public async Task DownloadAzureBlobDirectoryToLocalDirectory(string LocalSourceDirPath, string ContainerName, bool RecursiveDownload = true) { CloudBlobDirectory blobDirectory = GetBlobDirectory(ContainerName); TransferCheckpoint checkpoint = null; DirectoryTransferContext context = GetDirectoryTransferContext(checkpoint); CancellationTokenSource cancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource(10000000); Stopwatch stopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); Task task; DownloadDirectoryOptions options = new DownloadDirectoryOptions() { Recursive = RecursiveDownload }; try { task = TransferManager.DownloadDirectoryAsync(blobDirectory, LocalSourceDirPath, options, context, cancellationSource.Token); await task; } catch (Exception ex) { if (Error != null) { Error(ex); } } if (cancellationSource.IsCancellationRequested) { //autoretry } stopWatch.Stop(); }
public async Task doDownload(string containerName, DirectoryInfo localDir, string storageConnectionString) { try { // Connect to Azure Storage to download a container CloudStorageAccount account = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(storageConnectionString); CloudBlobClient blobClient = account.CreateCloudBlobClient(); // Get the container and root directory reference CloudBlobContainer blobContainer = blobClient.GetContainerReference(containerName); CloudBlobDirectory rootDir = blobContainer.GetDirectoryReference(""); // Log Console.WriteLine("Directory to be downloaded is {0} and {1}", rootDir.Container.Name, rootDir.StorageUri); // Parallel Operations TransferManager.Configurations.ParallelOperations = 32; // Setup the transfer context and track the upoload progress DirectoryTransferContext context = new DirectoryTransferContext(); context.FileFailed += Program.FileFailedCallback; context.ProgressHandler = new Progress <TransferStatus>((progress) => { Console.WriteLine("{0} MB downloaded", progress.BytesTransferred / (1024 * 1024)); }); // Download recursively DownloadDirectoryOptions options = new DownloadDirectoryOptions() { Recursive = true }; // Start the counter Stopwatch s = Stopwatch.StartNew(); // Initiate the download from DMLib TransferStatus transferStatus = await TransferManager.DownloadDirectoryAsync(rootDir, localDir.ToString(), options, context); s.Stop(); if (transferStatus.NumberOfFilesFailed > 0) { Console.WriteLine("{0} files failed to transfer", transferStatus.NumberOfFilesFailed); } // Log the result Console.WriteLine("Download has been completed in {0} seconds", s.Elapsed.TotalSeconds); } catch (StorageException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } catch (Exception ex) { ex = (ex.InnerException != null) ? ex.InnerException.GetBaseException() : ex; Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
private Task <TransferStatus> DownloadDirectory(dynamic sourceObject, TransferItem item) { DownloadDirectoryOptions downloadDirectoryOptions = item.Options as DownloadDirectoryOptions; DirectoryTransferContext transferContext = item.TransferContext as DirectoryTransferContext; CancellationToken cancellationToken = item.CancellationToken; string destPath = item.DestObject as string; if (cancellationToken == null || cancellationToken == CancellationToken.None) { return(TransferManager.DownloadDirectoryAsync(sourceObject, destPath, downloadDirectoryOptions, transferContext)); } else { return(TransferManager.DownloadDirectoryAsync(sourceObject, destPath, downloadDirectoryOptions, transferContext, cancellationToken)); } }
public async Task DownloadLibraryAsync(string key) { try { var setting = CloudConfigurationManager.GetSetting(AppSettings.StorageConnectionString); var account = CreateStorageAccountFromConnectionString(setting); var client = account.CreateCloudFileClient(); var share = client.GetShareReference("library"); var root = share.GetRootDirectoryReference(); if (!await root.ExistsAsync()) { return; } var dirName = $"Library/{key}"; var directory = root.GetDirectoryReference(dirName); if (!await directory.ExistsAsync()) { throw new DirectoryNotFoundException($"Directory does not exist {dirName}"); } TransferManager.Configurations.ParallelOperations = 64; var context = new DirectoryTransferContext(); var libraryPath = Path.Combine(_settings.LocalLibraryPath, key); await TransferManager.DownloadDirectoryAsync(directory, libraryPath, new DownloadDirectoryOptions { Recursive = true }, context, CancellationToken.None); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Log(ex); } }
public async Task <TransferStatus?> ExecuteAsync( CloudBlobDirectory blobDirectory, string outputDirectoryPath, DownloadDirectoryOptions options, DirectoryTransferContext context, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { try { return(await TransferManager.DownloadDirectoryAsync( blobDirectory, outputDirectoryPath, options, context, cancellationToken)); } catch (Exception t) when(ExceptionUtilities.IsFromCancellation(t)) { return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// Upload local pictures to azure storage. /// 1. Upload png files starting with "azure" in the source directory as block blobs, not including the sub-directory. /// 2. Store source file's file attributes and permissions into destination blob's meta data. /// 3. Download png files starting with "azure" in the source directory to a local directory, not including the sub-directory. /// 4. Restore file attributes and permissions to destination local file. /// </summary> private static async Task BlobDirectoryPreserveFilePropertiesSampleAsync() { //Enable required privileges before getting/setting permissions from/to local file system. FileSecurityOperations.EnableRequiredPrivileges(PreserveSMBPermissions.Owner | PreserveSMBPermissions.Group | PreserveSMBPermissions.DACL | PreserveSMBPermissions.SACL, true); try { string sourceDirPath = "."; CloudBlobDirectory destDir = await