コード例 #1
        public static void EventMonsters(string path)
            //Split information lines
            TxtFile.ReadFromFile(path, '\t');
            //Set string info
            string Stringinformation = null;

            //Repeat for each line in the file
            for (int CurrentItem = 0; CurrentItem <= TxtFile.amountLine - 1; CurrentItem++)
                //Create full string
                Stringinformation = TxtFile.lines[CurrentItem].ToString();
                //Split string
                TxtFile.commands = Stringinformation.Split('\t');
                //Read id from first row
                int id = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[0]);
                //Add item to database
            //Set definition for console name drop
            string monsters = "Monster";

            //If there are more then 1 event drops
            if (TxtFile.amountLine > 1)
                //Set string to DROPS
                monsters = "Monsters";
            //Write information to the console
            Console.WriteLine("[INFO] Loaded " + TxtFile.amountLine + " Event " + monsters + "");
コード例 #2
        public static void SetTimerItems(string listfile)
            //Split information lines
            TxtFile.ReadFromFile(listfile, '\t');
            //Set string info
            string Stringinformation = null;

            //Repeat for each line in the file
            for (int l = 0; l <= TxtFile.amountLine - 1; l++)
                Stringinformation = TxtFile.lines[l].ToString();
                TxtFile.commands  = Stringinformation.Split('\t');
            Console.WriteLine("[INFO] Loaded " + TxtFile.amountLine + " Timer items");
コード例 #3
        public static void LoadSkillData(string path)
            TxtFile.ReadFromFile(path, '\t');

            string s = null;

            for (int l = 0; l <= TxtFile.amountLine - 1; l++)
                s = TxtFile.lines[l].ToString();
                TxtFile.commands = s.Split('\t');
                int    ID = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[1]);
                s_data sd = new s_data();
                sd.ID                = ID;
                sd.Name              = TxtFile.commands[3];
                sd.Series            = TxtFile.commands[5];
                sd.SkillType         = (s_data.SkillTypes)Convert.ToByte(TxtFile.commands[8]);
                sd.NextSkill         = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[9]);
                sd.CastingTimePhase1 = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[11]);
                sd.CastingTimePhase2 = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[12]);
                sd.CastingTimePhase3 = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[13]);
                sd.CastingTime       = sd.CastingTimePhase1 + sd.CastingTimePhase2 + sd.CastingTimePhase3;
                sd.reUseTime         = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[14]);
                sd.AttackTime        = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[15]);
                sd.Mastery           = Convert.ToInt16(TxtFile.commands[34]);
                sd.SkillPoint        = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[46]);
                sd.Weapon1           = Convert.ToByte(TxtFile.commands[50]);
                sd.Weapon2           = Convert.ToByte(TxtFile.commands[51]);
                sd.Mana              = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[53]);
                sd.tmpProp           = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[75]);
                sd.AmountEffect      = 0;
                sd.AttackCount       = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[77]);
                sd.RadiusType        = s_data.RadiusTypes.ONETARGET;
                sd.isAttackSkill     = false;

                int  propIndex = 69;
                bool effectEnd = false;
                int  skillInfo;
                if (sd.Name.Contains("_GIGONGTA_"))
                    sd.Definedname = s_data.Definedtype.Imbue;
                    while ((skillInfo = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[propIndex])) != 0 && !effectEnd)

                        string nameString = ASCIIIntToString(skillInfo);

                        switch (nameString)
                        // get value - only to client
                        case "getv":
                        case "MAAT":
                        // warrior
                        case "E2AH":
                        case "E2AA":
                        case "E1SA":
                        case "E2SA":
                        // rogue
                        case "CBAT":
                        case "CBRA":
                        case "DGAT":
                        case "DGHR":
                        case "DGAA":
                        case "STDU":
                        case "STSP":
                        case "RPDU":
                        case "RPTU":
                        case "RPBU":
                        // wizard
                        case "WIMD":
                        case "WIRU":
                        case "EAAT":
                        case "COAT":
                        case "FIAT":
                        case "LIAT":
                        // warlock
                        case "DTAT":
                        case "DTDR":
                        case "BLAT":
                        case "TRAA":
                        case "BSHP":
                        case "SAAA":
                        // bard
                        case "MUAT":
                        case "BDMD":
                        case "MUER":
                        case "MUCR":
                        case "DSER":
                        case "DSCR":
                        // cleric
                        case "HLAT":
                        case "HLRU":
                        case "HLMD":
                        case "HLFS":
                        case "HLMI":
                        case "HLBP":
                        case "HLSM":
                        // attribute only - no effect
                        case "nmh":     // Healing stone (socket stone)
                        case "nmf":     // Movement stone (socket stone)
                        case "eshp":
                        case "reqn":
                        case "fitp":
                        case "ao":       // fortress ??
                        case "rpkt":     // fortress repair kit
                        case "hitm":     // Taunt the enemy into attacking only you
                        case "efta":     // bard tambour
                        case "lks2":     // warlock damage buff
                        case "hntp":     // tag point
                        case "trap":     // csapda??
                        case "cbuf":     //itembuff
                        case "nbuf":     // ??(ticketnél volt) nem látszika  buff másnak?
                        case "bbuf":     //debuff
                        case null:

                        case "setv":      //set value
                            string setvType = ASCIIIntToString(Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[propIndex]));

                            switch (setvType)
                            {            // warrior
                            case "E1SA": // phy attack % //done
                            case "E2SA": // phy attack % //done
                            case "E2AA":
                            case "E2AH": // hit rate inc //done
                            // rogue
                            case "CBAT":
                            case "CBRA":
                            case "DGAT":
                            case "DGHR":
                            case "DGAA":
                            case "STSP":         // speed %
                            case "STDU":         // set stealth duration
                            case "RPDU":         // phy attack %
                            case "RPBU":         // poison duration
                            // wizard
                            case "WIMD":         // wizard mana decrease %
                            case "WIRU":         // Increase the range of magic attacks
                            case "EAAT":         // Magical Attack Power %Increase earth
                            case "COAT":         // Magical Attack Power %Increase cold
                            case "FIAT":         // Magical Attack Power %Increase fire
                            case "LIAT":         // Magical Attack Power %Increase fire
                            // warlock
                            case "DTAT":         // Magical Attack Power %Increase
                            case "DTDR":         // Increase the abnormal status duration inflicted by Dark magic
                            case "BLAT":         // Magical Attack Power %Increase Blood Line row
                            case "TRAA":         // Increases a Warlocks trap damage
                            case "BSHP":         // HP draining skill attack power increase
                            // bard
                            case "MUAT":         // Magical Attack Power % Increase
                            case "MUER":         // Increase the range of harp magic
                            case "BDMD":         // Lowers the MP consumption of skills
                            case "MUCR":         // Resistance Ratio % Increase.
                            case "DSER":         // Increase the range for dance skill.
                            case "DSCR":         // Increase resistance ratio. You don't stop dancing even under attack
                            // cleric
                            case "HLAT":         // Increase the damage of cleric magic. %
                            case "HLRU":         // HP recovery % Inrease
                                sd.Properties1.Add(setvType, Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[propIndex]));

                            // cleric
                            case "HLFS":         // charity
                            case "HLMI":         // charity
                            case "HLBP":         // charity
                            case "HLSM":         // charity
                                sd.Properties1.Add(setvType, Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[propIndex]));
                                sd.Properties2.Add(setvType, Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[propIndex]));


