コード例 #1
 /// <summary>     
 /// 返回两个日期之间的时间间隔(y:年份间隔、M:月份间隔、d:天数间隔、h:小时间隔、m:分钟间隔、s:秒钟间隔、ms:微秒间隔)     
 /// </summary>     
 /// <param name="Date1">开始日期</param>     
 /// <param name="Date2">结束日期</param>     
 /// <param name="Interval">间隔标志</param>     
 /// <returns>返回间隔标志指定的时间间隔</returns>     
 public static int DateDiff(System.DateTime Date1, System.DateTime Date2, string Interval)
     double dblYearLen = 365;//年的长度,365天
     double dblMonthLen = (365 / 12);//每个月平均的天数
     System.TimeSpan objT;
     objT = Date2.Subtract(Date1);
     switch (Interval)
         case "y"://返回日期的年份间隔
             return System.Convert.ToInt32(objT.Days / dblYearLen);
         case "M"://返回日期的月份间隔
             return System.Convert.ToInt32(objT.Days / dblMonthLen);
         case "d"://返回日期的天数间隔
             return objT.Days;
         case "h"://返回日期的小时间隔
             return objT.Hours;
         case "m"://返回日期的分钟间隔
             return objT.Minutes;
         case "s"://返回日期的秒钟间隔
             return objT.Seconds;
         case "ms"://返回时间的微秒间隔
             return objT.Milliseconds;
     return 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: IsoWeekNum.cs プロジェクト: acinep/epplus
 /// <summary>
 /// This implementation was found on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1285191/get-week-of-date-from-linq-query
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fromDate"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private int WeekNumber(System.DateTime fromDate)
     // Get jan 1st of the year
     var startOfYear = fromDate.AddDays(-fromDate.Day + 1).AddMonths(-fromDate.Month + 1);
     // Get dec 31st of the year
     var endOfYear = startOfYear.AddYears(1).AddDays(-1);
     // ISO 8601 weeks start with Monday
     // The first week of a year includes the first Thursday
     // DayOfWeek returns 0 for sunday up to 6 for saterday
     int[] iso8601Correction = { 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 4, 5 };
     int nds = fromDate.Subtract(startOfYear).Days + iso8601Correction[(int)startOfYear.DayOfWeek];
     int wk = nds / 7;
     switch (wk)
         case 0:
             // Return weeknumber of dec 31st of the previous year
             return WeekNumber(startOfYear.AddDays(-1));
         case 53:
             // If dec 31st falls before thursday it is week 01 of next year
             if (endOfYear.DayOfWeek < DayOfWeek.Thursday)
                 return 1;
             return wk;
         default: return wk;
コード例 #3
    float getDayHourMinFractionOfWeek(System.DateTime dt)
        System.DateTime sunday = getSundayH00M00S00 (dt);

        int daysdiff = dt.Subtract (sunday).Days;

        int hourMin_min = dt.Hour * 60 + dt.Minute;
        float hourMinFraction = (float)hourMin_min / (24f * 60f); // 24 hours x 60 minutes
        float ddhhmmFraction = (float)daysdiff + hourMinFraction;

        Debug.Log ("target: " + dt.ToString ());
        Debug.Log ("sunday: " + sunday.ToString ());
        Debug.Log ("days: " + daysdiff);
        Debug.Log ("ddhhmmFraction: " + ddhhmmFraction);

        return ddhhmmFraction / 7.0f; // 7 days a week
コード例 #4
        public static System.DateTime GetFirstDayOfWeekDate(System.DateTime myDate)
            switch (myDate.DayOfWeek)
                case DayOfWeek.Sunday:
                    myDate = myDate.Subtract(new TimeSpan(6, 0, 0, 0));
                    break; // TODO: might not be correct. Was : Exit Select

                case DayOfWeek.Monday:
                    myDate = myDate.Subtract(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0));
                    break; // TODO: might not be correct. Was : Exit Select

                case DayOfWeek.Tuesday:
                    myDate = myDate.Subtract(new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0));
                    break; // TODO: might not be correct. Was : Exit Select

