IEnumerator ContinousMove(bool isLeft) { while (true) { TetrisGame.GetInstance().MoveTetromino(isLeft ? MoveDirection.Left : MoveDirection.Right); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(continousMoveTime)); } }
public void StartGame() { score = 0; Time.timeScale = 1.0f; InputController.EnableInput(); UIManager.GetInstance().HideGameOverPanel(); UIManager.GetInstance().UpdateScoreText(score); TetrisGame.GetInstance().StartNewGame(); }
public void GameOver() { Time.timeScale = 0.0f; InputController.DisableInput(); UIManager.GetInstance().ShowGameOverPanel(); TetrisGame.GetInstance().GameOver(); // Post highscore to database. if (isHighscoreBitten) { isHighscoreBitten = false; UserDatabase.Get().SyncUserHighscore(); } }
public void ResumeGame() { Time.timeScale = 1.0f; TetrisGame.GetInstance().ResumeGame(); InputController.EnableInput(); }
public void PauseGame() { Time.timeScale = 0.0f; InputController.DisableInput(); TetrisGame.GetInstance().PauseGame(); }
void GetPlayerInput() { #if UNITY_STANDALONE || UNITY_EDITOR if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.A) || Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.D)) { StopCoroutine(continousMoveCorountine); continousMoveCorountine = null; } if (continousMoveCorountine == null && (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.D))) // Moving Tetromino to left or right. { bool isLeft = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A); // If Key "A" is pressed - move left, otherwise Key "D" is pressed - move right. continousMoveCorountine = StartCoroutine(ContinousMove(isLeft)); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.W)) // Rotating Tetromino. { TetrisGame.GetInstance().RotateTetromino(); } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S)) // Moving Tetromino to down. { TetrisGame.GetInstance().DownKeyPressed(); } // Mouse Input. if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { swipeStart = Input.mousePosition; } else if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0)) { if (!isDraging) { TetrisGame.GetInstance().RotateTetromino(); } else { isDraging = false; } } if (Input.GetMouseButton(0)) { // Calculate the distance. swipeDelta = (Vector2)Input.mousePosition - swipeStart; // Did we cross the threshold? if (swipeDelta.magnitude > swipeThreshold) { isDraging = true; // Which direction? if (Mathf.Abs(swipeDelta.x) > Mathf.Abs(swipeDelta.y)) { // Left or Right. if (swipeDelta.x > 0) { TetrisGame.GetInstance().MoveTetromino(MoveDirection.Right); } else { TetrisGame.GetInstance().MoveTetromino(MoveDirection.Left); } } else { // Up or Down. if (swipeDelta.y < 0) { TetrisGame.GetInstance().DownKeyPressed(); } } swipeStart += swipeDelta; swipeDelta =; } } #endif if (Input.touches.Length > 0) { if (Input.touches.Length > 0) { if (Input.touches[0].phase == TouchPhase.Began) { swipeStart = Input.touches[0].position; } else if (Input.touches[0].phase == TouchPhase.Ended || Input.touches[0].phase == TouchPhase.Canceled) { if (!isDraging) { TetrisGame.GetInstance().RotateTetromino(); } else { isDraging = false; } } } // Calculate the distance. swipeDelta = Input.touches[0].position - swipeStart; // Did we cross the threshold? if (swipeDelta.magnitude > swipeThreshold) { isDraging = true; // Which direction? if (Mathf.Abs(swipeDelta.x) > Mathf.Abs(swipeDelta.y)) { // Left or Right. if (swipeDelta.x > 0) { TetrisGame.GetInstance().MoveTetromino(MoveDirection.Right); } else { TetrisGame.GetInstance().MoveTetromino(MoveDirection.Left); } } else { // Up or Down. if (swipeDelta.y < 0) { TetrisGame.GetInstance().DownKeyPressed(); } } swipeStart += swipeDelta; swipeDelta =; } } }