                        // 1 properties
                        case "tant":
                        case "rcur":     // randomly cure number of bad statuses
                        case "ck":
                        case "ovl2":
                        case "mwhs":
                        case "scls":
                        case "mwmh":
                        case "mwhh":
                        case "rmut":
                        case "abnb":
                        case "mscc":
                        case "bcnt":   // cos bag count [slot]
                        case "chpi":   // cos hp increase [%]
                        case "chst":   // cos speed increase [%]
                        case "csum":   // cos summon [coslevel]
                        case "jobs":   // job skill [charlevel]
                        case "hwit":   // ITEM_ETC_SOCKET_STONE_HWAN ?? duno what is it
                        case "spi":    // Gives additional skill points when hunting monsters. [%inc]
                        case "dura":   // skill duration
                        case "msid":   // mod def ignore prob%
                        case "hwir":   // honor buff new zerk %
                        case "hst3":   // honor buff speed %inc
                        case "hst2":   // rogue haste speed %inc
                        case "lkdd":   // Share % damage taken from a selected person. (link damage)
                        case "gdr":    // gold drop rate %inc
                        case "chcr":   // target loses % HP
                        case "cmcr":   // target loses % MP
                        case "dcmp":   // MP Cost % Decrease
                        case "mwdt":   // Weapon Magical Attack Power %Reflect
                        case "pdmg":   // Absolute Damage
                        case "lfst":   // life steal Absorb HP
                        case "puls":   // pulsing skill frequenzy
                        case "pwtt":   // Weapon Physical Attack Power reflect.
                        case "pdm2":   // ghost killer
                        case "luck":   // lucky %inc
                        case "alcu":   // alchemy lucky %inc
                        case "terd":   // parry reduce
                        case "thrd":   // Attack ratio reduce
                        case "ru":     // range incrase
                        case "hste":   // speed %inc
                        case "da":     // downattack %inc
                        case "reqc":   // required status?
                        case "dgmp":   // damage mana absorb
                        case "dcri":   // critical parry inc
                            sd.Properties1.Add(nameString, Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[propIndex]));

                        // 2 properties
                        case "mc":
                        case "atca":
                        case "reat":
                        case "defr":
                        case "msr":    // Triggered at a certain chance, the next spell cast does not cost MP. [%chance to trigger|%mana reduce]
                        case "kb":     // knockback
                        case "ko":     // knockdown
                        case "zb":     // zombie
                        case "fz":     // frozen
                        case "fb":     // frostbite
                        case "spda":   // Shield physical defence % reduce. Physical attack power increase.
                        case "expi":   // sp|exp %inc PET?
                        case "stri":   // str increase
                        case "inti":   // int increase
                        case "rhru":   // Increase the amount of HP healed. %
                        case "dmgt":   // Absorption %?
                        case "dtnt":   // Aggro Reduce
                        case "mcap":   // monster mask lvl cap
                        case "apau":   // attack power inc [phy|mag]
                        case "lkag":   // Share aggro
                        case "dttp":   // detect stealth [|maxstealvl]
                        case "tnt2":   // taunt inc | aggro %increase
                        case "expu":   // exp|sp %inc
                        case "msch":   // monster transform
                        case "dtt":    // detect invis [ | maxinvilvl]
                        case "hpi":    // hp incrase [inc|%inc]
                        case "mpi":    // mp incrase [inc|%inc]
                        case "odar":   // damage absorbation
                        case "resu":   // resurrection [lvl|expback%]
                        case "er":     // evasion | parry %inc
                        case "hr":     // hit rating inc | attack rating inc
                        case "tele":   // light teleport [sec|meter*10]
                        case "tel2":   // wizard teleport [sec|meter*10]
                        case "tel3":   // warrior sprint teleport [sec|m]
                        case "onff":   // mana consume per second
                        case "br":     // blocking ratio [|%inc]
                        case "cr":     // critical inc
                        case "dru":    // damage %inc [phy|mag]
                        case "irgc":   // reincarnation [hp|mp]
                        case "pola":   // Preemptive attack prevention [hp|mp]
                        case "curt":   // negative status effect reduce target player
                            sd.Properties1.Add(nameString, Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[propIndex]));
                            sd.Properties2.Add(nameString, Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[propIndex]));

                        // 3 properties
                        case "curl":     //anti effect: cure [|effect cure amount|effect level]
                        case "real":
                        case "skc":
                        case "bldr":   // Reflects damage upon successful block.
                        case "ca":     // confusion
                        case "rt":     // restraint (wizard) << restraint i guess it should restrain the target or put to ground as in same spot like chains on feet :)
                        case "fe":     // fear
                        case "sl":     // dull
                        case "st":     // stun
                        case "se":     // sleep
                        case "es":     // lightening
                        case "bu":     // burn
                        case "ps":     // poison
                        case "lkdh":   // link Damage % MP Absorption (Mana Switch)
                        case "stns":   // Petrified status
                        case "hide":   // stealth hide
                        case "lkdr":   // Share damage
                        case "defp":   // defensepower inc [phy|mag]
                        case "bgra":   // negative status effect reduce
                        case "cnsm":   // consume item
                            sd.Properties1.Add(nameString, Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[propIndex]));
                            sd.Properties2.Add(nameString, Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[propIndex]));
                            sd.Properties3.Add(nameString, Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[propIndex]));

                        // 4 properties
                        case "csit":   // division
                        case "tb":     // hidden
                        case "my":     // short sight
                        case "ds":     // disease
                        case "csmd":   // weaken
                        case "cspd":   // decay
                        case "cssr":   // impotent
                        case "dn":     // darkness
                        case "mom":    // duration | Berserk mode Attack damage/Defence/Hit rate/Parry rate will increase % | on every X mins
                        case "pmdp":   // maximum physical defence strength decrease %
                        case "pmhp":   // hp reduce
                        case "dmgr":   // damage return [prob%|return%||]
                        case "lnks":   // Connection between players
                        case "pmdg":   // damage reduce [dura|phy%|mag%|?]
                        case "qest":   // some quest related skill?
                        case "heal":   // heal [hp|hp%|mp|mp%]
                        case "pw":     // player wall
                        case "summ":   // summon bird
                            sd.Properties1.Add(nameString, Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[propIndex]));
                            sd.Properties2.Add(nameString, Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[propIndex]));
                            sd.Properties3.Add(nameString, Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[propIndex]));
                            sd.Properties4.Add(nameString, Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[propIndex]));

                        // 5 properties
                        case "bl":     // bleed
                            sd.Properties1.Add(nameString, Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[propIndex]));
                            sd.Properties2.Add(nameString, Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[propIndex]));
                            sd.Properties3.Add(nameString, Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[propIndex]));
                            sd.Properties4.Add(nameString, Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[propIndex]));
                            sd.Properties5.Add(nameString, Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[propIndex]));

                        // 6 properties
                        case "cshp":     // panic
                        case "csmp":     // combustion
                            sd.Properties1.Add(nameString, Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[propIndex]));
                            sd.Properties2.Add(nameString, Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[propIndex]));
                            sd.Properties3.Add(nameString, Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[propIndex]));
                            sd.Properties4.Add(nameString, Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[propIndex]));
                            sd.Properties5.Add(nameString, Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[propIndex]));
                            sd.Properties6.Add(nameString, Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[propIndex]));

                        case "reqi":     // required item
                            int weapType1 = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[propIndex]);
                            int weapType2 = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[propIndex]);

