public static bool GroupBuffSpell(Spell spell, int playercount = 0) { if (!spell.KnownSpell || !spell.IsSpellUsable || !spell.IsDistanceGood) { return(false); } var members = Partystuff.getPartymembers().Where(o => o.IsValid && o.IsAlive && !o.HaveBuff(spell.Id) && !TraceLine.TraceLineGo(o.Position)).OrderBy(o => o.HealthPercent); if (members.Count() > playercount) { var u = members.First(); WoWPlayer bufftarget = new WoWPlayer(u.GetBaseAddress); if (!TraceLine.TraceLineGo(bufftarget.Position) && bufftarget.IsAlive) { ObjectManager.Me.FocusGuid = bufftarget.Guid; Extension.HealSpell(spell, false, false, true); Logging.Write("Cast" + spell + "on " + bufftarget); return(true); } } return(false); }
public static bool HaveSpaceToMount() { try { Memory.WowMemory.GameFrameLock(); Single degree = 0; Point pos = ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Position; while (degree < 360) { //Calculate position on a circle 60 degrees at a time and check if we can go there var x = (float)(pos.X + 2f * System.Math.Cos(Helpful.Math.DegreeToRadian(degree))); var y = (float)(pos.Y + 2f * System.Math.Sin(Helpful.Math.DegreeToRadian(degree))); var currTarget = new Point(x, y, pos.Z + 3f); if (TraceLine.TraceLineGo(currTarget, pos, CGWorldFrameHitFlags.HitTestAllButLiquid)) { return(false); } degree += 60f; // check 6 angles arrounds 0° > 60° > 120° > 180° > 240° > 300° } return(true); } catch (Exception e) { Logging.WriteError("public static bool HaveSpaceToMount(): " + e); return(true); } finally { Memory.WowMemory.GameFrameUnLock(); } }
public MultiTracesCmd(RunnableModule runnableModule, MultiTracesCmdLine multiTracesCmdLine, MeasureHeightCmd mhCmd) : base(runnableModule, multiTracesCmdLine) { this.Valve = multiTracesCmdLine.Valve; var structure = runnableModule.CommandsModule.program.ModuleStructure; this.multiTracesCmdLine = multiTracesCmdLine; foreach (var trace in this.multiTracesCmdLine.Traces) { TraceBase newTrace = trace.Clone() as TraceBase; if (newTrace is TraceLine) { TraceLine traceLine = newTrace as TraceLine; traceLine.Start = structure.ToMachine(runnableModule, traceLine.Start); traceLine.End = structure.ToMachine(runnableModule, traceLine.End); } else { TraceArc traceArc = newTrace as TraceArc; traceArc.Start = structure.ToMachine(runnableModule, traceArc.Start); traceArc.Mid = structure.ToMachine(runnableModule, traceArc.Mid); traceArc.End = structure.ToMachine(runnableModule, traceArc.End); } this.traces.Add(newTrace); } LineStyle = multiTracesCmdLine.LineStyle; IsWeightControl = multiTracesCmdLine.IsWeightControl; wholeWeight = multiTracesCmdLine.WholeWeight; this.OffsetX = multiTracesCmdLine.OffsetX; this.OffsetY = multiTracesCmdLine.OffsetY; this.associatedMeasureHeightCmd = mhCmd; //this.CheckRepeat(); }
public static bool TankHealSpell(Spell spell, int setting, int playercount = 0) { if (!spell.KnownSpell || !spell.IsSpellUsable || !spell.IsDistanceGood) { return(false); } var members = Partystuff.getTanks().Where(o => o.IsValid && o.IsAlive && o.HealthPercent <= setting && !TraceLine.TraceLineGo(o.Position)).OrderBy(o => o.HealthPercent); if (members.Count() > playercount) { var u = members.First(); WoWPlayer tank = new WoWPlayer(u.GetBaseAddress); if (!TraceLine.TraceLineGo(tank.Position) && tank.IsAlive) { ObjectManager.Me.FocusGuid = tank.Guid; Extension.HealSpell(spell, false, false, true); Logging.Write("Cast" + spell + "on " + tank); return(true); } } return(false); }
private void btnInsert_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.listBoxPoints.SelectedIndex < 0) { return; } PointTrace pointTrace = pointsCache[this.listBoxPoints.SelectedIndex]; if (pointTrace.PointType != TracePointType.End) { return; } int index = this.listBoxPoints.SelectedIndex; PointTrace pointPrev = pointsCache[this.listBoxPoints.SelectedIndex - 1]; PointD newPoint = (Machine.Instance.Robot.PosXY - origin).ToPoint(); TraceBase trace = this.tracesCache[pointTrace.TraceIndex]; TraceBase tracePrev; if (pointTrace.TraceIndex == 0) { tracePrev = null; } else { tracePrev = this.tracesCache[pointTrace.TraceIndex - 1]; } if (this.rbLine.Checked) { trace.Start = newPoint.Clone() as PointD; TraceLine line; if (tracePrev == null) { line = new TraceLine(pointPrev.Point.Clone() as PointD, newPoint.Clone() as PointD); line.LineStyle = trace.LineStyle; } else { line = new TraceLine(tracePrev.End.Clone() as PointD, newPoint.Clone() as PointD); line.LineStyle = trace.LineStyle; } this.tracesCache.Insert(pointTrace.TraceIndex, line); } else { TraceArc arc = new TraceArc(trace.Start, newPoint, trace.End); arc.LineStyle = trace.LineStyle; this.tracesCache[pointTrace.TraceIndex] = arc; } this.updatePointsCache(); this.LoadLines2ListBox(); this.LoadPoints2ListBox(); this.listBoxPoints.SelectedIndex = index + 1; }
// Pull public static bool Pull(Cast cast, bool alwaysPull, List <AIOSpell> spells) { AIOSpell pullSpell = spells.Find(s => s != null && s.IsSpellUsable && s.KnownSpell); if (pullSpell == null) { RangeManager.SetRangeToMelee(); return(false); } WoWUnit closestHostileFromTarget = GetClosestHostileFrom(ObjectManager.Target, 20); if (closestHostileFromTarget == null && !alwaysPull) { RangeManager.SetRangeToMelee(); return(false); } float pullRange = pullSpell.MaxRange; if (ObjectManager.Target.GetDistance > pullRange - 2 || ObjectManager.Target.GetDistance < 6 || TraceLine.TraceLineGo(ObjectManager.Target.Position)) { RangeManager.SetRangeToMelee(); return(false); } if (closestHostileFromTarget != null && RangeManager.GetRange() < pullRange) { Logger.Log($"Pulling from distance (hostile unit {closestHostileFromTarget.Name} is too close)"); } if (ObjectManager.Me.IsMounted) { MountTask.DismountMount(); } RangeManager.SetRange(pullRange - 1); Thread.Sleep(300); if (cast.OnTarget(pullSpell)) { Thread.Sleep(500); if (pullSpell.GetCurrentCooldown > 0) { Usefuls.WaitIsCasting(); if (pullSpell.Name == "Shoot" || pullSpell.Name == "Throw" || pullSpell.Name == "Avenger's Shield") { Thread.Sleep(1500); } return(true); } } return(false); }
private static WoWUnit FindEnemy(IEnumerable <WoWUnit> units, Func <WoWUnit, bool> predicate) { return(units.Where(u => u.IsAlive && (int)u.Reaction < 3 && predicate(u) && !TraceLine.TraceLineGo(ObjectManager.Me.Position, u.Position, CGWorldFrameHitFlags.HitTestSpellLoS)) .OrderBy(u => u.GetDistance).FirstOrDefault()); }
private static WoWUnit FindEnemy(IEnumerable <WoWUnit> units, Func <WoWUnit, bool> rangePredicate) { return(units.Where(u => rangePredicate(u) && u.IsAlive && (int)u.Reaction < 3 && !TraceLine.TraceLineGo(RotationFramework.Me.Position, u.Position, CGWorldFrameHitFlags.HitTestWMO)) .OrderBy(u => u.GetDistance).FirstOrDefault()); }
//Gives Attackingunits which are Casting, interrupt after 30% Casttime public static WoWUnit InterruptableUnit(float distance) { return(ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitAttackables(distance).Where(x => x.InCombat && x.HasTarget && x.IsCast && /*x.CanInterruptCasting &&*/ (((x.CastingTimeLeft / 1000) / x.CastingSpell.CastTime) * 100) < 70 && !TraceLine.TraceLineGo(ObjectManager.Me.Position, x.Position, CGWorldFrameHitFlags.HitTestSpellLoS)).OrderBy(x => x.GetDistance).FirstOrDefault()); }
