private void CheckExerciseButtonAction() { TerraGuardian tg = Dialogue.GetSpeaker; PlayerMod pm = Main.player[Main.myPlayer].GetModPlayer <PlayerMod>(); if (pm.CurrentExercise == ExerciseTypes.WaitUntilNextDay) { Dialogue.ShowEndDialogueMessage("*There is no other exercise for you today. For your muscles to recover from today's exercise, wait until tomorrow.*", false); } else if (pm.ExerciseCounter <= 0) { int FitBuffID = Terraria.ModLoader.ModContent.BuffType <Buffs.Fit>(); int NewBuffTime = 30 * 60 * 60; if (pm.player.HasBuff(FitBuffID)) { for (int b = 0; b < pm.player.buffType.Length; b++) { if (pm.player.buffType[b] == FitBuffID) { NewBuffTime += pm.player.buffTime[b]; if (NewBuffTime > 60 * 60 * 60) { NewBuffTime = 60 * 60 * 60; } break; } } } pm.player.AddBuff(FitBuffID, NewBuffTime); pm.ExercisesDone++; if (pm.ExercisesDone >= 10) { pm.ExercisesDone = 0; tg.IncreaseFriendshipProgress(1); Dialogue.ShowEndDialogueMessage("*Good job, [nickname]. You have really impressed me those days. Let your muscles take a rest until tomorrow and then I will give you another exercise.*"); } else { Dialogue.ShowEndDialogueMessage("*Good job, [nickname]. Now take a rest and return to me tomorrow for another exercise.*"); } pm.CurrentExercise = ExerciseTypes.WaitUntilNextDay; } else { switch (pm.CurrentExercise) { case ExerciseTypes.AttackTimes: Dialogue.ShowEndDialogueMessage("*I tasked you into attacking anything a number of times. It seems like you still need to hit anything " + (int)pm.ExerciseCounter + " times. I'm sure you know how you will do that.*", false); break; case ExerciseTypes.JumpTimes: Dialogue.ShowEndDialogueMessage("*I told you to jump a number of times. You still need to jump " + (int)pm.ExerciseCounter + " more times to complete this exercise.*", false); break; case ExerciseTypes.TravelDistance: Dialogue.ShowEndDialogueMessage("*You need to travel " + (int)(pm.ExerciseCounter * 0.5f) + " feets more to complete this exercise.*", false); break; } } }
public bool CompleteRequest(Player player, TerraGuardian gd, byte RewardToGet) { if (ObjectiveCount < MaxObjectiveCount) { return(false); } if (state != RequestState.Active) { return(false); } if (RewardToGet > 2) { RewardToGet = 2; } Base.OnCompleteRequest(player, this); ThisRequestReward reward = Rewards[RewardToGet]; Item.NewItem(player.getRect(), reward.item.type, reward.item.stack, true, reward.item.prefix, true); int p = 0, g = 0, s = 0, c = reward.value; if (c >= 100) { s += c / 100; c -= s * 100; } if (s >= 100) { g += s / 100; s -= g * 100; } if (g >= 100) { p += g / 100; g -= p * 100; } if (p > 0) { Item.NewItem(player.getRect(), Terraria.ID.ItemID.PlatinumCoin, p, true, 0, true); } if (g > 0) { Item.NewItem(player.getRect(), Terraria.ID.ItemID.GoldCoin, g, true, 0, true); } if (s > 0) { Item.NewItem(player.getRect(), Terraria.ID.ItemID.SilverCoin, s, true, 0, true); } if (c > 0) { Item.NewItem(player.getRect(), Terraria.ID.ItemID.CopperCoin, c, true, 0, true); } gd.IncreaseFriendshipProgress(1); SetRequestOnCooldown(); if (Compatibility.NExperienceCompatibility.IsModActive) { Compatibility.NExperienceCompatibility.GiveExpRewardToPlayer(player, (Main.hardMode ? 15 : 3) + (float)reward.value / 10000, 0.05f, true, 5); //NExperience.ExpReceivedPopText.ExpSource.Quest } return(true); }