                            if (weapType1 == 4 && weapType2 == 1)
                            else if (weapType1 == 4 && weapType2 == 2)
                            else if (weapType1 == 6 && weapType2 == 6)
                            else if (weapType1 == 6 && weapType2 == 7)
                            else if (weapType1 == 6 && weapType2 == 8)
                            else if (weapType1 == 6 && weapType2 == 9)
                            else if (weapType1 == 6 && weapType2 == 10)
                            else if (weapType1 == 6 && weapType2 == 11)
                            else if (weapType1 == 6 && weapType2 == 12)
                            else if (weapType1 == 6 && weapType2 == 13)
                            else if (weapType1 == 6 && weapType2 == 14)
                            else if (weapType1 == 6 && weapType2 == 15)
                            else if (weapType1 == 10 && weapType2 == 0)
                            else if (weapType1 == 14 && weapType2 == 1)

                        case "ssou":     // summon monster
                            s_data.summon_data summon;
                            while (Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[propIndex]) != 0)
                                summon    = new s_data.summon_data();
                                summon.ID = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[propIndex]);
                                summon.Type = Convert.ToByte(TxtFile.commands[propIndex]);
                                summon.MinSummon = Convert.ToByte(TxtFile.commands[propIndex]);
                                summon.MaxSummon = Convert.ToByte(TxtFile.commands[propIndex]);


                        case "att":     // if attack skill
                            sd.isAttackSkill = true;
                            sd.Time          = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[propIndex]);
                            sd.MagPer = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[propIndex]);
                            sd.MinAttack = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[propIndex]);
                            sd.MaxAttack = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[propIndex]);
                            sd.PhyPer = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[propIndex]);

                        case "efr":
                            sd.efrUnk1 = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[propIndex]);
                            int type2 = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[propIndex]);
                            if (type2 == 6)
                                sd.RadiusType = s_data.RadiusTypes.TRANSFERRANGE;
                            else if (type2 == 2)
                                sd.RadiusType = s_data.RadiusTypes.FRONTRANGERADIUS;
                            else if (type2 == 7)
                                sd.RadiusType = s_data.RadiusTypes.MULTIPLETARGET;
                            else if (type2 == 4)
                                sd.RadiusType = s_data.RadiusTypes.PENETRATION;
                            else if (type2 == 3)
                                sd.RadiusType = s_data.RadiusTypes.PENETRATIONRANGED;
                            else if (type2 == 1)
                                sd.RadiusType = s_data.RadiusTypes.SURROUNDRANGERADIUS;

                            sd.Distance = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[propIndex]);     // in decimeters
                            sd.SimultAttack = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[propIndex]);
                            int unk2 = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[propIndex]);
                            int unk3 = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[propIndex]);

                            //Console.WriteLine(" {0}  {1}  {2}", propIndex, nameString, sd.Name);
                            effectEnd = true;
                catch (Exception ex)

                // this property only affects target when player target is set
                sd.canSelfTargeted = true;
                sd.needPVPstate    = true;

                ////////////// set skill property's additional info for non attack skillz
                if (!sd.isAttackSkill)
                    if (sd.Properties1.ContainsKey("heal") || // heal
                        sd.Properties1.ContainsKey("curl"))   // bad status removal
                        sd.TargetType   = Global.s_data.TargetTypes.PLAYER;
                        sd.needPVPstate = false;
                    if (sd.Properties1.ContainsKey("resu")) // resurrection
                        sd.TargetType      = Global.s_data.TargetTypes.PLAYER;
                        sd.canSelfTargeted = false;
                        sd.needPVPstate    = false;
                    if (sd.Properties1.ContainsKey("terd") || // parry reduce
                        sd.Properties1.ContainsKey("thrd") || // Attack ratio reduce
                        sd.Properties1.ContainsKey("cspd") || // decay
                        sd.Properties1.ContainsKey("csmd") || // weaken
                        sd.Properties1.ContainsKey("cssr") || // impotent
                        sd.Properties1.ContainsKey("st") ||   // stun
                        sd.Properties1.ContainsKey("bu") ||   // burn
                        sd.Properties1.ContainsKey("fb"))     // frostbite
                        sd.TargetType      = Global.s_data.TargetTypes.PLAYER | s_data.TargetTypes.MOB;
                        sd.canSelfTargeted = false;
                #region Information

                 * sd.EffectLvl1 = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[82]);
                 * if (sd.ID == 3977)
                 *  Console.WriteLine("{0}", sd.Properties2);
                 * if(Convert.ToInt64(TxtFile.commands[78]) < 255) sd.eLevel = Convert.ToByte(TxtFile.commands[78]);
                 * if (ID == 3639)
                 * {
                 *  for (int i = 0; i <= TxtFile.commands.Length - 1; i++)
                 *      Console.WriteLine(" {0}  {1}", i, TxtFile.commands[i]);
                 * }
                 * if (ID == 160)
                 * {
                 *  for (int i = 0; i <= TxtFile.commands.Length - 1; i++)
                 *      Console.WriteLine(" {0}  {1}", i, TxtFile.commands[i]);
                 * }
                Data.SkillBase[ID] = sd;
            Console.WriteLine("[INFO] Loaded " + TxtFile.amountLine + " skills");
コード例 #4
        public static void ItemDatabase(string path)
            //Split information lines
            TxtFile.ReadFromFile(path, '\t');
            //Set string info
            string Stringinformation = null;