public MultiTraces(MultiTracesCmd multiTracesCmd, CoordinateCorrector coordinateCorrector) { this.RunnableModule = multiTracesCmd.RunnableModule; if (this.RunnableModule.Mode == ModuleMode.AssignMode1 || this.RunnableModule.Mode == ModuleMode.MainMode) { this.Valve = ValveType.Valve1; } else if (this.RunnableModule.Mode == ModuleMode.DualFallow) { this.Valve = ValveType.Both; } else { this.Valve = ValveType.Valve2; } foreach (var item in multiTracesCmd.Traces) { TraceBase newTrace = item.Clone() as TraceBase; if (newTrace is TraceLine) { TraceLine traceLine = newTrace as TraceLine; traceLine.Start = coordinateCorrector.Correct(multiTracesCmd.RunnableModule, traceLine.Start, Executor.Instance.Program.ExecutantOriginOffset); traceLine.End = coordinateCorrector.Correct(multiTracesCmd.RunnableModule, traceLine.End, Executor.Instance.Program.ExecutantOriginOffset); } else { TraceArc traceArc = newTrace as TraceArc; traceArc.Start = coordinateCorrector.Correct(multiTracesCmd.RunnableModule, traceArc.Start, Executor.Instance.Program.ExecutantOriginOffset); traceArc.Mid = coordinateCorrector.Correct(multiTracesCmd.RunnableModule, traceArc.Mid, Executor.Instance.Program.ExecutantOriginOffset); traceArc.End = coordinateCorrector.Correct(multiTracesCmd.RunnableModule, traceArc.End, Executor.Instance.Program.ExecutantOriginOffset); } //newTrace.Param = multiTracesCmd.RunnableModule.CommandsModule.Program.ProgramSettings.GetLineParam(newLine.LineStyle); this.traces.Add(newTrace); Log.Dprint(string.Format("{0}: {1}", item.GetType(), item)); } //param = multiTracesCmd.RunnableModule.CommandsModule.Program.ProgramSettings.GetLineParam(multiTracesCmd.LineStyle); isWeightControl = multiTracesCmd.IsWeightControl; wholeWeight = multiTracesCmd.WholeWeight; this.OffsetX = multiTracesCmd.OffsetX; this.OffsetY = multiTracesCmd.OffsetY; Program = multiTracesCmd.RunnableModule.CommandsModule.Program; this.multiTracesCmd = multiTracesCmd; if (multiTracesCmd.AssociatedMeasureHeightCmd != null) { curMeasureHeightValue = multiTracesCmd.AssociatedMeasureHeightCmd.RealHtValue; } else { curMeasureHeightValue = this.RunnableModule.MeasuredHt; } }
public static void TraceLogInlineEnd(string message) { if (LogLevel > eTraceType.Info) { return; } #if NETFX try { Trace.WriteLine(message); } catch { } #elif UNIVERSAL try { Debug.WriteLine(message); } catch { } #endif try { TraceLine?.Invoke(eTraceType.Info, message); } catch { } }
public static WoWUnit FindFriend(Func <WoWUnit, bool> predicate) { if (ObjectManager.Me.HealthPercent < 70) { return(ObjectManager.Me); } return(ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWPlayer().Where(u => u.IsAlive && u.Reaction == Reaction.Friendly && predicate(u) && !TraceLine.TraceLineGo(ObjectManager.Me.Position, u.Position, CGWorldFrameHitFlags.HitTestSpellLoS)). OrderBy(u => u.HealthPercent).FirstOrDefault()); }
public static void TraceError(string message, [CallerFilePath] string filePath = "", [CallerLineNumber] int lineNumber = 0, [CallerMemberNameAttribute] string method = "") { if (LogLevel > eTraceType.Error) { return; } #if NETFX #if DEBUG try { var p = Path.GetFileName(filePath); } catch { Debug.Assert(false, "Invalid Log message"); }; #endif try { Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} ERROR {1} [{2}:{3}] :: {4}", DateTime.Now, Path.GetFileName(filePath), method, lineNumber, message)); } catch { } #elif UNIVERSAL try { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} ERROR {1} [{2}:{3}] :: {4}", DateTime.Now, Path.GetFileName(filePath), method, lineNumber, message)); } catch { } #endif try { TraceLine?.Invoke(eTraceType.Error, String.Format("{0} ERROR {1} [{2}:{3}] :: {4}", DateTime.Now, Path.GetFileName(filePath), method, lineNumber, message)); } catch { } }
public static WoWUnit FindFriend(Func <WoWUnit, bool> predicate) { if (RotationFramework.Me.HealthPercent < 60) { return(RotationFramework.Me); } return(RotationFramework.Units .Where(u => u.IsAlive && u.Reaction == Reaction.Friendly && predicate(u) && !TraceLine.TraceLineGo(u.Position)) .OrderBy(u => u.HealthPercent) .FirstOrDefault()); }
protected override void PullNextMob() { var closestHostile = ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitHostile() .Where(x => !x.IsDead && !TraceLine.TraceLineGo(ObjectManager.Me.Position, x.Position, CGWorldFrameHitFlags.HitTestSpellLoS)) .OrderBy(x => x.GetDistance2D) .FirstOrDefault(); if (closestHostile == null) { return; } closestHostile.TargetEnemy(); MovementManager.Face(closestHostile); MovementManager.StopMove(); SpellManager.CastSpellByNameLUA("Shoot Crossbow"); }
public static void TraceErrorException(Exception ex, string message = null, bool reportIt = true, [CallerFilePath] string filePath = "", [CallerLineNumber] int lineNumber = 0, [CallerMemberNameAttribute] string method = "") { if (LogLevel > eTraceType.Critical) { return; } #if DEBUG try { var p = Path.GetFileName(filePath); } catch { Debug.Assert(false, "Invalid Log message"); }; #endif var fileName = Path.GetFileName(filePath); var failure = new YIncident() { FilePath = filePath, FileName = fileName, LineNumber = lineNumber, Method = method }; failure.StackTrace = new StackTrace(ex, true); if (message != null) { failure.Messages.Add(message); } #if NETFX try { Trace.WriteLine("Exception caught!" + (message == null ? "" : " Msg: " + message) + " Stack trace: " + ex.StackTrace + "" + Environment.NewLine); } catch { } #elif UNIVERSAL try { Debug.WriteLine("Exception caught! Stack trace: " + ex.StackTrace + "" + Environment.NewLine); } catch { } #endif try { TraceLine?.Invoke(eTraceType.Error, "Exception caught! Stack trace: " + ex.StackTrace + "" + Environment.NewLine); } catch { } while (ex != null) { failure.Messages.Add(ex.Message); #if NETFX try { Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} ERROR {1} [{2}:{3}] :: {4}", DateTime.Now, fileName, method, lineNumber, "Exception : " + ex.Message + "" + Environment.NewLine)); } catch { } #elif UNIVERSAL Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} ERROR {1} [{2}:{3}] :: {4}", DateTime.Now, fileName, method, lineNumber, "Exception : " + ex.Message + "" + Environment.NewLine)); #endif try { TraceLine?.Invoke(eTraceType.Error, String.Format("{0} ERROR {1} [{2}:{3}] :: {4}", DateTime.Now, fileName, method, lineNumber, "Exception : " + ex.Message + "" + Environment.NewLine)); } catch { } ex = ex.InnerException; } if (reportIt) { ThrowYIncident?.Invoke(failure); } }
