWeight > 0f && plantFeet)
                Warning.Log("If VRIK 'Pelvis Position Weight' is > 0, 'Plant Feet' should be disabled to improve performance and stability.", root);

            float deltaTime = Time.deltaTime;

            // Locomotion
            if (hasLegs)
                if (locomotion.weight > 0f)
                    switch (locomotion.mode)
                    case Locomotion.Mode.Procedural:
                        Vector3    leftFootPosition  = Vector3.zero;
                        Vector3    rightFootPosition = Vector3.zero;
                        Quaternion leftFootRotation  = Quaternion.identity;
                        Quaternion rightFootRotation = Quaternion.identity;
                        float      leftFootOffset    = 0f;
                        float      rightFootOffset   = 0f;
                        float      leftHeelOffset    = 0f;
                        float      rightHeelOffset   = 0f;

                        locomotion.Solve_Procedural(rootBone, spine, leftLeg, rightLeg, leftArm, rightArm, supportLegIndex, out leftFootPosition, out rightFootPosition, out leftFootRotation, out rightFootRotation, out leftFootOffset, out rightFootOffset, out leftHeelOffset, out rightHeelOffset, scale, deltaTime);

                        leftFootPosition  += root.up * leftFootOffset;
                        rightFootPosition += root.up * rightFootOffset;

                        leftLeg.footPositionOffset  += (leftFootPosition - leftLeg.lastBone.solverPosition) * IKPositionWeight * (1f - leftLeg.positionWeight) * locomotion.weight;
                        rightLeg.footPositionOffset += (rightFootPosition - rightLeg.lastBone.solverPosition) * IKPositionWeight * (1f - rightLeg.positionWeight) * locomotion.weight;

                        leftLeg.heelPositionOffset  += root.up * leftHeelOffset * locomotion.weight;
                        rightLeg.heelPositionOffset += root.up * rightHeelOffset * locomotion.weight;

                        Quaternion rotationOffsetLeft  = QuaTools.FromToRotation(leftLeg.lastBone.solverRotation, leftFootRotation);
                        Quaternion rotationOffsetRight = QuaTools.FromToRotation(rightLeg.lastBone.solverRotation, rightFootRotation);

                        rotationOffsetLeft  = Quaternion.Lerp(Quaternion.identity, rotationOffsetLeft, IKPositionWeight * (1f - leftLeg.rotationWeight) * locomotion.weight);
                        rotationOffsetRight = Quaternion.Lerp(Quaternion.identity, rotationOffsetRight, IKPositionWeight * (1f - rightLeg.rotationWeight) * locomotion.weight);

                        leftLeg.footRotationOffset  = rotationOffsetLeft * leftLeg.footRotationOffset;
                        rightLeg.footRotationOffset = rotationOffsetRight * rightLeg.footRotationOffset;

                        Vector3 footPositionC = Vector3.Lerp(leftLeg.position + leftLeg.footPositionOffset, rightLeg.position + rightLeg.footPositionOffset, 0.5f);
                        footPositionC = V3Tools.PointToPlane(footPositionC, rootBone.solverPosition, root.up);

                        Vector3 p = rootBone.solverPosition + rootVelocity * deltaTime * 2f * locomotion.weight;
                        p = Vector3.Lerp(p, footPositionC, deltaTime * locomotion.rootSpeed * locomotion.weight);
                        rootBone.solverPosition = p;

                        rootVelocity += (footPositionC - rootBone.solverPosition) * deltaTime * 10f;
                        Vector3 rootVelocityV = V3Tools.ExtractVertical(rootVelocity, root.up, 1f);
                        rootVelocity -= rootVelocityV;