            //Repeat for each line in the file
            for (int t = 0; t <= TxtFile.amountLine - 1; t++)
                //Load from file
                #region Load file info
                Stringinformation = TxtFile.lines[t].ToString();
                TxtFile.commands  = Stringinformation.Split('\t');
                item_database it = new item_database();
                it.Name          = TxtFile.commands[2];
                it.ID            = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[1]);
                it.Class_A       = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[9]);
                it.Class_D       = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[10]);
                it.Class_B       = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[11]);
                it.Class_C       = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[12]);
                it.Race          = Convert.ToByte(TxtFile.commands[14]);
                it.SOX           = Convert.ToByte(TxtFile.commands[15]);
                it.SoulBound     = Convert.ToByte(TxtFile.commands[18]);
                it.Shop_price    = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[26]);
                it.Storage_price = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[30]);
                it.Sell_Price    = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[31]);
                it.Level         = Convert.ToByte(TxtFile.commands[33]);
                it.Max_Stack     = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[57]);
                it.Gender        = Convert.ToByte(TxtFile.commands[58]);
                it.Degree        = Convert.ToByte(TxtFile.commands[61]);
                //Stone related (Stone creation)
                #region Stone creation
                it.EARTH_ELEMENTS_AMOUNT_REQ = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[118]);
                it.EARTH_ELEMENTS_NAME       = Convert.ToString(TxtFile.commands[119]);
                it.WATER_ELEMENTS_AMOUNT_REQ = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[120]);
                it.WATER_ELEMENTS_NAME       = Convert.ToString(TxtFile.commands[121]);
                it.FIRE_ELEMENTS_AMOUNT_REQ  = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[122]);
                it.FIRE_ELEMENTS_NAME        = Convert.ToString(TxtFile.commands[123]);
                it.WIND_ELEMENTS_AMOUNT_REQ  = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[124]);
                it.WIND_ELEMENTS_NAME        = Convert.ToString(TxtFile.commands[125]);
                it.Defans.Durability      = Convert.ToDouble(TxtFile.commands[63]);
                it.Defans.MinPhyDef       = Convert.ToDouble(TxtFile.commands[65]);
                it.Defans.PhyDefINC       = Convert.ToDouble(TxtFile.commands[67]);
                it.Defans.Parry           = Convert.ToDouble(TxtFile.commands[68]);
                it.Defans.MinBlock        = Convert.ToByte(Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(TxtFile.commands[74])));
                it.Defans.MaxBlock        = Convert.ToByte(Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(TxtFile.commands[75])));
                it.Defans.MinMagDef       = Convert.ToDouble(TxtFile.commands[76]);
                it.Defans.MagDefINC       = Convert.ToDouble(TxtFile.commands[78]);
                it.Defans.PhyAbsorb       = Convert.ToDouble(TxtFile.commands[79]);
                it.Defans.MagAbsorb       = Convert.ToDouble(TxtFile.commands[80]);
                it.Defans.AbsorbINC       = Convert.ToDouble(TxtFile.commands[81]);
                it.needEquip              = Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToByte(TxtFile.commands[93]));
                it.ATTACK_DISTANCE        = Convert.ToInt16(TxtFile.commands[94]);
                it.Attack.Min_LPhyAttack  = Convert.ToDouble(TxtFile.commands[95]);
                it.Attack.Min_HPhyAttack  = Convert.ToDouble(TxtFile.commands[97]);
                it.Attack.PhyAttackInc    = Convert.ToDouble(TxtFile.commands[99]);
                it.Attack.Min_LMagAttack  = Convert.ToDouble(TxtFile.commands[100]);
                it.Attack.Min_HMagAttack  = Convert.ToDouble(TxtFile.commands[102]);
                it.Attack.MagAttackINC    = Convert.ToDouble(TxtFile.commands[104]);
                it.Attack.MinAttackRating = Convert.ToDouble(TxtFile.commands[113]);
                it.Attack.MaxAttackRating = Convert.ToDouble(TxtFile.commands[114]);
                it.Attack.MinCrit         = Convert.ToByte(Convert.ToDouble(TxtFile.commands[116]));
                it.Attack.MaxCrit         = Convert.ToByte(Convert.ToDouble(TxtFile.commands[117]));
                it.ObjectName             = TxtFile.commands[119];
                it.Use_Time      = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[118]);
                it.Use_Time2     = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[122]);
                it.MaxBlueAmount = Convert.ToByte(TxtFile.commands[158]);

                if (it.ObjectName.Contains("SKILL"))
                    foreach (s_data sd in Data.SkillBase)
                        if (sd != null)
                            if (sd.Name == it.ObjectName)
                                it.SkillID = sd.ID;
                Data.ItemBase[it.ID] = it;
                //Item slot types all ot
                #region Item Slot Types
                if (it.Name.Contains("SHIELD") && it.Name.Contains("EU") && !it.Name.Contains("ETC"))
                    it.Itemtype = item_database.ItemType.EU_SHIELD;
                else if (it.Name.Contains("SHIELD") && it.Name.Contains("CH") && !it.Name.Contains("ETC"))
                    it.Itemtype = item_database.ItemType.CH_SHIELD;
                else if (it.Class_B == 4 && it.Class_C == 1 && it.Class_D == 3)
                    it.Itemtype = item_database.ItemType.ARROW;
                else if (it.Class_B == 4 && it.Class_C == 2 && it.Class_D == 3)
                    it.Itemtype = item_database.ItemType.BOLT;
                else if (it.Class_B == 1 && it.Class_C == 1 && it.Class_D == 1)
                    it.Itemtype = item_database.ItemType.HAT;
                else if (it.Class_B == 3 && it.Class_C == 2 && it.Class_D == 1)
                    it.Itemtype = item_database.ItemType.SHOULDER;
                else if (it.Class_B == 3 && it.Class_C == 3 && it.Class_D == 1)
                    it.Itemtype = item_database.ItemType.SUIT;
                else if (it.Class_B == 3 && it.Class_C == 4 && it.Class_D == 1)
                    it.Itemtype = item_database.ItemType.TROUSERS;
                else if (it.Class_B == 3 && it.Class_C == 5 && it.Class_D == 1)
                    it.Itemtype = item_database.ItemType.HANDS;
                else if (it.Class_B == 3 && it.Class_C == 6 && it.Class_D == 1)
                    it.Itemtype = item_database.ItemType.SHOES;
                else if (it.Class_B == 6 && it.Class_C == 7 && it.Class_D == 1)
                    it.Itemtype = item_database.ItemType.EU_SWORD;
                else if (it.Class_B == 6 && it.Class_C == 8 && it.Class_D == 1)
                    it.Itemtype = item_database.ItemType.EU_TSWORD;
                else if (it.Class_B == 6 && it.Class_C == 9 && it.Class_D == 1)
                    it.Itemtype = item_database.ItemType.EU_AXE;
                else if (it.Class_B == 6 && it.Class_C == 10 && it.Class_D == 1)
                    it.Itemtype = item_database.ItemType.EU_DARKSTAFF;
                else if (it.Class_B == 6 && it.Class_C == 11 && it.Class_D == 1)
                    it.Itemtype = item_database.ItemType.EU_TSTAFF;
                else if (it.Class_B == 6 && it.Class_C == 12 && it.Class_D == 1)
                    it.Itemtype = item_database.ItemType.EU_CROSSBOW;
                else if (it.Class_B == 6 && it.Class_C == 13 && it.Class_D == 1)
                    it.Itemtype = item_database.ItemType.EU_DAGGER;
                else if (it.Class_B == 6 && it.Class_C == 14 && it.Class_D == 1)
                    it.Itemtype = item_database.ItemType.EU_HARP;
                else if (it.Class_B == 6 && it.Class_C == 15 && it.Class_D == 1)
                    it.Itemtype = item_database.ItemType.EU_STAFF;
                else if (it.Class_B == 5 && it.Class_C == 1 && it.Class_D == 1)
                    it.Itemtype = item_database.ItemType.EARRING;
                else if (it.Class_B == 5 && it.Class_C == 3 && it.Class_D == 1)
                    it.Itemtype = item_database.ItemType.RING;
                else if (it.Class_B == 5 && it.Class_C == 2 && it.Class_D == 1)
                    it.Itemtype = item_database.ItemType.NECKLACE;
                else if (it.Class_A == 3 && it.Class_C == 2 && it.Class_D == 1 && it.Class_B == 6)
                    it.Itemtype = item_database.ItemType.SWORD;
                else if (it.Class_A == 3 && it.Class_C == 3 && it.Class_D == 1 && it.Class_B == 6)
                    it.Itemtype = item_database.ItemType.BLADE;
                else if (it.Class_A == 3 && it.Class_C == 4 && it.Class_D == 1 && it.Class_B == 6)
                    it.Itemtype = item_database.ItemType.SPEAR;
                else if (it.Class_A == 3 && it.Class_C == 5 && it.Class_D == 1 && it.Class_B == 6)
                    it.Itemtype = item_database.ItemType.GLAVIE;
                else if (it.Class_A == 3 && it.Class_C == 6 && it.Class_D == 1 && it.Class_B == 6)
                    it.Itemtype = item_database.ItemType.BOW;
                //Item armor type:
                #region Item Armor Types
                if (it.Name.Contains("LIGHT") && it.Name.Contains("EU"))
                    it.Type = item_database.ArmorType.LIGHT;
                else if (it.Name.Contains("LIGHT") && it.Name.Contains("CH"))
                    it.Type = item_database.ArmorType.PROTECTOR;
                else if (it.Name.Contains("HEAVY") && it.Name.Contains("EU"))
                    it.Type = item_database.ArmorType.HEAVY;
                else if (it.Name.Contains("HEAVY") && it.Name.Contains("CH"))
                    it.Type = item_database.ArmorType.ARMOR;
                else if (it.Name.Contains("CLOTHES") && it.Name.Contains("EU"))
                    it.Type = item_database.ArmorType.ROBE;
                else if (it.Name.Contains("CLOTHES") && it.Name.Contains("CH"))
                    it.Type = item_database.ArmorType.GARMENT;
                else if (it.Name.Contains("C_SUPER"))
                    it.Type = item_database.ArmorType.GM;
                #region Jewelry
                else if (it.Name.Contains("_RING_") && !it.Name.Contains("ETC"))
                    it.Itemtype = Global.item_database.ItemType.RING;
                else if (it.Name.Contains("_EARRING_") && !it.Name.Contains("ETC"))
                    it.Itemtype = Global.item_database.ItemType.EARRING;
                else if (it.Name.Contains("_NECKLACE_") && !it.Name.Contains("ETC"))
                    it.Itemtype = Global.item_database.ItemType.NECKLACE;
                #region Grabpet
                else if (it.Name.Contains("COS_P") && it.Class_A == 3 && it.Class_B == 1 && it.Class_C == 2 && it.Class_D == 2)
                    it.Pettype = item_database.PetType.GRABPET;
                #region Attack pets
                else if (it.Name.Contains("COS_P") && it.Class_A == 3 && it.Class_B == 1 && it.Class_C == 1 && it.Class_D == 2)
                    it.Pettype = item_database.PetType.ATTACKPET;
                //Transport horses
                #region Transport horses
                else if (it.Name.Contains("COS_T"))
                    it.Pettype = item_database.PetType.JOBTRANSPORT;
                //Normal horses
                #region Transport horses
                else if (it.Name.Contains("COS_C"))
                    it.Pettype = item_database.PetType.TRANSPORT;
                //Quest items , define more later.
                #region Quest Items
                else if (it.Name.Contains("QNQ"))
                    it.Questtype = item_database.QuestType.QUEST;
                #region Avatar related
                #region Avatars
                else if (it.Name.Contains("AVATAR") && it.Name.Contains("AVATAR"))
                    it.Type = item_database.ArmorType.AVATAR;
                //Avatars Attach
                #region Avatars Attach
                else if (it.Name.Contains("AVATAR") && it.Name.Contains("ATTACH"))
                    it.Type = item_database.ArmorType.AVATARATTACH;
                //Avatars Hat
                #region Avatars Hat
                else if (it.Name.Contains("AVATAR") && it.Name.Contains("HAT"))
                    it.Type = item_database.ArmorType.AVATARHAT;
                #region Potions
                #region Normal potions
                else if (it.Name.Contains("CANDY") && it.Name.Contains("RED"))
                    it.Etctype = item_database.EtcType.HP_POTION;
                else if (it.Name.Contains("POTION") && it.Name.Contains("HP") && it.Class_C == 1 && it.Item_Mall_Type != 2)
                    it.Etctype = item_database.EtcType.HP_POTION;
                else if (it.Name.Contains("CANDY") && it.Name.Contains("BLUE"))
                    it.Etctype = item_database.EtcType.MP_POTION;
                else if (it.Name.Contains("POTION") && it.Name.Contains("MP") && it.Class_C == 2 && it.Item_Mall_Type != 2)
                    it.Etctype = item_database.EtcType.MP_POTION;
                else if (it.Name.Contains("CANDY") && it.Name.Contains("VIOLET"))
                    it.Etctype = item_database.EtcType.VIGOR_POTION;
                else if (it.Name.Contains("ITEM_ETC_ALL_POTION"))
                    it.Etctype = item_database.EtcType.VIGOR_POTION;