private void btnTeachEnd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { tbEndX.Text = (Machine.Instance.Robot.PosX - origin.X).ToString("0.000"); tbEndY.Text = (Machine.Instance.Robot.PosY - origin.Y).ToString("0.000"); if (!tbEndX.IsValid || !tbEndY.IsValid) { //MessageBox.Show("Please input valid values."); MessageBox.Show("请输入正确的值."); return; } //机械坐标->系统坐标 this.tempEndPoint = pattern.SystemRel(tbEndX.Value, tbEndY.Value); if (hasSamePoints()) { MessageBox.Show("存在相同点,请检查."); return; } TraceBase newTrace = null; if (this.rbLine.Checked) { newTrace = new TraceLine(this.tempStartPoint.Clone() as PointD, this.tempEndPoint.Clone() as PointD); } else { newTrace = new TraceArc(this.tempStartPoint.Clone() as PointD, this.tempMidPoint.Clone() as PointD, this.tempEndPoint.Clone() as PointD); } newTrace.LineStyle = this.comboBoxLineType.SelectedIndex; this.tracesCache.Add(newTrace); this.updatePointsCache(); this.LoadLines2ListBox(); this.LoadPoints2ListBox(); listBoxLines.SelectedIndex = listBoxLines.Items.Count - 1; listBoxPoints.SelectedIndex = listBoxPoints.Items.Count - 1; // 本段终点为下一段轨迹的起点 this.tempStartPoint.X = this.tempEndPoint.X; this.tempStartPoint.Y = this.tempEndPoint.Y; this.tbStartX.Text = this.tempStartPoint.X.ToString("0.000"); this.tbStartY.Text = this.tempStartPoint.Y.ToString("0.000"); this.tbMidX.Text = this.tempMidPoint.X.ToString("0.000"); this.tbMidY.Text = this.tempMidPoint.Y.ToString("0.000"); }
public static void TraceWarning(Exception ex, string message, [CallerFilePath] string filePath = "", [CallerLineNumber] int lineNumber = 0, [CallerMemberNameAttribute] string method = "") { if (LogLevel > eTraceType.Warning) { return; } #if DEBUG try { var p = Path.GetFileName(filePath); } catch { Debug.Assert(false, "Invalid Log message"); }; #endif //two spaces after warn not a typo while (ex != null) { var stack = ex.StackTrace; #if NETFX try { Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} Warn {1} [{2}:{3}] :: {4}", DateTime.Now, Path.GetFileName(filePath), method, lineNumber, message + " (" + ex.Message + ")" + Environment.NewLine + "StackTrace : " + stack)); } catch { } #elif UNIVERSAL try { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} Warn {1} [{2}:{3}] :: {4}", DateTime.Now, Path.GetFileName(filePath), method, lineNumber, message + " (" + ex.Message + ")" + Environment.NewLine + "StackTrace : " + stack)); } catch { } #endif try { TraceLine?.Invoke(eTraceType.Warning, String.Format("{0} Warn {1} [{2}:{3}] :: {4}", DateTime.Now, Path.GetFileName(filePath), method, lineNumber, message + " (" + ex.Message + ")" + Environment.NewLine + "StackTrace : " + stack)); } catch { } ex = ex.InnerException; } }
private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.listBoxPoints.SelectedIndex < 0) { return; } PointTrace pointTrace = pointsCache[this.listBoxPoints.SelectedIndex]; TraceBase trace = this.tracesCache[pointTrace.TraceIndex]; TraceBase traceNext = null; TraceBase traceNew = null; if (pointTrace.PointType == TracePointType.End) { // 删除连接点,则同时删除2条相邻轨迹,用一条直线轨迹替代 if (this.tracesCache.Count - 1 >= pointTrace.TraceIndex + 1) { traceNext = this.tracesCache[pointTrace.TraceIndex + 1]; traceNew = new TraceLine(trace.Start, traceNext.End); traceNew.LineStyle = trace.LineStyle; } this.tracesCache.Remove(trace); if (traceNext != null) { this.tracesCache.Remove(traceNext); this.tracesCache.Insert(pointTrace.TraceIndex, traceNew); } } else if (pointTrace.PointType == TracePointType.Mid) { traceNew = new TraceLine(trace.Start, trace.End); traceNew.LineStyle = trace.LineStyle; this.tracesCache.Remove(trace); this.tracesCache.Insert(pointTrace.TraceIndex, traceNew); } this.updatePointsCache(); this.LoadLines2ListBox(); this.LoadPoints2ListBox(); }
public MultiTracesDrawCmd(List <TraceBase> traces, bool enable) { for (int i = 0; i < traces.Count; i++) { if (traces[i] is TraceLine) { TraceLine line = (TraceLine)traces[i]; PointF[] linePoints = new PointF[2]; PointF lineStart = DrawingUtils.Instance.CoordinateTrans(new PointF((float)line.Start.X, (float)line.Start.Y)); PointF lineEnd = DrawingUtils.Instance.CoordinateTrans(new PointF((float)line.End.X, (float)line.End.Y)); linePoints[0] = lineStart; linePoints[1] = lineEnd; this.linesData.Add(linePoints); } else if (traces[i] is TraceArc) { TraceArc traceArc = (TraceArc)traces[i]; PointF[] arcPoints = new PointF[3]; PointF arcStart = DrawingUtils.Instance.CoordinateTrans(new PointF((float)traceArc.Start.X, (float)traceArc.Start.Y)); PointF arcCenter = DrawingUtils.Instance.CoordinateTrans(new PointF((float)traceArc.Center.X, (float)traceArc.Center.Y)); PointF arcEnd = DrawingUtils.Instance.CoordinateTrans(new PointF((float)traceArc.End.X, (float)traceArc.End.Y)); arcPoints[0] = arcStart; arcPoints[1] = arcCenter; arcPoints[2] = arcEnd; float degree = (float)traceArc.Degree; this.arcsData.Add(new Tuple <PointF[], float>(arcPoints, degree)); } if (i == traces.Count - 1 && traces[i] is TraceLine) { this.lastTrackIsLine = true; } } this.enable = enable; this.SetTrack(new PointF(0, 0), Properties.Settings.Default.TrackNormalColor); }
private void Purifying() { var members = getPartymembers().Where(o => !TraceLine.TraceLineGo(o.Position)).OrderBy(o => o.HealthPercent); if (members.Count() > 0) { var u = members.First(); WoWPlayer healTarget = new WoWPlayer(u.GetBaseAddress); if (!TraceLine.TraceLineGo(healTarget.Position) && healTarget.IsAlive) { //Interact.InteractGameObject(healTarget.GetBaseAddress, false); if (Lua.LuaDoString <bool>("for j=1,40 do local m=5; local d={UnitDebuff(\"{healTarget}\",j)}; if (d[5]==\"Poison\" or d[5]==\"Disease\") and d[7]>m then j=41 return 1 end end;")) { ObjectManager.Me.FocusGuid = healTarget.Guid; Extension.HealSpell(Purify, false, false, true); Logging.WriteDebug("Purified " + healTarget.Name); return; } return; } } return; }
public void Read() { try { do { if (cancelTS.Token.IsCancellationRequested) { //Debug.WriteLine("Request to cancel Task received."); break; } NativeMethods.SetEvent(_bufferReadyEvent); uint wait = NativeMethods.WaitForSingleObject(_dataReadyEvent, WaitTimeout); if (stop) { return; } if (!Enabled) { continue; } if (wait == WAIT_OBJECT_0) // we don't care about other return values { int pid = Marshal.ReadInt32(_file); string text = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(new IntPtr(_file.ToInt64() + Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int)))).TrimEnd(null); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { continue; } TraceLine line = new TraceLine(); line.Index = _id++; line.Pid = pid; line.ProcessName = GetProcessName(line.Pid); line.Text = text; if (!_watch.IsRunning) { _watch.Start(); // small hack; we ensure the first has 0 ticks line.Ticks = 0; } else { line.Ticks = _watch.ElapsedTicks; } if (FilterPID > 0 && pid == FilterPID) { if (ToolWindowControl.RedirectToLog) { TraceSpyLogger.Instance.WriteLine(line.ToString()); } else { Queue.Add(line); } } else if (FilterPID == 0) { if (ToolWindowControl.RedirectToLog) { TraceSpyLogger.Instance.WriteLine(line.ToString()); } else { Queue.Add(line); } } } }while (true); } catch { } }
