コード例 #1
        private void InitializeOptionMenu()
            Transform2D     transform     = null;
            UITextureObject textureObject = null;

            transform = new Transform2D(1.5f * Vector2.One);

            textureObject = new UITextureObject("op1", ActorType.UITexture,
                                                StatusType.Drawn | StatusType.Update, transform,
                                                Color.White, SpriteEffects.None, 1,

            this.menuManager.Add("options", textureObject);

            transform = new Transform2D(new Vector2(200, 300), 0, new Vector2(1, 0.5f), Vector2.Zero, new Integer2(600, 160));

            textureObject = new UITextureObject("slider1", ActorType.UITexture,
                                                StatusType.Drawn | StatusType.Update, transform,
                                                Color.White, SpriteEffects.None, 0.5f,

            this.menuManager.Add("options", textureObject);

            transform = new Transform2D(new Vector2(300, 290), 0, new Vector2(1, 0.7f), Vector2.Zero, new Integer2(180, 150));

            textureObject = new UITextureObject("tracker1", ActorType.UITexture,
                                                StatusType.Drawn | StatusType.Update, transform,
                                                Color.White, SpriteEffects.None, 0,

            this.menuManager.Add("options", textureObject);
コード例 #2
        private void InitUiArchetypes()
            Texture2D       texture         = Textures["bStart"];
            Integer2        dimensions      = new Integer2(texture.Width, texture.Height);
            Transform2D     transform2D     = new Transform2D(Vector2.Zero, 0, Vector2.One, Vector2.Zero, dimensions);
            UITextureObject uiTextureObject = new UITextureObject("texture", ActorType.UITextureObject,
                                                                  StatusType.Drawn | StatusType.Update, transform2D, Color.White, 0.6f,
                                                                  SpriteEffects.None, texture, new Rectangle(0, 0, texture.Width, texture.Height));

            string text = "";

            dimensions  = new Integer2(Fonts["Arial"].MeasureString(text));
            transform2D = new Transform2D(Vector2.Zero, 0, Vector2.One, Vector2.Zero, dimensions);
            UITextObject uiTextObject = new UITextObject("text", ActorType.UIText, StatusType.Drawn | StatusType.Update,
                                                         transform2D, Color.Black, 0.1f,
                                                         SpriteEffects.None, text, Fonts["Arial"]);

            text       = "";
            texture    = Textures["bStart"];
            dimensions = new Integer2(texture.Width, texture.Height);
            Vector2 origin = new Vector2(texture.Width / 2f, texture.Height / 2f);

            transform2D = new Transform2D(Vector2.Zero, 0, Vector2.One, origin, dimensions);
            UIButtonObject uiButtonObject = new UIButtonObject("button", ActorType.UIButtonObject,
                                                               StatusType.Update | StatusType.Drawn, transform2D, Color.White, 0.5f,
                                                               SpriteEffects.None, texture, new Rectangle(0, 0, texture.Width, texture.Height), text, Fonts["Arial"],
                                                               Vector2.One, GameConstants.colorGold, Vector2.Zero);

            uiButtonObject.ControllerList.Add(new UiScaleLerpController("USC", ControllerType.Ui, mouseManager,
                                                                        new TrigonometricParameters(0.05f, 0.1f, 180)));

            UiArchetypes.Add("button", uiButtonObject);
            UiArchetypes.Add("texture", uiTextureObject);
            UiArchetypes.Add("text", uiTextObject);
コード例 #3
 public UiCoffeeWarningEventHandler(EventCategoryType eventCategoryType, IActor parent,
                                    Texture2D textureToSwitch) : base(eventCategoryType, parent)
     this.textureToSwitch = textureToSwitch;
     uiTextureObject      = parent as UITextureObject;
     if (uiTextureObject != null)
         initialTexture = uiTextureObject.Texture;
     EventManager.RegisterListener <CoffeeEventInfo>(HandleEvent);
コード例 #4
        public override void Update(GameTime gameTime, IActor actor)
            UITextureObject drawnActor = actor as UITextureObject;

            if (drawnActor != null)

            base.Update(gameTime, actor);
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Uses the currentValue to set the source rectangle width of the parent UITextureObject
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="drawnActor">Parent to which this controller is attached</param>
        private void UpdateSourceRectangle(UITextureObject drawnActor)
            //how much of a percentage of the width of the image does the current value represent?
            float widthMultiplier = (float)currentValue / maxValue;

            //now set the amount of visible rectangle using the current value
                = (int)(widthMultiplier * drawnActor.OriginalSourceRectangle.Width);

            //   = (int)(widthMultiplier * drawnActor.OriginalSourceRectangle.Height);
コード例 #6
        private void InitializeMainMenu()
            Transform2D     transform  = null;
            UITextureObject menuObject = null;
            Vector2         midPoint   = Vector2.Zero;

            midPoint = new Vector2(this.textureDictionary["menuButton"].Width / 2.0f,
                                   this.textureDictionary["menuButton"].Height / 2.0f);

            transform = new Transform2D(new Vector2(500, 300),
                                        0, 0.5f * Vector2.One, midPoint, new Integer2(1000, 367));

            menuObject = new UITextureObject("menu1", ActorType.UITexture,
                                             StatusType.Drawn | StatusType.Update, transform,
                                             Color.White, SpriteEffects.None, 0,

                new MouseButtonController("mbc1", ControllerType.UIMouse, this.mouseManager));

            //add to manager - menu manager
            this.menuManager.Add(AppData.MenuMainID, menuObject);

            midPoint = new Vector2(this.textureDictionary["exitButton"].Width / 2.0f,
                                   this.textureDictionary["exitButton"].Height / 2.0f);

            transform = new Transform2D(new Vector2(500, 500),
                                        0, 0.5f * Vector2.One, midPoint, new Integer2(1000, 367));

            menuObject = new UITextureObject("exit1", ActorType.UITexture,
                                             StatusType.Drawn | StatusType.Update, transform,
                                             Color.White, SpriteEffects.None, 0,

                new MouseButtonController("mbc1", ControllerType.UIMouse, this.mouseManager));

            //add to manager - menu manager
            this.menuManager.Add(AppData.MenuMainID, menuObject);

            //set active menu
            // this.menuManager.SetActiveMenu(AppData.MenuMainID);
コード例 #7
 public override void Dispose()
     objectManager = null;
     playerTile    = null;
     pressSpace    = null;
コード例 #8
 public override void Dispose()
     parent = null;
     EventManager.UnregisterListener <CoffeeEventInfo>(HandleCoffeeEventInfo);