コード例 #1
        // All timestamps are in UTC time.  So UTC is used throughout the app

        public HomeController(TweetDbContext dbContext)
            context = dbContext;
コード例 #2
 public HashtagController(TweetDbContext dbContext)
     context = dbContext;
コード例 #3
 public UsersController(TweetDbContext context)
     _context = context;
コード例 #4
        // Method to retrun Top Ten hashtags of the past hour
        public static List <HashtagCount> GetTopTenHour(IEnumerable <Hashtag> hashtagsAll, DateTime dateTimeStart, TweetDbContext context)
            // Create variable to hold unix time minus one hour
            // Time stamps in DB are in unix time
            Int32    unixTimestampStart     = (Int32)(dateTimeStart.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1))).TotalSeconds;
            DateTime dateTimeMinusHour      = dateTimeStart.AddHours(-1);
            Int32    unixTimestampMinusHour = (Int32)(dateTimeMinusHour.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1))).TotalSeconds;

            // Contact DB and retrieve data needed
            var tweetHashtags = context.TweetHashtags.FromSql("SELECT * FROM TweetHashtags WHERE UnixTimeStamp BETWEEN {0} AND {1}", unixTimestampMinusHour, unixTimestampStart).ToList();
            var tweets        = context.Tweets.FromSql("SELECT * FROM Tweets WHERE UnixTimeStamp BETWEEN {0} AND {1}", unixTimestampMinusHour, unixTimestampStart).ToList();
            IEnumerable <int>     tweetHashtagIds = (tweetHashtags.Select(tht => tht.HashtagID)).ToList();
            IEnumerable <Hashtag> hashtags        = hashtagsAll.Where(ht => tweetHashtagIds.Contains(ht.ID)).ToList();;

            // HashtagIdCount save the ID of the hashtag, keep track of the number of times it was used, and save a list of the TweetHashtags
            List <HashtagIdCount> hashtagIdCounts = new List <HashtagIdCount>();

            // listof hashtagIds will be used to check if a hashtagIdCount has already been made for that hashtag
            List <int> hashtagIdList = new List <int>();

            // For each unique hashtag create HashtagIdCount object and keep track of how many times it was used
            foreach (TweetHashtag tweetHashtag in tweetHashtags)
                if (hashtagIdList != null && hashtagIdList.Contains(tweetHashtag.HashtagID))
                    HashtagIdCount hashtagIdCount = hashtagIdCounts.Single(hid => hid.HashtagId == tweetHashtag.HashtagID);
                    hashtagIdCount.TimesUsed += 1;
                    HashtagIdCount newHashtagIdCount = new HashtagIdCount
                        HashtagId     = tweetHashtag.HashtagID,
                        TimesUsed     = 1,
                        TweetHashtags = new List <TweetHashtag>()

            // Sort HashtagIdCounts by TimesUsed
            hashtagIdCounts.Sort(new HashtagIdCountComparer());

            if (hashtagIdCounts.Count > 10)
                // Drop all but Top 10 Hashtags
                hashtagIdCounts.RemoveRange(10, hashtagIdCounts.Count - 10);

            // HastagCount objects contain a Hashtag object, TimesUsed int, and an int[] TweetsPer
            // HashtagCounts will be used to hold information about how many times the hashtag was used in 5 minute intervals
            List <HashtagCount> hashtagCounts = new List <HashtagCount>();

            // List to keep track of which hashtags already have a HashtagCount object
            // Will not be passed to ViewModel
            List <string> hashtagStringList = new List <string>();

            foreach (HashtagIdCount hashtagIdCount in hashtagIdCounts)
                foreach (TweetHashtag tweetHashtag in hashtagIdCount.TweetHashtags)
                    Hashtag hashTag = hashtags.Single(h => h.ID == tweetHashtag.HashtagID);

                    if (hashtagStringList != null && hashtagStringList.Contains(hashTag.Name.ToString()))
                        HashtagCount hashtagCount = hashtagCounts.Single(hc => hc.Hashtag == hashTag);
                        // Twitter API stream only gives 1% of all tweets
                        // So each hashtag collected will be counted 100 times
                        hashtagCount.TimesUsed += 100;
                        AddTweetPerMinute(tweetHashtag, hashtagCount, tweets, dateTimeStart);
                        byte[] bytes       = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(hashTag.Name);
                        string hashtagName = (Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes));

                        HashtagCount newHashtagCount = new HashtagCount
                            Hashtag = hashTag,
                            // Twitter API stream only gives 1% of all tweets
                            // So each hashtag collected will be counted 100 times
                            TimesUsed = 100,

                            HashtagName = hashtagName,

                            // int[] that stores data to be used in line graph
                            // period is intervals for the X axis
                            TweetsPer = new int[12]