                #region HP / MP Changing potions
                else if (it.Name.Contains("HP_INC"))
                    it.Etctype = item_database.EtcType.HPSTATPOTION;
                else if (it.Name.Contains("MP_INC"))
                    it.Etctype = item_database.EtcType.MPSTATPOTION;
                #region Speed Potions
                else if (it.Name.Contains("POTION_SPEED"))
                    it.Etctype = item_database.EtcType.SPEED_POTION;
                #region Berserk potions
                else if (it.Name.Contains("HWAN_POTION"))
                    it.Etctype = Global.item_database.EtcType.BERSERKPOTION;
                //Tickets all types
                #region Silver Skill Tickets
                else if (it.Name.Contains("TICKET") && it.Name.Contains("SILVER") && it.Name.Contains("1D") && it.Name.Contains("SKILL"))
                    it.Ticket = item_database.Tickets.SKILL_SILVER_1_DAY;
                else if (it.Name.Contains("TICKET") && it.Name.Contains("SILVER") && it.Name.Contains("4W") && it.Name.Contains("SKILL"))
                    it.Ticket = item_database.Tickets.SKILL_SILVER_4_WEEKS;
                else if (it.Name.Contains("TICKET") && it.Name.Contains("SILVER") && it.Name.Contains("8W") && it.Name.Contains("SKILL"))
                    it.Ticket = item_database.Tickets.SKILL_SILVER_8_WEEKS;
                else if (it.Name.Contains("TICKET") && it.Name.Contains("SILVER") && it.Name.Contains("12W") && it.Name.Contains("SKILL"))
                    it.Ticket = item_database.Tickets.SKILL_SILVER_12_WEEKS;
                else if (it.Name.Contains("TICKET") && it.Name.Contains("SILVER") && it.Name.Contains("16W") && it.Name.Contains("SKILL"))
                    it.Ticket = item_database.Tickets.SKILL_SILVER_16_WEEKS;
                #region Gold Skill Tickets
                else if (it.Name.Contains("TICKET") && it.Name.Contains("GOLD") && it.Name.Contains("1D") && it.Name.Contains("SKILL"))
                    it.Ticket = item_database.Tickets.SKILL_GOLD_1_DAY;
                else if (it.Name.Contains("TICKET") && it.Name.Contains("GOLD") && it.Name.Contains("4W") && it.Name.Contains("SKILL"))
                    it.Ticket = item_database.Tickets.SKILL_GOLD_4_WEEKS;
                else if (it.Name.Contains("TICKET") && it.Name.Contains("GOLD") && it.Name.Contains("8W") && it.Name.Contains("SKILL"))
                    it.Ticket = item_database.Tickets.SKILL_GOLD_8_WEEKS;
                else if (it.Name.Contains("TICKET") && it.Name.Contains("GOLD") && it.Name.Contains("12W") && it.Name.Contains("SKILL"))
                    it.Ticket = item_database.Tickets.SKILL_GOLD_12_WEEKS;
                else if (it.Name.Contains("TICKET") && it.Name.Contains("GOLD") && it.Name.Contains("16W") && it.Name.Contains("SKILL"))
                    it.Ticket = item_database.Tickets.SKILL_GOLD_16_WEEKS;
                #region Silver Tickets
                else if (it.Name.Contains("MALL_SILVER_TIME") && it.Name.Contains("1D"))
                    it.Ticket = item_database.Tickets.SILVER_1_DAY;
                else if (it.Name.Contains("MALL_SILVER_TIME") && it.Name.Contains("4W"))
                    it.Ticket = item_database.Tickets.SILVER_4_WEEKS;
                else if (it.Name.Contains("MALL_SILVER_TIME") && it.Name.Contains("8W"))
                    it.Ticket = item_database.Tickets.SILVER_8_WEEKS;
                else if (it.Name.Contains("MALL_SILVER_TIME") && it.Name.Contains("12W"))
                    it.Ticket = item_database.Tickets.SILVER_12_WEEKS;
                else if (it.Name.Contains("MALL_SILVER_TIME") && it.Name.Contains("16W"))
                    it.Ticket = item_database.Tickets.SILVER_16_WEEKS;
                #region Gold Tickets
                else if (it.Name.Contains("MALL_GOLD_TIME") && it.Name.Contains("1D"))
                    it.Ticket = item_database.Tickets.GOLD_1_DAY;
                else if (it.Name.Contains("MALL_GOLD_TIME") && it.Name.Contains("4W"))
                    it.Ticket = item_database.Tickets.GOLD_4_WEEKS;
                else if (it.Name.Contains("MALL_GOLD_TIME") && it.Name.Contains("8W"))
                    it.Ticket = item_database.Tickets.GOLD_8_WEEKS;
                else if (it.Name.Contains("MALL_GOLD_TIME") && it.Name.Contains("12W"))
                    it.Ticket = item_database.Tickets.GOLD_12_WEEKS;
                else if (it.Name.Contains("MALL_GOLD_TIME") && it.Name.Contains("16W"))
                    it.Ticket = item_database.Tickets.GOLD_16_WEEKS;
                #region Premium Quest Tickets
                else if (it.Name.Contains("TICKET") && it.Name.Contains("PREM"))
                    it.Ticket = item_database.Tickets.PREMIUM_QUEST_TICKET;
                #region Open Market
                else if (it.Name.Contains("OPEN_MARKET"))
                    it.Ticket = item_database.Tickets.OPEN_MARKET;
                #region Dungeon tickets
                else if (it.Name.Contains("TICKET") && it.Name.Contains("EGYPT"))
                    it.Ticket = item_database.Tickets.DUNGEON_EGYPT;
                else if (it.Name.Contains("TICKET") && it.Name.Contains("FORGOTTEN"))
                    it.Ticket = item_database.Tickets.DUNGEON_FORGOTTEN_WORLD;
                else if (it.Name.Contains("TICKET") && it.Name.Contains("BATTLE_ARENA"))
                    it.Ticket = item_database.Tickets.BATTLE_ARENA;
                else if (it.Name.Contains("ITEM_ETC_TELEPORT_HOLE"))
                    it.Ticket = item_database.Tickets.DUNGEON_FORGOTTEN_WORLD;
                #region Warehouse
                else if (it.Name.Contains("TICKET") && it.Name.Contains("WAREHOUSE"))
                    it.Ticket = item_database.Tickets.WAREHOUSE;
                #region Auto Potion Ticket
                else if (it.Name.Contains("TICKET") && it.Name.Contains("AUTO_POTION"))
                    it.Ticket = item_database.Tickets.AUTO_POTION;
                #region Beginner tickets
                else if (it.Name.Contains("ETC") && it.Name.Contains("_HELP"))
                    it.Ticket = item_database.Tickets.BEGINNER_HELPERS;
                //Chat related items
                #region Global chat
                else if (it.Name.Contains("GLOBAL") && it.Name.Contains("CHAT"))
                    it.Etctype = item_database.EtcType.GLOBALCHAT;
                //Stall decoration
                #region Stall decoration
                else if (it.Name.Contains("BOOTH"))
                    it.Etctype = item_database.EtcType.STALLDECORATION;
                //Monster mask
                #region Monster Masks
                else if (it.Name.Contains("TRANS_MONSTER"))
                    it.Etctype = item_database.EtcType.MONSTERMASK;
                #region Elixirs
                else if (it.Name.Contains("ETC") && it.Name.Contains("REINFORCE") && it.Name.Contains("RECIPE") && it.Name.Contains("_B") && it.Class_C == 1)
                    it.Etctype = item_database.EtcType.ELIXIR;
                //Job suits
                #region Job Suits
                //Hunter suits
                else if (it.Name.Contains("TRADE_HUNTER") && it.Name.Contains("CH"))
                    it.Type = item_database.ArmorType.HUNTER;
                else if (it.Name.Contains("TRADE_HUNTER") && it.Name.Contains("EU"))
                    it.Type = item_database.ArmorType.HUNTER;
                //Thief suits
                else if (it.Name.Contains("TRADE_THIEF") && it.Name.Contains("CH"))
                    it.Type = item_database.ArmorType.THIEF;
                else if (it.Name.Contains("TRADE_THIEF") && it.Name.Contains("EU"))
                    it.Type = item_database.ArmorType.THIEF;
                //Return scrolls
                #region Return scrolls
                else if (it.Name.Contains("SCROLL_RETURN"))
                    it.Etctype = item_database.EtcType.RETURNSCROLL;
                //Reverse scrolls
                #region Reverse scrolls
                else if (it.Name.Contains("SCROLL") && it.Name.Contains("REVERSE"))
                    it.Etctype = item_database.EtcType.REVERSESCROLL;
                //Thief scrolls
                #region Thief scrolls
                else if (it.Name.Contains("SCROLL") && it.Name.Contains("THIEF"))
                    it.Etctype = item_database.EtcType.BANDITSCROLL;
                //Summon scrolls
                #region Summon scrolls
                else if (it.Name.Contains("SUMMON") && it.Name.Contains("SCROLL"))
                    it.Etctype = item_database.EtcType.SUMMONSCROLL;
                //Skin change scrolls
                #region Skin change scrolls
                else if (it.Name.Contains("SKIN_CHANGE"))
                    it.Etctype = item_database.EtcType.CHANGESKIN;
                //Inventory expansion
                #region Inventory expansions
                else if (it.Name.Contains("INVENTORY") && it.Name.Contains("ADDITION"))
                    it.Etctype = item_database.EtcType.INVENTORYEXPANSION;
                //Warehouse expansion
                #region Warehouse expansions
                else if (it.Name.Contains("WAREHOUSE") && it.Name.Contains("ADDITION"))
