protected virtual void doWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { ProgressHandler.state = ProgressState.Indeterminate; if (!initialized) { TranslatingProgressHandler.setTranslatedMessage("LoadingSettings"); if (!settings.IsReady) { initialized = false; TranslatingMessageHandler.SendError("CriticalSettingsFailure"); return; } Core.locations.setup(); settings.PropertyChanged += new PropertyChangedEventHandler(settings_PropertyChanged); monitor = new Monitor.Monitor(); TranslatingProgressHandler.setTranslatedMessage("ValidatingBackupPath"); if (settings.IsBackupPathSet && (!PermissionsHelper.isReadable(settings.backup_path) || !PermissionsHelper.isWritable(settings.backup_path))) settings.clearBackupPath(); if (!locations.ready) return; //task = new Task.TaskHandler(); initialized = true; } //ProgressHandler.progress_state = ProgressState.Normal; }
private static void purgeRoots(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { // if (TranslatingRequestHandler.Request(RequestType.Question, "PurgeConfirmation").Cancelled) { // e.Cancel = true; // return; // } ProgressHandler.saveMessage(); e.Result = false; foreach (GameEntry game in (System.Collections.IEnumerable)e.Argument) { TranslatingProgressHandler.setTranslatedMessage("Purging", game.Title); try { if (game.purge(false)) { e.Result = true; } else { break; } } catch (Exception ex) { TranslatingMessageHandler.SendError("PurgeError", ex,; } } StaticNotifyPropertyChanged("HasUnsubmittedGames"); ProgressHandler.restoreMessage(); }
protected override GameXmlFile ReadFile(FileInfo path) { bool keep_trying = true; while (keep_trying) { try { if (path.Name == "custom.xml") { this.custom = new CustomGameXmlFile(path); return this.custom; } else { GameXmlFile file = new GameXmlFile(path); return file; } } catch (VersionNotSupportedException ex) { if (ex.FileVersion == null || !GameSaveInfo.Converters.AConverter.CanConvert(ex.FileVersion)) { string version_string; if (ex.FileVersion == null) version_string = Strings.GetLabelString("UnknownVersion"); else version_string = ex.FileVersion.ToString(); if (!TranslatingRequestHandler.Request(MVC.Communication.RequestType.Question, "GameDataObsoleteDelete", path.Name, version_string).Cancelled) { path.Delete(); } keep_trying = false; } } catch (XmlException ex) { TranslatingMessageHandler.SendError("XMLFormatError", ex, path.FullName); keep_trying = handleCorruptedFile(path); } catch (NotSupportedException ex) { TranslatingMessageHandler.SendError("XMLFormatError", ex, path.FullName); keep_trying = handleCorruptedFile(path); } } return null; }
private void saveBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { System.Windows.Forms.SaveFileDialog save = new System.Windows.Forms.SaveFileDialog(); save.DefaultExt = "txt"; save.Filter = Strings.GetLabelString("TxtFileDescriptionPlural") + "|*.txt|" + Strings.GetLabelString("AllFileDescriptionPlural") + "|*"; save.Title = Strings.GetLabelString("SaveReportQuestion"); if (AAnalyzer.LastSavePath == null) { save.InitialDirectory = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop); } else { save.InitialDirectory = AAnalyzer.LastSavePath; } save.FileName = + ".txt"; if (save.ShowDialog(this.GetIWin32Window()) != System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel) { AAnalyzer.LastSavePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(save.FileName); try { StreamWriter writer = File.CreateText(save.FileName); writer.Write(reportTxt.Text); writer.Close(); saved = true; } catch (Exception ex) { TranslatingMessageHandler.SendError("WriteError", ex, save.FileName); } } }