Util.GetCloudBlobDirectoryAsync(ContainerName, "blobdir"); // SearchPattern and Recuresive can be used to determine the files to be transferred from the source directory. The behavior of // SearchPattern and Recuresive varies for different source directory types. // See for more details. // // When source is local directory, data movement library matches source files against the SearchPattern as standard wildcards. If // recuresive is set to false, only files directly under the source directory will be matched. Otherwise, all files in the // sub-directory will be matched as well. // // In the following case, data movement library will upload png files starting with "azure" in the source directory as block blobs, // not including the sub-directory. UploadDirectoryOptions options = new UploadDirectoryOptions() { SearchPattern = "azure*.png", Recursive = false, BlobType = BlobType.BlockBlob }; DirectoryTransferContext context = new DirectoryTransferContext(); // Register for transfer event. context.FileTransferred += FileTransferredCallback; context.FileFailed += FileFailedCallback; context.FileSkipped += FileSkippedCallback; context.SetAttributesCallbackAsync = async(sourceObj, destination) => { string sourcePath = sourceObj as string; DateTimeOffset?creationTime = null; DateTimeOffset?lastWriteTime = null; FileAttributes?fileAttributes = null; FileOperations.GetFileProperties(sourcePath, out creationTime, out lastWriteTime, out fileAttributes); string sourceFileSDDL = FileSecurityOperations.GetFilePortableSDDL(sourcePath, PreserveSMBPermissions.Owner | PreserveSMBPermissions.Group | PreserveSMBPermissions.DACL | PreserveSMBPermissions.SACL); CloudBlob destBlob = destination as CloudBlob; // Blob's original meta data has already been gotten from azure storage by DataMovement Library, // Here only need to add new meta data key-value pairs, DataMovement Library will set these value to destination blob later. destBlob.Metadata.Add(CreationTimeName, creationTime.Value.ToString()); destBlob.Metadata.Add(LastWriteTimeName, lastWriteTime.Value.ToString()); destBlob.Metadata.Add(FileAttributesName, fileAttributes.Value.ToString()); destBlob.Metadata.Add(FilePermissionsName, sourceFileSDDL); }; context.ShouldTransferCallbackAsync = async(source, destination) => { // Can add more logic here to evaluate whether really need to transfer the target. return(true); }; TransferStatus trasferStatus = await TransferManager.UploadDirectoryAsync(sourceDirPath, destDir, options, context); Console.WriteLine("Final transfer state: {0}", TransferStatusToString(trasferStatus)); Console.WriteLine("Files in directory {0} uploading to {1} is finished.", sourceDirPath, destDir.Uri.ToString()); //Next the sample will show how to download a directory and restore file attributes to local file. string destDirPath = "."; CloudBlobDirectory sourceDir = await Util.GetCloudBlobDirectoryAsync(ContainerName, "blobdir"); // In the following case, data movement library will download file named "azure.png" in the source directory, // not including the sub-directory. DownloadDirectoryOptions downloadDirectoryOptions = new DownloadDirectoryOptions() { SearchPattern = "azure.png", Recursive = false }; DirectoryTransferContext directoryTransferContext = new DirectoryTransferContext(); // Register for transfer event. directoryTransferContext.FileFailed += FileFailedCallback; directoryTransferContext.FileSkipped += FileSkippedCallback; //Get stored file properties from source blob meta data and set to local file. directoryTransferContext.FileTransferred += (object sender, TransferEventArgs e) => { CloudBlob sourceBlob = e.Source as CloudBlob; string destFilePath = e.Destination as string; string metadataValue = null; DateTimeOffset creationTime = default(DateTimeOffset); DateTimeOffset lastWriteTime = default(DateTimeOffset); FileAttributes fileAttributes = default(FileAttributes); bool gotCreationTime = false; bool gotLastWriteTime = false; bool gotFileAttributes = false; if (sourceBlob.Metadata.TryGetValue(CreationTimeName, out metadataValue) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(metadataValue)) { gotCreationTime = DateTimeOffset.TryParse(metadataValue, out creationTime); } if (sourceBlob.Metadata.TryGetValue(LastWriteTimeName, out metadataValue) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(metadataValue)) { gotLastWriteTime = DateTimeOffset.TryParse(metadataValue, out lastWriteTime); } if (sourceBlob.Metadata.TryGetValue(FileAttributesName, out metadataValue) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(metadataValue)) { gotFileAttributes = Enum.TryParse <FileAttributes>(metadataValue, out fileAttributes); } if (gotCreationTime && gotLastWriteTime && gotFileAttributes) { FileOperations.SetFileProperties(destFilePath, creationTime, lastWriteTime, fileAttributes); } if (sourceBlob.Metadata.TryGetValue(FilePermissionsName, out metadataValue) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(metadataValue)) { FileSecurityOperations.SetFileSecurity(destFilePath, metadataValue, PreserveSMBPermissions.Owner | PreserveSMBPermissions.Group | PreserveSMBPermissions.DACL | PreserveSMBPermissions.SACL); } }; // Always writes to destination no matter it exists or not. directoryTransferContext.ShouldOverwriteCallbackAsync = TransferContext.ForceOverwrite; trasferStatus = await TransferManager.DownloadDirectoryAsync(sourceDir, destDirPath, downloadDirectoryOptions, directoryTransferContext); Console.WriteLine("Final transfer state: {0}", TransferStatusToString(trasferStatus)); Console.WriteLine("Files in directory {0} downloading to {1} is finished.", sourceDir.Uri.ToString(), destDirPath); } finally { //Restore privileges after getting/setting permissions from/to local file system. FileSecurityOperations.RestorePrivileges(PreserveSMBPermissions.Owner | PreserveSMBPermissions.Group | PreserveSMBPermissions.DACL | PreserveSMBPermissions.SACL, true); } }