internal static void ToggleAfk(Player p, string message, bool isAuto = false) { if (p.joker) { message = ""; } p.AutoAfk = false; p.IsAfk = !p.IsAfk; p.afkMessage = p.IsAfk ? message : null; TabList.Update(p, true); var oldLastAction = p.LastAction; p.LastAction = DateTime.UtcNow; bool cantSend = p.muted || (Server.chatmod && !p.voice); if (p.IsAfk) { if (cantSend) { p.Message("You are now marked as being AFK."); } else { if (message == null || message.Trim() == "") { ShowMessage(p, "-λNICK%S- is AFK"); } else { if (isAuto) { ShowMessage(p, "-λNICK%S- is AFK " + message); } else { ShowMessage(p, "-λNICK%S- is AFK: " + message); } } p.CheckForMessageSpam(); } p.AFKCooldown = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(2); OnPlayerActionEvent.Call(p, PlayerAction.AFK, null, cantSend); } else { if (cantSend) { p.Message("You are no longer marked as being AFK."); } else { TimeSpan idleTime = DateTime.UtcNow - oldLastAction; ShowMessage(p, string.Format("-λNICK%S- is no longer AFK ({0})", idleTime.Shorten())); p.CheckForMessageSpam(); } OnPlayerActionEvent.Call(p, PlayerAction.UnAFK, null, cantSend); } }
protected void HandlePlayerAction(Player p, PlayerAction action, string message, bool stealth) { if (!(action == PlayerAction.Referee || action == PlayerAction.UnReferee)) { return; } if (p.level != Map) { return; } if (action == PlayerAction.UnReferee) { PlayerActions.Respawn(p); PlayerJoinedGame(p); p.Game.Referee = false; } else { PlayerLeftGame(p); p.Game.Referee = true; Entities.GlobalDespawn(p, false, false); } Entities.GlobalSpawn(p, false, ""); TabList.Update(p, true); }
protected override void SetPlayerData(Player p, string target, string nick) { if (Colors.Strip(nick).Length >= 30) { p.Message("Nick must be under 30 letters."); return; } Player who = PlayerInfo.FindExact(target); if (nick.Length == 0) { MessageFrom(target, who, "had their custom nick reset"); nick = target.RemoveLastPlus(); } else { // TODO: select color from database? string color = who != null ? who.color : Group.GroupIn(target).Color; MessageFrom(target, who, "had their nick set to " + color + nick); } if (who != null) { who.DisplayName = nick; } if (who != null) { TabList.Update(who, true); } PlayerDB.SetNick(target, nick); }
void JoinTeam(Player p, CtfTeam team) { Get(p).HasFlag = false; team.Members.Add(p); Map.Message(p.ColoredName + " &Sjoined the " + team.ColoredName + " &Steam"); p.Message("You are now on the " + team.ColoredName + " team!"); TabList.Update(p, true); }
void JoinTeam(Player p, TWTeam team) { team.Members.Add(p); Map.Message(p.ColoredName + " &Sjoined the " + team.ColoredName + " &Steam"); p.UpdateColor(team.Color); p.Message("You are now on the " + team.ColoredName + " team!"); TabList.Update(p, true); }
void JoinTeam(Player p, TWTeam team) { team.Members.Add(p); Map.Message(p.ColoredName + " %Sjoined the " + team.ColoredName + " %Steam"); p.color = team.Color; p.SetPrefix(); p.Message("You are now on the " + team.ColoredName + " team!"); TabList.Update(p, true); }
void RestoreColor(Player p) { TWData data = TryGet(p); // TODO: p.Socket.Disconnected check should be elsewhere if (data == null || p.Socket.Disconnected) { return; } p.UpdateColor(PlayerInfo.DefaultColor(p)); TabList.Update(p, true); }
void RestoreColor(Player p) { TWData data = TryGet(p); if (data == null) { return; } p.color = data.OrigCol; p.SetPrefix(); TabList.Update(p, true); }