public static void beginRestore(AViewWindow parent, List <Archive> archives) { string extrasave = ProgressHandler.message; ProgressHandler.saveMessage(); parent.hideInterface(); if (archives.Count > 1 && !TranslatingRequestHandler.Request(RequestType.Question, "RestoreMultipleArchives").Cancelled) { Restore.RestoreProgramHandler.use_defaults = true; } foreach (Archive archive in archives) { if (Restore.RestoreProgramHandler.overall_stop) { break; } Restore.RestoreWindow restore = new Restore.RestoreWindow(archive, parent); restore.ShowDialog(); switch (restore.Result) { case RestoreResult.Success: Core.redetect_games = true; break; case RestoreResult.Cancel: case RestoreResult.Failed: case RestoreResult.ElevationFailed: break; } } Restore.RestoreProgramHandler.use_defaults = false; Restore.RestoreProgramHandler.overall_stop = false; // Restore.RestoreProgramHandler.default_user = null; if (Restore.RestoreProgramHandler.unsuccesfull_restores.Count > 0) { StringBuilder fail_list = new StringBuilder(); foreach (string failed in Restore.RestoreProgramHandler.unsuccesfull_restores) { fail_list.AppendLine(failed); } TranslatingMessageHandler.SendError("RestoreSomeFailed", fail_list.ToString()); } parent.showInterface(); ProgressHandler.message = extrasave; }
void BackupProgramHandler_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e) { // Make this check for things errors so it can clean up after itself if (output_path == null) { return; } foreach (FileInfo delete_me in new DirectoryInfo(output_path).GetFiles("~*.tmp")) { try { delete_me.Delete(); } catch (Exception ex) { TranslatingMessageHandler.SendError("DeleteError", ex, delete_me.Name); } } }
private void beginRestoration() { if (flipper.IsActiveControl(selectFilesGroup)) { if (files.SelectedItems.Count == 0) { TranslatingMessageHandler.SendError("RestoreNoFiles"); return; } } TranslationHelpers.translate(this, "RestoringFile",; restoreButton.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed; choosePathButton.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed; selectFilesButton.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed; otherUserButton.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed; cancelButton.Text = Strings.GetLabelString("Stop"); flipper.SwitchControl(ProgressBox); if (Restore.RestoreProgramHandler.use_defaults && userCombo.SelectedItem != null) { //RestoreProgramHandler.default_user = (string)userCombo.SelectedItem; } if (files != null) { foreach (SelectFile file in files) { if (file.IsSelected) { restore.specifyFileToRestore(; } } } restore.restoreBackup((LocationPath)pathCombo.SelectedItem, (string)userCombo.SelectedItem, restoreComplete); }
void BackupProgramHandler_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { if (Core.settings.IsBackupPathSet || archive_name_override != null) { if (archive_name_override != null) { output_path = Path.GetDirectoryName(archive_name_override); } else { output_path = Core.settings.backup_path; } IList <GameEntry> games; if (back_these_up != null && back_these_up.Count > 0) { games = back_these_up; } else { if (Games.detected_games_count == 0) { Games.detectGames(); } games = Games.DetectedGames.Items; } if (games.Count > 0) { ProgressHandler.value = 1; ProgressHandler.max = games.Count; TranslatingProgressHandler.setTranslatedMessage("GamesToBeBackedUpCount", games.Count.ToString()); foreach (GameEntry game in games) { if (CancellationPending) { return; } //if(archive_name_override!=null) //all_users_archive = new ArchiveHandler(new FileInfo(archive_name_override),; if (games.Count == 1) { TranslatingProgressHandler.setTranslatedMessage("BackingUpSingleGame", game.Title); } else { TranslatingProgressHandler.setTranslatedMessage("BackingUpMultipleGames", game.Title, ProgressHandler.value.ToString(), games.Count.ToString()); } List <DetectedFile> files; if (only_these_files != null && only_these_files.Count > 0) { files = only_these_files; } else { files = game.Saves.Flatten(); ; } Archive override_archive = null; try { DictionaryList <Archive, DetectedFile> backup_files = new DictionaryList <Archive, DetectedFile>(); foreach (DetectedFile file in files) { ArchiveID archive_id; Archive archive; if (CancellationPending) { return; } archive_id = new ArchiveID(, file); if (archive_name_override != null) { if (override_archive == null) { file.Type = null; } override_archive = new Archive(new FileInfo(archive_name_override), new ArchiveID(, file)); archive = override_archive; } else { if (Archives.Get(archive_id) == null) { Archives.Add(new Archive(output_path, new ArchiveID(, file))); } archive = Archives.Get(archive_id); } backup_files.Add(archive, file); } if (CancellationPending) { return; } foreach (KeyValuePair <Archive, List <DetectedFile> > backup_file in backup_files) { if (override_archive == null) { backup_file.Key.backup(backup_file.Value, false, false); } else { backup_file.Key.backup(backup_file.Value, true, false); } } } catch (Exception ex) { TranslatingMessageHandler.SendException(ex); } finally { ProgressHandler.value++; } } } else { TranslatingMessageHandler.SendError("NothingToBackup"); } } else { TranslatingMessageHandler.SendError("BackupPathNotSet"); } }