                    it.Etctype = item_database.EtcType.WAREHOUSE;
                //Alchemy materials
                #region Alchemy materials
                else if (it.Name.Contains("ARCHEMY") && it.Name.Contains("MAT"))
                    it.Etctype = item_database.EtcType.ALCHEMY_MATERIAL;
                #region Tablets
                // later have to differ assimilate stones that has % not like astral and steady
                else if (it.Name.Contains("ARCHEMY") && it.Name.Contains("MAGICTABLET"))
                    it.Itemtype = item_database.ItemType.MAGICTABLET;
                else if (it.Name.Contains("ARCHEMY") && it.Name.Contains("ATTRTABLET"))
                    it.Itemtype = item_database.ItemType.MAGICTABLET;
                #region Elements
                else if (it.Name.Contains("ARCHEMY") && it.Name.Contains("ELEMENT"))
                    it.Etctype = item_database.EtcType.ELEMENTS;
                //Stones (Note: Need to filter it more detailed later to deny some stones).
                #region Stones
                else if (it.Name.Contains("ARCHEMY") && it.Name.Contains("ATTRSTONE") && !it.Name.Contains("AST"))
                    it.Etctype = item_database.EtcType.STONES;
                else if (it.Name.Contains("ARCHEMY") && it.Name.Contains("MAGICSTONE") && !it.Name.Contains("AST"))
                    it.Etctype = item_database.EtcType.STONES;
                else if (it.Name.Contains("ARCHEMY") && it.Name.Contains("MAGICSTONE") && it.Name.Contains("ASTRAL"))
                    it.Etctype = item_database.EtcType.ASTRALSTONE;
                //Destroyer rondo
                #region Destroyer rondo
                else if (it.Name.Contains("ITEM_ETC_ARCHEMY_RONDO_02"))
                    it.Etctype = item_database.EtcType.DESTROYER_RONDO;
                //Gender switch tools
                #region Gender switch
                else if (it.Name.Contains("TRANSGENDER"))
                    it.Etctype = item_database.EtcType.ITEMCHANGETOOL;
                //Guild items
                #region Guild Items
                else if (it.Name.Contains("GUILD_CREST"))
                    it.Etctype = item_database.EtcType.GUILD_ICON;
                //Event items
                #region Event
                else if (it.Name.Contains("TREASURE"))
                    it.Etctype = item_database.EtcType.EVENT;
                // Silk Prices Definitions
                #region Silk pricing
                if (it.Etctype == item_database.EtcType.AVATAR28D ||
                    it.Etctype == item_database.EtcType.CHANGESKIN ||
                    it.Etctype == item_database.EtcType.GLOBALCHAT ||
                    it.Etctype == item_database.EtcType.INVENTORYEXPANSION ||
                    it.Etctype == item_database.EtcType.RETURNSCROLL ||
                    it.Etctype == item_database.EtcType.REVERSESCROLL ||
                    it.Etctype == item_database.EtcType.STALLDECORATION ||
                    it.Etctype == item_database.EtcType.WAREHOUSE ||
                    it.Pettype == item_database.PetType.GRABPET ||
                    it.Type == item_database.ArmorType.AVATAR ||
                    it.Type == item_database.ArmorType.AVATARHAT ||
                    it.Type == item_database.ArmorType.AVATARATTACH)
                    it.Shop_price = Systems.SetSilk(it.ID);
                // Drop Database
                #region Armors
                if ((it.Name.Contains("LIGHT") && it.Name.Contains("EU") && !it.Name.Contains("DEF") && !it.Name.Contains("EVENT") && !it.Name.Contains("ETC") && !it.Name.Contains("ROC") && !it.Name.Contains("RARE") && !it.Name.Contains("SET") && !it.Name.Contains("SUPER")) ||
                    (it.Name.Contains("LIGHT") && it.Name.Contains("CH") && !it.Name.Contains("DEF") && !it.Name.Contains("EVENT") && !it.Name.Contains("ETC") && !it.Name.Contains("ROC") && !it.Name.Contains("RARE") && !it.Name.Contains("SET") && !it.Name.Contains("SUPER")) ||
                    (it.Name.Contains("HEAVY") && it.Name.Contains("EU") && !it.Name.Contains("DEF") && !it.Name.Contains("EVENT") && !it.Name.Contains("ETC") && !it.Name.Contains("ROC") && !it.Name.Contains("RARE") && !it.Name.Contains("SET") && !it.Name.Contains("SUPER")) ||
                    (it.Name.Contains("HEAVY") && it.Name.Contains("CH") && !it.Name.Contains("DEF") && !it.Name.Contains("EVENT") && !it.Name.Contains("ETC") && !it.Name.Contains("ROC") && !it.Name.Contains("RARE") && !it.Name.Contains("SET") && !it.Name.Contains("SUPER")) ||
                    (it.Name.Contains("CLOTHES") && it.Name.Contains("EU") && !it.Name.Contains("DEF") && !it.Name.Contains("EVENT") && !it.Name.Contains("ETC") && !it.Name.Contains("ROC") && !it.Name.Contains("RARE") && !it.Name.Contains("SET") && !it.Name.Contains("SUPER")) ||
                    (it.Name.Contains("CLOTHES") && it.Name.Contains("CH") && !it.Name.Contains("DEF") && !it.Name.Contains("EVENT") && !it.Name.Contains("ETC") && !it.Name.Contains("ROC") && !it.Name.Contains("RARE") && !it.Name.Contains("SET") && !it.Name.Contains("SUPER")) &&
                    it.SOX == 0)
                #region Weapons
                if ((it.Name.Contains("ITEM_EU_AXE") && !it.Name.Contains("_DEF") && !it.Name.Contains("RARE") && !it.Name.Contains("SET")) ||
                    (it.Name.Contains("ITEM_EU_CROSSBOW") && !it.Name.Contains("_DEF") && !it.Name.Contains("RARE") && !it.Name.Contains("SET")) ||
                    (it.Name.Contains("ITEM_EU_DAGGER") && !it.Name.Contains("_DEF") && !it.Name.Contains("RARE") && !it.Name.Contains("SET")) ||
                    (it.Name.Contains("ITEM_EU_DARKSTAFF") && !it.Name.Contains("_DEF") && !it.Name.Contains("RARE") && !it.Name.Contains("SET")) ||
                    (it.Name.Contains("ITEM_EU_HARP") && !it.Name.Contains("_DEF") && !it.Name.Contains("RARE") && !it.Name.Contains("SET")) ||
                    (it.Name.Contains("ITEM_EU_STAFF") && !it.Name.Contains("_DEF") && !it.Name.Contains("RARE") && !it.Name.Contains("SET")) ||
                    (it.Name.Contains("ITEM_EU_SWORD") && !it.Name.Contains("_DEF") && !it.Name.Contains("RARE") && !it.Name.Contains("SET")) ||
                    (it.Name.Contains("ITEM_EU_TSTAFF") && !it.Name.Contains("_DEF") && !it.Name.Contains("RARE") && !it.Name.Contains("SET")) ||
                    (it.Name.Contains("ITEM_EU_TSWORD") && !it.Name.Contains("_DEF") && !it.Name.Contains("RARE") && !it.Name.Contains("SET")) ||
                    (it.Name.Contains("ITEM_CH_TBLADE") && !it.Name.Contains("_DEF") && !it.Name.Contains("RARE") && !it.Name.Contains("SET")) ||
                    (it.Name.Contains("ITEM_CH_BLADE") && !it.Name.Contains("_DEF") && !it.Name.Contains("RARE") && !it.Name.Contains("SET")) ||
                    (it.Name.Contains("ITEM_CH_BOW") && !it.Name.Contains("_DEF") && !it.Name.Contains("RARE") && !it.Name.Contains("SET")) ||
                    (it.Name.Contains("ITEM_EU_SHIELD") && !it.Name.Contains("_DEF") && !it.Name.Contains("RARE") && !it.Name.Contains("SET")) ||
                    (it.Name.Contains("ITEM_CH_SHIELD") && !it.Name.Contains("_DEF") && !it.Name.Contains("RARE") && !it.Name.Contains("SET")) ||
                    (it.Name.Contains("ITEM_CH_SPEAR") && !it.Name.Contains("_DEF") && !it.Name.Contains("RARE") && !it.Name.Contains("SET")) ||
                    (it.Name.Contains("ITEM_CH_SWORD") && !it.Name.Contains("_DEF") && !it.Name.Contains("RARE") && !it.Name.Contains("SET")))
                #region Jewelerys
                if ((it.Name.Contains("RING") && !it.Name.Contains("DEF")) && (it.Name.Contains("ITEM_CH") && !it.Name.Contains("RARE") && !it.Name.Contains("SET") && !it.Name.Contains("BASIC")) ||
                    (it.Name.Contains("NECKLACE") && !it.Name.Contains("DEF")) && (it.Name.Contains("ITEM_CH") && !it.Name.Contains("RARE") && !it.Name.Contains("SET") && !it.Name.Contains("BASIC")) ||
                    (it.Name.Contains("NECKLACE") && !it.Name.Contains("DEF")) && (it.Name.Contains("ITEM_EU") && !it.Name.Contains("RARE") && !it.Name.Contains("SET") && !it.Name.Contains("BASIC")) ||
                    (it.Name.Contains("RING") && !it.Name.Contains("DEF")) && (it.Name.Contains("ITEM_EU") && !it.Name.Contains("RARE") && !it.Name.Contains("SET") && !it.Name.Contains("BASIC")))
                //Seal items
                #region Seal items
                if (it.SOX == 2 && !it.Name.Contains("_SET") && !it.Name.Contains("_HONOR") && !it.Name.Contains("EVENT") && !it.Name.Contains("ETC") && !it.Name.Contains("ROC") && !it.Name.Contains("BASIC") && !it.Name.Contains("DEF"))
                #region Stones
                else if (it.Itemtype == Global.item_database.ItemType.MAGICTABLET && !it.Name.Contains("ASTRAL") || it.Itemtype == Global.item_database.ItemType.ATTRTABLET && !it.Name.Contains("ASTRAL"))
                //Alchemy materials
                #region Alchemy materials
                else if (it.Etctype == Global.item_database.EtcType.ALCHEMY_MATERIAL)
                #region Elixirs
                else if (it.Etctype == Global.item_database.EtcType.ELIXIR)
                #region Soulbound information
                if (it.Name.Contains("PRE_MALL"))
                    it.Accountbound = 0;