                        // TODO- tweet is sometimes returning as null, not sure how this is happening
                        // using if to catch null instances
                        Tweet tweet = tweets.SingleOrDefault(t => t.ID == tweetHashtag.TweetID);
                        if (tweet != null)
                            // adds 100 to the correct 5 minute interval 0-11
                            newHashtagCount.TweetsPer[Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor((dateTimeStart - UnixTimeStampToDateTime(tweet.UnixTimeStamp)).Minutes / 5.0))] += 100;


            // Sort HashtagCounts by TimesUsed
            hashtagCounts.Sort(new HashtagCountComparer());

            if (hashtagCounts.Count > 10)
                // Drop all but Top 10 Hashtags
                hashtagCounts.RemoveRange(10, hashtagCounts.Count - 10);

コード例 #5
 public PostService(TweetDbContext dbContext)
     _dbContext = dbContext;
コード例 #6
 public TBTController(TweetDbContext dbContext)
     context = dbContext;
コード例 #7
 public TweetsController(TweetDbContext context)
     _context = context;
コード例 #8
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // Wait to call .Run() on BuildWebHost until after stream is setup
            // or stream logic will not be called
            var host = BuildWebHost(args);

            // Getting scope to allow retrieval of DbContext
            var scope = host.Services.GetService <IServiceScopeFactory>().CreateScope();

            context = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <TweetDbContext>();

            // Set up your credentials (https://apps.twitter.com)
            // Applies credentials for the current thread.If used for the first time, set up the ApplicationCredentials
            Auth.SetUserCredentials("5Za8wv3dg9cL1JpMkZ69xHiYR", "q3ieBRSIQGJOXzXjtAuSySHcFQwiKHgKCEccDSbyMYxGc5GbbT", "858816969759444992-ZOBHLzMEq4V9TV6XbYVFk9z9auNRt8v", "gEUnPo24s7dMUbvr0QyfHCbFKbWbzF8XV6F9WXtaudRYc");
            var user = User.GetAuthenticatedUser();

            // Enable Automatic RateLimit handling
            RateLimit.RateLimitTrackerMode = RateLimitTrackerMode.TrackAndAwait;

            var stream = Tweetinvi.Stream.CreateFilteredStream();

            /* Filter for API stream
             * Max 400 char per track but can add multiple tracks
             * example: stream.AddTrack("#TBT #tbt #TbT")
            stream.MatchingTweetReceived += (sender, recievedTweet) =>
                Language tweetLanguage;

                // if language is in DB retrieve it else create new langauge object and save to DB
                if (GetLanguage(recievedTweet.Tweet.Language.ToString()) != null)
                    tweetLanguage            = GetLanguage(recievedTweet.Tweet.Language.ToString());
                    tweetLanguage.TimesUsed += 1;
                    Language newLanguage = new Language
                        Name = recievedTweet.Tweet.Language.ToString()
                    tweetLanguage = newLanguage;

                // Create new tweet object and add to db
                Models.Tweet newTweet = new Models.Tweet
                    Language = tweetLanguage,
                    DateTime = recievedTweet.Tweet.CreatedAt

                // if hashtag is in DB retrieve it else create new hashtag object and save to DB
                List <Hashtag> hashtagList = new List <Hashtag>();

                foreach (var hashtag in recievedTweet.Tweet.Hashtags)
                    if (GetHashtag(hashtag.ToString()) != null)
                        Hashtag tweetHashtag = GetHashtag(hashtag.ToString());
                        tweetHashtag.TimesUsed += 1;
                        Hashtag newHashtag = new Hashtag
                            Name = hashtag.ToString()

                //TODO - TweetHashtag is not connecting Tweet and Hashtag classes and ID is not auto - incrementing

                // Create TweetHashtag object for each hashtag
                //foreach (var hashtag in hashtagList)
                //    TweetHashtag tweetHashtag = new TweetHashtag
                //    {
                //        Tweet = newTweet,
                //        TweetID = newTweet.ID,
                //        Hashtag = hashtag,
                //        HashtagID = hashtag.ID
                //    };

                //    context.TweetHashtags.Add(tweetHashtag);
                //    context.SaveChanges();

            /* Using Async version of StartStreamMatchingAnyCondition method
             * without Async the API stream will hold up the stack
             * shifting it onto another thread allows host.run() to be called
             * and the web app to run normally

            // host.Run() must be called after creation of stream or stream will not be set up

            // Checks DB for existing hashtag with same name
            Hashtag GetHashtag(string hashtag)
                // FirstorDefault returns null if nothing is found
                Hashtag existingHashtag = context.Hashtags.FirstOrDefault(h => h.Name == hashtag);


            // Checks DB for existing language with same name
            Language GetLanguage(string language)
                // FirstOrDefault returns null if nothing is found
                Language existingLangauge = context.Languages.FirstOrDefault(l => l.Name == language);

コード例 #9
 public AbstractBaseRepository()
     context = new TweetDbContext();