private void add(string file, bool disable_versioning) { FileInfo TempFile = new FileInfo(TempFileName); if (TempFile.Exists) { TempFile.Delete(); } if (this.Exists) { ArchiveFile.CopyTo(TempFileName); File.SetAttributes(TempFileName, FileAttributes.Hidden); } zipper.StartInfo.Arguments = compress_switches + " \"" + TempFileName + "\" \"" + file + "\\*\""; run7z(false); File.SetAttributes(TempFileName, FileAttributes.Hidden); // This here's the versioning stuff. Since it's here, it's universal. // This handles versioning copies if (!disable_versioning && Core.settings.VersioningEnabled) { if (Core.settings.VersioningMax != 0) { DateTime right_now = DateTime.Now; FileInfo original_file = new FileInfo(file); if (original_file.Exists) { if (right_now.Ticks - original_file.CreationTime.Ticks > Core.settings.VersioningTicks) { string new_path = Path.Combine(original_file.DirectoryName, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(original_file.FullName) + "@" + right_now.ToString().Replace('/', '-').Replace(':', '-') + Path.GetExtension(original_file.FullName)); try { File.Move(file, new_path); //File.SetCreationTime(temp_file_name,right_now); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new TranslateableException("RevisionCopyError", ex, original_file.FullName); } } else { // This is if it hasn't been long enough for a new file } } else { // This shouldn't really be an error, as it just means that it's a new archive //MessageHandler.SendError("Where'd That Come From?","The file " + file_name + " can't be found."); } } else { //this is if the Settings for versioning are f****d up } FileInfo[] count_us = new DirectoryInfo(Path.GetDirectoryName(file)).GetFiles( Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file) + "@*"); if (count_us.Length > Core.settings.VersioningMax) { Array.Sort(count_us, new MASGAU.Comparers.FileInfoComparer(true)); for (long i = Core.settings.VersioningMax; i < count_us.Length; i++) { try { (count_us[i] as FileInfo).Delete(); } catch (Exception ex) { TranslatingMessageHandler.SendError("DeleteError", ex, (count_us[i] as FileInfo).Name); } } } } else { // This is if versioning is disabled, or something } if (Exists) { ArchiveFile.Delete(); } TempFile.MoveTo(ArchiveFile.FullName); File.SetAttributes(ArchiveFile.FullName, FileAttributes.Normal); }
// This helps determin wether this is the first time the archive has been backed up to // it's so we can bypass the date checks as they will not be accurate anymore public void backup(ICollection <DetectedFile> files, bool disable_versioning, bool disable_date_check) { prepTemp(); if (Exists) { if (!canWrite(ArchiveFile)) { throw new TranslateableException("WriteDenied", ArchiveFile.FullName); } } else { if (!canWrite(ArchiveFile.Directory)) { throw new TranslateableException("WriteDenied", ArchiveFile.DirectoryName); } // If this is the first time writing to the archive, we create the identifying XML XmlDocument write_me = new XmlDocument(); if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(TempFolder, "masgau.xml"))) { File.Delete(Path.Combine(TempFolder, "masgau.xml")); } XmlTextWriter write_here = new XmlTextWriter(Path.Combine(TempFolder, "masgau.xml"), System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); write_here.Formatting = Formatting.Indented; write_here.WriteProcessingInstruction("xml", "version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'"); write_here.WriteStartElement("masgau_archive"); write_here.Close(); write_me.Load(Path.Combine(TempFolder, "masgau.xml")); //XmlNode root = write_me.DocumentElement; id.AddElements(write_me); FileStream this_file = new