internal static void ToggleAfk(Player p, string message) { if (p.joker) { message = ""; } p.AutoAfk = false; p.IsAfk = !p.IsAfk; p.afkMessage = p.IsAfk ? message : null; TabList.Update(p, true); p.LastAction = DateTime.UtcNow; bool cantSend = p.muted || (Server.chatmod && !p.voice); if (p.IsAfk) { if (cantSend) { Player.Message(p, "You are now marked as being AFK."); } else { Chat.MessageWhere("-{0}%S- is AFK {1}", pl => Entities.CanSee(pl, p) && !pl.listignored.Contains( && !pl.ignoreAll, p.ColoredName, message); Player.RaisePlayerAction(p, PlayerAction.AFK, message); p.CheckForMessageSpam(); } p.AFKCooldown = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(2); p.RaiseONAFK(); Player.RaiseAFK(p); OnPlayerAFKEvent.Call(p); } else { if (cantSend) { Player.Message(p, "You are no longer marked as being AFK."); } else { Chat.MessageWhere("-{0}%S- is no longer AFK", pl => Entities.CanSee(pl, p) && !pl.listignored.Contains( && !pl.ignoreAll, p.ColoredName); Player.RaisePlayerAction(p, PlayerAction.UnAFK, message); p.CheckForMessageSpam(); } } }
void RestoreColor(Player p) { TWData data = TryGet(p); // TODO: p.Socket.Disconnected check should be elsewhere if (data == null || p.Socket.Disconnected) { return; } p.color = data.OrigCol; p.SetPrefix(); TabList.Update(p, true); }
internal static void ToggleAfk(Player p, string message) { if (p.joker) { message = ""; } p.AutoAfk = false; p.IsAfk = !p.IsAfk; p.afkMessage = p.IsAfk ? message : null; TabList.Update(p, true); p.LastAction = DateTime.UtcNow; bool cantSend = !p.CanSpeak(); if (p.IsAfk) { if (cantSend) { p.Message("You are now marked as being AFK."); } else { ShowMessage(p, "-λNICK%S- is AFK " + message); p.CheckForMessageSpam(); } p.AFKCooldown = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(2); OnPlayerActionEvent.Call(p, PlayerAction.AFK, null, cantSend); } else { if (cantSend) { p.Message("You are no longer marked as being AFK."); } else { ShowMessage(p, "-λNICK%S- is no longer AFK"); p.CheckForMessageSpam(); } OnPlayerActionEvent.Call(p, PlayerAction.UnAFK, null, cantSend); } }
internal static void ToggleAfk(Player p, string message) { if (p.joker) { message = ""; } p.AutoAfk = false; p.IsAfk = !p.IsAfk; p.afkMessage = p.IsAfk ? message : null; TabList.Update(p, true); p.LastAction = DateTime.UtcNow; bool cantSend = p.muted || (Server.chatmod && !p.voice); if (p.IsAfk) { if (cantSend) { Player.Message(p, "You are now marked as being AFK."); } else { ShowMessage(p, "-" + p.ColoredName + "%S- is AFK " + message); p.CheckForMessageSpam(); } p.AFKCooldown = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(2); OnPlayerActionEvent.Call(p, PlayerAction.AFK, message); } else { if (cantSend) { Player.Message(p, "You are no longer marked as being AFK."); } else { ShowMessage(p, "-" + p.ColoredName + "%S- is no longer AFK"); p.CheckForMessageSpam(); } OnPlayerActionEvent.Call(p, PlayerAction.UnAFK, message); } }
protected override void SetPlayerData(Player p, string target, string nick) { if (Colors.Strip(nick).Length >= 30) { p.Message("Nick must be under 30 letters."); return; } Player who; string editee; bool globalMessage; GetPlayerDataMessageInfo(p, target, out who, out editee, out globalMessage); string message; if (nick.Length == 0) { message = p.ColoredName + " &Sremoved " + editee + " nick"; nick = target.RemoveLastPlus(); } else { // TODO: select color from database? string color = who != null ? who.color : Group.GroupIn(target).Color; message = p.ColoredName + " &Schanged " + editee + " nick to " + color + nick; } if (globalMessage) { Chat.MessageAll(message); } else { Chat.MessageFrom(p, message); } if (who != null) { who.DisplayName = nick; } if (who != null) { TabList.Update(who, true); } PlayerDB.SetNick(target, nick); }