                        float bodyYOffset = Mathf.Min(leftFootOffset + rightFootOffset, locomotion.maxBodyYOffset * scale);
                        bodyOffset = Vector3.Lerp(bodyOffset, root.up * bodyYOffset, deltaTime * 3f);
                        bodyOffset = Vector3.Lerp(Vector3.zero, bodyOffset, locomotion.weight);


                    case Locomotion.Mode.Animated:
                        if (lastLocomotionWeight <= 0f)
                        locomotion.Solve_Animated(this, scale, deltaTime);
                    if (lastLocomotionWeight > 0f)

            lastLocomotionWeight = locomotion.weight;

            // Legs
            if (hasLegs)
                foreach (Leg leg in legs)
                if (!plantFeet || LOD > 0)
                    spine.InverseTranslateToHead(legs, false, false, bodyOffset, 1f);

                    foreach (Leg leg in legs)
                        leg.TranslateRoot(spine.pelvis.solverPosition, spine.pelvis.solverRotation);
                    foreach (Leg leg in legs)
                    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                        spine.InverseTranslateToHead(legs, true, true, bodyOffset, 1f);

                        foreach (Leg leg in legs)
                            leg.TranslateRoot(spine.pelvis.solverPosition, spine.pelvis.solverRotation);
                        foreach (Leg leg in legs)
                            leg.Solve(i == 0);
                spine.InverseTranslateToHead(legs, false, false, bodyOffset, 1f);

            // Arms
            if (hasArms)
                for (int i = 0; i < arms.Length; i++)
                    arms[i].TranslateRoot(spine.chest.solverPosition, spine.chest.solverRotation);

                for (int i = 0; i < arms.Length; i++)
                    arms[i].Solve(i == 0);

            // Reset offsets
            if (hasLegs)
                foreach (Leg leg in legs)
            if (hasArms)
                foreach (Arm arm in arms)

            if (hasLegs)
                spine.pelvisPositionOffset += GetPelvisOffset(deltaTime);
                spine.chestPositionOffset  += spine.pelvisPositionOffset;
                //spine.headPositionOffset += spine.pelvisPositionOffset;


            // Find the support leg
            if (hasLegs)
                supportLegIndex = -1;
                float shortestMag = Mathf.Infinity;
                for (int i = 0; i < legs.Length; i++)
                    float mag = Vector3.SqrMagnitude(legs[i].lastBone.solverPosition - legs[i].bones[0].solverPosition);
                    if (mag < shortestMag)
                        supportLegIndex = i;
                        shortestMag     = mag;
コード例 #16
        private void Solve()
            // Pre-Solving
            foreach (Arm arm in arms)
            foreach (Leg leg in legs)

            // Applying spine and arm offsets
            foreach (Arm arm in arms)

            // Spine
            spine.Solve(rootBone, legs, arms);

            if (spine.pelvisPositionWeight > 0f && plantFeet)
                Warning.Log("If VRIK 'Pelvis Position Weight' is > 0, 'Plant Feet' should be disabled to improve performance and stability.", root);

            // Locomotion
            if (locomotion.weight > 0f)
                Vector3    leftFootPosition  = Vector3.zero;
                Vector3    rightFootPosition = Vector3.zero;
                Quaternion leftFootRotation  = Quaternion.identity;
                Quaternion rightFootRotation = Quaternion.identity;
                float      leftFootOffset    = 0f;
                float      rightFootOffset   = 0f;
                float      leftHeelOffset    = 0f;
                float      rightHeelOffset   = 0f;

                locomotion.Solve(rootBone, spine, leftLeg, rightLeg, leftArm, rightArm, supportLegIndex, out leftFootPosition, out rightFootPosition, out leftFootRotation, out rightFootRotation, out leftFootOffset, out rightFootOffset, out leftHeelOffset, out rightHeelOffset);

                leftFootPosition  += root.up * leftFootOffset;
                rightFootPosition += root.up * rightFootOffset;

                leftLeg.footPositionOffset  += (leftFootPosition - leftLeg.lastBone.solverPosition) * IKPositionWeight * (1f - leftLeg.positionWeight) * locomotion.weight;
                rightLeg.footPositionOffset += (rightFootPosition - rightLeg.lastBone.solverPosition) * IKPositionWeight * (1f - rightLeg.positionWeight) * locomotion.weight;

                leftLeg.heelPositionOffset  += root.up * leftHeelOffset * locomotion.weight;
                rightLeg.heelPositionOffset += root.up * rightHeelOffset * locomotion.weight;

