コード例 #1
        //private StaticConcurrentFixedSizeHashTable<long, long> hashTable;

        private StaticFixedKeySizeStore <long, string> CreateStore(long capacity, Func <long, long> hashFunction = null)
            hashFunction = hashFunction ?? new Func <long, long>(key => key);
            var filePathWithoutExtension = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
            var filePath     = filePathWithoutExtension + ".HashTable";
            var dataFilePath = filePathWithoutExtension + ".DataFile";

            if (File.Exists(filePath))
            if (File.Exists(dataFilePath))
            var serializer = new Utf8Serializer();

            return(Factory.GetStaticFixedKeySizeStore(filePathWithoutExtension, capacity, hashFunction, serializer, new HashTableOptions <long, string>
                DataFileSizeGrowthIncrement = Constants.AllocationGranularity,
                InitialDataFileSize = Constants.AllocationGranularity,
                KeyComparer = EqualityComparer <long> .Default,
                ValueComparer = StringComparer.Ordinal
コード例 #2
ファイル: TwitchChatClient.cs プロジェクト: Akitaux/Twitch
 public TwitchChatClient(Utf8Serializer serializer = null)
     Serializer      = serializer ?? new Utf8Serializer();
     _memoryStream   = new ResizableMemoryStream(10 * 1024); // 10 KB
     _stateLock      = new SemaphoreSlim(1, 1);
     _connectionTask = Task.CompletedTask;
     _runCts         = new CancellationTokenSource();
     _runCts.Cancel(); // Start canceled
コード例 #3
ファイル: IrcParser.cs プロジェクト: Akitaux/Twitch
        public static ResizableMemory <byte> Write(IrcMessage message, Utf8Serializer serializer)
            var tags = new List <string>();

            if (message.Tags.IsSpecified)
                foreach (var pair in message.Tags.Value)

            var fieldInfo = typeof(IrcCommand).GetTypeInfo().GetDeclaredField(Enum.GetName(typeof(IrcCommand), message.Command));
            var attribute = fieldInfo.GetCustomAttribute <ModelEnumValueAttribute>();
            var command   = attribute.Key;

            var payload = new Utf8String((tags.Count > 0 ? "@" + string.Join(";", tags) + " :" : "") + $"{command} {string.Join(" ", message.Parameters)}");

コード例 #4
 public BaseTest(IEqualityComparer <T> comparer = null)
     _serializer = new Utf8Serializer();
     _comparer   = comparer ?? EqualityComparer <T> .Default;
コード例 #5
ファイル: IrcParser.cs プロジェクト: Akitaux/Twitch
        public static IrcMessage Read(ReadOnlySpan <byte> bytes, Utf8Serializer serializer)
            var content = serializer.Read <string>(bytes);
            var msg     = new IrcMessage();

            // Read Tags
            if (bytes[0] == (byte)'@')
                msg.Tags = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                int tagEnd   = bytes.IndexOf((byte)' ');
                var tagBytes = bytes.Slice(1, tagEnd);
                bytes = bytes.Slice(tagEnd + 1);

                int keyValueStart = 0;
                int keyLength     = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < tagBytes.Length; i++)
                    byte c = tagBytes[i];
                    if (c == (byte)'=')
                        keyLength = i - keyValueStart;
                    if (c == (byte)';' || c == (byte)' ') // ';' for separator, ' ' for end of tags
                        int valueLength = i - keyValueStart - keyLength;
                        var key         = serializer.Read <string>(tagBytes.Slice(keyValueStart, keyLength));
                        var value       = serializer.Read <string>(tagBytes.Slice(keyValueStart + keyLength + 1, valueLength - 1));

                        msg.Tags.Value.Add(key, value);
                        keyValueStart = i + 1;

            // Read Prefix
            if (bytes[0] == (byte)':')
                int prefixEnd   = bytes.IndexOf((byte)' ');
                var prefixBytes = bytes.Slice(1, prefixEnd - 1);
                bytes = bytes.Slice(prefixEnd + 1);

                msg.Prefix = serializer.Read <Utf8String>(prefixBytes);

            // Read Command
            int commandEnd   = bytes.IndexOf((byte)' ');
            var commandBytes = bytes.Slice(0, commandEnd);

            bytes = bytes.Slice(commandEnd + 1);

            msg.CommandRaw = serializer.Read <Utf8String>(commandBytes);
            var fieldInfo = typeof(IrcCommand).GetFields()
                            .FirstOrDefault(x => x.GetCustomAttributes <ModelEnumValueAttribute>().Any(y => y.Key == msg.CommandRaw.ToString()));

            if (fieldInfo != null)
                msg.Command = (IrcCommand)fieldInfo.GetValue(null);

            // Read Parameters
            var parameters = new List <Utf8String>();

            while (bytes.Length != 0)
                int parameterEnd = bytes.IndexOf((byte)' ');

                if (bytes[0] == (byte)':')
                    parameterEnd = -1;
                    bytes        = bytes.Slice(1);

                ReadOnlySpan <byte> parameterBytes;
                if (parameterEnd == -1)
                    parameterBytes = bytes.Slice(0, bytes.Length - 2); // Read to end and remove trailing newlines
                    parameterEnd   = bytes.Length - 1;
                    parameterBytes = bytes.Slice(0, parameterEnd);

                parameters.Add(serializer.Read <Utf8String>(parameterBytes));
                bytes = bytes.Slice(parameterEnd + 1);

            msg.Parameters = parameters;