public override void Update(TerraGuardian guardian) { IgnoreCombat = true; AvoidItemUsage = true; if (guardian.UsingFurniture) { guardian.LeaveFurniture(); } switch (Step) { case 0: if (StepStart) { if (Main.rand.NextDouble() < 0.01f) { Main.PlaySound(29, (int)guardian.Position.X, (int)guardian.CenterY, 89); } guardian.DisplayEmotion(TerraGuardian.Emotions.Question); int ItemPosition = BoxPosition; BoxID = guardian.Inventory[BoxPosition].type; guardian.Inventory[ItemPosition].SetDefaults(0, true); } if (Time >= 120) { ChangeStep(); } break; case 1: if (StepStart) { guardian.DisplayEmotion(TerraGuardian.Emotions.Alarmed); } if (Time % 20 == 0) { //Spawn item every 5 ticks; int ItemID = Terraria.ID.ItemID.CopperCoin, Stack = Main.rand.Next(10, 26); if (Main.rand.Next(100) == 0) { ItemID = Terraria.ID.ItemID.PlatinumCoin; Stack = Main.rand.Next(1, 3); } else if (Main.rand.Next(25) == 0) { ItemID = Terraria.ID.ItemID.GoldCoin; Stack = Main.rand.Next(3, 5); } else if (Main.rand.Next(5) == 0) { ItemID = Terraria.ID.ItemID.SilverCoin; Stack = Main.rand.Next(5, 20); } else if (Main.rand.Next(5) == 0) { ItemID = Terraria.ID.ItemID.WoodenCrate; Stack = Main.rand.Next(3, 6); } else if (Main.rand.Next(15) == 0) { ItemID = Terraria.ID.ItemID.IronCrate; Stack = Main.rand.Next(2, 4); } else if (Main.rand.Next(25) == 0) { ItemID = Terraria.ID.ItemID.GoldenCrate; Stack = Main.rand.Next(1, 3); } else if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { ItemID = Terraria.ID.ItemID.HerbBag; Stack = 1; } Item.NewItem(guardian.CenterPosition, ItemID, Stack); } if (Time >= 120) { ChangeStep(); } break; case 2: if (StepStart) { guardian.DisplayEmotion(TerraGuardian.Emotions.Happy); guardian.IncreaseFriendshipProgress(5); guardian.Data.GiftGiven = true; InUse = false; } break; } }
public static void UponDeliveringToZacksDialogue() { if (!PlayerMod.HasGuardianSummoned(Main.player[Main.myPlayer], GuardianBase.Blue)) { Dialogue.ShowEndDialogueMessage("*You say that Blue and You have something for me? But where is Blue? She's part of that too, right?*", true); return; } Dialogue.IsImportantDialogue(); ZacksOutfitQuestData data = (ZacksOutfitQuestData)Data; TerraGuardian Blue = null, Zacks = null; for (int i = 0; i < Dialogue.DialogueParticipants.Length; i++) { if (Dialogue.DialogueParticipants[i].ModID == MainMod.mod.Name) { if (Dialogue.DialogueParticipants[i].ID == GuardianBase.Blue) { Blue = Dialogue.DialogueParticipants[i]; } if (Dialogue.DialogueParticipants[i].ID == GuardianBase.Zacks) { Zacks = Dialogue.DialogueParticipants[i]; } } } bool ZacksIsInTheTeam = PlayerMod.HasGuardianSummoned(Main.LocalPlayer, GuardianBase.Zacks); if (Blue == null) { Blue = NpcMod.GetGuardianNPCCharacter(GuardianBase.Blue); } if (Zacks == null) { Zacks = NpcMod.GetGuardianNPCCharacter(GuardianBase.Zacks); } if (!Dialogue.HasParticipant(Blue.ID, Blue.ModID)) { Dialogue.AddParticipant(Blue); } if (!Dialogue.HasParticipant(Zacks.ID, Zacks.ModID)) { Dialogue.AddParticipant(Zacks); } Dialogue.GatherAroundGuardian(Zacks); if (Zacks.UsingFurniture) { Zacks.LeaveFurniture(false); } bool ZacksKnow = data.QuestStep % 2 == 1; Dialogue.ShowDialogueWithContinue("*Zacks, we brought something for you.*", Blue); if (!ZacksKnow) { if (ZacksIsInTheTeam) { Dialogue.ShowDialogueWithContinue("*What is it that you two brought me?*", Zacks); } else { Dialogue.ShowDialogueWithContinue("*Something for me? What is It?*", Zacks); } Dialogue.ShowDialogueWithContinue("*We brought you bandages and a shirt.*", Blue); Dialogue.ShowDialogueWithContinue("*Bandages and a shirt? Why?*", Zacks); Dialogue.ShowDialogueWithContinue("*It's so we can cover those wounds of yours.*", Blue); Dialogue.ShowDialogueWithContinue("*Oh, that is actually... nice of you two.*", Zacks); } else { if (ZacksIsInTheTeam) { Dialogue.ShowDialogueWithContinue("*Finally managed to get everything, right?*", Zacks); } else { Dialogue.ShowDialogueWithContinue("*Finally managed to get everything you two were trying to get?*", Zacks); } Dialogue.ShowDialogueWithContinue("*Yes, everything is here.*", Blue); } Dialogue.ShowDialogueWithContinue("*Now let's patch up those wounds...*", Blue); Dialogue.ShowDialogueWithContinue("*Those bandages will surelly help covering the wounds.*", Zacks); Dialogue.ShowDialogueWithContinue("*...Blue... Why it's written \"Meat Bag\" in this shirt?