static void Main(string[] args) { Log.SetGlobalOutputLevel(Log.Severity.INFO); Log.SetSingleOutputLevel(Log.Source.NETWORK, Log.Severity.DEBUG); Log.ErrorCodes = ScienceErrors.ERROR_CODES; Log.SystemNames = ScienceErrors.SYSTEMS; Log.Begin(); Log.ForceOutput(Log.Severity.INFO, Log.Source.OTHER, "Science Station - Base Side"); byte[] StrB = UtilData.ToBytes("Erza-{}'"); byte[] Fail = new byte[] { 0x8C }; bool Success = UtilData.TryToString(Fail, out string Str); if (Success) { Console.WriteLine(Str); } else { Console.WriteLine(UtilMain.BytesToNiceString(StrB, true)); } MainWindow Main = new MainWindow(); Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Server.ClientConnectionChange += Main.UpdateClientList; Application.Run(Main); }
/// <summary> /// Sends an error packet to the given /// endpoint via TCP. /// Adds Error packet to packet send queue /// </summary> /// <param name="ErrorPacketID">ID for the Error Packet</param> /// <param name="Endpoint">Endpoint to send the packet</param> /// <param name="ErrorCode">Error code for the indicated error</param> public static void SendError(byte ErrorPacketID, string Endpoint, int ErrorCode) { Packet ErrorPacket = new Packet(ErrorPacketID, false, Endpoint); ErrorPacket.AppendData(UtilData.ToBytes(ErrorCode)); Send(ErrorPacket); }
/// <summary> Gets the current time as a byte array for use in packets. </summary> public static byte[] GetCurrentTime() { // We can't use this because it requires .NET 4.6, which isn't present on the version of Mono on the BeagleBone. // int UnixTime = (int)DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeSeconds(); int UnixTime = (int)(DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1))).TotalSeconds; byte[] TimeArray = UtilData.ToBytes(UnixTime); return(TimeArray); }
public static void SampleDoorChange(bool NewValue) { Packet Packet = new Packet(new Message(ScienceConstants.Packets.SERVO_SET, new byte[] { 0x00, }.Concat(UtilData.ToBytes((int)(NewValue ? 0x01 : 0x00))).ToArray()), false, ScienceConstants.CLIENT_NAME); Server.Send(Packet); }
public void UpdateState() { if (this.TakeReadings) { DateTime Sample = DateTime.Now; this.SystemSensor.UpdateState(); this.DrillSensor.UpdateState(); this.RailSensor.UpdateState(); double RailA = this.RailSensor.GetShuntVoltage(); double Drill = this.DrillSensor.GetCurrent(); double SysA = this.SystemSensor.GetCurrent(); double SysV = this.SystemSensor.GetBusVoltage(); double SysSV = this.SystemSensor.GetShuntVoltage(); double DrlSV = this.DrillSensor.GetShuntVoltage(); if (this.TraceLogging) { Log.Trace(this, string.Format("Sys: {0:N5}A, {1:N5}V (Shunt {2:N5}V). Drill: {3:N5}A. Rail: {4:N5}A. Test: {5}", SysA, SysV, SysSV, Drill, RailA, this.SystemSensor.Test())); } byte[] Data = UtilData.ToBytes(SysSV / 0.150).Concat(UtilData.ToBytes(DrlSV / 0.010)).Concat(UtilData.ToBytes(RailA / 0.002)).Concat(UtilData.ToBytes(SysV)).Concat(UtilData.ToBytes(Sample.Ticks)).ToArray(); // TODO: Decide if we want to calculate or use device Packet Packet = new Packet(new Message(ScienceConstants.Packets.SYS_SENSOR, Data), false); Client.Send(Packet); uint SysVoltColour; if (SysV <= 25) { SysVoltColour = RGBLED.RedGreenGradient(SysV, 22, 26); } else if (SysV <= 28) { SysVoltColour = 0x00FF00; } else { SysVoltColour = RGBLED.RedGreenGradient(SysV, 30, 28); } RoverMain.IOHandler.LEDController.SystemVoltage.SetOutput(SysVoltColour); uint SysCurrentColour; if (SysA <= 2) { SysCurrentColour = 0x00FF00; } else if (SysA >= 5) { SysCurrentColour = 0xFF0000; } else { SysCurrentColour = RGBLED.RedGreenGradient(SysA, 5, 2); } RoverMain.IOHandler.LEDController.SystemCurrent.SetOutput(SysCurrentColour); } }
private void EmergencyStopClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { Packet EmergencyStopPacket = new Packet(PacketType.EMERGENCY_STOP, false, Scarlet.Science.Constants.CLIENT_NAME); EmergencyStopPacket.AppendData(UtilData.ToBytes("Homura")); Server.SendNow(EmergencyStopPacket); } catch (Exception Exc) { Log.Output(Log.Severity.FATAL, Log.Source.GUI, "FAILED TO SEND EMERGENCY STOP!"); Log.Exception(Log.Source.GUI, Exc); DarkMessageBox.ShowError("Failed to send emergency stop!\n\n" + Exc.ToString(), "Science"); } }
