コード例 #1
        public void TestCreateChildScenePresence()
//            log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator.Configure();

            LocalSimulationConnectorModule lsc = new LocalSimulationConnectorModule();

            IConfigSource configSource = new IniConfigSource();
            IConfig       config       = configSource.AddConfig("Modules");

            config.Set("SimulationServices", "LocalSimulationConnectorModule");

            SceneHelpers sceneHelpers = new SceneHelpers();
            TestScene    scene        = sceneHelpers.SetupScene();

            SceneHelpers.SetupSceneModules(scene, configSource, lsc);

            UUID             agentId = TestHelpers.ParseTail(0x01);
            AgentCircuitData acd     = SceneHelpers.GenerateAgentData(agentId);

            acd.child = true;

            GridRegion region = scene.GridService.GetRegionByName(UUID.Zero, scene.RegionInfo.RegionName);
            string     reason;

            // *** This is the first stage, when a neighbouring region is told that a viewer is about to try and
            // establish a child scene presence.  We pass in the circuit code that the client has to connect with ***
            // XXX: ViaLogin may not be correct here.
            scene.SimulationService.CreateAgent(region, acd, (uint)TeleportFlags.ViaLogin, out reason);

            Assert.That(scene.AuthenticateHandler.GetAgentCircuitData(agentId), Is.Not.Null);
            Assert.That(scene.AuthenticateHandler.GetAgentCircuits().Count, Is.EqualTo(1));

            // There's no scene presence yet since only an agent circuit has been established.
            Assert.That(scene.GetScenePresence(agentId), Is.Null);

            // *** This is the second stage, where the client established a child agent/scene presence using the
            // circuit code given to the scene in stage 1 ***
            TestClient client = new TestClient(acd, scene);

            scene.AddNewClient(client, PresenceType.User);

            Assert.That(scene.AuthenticateHandler.GetAgentCircuitData(agentId), Is.Not.Null);
            Assert.That(scene.AuthenticateHandler.GetAgentCircuits().Count, Is.EqualTo(1));

            ScenePresence sp = scene.GetScenePresence(agentId);

            Assert.That(sp, Is.Not.Null);
            Assert.That(sp.UUID, Is.EqualTo(agentId));
            Assert.That(sp.IsChildAgent, Is.True);