                case DayOfWeek.Wednesday:
                    myDate = myDate.Subtract(new TimeSpan(2, 0, 0, 0));
                    break; // TODO: might not be correct. Was : Exit Select

                case DayOfWeek.Thursday:
                    myDate = myDate.Subtract(new TimeSpan(3, 0, 0, 0));
                    break; // TODO: might not be correct. Was : Exit Select

                case DayOfWeek.Friday:
                    myDate = myDate.Subtract(new TimeSpan(4, 0, 0, 0));
                    break; // TODO: might not be correct. Was : Exit Select

                case DayOfWeek.Saturday:
                    myDate = myDate.Subtract(new TimeSpan(5, 0, 0, 0));
                    break; // TODO: might not be correct. Was : Exit Select

            return myDate;
コード例 #5
 /// <summary> Converts a Date to a string suitable for indexing.</summary>
 /// <throws>  SystemException if the date specified in the </throws>
 /// <summary> method argument is before 1970
 /// </summary>
 public static System.String DateToString(System.DateTime date)
     TimeSpan ts = date.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1));
     ts = ts.Subtract(TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.GetUtcOffset(date));
     return TimeToString(ts.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond);
コード例 #6
 public static long GetJavascriptTimestamp(System.DateTime input)
     return (long)input.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalMilliseconds;
コード例 #7
 /// <summary>Years Between 2 dates this will output a decimal to 0dp
 /// <para>StartDate = Start Date for the calculation</para>
 /// <para>EndDate = End Date for the calculation</para>
 /// <para>inclusive = Adds 1 day on the end</para>
 /// <para>daysperyear = set days per year</para>
 /// </summary>
 public double YearsBetween(System.DateTime StartDate, System.DateTime EndDate, bool inclusive, double daysperyear)
     System.TimeSpan d;
     double days;
     d = EndDate.Subtract(StartDate);
     days = d.Days;
     double Years = Math.Floor(days / daysperyear);
     return Years;
コード例 #8
ファイル: DateTime.cs プロジェクト: qingemeng/Dynamo
 /// <summary>
 ///     Subtracts a TimeSpan from a DateTime, yielding a new DateTime.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dateTime">Starting DateTime.</param>
 /// <param name="timeSpan">Amount of time to subtract.</param>
 /// <returns name="dateTime">DateTime</returns>
 public static System.DateTime SubtractTimeSpan(System.DateTime dateTime, System.TimeSpan timeSpan)
     return dateTime.Subtract(timeSpan);
コード例 #9
 public long GetJavascriptTimestamp(System.DateTime input)
     System.TimeSpan span = new System.TimeSpan(System.DateTime.Parse("1/1/1970").Ticks);
     System.DateTime time = input.Subtract(span);
     return (long)(time.Ticks / 10000);
コード例 #10
ファイル: DateTime.cs プロジェクト: qingemeng/Dynamo
 /// <summary>
 ///     Yields a new TimeSpan calculated from the time difference between two DateTimes.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="date1">Starting DateTime.</param>
 /// <param name="date2">Ending DateTime.</param>
 /// <returns name="timeSpan">TimeSpan</returns>
 public static System.TimeSpan ByDateDifference(System.DateTime date1, System.DateTime date2)
     return date1.Subtract(date2);
コード例 #11
ファイル: DateTime.cs プロジェクト: qingemeng/Dynamo
 /// <summary>
 ///     Subtracts two TimeSpans.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="timeSpan1">A TimeSpan.</param>
 /// <param name="timeSpan2">A TimeSpan.</param>
 /// <returns name="timeSpan">TimeSpan</returns>
 public static System.TimeSpan Subtract(System.TimeSpan timeSpan1, System.TimeSpan timeSpan2)
     return timeSpan1.Subtract(timeSpan2);
コード例 #12
 /// <summary>Days Between 2 dates this will output a decimal to 0dp
 /// <para>StartDate = Start Date for the calculation</para>
 /// <para>EndDate = End Date for the calculation</para>
 /// <para>inclusive = Adds 1 day on the end</para>
 /// <para>daysperyear = set days per year</para>
 /// </summary>
 public double DaysBetween(System.DateTime StartDate, System.DateTime EndDate, bool inclusive, double daysperyear)
     System.TimeSpan d;
     double days;
     d = EndDate.Subtract(StartDate);
     days = d.Days;
     if (inclusive == true)
         days = days + 1;
     return days;
コード例 #13
 private static int GetUnixTime(System.DateTime UtcDateTime)
     System.DateTime Epoch = new System.DateTime(1970, 1, 1);
     return (int)UtcDateTime.Subtract(Epoch).TotalSeconds;
コード例 #14
ファイル: TimeLineControl.cs プロジェクト: aureliopires/gisa
		private Rectangle DateTimePlacement(System.DateTime CurrentMarker)
			long range = 0;