*", Zacks); Dialogue.ShowDialogueWithContinue("*I don't know, it looked fitting.*", Blue); Dialogue.ShowDialogueWithContinue("*How fitting? Do I look like a meat bag?*", Zacks); Dialogue.ShowDialogueWithContinue("*A rotten one (giggles).*", Blue); Dialogue.ShowDialogueWithContinue("*I wont wear this.*", Zacks); Dialogue.ShowDialogueWithContinue("*Come on, don't be a child. I got all those things for you, just wear it, please.*", Blue); Dialogue.ShowDialogueWithContinue("*... Okay...*", Zacks); /*MainMod.ScreenColor = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color.Black; * MainMod.ScreenColorAlpha = 1; * Dialogue.ShowDialogueTimed("(Some washing, patching and cuff wearing later...)",null, 2500); * //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2500);*/ Zacks.OutfitID = Companions.ZacksBase.MeatBagOutfitID; //MainMod.ScreenColorAlpha = 0; data.QuestStep = (byte)(ZacksKnow ? 9 : 8); QuestCompletedNotification(data); Dialogue.ShowDialogueWithContinue("*... How do I look?*", Zacks); Dialogue.ShowDialogueWithContinue("*Perfect! Now you look less half eaten and gross.*", Blue); Blue.IncreaseFriendshipProgress(2); Zacks.IncreaseFriendshipProgress(2); Main.NewText("Zacks [Meat Bag] Outfit unlocked."); Dialogue.ShowEndDialogueMessage("*... I really hope you didn't helped her pick this shirt, [nickname].*", true, Zacks); }
public override void Update(TerraGuardian guardian) { ProceedIdleAIDuringDialogue = true; NpcCanFacePlayer = false; guardian.AddDrawMomentToPlayer(Target); const int BuffRefreshTime = 10 * 60; if (Time >= BuffRefreshTime && Time % BuffRefreshTime == 0) { int Stack = Time / BuffRefreshTime; if (Stack > 3) { Stack = 3; } Target.AddBuff(ModContent.BuffType <Buffs.WellBeing>(), 3600 * 30 * Stack); PlayerMod pm = Target.GetModPlayer <PlayerMod>(); if (pm.ControllingGuardian) { pm.Guardian.AddBuff(ModContent.BuffType <Buffs.WellBeing>(), 3600 * 30 * Stack); } } VladimirBase.VladimirData data = (VladimirBase.VladimirData)guardian.Data; bool End = Target.controlJump; //if (PlayerMod.PlayerHasGuardianSummoned(player, guardian.ID, guardian.ModID)) // End = true; if (Main.bloodMoon) { End = false; } if (End) { InUse = false; Target.Bottom = guardian.Position; if (guardian.BodyAnimationFrame == guardian.Base.ChairSittingFrame) { Target.position.Y -= guardian.SpriteHeight - guardian.Base.SittingPoint.Y * guardian.Scale; } PlayerMod pm = Target.GetModPlayer <PlayerMod>(); if (pm.ControllingGuardian) { pm.Guardian.Position = guardian.Position; } guardian.SaySomething(((Companions.VladimirBase)guardian.Base).GetEndHugMessage(guardian)); } else { if (Target.mount.Active) { Target.mount.Dismount(Target); } PlayerMod pm = Target.GetModPlayer <PlayerMod>(); bool FaceBear = (guardian.BodyAnimationFrame != 20 && guardian.BodyAnimationFrame != 21) || guardian.BodyAnimationFrame == 25; if (pm.ControllingGuardian) { pm.Guardian.Position = guardian.GetGuardianShoulderPosition; pm.Guardian.Position.Y += guardian.Height * 0.5f; pm.Guardian.Velocity.Y = -pm.Guardian.Mass; if (data.CarrySomeone) { pm.Guardian.Position.X -= 6 * guardian.Direction; } pm.Guardian.FallStart = (int)pm.Guardian.Position.Y / 16; if (pm.Guardian.ItemAnimationTime == 0 && !pm.Guardian.MoveLeft && !pm.Guardian.MoveRight) { pm.Guardian.FaceDirection((guardian.Direction * (FaceBear ? -1 : 1)) == -1); } pm.Guardian.AddBuff(ModContent.BuffType <Buffs.Hug>(), 5, true); if (pm.Guardian.KnockedOut) { pm.Guardian.ReviveBoost += 3; } if (!Main.bloodMoon) { pm.Guardian.ImmuneTime = 3; pm.Guardian.ImmuneNoBlink = true; } } else { Target.gfxOffY = 0; Target.Center = guardian.GetGuardianShoulderPosition; Target.velocity.Y = -Player.defaultGravity; Target.fallStart = (int)Target.Center.Y / 16; if (data.CarrySomeone) { Target.position.X -= 6 * guardian.Direction; } if (Target.itemAnimation == 0 && !Target.controlLeft && !Target.controlRight) { Target.ChangeDir(guardian.Direction * (FaceBear ? -1 : 1)); } Target.AddBuff(ModContent.BuffType <Buffs.Hug>(), 5); if (pm.KnockedOut) { pm.ReviveBoost += 3; } if (!Main.bloodMoon) { Target.immuneTime = 3; Target.immuneNoBlink = true; } } if ((guardian.MessageTime == 0 || Main.bloodMoon) && (Target.controlLeft || Target.controlRight || Target.controlUp || Target.controlDown || (Main.bloodMoon && Target.controlJump))) { if (Main.bloodMoon) { Target.controlJump = false; bool Defeated = false, Hurt = false; if (pm.ControllingGuardian) { pm.Guardian.FriendlyDuelDefeat = true; Hurt = 0 != pm.Guardian.Hurt((int)(pm.Guardian.MHP * 0.22f), guardian.Direction, false, true, " were crushed by " + guardian.Name + "'s arms."); if (pm.Guardian.Downed) { Defeated = true; } } else { Target.GetModPlayer <PlayerMod>().FriendlyDuelDefeat = true; Hurt = 0 != Target.Hurt(Terraria.DataStructures.PlayerDeathReason.ByCustomReason( + " were crushed by " + guardian.Name + "'s arms."), (int)(Target.statLifeMax2 * 0.22f), guardian.Direction); if (Target.dead) { Defeated = true; } } if (Hurt) { if (!Defeated) { if (guardian.BodyAnimationFrame == guardian.Base.ChairSittingFrame) { switch (Main.rand.Next(5)) { case 0: guardian.SaySomething("*I'll crush you if you move again!*"); break; case 1: guardian.SaySomething("*I'll hurt you worser than those monsters would If you keep moving!*"); break; case 2: guardian.SaySomething("*I can crush you with my arms or my legs, you pick!*"); break; case 3: guardian.SaySomething("*Want me to turn your bones to dust?*"); break; case 4: guardian.SaySomething("*You are angering me, more than this night does!*"); break; } } else { switch (Main.rand.Next(5)) { case 0: guardian.SaySomething("*Stay quiet!*"); break; case 1: guardian.SaySomething("*I'll crush your bones If you continue doing that!*"); break; case 2: guardian.SaySomething("*I have my arms around you, I can pull them against my body, and you wont like it!*"); break; case 3: guardian.SaySomething("*Want to try that again?*"); break; case 4: guardian.SaySomething("*This is what you want?*"); break; } } } else { switch (Main.rand.Next(5)) { case 0: guardian.SaySomething("*Finally! You got quiet!*"); break; case 1: guardian.SaySomething("*See what you made me do?!*"); break; case 2: guardian.SaySomething("*My mood is already bad, you didn't helped either!*"); break; case 3: guardian.SaySomething("*At least you stopped moving around!*"); break; case 4: guardian.SaySomething("*You behave better when unconscious!*"); break; } } } } else { guardian.SaySomething("*Press Jump button If that's enough.*"); } } if (Target.whoAmI == Main.myPlayer) { MainMod.FocusCameraPosition = guardian.CenterPosition; MainMod.FocusCameraPosition.X -= Main.screenWidth * 0.5f; MainMod.FocusCameraPosition.Y -= Main.screenHeight * 0.5f; ChatTime--; const int InitialTime = 300; if (ChatTime == -1) { ChatTime = InitialTime; } else if (ChatTime < 1) { ChatTime = 60 * 10; // + Main.rand.Next(InitialTime) FriendshipPoints++; if (FriendshipPoints >= 10 + guardian.FriendshipLevel / 3) { FriendshipPoints = 0; guardian.IncreaseFriendshipProgress(1); } string Message = GuardianMouseOverAndDialogueInterface.MessageParser(Main.rand.Next(10) == 0 ? guardian.Base.TalkMessage(Target, guardian) : guardian.Base.NormalMessage(Target, guardian), guardian); //if (Target.talkNPC > -1 && Main.npc[Target.talkNPC].type == ModContent.NPCType<GuardianNPC.List.BearNPC>()) //PlayerMod pm = Target.GetModPlayer<PlayerMod>(); if (pm.IsTalkingToAGuardian && pm.TalkingGuardianPosition == guardian.WhoAmID) { GuardianMouseOverAndDialogueInterface.SetDialogue(Message); } else { //guardian.SaySomething(Message); } } else { } } } }