private void Start() { Vector3 dest = _skipTutorial ? _gameStartPos : _tutorialStartPos; _teleporter.Teleport(dest); _audioSource.clip = _sounds.GameStart; _audioSource.Play(); }
IEnumerator ResetRace() { teleporter.Teleport(); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(teleporter.fadeDuration)); raceController.ResetRace(); }
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { if ( == "GrabVolumeBig") { teleporter.Teleport(); } }
public void Teleport(Vector3 point) { // if some condition was met only then do so (e.g has mana etc. or needs to move first to some position) // Or maybe after teleporting it will cause some damage. // But to actually deal with teleporting effect etc. we delegate this to Teleporter. teleporter.Teleport(point); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (Input.GetAxis("Fire2") > 0.1 && FirstCheck && GetComponent <CollisionChecks>().TouchingElementalInteractable_ == true) { var inventory = GetComponent <Inventory>(); bool isGoodToAdd = true; for (int i = 0; i < inventory.list_.Count; ++i) { if (TempTypes.name_ == inventory.list_[i].name_) { isGoodToAdd = false; } } if (isGoodToAdd) { inventory.list_.Add(TempTypes); } FirstCheck = false; } else if (Input.GetAxis("Fire2") > 0.1 && FirstCheck && GetComponent <CollisionChecks>().TouchingTeleporterInteractable_ == true) { TempPorter.Teleport(); FirstCheck = false; } else if (Input.GetAxis("Fire2") < 0.1) { FirstCheck = true; } }
void FixedUpdate() { InputDevices.GetDevicesAtXRNode(role, devices); if (devices.Count > 0) { device = devices[0]; } if (device != null && device.isValid) { //Sets hand fingers wrap if (device.TryGetFeatureValue(XRHandControllerLink.GetCommonButton(button), out bool teleportButton)) { if (teleporting && !teleportButton) { hand.Teleport(); teleporting = false; } else if (!teleporting && teleportButton) { hand.StartTeleport(); teleporting = true; } } } }
public static bool Prefix(KillButtonManager __instance) { if (!PlayerControl.LocalPlayer.Is(RoleEnum.Teleporter)) { return(true); } if ( !PlayerControl.LocalPlayer.CanMove || PlayerControl.LocalPlayer.Data.IsDead ) { return(false); } Teleporter role = Role.GetRole <Teleporter>(PlayerControl.LocalPlayer); if (__instance != role.TeleportButton) { return(true); } if ( __instance.isCoolingDown || !__instance.isActiveAndEnabled || role.CooldownTimer() > 0 || Utils.IsSabotageActive() ) { return(false); } role.Teleport(); return(false); }
private void CboxBossTeleport_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { var boss = cboxBossTeleport.SelectedItem.ToString().Boss(); if (boss == null) { return; } Teleporter.Teleport(boss); }
private void Update() { UpdateArc(); if (SteamVR_Actions.default_Teleport[SteamVR_Input_Sources.RightHand].stateDown && _isArcTargetValid) { _log.Append("isTeleporting", true); _teleporter.Teleport(_teleportMarker.transform.position); } _log.CommitLine(); }
public void Update() { if (OVRInput.GetDown(teleportButton, controller)) { teleport.StartTeleport(); } if (OVRInput.GetUp(teleportButton, controller)) { teleport.Teleport(); } }
private void Update() { if (_enteredObject != null) { Vector3 relativePosition = transform.InverseTransformPoint(_enteredObject.transform.position); if (relativePosition.z > 0.0f) { _enteredObject.Teleport(); } } }
private void CboxAreaTeleport_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { var area = cboxAreaTeleport.SelectedItem.ToString().Area(); if (area == null) { return; } Teleporter.Teleport(area); }
private void FixedUpdate() { if (!teleporting && teleportAction.GetState(handType)) { teleporting = true; teleport.StartTeleport(); } else if (teleporting && !teleportAction.GetState(handType)) { teleporting = false; teleport.Teleport(); } }
public void FixedUpdate() { if (!aiming && OVRInput.Get(teleportButton, controller)) { aiming = true; teleport.StartTeleport(); } if (aiming && !OVRInput.Get(teleportButton, controller)) { aiming = false; teleport.Teleport(); } }
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider collider) { if (linkedTeleporter == null) { return; } GameObject obj = collider.gameObject; if (obj.tag == "Player") { Teleporter link = linkedTeleporter.GetComponent <Teleporter>(); link.Teleport(obj); } }
public void Teleport(object[] obj) { Param[] set = (Param[])obj[1]; switch (set.Length) { case 2: Teleporter.Teleport((float)set[0].obj, (float)set[1].obj); break; case 3: Teleporter.Teleport((float)set[0].obj, (float)set[1].obj, (float)set[2].obj); break; case 4: Teleporter.Teleport((float)set[0].obj, (float)set[1].obj, (float)set[2].obj, (float)set[3].obj); break; case 5: Teleporter.Teleport((float)set[0].obj, (float)set[1].obj, (float)set[2].obj, (float)set[3].obj, (float)set[4].obj); break; } }