                #region Distances
                if (it.Itemtype == item_database.ItemType.SWORD || it.Itemtype == item_database.ItemType.EU_SWORD)
                    it.ATTACK_DISTANCE = 1;
                else if (it.Itemtype == item_database.ItemType.SPEAR)
                    it.ATTACK_DISTANCE = 2;
                else if (it.Itemtype == item_database.ItemType.GLAVIE)
                    it.ATTACK_DISTANCE = 2;
                else if (it.Itemtype == item_database.ItemType.BOW || it.Itemtype == item_database.ItemType.EU_CROSSBOW)
                    it.ATTACK_DISTANCE = 8;
                //Race fixes
                #region Race fixes
                if (it.Name.Contains("_EU_") || it.Name.Contains("BOLT"))
                    it.Race = 1;
                else if (it.Name.Contains("_CH_") || it.Name.Contains("ARROW") || it.Name.Contains("QUIVER"))
                    it.Race = 0;
                //1 damage weapon fixes.
                #region Weapon fixes
                if (it.Name.Contains("DEF") && it.Name.Contains("STAFF"))
                    it.Attack.Min_HPhyAttack = it.Attack.Min_HMagAttack;
                    it.Attack.Min_LPhyAttack = it.Attack.Min_LMagAttack;
            Console.WriteLine("[INFO] Loaded " + TxtFile.amountLine + " items");
コード例 #5
ファイル: Load_Objects.cs プロジェクト: uvbs/DarkEmu
        public static void ObjectDataBase(string path)
            //Split lines
            TxtFile.ReadFromFile(path, '\t');
            //Set string definition
            string s = null;