			if (mMarkers == null)
				return Rectangle.Empty;

			range = mMarkers[mMarkers.GetUpperBound(0)].Subtract(mMarkers[mMarkers.GetLowerBound(0)]).Days;
			if (range == 0 || range == Int64.MaxValue)
				return Rectangle.Empty;
			Rectangle r = Rectangle.Inflate(mMarker, 0, 0);
			r.Offset(System.Convert.ToInt32(mPadding + (this.Width - r.Width - mPadding * 2) * CurrentMarker.Subtract(mMarkers[0]).Days / range), mPadding);
			return r;
コード例 #15
 internal void SetToDate(System.DateTime date)
     this._type = StorageType.Date;
     this._value._int32 = date.Subtract(System.DateTime.MinValue).Days;
     this._isNull = false;
コード例 #16
 /// <summary>Years Days Between 2 dates this will output a decimal to 3dp with the dp representing days.
 /// <para>StartDate = Start Date for the calculation</para>
 /// <para>EndDate = End Date for the calculation</para>
 /// <para>inclusive = Adds 1 day on the end</para>
 /// <para>daysperyear = set days per year</para>
 /// </summary>
 public double YearsDaysBetween(System.DateTime StartDate, System.DateTime EndDate, bool inclusive, double daysperyear)
     System.TimeSpan d;
     double days;
     d = EndDate.Subtract(StartDate);
     days = d.Days;
     if(inclusive == true)
         days = days + 1;
     double Years = Math.Floor(days / daysperyear);
     days = (days / daysperyear) - Years;
     days = Math.Floor(days * daysperyear);
     days = Math.Round((days / 1000),3,MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
     days = Years + days;
     return days;
コード例 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a Start and End Time calculates and produces a Process Run Time string in hours, minutes
        /// and seconds (as necessary).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startTime">
        /// The time that the process run began.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="endTime">
        /// The time that the process run ended.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A string containing the process run time in hours, minutes and seconds (as necessary - for example:
        /// 3 hours 15 minutes and 30 seconds, 10 minutes and 25 seconds) .
        /// </returns>
        public string CalculateProcessRunTime(System.DateTime StartTime, System.DateTime EndTime)
            //  Determine the process run time.
            System.TimeSpan runTime = EndTime.Subtract(StartTime);

            //  Break the Process Run Time into its component parts (hours, minutes, seconds)
            double seconds = (int)runTime.TotalSeconds;
            double minutes = (int)runTime.TotalMinutes;
            double hours = (int)runTime.TotalHours;
            double days = (int)runTime.TotalDays;
            seconds = (seconds - (minutes * 60));
            minutes = (minutes - (hours * 60));
            hours = (hours - (days * 24));

            //  Start to build the Time String.
            string timeString = null;
            if (seconds == 1)
              timeString = seconds.ToString() + " second";
              timeString = seconds.ToString() + " seconds";

            //  If the Days, Hours or Minutes value is non-zero, build a Time String including a
            //  number of minutes entry.
            if ((days > 0) || (hours > 0) || (minutes > 0))
              //  Build a Time String including a number of minutes entry.
              if (minutes == 1)
            timeString = minutes.ToString() + " minute and " + timeString;
            timeString = minutes.ToString() + " minutes and " + timeString;

