コード例 #1
         * Returns an upper triangular matrix which is the R in the QR decomposition.
         * @param R An upper triangular matrix.
         * @param compact
        public CMatrixRMaj getR(CMatrixRMaj R, bool compact)
            if (compact)
                R = UtilDecompositons_CDRM.checkZerosLT(R, minLength, numCols);
                R = UtilDecompositons_CDRM.checkZerosLT(R, numRows, numCols);

            for (int i = 0; i < minLength; i++)
                for (int j = i; j < numCols; j++)
                    int   indexQR = QR.getIndex(i, j);
                    float realQR  = QR.data[indexQR];
                    float imagQR  = QR.data[indexQR + 1];

                    R.set(i, j, realQR, imagQR);

コード例 #2
         * Computes the Q matrix from the imformation stored in the QR matrix.  This
         * operation requires about 4(m<sup>2</sup>n-mn<sup>2</sup>+n<sup>3</sup>/3) flops.
         * @param Q The orthogonal Q matrix.
        public CMatrixRMaj getQ(CMatrixRMaj Q, bool compact)
            if (compact)
                Q = UtilDecompositons_CDRM.checkIdentity(Q, numRows, minLength);
                Q = UtilDecompositons_CDRM.checkIdentity(Q, numRows, numRows);

            for (int j = minLength - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                float[] u = dataQR[j];

                float vvReal = u[j * 2];
                float vvImag = u[j * 2 + 1];

                u[j * 2]     = 1;
                u[j * 2 + 1] = 0;
                float gammaReal = gammas[j];

                QrHelperFunctions_CDRM.rank1UpdateMultR(Q, u, 0, gammaReal, j, j, numRows, v);

                u[j * 2]     = vvReal;
                u[j * 2 + 1] = vvImag;

コード例 #3
         * Computes the Q matrix from the information stored in the QR matrix.  This
         * operation requires about 4(m<sup>2</sup>n-mn<sup>2</sup>+n<sup>3</sup>/3) flops.
         * @param Q The orthogonal Q matrix.
        public CMatrixRMaj getQ(CMatrixRMaj Q, bool compact)
            if (compact)
                Q = UtilDecompositons_CDRM.checkIdentity(Q, numRows, minLength);
                Q = UtilDecompositons_CDRM.checkIdentity(Q, numRows, numRows);

            // Unlike applyQ() this takes advantage of zeros in the identity matrix
            // by not multiplying across all rows.
            for (int j = minLength - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                int   diagIndex  = (j * numRows + j) * 2;
                float realBefore = QR.data[diagIndex];
                float imagBefore = QR.data[diagIndex + 1];

                QR.data[diagIndex]     = 1;
                QR.data[diagIndex + 1] = 0;

                QrHelperFunctions_CDRM.rank1UpdateMultR(Q, QR.data, j * numRows, gammas[j], j, j, numRows, v);

                QR.data[diagIndex]     = realBefore;
                QR.data[diagIndex + 1] = imagBefore;

コード例 #4
         * An orthogonal matrix that has the following property: H = Q<sup>T</sup>AQ
         * @param Q If not null then the results will be stored here.  Otherwise a new matrix will be created.
         * @return The extracted Q matrix.
        public CMatrixRMaj getQ(CMatrixRMaj Q)
            Q = UtilDecompositons_CDRM.checkIdentity(Q, N, N);

            Array.Clear(u, 0, N * 2);
            for (int j = N - 2; j >= 0; j--)
                QrHelperFunctions_CDRM.extractHouseholderColumn(QH, j + 1, N, j, u, 0);
                QrHelperFunctions_CDRM.rank1UpdateMultR(Q, u, 0, gammas[j], j + 1, j + 1, N, b);

コード例 #5
         * An upper Hessenberg matrix from the decomposition.
         * @param H If not null then the results will be stored here.  Otherwise a new matrix will be created.
         * @return The extracted H matrix.
        public CMatrixRMaj getH(CMatrixRMaj H)
            H = UtilDecompositons_CDRM.checkZeros(H, N, N);

            // copy the first row
            Array.Copy(QH.data, 0, H.data, 0, N * 2);

            for (int i = 1; i < N; i++)
                Array.Copy(QH.data, (i * N + i - 1) * 2, H.data, (i * N + i - 1) * 2, (N - i + 1) * 2);

コード例 #6
         * Extracts the tridiagonal matrix found in the decomposition.
         * @param T If not null then the results will be stored here.  Otherwise a new matrix will be created.
         * @return The extracted T matrix.
        public CMatrixRMaj getT(CMatrixRMaj T)
            T = UtilDecompositons_CDRM.checkZeros(T, N, N);

            T.data[0] = QT.data[0];
            T.data[1] = QT.data[1];

            for (int i = 1; i < N; i++)
                T.set(i, i, QT.getReal(i, i), QT.getImag(i, i));
                float real = QT.getReal(i - 1, i);
                float imag = QT.getImag(i - 1, i);
                T.set(i - 1, i, real, imag);
                T.set(i, i - 1, real, -imag);

