コード例 #1
        public void bibli_music()
            string path = (@"C:\Users\" + Environment.UserName + @"\Music");

            FilePaths = Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.mp3", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
            FilePaths2 = Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.flac", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
            FilePaths3 = Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.wav", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
            FilePaths4 = Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.ogg", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
            string[] z;
            z = new string[FilePaths.Count() + FilePaths2.Count()];
            FilePaths.CopyTo(z, 0);
            FilePaths2.CopyTo(z, FilePaths.Count());
            FilePaths = z;

            z = new string[FilePaths.Count() + FilePaths3.Count()];
            FilePaths.CopyTo(z, 0);
            FilePaths3.CopyTo(z, FilePaths.Count());
            FilePaths = z;

            z = new string[FilePaths.Count() + FilePaths4.Count()];
            FilePaths.CopyTo(z, 0);
            FilePaths4.CopyTo(z, FilePaths.Count());
            FilePaths = z;

            TagLib.File[] f;
            f = new TagLib.File[FilePaths.Count()];
            for (int i = 0; i < FilePaths.Count(); i++)
                f[i] = TagLib.File.Create(FilePaths[i]);
            var gridview = new GridView();
            this.bibView.View = gridview;
            gridview.Columns.Add(new GridViewColumn {
                Header = "Titre", DisplayMemberBinding = new Binding("Title") });
            gridview.Columns.Add(new GridViewColumn
                Header = "Artiste",
                DisplayMemberBinding = new Binding("Artiste")
            gridview.Columns.Add(new GridViewColumn
                Header = "Album",
                DisplayMemberBinding = new Binding("Album")
            for (int i = 0; i < FilePaths.Count(); i++)
                bibView.Items.Add(new Song() { Title = f[i].Tag.Title, Artiste = f[i].Tag.FirstAlbumArtist, Album = f[i].Tag.Album });

コード例 #2
ファイル: Song.cs プロジェクト: stolksdorf/taggy
 public Song(TagLib.File file, string path)
     tagFile = file;
     Path = path;
     int temp = path.LastIndexOf('\\');
     FileName = path.Substring(temp+1, path.Length - temp - 1);
コード例 #3
 public Media Create(String path)
     created = false;
     int point = path.LastIndexOf('.');
     if (point != -1)
         String ext = path.Substring(point + 1);
         foreach (KeyValuePair<MediaType, Tuple<List<String>, object>> dic in AuthorizedExtension)
             if (dic.Value.Item1.Contains(ext.ToLower()))
                 media = new Media();
                 media.Type = dic.Key;
                 created = true;
                 Debug.Add("Media " + path + " created !");
     if (!created)
         throw new InvalidMediaException(path + " is not a valid media");
         tag = null;
         tag = TagLib.File.Create(path);
     catch (Exception e)
         Debug.Add(e.ToString() + "\n");
     media.AddTags(tag, path);
     Debug.Add("Media datas completed !");
     return media;
コード例 #4
 public Mp3File(string path)
     FilePath = path;
     _tagFile = TagLib.File.Create(FilePath);
     Title = _tagFile.Tag.Title.FixCodepage();
     Artist = _tagFile.Tag.FirstPerformer.FixCodepage();
     Album = _tagFile.Tag.Album.FixCodepage();
コード例 #5
        static void LogWarnings(string filename, File file)
            if (!file.PossiblyCorrupt)

            foreach (var reason in file.CorruptionReasons)
                Log.WarnFormat("{0} is possibly corrupt: {1}", filename, reason);
コード例 #6
ファイル: Utwor.cs プロジェクト: bartoszzielinski/musesort
 //#############################PUBLICZNE METODY KLASY############################################
 /// <summary>Tworzy obiekt Utwór odpowiedający danemu plikowi muzycznemu.</summary>
 /// <param name="path">Ścieżka pliku.</param>
 /// <exception cref="FileNotFoundException">Rzucane jeśli podany plik nie istnieje</exception>
 public Utwor(String path)
         throw new FileNotFoundException(path);
     Sciezka = SciezkaZrodlowa = path;
     Nazwa = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path);
     dane = new DaneUtworu();
     tagi = TagLib.File.Create(path);
     stareTagi = TagLib.File.Create(path);
コード例 #7
ファイル: TagLibMediaFile.cs プロジェクト: nexus49/grado
 public TagLibMediaFile(String pathToFile)
         file = TagLib.File.Create(pathToFile);
     catch (Exception e)
         Logging.Error(typeof(TagLibMediaFile), e);
コード例 #8
ファイル: Track.cs プロジェクト: tofi92/MetroPlayer
 public Track(string pPath)
     if (System.IO.File.Exists(pPath))
         Path = pPath;
         File = TagLib.File.Create(Path);
         throw new System.IO.FileNotFoundException("Diese Datei exsitiert nicht!", pPath);
コード例 #9
ファイル: Mp3File.cs プロジェクト: Confirmit/Students
        public Mp3File(string path)
            _content = File.Create(path);
            FullName = path;

            Tags = new Mp3Tags
                Album = _content.Tag.Album,
                Title = _content.Tag.Title,
                Artist = _content.Tag.FirstPerformer,
                Genre = _content.Tag.FirstGenre,
                Track = _content.Tag.Track
コード例 #10
ファイル: TagLib.cs プロジェクト: philwo/crossfade
         * Opens a TagLib handle for the specified file
         * */
        public LibraryTagLib(Uri file)
            if (file.Scheme != Uri.UriSchemeFile)
                throw new ArgumentException("Unsupported Uri Schema!");

                media = TagLib.File.Create(file.LocalPath);
            catch (IOException ex)
                throw ex;
コード例 #11
 public static MusicInfo CreateMusicInfo(File f, string path)
     var mi = new MusicInfo
         Album = f.Tag.Album,
         Artist = f.Tag.FirstAlbumArtist??  f.Tag.FirstPerformer,
         AudioRate = f.Properties.AudioBitrate,
         Genres = f.Tag.JoinedGenres,
         Title = f.Tag.Title ?? Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path),
         Track = (int) f.Tag.Track,
         Year = (int) f.Tag.Year,
         Path = path
     return mi;
コード例 #12
ファイル: Mp3Track.cs プロジェクト: gfdittmer/MiSharp
        public Mp3Track(string filepath, File tag)
            if (filepath == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("filepath", "filepath cannot equal null");
                File = new FileInfo(filepath);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new ArgumentException("An error occured from the passed filepath", "filepath", e);
            _filepath = filepath;

            TrackTitle = string.IsNullOrEmpty(tag.Tag.Title) ? File.Name : tag.Tag.Title.Trim();
            AlbumTitle = string.IsNullOrEmpty(tag.Tag.Album) ? "Unknown Album" : tag.Tag.Album.Trim();
            TrackNumber = (int) tag.Tag.Track;
            ArtistName = !tag.Tag.Performers.Any() ? "Unknown Artist" : string.Join(" & ", tag.Tag.Performers);
            Year = (int) tag.Tag.Year;
            Genre = tag.Tag.JoinedGenres;
            Bitrate = tag.Properties.AudioBitrate;
            Duration = tag.Properties.Duration;
コード例 #13
ファイル: Utwor.cs プロジェクト: bartoszzielinski/musesort
 //Zapisuje dane z obiektu dane do obiektu tagi
 //Uaktualnia dane w obiekcie stareTagi
 public override void zapiszTagi()
     tagi.Tag.Album = dane.album;
     tagi.Tag.BeatsPerMinute = dane.bityNaMinute;
     tagi.Tag.Conductor = dane.dyrygent;
     tagi.Tag.Genres = dane.gatunek;
     tagi.Tag.Comment = dane.komentarz;
     tagi.Tag.DiscCount = dane.liczbaCd;
     tagi.Tag.TrackCount = dane.liczbaPiosenek;
     tagi.Tag.Track = dane.numer;
     tagi.Tag.Disc = dane.numerCd;
     tagi.Tag.Copyright = dane.prawaAutorskie;
     tagi.Tag.MusicIpId = dane.puid;
     tagi.Tag.Year = dane.rok;
     tagi.Tag.Lyrics = dane.tekstPiosenki;
     tagi.Tag.Title = dane.tytul;
     tagi.Tag.Performers = dane.wykonawca;
     tagi.Tag.AlbumArtists = dane.wykonawcaAlbumu;
     tagi.Tag.Pictures = dane.zdjecia;
     stareTagi = tagi;
     logi += "Zapisano nowe tagi." + Environment.NewLine;
コード例 #14
        public void TreeScan(string sDir)
            foreach (string f in Directory.GetFiles(sDir))
                using (var session = driver.Session())
                    soundFileManager = new SoundFileManager(session);
                        SoundFile   sf   = null;
                        TagLib.File file = null;

                        Console.WriteLine("Processing " + f);

                        file = TagLib.File.Create(f);
                        double length = file.Properties.Duration.TotalSeconds;

                        sf = new SoundFile()
                            Title     = file.Tag.Title,
                            Filename  = f,
                            Directory = sDir,
                            Comment   = file.Tag.Comment,
                            Rating    = 0,
                            Filesize  = "",
                            Year      = (int)file.Tag.Year,
                            Genre     = file.Tag.JoinedGenres,
                            Lyrics    = file.Tag.Lyrics,
                            Album     = file.Tag.Album,
                            Artist    = file.Tag.JoinedAlbumArtists,
                            Duration  = (int)length,
                            Mime      = file.MimeType

                        if (file.Tag.Pictures.Any())
                            var artwork = file.Tag.Pictures.First();
                            using (MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream())
                                byte[] imageBytes = artwork.Data.Data;
                                // Convert byte[] to Base64 String
                                string base64String = Convert.ToBase64String(imageBytes);
                                sf.Artwork = base64String;
                                imageBytes = null;

                        file = null;
                        sf   = null;
                    catch (Exception uex)

                        //todo - log and give report
            foreach (string d in Directory.GetDirectories(sDir))
コード例 #15
        /// <summary>
        ///    Constructs and initializes a new instance of <see
        ///    cref="BoxHeader" /> by reading it from a specified seek
        ///    position in a specified file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file">
        ///    A <see cref="TagLib.File" /> object to read the new
        ///    instance from.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="position">
        ///    A <see cref="long" /> value specifiying the seek position
        ///    in <paramref name="file" /> at which to start reading.
        /// </param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
        ///    <paramref name="file" /> is <see langword="null" />.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="CorruptFileException">
        ///    There isn't enough data in the file to read the complete
        ///    header.
        /// </exception>
        public BoxHeader(TagLib.File file, long position)
            if (file == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(file));

            Box           = null;
            from_disk     = true;
            this.position = position;

            ByteVector data   = file.ReadBlock(32);
            int        offset = 0;

            if (data.Count < 8 + offset)
                throw new CorruptFileException("Not enough data in box header.");

            header_size = 8;
            box_size    = data.Mid(offset, 4).ToUInt();
            BoxType     = data.Mid(offset + 4, 4);

            // If the size is 1, that just tells us we have a
            // massive ULONG size waiting for us in the next 8
            // bytes.
            if (box_size == 1)
                if (data.Count < 8 + offset)
                    throw new CorruptFileException("Not enough data in box header.");

                header_size += 8;
                offset      += 8;
                box_size     = data.Mid(offset, 8).ToULong();

            // UUID has a special header with 16 extra bytes.
            if (BoxType == Mpeg4.BoxType.Uuid)
                if (data.Count < 16 + offset)
                    throw new CorruptFileException("Not enough data in box header.");

                header_size += 16;
                ExtendedType = data.Mid(offset, 16);
                ExtendedType = null;

            if (box_size > (ulong)(file.Length - position))
                throw new CorruptFileException(
                          $"Box header specified a size of {box_size} bytes but only {file.Length - position} bytes left in the file");
コード例 #16
ファイル: Utwor.cs プロジェクト: bartoszzielinski/musesort
 //Przywraca do obiektu dane informacje z obiektu stareTagi
 public override void przywrocDomyslneTagi()
     tagi = stareTagi;
     logi += "Anulowano modyfikowanie tagów." + Environment.NewLine;
コード例 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// 更名文本。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileInfo"></param>
        /// <param name="file"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string RenameText(FileInfo fileInfo, TagLib.File file)
            //string filename = GetTimeName(fileInfo);