public void StrikeFirst() { if (_stealthSpell == null) { _stealthSpell = new Spell("Stealth"); } if (_prowlSpell == null) { _prowlSpell = new Spell("Prowl"); } if (IgnoreStrikeBackCreatureList.Count <= 0) { Logging.Write("Loading IgnoreStrikeBackCreatureList..."); string[] forceLootCreatureList = Others.ReadFileAllLines(Application.StartupPath + "\\Data\\IgnoreStrikeBackCreatureList.txt"); for (int i = 0; i <= forceLootCreatureList.Length - 1; i++) { int creatureId = Others.ToInt32(forceLootCreatureList[i]); if (creatureId > 0 && !IgnoreStrikeBackCreatureList.Contains(creatureId)) { IgnoreStrikeBackCreatureList.Add(creatureId); } } if (IgnoreStrikeBackCreatureList.Count > 0) { Logging.Write("Loaded " + IgnoreStrikeBackCreatureList.Count + " creatures to ignore in Strike Back system."); } } while (Products.Products.IsStarted) { Thread.Sleep(1500); // no need to spam, this is supposed to be more "human", and human have brainlag anyway. if (Fight.InFight) { continue; } if (Usefuls.BadBottingConditions) { continue; } if ((ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.IsMounted && (nManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.IgnoreFightIfMounted || Usefuls.IsFlying))) { continue; } if (_stealthSpell.HaveBuff || _prowlSpell.HaveBuff) { continue; } if (ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.HealthPercent <= 40) { continue; } if (ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.GetDurability <= nManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.RepairWhenDurabilityIsUnderPercent) { continue; } WoWUnit unit = ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetUnitInAggroRange(); if (unit == null || !unit.IsValid || unit.IsDead || nManagerSetting.IsBlackListedZone(unit.Position) && unit.GetDistance > 10f) { continue; } if (unit.InCombat || unit.IsTrivial) { continue; } if (IgnoreStrikeBackCreatureList.Contains(unit.Entry)) { continue; } if (unit.IsElite && System.Math.Abs(ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Level - unit.Level) < 0 || System.Math.Abs(ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Level - unit.Level) < -6) { //nManagerSetting.AddBlackListZone(unit.Position, 15f); continue; // automatically add potentially dangerous target location to blacklist to avoid suiciding farming near an elite. } if (unit.Health > (ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Health * 15)) { continue; } if (TraceLine.TraceLineGo(ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Position, unit.Position, CGWorldFrameHitFlags.HitTestAllButLiquid)) { continue; } if (unit.GetMove) // only decide to attack if the unit move towards us or patrol. { _unitToPull = unit; } } }
// Approach spell target private void ApproachSpellTarget() { Timer limit = new Timer(10000); if (CurrentSpellTarget != null) { Logger.Log($"Approaching {CurrentSpellTarget.Name} to cast {CurrentSpell.Name} ({CurrentSpellTarget.GetDistance}/{CurrentSpell.MaxRange}"); MovementManager.Go(PathFinder.FindPath(CurrentSpellTarget.Position), false); Thread.Sleep(1000); while (Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause && !limit.IsReady && (CurrentSpellTarget.IsAlive || CurrentSpell.OnDeadTarget) && (CurrentSpellTarget.GetDistance > CurrentSpell.MaxRange - 2 || TraceLine.TraceLineGo(CurrentSpellTarget.Position))) { Thread.Sleep(100); } MovementManager.StopMoveNewThread(); } else if (CurrentSpellLocation != null) { Logger.Log($"Approaching {CurrentSpellLocation} to cast {CurrentSpell.Name}"); MovementManager.Go(PathFinder.FindPath(CurrentSpellLocation), false); Thread.Sleep(1000); while (Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause && !limit.IsReady && (CurrentSpellLocation.DistanceTo(ObjectManager.Me.Position) > CurrentSpell.MaxRange - 2)) { Thread.Sleep(100); } MovementManager.StopMoveNewThread(); } }
public bool AdvancedCast(AIOSpell spell, bool stopWandAndCast = true, bool onSelf = false, WoWUnit onUnitFocus = null, Vector3 location = null) { WoWUnit Me = ObjectManager.Me; float buffer = 600; if (IsApproachingTarget) { return(true); } CurrentSpell = spell; CurrentSpellLocation = location; CombatDebug("*----------- INTO PRE CAST FOR " + CurrentSpell.Name); if (!CurrentSpell.KnownSpell || IsBackingUp || Me.CastingTimeLeft > buffer || !CurrentSpell.IsForcedCooldownReady || Me.IsStunned) { return(false); } // Define target if (onUnitFocus != null) { CurrentSpellTarget = onUnitFocus; } else if (CurrentSpellLocation != null) { CurrentSpellTarget = null; } else if (onSelf) { CurrentSpellTarget = ObjectManager.Me; } else { if (CurrentSpell.MaxRange <= 0 && ObjectManager.Target.GetDistance > RangeManager.GetMeleeRangeWithTarget()) { return(false); } CurrentSpellTarget = ObjectManager.Target; } // Now that we know the target if (CurrentSpellLocation == null) { if (CurrentSpellTarget == null || CurrentSpellTarget.GetDistance > 100 || (CurrentSpellTarget.IsDead && !CurrentSpell.OnDeadTarget) || (CurrentSpell.MinRange > 0 && CurrentSpellTarget.GetDistance <= CurrentSpell.MinRange) || UnitImmunities.Contains(CurrentSpellTarget, CurrentSpell.Name) || (!CurrentSpellTarget.IsValid && !CurrentSpell.OnDeadTarget)) // double check this { return(false); } } CombatDebug("*----------- INTO CAST FOR " + CurrentSpell.Name); // CHECK COST if (CurrentSpell.PowerType == -2 && Me.Health < CurrentSpell.Cost) { CombatDebug($"{CurrentSpell.Name}: Not enough health {CurrentSpell.Cost}/{Me.Health}, SKIPPING"); return(false); } else if (CurrentSpell.PowerType == 0 && Me.Mana < CurrentSpell.Cost) { CombatDebug($"{CurrentSpell.Name}: Not enough mana {CurrentSpell.Cost}/{Me.Mana}, SKIPPING"); return(false); } else if (CurrentSpell.PowerType == 1 && Me.Rage < CurrentSpell.Cost) { CombatDebug($"{CurrentSpell.Name}: Not enough rage {CurrentSpell.Cost}/{Me.Rage}, SKIPPING"); return(false); } else if (CurrentSpell.PowerType == 2 && ObjectManager.Pet.Focus < CurrentSpell.Cost) { CombatDebug($"{CurrentSpell.Name}: Not enough pet focus {CurrentSpell.Cost}/{ObjectManager.Pet.Focus}, SKIPPING"); return(false); } else if (CurrentSpell.PowerType == 3 && Me.Energy < CurrentSpell.Cost) { CombatDebug($"{CurrentSpell.Name}: Not enough energy {CurrentSpell.Cost}/{Me.Energy}, SKIPPING"); return(false); } // DON'T CAST BECAUSE WANDING if (WandSpell != null && ToolBox.UsingWand() && !stopWandAndCast) { CombatDebug("Didn't cast because we were wanding"); return(false); } // COOLDOWN CHECKS float _spellCD = CurrentSpell.GetCurrentCooldown; CombatDebug($"Cooldown is {_spellCD}"); if (_spellCD >= 500) { CombatDebug("Didn't cast because cd is too long"); return(false); } // STOP WAND FOR CAST if (WandSpell != null && ToolBox.UsingWand() && stopWandAndCast) { StopWandWaitGCD(WandSpell); } // Wait for remaining Cooldown if (_spellCD > 0f && _spellCD < buffer) { CombatDebug($"{CurrentSpell.Name} is almost ready, waiting"); while (CurrentSpell.GetCurrentCooldown > 0 && CurrentSpell.GetCurrentCooldown < 500) { Thread.Sleep(50); } Thread.Sleep(50); // safety } if (!CurrentSpell.IsSpellUsable) { CombatDebug("Didn't cast because spell somehow not usable"); return(false); } bool stopMove = CurrentSpell.CastTime > 0 || CurrentSpell.IsChannel; if (CurrentSpellLocation != null || CurrentSpellTarget.Guid != Me.Guid) { Vector3 spellPosition = CurrentSpellLocation != null ? CurrentSpellLocation : CurrentSpellTarget.Position; if (CurrentSpell.MaxRange > 0 && spellPosition.DistanceTo(Me.Position) > CurrentSpell.MaxRange || TraceLine.TraceLineGo(spellPosition)) { if (Me.HaveBuff("Spirit of Redemption")) { return(false); } Logger.LogFight($"Target not