public Game() { InitializeComponent(); SetStyle( ControlStyles.UserPaint | ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint | ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer | ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer | ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true ); Image roadImage = Image.FromFile(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "Racemap.bmp")); BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "Racemapv3.bmp")); roadBitmap = new Bitmap(roadImage); //BackgroundImage = roadImage; //DEBUG player = new System.Media.SoundPlayer(); player.SoundLocation = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "music.wav"); player.LoadAsync(); nyanPlayer = new System.Media.SoundPlayer(); nyanPlayer.SoundLocation = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "nyan.wav"); nyanPlayer.LoadAsync(); Paint += new PaintEventHandler(PaintHandler); Init(); }
/*用于点easy medium hard按钮后直接开始计算,单独构造成一个函数*/ private void calculation( ) { timer_show_result.Start(); //点击难度按钮后就开始7s倒计时 //timer_remind.Interval = 10000; gamebeginplayer.LoadAsync(); gamebeginplayer.PlayLooping(); timer_rest.Stop(); //300s到,进入对应的Tick事件,将定时器关掉(这句应该可以去掉了) //pictureBox2.SendToBack(); //除了开始按钮外的所有部分,SendToBack函数作用 totaltime = totaltime_org; //240s score = 0; //统计参数清零 right_number = 0; wrong_number = 0; subresult_input = ""; //输入结果清空 Minuend = 4000; timer_total.Stop(); timer_1second.Stop(); //button10.Enabled = true; timer_1second.Start(); //再次调用读秒定时器,用于做题时240s的读秒 timer_total.Start(); label_Minuend.Text = Minuend.ToString(); label_score.Text = "Score: " + score.ToString(); label_subresult.Text = subresult_input; subtrahend = ran.Next(start_index, end_index);//产生初值 label7.Text = subtrahend.ToString(); begingtime = DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().ToString(); timer_remind.Start(); //启动5s做题倒计时 }
private void Start_Animals_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var strButton_Text=Start_Animals.Text; System.Media.SoundPlayer player = new System.Media.SoundPlayer(); player.SoundLocation = "C:\\temp\\play.wav"; if (strButton_Text == "Start_Animals") { player.LoadAsync(); player.PlayLooping(); Start_Animals.Text = "Stop"; timer_animals.Enabled = true; //listfile[j].Remove(0); //animals.Image = Image.FromFile("c:\\temp\\dog.png"); //anim //Timer timer = new Timer(); //timer.Interval = 500; //timer.Enabled = true; //timer.Start(); } else { player.Stop(); Start_Animals.Text = "Start_Animals"; timer_animals.Enabled = false; } // //animals.SizeMode = "StretchImage"; }
public AracdeForm() { InitializeComponent(); arcadeMusic.SoundLocation = "ArcadeSound.wav"; arcadeMusic.LoadAsync(); cGL = new cOGL(displayPanel); cGL.ScrollValue[10] = 5; cGL.ScrollValue[11] = 12; cGL.ScrollValue[12] = -5; //apply the bars values as cGL.ScrollValue[..] properties //!!! hScrollBarScroll(hScrollBar1, null); hScrollBarScroll(hScrollBar2, null); hScrollBarScroll(hScrollBar3, null); hScrollBarScroll(hScrollBar4, null); hScrollBarScroll(hScrollBar5, null); hScrollBarScroll(hScrollBar6, null); hScrollBarScroll(hScrollBar7, null); hScrollBarScroll(hScrollBar8, null); hScrollBarScroll(hScrollBar9, null); displayPanel.MouseWheel += Panel1_MouseWheel; displayPanel.MouseDown += Panel1_MouseDown; displayPanel.MouseUp += Panel1_MouseUp; displayPanel.MouseMove += Panel1_MouseMove; }
public override void controllerActivated(Dictionary<int, Target> targets) { System.Media.SoundPlayer myPlayer = new System.Media.SoundPlayer(); myPlayer.SoundLocation = @"C:\Users\jon\AppData\Local\Temp\\P3StarterCode\coin.wav"; myPlayer.LoadAsync(); myPlayer.Play(); }
static StartBattleVM() { sound = new SoundPlayer("Resources\\challenged.wav"); try { sound.LoadAsync(); } catch { } }
static Chat() { sound = new SoundPlayer("Resources\\chat.wav"); try { sound.LoadAsync(); } catch { } }
