コード例 #1
         * An upper Hessenberg matrix from the decomposition.
         * @param H If not null then the results will be stored here.  Otherwise a new matrix will be created.
         * @return The extracted H matrix.
        public CMatrixRMaj getH(CMatrixRMaj H)
            H = UtilDecompositons_CDRM.checkZeros(H, N, N);

            // copy the first row
            Array.Copy(QH.data, 0, H.data, 0, N * 2);

            for (int i = 1; i < N; i++)
                Array.Copy(QH.data, (i * N + i - 1) * 2, H.data, (i * N + i - 1) * 2, (N - i + 1) * 2);

コード例 #2
         * Extracts the tridiagonal matrix found in the decomposition.
         * @param T If not null then the results will be stored here.  Otherwise a new matrix will be created.
         * @return The extracted T matrix.
        public CMatrixRMaj getT(CMatrixRMaj T)
            T = UtilDecompositons_CDRM.checkZeros(T, N, N);

            T.data[0] = QT.data[0];
            T.data[1] = QT.data[1];

            for (int i = 1; i < N; i++)
                T.set(i, i, QT.getReal(i, i), QT.getImag(i, i));
                float real = QT.getReal(i - 1, i);
                float imag = QT.getImag(i - 1, i);
                T.set(i - 1, i, real, imag);
                T.set(i, i - 1, real, -imag);