コード例 #18
ファイル: Song.cs プロジェクト: cboseak/KoPlayer
 public void SaveTags()
     using (TagLib.File track = TagLib.File.Create(Path))
         if (this.Title != null)
             track.Tag.Title = this.Title;
         if (this.Artist != null)
             if (track.Tag.Performers.Length == 0)
                 track.Tag.Performers = new string[1] {
                 track.Tag.Performers[0] = this.Artist;
             if (this.Artist == "")
                 track.Tag.Performers = new string[0];
         if (this.Album != null)
             track.Tag.Album = this.Album;
         if (this.Genre != null)
             if (track.Tag.Genres.Length == 0)
                 track.Tag.Genres = new string[1] {
                 track.Tag.Genres[0] = this.Genre;
             if (this.Genre == "")
                 track.Tag.Genres = new string[0];
         if (this.TrackNumber > 0)
             track.Tag.Track = (uint)this.TrackNumber;
         if (this.DiscNumber > 0)
             track.Tag.Disc = (uint)this.DiscNumber;
             MessageBox.Show("Could not save tags: File being used by another process.");
コード例 #19
ファイル: BoxFactory.cs プロジェクト: gchudov/taglib-sharp
 /// <summary>
 ///    Creates a box by reading it from a file given its header
 ///    and handler.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="file">
 ///    A <see cref="TagLib.File" /> object containing the file
 ///    to read from.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="header">
 ///    A <see cref="BoxHeader" /> object containing the header
 ///    of the box to create.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="handler">
 ///    A <see cref="IsoHandlerBox" /> object containing the
 ///    handler that applies to the new box.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>
 ///    A newly created <see cref="Box" /> object.
 /// </returns>
 public static Box CreateBox(TagLib.File file, BoxHeader header,
                             IsoHandlerBox handler)
     return(CreateBox(file, header, BoxHeader.Empty,
                      handler, -1));
コード例 #20
        private void ProcessTrack(IDBClient db, string file)
            // open the file using taglib
                // work out the compression type from the extension
                var compression = Compression.Lossy;
                if (AudioConstants.SUPPORTED_LOSSLESS.Contains(Path.GetExtension(file)))
                    compression = Compression.Lossless;

                File musicFile = File.Create(file);

                // check whether or not the tag information is valid
                if (null == musicFile.Tag.Album || null == musicFile.Tag.Title)
                    _log.Error("Invalid tag information for: " + file);
                    // retrieve the album artist first
                    if (null == _albumArtist)
                        // find the artist that should be for this album
                        _albumArtist = Database.RetrieveArtistByName(db, musicFile.Tag.AlbumArtists[0]);

                        // check if we have an existing album artist
                        if (null == _albumArtist)
                            // if not, create one
                            _albumArtist = new Artist(musicFile.Tag.AlbumArtists[0]);

                    // have an album to work with
                    if (null == _theAlbum)
                        // we'll attempt to find an album to add it to
                        _theAlbum = Database.RetrieveAlbumByName(db, musicFile.Tag.Album, compression);

                        // if there isn't an existing album
                        if (null == _theAlbum)
                            // create a new album
                            _theAlbum = new Album(musicFile.Tag.Album, _albumArtist, musicFile.Tag.FirstGenre,
                                                  (int)musicFile.Tag.Year, compression);
                        // make sure we have the right album
                        if (_theAlbum.Title != musicFile.Tag.Album)
                            // we'll attempt to find an album to add it to or create a new one
                            _theAlbum = Database.RetrieveAlbumByName(db, musicFile.Tag.Album, compression) ??
                                        new Album(musicFile.Tag.Album, _albumArtist, musicFile.Tag.FirstGenre,
                                                  (int)musicFile.Tag.Year, compression);

                            // if there isn't an existing album

                    // initialise the output track
                    Track theTrack;
                    var   trackArtists = new List <Artist>();

                    // special case for tracks that have more than one artist
                    if (musicFile.Tag.Performers.Count() > 1)
                        foreach (var artist in musicFile.Tag.Performers)
                            // we'll try with the album artist first
                            var performer = _albumArtist;
                            if (artist != _albumArtist.Name)
                                performer = Database.RetrieveArtistByName(db, artist) ?? new Artist(artist);

                        // we'll try with the album artist first
                        if (musicFile.Tag.FirstPerformer == _albumArtist.Name)
                            var performer = Database.RetrieveArtistByName(db, musicFile.Tag.FirstPerformer) ??
                                            new Artist(musicFile.Tag.FirstPerformer);

                        // check for a track in the local object instead of hitting the DB
                            // TODO not sure if this will work with the multiple artists now
                                x => (x.TrackNumber == (int)musicFile.Tag.Track && x.Title == musicFile.Tag.Title));
                        catch (InvalidOperationException) {}

                    // update the running tally
                    foreach (var artist in trackArtists)
                        int result = 0;
                        if (_tally.ContainsKey(artist))
                            result = _tally[artist];

                        if (0 == result)
                            _tally.Add(artist, 1);
                            _tally[artist] = ++result;

                    // create a new track
                    theTrack = new Track((int)musicFile.Tag.Track, trackArtists, _theAlbum,
                                         musicFile.Properties.Duration, musicFile.Tag.Title, file);

                    // add the new track to the album

                    // update the reference in the DB
                    Database.UpdateAddTrack(db, theTrack);
            catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException e)
                _log.Error("Taglib had problem reading: " + file, e);
            catch (Db4oException e)
                _log.Error("DB problem when processing track: " + file, e);
            catch (IOException e)
                _log.Error("File IO problem when processing track: " + file, e);
コード例 #21
ファイル: BoxFactory.cs プロジェクト: gchudov/taglib-sharp
 /// <summary>
 ///    Creates a box by reading it from a file given its
 ///    position in the file and handler.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="file">
 ///    A <see cref="TagLib.File" /> object containing the file
 ///    to read from.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="position">
 ///    A <see cref="long" /> value specifying at what seek
 ///    position in <paramref name="file" /> to start reading.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="handler">
 ///    A <see cref="IsoHandlerBox" /> object containing the
 ///    handler that applies to the new box.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>
 ///    A newly created <see cref="Box" /> object.
 /// </returns>
 public static Box CreateBox(TagLib.File file, long position,
                             IsoHandlerBox handler)
     return(CreateBox(file, position, BoxHeader.Empty,
                      handler, -1));
コード例 #22
ファイル: BoxFactory.cs プロジェクト: gchudov/taglib-sharp
 /// <summary>
 ///    Creates a box by reading it from a file given its
 ///    position in the file.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="file">
 ///    A <see cref="TagLib.File" /> object containing the file
 ///    to read from.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="position">
 ///    A <see cref="long" /> value specifying at what seek
 ///    position in <paramref name="file" /> to start reading.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>
 ///    A newly created <see cref="Box" /> object.
 /// </returns>
 public static Box CreateBox(TagLib.File file, long position)
     return(CreateBox(file, position, null));
コード例 #23
        public static void TrackInfoMerge(TrackInfo track, TagLib.File file, bool preferTrackInfo)
            // TODO support these as arrays:
            // Performers[] (track artists), AlbumArtists[], Composers[], Genres[]

            // Note: this should be kept in sync with the metadata written in SaveTrackMetadataJob.cs

            if (file != null)
                track.Uri      = new SafeUri(file.Name);
                track.MimeType = file.MimeType;
                track.Duration = file.Properties.Duration;
                track.BitRate  = file.Properties.AudioBitrate;

                FindTrackMediaAttributes(track, file);

                track.ArtistName      = Choose(file.Tag.JoinedPerformers, track.ArtistName, preferTrackInfo);
                track.ArtistNameSort  = Choose(file.Tag.JoinedPerformersSort, track.ArtistNameSort, preferTrackInfo);
                track.AlbumTitle      = Choose(file.Tag.Album, track.AlbumTitle, preferTrackInfo);
                track.AlbumTitleSort  = Choose(file.Tag.AlbumSort, track.AlbumTitleSort, preferTrackInfo);
                track.AlbumArtist     = Choose(file.Tag.FirstAlbumArtist, track.AlbumArtist, preferTrackInfo);
                track.AlbumArtistSort = Choose(file.Tag.FirstAlbumArtistSort, track.AlbumArtistSort, preferTrackInfo);
                track.IsCompilation   = IsCompilation(file);

                track.TrackTitle     = Choose(file.Tag.Title, track.TrackTitle, preferTrackInfo);
                track.TrackTitleSort = Choose(file.Tag.TitleSort, track.TrackTitleSort, preferTrackInfo);
                track.Genre          = Choose(file.Tag.FirstGenre, track.Genre, preferTrackInfo);
                track.Composer       = Choose(file.Tag.FirstComposer, track.Composer, preferTrackInfo);
                track.Conductor      = Choose(file.Tag.Conductor, track.Conductor, preferTrackInfo);
                track.Grouping       = Choose(file.Tag.Grouping, track.Grouping, preferTrackInfo);
                track.Copyright      = Choose(file.Tag.Copyright, track.Copyright, preferTrackInfo);
                track.Comment        = Choose(file.Tag.Comment, track.Comment, preferTrackInfo);

                track.TrackNumber = Choose((int)file.Tag.Track, track.TrackNumber, preferTrackInfo);
                track.TrackCount  = Choose((int)file.Tag.TrackCount, track.TrackCount, preferTrackInfo);
                track.DiscNumber  = Choose((int)file.Tag.Disc, track.DiscNumber, preferTrackInfo);
                track.DiscCount   = Choose((int)file.Tag.DiscCount, track.DiscCount, preferTrackInfo);
                track.Year        = Choose((int)file.Tag.Year, track.Year, preferTrackInfo);
                track.Bpm         = Choose((int)file.Tag.BeatsPerMinute, track.Bpm, preferTrackInfo);
                track.MediaAttributes = TrackMediaAttributes.AudioStream;
                if (track.Uri != null && VideoExtensions.IsMatchingFile(track.Uri.LocalPath))
                    track.MediaAttributes = TrackMediaAttributes.VideoStream;

            track.FileSize          = Banshee.IO.File.GetSize(track.Uri);
            track.FileModifiedStamp = Banshee.IO.File.GetModifiedTime(track.Uri);
            track.LastSyncedStamp   = DateTime.Now;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(track.TrackTitle))
                try {
                    string filename = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(track.Uri.LocalPath);
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(filename))
                        track.TrackTitle = filename;
                } catch {}

            // TODO look for track number in the file name if not set?
            // TODO could also pull artist/album from folders _iff_ files two levels deep in the MusicLibrary folder
            // TODO these ideas could also be done in an extension that collects such hacks
コード例 #24
 public static void TrackInfoMerge(TrackInfo track, TagLib.File file)
     TrackInfoMerge(track, file, false);
コード例 #25
 /// <summary>
 ///    Constructs and initializes a new instance of <see
 ///    cref="IsoMetaBox" /> with a provided header and
 ///    handler by reading the contents from a specified file.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="header">
 ///    A <see cref="BoxHeader" /> object containing the header
 ///    to use for the new instance.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="file">
 ///    A <see cref="TagLib.File" /> object to read the contents
 ///    of the box from.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="handler">
 ///    A <see cref="IsoHandlerBox" /> object containing the
 ///    handler that applies to the new instance.
 /// </param>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
 ///    <paramref name="file" /> is <see langword="null" />.
 /// </exception>
 public IsoMetaBox(BoxHeader header, TagLib.File file,
                   IsoHandlerBox handler)
     : base(header, file, handler)
     children = LoadChildren(file);
コード例 #26
        public void bibli_picture()
            string path = (@"C:\Users\" + Environment.UserName + @"\Pictures");

            FilePaths = Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.jpg", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
            FilePaths2 = Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.png", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
            FilePaths3 = Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.gif", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
            FilePaths4 = Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.bmp", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
            string[] z;
            z = new string[FilePaths.Count() + FilePaths2.Count()];
            FilePaths.CopyTo(z, 0);
            FilePaths2.CopyTo(z, FilePaths.Count());
            FilePaths = z;

            z = new string[FilePaths.Count() + FilePaths3.Count()];
            FilePaths.CopyTo(z, 0);
            FilePaths3.CopyTo(z, FilePaths.Count());
            FilePaths = z;

            z = new string[FilePaths.Count() + FilePaths4.Count()];
            FilePaths.CopyTo(z, 0);
            FilePaths4.CopyTo(z, FilePaths.Count());
            FilePaths = z;