                Quaternion rotationOffsetLeft  = QuaTools.FromToRotation(leftLeg.lastBone.solverRotation, leftFootRotation);
                Quaternion rotationOffsetRight = QuaTools.FromToRotation(rightLeg.lastBone.solverRotation, rightFootRotation);

                rotationOffsetLeft  = Quaternion.Lerp(Quaternion.identity, rotationOffsetLeft, IKPositionWeight * (1f - leftLeg.rotationWeight) * locomotion.weight);
                rotationOffsetRight = Quaternion.Lerp(Quaternion.identity, rotationOffsetRight, IKPositionWeight * (1f - rightLeg.rotationWeight) * locomotion.weight);

                leftLeg.footRotationOffset  = rotationOffsetLeft * leftLeg.footRotationOffset;
                rightLeg.footRotationOffset = rotationOffsetRight * rightLeg.footRotationOffset;

                Vector3 footPositionC = Vector3.Lerp(leftLeg.position + leftLeg.footPositionOffset, rightLeg.position + rightLeg.footPositionOffset, 0.5f);
                footPositionC = V3Tools.PointToPlane(footPositionC, rootBone.solverPosition, root.up);

                rootVelocity += (footPositionC - rootBone.solverPosition) * Time.deltaTime * 10f;
                Vector3 rootVelocityV = V3Tools.ExtractVertical(rootVelocity, root.up, 1f);
                rootVelocity -= rootVelocityV;

                 * rootBone.solverPosition += rootVelocity * Time.deltaTime * 2f * locomotion.weight;
                 * //rootBone.solverPosition = Vector3.SmoothDamp(rootBone.solverPosition, footPositionC, ref rootV, locomotion.rootSDampTime);
                 * rootBone.solverPosition = Vector3.Lerp(rootBone.solverPosition, footPositionC, Time.deltaTime * locomotion.rootSpeed * locomotion.weight);

                Vector3 p = rootBone.solverPosition + rootVelocity * Time.deltaTime * 2f * locomotion.weight;
                p = Vector3.Lerp(p, footPositionC, Time.deltaTime * locomotion.rootSpeed * locomotion.weight);
                rootBone.solverPosition = p;

                float bodyYOffset = leftFootOffset + rightFootOffset;
                bodyOffset = Vector3.Lerp(bodyOffset, root.up * bodyYOffset, Time.deltaTime * 3f);
                bodyOffset = Vector3.Lerp(Vector3.zero, bodyOffset, locomotion.weight);

            // Legs
            foreach (Leg leg in legs)

            if (!plantFeet)
                spine.InverseTranslateToHead(legs, false, false, bodyOffset, 1f);

                foreach (Leg leg in legs)
                    leg.TranslateRoot(spine.pelvis.solverPosition, spine.pelvis.solverRotation);
                foreach (Leg leg in legs)
                for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    spine.InverseTranslateToHead(legs, true, i == 0, bodyOffset, 1f);

                    foreach (Leg leg in legs)
                        leg.TranslateRoot(spine.pelvis.solverPosition, spine.pelvis.solverRotation);
                    foreach (Leg leg in legs)

            // Stretching();

            // Arms
            for (int i = 0; i < arms.Length; i++)
                arms[i].TranslateRoot(spine.chest.solverPosition, spine.chest.solverRotation);
                arms[i].Solve(i == 0);

            // Reset offsets
            foreach (Leg leg in legs)
            foreach (Arm arm in arms)

            spine.pelvisPositionOffset += GetPelvisOffset();
            spine.chestPositionOffset  += spine.pelvisPositionOffset;
            //spine.headPositionOffset += spine.pelvisPositionOffset;