コード例 #7
         * Writes the lower triangular matrix into the specified matrix.
         * @param lower Where the lower triangular matrix is written to.
        public CMatrixRMaj getLower(CMatrixRMaj lower)
            int numRows = LU.numRows;
            int numCols = LU.numRows < LU.numCols ? LU.numRows : LU.numCols;

            lower = UtilDecompositons_CDRM.checkZerosUT(lower, numRows, numCols);

            for (int i = 0; i < numCols; i++)
                lower.set(i, i, 1.0f, 0.0f);

                for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
                    int indexLU = LU.getIndex(i, j);
                    int indexL  = lower.getIndex(i, j);

                    float real      = LU.data[indexLU];
                    float imaginary = LU.data[indexLU + 1];

                    lower.data[indexL]     = real;
                    lower.data[indexL + 1] = imaginary;

            if (numRows > numCols)
                for (int i = numCols; i < numRows; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < numCols; j++)
                        int indexLU = LU.getIndex(i, j);
                        int indexL  = lower.getIndex(i, j);

                        float real      = LU.data[indexLU];
                        float imaginary = LU.data[indexLU + 1];

                        lower.data[indexL]     = real;
                        lower.data[indexL + 1] = imaginary;
コード例 #8
         * Computes the Q matrix from the information stored in the QR matrix.  This
         * operation requires about 4(m<sup>2</sup>n-mn<sup>2</sup>+n<sup>3</sup>/3) flops.
         * @param Q The orthogonal Q matrix.
        public CMatrixRMaj getQ(CMatrixRMaj Q, bool compact)
            if (compact)
                Q = UtilDecompositons_CDRM.checkIdentity(Q, numRows, minLength);
                Q = UtilDecompositons_CDRM.checkIdentity(Q, numRows, numRows);

            for (int j = minLength - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                QrHelperFunctions_CDRM.extractHouseholderColumn(QR, j, numRows, j, u, 0);
                QrHelperFunctions_CDRM.rank1UpdateMultR(Q, u, 0, gammas[j], j, j, numRows, v);

コード例 #9
         * Returns an upper triangular matrix which is the R in the QR decomposition.
         * @param R An upper triangular matrix.
         * @param compact
        public CMatrixRMaj getR(CMatrixRMaj R, bool compact)
            if (compact)
                R = UtilDecompositons_CDRM.checkZerosLT(R, minLength, numCols);
                R = UtilDecompositons_CDRM.checkZerosLT(R, numRows, numCols);

            for (int i = 0; i < R.numRows; i++)
                for (int j = i; j < R.numCols; j++)
                    int index = QR.getIndex(j, i);
                    R.set(i, j, QR.data[index], QR.data[index + 1]);

コード例 #10
         * Returns an upper triangular matrix which is the R in the QR decomposition.  If compact then the input
         * expected to be size = [min(rows,cols) , numCols] otherwise size = [numRows,numCols].
         * @param R Storage for upper triangular matrix.
         * @param compact If true then a compact matrix is expected.
        public CMatrixRMaj getR(CMatrixRMaj R, bool compact)
            if (compact)
                R = UtilDecompositons_CDRM.checkZerosLT(R, minLength, numCols);
                R = UtilDecompositons_CDRM.checkZerosLT(R, numRows, numCols);

            for (int j = 0; j < numCols; j++)
                float[] colR = dataQR[j];
                int     l    = Math.Min(j, numRows - 1);
                for (int i = 0; i <= l; i++)
                    R.set(i, j, colR[i * 2], colR[i * 2 + 1]);

コード例 #11
         * Writes the upper triangular matrix into the specified matrix.
         * @param upper Where the upper triangular matrix is writen to.
        public CMatrixRMaj getUpper(CMatrixRMaj upper)
            int numRows = LU.numRows < LU.numCols ? LU.numRows : LU.numCols;
            int numCols = LU.numCols;

            upper = UtilDecompositons_CDRM.checkZerosLT(upper, numRows, numCols);

            for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++)
                for (int j = i; j < numCols; j++)
                    int indexLU = LU.getIndex(i, j);
                    int indexU  = upper.getIndex(i, j);

                    float real      = LU.data[indexLU];
                    float imaginary = LU.data[indexLU + 1];

                    upper.data[indexU]     = real;
                    upper.data[indexU + 1] = imaginary;

コード例 #12
         * An orthogonal matrix that has the following property: T = Q<sup>H</sup>AQ
         * @param Q If not null then the results will be stored here.  Otherwise a new matrix will be created.
         * @return The extracted Q matrix.
        public CMatrixRMaj getQ(CMatrixRMaj Q, bool transposed)
            Q = UtilDecompositons_CDRM.checkIdentity(Q, N, N);
            Array.Clear(w, 0, N * 2);

            if (transposed)
                for (int j = N - 2; j >= 0; j--)
                    QrHelperFunctions_CDRM.extractHouseholderRow(QT, j, j + 1, N, w, 0);
                    QrHelperFunctions_CDRM.rank1UpdateMultL(Q, w, 0, gammas[j], j + 1, j + 1, N);
                for (int j = N - 2; j >= 0; j--)
                    QrHelperFunctions_CDRM.extractHouseholderRow(QT, j, j + 1, N, w, 0);
                    QrHelperFunctions_CDRM.rank1UpdateMultR(Q, w, 0, gammas[j], j + 1, j + 1, N, b);

コード例 #13
        public CMatrixRMaj getT(CMatrixRMaj T)
            // write the values to T
            if (lower)
                T = UtilDecompositons_CDRM.checkZerosUT(T, n, n);
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    int index = i * n * 2;
                    for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++)
                        T.data[index] = this.T.data[index];
                        T.data[index] = this.T.data[index];
                T = UtilDecompositons_CDRM.checkZerosLT(T, n, n);
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    int index = (i * n + i) * 2;
                    for (int j = i; j < n; j++)
                        T.data[index] = this.T.data[index];
                        T.data[index] = this.T.data[index];