            TagLib.File[] f;
            f = new TagLib.File[FilePaths.Count()];
            for (int i = 0; i < FilePaths.Count(); i++)
                f[i] = TagLib.File.Create(FilePaths[i]);
            var gridview = new GridView();
            this.bibView.View = gridview;
            gridview.Columns.Add(new GridViewColumn
                Header = "Titre",
                DisplayMemberBinding = new Binding("Title")
            for (int i = 0; i < FilePaths.Count(); i++)
                bibView.Items.Add(new Video() { Title = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(FilePaths[i]) });
コード例 #27
ファイル: BoxFactory.cs プロジェクト: gchudov/taglib-sharp
 /// <summary>
 ///    Creates a box by reading it from a file given its header
 ///    and handler.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="file">
 ///    A <see cref="TagLib.File" /> object containing the file
 ///    to read from.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="header">
 ///    A <see cref="BoxHeader" /> object containing the header
 ///    of the box to create.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>
 ///    A newly created <see cref="Box" /> object.
 /// </returns>
 public static Box CreateBox(TagLib.File file, BoxHeader header)
     return(CreateBox(file, header, null));
コード例 #28
 /// <summary>
 ///    Constructs and initializes a new instance of <see
 ///    cref="MovieIdTag" /> by reading the contents of a raw
 ///    RIFF list from a specified position in a <see
 ///    cref="TagLib.File"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="file">
 ///    A <see cref="TagLib.File" /> object containing the file
 ///    from which the contents of the new instance is to be
 ///    read.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="position">
 ///    A <see cref="long" /> value specify at what position to
 ///    read the list.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="length">
 ///    A <see cref="int" /> value specifying the number of bytes
 ///    to read.
 /// </param>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
 ///    <paramref name="file" /> is <see langword="null" />.
 /// </exception>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
 ///    <paramref name="position" /> is less than zero or greater
 ///    than the size of the file.
 /// </exception>
 public MovieIdTag(TagLib.File file, long position, int length)
     : base(file, position, length)
コード例 #29
ファイル: BoxFactory.cs プロジェクト: gchudov/taglib-sharp
        /// <summary>
        ///    Creates a box by reading it from a file given its header,
        ///    parent header, handler, and index in its parent.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file">
        ///    A <see cref="TagLib.File" /> object containing the file
        ///    to read from.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="header">
        ///    A <see cref="BoxHeader" /> object containing the header
        ///    of the box to create.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="parent">
        ///    A <see cref="BoxHeader" /> object containing the header
        ///    of the parent box.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="handler">
        ///    A <see cref="IsoHandlerBox" /> object containing the
        ///    handler that applies to the new box.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="index">
        ///    A <see cref="int" /> value containing the index of the
        ///    new box in its parent.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        ///    A newly created <see cref="Box" /> object.
        /// </returns>
        private static Box CreateBox(TagLib.File file,
                                     BoxHeader header,
                                     BoxHeader parent,
                                     IsoHandlerBox handler,
                                     int index)
            // The first few children of an "stsd" are sample
            // entries.
            if (parent.BoxType == BoxType.Stsd &&
                parent.Box is IsoSampleDescriptionBox &&
                index < (parent.Box as IsoSampleDescriptionBox).EntryCount)
                if (handler != null && handler.HandlerType == BoxType.Soun)
                    return(new IsoAudioSampleEntry(header, file, handler));
                else if (handler != null && handler.HandlerType == BoxType.Vide)
                    return(new IsoVisualSampleEntry(header, file, handler));
                else if (handler != null && handler.HandlerType == BoxType.Alis)
                    if (header.BoxType == BoxType.Text)
                        return(new TextBox(header, file, handler));
                    else if (header.BoxType == BoxType.Url)
                        return(new UrlBox(header, file, handler));
                    // This could be anything, so just parse it
                    return(new UnknownBox(header, file, handler));
                    return(new IsoSampleEntry(header,
                                              file, handler));

            // Standard items...
            ByteVector type = header.BoxType;

            if (type == BoxType.Mvhd)
                return(new IsoMovieHeaderBox(header, file,
            else if (type == BoxType.Stbl)
                return(new IsoSampleTableBox(header, file,
            else if (type == BoxType.Stsd)
                return(new IsoSampleDescriptionBox(header,
                                                   file, handler));
            else if (type == BoxType.Stco)
                return(new IsoChunkOffsetBox(header, file,
            else if (type == BoxType.Co64)
                return(new IsoChunkLargeOffsetBox(header, file,
            else if (type == BoxType.Hdlr)
                return(new IsoHandlerBox(header, file,
            else if (type == BoxType.Udta)
                return(new IsoUserDataBox(header, file,
            else if (type == BoxType.Meta)
                return(new IsoMetaBox(header, file, handler));
            else if (type == BoxType.Ilst)
                return(new AppleItemListBox(header, file,
            else if (type == BoxType.Data)
                return(new AppleDataBox(header, file, handler));
            else if (type == BoxType.Esds)
                return(new AppleElementaryStreamDescriptor(
                           header, file, handler));
            else if (type == BoxType.Free || type == BoxType.Skip)
                return(new IsoFreeSpaceBox(header, file,
            else if ((type == BoxType.Mean || type == BoxType.Name) && header.DataSize >= 4)
                return(new AppleAdditionalInfoBox(header, file,

            // If we still don't have a tag, and we're inside an
            // ItemListBox, load the box as an AnnotationBox
            // (Apple tag item).
            if (parent.BoxType == BoxType.Ilst)
                return(new AppleAnnotationBox(header, file,

            // Nothing good. Go generic.
            return(new UnknownBox(header, file, handler));
コード例 #30
 /// <summary>
 ///    Constructs and initializes a new instance of <see
 ///    cref="IsoMetaBox" /> with a provided header and
 ///    handler by reading the contents from a specified file.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="header">
 ///    A <see cref="BoxHeader" /> object containing the header
 ///    to use for the new instance.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="file">
 ///    A <see cref="TagLib.File" /> object to read the contents
 ///    of the box from.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="handler">
 ///    A <see cref="IsoHandlerBox" /> object containing the
 ///    handler that applies to the new instance.
 /// </param>
 public IsoFreeSpaceBox(BoxHeader header, TagLib.File file,
                        IsoHandlerBox handler)
     : base(header, handler)
     padding = DataSize;
コード例 #31
        public bool Process(FileInfo file)
            TagLib.File f = null;
                f = TagLib.File.Create(new TagLib.File.LocalFileAbstraction(file.OriginalFullPath));
            catch { return(false); }

            string tag = "";

            switch (Tag)
            case MediaTag.AudioAlbum: tag = f.Tag.Album; break;

            case MediaTag.AudioAlbumArtists: tag = (Arguments != -1) ? f.Tag.AlbumArtists [Arguments] : string.Join(",", f.Tag.AlbumArtists); break;

            case MediaTag.AudioComposers: tag = (Arguments != -1) ? f.Tag.Composers [Arguments] : string.Join(",", f.Tag.Composers); break;

            case MediaTag.AudioCopyright:
            case MediaTag.VideoCopyright: tag = f.Tag.Copyright; break;

            case MediaTag.AudioDisc: tag = f.Tag.Disc.ToString(); break;

            case MediaTag.AudioDiscCount: tag = f.Tag.DiscCount.ToString(); break;

            case MediaTag.AudioGenres:
            case MediaTag.VideoGenres: tag = (Arguments != -1) ? f.Tag.Genres [Arguments] : string.Join(",", f.Tag.Genres); break;

            case MediaTag.AudioPerformers: tag = (Arguments != -1) ? f.Tag.Performers [Arguments] : string.Join(",", f.Tag.Performers); break;

            case MediaTag.AudioTitle:
            case MediaTag.VideoTitle: tag = f.Tag.Title; break;

            case MediaTag.AudioTrack: tag = f.Tag.Track.ToString(); break;

            case MediaTag.AudioTrackCount: tag = f.Tag.TrackCount.ToString(); break;

            case MediaTag.AudioYear:
            case MediaTag.VideoYear: tag = f.Tag.Year.ToString(); break;

            case MediaTag.AudioDuration:
            case MediaTag.VideoDuration: tag = f.Properties.Duration.ToString("hh:mm:ss"); break;

            case MediaTag.AudioCodec:
                foreach (var codec in f.Properties.Codecs)
                    if (codec.MediaTypes == TagLib.MediaTypes.Audio)
                        tag = codec.Description;

            case MediaTag.AudioSamplerate: tag = f.Properties.AudioSampleRate.ToString(); break;

            case MediaTag.AudioBitrate: tag = f.Properties.AudioBitrate.ToString(); break;

            case MediaTag.AudioBitsPerSample: tag = f.Properties.BitsPerSample.ToString(); break;

            case MediaTag.AudioChannels: tag = f.Properties.AudioChannels.ToString(); break;

            case MediaTag.ImageWidth: tag = f.Properties.PhotoWidth.ToString(); break;

            case MediaTag.ImageHeight: tag = f.Properties.PhotoHeight.ToString(); break;

            case MediaTag.ImageQuality: tag = f.Properties.PhotoQuality.ToString(); break;

            case MediaTag.ImageCodec:
                foreach (var codec in f.Properties.Codecs)
                    if (codec.MediaTypes == TagLib.MediaTypes.Audio)
                        tag = codec.Description;

            case MediaTag.VideoWidth: tag = f.Properties.VideoWidth.ToString(); break;

            case MediaTag.VideoHeight: tag = f.Properties.VideoHeight.ToString(); break;

            case MediaTag.VideoCodec:
                foreach (var codec in f.Properties.Codecs)
                    if (codec.MediaTypes == TagLib.MediaTypes.Video)
                        tag = codec.Description;


            string fn  = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.ChangedFilename);
            string ext = Path.GetExtension(file.ChangedFilename);

            file.ChangedFilename = Position == OnePointPosition.StartPoint ? $"{tag}{fn}{ext}" :
                                   (Position == OnePointPosition.EndPoint ? $"{fn}{tag}{ext}" :

コード例 #32
 public TrackInfo()
     _attributes = new List<CUELine>();
     _fileInfo = null;
コード例 #33
 public 弹窗提示(int parameter, Color color, int Other_parameters, string file)
     模板一.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
     模板二.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
     模板三.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
     模板四.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
     模板五.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
     单文件.Background = new SolidColorBrush(color);
     if (parameter == 0)
         模板一.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
     else if (parameter == 1)
         模板二.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
         if (Other_parameters == 0)
             提示.Text = "共扫描到了" + Other_parameters + "首歌曲,似乎神马也木有扫描到(#°Д°)";
             提示.Text = "共扫描到了" + Other_parameters + "首歌曲";
     else if (parameter == 2)
         TagLib.File Read_information = TagLib.File.Create(file);
         文件名称.Text = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(file);
         歌曲名称.Text = Read_information.Tag.Title;
         for (int i = 0; i < Read_information.Tag.Artists.Length; i++)
             if (i > 0)
                 歌手信息.Text += ";" + Read_information.Tag.Artists[i];
                 歌手信息.Text = Read_information.Tag.Artists[i];
         专辑信息.Text = Read_information.Tag.Album;
         音频比特.Text = Read_information.Properties.AudioBitrate + " kbps";
         音频频道.Text = Convert.ToString(Read_information.Properties.AudioChannels) + " 声道";
         音频采样.Text = Convert.ToString(Read_information.Properties.AudioSampleRate) + " Hz";
         播放时长.Text = Convert.ToString(Read_information.Properties.Duration);
         文件描述.Text = Read_information.Properties.Description;
         文件路径.Text = file;
         if (Read_information.Tag.Lyrics != null)
             嵌入歌词.Text = "有内嵌歌词";
             嵌入歌词.Text = "没有嵌入歌词";
         if (Read_information.Tag.Pictures != null && Read_information.Tag.Pictures.Length != 0)
             专辑图片.Text = "有专辑图片";
             专辑图片.Text = "没有专辑图片";
         System.IO.FileInfo f = new FileInfo(file);
         文件大小.Text      = GetFileSize(f.Length);
         文件类型.Text      = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(file);
         创建日期.Text      = f.CreationTimeUtc.ToString();
         修改日期.Text      = f.LastWriteTimeUtc.ToString();
         模板三.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
     else if (parameter == 3)
         PlaySound(@"C:\Windows\media\Windows Proximity Notification.wav", 0, 1);
         模板四.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
         提示2.Text       = file;
     else if (parameter == 4)
         PlaySound(@"C:\Windows\media\Windows Proximity Notification.wav", 0, 1);
         模板五.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
         问题.Text        = file;
コード例 #34
ファイル: FileTagTools.cs プロジェクト: DarrenCodes/MP3Boss
 public FileTagTools(string file_path)
     if (System.IO.File.Exists(file_path))
         audioFile = TagLib.File.Create(file_path);
コード例 #35
        /// <summary>
        ///    Searches for an audio header in a <see cref="TagLib.File"
        ///    /> starting at a specified position and searching through
        ///    a specified number of bytes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="header">
        ///    A <see cref="AudioHeader" /> object in which the found
        ///    header will be stored.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="file">
        ///    A <see cref="TagLib.File" /> object to search.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="position">
        ///    A <see cref="long" /> value specifying the seek position
        ///    in <paramref name="file" /> at which to start searching.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="length">
        ///    A <see cref="int" /> value specifying the maximum number
        ///    of bytes to search before aborting.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        ///    A <see cref="bool" /> value indicating whether or not a
        ///    header was found.
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
        ///    <paramref name="file" /> is <see langword="null" />.
        /// </exception>
        public static bool Find(out AudioHeader header,
                                TagLib.File file, long position, int length)
            if (file == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("file");

            long end = position + length;

            header = AudioHeader.Unknown;


