コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Transfers control to another method.
        /// The parameters and calling convention of method must match the current one's.
        /// The stack must be empty to jump.
        /// Like the branching instructions, Jump cannot leave exception blocks.
        /// </summary>
        public Emit <DelegateType> Jump(MethodInfo method)
            if (method == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("method");

            if (method.CallingConvention != CallingConventions)
                throw new ArgumentException("Jump expected a calling convention of " + CallingConventions + ", found " + method.CallingConvention);

            var paras = method.GetParameters();

            if (paras.Length != ParameterTypes.Length)
                throw new ArgumentException("Jump expected a method with " + ParameterTypes.Length + " parameters, found " + paras.Length);

            if (!AllowsUnverifiableCIL)

            if (CatchBlocks.Any(t => t.Value.Item2 == -1))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Jump cannot transfer control from a catch block");

            if (FinallyBlocks.Any(t => t.Value.Item2 == -1))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Jump cannot transfer control from a finally block");

            if (TryBlocks.Any(t => t.Value.Item2 == -1))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Jump cannot transfer control from an exception block");

            UpdateState(Wrap(new[] { new StackTransition(0) }, "Jump"));

            for (var i = 0; i < paras.Length; i++)
                var shouldBe   = paras[i].ParameterType;
                var actuallyIs = ParameterTypes[i];

                if (!shouldBe.IsAssignableFrom(actuallyIs))
                    throw new SigilVerificationException("Jump expected the #" + i + " parameter to be assignable from " + actuallyIs + ", but found " + shouldBe, IL.Instructions(AllLocals));

            UpdateState(OpCodes.Jmp, method, TypeHelpers.EmptyTypes, Wrap(StackTransition.None(), "Jump"));

コード例 #2
ファイル: Emit.Leave.cs プロジェクト: 5l1v3r1/Sigil-1
        /// <summary>
        /// <para>Leave an exception or catch block, branching to the given label.</para>
        /// <para>This instruction empties the stack.</para>
        /// </summary>
        public Emit <DelegateType> Leave(Label label)
            if (label == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("label");

            if (((IOwned)label).Owner != this)
                if (((IOwned)label).Owner is DisassembledOperations <DelegateType> )


            if (!TryBlocks.Any(t => t.Value.Item2 == -1) && !CatchBlocks.Any(c => c.Value.Item2 == -1))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Leave can only be used within an exception or catch block");

            // Note that Leave *always* nuked the stack; nothing survies exiting an exception block
            UpdateOpCodeDelegate update;

            UpdateState(OpCodes.Leave, label, Wrap(new[] { new StackTransition(new [] { typeof(PopAllType) }, TypeHelpers.EmptyTypes) }, "Leave"), out update);

            Branches.Add(SigilTuple.Create(OpCodes.Leave, label, IL.Index));

            BranchPatches[IL.Index] = SigilTuple.Create(label, update, OpCodes.Leave);
            MustMark = true;

            var valid = CurrentVerifiers.UnconditionalBranch(label);

            if (!valid.Success)
                throw new SigilVerificationException("Leave", valid, IL.Instructions(AllLocals));