/*enter键按下后判断输入结果是否正确*/ private void Judge_resull() { if (subresult_input != "") { subreslut_input_int = int.Parse(subresult_input); //将键盘输出结果转化为int类型 subresult_input = ""; //按下enter键,后面的结果都要清空,此句必须放在前面,不能放在此模块的最后面(暂时没找到原因) if (subreslut_input_int == Minuend - subtrahend) //subtrahend应设置为随机数 { //判断正确 pictureBox1.Image = rightImage; //显示正误图形的box score = score + 5; //做对一题加5 right_number++; //用于将做对提数记录在txt中 Minuend = subreslut_input_int; //将新的结果显示在被减数标签中 label_Minuend.Text = Minuend.ToString(); rightplayer.LoadAsync(); //做题正确时声音 //rightplayer.Stop(); rightplayer.PlayLooping(); } else { //判断错误 pictureBox1.Image = wrongImage; score = score - 3; //错一题减3分 wrong_number++; wrongplayer.LoadAsync(); //wrongplayer.Stop(); wrongplayer.PlayLooping(); } label_score.Text = "Score: " + score.ToString(); //一轮计算完显示累计分数 label_subresult.Text = subresult_input; //输入结果subresult_input显示在 label_subresult标签中 timer_show_result.Start(); //无论结果正确与否,启动0.7s定时器,清除图片和停止声音播放 timer_remind.Stop(); //无论做题正确与否,重新启动5s做题计时器 timer_remind.Start(); } subtrahend = ran.Next(start_index, end_index); //产生随机减数 label7.Text = subtrahend.ToString(); //将产生的随机数显示在减数标签中 }
public CountDownForm() { InitializeComponent(); Screen[] Screens = Screen.AllScreens; if (Screens.Length > 1) { Location = Screens[1].Bounds.Location; } Player.LoadAsync(); }
public void Update(ref SwProperties p) { propertySet = p; LinkControls(); ToggleFields(propertySet.cutlistData.OpType); if (Properties.Settings.Default.MakeSounds) { try { sp.LoadAsync(); } catch (Exception ex) { propertySet.SwApp.SendMsgToUser2(ex.Message, (int)swMessageBoxIcon_e.swMbStop, (int)swMessageBoxBtn_e.swMbOk); } } }
private void back_ground_process_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e) { #region visual code start_B.Visible = true; autosave_log_CHB.Enabled = true; autosave_fuzzy_System_CHB.Enabled = true; progress_T.Enabled = false; count_complete_L.Text = ""; back_ground_process_PB.Value = 0; back_ground_process_PB.Visible = false; string path2 = (new FileInfo(Application.ExecutablePath)).DirectoryName + "\\"; string filename = "tada.wav"; System.Media.SoundPlayer tada_player = new System.Media.SoundPlayer(path2 + filename); tada_player.LoadAsync(); tada_player.PlaySync(); if (!temp_result_form.Result_RTB.Text.Equals(Fuzzy_system.get_log, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { temp_result_form.Result_RTB.Text = Fuzzy_system.get_log; temp_result_form.Result_RTB.Select(temp_result_form.Result_RTB.Text.Length - 1, temp_result_form.Result_RTB.Text.Length - 1); } temp_result_form.ApproxLearnResult = Fuzzy_system.ApproxLearnResult; temp_result_form.ApproxTestResult = Fuzzy_system.ApproxTestResult; temp_result_form.ApproxLearnResultMSE = Fuzzy_system.ApproxLearnResultMSE; temp_result_form.ApproxTestResultMSE = Fuzzy_system.ApproxTestResultMSE; temp_result_form.ApproxLearnResultMSEdiv2 = Fuzzy_system.ApproxLearnResultMSEdiv2; temp_result_form.ApproxTestResultMSEdiv2 = Fuzzy_system.ApproxTestResultMSEdiv2; temp_result_form.ClassErLearn = Fuzzy_system.ClassErLearn; temp_result_form.ClassErTest = Fuzzy_system.ClassErTest; temp_result_form.ClassLearnResult = Fuzzy_system.ClassLearnResult; temp_result_form.ClassTestResult = Fuzzy_system.ClassTestResult; if (temp_result_form.Visible == false) { temp_result_form.Show(); } #endregion if (autosave_log_CHB.Checked) { temp_result_form.Result_RTB.SaveFile(path + fileName, RichTextBoxStreamType.UnicodePlainText); } #endregion }
static Chat() { NewChatCommand = new SimpleCommand((_u) => { var u = (User)_u; if (PBOClient.Current != null && u != PBOClient.Current.User) { Current.NewChat(u); } }); sound = new SoundPlayer(Application.GetResourceStream(new Uri("chat.wav", UriKind.Relative)).Stream); try { sound.LoadAsync(); } catch { } }
