/// <summary> /// Checks for player input /// </summary> void Update() { if (Input.GetAxis("Joystick_Mouse Y") > 0) { Vector2 temp; cursor_Image.anchoredPosition += (Vector2.up * Time.deltaTime * mouseY_Sensitivity); temp = cursor_Image.anchoredPosition; temp.y = Mathf.Clamp(cursor_Image.anchoredPosition.y, -Screen.height / 2, Screen.height / 2); cursor_Image.anchoredPosition = temp; } if (Input.GetAxis("Joystick_Mouse Y") < 0) { Vector2 temp; cursor_Image.anchoredPosition += (Vector2.down * Time.deltaTime * mouseY_Sensitivity); temp = cursor_Image.anchoredPosition; temp.y = Mathf.Clamp(cursor_Image.anchoredPosition.y, -Screen.height / 2, Screen.height / 2); cursor_Image.anchoredPosition = temp; } if (Input.GetAxis("Joystick_Mouse X") > 0) { Vector2 temp; cursor_Image.anchoredPosition += (Vector2.right * Time.deltaTime * mouseY_Sensitivity); temp = cursor_Image.anchoredPosition; temp.x = Mathf.Clamp(cursor_Image.anchoredPosition.x, -Screen.width / 2, Screen.width / 2); cursor_Image.anchoredPosition = temp; } if (Input.GetAxis("Joystick_Mouse X") < 0) { Vector2 temp; cursor_Image.anchoredPosition += (Vector2.left * Time.deltaTime * mouseY_Sensitivity); temp = cursor_Image.anchoredPosition; temp.x = Mathf.Clamp(cursor_Image.anchoredPosition.x, -Screen.width / 2, Screen.width / 2); cursor_Image.anchoredPosition = temp; } if (Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") > 0) { cursor_Image.transform.position = Input.mousePosition; } if (Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") < 0) { cursor_Image.transform.position = Input.mousePosition; } if (Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") > 0) { cursor_Image.transform.position = Input.mousePosition; } if (Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") < 0) { cursor_Image.transform.position = Input.mousePosition; } //first checks if the mouse was clicked on the soulmixer object, and if it wasn't, then checks if the player clicked the ground if (Input.GetButton("Fire1") || Input.GetAxis("Fire Trigger") > 0) { ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(cursor_Image.transform.position); if ((Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, 250f, soulMixer_Click_Layermask))) { if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1") || Input.GetAxis("Fire Trigger") > 0) { if (time_Since_Last_Soulmix >= soul_Mixer_Cooldown) { local_Soul_Mixer_Manager = hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<Soul_Mixer_Manager>(); local_Soul_Mixer_Manager.Take_In_Colour(); time_Since_Last_Soulmix = 0; //Setting animation parameters anim.SetBool("Fire", true); } else { anim.SetBool("Fire", false); } } else { anim.SetBool("Fire", false); } } else if (Input.GetButton("Fire1") || Input.GetAxis("Fire Trigger") > 0) { if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, 250f, projectile_Click_Layermask)) { if (time_Since_Last_Projectile >= time_Between_Projectiles) { local_Player_Combat_Controller.Detect_Mouse_Click(hit); time_Since_Last_Projectile = 0f; //Setting animation parameters anim.SetBool("Fire", true); } else { anim.SetBool("Fire", false); } } else { anim.SetBool("Fire", false); } } else { anim.SetBool("Fire", false); } } else { anim.SetBool("Fire", false); } //if the mouse wheel is scrolled, changes the players selected colour if (can_Change_Colours) { if (Input.GetAxisRaw("Mouse ScrollWheel") > 0f || Input.GetButtonDown("Increase_Spell_Colour")) { if (local_Player_Manager.local_Selected_Colour != Player_Manager.Selected_Colour.DEFAULT) { local_Player_Manager.local_Selected_Colour++; } else { local_Player_Manager.local_Selected_Colour = Player_Manager.Selected_Colour.RED; } local_UI_Manager.Change_Player_UI_Colour(); } if (Input.GetAxisRaw("Mouse ScrollWheel") < 0f || Input.GetButtonDown("Decrease_Spell_Colour")) { if (local_Player_Manager.local_Selected_Colour != Player_Manager.Selected_Colour.RED) { local_Player_Manager.local_Selected_Colour--; } else { local_Player_Manager.local_Selected_Colour = Player_Manager.Selected_Colour.DEFAULT; } local_UI_Manager.Change_Player_UI_Colour(); } } //checks for input to cast the special abilities if (can_Use_AOE) { if (Input.GetButtonDown("Ability One")) { local_Aoe_Special_Ability.Aoe_Abilitiy((int)local_Player_Manager.local_Selected_Colour); } } if (can_Use_Shield) { if (Input.GetButtonDown("Ability Two")) { local_Shield_Special_Ability.Shield_Ability((int)local_Player_Manager.local_Selected_Colour); } } if (can_Use_Runes) { if (Input.GetButtonDown("Ability Three")) { local_Rune_Drop_Special_Ability.Rune_Drop((int)local_Player_Manager.local_Selected_Colour); } } if (local_UI_Manager.aoe_Cooldown_Timer > 0) { local_UI_Manager.aoe_Cooldown_Timer -= Time.deltaTime; } else { local_UI_Manager.aoe_Cooldown_Timer = 0; } if (local_UI_Manager.shield_Cooldown_Timer > 0) { local_UI_Manager.shield_Cooldown_Timer -= Time.deltaTime; } else { local_UI_Manager.shield_Cooldown_Timer = 0; } if (local_UI_Manager.dash_Cooldown_Timer > 0) { local_UI_Manager.dash_Cooldown_Timer -= Time.deltaTime; } else { local_UI_Manager.dash_Cooldown_Timer = 0; } time_Since_Last_Projectile += Time.deltaTime; time_Since_Last_Soulmix += Time.deltaTime; }