in range/sight, recycling {CurrentSpell.Name}"); if (Fight.InFight) { IsApproachingTarget = true; } else { ApproachSpellTarget(); } return(true); } } if (onUnitFocus != null) { ObjectManager.Me.FocusGuid = CurrentSpellTarget.Guid; } string unit = onUnitFocus != null ? "focus" : "target"; unit = onSelf || CurrentSpellLocation != null ? "player" : unit; // Wait for remaining cast in case of buffer while (Me.CastingTimeLeft > 0) { Thread.Sleep(25); } if (stopMove) { MovementManager.StopMoveNewThread(); } if (CombatLogON) { string rankString = CurrentSpell.Rank > 0 ? $"(Rank {CurrentSpell.Rank})" : ""; string target = CurrentSpellLocation != null?CurrentSpellLocation.ToString() : CurrentSpellTarget.Name; Logger.Log($"[Spell] Casting {CurrentSpell.Name.Replace("()", "")} {rankString} on {target}"); } CurrentSpell.Launch(stopMove, false, true, unit); if (CurrentSpell.IsClickOnTerrain) { ClickOnTerrain.Pulse(CurrentSpellLocation); } Thread.Sleep(50); ToolBox.ClearCursor(); // Wait for channel to end if (CurrentSpell.IsChannel) { CombatDebug($"{CurrentSpell.Name} is channel, wait cast"); while (ToolBox.GetChannelTimeLeft("player") < 0) { Thread.Sleep(50); } CurrentSpell.StartForcedCooldown(); return(true); } // Wait for instant cast GCD if (CurrentSpell.CastTime <= 0) { CurrentSpell.StartForcedCooldown(); Timer gcdLimit = new Timer(1500); CombatDebug($"{CurrentSpell.Name} is instant, wait GCD"); while (DefaultBaseSpell.GetCurrentCooldown > buffer && !gcdLimit.IsReady) { Thread.Sleep(50); } if (gcdLimit.IsReady) { Logger.LogError("We had to resort to timer wait (GCD)"); } return(true); } if (CurrentSpell.CastTime > 0) { // Wait for cast to end buffer = CurrentSpell.PreventDoubleCast ? 0 : buffer; CombatDebug($"{CurrentSpell.Name} is normal, wait until {buffer} left"); while (Me.CastingTimeLeft > buffer) { if (CurrentSpell.IsResurrectionSpell && CurrentSpellTarget.IsAlive) { Lua.RunMacroText("/stopcasting"); } Thread.Sleep(50); } CurrentSpell.StartForcedCooldown(); } return(true); }
protected override void BuffRotation() { if (!Me.HaveBuff("Drink") || Me.ManaPercentage > 95) { base.BuffRotation(); // Unending Breath if (!Me.HaveBuff("Unending Breath") && settings.UseUnendingBreath && cast.OnSelf(UnendingBreath)) { return; } // Demon Skin if (!Me.HaveBuff("Demon Skin") && !DemonArmor.KnownSpell && !FelArmor.KnownSpell && cast.OnSelf(DemonSkin)) { return; } // Demon Armor if ((!Me.HaveBuff("Demon Armor")) && !FelArmor.KnownSpell && cast.OnSelf(DemonArmor)) { return; } // Fel Armor if (!Me.HaveBuff("Fel Armor") && cast.OnSelf(FelArmor)) { return; } // Health Funnel OOC if (ObjectManager.Pet.HealthPercent < 50 && Me.HealthPercent > 40 && ObjectManager.Pet.GetDistance < 19 && !ObjectManager.Pet.InCombatFlagOnly && settings.HealthFunnelOOC) { Lua.LuaDoString("PetWait();"); MovementManager.StopMove(); Fight.StopFight(); if (WarlockPetAndConsumables.MyWarlockPet().Equals("Voidwalker")) { cast.PetSpell("Consume Shadows", false, true); } if (cast.OnSelf(HealthFunnel)) { Thread.Sleep(500); Usefuls.WaitIsCasting(); Lua.LuaDoString("PetFollow();"); return; } Lua.LuaDoString("PetFollow();"); } // Health Stone if (!WarlockPetAndConsumables.HaveHealthstone() && cast.OnSelf(CreateHealthStone)) { return; } // Create Soul Stone if (!WarlockPetAndConsumables.HaveSoulstone() && cast.OnSelf(CreateSoulstone)) { return; } // PARTY Soul Stone if (CreateSoulstone.KnownSpell && ToolBox.HaveOneInList(WarlockPetAndConsumables.SoulStones()) && ToolBox.GetItemCooldown(WarlockPetAndConsumables.SoulStones()) <= 0) { WoWPlayer noSoulstone = AIOParty.GroupAndRaid .Find(m => !m.HaveBuff("Soulstone Resurrection") && m.GetDistance < 20 && m.Name != "Unknown" && !TraceLine.TraceLineGo(Me.Position, m.Position) && (m.WowClass == WoWClass.Paladin || m.WowClass == WoWClass.Priest || m.WowClass == WoWClass.Shaman || m.WowClass == WoWClass.Druid)); if (noSoulstone != null) { Logger.Log($"Using Soulstone on {noSoulstone.Name}"); MovementManager.StopMoveNewThread(); MovementManager.StopMoveToNewThread(); Lua.RunMacroText($"/target {noSoulstone.Name}"); if (ObjectManager.Target.Name == noSoulstone.Name) { ToolBox.UseFirstMatchingItem(WarlockPetAndConsumables.SoulStones()); Usefuls.WaitIsCasting(); Lua.RunMacroText("/cleartarget"); ToolBox.ClearCursor(); } } } // PARTY Drink if (AIOParty.PartyDrink(settings.PartyDrinkName, settings.PartyDrinkThreshold)) { return; } // Life Tap if (Me.HealthPercent > Me.ManaPercentage && settings.UseLifeTap && cast.OnSelf(LifeTap)) { return; } } }
/// <summary> /// Open a port, open an OpenPort, or create a mock ECU stream. /// </summary> /// <param name="portName">COM port name, passthru DLL name, or "Mock ECU".</param> /// <param name="baudRate">Baud rate to use for COM port.</param> /// <returns>Stream.</returns> public static Stream GetDataStream( string portName, int baudRate, ref SerialPort port, TraceLine traceLine) { if (portName == SsmUtility.MockEcuDisplayName) { MockEcuStream.Image = new EcuImage2F12785206(); return(MockEcuStream.CreateInstance()); } if (SsmUtility.OpenPort20DisplayName.Equals(portName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { portName = SsmUtility.OpenPort20PortName; } if (portName.EndsWith(".dll", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { PassThruStream passThruStream = PassThruStream.GetInstance(portName); passThruStream.OpenSsmChannel(); return(passThruStream); } Stream stream = null; if (port == null) { traceLine("SsmUtility.GetDataStream: Creating port."); port = new SerialPort(portName, baudRate, Parity.None, 8); port.ReadTimeout = 500; port.WriteTimeout = 500; } if (port.IsOpen) { traceLine("SsmUtility.GetDataStream: Port already open, draining input queue..."); int bytesToRead = 0; while ((bytesToRead = port.BytesToRead) > 0) { Trace.WriteLine("SsmUtility.GetDataStream: " + bytesToRead.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + " bytes in queue, reading..."); byte[] buffer = new byte[bytesToRead]; port.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); traceLine("SsmUtility.GetDataStream: Read completed."); Thread.Sleep(500); } } else { traceLine("SsmUtility.GetDataStream: Port not open."); bool exists = false; foreach (string name in System.IO.Ports.SerialPort.GetPortNames()) { if (string.Compare(name, port.PortName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { traceLine("SsmUtility.GetDataStream: Port " + name + " exists."); exists = true; break; } } if (exists) { port.Open(); Trace.WriteLine("SsmUtility.GetDataStream: Port opened."); } else { string message = "Port " + port.PortName + " does not exist."; throw new IOException(message); } } stream = port.BaseStream; Trace.WriteLine("SsmUtility.GetDataStream: Input queue drained, returning stream."); return(stream); }
private bool IsPointOutOfWater(Point p) { return(!TraceLine.TraceLineGo(new Point(p.X, p.Y, p.Z + 1000), p, Enums.CGWorldFrameHitFlags.HitTestLiquid)); }