static Chat() { NewChatCommand = new SimpleCommand((_u) => { var u = (User)_u; if (PBOClient.Current != null && u != PBOClient.Current.User) { Current.NewChat(u); } }); sound = new SoundPlayer(Application.GetResourceStream(new Uri(@"pack://application:,,,/PBO;component/images/chat.wav", UriKind.Absolute)).Stream); try { sound.LoadAsync(); } catch { } }
/// <summary> /// Воспроизведение WAV-файлов /// </summary> /// <param name="file">Путь до файла</param> /// <param name="revers">Повтор (только для прямого воспроизведения) - true</param> public void PlayWAV(string file, bool revers) { try { //System.Media.SoundPlayer player = new System.Media.SoundPlayer(); player.SoundLocation = file; player.LoadAsync(); if (revers) { player.PlayLooping(); } else { player.Play(); } } catch { } }
void alert() { string intruder_Folder = "intruder_" + DateTime.Now.Day + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month + "-" + DateTime.Now.Year; if (!Directory.Exists(intruder_Folder)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(intruder_Folder); } string date = DateTime.Now.Hour + "_" + DateTime.Now.Minute + "_" + DateTime.Now.Millisecond; Bitmap b = (Bitmap)Fitems.intruder_img; Stream str = new FileStream(intruder_Folder + "/" + date + ".jpg", FileMode.Create); b.Save(str, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg); Fitems.intruder_img.Dispose(); sp.LoadAsync(); sp.PlayLooping(); sp.Dispose(); }
/// <summary> /// Loads data from the specified stream and play the sound data. /// </summary> /// <param name="stream">The file stream object.</param> private void PlaySound(Stream stream) { try { lblPlaying.Visible = true; this.Height = lblPlaying.Height + 74; btnClose.Text = "Stop"; // Load sound data from the stream. _soundPlayer.LoadAsync(); _soundPlayer.Stream = stream; // Play it. _soundPlayer.Play(); } catch (Exception ex) { _supportedFormat = false; Util.ShowError(ex, "Error: Unable to play the Sound File."); this.Close(); } }
public StartForm() { InitializeComponent(); smm.SoundLocation = ExPath; smm.LoadAsync(); wc.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8; StaticInfo.Ev_LoginTelegram += StaticInfo_Ev_LoginTelegram; StaticInfo.Ev_LoginSchool += StaticInfo_Ev_LoginSchool; this.Visible = false; AutoSchoolAuth au = new AutoSchoolAuth(); au.ShowDialog(); stop_btn.Enabled = false; see_btn.Enabled = false; end_time_dtp.Value = DateTime.Now.AddDays(7); token = tokenSource.Token; time_filter_dtp.Checked = false; work_timer.Interval = 100; work_timer.Tick += Work_timer_Tick; this.FormClosed += StartForm_FormClosed; }
public void GetPoints(IPoints creature) { _score += creature.Value; _elScore += creature.Value; if (creature.Name == "Bird") { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine($"You have saved a {creature.Name}"); Console.WriteLine($"+{creature.Value} points"); System.Media.SoundPlayer sound = new System.Media.SoundPlayer(); sound.SoundLocation = @"\Drofsnar\munch_1.wav"; sound.LoadAsync(); sound.Play(); Thread.Sleep(250); System.Media.SoundPlayer sound2 = new System.Media.SoundPlayer(); sound2.SoundLocation = @"\Drofsnar\munch_2.wav"; sound2.LoadAsync(); sound2.Play(); Thread.Sleep(200); } else { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Magenta; Console.WriteLine($"You have saved a {creature.Name}"); Console.WriteLine($"+{creature.Value} points"); System.Media.SoundPlayer sound = new System.Media.SoundPlayer(); sound.SoundLocation = @"\Drofsnar\Pacman_Eating_Cherry_Sound_Effect.wav"; sound.Load(); sound.Play(); Thread.Sleep(500); } }
/// <summary> /// Attach the audio file to the sound player and load it /// </summary> private void InitializeSound() { _soundPlayer.SoundLocation = _audioFile; _soundPlayer.LoadAsync(); }