            ByteVector buffer = file.ReadBlock(3);

            if (buffer.Count < 3)

                file.Seek(position + 3);
                buffer = buffer.Mid(buffer.Count - 3);

                for (int i = 0; i < buffer.Count - 3 &&
                     (length < 0 || position + i < end); i++)
                    if (buffer[i] == 0xFF &&
                        buffer[i + 1] >= 0xF0)                          // 0xFFF
                            BitStream bits = new BitStream(buffer.Mid(i, 7).Data);

                            // 12 bits sync header

                            // 1 bit mpeg 2/4

                            // 2 bits layer

                            // 1 bit protection absent

                            // 2 bits profile object type

                            // 4 bits sampling frequency index
                            int samplerateindex = bits.ReadInt32(4);
                            if (samplerateindex >= sample_rates.Length)
                            long samplerate = sample_rates[samplerateindex];

                            // 1 bit private bit

                            // 3 bits channel configuration
                            int channelconfigindex = bits.ReadInt32(3);
                            if (channelconfigindex >= channels.Length)

                            // 4 copyright bits

                            // 13 bits frame length
                            long framelength = bits.ReadInt32(13);                             // double check framelength
                            if (framelength < 7)

                            // 11 bits buffer fullness

                            // 2 bits number of raw data blocks in frame
                            int numberofframes = bits.ReadInt32(2) + 1;

                            long numberofsamples = numberofframes * 1024;
                            long bitrate         = framelength * 8 * samplerate / numberofsamples;

                            header = new AudioHeader(channels[channelconfigindex],

                        catch (CorruptFileException)

                position += File.BufferSize;
            } while (buffer.Count > 3 && (length < 0 || position < end));

コード例 #36
 /// <summary>
 ///    Constructs and initializes a new instance of <see
 ///    cref="AppleAdditionalInfoBox" /> with a provided header
 ///    and handler by reading the contents from a specified
 ///    file.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="header">
 ///    A <see cref="BoxHeader" /> object containing the header
 ///    to use for the new instance.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="file">
 ///    A <see cref="TagLib.File" /> object to read the contents
 ///    of the box from.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="handler">
 ///    A <see cref="IsoHandlerBox" /> object containing the
 ///    handler that applies to the new instance.
 /// </param>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
 ///    <paramref name="file" /> is <see langword="null" />.
 /// </exception>
 public AppleAdditionalInfoBox(BoxHeader header, TagLib.File file, IsoHandlerBox handler) : base(header, file, handler)
     Data = file.ReadBlock(DataSize);
コード例 #37
 /// <summary>
 ///    Searches for an audio header in a <see cref="TagLib.File"
 ///    /> starting at a specified position and searching to the
 ///    end of the file.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="header">
 ///    A <see cref="AudioHeader" /> object in which the found
 ///    header will be stored.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="file">
 ///    A <see cref="TagLib.File" /> object to search.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="position">
 ///    A <see cref="long" /> value specifying the seek position
 ///    in <paramref name="file" /> at which to start searching.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>
 ///    A <see cref="bool" /> value indicating whether or not a
 ///    header was found.
 /// </returns>
 /// <remarks>
 ///    Searching to the end of the file can be very, very slow
 ///    especially for corrupt or non-MPEG files. It is
 ///    recommended to use <see
 ///    cref="Find(AudioHeader,TagLib.File,long,int)" />
 ///    instead.
 /// </remarks>
 public static bool Find(out AudioHeader header,
                         TagLib.File file, long position)
     return(Find(out header, file, position, -1));
コード例 #38
        /// <summary>
        ///    Constructs and initializes a new instance of <see
        ///    cref="AppleElementaryStreamDescriptor" /> with a provided
        ///    header and handler by reading the contents from a
        ///    specified file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="header">
        ///    A <see cref="BoxHeader" /> object containing the header
        ///    to use for the new instance.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="file">
        ///    A <see cref="TagLib.File" /> object to read the contents
        ///    of the box from.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="handler">
        ///    A <see cref="IsoHandlerBox" /> object containing the
        ///    handler that applies to the new instance.
        /// </param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
        ///    <paramref name="file" /> is <see langword="null" />.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="CorruptFileException">
        ///    Valid data could not be read.
        /// </exception>
        public AppleElementaryStreamDescriptor(BoxHeader header, TagLib.File file, IsoHandlerBox handler)
            : base(header, file, handler)
            /* ES_Descriptor Specifications
             *  Section http://ecee.colorado.edu/~ecen5653/ecen5653/papers/ISO%2014496-1%202004.PDF

            ByteVector box_data = file.ReadBlock(DataSize);

            DecoderConfig = new ByteVector();
            int offset = 0;

            // Elementary Stream Descriptor Tag
            if ((DescriptorTag)box_data[offset++] != DescriptorTag.ES_DescrTag)
                throw new CorruptFileException("Invalid Elementary Stream Descriptor, missing tag.");

            // We have a descriptor tag. Check that the remainder of the tag is at least [Base (3 bytes) + DecoderConfigDescriptor (15 bytes) + SLConfigDescriptor (3 bytes) + OtherDescriptors] bytes long
            uint es_length     = ReadLength(box_data, ref offset);
            uint min_es_length = 3 + 15 + 3;             // Base minimum length

            if (es_length < min_es_length)
                throw new CorruptFileException("Insufficient data present.");

            StreamId = box_data.Mid(offset, 2).ToUShort();
            offset  += 2;                                                                           // Done with ES_ID

            stream_dependence_flag = ((byte)((box_data[offset] >> 7) & 0x1) == 0x1 ? true : false); // 1st bit
            URL_flag        = ((byte)((box_data[offset] >> 6) & 0x1) == 0x1 ? true : false);        // 2nd bit
            ocr_stream_flag = ((byte)((box_data[offset] >> 5) & 0x1) == 0x1 ? true : false);        // 3rd bit
            StreamPriority  = (byte)(box_data[offset++] & 0x1F);                                    // Last 5 bits and we're done with this byte

            if (stream_dependence_flag)
                min_es_length += 2;                 // We need 2 more bytes
                if (es_length < min_es_length)
                    throw new CorruptFileException("Insufficient data present.");

                dependsOn_ES_ID = box_data.Mid(offset, 2).ToUShort();
                offset         += 2;         // Done with stream dependence

            if (URL_flag)
                min_es_length += 2;                 // We need 1 more byte
                if (es_length < min_es_length)
                    throw new CorruptFileException("Insufficient data present.");

                URLlength      = box_data[offset++];        // URL Length
                min_es_length += URLlength;                 // We need URLength more bytes
                if (es_length < min_es_length)
                    throw new CorruptFileException("Insufficient data present.");

                URLstring = box_data.Mid(offset, URLlength).ToString(); // URL name
                offset   += URLlength;                                  // Done with URL name

            if (ocr_stream_flag)
                min_es_length += 2;                 // We need 2 more bytes
                if (es_length < min_es_length)
                    throw new CorruptFileException("Insufficient data present.");

                OCR_ES_Id = box_data.Mid(offset, 2).ToUShort();
                offset   += 2;               // Done with OCR

            while (offset < DataSize)             // Loop through all trailing Descriptors Tags
                DescriptorTag tag = (DescriptorTag)box_data[offset++];
                switch (tag)
                case DescriptorTag.DecoderConfigDescrTag:                 // DecoderConfigDescriptor
                    // Check that the remainder of the tag is at least 13 bytes long (13 + DecoderSpecificInfo[] + profileLevelIndicationIndexDescriptor[])
                    if (ReadLength(box_data, ref offset) < 13)
                        throw new CorruptFileException("Could not read data. Too small.");

                    // Read a lot of good info.
                    ObjectTypeId = box_data[offset++];

                    StreamType = (byte)(box_data[offset] >> 2);                                   // First 6 bits
                    upStream   = ((byte)((box_data[offset++] >> 1) & 0x1) == 0x1 ? true : false); // 7th bit and we're done with the stream bits

                    BufferSizeDB = box_data.Mid(offset, 3).ToUInt();
                    offset      += 3;                        // Done with bufferSizeDB

                    max_bitrate = box_data.Mid(offset, 4).ToUInt();
                    offset     += 4;                         // Done with maxBitrate

                    average_bitrate = box_data.Mid(offset, 4).ToUInt();
                    offset         += 4;                     // Done with avgBitrate

                    // If there's a DecoderSpecificInfo[] array at the end it'll pick it up in the while loop

                case DescriptorTag.DecSpecificInfoTag:                 // DecoderSpecificInfo
                    // The rest of the info is decoder specific.
                    uint length = ReadLength(box_data, ref offset);

                    DecoderConfig = box_data.Mid(offset, (int)length);
                    offset       += (int)length;                       // We're done with the config

                case DescriptorTag.SLConfigDescrTag:                 // SLConfigDescriptor
                    // The rest of the info is SL specific.
                    uint length = ReadLength(box_data, ref offset);

                    offset += (int)length;                             // Skip the rest of the descriptor as reported in the length so we can move onto the next one

                case DescriptorTag.Forbidden_00:
                case DescriptorTag.Forbidden_FF:
                    throw new CorruptFileException("Invalid Descriptor tag.");

                default: {
                    /* TODO: Should we handle other optional descriptor tags?
                     *  ExtensionDescriptor extDescr[0 .. 255];
                     *      LanguageDescriptor langDescr[0 .. 1];
                     *      IPI_DescPointer ipiPtr[0 .. 1];
                     *      IP_IdentificationDataSet ipIDS[0 .. 1];
                     *      QoS_Descriptor qosDescr[0 .. 1];
                    uint length = ReadLength(box_data, ref offset);    // Every descriptor starts with a length

                    offset += (int)length;                             // Skip the rest of the descriptor as reported in the length so we can move onto the next one
コード例 #39
ファイル: FileBrowser.xaml.cs プロジェクト: radtek/iTSfv
        /// <summary>Reads the album and artist data from specified media file or folder. Adds it to the <see cref="mAlbums"/> collection, and if it does so, also adds it to <paramref name="addedAlbums"/>.</summary>
        /// <param name="filePathPattern">Use null to use the ID3 tags instead</param>
        /// <returns>The <see cref="Album"/> that was added to <see cref="mAlbums"/>, or <c>null</c> if none could be read.</returns>
        private void ReadMediaFile(FileSystemInfo file, Regex filePathPattern, IList <Album> addedAlbums)
            if (file is DirectoryInfo && filePathPattern == null)             //If a DirectoryInfo is used, then the filePathPattern must have ended in \.
                throw new ArgumentException("Directories are only supported for pattern matching, not ID3 tags", "file");

            Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.DataBind, new ThreadStart(delegate
                ProgressText = "Searching... " + file.Name;

            string artistName       = null;
            string albumName        = null;
            int?   embeddedArtIndex = null;

            if (filePathPattern == null)
                //Read ID3 Tags
                TagLib.File fileTags = null;
                    fileTags = TagLib.File.Create(file.FullName, TagLib.ReadStyle.None);
                    if (fileTags.Tag.AlbumArtists.Length == 0)
                        artistName = String.Join(" / ", fileTags.Tag.Performers);
                        artistName = String.Join(" / ", fileTags.Tag.AlbumArtists);
                    albumName = fileTags.Tag.Album;

                    embeddedArtIndex = EmbeddedArtHelpers.GetEmbeddedFrontCoverIndex(fileTags);
                catch (Exception e)
                    System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("TagLib# could not get artist and album information for file: " + file.FullName);
                    return;                     //If this media file couldn't be read, just go on to the next one.
                    if (fileTags != null)
                        fileTags.Mode = TagLib.File.AccessMode.Closed;
                //Read from file path
                Match match = filePathPattern.Match(file.FullName);
                if (match.Success)
                    artistName = match.Groups["artist"].Value;
                    albumName  = match.Groups["album"].Value;

            if (!(String.IsNullOrEmpty(artistName) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(albumName)))             //No point adding it if no artist or album could be found.
                string basePath;
                if (file is FileInfo)
                    basePath = ((FileInfo)file).DirectoryName;
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(file is DirectoryInfo, "Expecting file to be one of FileInfo or DirectoryInfo");
                    basePath = ((DirectoryInfo)file).FullName;