            // Find the support leg
            supportLegIndex = -1;
            float shortestMag = Mathf.Infinity;

            for (int i = 0; i < legs.Length; i++)
                float mag = Vector3.SqrMagnitude(legs[i].lastBone.solverPosition - legs[i].bones[0].solverPosition);
                if (mag < shortestMag)
                    supportLegIndex = i;
                    shortestMag     = mag;
コード例 #17
            public void Solve_Animated(IKSolverVR solver, float scale, float deltaTime)
                if (animator == null)
                    Debug.LogError("VRIK cannot find Animator on the VRIK root gameobject.", solver.root);

                if (deltaTime <= 0f)

                if (!animator.enabled)
                    Debug.LogWarning("Trying to use VRIK animated locomotion with a disabled animator!", solver.root);

                // Root up vector
                Vector3 rootUp = solver.rootBone.solverRotation * Vector3.up;

                // Substract any motion from parent transforms
                Vector3 externalDelta = solver.rootBone.solverPosition - lastEndRootPos;

                externalDelta -= animator.deltaPosition;

                // Head target position
                Vector3 headTargetPos    = solver.spine.headPosition;
                Vector3 standOffsetWorld = solver.rootBone.solverRotation * new Vector3(standOffset.x, 0f, standOffset.y) * scale;

                headTargetPos += standOffsetWorld;

                if (firstFrame)
                    lastHeadTargetPos = headTargetPos;

                    firstFrame = false;

                // Head target velocity
                Vector3 headTargetVelocity = (headTargetPos - lastHeadTargetPos) / deltaTime;

                lastHeadTargetPos  = headTargetPos;
                headTargetVelocity = V3Tools.Flatten(headTargetVelocity, rootUp);

                // Head target offset
                Vector3 offset = headTargetPos - solver.rootBone.solverPosition;

                offset -= externalDelta;
                offset -= lastCorrection;
                offset  = V3Tools.Flatten(offset, rootUp);

                // Turning
                Vector3 headForward = (solver.spine.IKRotationHead * solver.spine.anchorRelativeToHead) * Vector3.forward;

                headForward.y = 0f;
                Vector3 headForwardLocal = Quaternion.Inverse(solver.rootBone.solverRotation) * headForward;
                float   angle            = Mathf.Atan2(headForwardLocal.x, headForwardLocal.z) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;

                angle += solver.spine.rootHeadingOffset;
                float turnTarget = angle / 90f;
                bool  isTurning  = true;

                if (Mathf.Abs(turnTarget) < 0.2f)
                    turnTarget = 0f;
                    isTurning  = false;

                turn = Mathf.Lerp(turn, turnTarget, Time.deltaTime * 3f);
                animator.SetFloat(VRIK_Turn, turn * 2f);

                // Local Velocity, animation smoothing
                Vector3 velocityLocalTarget = Quaternion.Inverse(solver.readRotations[0]) * (headTargetVelocity + offset);

                velocityLocalTarget *= weight * stepLengthMlp;

                float animationSmoothTimeTarget = isTurning && !isMoving ? 0.2f : animationSmoothTime;

                currentAnimationSmoothTime = Mathf.Lerp(currentAnimationSmoothTime, animationSmoothTimeTarget, deltaTime * 20f);

                velocityLocal = Vector3.SmoothDamp(velocityLocal, velocityLocalTarget, ref velocityLocalV, currentAnimationSmoothTime, Mathf.Infinity, deltaTime);
                float velLocalMag = velocityLocal.magnitude / stepLengthMlp;

                //animator.SetBool("VRIK_StartWithRightFoot", velocityLocal.x >= 0f);
                animator.SetFloat(VRIK_Horizontal, velocityLocal.x / scale);
                animator.SetFloat(VRIK_Vertical, velocityLocal.z / scale);