public void Hide() { anim.SetTrigger("Toggle"); teleporter.Teleport(); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (!isLocalPlayer) { return; } Vector2 input = new Vector2(Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal"), Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical")); int wallDirX = (controller.collisions.left) ? -1 : 1; if (isAttacking) //Cannot move while attacking { input.x = 0; if (controller.collisions.below) { targetVelocityX = 0; } } if (!isAttacking) //Allow horizontal move while not attacking { targetVelocityX = input.x * moveSpeed; } velocity.x = Mathf.SmoothDamp(velocity.x, targetVelocityX, ref velocityXSmoothing, (controller.collisions.below) ? accelerationTimeGrounded : accelerationTimeAirorne); bool wallSliding = false; if ((controller.collisions.left || controller.collisions.right) && !controller.collisions.below && velocity.y < 0 && controller.GetComponent <Controller2D>().canWallSlide) //If is wall sliding { wallSliding = true; accelerationTimeAirorne = 0.2f; moveSpeed = initialMoveSpeed * 2; moveSpeed *= transform.localScale.x; if (velocity.y < -wallSlideSpeedMax && (controller.GetComponent <Controller2D>().autoWallSlide || velocity.x != 0)) //Set the maximum drop speed when sliding on wall { velocity.y = -wallSlideSpeedMax; } if (timeToWallUnstick > 0) //Give more wall grab time for jump to opposite side { velocityXSmoothing = 0; velocity.x = 0; if (input.x != wallDirX && input.x != 0) { timeToWallUnstick -= Time.deltaTime; } else { timeToWallUnstick = wallStickTime; } } else { timeToWallUnstick = wallStickTime; } } if (controller.collisions.below) //Set physics when not wall sliding { accelerationTimeAirorne = 0; moveSpeed = initialMoveSpeed * transform.localScale.x; } if (controller.collisions.above || controller.collisions.below) //Stop accumulating gravity if is on ground & prevent going up through roof { velocity.y = 0; } if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") && !isAttacking && !isDodging) //Jump logic { if (wallSliding && controller.GetComponent <Controller2D>().canWallJump) //Wall jump { //print("wall jump"); if (wallDirX == input.x) //Wall Climb { //print(wallDirX); velocity.x = -wallDirX * wallJumpClimb.x; //print(velocity.x); velocity.y = wallJumpClimb.y; } else if (input.x == 0) //Jump off wall { velocity.x = -wallDirX * wallJumpOff.x; velocity.y = wallJumpOff.y; } else //Jump to opposite direction { //print("else"); velocity.x = -wallDirX * wallLeap.x; //print(velocity.x); velocity.y = wallLeap.y; } } if (controller.collisions.below) //Jump from ground { //print("jump"); velocity.y = jumpVelocity; } else if (!controller.collisions.below && jumpsRemaining > 0 && !wallSliding) //Air jump { velocity.y = jumpVelocity; jumpsRemaining--; } } velocity.y += gravity * Time.deltaTime; controller.Move(velocity * Time.deltaTime); if (wallSliding || controller.collisions.below) //Reset jump times { jumpsRemaining = jumpTimes - 1; } if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1") && !isAttacking && !isDodging) //Attack with light saber { //print("attack"); isAttacking = true; attackPrepSession = attackPrep(); StartCoroutine(attackPrepSession); } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Q) && isAttacking && isAttackPrep) //Cancel attack { StopCoroutine(attackPrepSession); isAttacking = false; CmdChangeColor(0); isAttackPrep = false; } if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire2") && !isAttacking && !isDodging) //Dodge move { isDodging = true; velocity.y = 0; teleporte.Teleport(aim.aimingDir, dodgeDistance, dodgeCollisionDetectDist); isDodging = false; } }
private void Update() { if (!_magManager.IsMagnifying) { return; } // Set + adjust position once per frame SetMarkerPosition(); // If marker still collides after adjustment, target cannot be teleported to bool isTargetValid = IsTeleportTargetValid(); _dotImage.SetValid(isTargetValid); _log.Append("targetValid", isTargetValid); SteamVR_Action_Boolean_Source triggerDown = SteamVR_Actions.default_GrabPinch[SteamVR_Input_Sources.RightHand]; if (triggerDown.stateDown && !_teleporter.IsTeleporting) { if (isTargetValid) { _isHoldingTrigger = true; _holdDownTime = 0f; SetTeleportTarget(); _teleportMarker.SetAlpha(1f, 1f); } else { _teleportCandidate = null; _teleportMarker.SetAlpha(0f, 0f); _log.CommitLine(); return; } } if (triggerDown.stateUp) { _isHoldingTrigger = false; _teleportCandidate = null; _teleportMarker.SetAlpha(0f, 0f); } if (_isHoldingTrigger) { _holdDownTime += Time.deltaTime; _dotImage.SetProgress(_holdDownTime / _activationTime); if (_holdDownTime >= _activationTime) { _isHoldingTrigger = false; _log.Append("isTeleporting", true); // Start teleport _teleporter.Teleport(_teleportCandidate.Value); OnGazeTeleport(_teleportCandidate.Value); _teleportCandidate = null; } } else { _teleportMarker.SetAlpha(0f, 0f); _dotImage.SetProgress(1f); } _log.CommitLine(); }
//Need this to subscribe to the event system for unique Locs public void confirmed() { _Active.Teleport(findSelected(), _shutDown); }
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { OtherEndTeleporter.Teleport(other.gameObject); }