            //Repeat for each line in the file
            for (int l = 0; l <= TxtFile.amountLine - 1; l++)
                //General data
                #region General data
                s = TxtFile.lines[l].ToString();
                TxtFile.commands = s.Split('\t');
                int        ID = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[1]);
                objectdata o  = new objectdata();
                o.ID         = ID;
                o.Name       = TxtFile.commands[2];
                o.Level      = Convert.ToByte(TxtFile.commands[57]);
                o.Exp        = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[79]);
                o.HP         = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[59]);
                o.Type       = Convert.ToByte(TxtFile.commands[11]);
                o.ObjectType = Convert.ToByte(TxtFile.commands[15]);
                o.PhyDef     = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[71]);
                o.MagDef     = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[72]);
                o.HitRatio   = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[75]);
                o.ParryRatio = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[77]);
                o.Agresif    = Convert.ToByte(TxtFile.commands[93]);
                o.Skill      = new int[500];
                o.Speed1     = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[46]);
                o.Speed2     = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[47]);
                o.SpeedWalk  = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[46]);
                o.SpeedRun   = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[47]);
                o.SpeedZerk  = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[48]);
                //Normal monsters
                #region Normal monsters
                if (o.Type == 1 && o.Name.Contains("MOB_") && !o.Name.Contains("HUNTER") && !o.Name.Contains("THIEF"))
                    o.Object_type = objectdata.NamdedType.MONSTER;
                //Npc's and structures
                #region Npc / Structures
                if (o.Type == 2)
                    if (o.Name.Contains("NPC"))
                        o.Object_type = objectdata.NamdedType.NPC;
                        o.Object_type = objectdata.NamdedType.STRUCTURE;
                //Pet objects
                #region Pet objects
                if (o.Type == 3)
                    if (o.Name.Contains("COS_T_") && !o.Name.Contains("TRADE") && !o.Name.Contains("FORTR"))
                        o.Object_type = objectdata.NamdedType.JOBTRANSPORT;
                    if (o.Name.Contains("COS_P_"))
                        o.Object_type = objectdata.NamdedType.GRABPET;
                    if (o.Name.Contains("COS_C_"))
                        o.Object_type = objectdata.NamdedType.NORMALTRANSPORT;
                //Fortress war objects
                #region Fw objects
                if (o.Type == 4)
                    if (o.Name.Contains("FW"))
                        o.Object_type = objectdata.NamdedType.FORTRESSWARMONSTER;
                #region structures
                if (o.Type == 5)
                    o.Object_type = objectdata.NamdedType.STRUCTURE;
                //Player objects
                #region Player objects
                if (o.Name.Contains("CHAR_CH"))
                    o.Race        = 0;
                    o.Object_type = objectdata.NamdedType.PLAYER;
                if (o.Name.Contains("CHAR_EU"))
                    o.Race        = 1;
                    o.Object_type = objectdata.NamdedType.PLAYER;
                //Job objects
                #region Job
                if (o.Name.Contains("THIEF_NPC") || o.Name.Contains("HUNTER_NPC"))
                    o.Object_type = objectdata.NamdedType.JOBMONSTER;
                    o.Type        = 4;
                    o.Agresif     = 1;
                //Skills for the objects
                for (byte sk = 0; sk <= 8; sk++)
                    //Get information from line 83 if not null
                    if (Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[83 + sk]) != 0 && Data.SkillBase[Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[83 + sk])].MagPer != 0)
                        //Read skill info
                        o.Skill[o.amountSkill] = Convert.ToInt32(TxtFile.commands[83 + sk]);
                        //Add amount skill to objects
                //Add object to object database
                Data.ObjectBase[ID] = o;
            //Write information to the console
            Console.WriteLine("[INFO] Loaded " + TxtFile.amountLine + " objects");