/// <summary> Sends the speed between -1.0 and 1.0 to the motor controller </summary> /// <param name="Speed"> Speed from -1.0 to 1.0 </param> private void SendSpeed(float Speed) { byte[] SpeedArray = UtilData.ToBytes((int)(Speed * 100000.0f)); if (this.IsCAN) { this.CANBus.Write(this.CANID, SpeedArray); } else { List <byte> payload = new List <byte>(); payload.Add((byte)UARTPacketID.SET_DUTY); payload.AddRange(SpeedArray); // Duty Cycle (100000.0 mysterious magic number from this.UARTBus.Write(ConstructPacket(payload)); } }
/// <summary> Sends the speed to the motor controller </summary> /// <param name="RPM"> RPM for the motor to spin at. RPM is capped at 36500 </param> private void SendRPM(int RPM) { RPM = Math.Min(RPM, MOTOR_MAX_RPM) * ERPM_PER_RPM; byte[] SpeedArray = UtilData.ToBytes(RPM); if (this.IsCAN) { this.CANBus.Write(((byte)CANPacketID.CAN_PACKET_SET_RPM << 8) | this.CANID, SpeedArray); } else { List <byte> payload = new List <byte>(); payload.Add((byte)UARTPacketID.SET_RPM); payload.AddRange(SpeedArray); this.UARTBus.Write(ConstructPacket(payload)); } }
public static void SendSensorData(int count) { foreach (ISensor Sensor in Sensors) { if (Sensor is MTK3339) { var Tup = ((MTK3339)Sensor).GetCoords(); float Lat = Tup.Item1; float Long = Tup.Item2; Packet Pack = new Packet((byte)PacketID.DataGPS, true); Pack.AppendData(UtilData.ToBytes(Lat)); Pack.AppendData(UtilData.ToBytes(Long)); Client.SendNow(Pack); if (count == 100) { Packet HeadingFromGPSPack = new Packet((byte)PacketID.HeadingFromGPS, true); //Math between two coords given from Tup and previousCoords float latDiff = Lat - previousCoords.Item1; float longDiff = Long - previousCoords.Item1; float theta = (float)Math.Atan2(latDiff, longDiff); if (longDiff > 0) { theta = 90 - theta; } else if (longDiff < 0) { theta = 270 - theta; } HeadingFromGPSPack.AppendData(UtilData.ToBytes(theta)); Client.SendNow(HeadingFromGPSPack); previousCoords = Tup; } } if (Sensor is BNO055) { var Tup = ((BNO055)Sensor).GetVector(BNO055.VectorType.VECTOR_MAGNETOMETER); float X = Tup.Item1; float Y = Tup.Item2; float Z = Tup.Item3; Packet Pack = new Packet((byte)PacketID.DataMagnetometer, true); Pack.AppendData(UtilData.ToBytes(X)); Pack.AppendData(UtilData.ToBytes(Y)); Pack.AppendData(UtilData.ToBytes(Z)); Client.SendNow(Pack); } } }
private byte[] InterpretInput(char[] Input) { if (!Input.Contains('"')) { return(UtilMain.StringToBytes(new string(Input)).Reverse().ToArray()); } int LocOfStart = Array.IndexOf(Input, '"'); int StrLen = Array.IndexOf(Input.Skip(LocOfStart + 1).ToArray(), '"'); char[] BeforeChars = Input.Take(LocOfStart).ToArray(); List <byte> Output = new List <byte>(); Output.AddRange(UtilMain.StringToBytes(new string(BeforeChars)).Reverse().ToArray()); string Str = new string(Input.Skip(LocOfStart + 1).Take(StrLen).ToArray()); Output.AddRange(UtilData.ToBytes(Str)); Output.AddRange(InterpretInput(Input.Skip(LocOfStart + StrLen + 2).ToArray())); return(Output.ToArray()); }
public void UpdateState() { if (this.TakeReadings) { DateTime Sample = DateTime.Now; this.Thermocouple.UpdateState(); if (this.Thermocouple.GetFaults() != MAX31855.Fault.NONE) { Log.Output(Log.Severity.WARNING, Log.Source.SENSORS, "Thermocouple has faults: " + this.Thermocouple.GetFaults()); } this.UVLight.UpdateState(); this.Atmospheric.UpdateState(); this.AirQuality.UpdateState(); this.SoilMoisture.UpdateState(); if (this.TraceLogging) { Log.Trace(this, "Thermocouple: int " + this.Thermocouple.GetInternalTemp() + " ext " + this.Thermocouple.GetExternalTemp() + " faults " + this.Thermocouple.GetFaults()); } //Log.Output(Log.Severity.INFO, Log.Source.SENSORS, "Temp: " + this.Atmospheric.Temperature + ", press: " + this.Atmospheric.Pressure + ", humid: " + this.Atmospheric.Humidity + ", on: " + this.Atmospheric.Test()); byte[] Data = UtilData.ToBytes(this.UVLight.GetReading()) .Concat(UtilData.ToBytes(this.AirQuality.GetReadingUncalibrated())) .Concat(UtilData.ToBytes(this.SoilMoisture.GetReading())) .Concat(UtilData.ToBytes(this.Thermocouple.GetExternalTemp())) .Concat(UtilData.ToBytes(this.Atmospheric.Temperature)) .Concat(UtilData.ToBytes(this.Atmospheric.Pressure)) .Concat(UtilData.ToBytes(this.Atmospheric.Humidity)) .ToArray(); if (this.TraceLogging) { Log.Trace(this, "UV: " + this.UVLight.GetReading() + ", AirQ: " + this.AirQuality.GetReadingUncalibrated() + ", Soil: " + this.SoilMoisture.GetReading() + ", AirTemp: " + this.Atmospheric.Temperature); } Packet Packet = new Packet(new Message(ScienceConstants.Packets.GND_SENSOR, Data), false); Client.Send(Packet); } }
public void BasicTestQueueBuffer() { String TestText1 = "Hello, World!"; String TestText2 = "hello, world"; Byte ChannelID1 = 0xcd; Byte ChannelID2 = 0xcf; InitializeConnectionWithQueueBuffer(); Parse.SetParseHandler(ChannelID1, MessageHandler); Parse.SetParseHandler(ChannelID2, MessageHandler2); Packet MyPack = new Packet(new Message(ChannelID1, UtilData.ToBytes(TestText1)), false); Client.Send(MyPack); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(200); Assert.AreEqual(TestText1, ReceivedMessage); Packet MyPack2 = new Packet(new Message(ChannelID2, UtilData.ToBytes(TestText2)), false, "TestClient"); Server.Send(MyPack2); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(200); Assert.AreEqual(TestText2, ReceivedMessage2); }
/// <summary> Generates the packet for the motor controller: </summary> /// <remarks> /// One Start byte (value 2 for short packets and 3 for long packets) /// One or two bytes specifying the packet length /// The payload of the packet /// Two bytes with a CRC checksum on the payload /// One stop byte (value 3) /// </remarks> /// <param name="Speed"> Speed from -1.0 to 1.0 </param> private byte[] ConstructPacket(List <byte> Payload) { List <byte> Packet = new List <byte>(); Packet.Add(2); // Start byte (short packet - payload <= 256 bytes) if (this.CANForwardID >= 0) { Payload.Add((byte)UARTPacketID.FORWARD_CAN); Payload.Add((byte)CANForwardID); } Packet.Add((byte)Payload.Count); // Length of payload Packet.AddRange(Payload); // Payload ushort Checksum = UtilData.CRC16(Payload.ToArray()); Packet.AddRange(UtilData.ToBytes(Checksum)); // Checksum Packet.Add(3); // Stop byte return(Packet.ToArray()); }
/// <summary> Constructs a message given data that is already split. </summary> /// <param name="ID"> The packet ID, used to determine how it is handled at the recipient. </param> /// <param name="Payload"> The packet's data content. Will be converted to bytes for you. </param> /// <param name="Timestamp"> The timestamp of the packet. If null or invalid, the current time gets set. </param> public Message(byte ID, string Payload = null, byte[] Timestamp = null) : this(ID, UtilData.ToBytes(Payload), Timestamp) { }
/// <summary> /// Assumes TCP and UCP clients are connected. /// Sends name to initialize a connection with server. /// </summary> private static void SendNames() { byte[] SendData = UtilData.ToBytes(Name); ServerUDP.Client.Send(SendData); ServerTCP.Client.Send(SendData); }
public PacketWriter Put(string data) { this.Packet.Data.AppendData(UtilData.ToBytes(data)); return(this); }
public static void RailTargetChange(bool FromTop, float TargetDist) { byte Command; if (FromTop && float.IsNaN(TargetDist)) { Command = 0x00; } else if (!FromTop && float.IsNaN(TargetDist)) { Command = 0x01; } else { Command = (byte)(FromTop ? 0x02 : 0x03); } Packet Packet = new Packet(new Message(ScienceConstants.Packets.RAIL_TARGET_SET, new byte[] { Command }.Concat(UtilData.ToBytes(TargetDist)).ToArray()), false, ScienceConstants.CLIENT_NAME); Server.Send(Packet); }