                Album album = new Album(basePath, artistName, albumName);
                if (embeddedArtIndex.HasValue)
                    //Read the picture from the data
                    album.SetArtFile(EmbeddedArtHelpers.GetEmbeddedFilePath(file.FullName, embeddedArtIndex.Value));

                Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.DataBind, new ThreadStart(delegate
                    if (mAlbums.Add(album))
コード例 #40
ファイル: Utwor.cs プロジェクト: bartoszzielinski/musesort
 //######################################METODY POMOCNICZE KLASY######################################
 protected override void resetujTagi()
     tagi = TagLib.File.Create(Sciezka);
     stareTagi = TagLib.File.Create(Sciezka);
コード例 #41
        public void Scan()
            Dictionary <string, TrackInfoCache> cache = new Dictionary <string, TrackInfoCache>();

            foreach (TrackInfoCache localTrackInfo in this.collectionManager.LocalTrackInfos)
                cache[localTrackInfo.Filename] = localTrackInfo;

            //using (var transaction = this.collectionManager.BeginTransaction())
            string[] files;
            if (Directory.Exists(this.collectionManager.Settings.MusicDirectory))
                files = Directory.GetFiles(this.collectionManager.Settings.MusicDirectory, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
                        .Where(f => f.EndsWith(".flac") || f.EndsWith(".mp3"))
                files = new string[0];

            int processed = 0;

            foreach (string file in files)
                TrackInfoCache trackInfo;
                FileInfo       fileInfo = new FileInfo(file);

                if (!cache.TryGetValue(file, out trackInfo) || trackInfo.LastWriteTime != fileInfo.LastWriteTime.Ticks)
                    if (trackInfo == null)
                        trackInfo = new TrackInfoCache();

                    trackInfo.Filename         = file;
                    trackInfo.RelativeFilename = trackInfo.Filename.Substring(this.collectionManager.Settings.MusicDirectory.Length).Trim('\\').Trim('/');
                    trackInfo.LastWriteTime    = fileInfo.LastWriteTime.Ticks;

                    using (TagLib.File mediaFile = TagLib.File.Create(file))
                        trackInfo.Artist      = mediaFile.Tag.JoinedPerformers;
                        trackInfo.AlbumArtist = mediaFile.Tag.JoinedAlbumArtists;
                        trackInfo.Album       = mediaFile.Tag.Album;
                        trackInfo.Disc        = (int)mediaFile.Tag.Disc;
                        trackInfo.DiscCount   = (int)mediaFile.Tag.DiscCount;
                        trackInfo.Track       = (int)mediaFile.Tag.Track;
                        trackInfo.TrackCount  = (int)mediaFile.Tag.TrackCount;
                        trackInfo.Title       = mediaFile.Tag.Title;
                        trackInfo.Genre       = mediaFile.Tag.JoinedGenres;
                        trackInfo.Year        = (int)mediaFile.Tag.Year;




                ProgressChangedEventArgs eventArgs = new ProgressChangedEventArgs((double)processed / files.Length);
                if (eventArgs.Cancel)

コード例 #42
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: PRKM/AltarnicPlayer
        public string[] getInfo(string mupath)
        { // 목록에 아무것도 없는 상태에서 음악 로드시
          // 플레이하던 곡이 끝날 때
          // 곡 선택시
            string[] Info = new string[3];
            string artists = "";
            finfo = TagLib.File.Create(mupath);

            if (finfo.Tag.Title != null)
                Info[0] = finfo.Tag.Title;
                string mName = mupath.Substring(mupath.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1);
                Info[0] = mName;

            if (finfo.Tag.Artists.Length != 0)
                foreach (string artist in finfo.Tag.Artists)
                    artists = artists + artist + ", ";
                artists = artists.Substring(0, artists.LastIndexOf(","));
                Info[1] = artists;
                Info[1] = "(none)";

            if (finfo.Tag.Album != null)
                Info[2] = finfo.Tag.Album;
                Info[2] = "(none)";

            return Info;
コード例 #43
        private void PlaySong(int songIndex)
            //Create Wave
            _waveOutDevice = new WaveOut();
            ISampleProvider sampleProvider;

                sampleProvider = CreateInputStream(_songFiles.ElementAt(songIndex));
            catch (Exception createException)
                sampleProvider        = CreateInputStream(_songFiles.First());
                lbSongs.SelectedIndex = 0;

            //Length of the song
            lblTotalTime.Text = string.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}", (int)_audioFileReader.TotalTime.TotalMinutes, _audioFileReader.TotalTime.Seconds);

            //Set name and description
            string path;

                path = _songFiles.ElementAt(songIndex);
            catch (Exception)
                path = _songFiles.First();

            TagLib.File file = TagLib.File.Create(path);

            lblPerformer.Text = file.Tag.FirstPerformer;
            lblTitle.Text     = file.Tag.Title;
            lblAlbum.Text     = file.Tag.Album;
            lblYear.Text      = file.Tag.Year.ToString();
            lblGenre.Text     = file.Tag.FirstGenre;

            //Set artwork
            TagLib.IPicture pic;
            MemoryStream    stream;
            Bitmap          image;

            if (file.Tag.Pictures.Length > 0)
                pic = file.Tag.Pictures[0];

                stream = new MemoryStream(pic.Data.Data);
                image  = new Bitmap(stream);
                new Bitmap(stream);

                pbSongImg.Image = image;
                pbSongImg.Image = null;

            //Play song :P
コード例 #44
        private void Search_button(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
            TextBox objtext = (TextBox)sender;
            string txt = objtext.Text;
            TagLib.File[] f;
            f = new TagLib.File[FilePaths.Count()];
            for (int i = 0; i < FilePaths.Count(); i++)
                f[i] = TagLib.File.Create(FilePaths[i]);
            var gridview = new GridView();
            this.bibView.View = gridview;
            if (comboBox.SelectedIndex == 0)
                gridview.Columns.Add(new GridViewColumn
                    Header = "Titre",
                    DisplayMemberBinding = new Binding("Title")
                gridview.Columns.Add(new GridViewColumn
                    Header = "Artiste",
                    DisplayMemberBinding = new Binding("Artiste")
                gridview.Columns.Add(new GridViewColumn
                    Header = "Album",
                    DisplayMemberBinding = new Binding("Album")
                if (this.Owner != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < FilePaths.Count(); ++i)
                        if (System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(FilePaths[i]).Contains(txt) || txt.Equals(""))
                            bibView.Items.Add(new Song() { Title = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(FilePaths[i]), Artiste = f[i].Tag.FirstAlbumArtist, Album = f[i].Tag.Album });


            else if (comboBox.SelectedIndex == 1)
                gridview.Columns.Add(new GridViewColumn
                    Header = "Titre",
                    DisplayMemberBinding = new Binding("Title")
                gridview.Columns.Add(new GridViewColumn
                    Header = "Durée",
                    DisplayMemberBinding = new Binding("Duree")
                if (this.Owner != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < FilePaths.Count(); ++i)
                        if (System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(FilePaths[i]).Contains(txt) || txt.Equals(""))
                            bibView.Items.Add(new Video() { Title = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(FilePaths[i]), Duree = f[i].Properties.Duration.ToString("g") });

                gridview.Columns.Add(new GridViewColumn
                    Header = "Titre",
                    DisplayMemberBinding = new Binding("Title")
                if (this.Owner != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < FilePaths.Count(); ++i)
                        if (System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(FilePaths[i]).Contains(txt) || txt.Equals(""))
                            bibView.Items.Add(new Video() { Title = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(FilePaths[i]) });



            if (txt.Equals(""))

コード例 #45
        private static void renameMusic()
            FolderBrowserDialog Folder_Browser_Dialog = main.get_folderbrowserdialog();

            if (Folder_Browser_Dialog != null)
                int fileCount    = Directory.GetFiles(Folder_Browser_Dialog.SelectedPath, "*.mp3").Count();
                int currentCount = 0;
                main.max_progressbar(fileCount, main.ProgressBar);
                main.update_progressbar(0, main.ProgressBar);

                main.change_status("0/" + fileCount, msgType.message);

                foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(Folder_Browser_Dialog.SelectedPath, "*.mp3"))
                        using (TagLib.File mp3 = TagLib.File.Create(file))
                            string fileName = string.Empty;
                            if (mp3.Tag.AlbumArtists.Length > 0 || (mp3.Tag.AlbumArtists.Length < 0 && mp3.Tag.JoinedPerformers.Length > 0))
                                List <string> cArtists = new List <string>();
                                if (mp3.Tag.JoinedPerformers.Contains('/'))
                                    cArtists = mp3.Tag.JoinedPerformers.Split(new[] { '/' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList();
                                else if (mp3.Tag.JoinedPerformers.Contains(';'))
                                    cArtists = mp3.Tag.JoinedPerformers.Split(new[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList();
                                else if (mp3.Tag.JoinedPerformers.Length > 0)

                                if (mp3.Tag.AlbumArtists.Length > 0)
                                    fileName = mp3.Tag.AlbumArtists[0];
                                foreach (string cArtist in cArtists)
                                    switch (cArtists.IndexOf(cArtist))
                                    case 0:
                                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName))
                                            fileName = cArtist;
                                            fileName += " ft. " + cArtist;

                                    case 1:
                                        fileName += " & " + cArtist; break;

                                        fileName += ", " + cArtist; break;
                                fileName += " - ";;

                            fileName += mp3.Tag.Title;

                                File.Move(file, Folder_Browser_Dialog.SelectedPath + "/" + fileName + ".mp3");
                                main.log("Renamed --> " + fileName, msgType.message);
                            catch (Exception e)
                                if (e.HResult == -2146232800)
                                    main.log("File Exists --> " + fileName, msgType.warning);
                                    main.log("Couldn't Rename --> " + fileName + Environment.NewLine + e.ToString(), msgType.error);
                        currentCount += 1;
                        main.change_status(currentCount + "/" + fileCount, msgType.message);
                        main.update_progressbar(main.get_progressbar_value(main.ProgressBar) + 1, main.ProgressBar);
                    catch (Exception ex) { main.log(file + Environment.NewLine + "\t" + ex.ToString(), msgType.error); }
                main.change_status("Done", msgType.success);
コード例 #46
ファイル: Mp3File.cs プロジェクト: Confirmit/Students
 public void MoveTo(string path)
     System.IO.File.Move(_content.Name, path);
     _content = File.Create(path);
コード例 #47
        public static NameValueCollection Analyze(TagLib.File fileInfo)
            NameValueCollection tags = new NameValueCollection();

            var xiph = (TagLib.Ogg.XiphComment)fileInfo.GetTag(TagLib.TagTypes.Xiph);
            var ape  = (TagLib.Ape.Tag)fileInfo.GetTag(TagLib.TagTypes.Ape);
            var asf  = (TagLib.Asf.Tag)fileInfo.GetTag(TagLib.TagTypes.Asf);

            if (xiph != null)
                foreach (string tag in xiph)
                    foreach (string value in xiph.GetField(tag))
                        if (!IsKnownXiphTag(tag))
                            tags.Add(tag, value);
            else if (ape != null)
                foreach (string tag in ape)
                    foreach (string value in ape.GetItem(tag).ToStringArray())
                        if (!IsKnownApeTag(tag))
                            tags.Add(tag, value);
            else if (asf != null)
                foreach (ContentDescriptor desc in asf.ExtendedContentDescriptionObject)
                    if (desc != null && desc.Type == DataType.Unicode && desc.Name.StartsWith("foobar2000/"))
                        tags.Add(desc.Name.Substring("foobar2000/".Length), desc.ToString());
                //if (audioSource is CUETools.Codecs.ALAC.ALACReader)
                //tags = (audioSource as CUETools.Codecs.ALAC.ALACReader).Tags;