                // Is Moving
                float m = moveThreshold * scale;

                if (isMoving)
                    m *= 0.9f;
                bool isMovingRaw = velocityLocal.sqrMagnitude > m * m;

                if (isMovingRaw)
                    stopMoveTimer = 0f;
                    stopMoveTimer += deltaTime;
                isMoving = stopMoveTimer < 0.05f;

                // Max root angle
                float maxRootAngleTarget = isMoving ? maxRootAngleMoving : maxRootAngleStanding;

                solver.spine.maxRootAngle = Mathf.SmoothDamp(solver.spine.maxRootAngle, maxRootAngleTarget, ref maxRootAngleV, 0.2f, Mathf.Infinity, deltaTime);

                animator.SetBool(VRIK_IsMoving, isMoving);

                // Animation speed
                Vector3 currentRootPos = solver.rootBone.solverPosition;

                currentRootPos -= externalDelta;
                currentRootPos -= lastCorrection;

                Vector3 rootVelocity = (currentRootPos - lastSpeedRootPos) / deltaTime;

                lastSpeedRootPos = solver.rootBone.solverPosition;
                float rootVelocityMag = rootVelocity.magnitude;

                float animSpeedTarget = minAnimationSpeed;

                if (rootVelocityMag > 0f && isMovingRaw)
                    animSpeedTarget = animSpeed * (velLocalMag / rootVelocityMag);
                animSpeedTarget = Mathf.Clamp(animSpeedTarget, minAnimationSpeed, maxAnimationSpeed);
                animSpeed       = Mathf.SmoothDamp(animSpeed, animSpeedTarget, ref animSpeedV, 0.05f, Mathf.Infinity, deltaTime);
                animSpeed       = Mathf.Lerp(1f, animSpeed, weight);

                animator.SetFloat(VRIK_Speed, animSpeed);

                // Is Stopping
                AnimatorTransitionInfo transInfo = animator.GetAnimatorTransitionInfo(0);
                bool isStopping = transInfo.IsUserName("VRIK_Stop");

                // Root lerp speed
                float rootLerpSpeedTarget = 0;

                if (isMoving)
                    rootLerpSpeedTarget = rootLerpSpeedWhileMoving;
                if (isStopping)
                    rootLerpSpeedTarget = rootLerpSpeedWhileStopping;
                if (isTurning)
                    rootLerpSpeedTarget = rootLerpSpeedWhileTurning;

                rootLerpSpeedTarget *= Mathf.Max(headTargetVelocity.magnitude, 0.2f);
                rootLerpSpeed        = Mathf.Lerp(rootLerpSpeed, rootLerpSpeedTarget, deltaTime * 20f);

                // Root lerp and limits
                headTargetPos += V3Tools.ExtractVertical(solver.rootBone.solverPosition - headTargetPos, rootUp, 1f);

                if (maxRootOffset > 0f)
                    // Lerp towards head target position
                    Vector3 p = solver.rootBone.solverPosition;

                    if (rootLerpSpeed > 0f)
                        solver.rootBone.solverPosition = Vector3.Lerp(solver.rootBone.solverPosition, headTargetPos, rootLerpSpeed * deltaTime * weight);

                    lastCorrection = solver.rootBone.solverPosition - p;

                    // Max offset
                    offset = headTargetPos - solver.rootBone.solverPosition;
                    offset = V3Tools.Flatten(offset, rootUp);
                    float offsetMag = offset.magnitude;

                    if (offsetMag > maxRootOffset)
                        lastCorrection += (offset - (offset / offsetMag) * maxRootOffset) * weight;
                        solver.rootBone.solverPosition += lastCorrection;
                    // Snap to head target position
                    lastCorrection = (headTargetPos - solver.rootBone.solverPosition) * weight;
                    solver.rootBone.solverPosition += lastCorrection;

                lastEndRootPos = solver.rootBone.solverPosition;