protected override void SetOnlineData(Player p, Player who, string nick) { if (nick.Length == 0) { Chat.MessageFrom(who, "λNICK %Shad their custom nick reset"); who.DisplayName = who.truename; } else { if (Colors.Strip(nick).Length >= 30) { p.Message("Nick must be under 30 letters."); return; } Chat.MessageFrom(who, "λNICK %Shad their nick set to " + who.color + nick); who.DisplayName = nick; } PlayerDB.Save(who); TabList.Update(who, true); }
void HandlePlayerAction(Player p, PlayerAction action, string message, bool stealth) { if (!(action == PlayerAction.Referee || action == PlayerAction.UnReferee)) { return; } if (p.level != Game.Map) { return; } if (action == PlayerAction.UnReferee) { Game.PlayerJoinedLevel(p, Game.Map, Game.Map); Command.all.FindByName("Spawn").Use(p, ""); p.Game.Referee = false; if (p.Supports(CpeExt.HackControl)) { p.Send(Hacks.MakeHackControl(p, p.level.GetMotd(p))); } } else { HandlePlayerDisconnect(p, null); p.Game.Referee = true; Entities.GlobalDespawn(p, false, false); if (p.Supports(CpeExt.HackControl)) { p.Send(Packet.HackControl(true, true, true, true, true, -1)); } } Entities.GlobalSpawn(p, false, ""); TabList.Update(p, true); p.SetPrefix(); }
public override void End() { if (!Running) { return; } Running = false; IGame.RunningGames.Remove(this); UnhookEventHandlers(); if (RoundInProgress) { EndRound(); RoundInProgress = false; } EndGame(); OnStateChangedEvent.Call(this); RoundStart = DateTime.MinValue; RoundsLeft = 0; RoundInProgress = false; Player[] players = PlayerInfo.Online.Items; foreach (Player pl in players) { if (pl.level != Map) { continue; } pl.Game.RatedMap = false; pl.Game.PledgeSurvive = false; PlayerLeftGame(pl); TabList.Update(pl, true); ResetStatus(pl); pl.SetPrefix(); } // in case players left game partway through foreach (Player pl in players) { SaveStats(pl); } if (Map != null) { Map.Message(GameName + " &Sgame ended"); } Logger.Log(LogType.GameActivity, "[{0}] Game ended", GameName); if (Picker != null) { Picker.Clear(); } LastMap = ""; if (Map != null) { Map.AutoUnload(); } Map = null; }
public override void Use(Player p, string message, CommandData data) { if (message.Length == 0) { Help(p); return; } string[] args = message.SplitSpaces(); string action = args[0].ToLower(); if (action == "all") { Toggle(p, ref p.Ignores.All, "{0} ignoring all chat"); return; } else if (action == "irc") { if (args.Length > 1) { IgnoreIRCNick(p, args[1]); } else { Toggle(p, ref p.Ignores.IRC, "{0} ignoring IRC chat"); } return; } else if (action == "titles") { Toggle(p, ref p.Ignores.Titles, "{1}Player titles {0} show before names in chat"); return; } else if (action == "nicks") { Toggle(p, ref p.Ignores.Nicks, "{1}Custom player nicks {0} show in chat"); TabList.Update(p, true); return; } else if (action == "8ball") { Toggle(p, ref p.Ignores.EightBall, "{0} ignoring %T/8ball"); return; } else if (action == "drawoutput") { Toggle(p, ref p.Ignores.DrawOutput, "{0} ignoring draw command output"); return; } else if (action == "worldchanges") { Toggle(p, ref p.Ignores.WorldChanges, "{0} ignoring world changes"); return; } else if (IsListCommand(action)) { p.Ignores.Output(p); return; } if (p.Ignores.Names.CaselessRemove(action)) { p.Message("&aNo longer ignoring {0}", action); } else { int matches; Player who = PlayerInfo.FindMatches(p, action, out matches); if (who == null) { if (matches == 0) { p.Message("You must use the full name when unignoring offline players."); } return; } if (p.Ignores.Names.CaselessRemove( { p.Message("&aNo longer ignoring {0}", who.ColoredName); } else { p.Ignores.Names.Add(; p.Message("&cNow ignoring {0}", who.ColoredName); } } p.Ignores.Save(p); }