            // TODO: enumerate dash atoms somehow?
            //TagLib.Mpeg4.AppleTag apple = (TagLib.Mpeg4.AppleTag)fileInfo.GetTag(TagLib.TagTypes.Apple);
            //if (apple != null)
            //    tags = new NameValueCollection();
            //    foreach (TagLib.Mpeg4.Box tag in apple)
            //        if (tag.BoxType == "----")
            //            foreach (string value in apple.GetDashBox(tag.)
            //                tags.Add(tag, value);
コード例 #48
        static async Task CreateCustomLevelFromFile(Download download)
            download.Status = "Uploading File";

            TagLib.File tagFile = TagLib.File.Create(download.FilePath);

            string artistName = "Unknown";
            string trackName  = "Unknown";

            byte[] imageData = null;

            var invalids = System.IO.Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars();

            if (tagFile.Tag.FirstPerformer != null)
                artistName = String.Join("_", tagFile.Tag.FirstPerformer.Split(invalids, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)).TrimEnd('.');

            if (tagFile.Tag.Title != null)
                trackName = String.Join("_", tagFile.Tag.Title.Split(invalids, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)).TrimEnd('.');
                trackName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(download.FilePath);

            if (tagFile.Tag.Pictures.Count() > 0)
                if (tagFile.Tag.Pictures[0].Data.Data != null)
                    imageData = tagFile.Tag.Pictures[0].Data.Data;

            download.Artist = artistName;
            download.Title  = trackName;

            string fileName = "[BSD] " + trackName + " - " + artistName;

            if (!Properties.Settings.Default.overwriteExisting)
                if (((!Properties.Settings.Default.automaticExtraction) && (File.Exists(Properties.Settings.Default.outputDirectory + @"\" + fileName + ".zip"))) || ((Properties.Settings.Default.automaticExtraction) && (Directory.Exists(Properties.Settings.Default.outputDirectory + @"\" + fileName))))
                    download.Status  = "Already Exists";
                    download.IsAlive = false;

            byte[] bytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(download.FilePath);

            string boundary = "----WebKitFormBoundaryaA38RFcmCeKFPOms";
            var    content  = new MultipartFormDataContent(boundary);

            content.Add(new ByteArrayContent(bytes), "audio_file", download.FileName);

            if (imageData != null)
                var imageContent = new ByteArrayContent(imageData);
                imageContent.Headers.Add("Content-Disposition", "form-data; name=\"cover_art\"; filename=\"cover\"");
                imageContent.Headers.Add("Content-Type", "image/jpeg");

            content.Add(new StringContent(trackName), "audio_metadata_title");
            content.Add(new StringContent(artistName), "audio_metadata_artist");
            content.Add(new StringContent(download.Difficulties), "difficulties");
            content.Add(new StringContent(download.GameModes), "modes");
            content.Add(new StringContent(download.SongEvents), "events");
            content.Add(new StringContent(download.Environment), "environment");
            content.Add(new StringContent(download.ModelVersion), "system_tag");

            var response = await httpClient.PostAsync("https://beatsage.com/beatsaber_custom_level_create", content, cts.Token);

            var responseString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();


            JObject jsonString = JObject.Parse(responseString);

            string levelID = (string)jsonString["id"];


            await CheckDownload(levelID, trackName, artistName, download);
コード例 #49
        private void GetTracksFromFolders()
            var extensions = new List <string> {
                ".mp3", ".flac"
            var index = Math.Max(tracks.Count, 1);

            foreach (
                var files in
                .Select(folder =>
                        .GetFiles(folder, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
                        .Where(f => extensions.IndexOf(Path.GetExtension(f)) >= 0)))
                foreach (var file in files)
                    var artists = "";
                    var album   = "";
                    var title   = "";
                    int duration;
                        var tagFile = File.Create(file);
                        duration = (int)tagFile.Properties.Duration.TotalMilliseconds;
                        artists  = string.Join(", ", tagFile.Tag.Performers);
                        album    = tagFile.Tag.Album ?? "";
                        title    = tagFile.Tag.Title ?? "";
                    catch (Exception)
                            var extension = file.Split('.').Last();
                            if (extension.Equals("mp3"))
                                var reader = new Mp3FileReader(file);
                                duration = (int)reader.TotalTime.TotalMilliseconds;
                                var reader = new FlacReader(file);
                                duration = (int)reader.TotalTime.TotalMilliseconds;
                        catch (Exception)

                    if (duration > 10 * 60 * 1000)
                    if (tracks.ContainsKey(file))
                    var track = new Track
                        Id             = index++,
                        IsSpotifyTrack = false,
                        HasMetaData    = title.Length != 0,
                        TrackName      = title,
                        Artist         = artists,
                        Album          = album,
                        TrackPath      = file,
                        TotalTime      = duration,
                        Location       = file
                    tracks.Add(file, track);
コード例 #50
ファイル: MetadataParser.cs プロジェクト: ricky-codes/Huboh
 public void CreateFileInstance(string filepath)
     FileInstance = TagLib.File.Create(filepath);
コード例 #51
ファイル: CUESheet.cs プロジェクト: androidhacker/DotNetProjs
        public void OpenCUE(TextReader sr)
            string pathAudio = null;
            string lineStr, command, fileType;
            bool fileIsBinary = false;
            int timeRelativeToFileStart, absoluteFileStartTime = 0;
            int fileTimeLengthSamples = 0, fileTimeLengthFrames = 0, i;
            TagLib.File _trackFileInfo = null;
            bool seenFirstFileIndex = false;
            bool isAudioTrack = true;
            List<IndexInfo> indexes = new List<IndexInfo>();
            IndexInfo indexInfo;
            SourceInfo sourceInfo;
            TrackInfo trackInfo = null;
            int trackNumber = 0;

            using (sr)
                while ((lineStr = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                    CUELine line = new CUELine(lineStr);
                    if (line.Params.Count > 0)
                        command = line.Params[0].ToUpper();

                        if (command == "FILE")
                            fileType = line.Params[2].ToUpper();
                            fileIsBinary = (fileType == "BINARY") || (fileType == "MOTOROLA");
                            if (fileIsBinary)
                                if (!_hasEmbeddedCUESheet && _sourcePaths.Count == 0)
                                        if (_isArchive)
                                            pathAudio = FileLocator.LocateFile(_archiveCUEpath, line.Params[1], _archiveContents);
                                            pathAudio = FileLocator.LocateFile(_inputDir, line.Params[1], null);
                                        fileIsBinary = (pathAudio == null);
                                    catch { }
                            if (!fileIsBinary)
                                if (_sourcePaths.Count != 0 && !seenFirstFileIndex)
                                    throw new Exception("Double FILE in CUE sheet: \"" + line.Params[1] + "\".");
                                if (!_hasEmbeddedCUESheet)
                                    if (_isArchive)
                                        pathAudio = FileLocator.LocateFile(_archiveCUEpath, line.Params[1], _archiveContents);
                                        pathAudio = FileLocator.LocateFile(_inputDir, line.Params[1], null);
                                    pathAudio = _inputPath;
                                    if (_sourcePaths.Count > 0)
                                        throw new Exception("Extra file in embedded CUE sheet: \"" + line.Params[1] + "\".");

                                if (pathAudio == null)
                                    throw new Exception("Unable to locate file \"" + line.Params[1] + "\".");
                                    //fileTimeLengthFrames = 75 * 60 * 70;;
                                    //fileTimeLengthSamples = fileTimeLengthFrames * 588;
                                    //if (_hasEmbeddedCUESheet)
                                    //    _fileInfo = null;
                                    //    _trackFileInfo = null;
                                    // Wierd case: audio file after data track with only index 00 specified.
                                    if (!isAudioTrack && _sourcePaths.Count == 0 && indexes.Count > 0 && indexes[indexes.Count - 1].Index == 0)
                                        indexInfo.Track = indexes[indexes.Count - 1].Track;
                                        indexInfo.Index = 1;
                                        indexInfo.Time = indexes[indexes.Count - 1].Time + 150;
                                        absoluteFileStartTime += 150;

                                    TagLib.File fileInfo;
                                    absoluteFileStartTime += fileTimeLengthFrames;
                                    fileTimeLengthSamples = GetSampleLength(pathAudio, out fileInfo);
                                    if ((fileTimeLengthSamples % 588) == 492 && _config.truncate4608ExtraSamples)
                                        _truncated4608 = true;
                                        fileTimeLengthSamples -= 4608;
                                    fileTimeLengthFrames = (int)((fileTimeLengthSamples + 587) / 588);
                                    if (_hasEmbeddedCUESheet)
                                        _fileInfo = fileInfo;
                                        _trackFileInfo = fileInfo;
                                seenFirstFileIndex = false;
                        else if (command == "TRACK")
                            isAudioTrack = line.Params[2].ToUpper() == "AUDIO";
                            trackNumber = int.Parse(line.Params[1]);
                            if (trackNumber != _toc.TrackCount + 1)
                                throw new Exception("Invalid track number");
                            // Disabled this check: fails on Headcandy test image
                            //if (isAudioTrack && _sourcePaths.Count == 0)
                            //    throw new Exception("No FILE seen before TRACK");
                            _toc.AddTrack(new CDTrack((uint)trackNumber, 0, 0, isAudioTrack, false));
                            if (isAudioTrack)
                                trackInfo = new TrackInfo();
                        else if (command == "INDEX")
                            timeRelativeToFileStart = CDImageLayout.TimeFromString(line.Params[2]);
                            if (!seenFirstFileIndex)
                                if (timeRelativeToFileStart != 0)
                                    throw new Exception("First index must start at file beginning.");
                                seenFirstFileIndex = true;
                                if (isAudioTrack)
                                    if (_tracks.Count > 0 && _trackFileInfo != null)
                                        _tracks[_tracks.Count - 1]._fileInfo = _trackFileInfo;
                                    _trackFileInfo = null;
                                    sourceInfo.Path = pathAudio;
                                    sourceInfo.Offset = 0;
                                    sourceInfo.Length = (uint)fileTimeLengthSamples;
                                    if ((fileTimeLengthSamples % 588) != 0)
                                        sourceInfo.Path = null;
                                        sourceInfo.Offset = 0;
                                        sourceInfo.Length = (uint)((fileTimeLengthFrames * 588) - fileTimeLengthSamples);
                                        _paddedToFrame = true;
                                if (fileIsBinary)
                                    fileTimeLengthFrames = timeRelativeToFileStart + 150;
                                    sourceInfo.Path = null;
                                    sourceInfo.Offset = 0;
                                    sourceInfo.Length = 150 * 588;
                                    //throw new Exception("unexpected BINARY directive");
                                    if (timeRelativeToFileStart > fileTimeLengthFrames)
                                        throw new Exception(string.Format("TRACK {0} INDEX {1} is at {2}, which is past {3} - the end of source file {4}", trackNumber, line.Params[1], CDImageLayout.TimeToString((uint)timeRelativeToFileStart), CDImageLayout.TimeToString((uint)fileTimeLengthFrames), pathAudio));
                            indexInfo.Track = trackNumber;
                            indexInfo.Index = Int32.Parse(line.Params[1]);
                            indexInfo.Time = absoluteFileStartTime + timeRelativeToFileStart;
                        else if (!isAudioTrack)
                            // Ignore lines belonging to data tracks
                        else if (command == "PREGAP")
                            if (seenFirstFileIndex)
                                throw new Exception("Pregap must occur at the beginning of a file.");
                            int pregapLength = CDImageLayout.TimeFromString(line.Params[1]);
                            indexInfo.Track = trackNumber;
                            indexInfo.Index = 0;
                            indexInfo.Time = absoluteFileStartTime;
                            sourceInfo.Path = null;
                            sourceInfo.Offset = 0;
                            sourceInfo.Length = (uint)pregapLength * 588;
                            absoluteFileStartTime += pregapLength;
                        else if (command == "POSTGAP")
                            throw new Exception("POSTGAP command isn't supported.");
                        //else if ((command == "REM") &&
                        //    (line.Params.Count >= 3) &&
                        //    (line.Params[1].Length >= 10) &&
                        //    (line.Params[1].Substring(0, 10).ToUpper() == "REPLAYGAIN"))
                        //    // Remove ReplayGain lines
                        else if ((command == "REM") &&
                           (line.Params.Count == 3) &&
                           (line.Params[1].ToUpper() == "ACCURATERIPID"))
                            _accurateRipId = line.Params[2];
                        //else if ((command == "REM") &&
                        //   (line.Params.Count == 3) &&
                        //   (line.Params[1].ToUpper() == "SHORTEN"))
                        //    fileTimeLengthFrames -= General.TimeFromString(line.Params[2]);
                        //else if ((command == "REM") &&
                        //   (line.Params.Count == 3) &&
                        //   (line.Params[1].ToUpper() == "LENGTHEN"))
                        //    fileTimeLengthFrames += General.TimeFromString(line.Params[2]);
                            if (trackInfo != null)
                                if (line.Params.Count > 2 && !line.IsQuoted[1] &&
                                    (line.Params[0].ToUpper() == "TITLE" || line.Params[0].ToUpper() == "ARTIST" ||
                                    (line.Params[0].ToUpper() == "REM" && (line.Params[1].ToUpper() == "GENRE" || line.Params[1].ToUpper() == "COMMENT") && line.Params.Count > 3 && !line.IsQuoted[2])))
                                    CUELine modline = new CUELine();
                                    int nParams = line.Params[0].ToUpper() == "REM" ? 2 : 1;
                                    for (int iParam = 0; iParam < nParams; iParam++)
                                    string s = line.Params[nParams];
                                    for (int iParam = nParams + 1; iParam < line.Params.Count; iParam++)
                                        s += " " + line.Params[iParam];
                                    line = modline;

            if (_tracks.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("File must contain at least one audio track.");