FileStream(Path.Combine(TempFolder, "masgau.xml"), FileMode.Truncate, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.ReadWrite); write_me.Save(this_file); write_here.Close(); this_file.Close(); } bool files_added = false; foreach (DetectedFile file in files) { // Copies the particular file to a relative path inside the temp folder FileInfo source; FileInfo destination; if (file.Path == "" || file.Path == null) { source = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(file.AbsoluteRoot, file.Name)); destination = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(TempFolder, file.Name)); } else { source = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(file.AbsoluteRoot, file.Path, file.Name)); destination = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(TempFolder, file.Path, file.Name)); } if (!source.Exists) { continue; } DateTime file_write_time = source.LastWriteTime; int time_comparison = LastModified.CompareTo(source.LastWriteTime); if (Core.settings.IgnoreDateCheck || disable_date_check || time_comparison <= 0) { try { if (!destination.Directory.Exists) { destination.Directory.Create(); } } catch (Exception e) { TranslatingMessageHandler.SendError("CreateError", e, destination.DirectoryName); continue; } if (source.Exists) { try { source.CopyTo(destination.FullName, true); } catch (Exception e) { TranslatingMessageHandler.SendError("CopyError", e, source.FullName, destination.FullName); continue; } } else { TranslatingMessageHandler.SendError("FileToCopyNotFound", source.FullName); continue; } if (destination.Exists) { try { if ((destination.Attributes & FileAttributes.ReadOnly) == FileAttributes.ReadOnly) { File.SetAttributes(destination.FullName, FileAttributes.Normal); } } catch (Exception e) { TranslatingMessageHandler.SendError("PermissionChangeError", e, destination.FullName); continue; } } else { TranslatingMessageHandler.SendError("FileCopiedNotFound", source.FullName, destination.FullName); continue; } files_added = true; } //file_date = new FileInfo(file_name).LastWriteTime; } if (files_added) { add(TempFolder, disable_versioning); } purgeTemp(); }
public bool Detect() { // detect_override = rnd.Next(0, 2) == 0; List <DetectedLocationPathHolder> interim = new List <DetectedLocationPathHolder>(); List <ALocation> locations = AllLocations; if ( == "HalfLife2Deathmatch") { System.Console.Out.Write(""); } foreach (ALocation location in locations) { // This skips if a location is marked as only being for a specific version of an OS if (location.OnlyFor != Core.locations.platform_version && location.OnlyFor != null) { continue; } if (location.GetType() == typeof(LocationParent)) { // This checks all the locations that are based on other games LocationParent game = location as LocationParent; if (Games.Contains( { GameEntry parent_game = Games.Get(; // If the game hasn't been processed in the GamesHandler yetm it won't yield useful information, so we force it to process here if (!parent_game.DetectionAttempted) { parent_game.Detect(); } foreach (DetectedLocationPathHolder check_me in parent_game.DetectedLocations) { string path = location.modifyPath(check_me.FullDirPath); interim.AddRange(Core.locations.interpretPath(path)); } } else { TranslatingMessageHandler.SendError("ParentGameDoesntExist",; } } else { // This checks all the registry locations // This checks all the shortcuts // This parses each location supplied by the XML file //if(title.StartsWith("Postal 2")) //if(id.platform== GamePlatform.PS1) interim.AddRange(Core.locations.getPaths(location)); } } DetectedLocations = new Location.DetectedLocations(); foreach (DetectedLocationPathHolder check_me in interim) { if (version.Identifiers.Count == 0) { DetectedLocations.Add(check_me); continue; } foreach (Identifier identifier in version.Identifiers) { if (identifier.FindMatching(check_me.FullDirPath).Count > 0) { DetectedLocations.Add(check_me); break; } } } _detected_paths_string = new StringBuilder(); foreach (DetectedLocationPathHolder location in DetectedLocations) { _detected_paths_string.AppendLine(location.FullDirPath); } NotifyPropertyChanged("IsDetected"); NotifyPropertyChanged("IsMonitored"); DetectionAttempted = true; return(IsDetected); }