            //  If the Days or Hours value is non-zero, build a Time String including a number
            //  of hours entry.
            if ((days > 0) || (hours > 0))
              if (hours == 1)
            //  Add the number of hours the process ran to the Time String.
            timeString = hours.ToString() + " hour " + timeString;
            //  Add the number of hours the process ran to the Time String.
            timeString = hours.ToString() + " hours " + timeString;

            //  If the Days value is non-zero, build a Time String including a number
            //  of days entry.
            if (days > 0)
              if (days == 1)
            //  Add the number of hours the process ran to the Time String.
            timeString = days.ToString() + " day " + timeString;
            //  Add the number of hours the process ran to the Time String.
            timeString = days.ToString() + " days " + timeString;

            //  Return the process run time string.
            return timeString;

            //  Return a NULL string to indicate taht this process failed.
            return null;

コード例 #18
        private void PushSprintDates(int sprintNumber, System.DateTime newStartDate, System.DateTime newEndDate, ICollection<Sprint> sprints)
            // make sure sprints are ordered by number
            Sprint[] orderedSprint = sprints.OrderBy(s => s.SprintNumber).ToArray();

            // finds the sprint
            Sprint sprint = orderedSprint.SingleOrDefault(s => s.SprintNumber == sprintNumber);
            if (sprint == null)

            if (sprintNumber >= 2) {
                Sprint previous = orderedSprint[sprintNumber - 2];
                if (newStartDate <= previous.StartDate.AddDays(1))
                    throw new WebFaultException<String>("BRE_SPRINT_START_DATE_NOT_ALLOWED", System.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);

            if (newEndDate < sprint.StartDate)
                throw new WebFaultException<String>("BRE_SPRINT_END_DATE_NOT_ALLOWED", System.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);

            // get the number of days to push the sprints
            int pushDays = 0;
            int startDatePushDays = (sprintNumber == 1) ? newStartDate.Subtract(sprint.StartDate).Days : 0;

            // if is the first sprint and the start date was changed, it override the end date change
            if (startDatePushDays != 0) {
                newEndDate = newEndDate.AddDays(startDatePushDays);
                pushDays = startDatePushDays;
            } else {
                pushDays = newEndDate.Subtract(sprint.EndDate).Days;

            if (newStartDate > newEndDate)
                throw new WebFaultException<String>("BRE_SPRINT_START_DATE_NOT_ALLOWED", System.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);

            // update the sprint start date
            sprint.StartDate = newStartDate;
            sprint.EndDate = newEndDate;

            // pushs the following sprints, if this one is not the last
            if (sprintNumber <= orderedSprint.Length && pushDays != 0) {

                for (int i = sprintNumber; i < orderedSprint.Length; i++) {
                    int days = calendar.CalcWorkDayCount(orderedSprint[i].StartDate, orderedSprint[i].EndDate);
                    orderedSprint[i].StartDate = calendar.AddWorkDays(orderedSprint[i - 1].EndDate, 1);
                    orderedSprint[i].EndDate = calendar.AddWorkDays(orderedSprint[i].StartDate, days);

            // moves the previus sprint end date one day before this one start date
            if (sprintNumber > 1)
                orderedSprint[sprintNumber - 2].EndDate = calendar.SubWorkDays(newStartDate, 1);
コード例 #19
 public static int getDaysFrom(System.DateTime fromDt, System.DateTime baseDt)
     return fromDt.Subtract (baseDt).Days;
コード例 #20
ファイル: Strings.cs プロジェクト: Veivan/GanttDll
		public static double SecondsDiff(System.DateTime date1, System.DateTime date2)
			return ((TimeSpan)(date2.Subtract(date1))).TotalSeconds;
コード例 #21
 internal void SetToDateTime2(System.DateTime dateTime, byte scale)
     this._type = StorageType.DateTime2;
     this._value._dateTime2Info.timeInfo.ticks = dateTime.TimeOfDay.Ticks;
     this._value._dateTime2Info.timeInfo.scale = scale;
     this._value._dateTime2Info.date = dateTime.Subtract(System.DateTime.MinValue).Days;
     this._isNull = false;
コード例 #22
 public static System.TimeSpan GetTimeSpan(this System.DateTime startTime, System.DateTime endTime)
     return endTime.Subtract(startTime);