            // Add dummy index 01 for data track
            if (!_toc[_toc.TrackCount].IsAudio && indexes[indexes.Count - 1].Index == 0)
                fileTimeLengthFrames += 152 * 75;
                indexInfo.Track = trackNumber;
                indexInfo.Index = 1;
                indexInfo.Time = absoluteFileStartTime + fileTimeLengthFrames;

            // Add dummy track for calculation purposes
            indexInfo.Track = trackNumber + 1;
            indexInfo.Index = 1;
            indexInfo.Time = absoluteFileStartTime + fileTimeLengthFrames;

            // Calculate the length of each index
            for (i = 0; i < indexes.Count - 1; i++)
                if (indexes[i + 1].Time - indexes[i].Time < 0)
                    throw new Exception("Indexes must be in chronological order.");
                if ((indexes[i + 1].Track != indexes[i].Track || indexes[i + 1].Index != indexes[i].Index + 1) &&
                    (indexes[i + 1].Track != indexes[i].Track + 1 || indexes[i].Index < 1 || indexes[i + 1].Index > 1))
                    throw new Exception("Indexes must be in chronological order.");
                if (indexes[i].Index == 1 && (i == 0 || indexes[i - 1].Index != 0))
                    _toc[indexes[i].Track].AddIndex(new CDTrackIndex(0U, (uint)indexes[i].Time));
                _toc[indexes[i].Track].AddIndex(new CDTrackIndex((uint)indexes[i].Index, (uint)indexes[i].Time));

            // Calculate the length of each track
            for (int iTrack = 1; iTrack <= _toc.TrackCount; iTrack++)
                _toc[iTrack].Start = _toc[iTrack][1].Start;
                _toc[iTrack].Length = iTrack == _toc.TrackCount
                    ? (uint)indexes[indexes.Count - 1].Time - _toc[iTrack].Start
                    : _toc[iTrack + 1].IsAudio
                        ? _toc[iTrack + 1][1].Start - _toc[iTrack].Start
                        : _toc[iTrack + 1][0].Start - _toc[iTrack].Start;


            // Store the audio filenames, generating generic names if necessary
            _hasSingleFilename = _sourcePaths.Count == 1;
            _singleFilename = _hasSingleFilename ? Path.GetFileName(_sourcePaths[0]) :

            _hasHTOAFilename = (_sourcePaths.Count == (TrackCount + 1));
            _htoaFilename = _hasHTOAFilename ? Path.GetFileName(_sourcePaths[0]) : "00.wav";

            _hasTrackFilenames = !_hasEmbeddedCUESheet && !_hasSingleFilename && (_sourcePaths.Count == TrackCount || _hasHTOAFilename);
            for (i = 0; i < TrackCount; i++)
                _trackFilenames.Add(_hasTrackFilenames ? Path.GetFileName(
                    _sourcePaths[i + (_hasHTOAFilename ? 1 : 0)]) : String.Format("{0:00}.wav", i + 1));
            if (!_hasEmbeddedCUESheet && _hasSingleFilename)
                _fileInfo = _tracks[0]._fileInfo;
                _tracks[0]._fileInfo = null;
            taglibMetadata = new CUEMetadata(TOC.TOCID, (int)TOC.AudioTracks);
            taglibMetadata.Artist = GetCommonTag(file => file.Tag.JoinedAlbumArtists) ?? GetCommonTag(file => file.Tag.JoinedPerformers) ?? "";
            taglibMetadata.Title = GetCommonTag(file => file.Tag.Album) ?? "";
            taglibMetadata.Year = GetCommonTag(file => file.Tag.Year != 0 ? file.Tag.Year.ToString() : null) ?? "";
            taglibMetadata.Genre = GetCommonTag(file => file.Tag.JoinedGenres) ?? "";
            taglibMetadata.Comment = GetCommonTag(file => file.Tag.Comment) ?? "";
            taglibMetadata.TotalDiscs = GetCommonTag(file => file.Tag.DiscCount != 0 ? file.Tag.DiscCount.ToString() : null) ?? "";
            taglibMetadata.DiscNumber = GetCommonTag(file => file.Tag.Disc != 0 ? file.Tag.Disc.ToString() : null) ?? "";
			taglibMetadata.ReleaseDate = GetCommonTag(file => file.Tag.ReleaseDate) ?? "";
			taglibMetadata.Country = GetCommonTag(file => file.Tag.MusicBrainzReleaseCountry) ?? "";
			taglibMetadata.Label = GetCommonTag(file => file.Tag.Publisher) ?? "";
			taglibMetadata.LabelNo = GetCommonTag(file => file.Tag.CatalogNo) ?? "";
			taglibMetadata.DiscName = GetCommonTag(file => file.Tag.DiscSubtitle) ?? "";
            for (i = 0; i < TrackCount; i++)
                TrackInfo track = _tracks[i];
                taglibMetadata.Tracks[i].Artist = (_hasTrackFilenames && track._fileInfo != null ? track._fileInfo.Tag.JoinedPerformers :
                    _hasEmbeddedCUESheet && _fileInfo != null ? Tagging.TagListToSingleValue(Tagging.GetMiscTag(_fileInfo, String.Format("cue_track{0:00}_ARTIST", i + 1))) :
                    null) ?? "";
                taglibMetadata.Tracks[i].Title = (_hasTrackFilenames && track._fileInfo != null ? track._fileInfo.Tag.Title :
                    _hasEmbeddedCUESheet && _fileInfo != null ? Tagging.TagListToSingleValue(Tagging.GetMiscTag(_fileInfo, String.Format("cue_track{0:00}_TITLE", i + 1))) :
                    null) ?? "";
				taglibMetadata.Tracks[i].Comment = (_hasTrackFilenames && track._fileInfo != null ? track._fileInfo.Tag.Title :
					_hasEmbeddedCUESheet && _fileInfo != null ? Tagging.TagListToSingleValue(Tagging.GetMiscTag(_fileInfo, String.Format("cue_track{0:00}_COMMENT", i + 1))) :
					null) ?? "";

            cueMetadata = new CUEMetadata(TOC.TOCID, (int)TOC.AudioTracks);
            cueMetadata.Artist = General.GetCUELine(_attributes, "PERFORMER");
            cueMetadata.Title = General.GetCUELine(_attributes, "TITLE");
            cueMetadata.Barcode = General.GetCUELine(_attributes, "CATALOG");
            cueMetadata.Year = General.GetCUELine(_attributes, "REM", "DATE");
            cueMetadata.DiscNumber = General.GetCUELine(_attributes, "REM", "DISCNUMBER");
            cueMetadata.TotalDiscs = General.GetCUELine(_attributes, "REM", "TOTALDISCS");
            cueMetadata.Genre = General.GetCUELine(_attributes, "REM", "GENRE");
            cueMetadata.Comment = General.GetCUELine(_attributes, "REM", "COMMENT");
			cueMetadata.ReleaseDate = General.GetCUELine(_attributes, "REM", "RELEASEDATE");
			cueMetadata.Country = General.GetCUELine(_attributes, "REM", "COUNTRY");
			cueMetadata.Label = General.GetCUELine(_attributes, "REM", "LABEL");
			cueMetadata.LabelNo = General.GetCUELine(_attributes, "REM", "CATALOGNUMBER");
			cueMetadata.DiscName = General.GetCUELine(_attributes, "REM", "DISCSUBTITLE");
            for (i = 0; i < Tracks.Count; i++)
                cueMetadata.Tracks[i].Artist = General.GetCUELine(Tracks[i].Attributes, "PERFORMER");
                cueMetadata.Tracks[i].Title = General.GetCUELine(Tracks[i].Attributes, "TITLE");
                cueMetadata.Tracks[i].ISRC = General.GetCUELine(Tracks[i].Attributes, "ISRC");
            // Now, TOC.TOCID might change!!!

            if (_config.fillUpCUE)
                cueMetadata.Merge(taglibMetadata, _config.overwriteCUEData);
                for (i = 0; i < TrackCount; i++)
                    if (cueMetadata.Tracks[i].Title == "" && _hasTrackFilenames)
                        cueMetadata.Tracks[i].Title = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(_trackFilenames[i]).TrimStart(" .-_0123456789".ToCharArray());

            CUELine cddbDiscIdLine = General.FindCUELine(_attributes, "REM", "DISCID");
            _cddbDiscIdTag = cddbDiscIdLine != null && cddbDiscIdLine.Params.Count == 3 ? cddbDiscIdLine.Params[2] : null;
            if (_cddbDiscIdTag == null)
                _cddbDiscIdTag = GetCommonMiscTag("DISCID");

            if (_accurateRipId == null)
                _accurateRipId = GetCommonMiscTag("ACCURATERIPID");

            if (_eacLog == null && _logFiles != null && _logFiles.Count > 0)
                foreach (CUEToolsSourceFile sf in _logFiles)
                    CDImageLayout tocFromLog1 = LogToTocParser.LogToToc(this._toc, sf.contents);
                    if (tocFromLog1 != null && tocFromLog1.TOCID == _toc.TOCID)
                        if (_eacLog == null)
                            _eacLog = sf.contents;
                            _eacLog = null;

            if (_eacLog == null && _logFiles != null && _logFiles.Count > 0)
                CUEToolsSourceFile selectedLogFile = ChooseFile(_logFiles, _defaultLog, false);
                _eacLog = selectedLogFile != null ? selectedLogFile.contents : null;

            CDImageLayout tocFromLog = _eacLog == null ? null : LogToTocParser.LogToToc(this._toc, _eacLog);

            if (tocFromLog == null)
                string tocPath = Path.ChangeExtension(InputPath, ".toc");
                if (File.Exists(tocPath))
                    tocFromLog = LogToTocParser.LogToToc(this._toc, new StreamReader(tocPath, CUESheet.Encoding).ReadToEnd());

            // use pregaps from log
            if (tocFromLog != null)
                //int srcNo = (int) _toc[_toc.FirstAudio].LastIndex - (PreGapLength == 0 ? 1 : 0);
                if (PreGapLength < tocFromLog.Pregap)
                    PreGapLength = tocFromLog.Pregap;
                    //srcNo ++;
                int trNo;
                for (trNo = 1; trNo < tocFromLog.AudioTracks && trNo < _toc.AudioTracks; trNo++)
                    if (_toc[_toc.FirstAudio + trNo].Pregap < tocFromLog[tocFromLog.FirstAudio + trNo].Pregap)
                        _toc[_toc.FirstAudio + trNo].Pregap = tocFromLog[tocFromLog.FirstAudio + trNo].Pregap;
                //if (_toc[_toc.FirstAudio].Length > tocFromLog[tocFromLog.FirstAudio].Length)
                //    uint offs = _toc[_toc.FirstAudio].Length - tocFromLog[tocFromLog.FirstAudio].Length;
                //    _toc[_toc.FirstAudio].Length -= offs;