public override void Run() { try { if (MovementManager.InMovement) { return; } // Get if this zone is last zone if (LastZone != { _nbTryFarmInThisZone = 0; // Reset nb try farm if zone is not last zone } LastZone =; // Set lastzone // Solving Every X Min if (timerAutoSolving == null) { timerAutoSolving = new Timer(SolvingEveryXMin * 1000 * 60); } if (timerAutoSolving.IsReady && !ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.IsDeadMe && !ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.InCombat) { MovementManager.StopMove(); LongMove.StopLongMove(); if (Archaeology.SolveAllArtifact(UseKeystones) > 0) { if (CrateRestored) { Archaeology.CrateRestoredArtifact(); } } timerAutoSolving = new Timer(SolvingEveryXMin * 1000 * 60); } if (MovementManager.InMovement) { return; } // Loop farm in zone // We must check Me.IsIndoor because no archeology is indoor int nbStuck = 0; // Nb of stuck direct try { if (myState != LocState.LocalMove) { MountTask.DismountMount(); } ObjectManager.WoWGameObject t = ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetNearestWoWGameObject( ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetWoWGameObjectByEntry(Archaeology.ArchaeologyItemsFindList)); if (t.IsValid) // If found then loot { nbCastSurveyError = 0; _lastGreenPosition = new Point(); _AntiPingPong = false; _greenCount = 0; if (myState == LocState.Looting) { if (timerLooting != null && timerLooting.IsReady) { MovementsAction.Jump(); Thread.Sleep(1500); } else { return; } } bool ValidPath; List <Point> points = PathFinder.FindPath(t.Position, out ValidPath, false); if (!ValidPath) { points.Add(t.Position); } MovementManager.Go(points); if (nbLootAttempt > 2) { MovementManager.StopMove(); LongMove.StopLongMove(); if (Archaeology.SolveAllArtifact(UseKeystones) == 0) { nManagerSetting.AddBlackList(t.Guid); // bugged artifacts not lootable Logging.Write("Black-listing bugged artifact"); } else if (CrateRestored) { Archaeology.CrateRestoredArtifact(); } nbLootAttempt = 0; return; } Logging.Write("Loot " + t.Name); Timer timer = new Timer(1000 * Math.DistanceListPoint(points) / 3); while (MovementManager.InMovement && !timer.IsReady && t.GetDistance > 3.5f) { Thread.Sleep(100); if (ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.InInevitableCombat || ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.IsDeadMe) { return; } } MovementManager.StopMove(); // avoid a red wow error Thread.Sleep(150); Interact.InteractWith(t.GetBaseAddress); while (ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.IsCast) { Thread.Sleep(100); } if (ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.InCombat) { return; } Statistics.Farms++; nbLootAttempt++; myState = LocState.Looting; if (timerLooting == null) { timerLooting = new Timer(1000 * 5); } else { timerLooting.Reset(); } return; } if (_nbTryFarmInThisZone > MaxTryByDigsite) // If try > config try black list { nbLootAttempt = 0; BlackListDigsites.Add(; Logging.Write("Black List Digsite: " +; myState = LocState.LocalMove; nbCastSurveyError = 0; return; } bool moreMovementNeeded = false; if (qPOI != null && !qPOI.ValidPoint && qPOI.Center.DistanceTo2D(ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Position) < 40.0f) { #pragma warning disable 168 // We call qPOI.MiddlePoint to make the WoWQuestPOIPoint instance compute the middle point, but I don't care were it is Point p = qPOI.MiddlePoint; // we are near enough to compute it #pragma warning restore 168 if (Usefuls.IsFlying) { moreMovementNeeded = true; MovementManager.StopMove(); } } // Go To Zone if (qPOI != null && (moreMovementNeeded || !qPOI.IsInside(ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Position))) { if (MountTask.GetMountCapacity() == MountCapacity.Feet || MountTask.GetMountCapacity() == MountCapacity.Ground) { int LodestoneID = 117389; if (!_travelDisabled && ItemsManager.GetItemCount(LodestoneID) > 0 && Usefuls.RealContinentId == 1116 && qPOI.Center.DistanceTo2D(ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Position) > 3000f) { ObjectManager.WoWItem item = ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetWoWItemById(LodestoneID); if (item != null && item.IsValid && !ItemsManager.IsItemOnCooldown(LodestoneID) && ItemsManager.IsItemUsable(LodestoneID)) { Logging.Write("Using a Draenor Archaeologist's Lodestone"); Products.Products.InManualPause = true; // Prevent triggering "Player teleported" ItemsManager.UseItem(LodestoneID); Thread.Sleep(3000 + Usefuls.Latency); digsitesZone = new Digsite(); // Reset the choice made return; } } Logging.Write("Not inside, then go to Digsite " +; Point me = ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Position; if (_travelLocation != null && _travelLocation.DistanceTo(me) > 0.1f) { if (Products.Products.TravelRegenerated && Products.Products.TravelFrom.IsValid) { _travelLocation = Products.Products.TravelFrom; Products.Products.TravelRegenerated = false; } } if ((_travelLocation == null || _travelLocation.DistanceTo(me) > 0.1f) && !_travelDisabled && !Usefuls.IsFlying) { MovementManager.StopMove(); Logging.Write("Calling travel system to go to digsite " + + " (" + + ")..."); Products.Products.TravelToContinentId = Usefuls.ContinentId; Products.Products.TravelTo = qPOI.Center; Products.Products.TravelFromContinentId = Usefuls.ContinentId; Products.Products.TravelFrom = me; // Pass the check for valid destination as a lambda Products.Products.TargetValidationFct = qPOI.IsInside; _travelLocation = Products.Products.TravelFrom; return; } if (_travelLocation.DistanceTo(me) <= 0.1f) { _travelDisabled = true; } List <Point> newPath; newPath = PathFinder.FindPath(qPOI.Center); MovementManager.Go(newPath); } else if (qPOI.ValidPoint) { if (moreMovementNeeded || !qPOI.IsInside(ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Position)) { Point destination = new Point(qPOI.MiddlePoint); destination.Type = "flying"; if (moreMovementNeeded) { Logging.Write("Landing on the digsite"); } else { Logging.Write("Not inside, then go to Digsite " + + "; X: " + destination.X + "; Y: " + destination.Y + "; Z: " + (int)destination.Z); } MovementManager.Go(new List <Point>(new[] { destination })); // MoveTo Digsite } } else { // here we need to go to center, THEN compute middle point Point destination = qPOI.Center; destination.Z += 40.0f; destination.Type = "flying"; Logging.Write("Go to Digsite " + + "; X: " + destination.X + "; Y: " + destination.Y + "; Z: " + (int)destination.Z); MovementManager.Go(new List <Point>(new[] { destination })); // MoveTo Digsite } myState = LocState.LocalMove; return; } // Find loot with Survey nbLootAttempt = 0; t = ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetNearestWoWGameObject( ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetWoWGameObjectByDisplayId(Archaeology.SurveyList)); if (t.GetBaseAddress == 0 || myState == LocState.GoingNextPoint || // recast if we moved even if last is still spawned myState == LocState.Looting) // after we looted we need to recast survey spell, even if the previous one is still spawned { if (!Archaeology.DigsiteZoneIsAvailable(digsitesZone)) { return; } if (myState == LocState.LocalMove) { MountTask.DismountMount(); } surveySpell.Launch(); myState = LocState.Survey; if (ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.InCombat) { return; } Thread.Sleep(1750 + Usefuls.Latency); // let's wait a fair bit nbCastSurveyError++; if (nbCastSurveyError > 3) { if (ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo2D(qPOI.MiddlePoint) < 5) { // This means we are in a wrong digsite List <Digsite> listDigsitesZone; if (!