                //    sourceInfo = _sources[srcNo];
                //    sourceInfo.Length -= offs * 588;
                //    _sources[srcNo] = sourceInfo;
                //    for (i = _toc.FirstAudio + 1; i <= _toc.TrackCount; i++)
                //    {
                //        _toc[i].Start -= offs;
                //        for (int j = 0; j <= _toc[i].LastIndex; j++)
                //            if (i != _toc.FirstAudio + 1 || j != 0 || _toc[i][0].Start == _toc[i][1].Start)
                //                _toc[i][j].Start -= offs;
                //    }
                //for (trNo = 1; trNo < tocFromLog.AudioTracks && trNo < _toc.AudioTracks; trNo++)
                //    srcNo ++;
                //    if (_toc[_toc.FirstAudio + trNo].Length > tocFromLog[tocFromLog.FirstAudio + trNo].Length)
                //    {
                //        uint offs = _toc[_toc.FirstAudio + trNo].Length - tocFromLog[tocFromLog.FirstAudio + trNo].Length;
                //        _toc[_toc.FirstAudio + trNo].Length -= offs;
                //        sourceInfo = _sources[srcNo];
                //        sourceInfo.Length -= offs * 588;
                //        _sources[srcNo] = sourceInfo;
                //        for (i = _toc.FirstAudio + trNo + 1; i <= _toc.TrackCount; i++)
                //        {
                //            _toc[i].Start -= offs;
                //            for (int j = 0; j <= _toc[i].LastIndex; j++)
                //                if (i != _toc.FirstAudio + trNo + 1 || j != 0 || _toc[i][0].Start == _toc[i][1].Start)
                //                    _toc[i][j].Start -= offs;
                //        }
                //    }

            // use data track length from log
            if (tocFromLog != null)
                if (tocFromLog.AudioTracks == _toc.AudioTracks
                    && tocFromLog.TrackCount == tocFromLog.AudioTracks + 1
                    && !tocFromLog[tocFromLog.TrackCount].IsAudio)
                    DataTrackLength = tocFromLog[tocFromLog.TrackCount].Length;
                    _toc[_toc.TrackCount].Start = tocFromLog[_toc.TrackCount].Start;
                    _toc[_toc.TrackCount][0].Start = tocFromLog[_toc.TrackCount].Start;
                    _toc[_toc.TrackCount][1].Start = tocFromLog[_toc.TrackCount].Start;
                if (_toc.TrackCount == _toc.AudioTracks
                    && tocFromLog.TrackCount == tocFromLog.AudioTracks
                    && tocFromLog.TrackCount > _toc.TrackCount)
                    int dtracks = tocFromLog.TrackCount - _toc.TrackCount;
                    bool matches = true;
                    for (int iTrack = 1; iTrack <= _toc.TrackCount; iTrack++)
                        if (tocFromLog[iTrack + dtracks].Length != _toc[iTrack].Length)
                            matches = false;
                    if (matches)
                        for (int iTrack = 1; iTrack <= dtracks; iTrack++)
                            _toc.InsertTrack(new CDTrack((uint)iTrack, 0, 0, false, false));
                            tocFromLog[iTrack].IsAudio = false;
                        tocFromLog.FirstAudio += dtracks;
                        tocFromLog.AudioTracks -= (uint)dtracks;
                if (tocFromLog.AudioTracks == _toc.AudioTracks
                    && tocFromLog.TrackCount == _toc.TrackCount
                    && tocFromLog.FirstAudio == _toc.FirstAudio
                    && tocFromLog.TrackCount == tocFromLog.FirstAudio + tocFromLog.AudioTracks - 1)
                    //DataTrackLength = tocFromLog[1].Length;
                    uint delta = tocFromLog[_toc.FirstAudio].Start - _toc[_toc.FirstAudio].Start;
                    for (int itr = 1; itr < _toc.FirstAudio; itr++)
                        _toc[itr].Start = tocFromLog[itr].Start;
                        _toc[itr].Length = tocFromLog[itr].Length;
                    for (int itr = _toc.FirstAudio; itr <= _toc.TrackCount; itr++)
                        _toc[itr].Start += delta;
                        for (int j = 0; j <= _toc[itr].LastIndex; j++)
                            _toc[itr][j].Start += delta;

            // use data track length range from cddbId
            if (DataTrackLength == 0 && _cddbDiscIdTag != null)
                uint cddbDiscIdNum;
                if (uint.TryParse(_cddbDiscIdTag, NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out cddbDiscIdNum) && (cddbDiscIdNum & 0xff) == _toc.AudioTracks + 1)
                    if (_toc.TrackCount == _toc.AudioTracks)
                        _toc.AddTrack(new CDTrack((uint)_toc.TrackCount + 1, _toc.Length + 152 * 75, 0, false, false));
                    uint lengthFromTag = ((cddbDiscIdNum >> 8) & 0xffff);
                    _minDataTrackLength = (lengthFromTag + _toc[1].Start / 75) * 75 - _toc.Length;

            _arVerify = new AccurateRipVerify(_toc, proxy);

            if (_eacLog != null)
                sr = new StringReader(_eacLog);
                bool isEACLog = false;
                int trNo = 1;
                while ((lineStr = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                    if (isEACLog && trNo <= TrackCount)
                        string[] s = { "Copy CRC ", "CRC копии" };
                        string[] s1 = { "CRC" };
                        string[] n = lineStr.Split(s, StringSplitOptions.None);
                        uint crc;
                        if (n.Length == 2 && uint.TryParse(n[1], NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out crc))
                            _arVerify.CRCLOG(trNo++, crc);
                        else if (n.Length == 1)
                            n = lineStr.Split(s1, StringSplitOptions.None);
                            if (n.Length == 2 && n[0].Trim() == "" && uint.TryParse(n[1], NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out crc))
                                _arVerify.CRCLOG(trNo++, crc);
                        if (lineStr.StartsWith("Exact Audio Copy")
                            || lineStr.StartsWith("EAC extraction logfile"))
                            isEACLog = true;
                if (trNo == 2)
                    _arVerify.CRCLOG(0, _arVerify.CRCLOG(1));
                    if (TrackCount > 1)
                        _arVerify.CRCLOG(1, 0);

            LoadAlbumArt(_tracks[0]._fileInfo ?? _fileInfo);
            if (_config.embedAlbumArt || _config.CopyAlbumArt)
                _albumArt.ForEach(t => _padding += _albumArt[0].Data.Count);
            if (_config.embedLog && _eacLog != null)
                _padding += _eacLog.Length;

            cueMetadata.Id = TOC.TOCID;
            taglibMetadata.Id = TOC.TOCID;
            // TODO: It should also be set when assigning a DataTrack!!!
コード例 #52
        public void bibli_video()
            string path = (@"C:\Users\" + Environment.UserName + @"\Videos");

            FilePaths = Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.mp4", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
            FilePaths2 = Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.mkv", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
            FilePaths3 = Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.avi", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
            FilePaths4 = Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.m4v", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
            string[] z;
            z = new string[FilePaths.Count() + FilePaths2.Count()];
            FilePaths.CopyTo(z, 0);
            FilePaths2.CopyTo(z, FilePaths.Count());
            FilePaths = z;

            z = new string[FilePaths.Count() + FilePaths3.Count()];
            FilePaths.CopyTo(z, 0);
            FilePaths3.CopyTo(z, FilePaths.Count());
            FilePaths = z;

            z = new string[FilePaths.Count() + FilePaths4.Count()];
            FilePaths.CopyTo(z, 0);
            FilePaths4.CopyTo(z, FilePaths.Count());
            FilePaths = z;

            TagLib.File[] f;
            f = new TagLib.File[FilePaths.Count()];
            for (int i = 0; i < FilePaths.Count(); i++)
                f[i] = TagLib.File.Create(FilePaths[i]);
            var gridview = new GridView();
            this.bibView.View = gridview;
            gridview.Columns.Add(new GridViewColumn
                Header = "Titre",
                DisplayMemberBinding = new Binding("Title")
            gridview.Columns.Add(new GridViewColumn
                Header = "Durée",
                DisplayMemberBinding = new Binding("Duree")
            for (int i = 0; i < FilePaths.Count(); i++)
                bibView.Items.Add(new Video() { Title = f[i].Tag.Title, Duree = f[i].Properties.Duration.ToString("g") });
コード例 #53
        /// <summary>
        /// Call this method to play track. Returns false if not playable
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="error"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool InitializeForPlay(out string error)
            if (_initialized)
                error = string.Empty;
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_model.Location))
                error = _nonf[4];

            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(_model.Location))
                error = "file does not exist";

                _v = File.Create(_model.Location);
            catch (Exception e)
                error = e.Message;

                _waveOut = new WaveOut();
            catch (Exception e)
                error = e.Message;

                _reader = new Mp3FileReader(_model.Location);
            catch (Exception e)
                error = e.Message;

            if (_v == null)
                error = _nonf[0];

            if (_v.PossiblyCorrupt)
                error = _nonf[2];
                return(false); //

            if (_v.MimeType != "taglib/mp3")
                error = _nonf[3];

            error        = "Succesfully initiated player for file";
            _initialized = true;
コード例 #54
		/// <summary>
		///    Constructs and initializes a new instance of <see
		///    cref="FileParser" /> for a specified file.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="file">
		///    A <see cref="TagLib.File" /> object to perform operations
		///    on.
		/// </param>
		/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
		///    <paramref name="file" /> is <see langword="null" />.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="CorruptFileException">
		///    <paramref name="file" /> does not start with a
		///    "<c>ftyp</c>" box.
		/// </exception>
		public FileParser (TagLib.File file)
			if (file == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("file");
			this.file = file;
			first_header = new BoxHeader (file, 0);
			if (first_header.BoxType != "ftyp")
				throw new CorruptFileException (
					"File does not start with 'ftyp' box.");
コード例 #55
 /// <summary>
 ///    Constructs and initializes a new instance of <see
 ///    cref="EndTag" /> for a specified <see cref="TagLib.File"
 ///    />.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="file">
 ///    A <see cref="TagLib.File" /> object on which the new
 ///    instance will perform its operations.
 /// </param>
 /// <remarks>
 ///    Constructing a new instance does not automatically read
 ///    the contents from the disk. <see cref="Read" /> must be
 ///    called to read the tags.
 /// </remarks>
 public EndTag(TagLib.File file)
     : base()
     this.file = file;
コード例 #56
ファイル: Library.cs プロジェクト: Colliotv/WMediaPlayer
        private BitmapImage CreateCover(File metaData)
            if (metaData.Tag.IsEmpty || metaData.Tag.Pictures.Length == 0)
                return null;

            var picture = metaData.Tag.Pictures[0];
            MemoryStream mstream = new MemoryStream(picture.Data.Data);
            mstream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            BitmapImage bitmap;
            lock (this)
                    bitmap = new BitmapImage();
                    bitmap.StreamSource = mstream;
                catch (Exception e)
                    bitmap = null;
            return bitmap;
コード例 #57
ファイル: Mp3File.cs プロジェクト: Confirmit/Students
        public void Save()

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(NewName))
                var path = _file.Name.Substring(0, _file.Name.LastIndexOf(@"\"));
                path = path + @"\" + NewName + ".mp3";

                System.IO.File.Move(_file.Name, path);
                _file = File.Create(path);
コード例 #58
ファイル: Mp3File.cs プロジェクト: Confirmit/Students
 public Mp3File(File file)
     _file = file;
コード例 #59
ファイル: StartTag.cs プロジェクト: PacificACM/aPlay
 /// <summary>
 ///    Constructs and initializes a new instance of <see
 ///    cref="StartTag" /> for a specified <see
 ///    cref="TagLib.File" />.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="file">
 ///    A <see cref="TagLib.File" /> object on which the new
 ///    instance will perform its operations.
 /// </param>
 /// <remarks>
 ///    Constructing a new instance does not automatically read
 ///    the contents from the disk. <see cref="Read" /> must be
 ///    called to read the tags.
 /// </remarks>
 public StartTag(TagLib.File file)
     : base()
     this.file = file;
コード例 #60
ファイル: Form_TagEditor.cs プロジェクト: toxig/ParnasPlayer
        // Загрузка редактора
        private void Form_TagEditor_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            fl_loading = true;

            if (File.Exists(File_Path))
                //Tag_File = new UltraID3();
                Tag_File = TagLib.File.Create(File_Path);

                string Ext = Path.GetExtension(File_Path).ToLower();

                if (Ext != ".mp3")
                    TagsActive = false;
                    memoEdit_Comments.Text = "Файл \"" + Ext +"\" не содержит тегов!";
                    TagsActive = true;
                TagsActive = false;
                Tag_File = null;
                ResaultMsg = "Файл не найден: " + File_Path;
                memoEdit_Comments.Text = "Файл не найден!";

                TE_FilePath.Text = Path.GetFileName(File_Path);
                TE_FilePath.ToolTip = File_Path;
                TE_Artist.Text = "";
                TE_Name.Text = "";
            fl_loading = false;