_inSecondDigSiteWithSameName) { listDigsitesZone = Archaeology.GetDigsitesZoneAvailable(t.Name); } else // very very rare case I had: back to the first digsite with same name after the 2nd one { listDigsitesZone = Archaeology.GetDigsitesZoneAvailable(); } foreach (Digsite dg in listDigsitesZone) { if ( == t.Name) { digsitesZone = dg; } } WoWResearchSite OneSite; if (!_inSecondDigSiteWithSameName) { OneSite = WoWResearchSite.FromName(, true); } else { OneSite = WoWResearchSite.FromName(, false); } qPOI = WoWQuestPOIPoint.FromSetId(OneSite.Record.QuestIdPoint); _inSecondDigSiteWithSameName = !_inSecondDigSiteWithSameName; nbCastSurveyError = 0; return; } if (MountTask.GetMountCapacity() == MountCapacity.Feet || MountTask.GetMountCapacity() == MountCapacity.Ground) { Logging.Write("Too many errors, then go to Digsite " +; List <Point> newPath = PathFinder.FindPath(qPOI.Center); MovementManager.Go(newPath); } else { if (qPOI != null) { Point destination = qPOI.MiddlePoint; Logging.Write("Too many errors, then go to Digsite " + + "; X: " + destination.X + "; Y: " + destination.Y + "; Z: " + (int)destination.Z); MovementManager.Go(new List <Point>(new[] { destination })); // MoveTo Digsite } } nbCastSurveyError = 0; return; } _nbTryFarmInThisZone++; return; } if (myState == LocState.GoingNextPoint) { return; } nbCastSurveyError = 0; // Reset try cast survey if ((ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.InCombat && !(ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.IsMounted && (nManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.IgnoreFightIfMounted || Usefuls.IsFlying)))) { return; } Point p0; float angle; { Point p; float distance, distanceMin, distanceMax, decrement, increment; if (t.DisplayId == 10103) // Survey Tool (Red) 100 yard { distance = 90f; distanceMin = 20f; distanceMax = 210f; increment = 8f; decrement = 8f; _lastGreenPosition = new Point(); _AntiPingPong = false; _greenCount = 0; } else if (t.DisplayId == 10102) // Survey Tool (Yellow) 50 yard { distance = 46f; distanceMin = 20f; distanceMax = 60f; increment = 7f; decrement = 6.5f; _lastGreenPosition = new Point(); _AntiPingPong = false; _greenCount = 0; } else // Survey Tool (Green) 25 yard (t.DisplayId == 10101) { _greenCount++; increment = 4f; if (_greenCount >= 10) { _greenCount = 0; _lastGreenPosition = new Point(); Point destination = qPOI.MiddlePoint; _AntiPingPong = false; Logging.Write("Stuck, then go to Digsite " + + "; X: " + destination.X + "; Y: " + destination.Y + "; Z: " + (int)destination.Z); MountTask.Mount(true, true); MovementManager.Go(new List <Point>(new[] { destination })); // MoveTo Digsite return; } if (_AntiPingPong) { Logging.Write("Ping-pong detected, shortening the distance"); distance = 11f; distanceMin = 6f; distanceMax = 16f; decrement = 4f; } else { distance = 19f; distanceMin = 7f; distanceMax = 41f; decrement = 3f; } } { float d = distance; p0 = new Point(t.Position); angle = t.Orientation; p = Math.GetPosition2DOfAngleAndDistance(p0, angle, d); p.Z = PathFinder.GetZPosition(p, true); bool valid; PathFinder.FindPath(p, out valid); if (qPOI != null) { bool IamOutOfWater = IsPointOutOfWater(ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Position); while (!valid || p.Z == 0 || !qPOI.IsInside(p) || !(!IamOutOfWater || IsPointOutOfWater(p))) { if (d + increment > distanceMax) { break; } d += increment; Point newone = Math.GetPosition2DOfAngleAndDistance(p0, angle, d); if (qPOI.IsInside(newone)) { p = new Point(newone); p.Z += d / 10.0f; // just so that GetZ don't find caves too easiely p.Z = PathFinder.GetZPosition(p, true); if (p.Z == 0) // if p == 0 we don't care about the path { valid = false; } else if (Math.DistanceListPoint(PathFinder.FindLocalPath(p, out valid)) > d * 4 && d > 30) { valid = false; } } // Since these direction are approximate, also search in a pi/5 angle if (!valid /* && t.DisplayId == 10103*/) { float angleplus = Math.FixAngle(angle + ((float)System.Math.PI / 10f)); newone = Math.GetPosition2DOfAngleAndDistance(p0, angleplus, d); p = new Point(newone); p.Z += d / 10.0f; // just so that GetZ don't find caves too easiely p.Z = PathFinder.GetZPosition(p, true); if (p.Z == 0) // if p == 0 we don't care about the path { valid = false; } else if (Math.DistanceListPoint(PathFinder.FindLocalPath(p, out valid)) > d * 4 && d > 30) { valid = false; } if (valid) { Logging.Write("Angles+ for distance " + d); } } if (!valid /* && t.DisplayId == 10103*/) { float angleminus = Math.FixAngle(angle - ((float)System.Math.PI / 10f)); newone = Math.GetPosition2DOfAngleAndDistance(p0, angleminus, d); p = new Point(newone); p.Z += d / 10.0f; // just so that GetZ don't find caves too easiely p.Z = PathFinder.GetZPosition(p, true); if (p.Z == 0) // if p == 0 we don't care about the path { valid = false; } else if (Math.DistanceListPoint(PathFinder.FindLocalPath(p, out valid)) > d * 4 && d > 30) { valid = false; } if (valid) { Logging.Write("Angles- for distance " + d); } } } if (!valid || p.Z == 0 || !qPOI.IsInside(p) || !(!IamOutOfWater || IsPointOutOfWater(p))) { d = distance; while (!valid || p.Z == 0 || !qPOI.IsInside(p) || !(!IamOutOfWater || IsPointOutOfWater(p))) { if (d - decrement < distanceMin) { break; } d -= decrement; Point newone = Math.GetPosition2DOfAngleAndDistance(p0, angle, d); if (qPOI.IsInside(newone)) { p = new Point(newone); p.Z += d / 10.0f; // just so that the the GetZ don't find caves too easiely p.Z = PathFinder.GetZPosition(p, true); if (p.Z == 0) // if p == 0 we don't care about the path { valid = false; } else if (Math.DistanceListPoint(PathFinder.FindLocalPath(p, out valid)) > d * 4 && d > 30) { valid = false; } } // Since these direction are approximate, also search in a pi/5 angle if (!valid /* && t.DisplayId == 10103*/) { float angleplus = Math.FixAngle(angle + ((float)System.Math.PI / 10f)); newone = Math.GetPosition2DOfAngleAndDistance(p0, angleplus, d); p = new Point(newone); p.Z += d / 10.0f; // just so that GetZ don't find caves too easiely p.Z = PathFinder.GetZPosition(p, true); if (p.Z == 0) // if p == 0 we don't care about the path { valid = false; } else if (Math.DistanceListPoint(PathFinder.FindLocalPath(p, out valid)) > d * 4 && d > 30) { valid = false; } if (valid) { Logging.Write("Angles+ for distance " + d); } } if (!valid /* && t.DisplayId == 10103*/) { float angleminus = Math.FixAngle(angle - ((float)System.Math.PI / 10f)); newone = Math.GetPosition2DOfAngleAndDistance(p0, angleminus, d); p = new Point(newone); p.Z += d / 10.0f; // just so that GetZ don't find caves too easiely p.Z = PathFinder.GetZPosition(p, true); if (p.Z == 0) // if p == 0 we don't care about the path { valid = false; } else if (Math.DistanceListPoint(PathFinder.FindLocalPath(p, out valid)) > d * 4 && d > 30) { valid = false; } if (valid) { Logging.Write("Angles- for distance " + d); } } } } } // check pingpong but not a second time if (_AntiPingPong) { _AntiPingPong = false; } else if (t.DisplayId == 10101 && _lastGreenPosition.IsValid && p.DistanceTo2D(_lastGreenPosition) <= 7f) { _AntiPingPong = true; } // then remmember the last Green Position if (t.DisplayId == 10101) { _lastGreenPosition = new Point(ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Position); } if (_AntiPingPong) { myState = LocState.LocalMove; return; } Logging.Write("Distance " + d + " selected"); } myState = LocState.GoingNextPoint; // Find Path bool resultB; List <Point> points = PathFinder.FindLocalPath(p, out resultB, false); // If path not found find nearer if (points.Count <= 0) { Point pt = Math.GetPosition2DOfAngleAndDistance(p0, angle, 15); pt.Z = ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Position.Z; points = PathFinder.FindLocalPath(pt, out resultB, false); if (points.Count > 0 && resultB) { p = new Point(pt); } } // Go to next position if ((!resultB && p.DistanceTo(ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Position) > 10) || nbStuck >= 2) // Use fly mount { p.Z = PathFinder.GetZPosition(p); if (p.Z == 0) { p.Z = ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Position.Z + 35; } else { p.Z = p.Z + 5.0f; } if ((ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.InCombat && !(ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.IsMounted && (nManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.IgnoreFightIfMounted || Usefuls.IsFlying)))) { return; } MountTask.Mount(true, true); LongMove.LongMoveByNewThread(p); Timer timer = new Timer(2000 * points[points.Count - 1].DistanceTo(ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Position) / 3); while (LongMove.IsLongMove && !timer.IsReady && ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo2D(p) > 0.5f) { if ((ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.InCombat && !(ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.IsMounted && (nManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.IgnoreFightIfMounted || Usefuls.IsFlying)))) { LongMove.StopLongMove(); return; } Thread.Sleep(100); } LongMove.StopLongMove(); while (MovementManager.IsUnStuck) { if (ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.IsDeadMe) { return; } Thread.Sleep(100); LongMove.StopLongMove(); } MovementManager.StopMove(); MountTask.DismountMount(); // ReSharper disable RedundantAssignment nbStuck = 0; // ReSharper restore RedundantAssignment } else // walk to next position { float d1 = Math.DistanceListPoint(points); float d2 = points[0].DistanceTo(points[points.Count - 1]); // here we will try to shortcut the path using a fly mount if (MountTask.GetMountCapacity() == MountCapacity.Fly && d1 > 80 && d1 > (d2 * 2)) { Point startpoint = new Point(ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Position); Point endpoint = new Point(points[points.Count - 1]); float z1 = startpoint.Z; float z2 = endpoint.Z; float zref = System.Math.Max(z1, z2) + 6.0f; Point pref1 = new Point(startpoint); pref1.Z = zref; Point pref2 = new Point(endpoint); pref2.Z = zref; bool badres = TraceLine.TraceLineGo(startpoint, pref1) || TraceLine.TraceLineGo(pref1, pref2) || TraceLine.TraceLineGo(pref2, endpoint); if (!badres) { Logging.Write("Flying to shortcut the path"); MountTask.Mount(true, true); if (Usefuls.IsFlying) // Failsafe: in case we are indoor don't try { points = new List <Point>(); pref1.Z += 2f; pref2.Z += 2f; points.Add(pref1); points.Add(pref2); points.Add(endpoint); } } } if (d1 > nManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.MinimumDistanceToUseMount && !nManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.UseGroundMount) { MountTask.Mount(); } if (Usefuls.IsFlying) { for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++) { points[i].Type = "flying"; } } MovementManager.Go(points); float d = Math.DistanceListPoint(points) / 3; if (d > 200) { d = 200; } float tm_t = 1000 * d / 2 + 1500; if (Usefuls.IsSwimming) { tm_t /= 0.6f; } Timer timer = new Timer(tm_t); while (MovementManager.InMovement && !timer.IsReady && ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo2D(p) > 0.5f) { if ((ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.InCombat && !(ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.IsMounted && (nManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.IgnoreFightIfMounted || Usefuls.IsFlying)))) { return; } Thread.Sleep(100); } // incremente nbstuck if player is stuck if (ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo(t.Position) < 5 || (MovementManager.InMovement && !ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.InInevitableCombat && timer.IsReady)) { // ReSharper disable RedundantAssignment nbStuck++; } // ReSharper restore RedundantAssignment else { // ReSharper disable RedundantAssignment nbStuck = 0; } // ReSharper restore RedundantAssignment if (ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.InInevitableCombat) { return; } MovementManager.StopMove(); while (MovementManager.IsUnStuck) { if (ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.IsDeadMe) { return; } Thread.Sleep(100); MovementManager.StopMove(); } } } } catch { } } catch { } }
internal void AddOstTraces(CIContainer aContainer) { CITraceData traceData = aContainer.Traces; // if (traceData != null && traceData.Lines.Length > 0) { foreach (CITrace ciTrace in traceData) { System.Text.StringBuilder line = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); TraceLine trace = ciTrace; // Type string type = string.Empty; switch (trace.Type) { case TraceLine.TType.ETypeBinary: type = "Bin"; break; case TraceLine.TType.ETypeRaw: type = "Raw"; break; case TraceLine.TType.ETypeText: type = "Text"; break; default: type = "Unknown"; break; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(type) == false) { line.Append(type); } // Context id if (trace.ContextId != 0) { line.Append(" " + "0x" + trace.ContextId.ToString("x8")); } // Time stamp line.Append(" " + trace.TimeStamp.ToString()); // Prefix string prefix = trace.Prefix; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(prefix) == false) { line.Append(" " + prefix); } // Suffix string suffix = trace.Suffix; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(suffix) == false) { line.Append(" " + suffix); } if (trace.HasIdentifier) { // Component/group/id triplet TraceIdentifier identifier = trace.Identifier; line.Append(" C:" + "0x" + identifier.Component.ToString("x8")); line.Append(" G:" + identifier.Group.ToString()); line.Append(" I:" + identifier.Id.ToString()); // File & line TraceLocation location = identifier.Location; // string file = location.File; string lineNumber = location.Line.ToString(); // if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(file) == false && string.IsNullOrEmpty(lineNumber) == false) { line.Append(" " + file); line.Append(":" + lineNumber); } } // Payload string payload = trace.Payload; line.Append(" " + payload); iOstTraces.Add(line.ToString()); } } }