private void Start_Colors_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var strButton_Text = Start_Colors.Text; System.Media.SoundPlayer player = new System.Media.SoundPlayer(); player.SoundLocation = "C:\\temp\\play.wav"; if (strButton_Text == "Start_Colors") { player.LoadAsync(); player.PlayLooping(); Start_Colors.Text = "Stop"; timer_colors.Enabled = true; } else { player.Stop(); Start_Colors.Text = "Start_Colors"; timer_colors.Enabled = false; } }
public ConfigEdit() { InitializeComponent(); this.Loaded += ConfigEdit_Loaded; _cfgValKeeper = new CfgValueKeeper(); _appNewSettings = new Dictionary <string, string>(); // размеры окна double screenWidth = (double)WpfHelper.GetAppGlobalValue("screenWidth"); double screenHeight = (double)WpfHelper.GetAppGlobalValue("screenHeight"); this.Width = 0.67d * screenWidth; this.Height = 0.75d * screenHeight; // дополнтельные действия в зависимости от подтверджения готовности cbxState3.IsEnabled = KDSModeHelper.IsReadTakenDishes; // (bool)WpfHelper.GetAppGlobalValue("UseReadyConfirmedState", false) _useReadyConfirmedState = KDSModeHelper.UseReadyConfirmedState; if (_useReadyConfirmedState) { cbxState8.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; cbx18.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; cbx28.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; cbx83.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; cbx82.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; cbx81.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } else { cbxState8.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; cbx18.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; cbx28.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; cbx83.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; cbx82.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; cbx81.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } // заполнить комбобокс звуковых файлов _audioPath = AppEnvironment.GetAppDirectory("Audio"); _wavPlayer = new System.Media.SoundPlayer(); if (Directory.Exists(_audioPath)) { DirectoryInfo dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(_audioPath); List <string> files = new List <string>(); foreach (FileInfo fileInfo in dirInfo.GetFiles("*.wav", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)) { files.Add(fileInfo.Name); } cbxSelectAudio.ItemsSource = files; var defFile = WpfHelper.GetAppGlobalValue("NewOrderAudioAttention"); if ((defFile != null) && (files.Contains(defFile))) { cbxSelectAudio.SelectedValue = defFile; _wavPlayer.SoundLocation = _audioPath + defFile; _wavPlayer.LoadAsync(); } } cbxSelectAudio.SelectionChanged += CbxSelectAudio_SelectionChanged; }
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //pictureBox1.Refresh(); notify.LoadAsync(); secondTick.SynchronizingObject = this; muteTimer.SynchronizingObject = this; muteTimer.Elapsed += delegate { textBox1.Enabled = true; richTextBox1.AppendText("You are now unmuted." + Environment.NewLine); }; CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = false; // you didn't see anything, this line doesn't exist pictureBox1.Image = new Bitmap(1024, 768); g = Graphics.FromImage(pictureBox1.Image); Text = "CollabVM .NET Client: " + Globals.vmip + "#" + Globals.vmname; socket = new WebSocket("ws://" + Globals.vmip, "guacamole") { Origin = "http://" + Globals.vmip.Split(':')[0] }; socket.OnClose += Socket_OnClose; socket.OnOpen += Socket_OnOpen; socket.OnMessage += Socket_OnMessage; socket.Compression = CompressionMethod.Deflate; //pictureBox1.Image = Properties.Resources.Loading; //pictureBox1.Refresh(); socket.Connect(); //topleftpicboxpos = new Point((int)(20 / (double)pictureBox1.Width), (int)(20 / (double)pictureBox1.Height)); PictureBox1_SizeChanged(null, null); pictureBox1.MouseWheel += PictureBox1_MouseWheel; KeyDown += Form1_KeyDown; KeyPress += Form1_KeyPress; KeyUp += Form1_KeyUp; FormClosing += Form1_FormClosing; turnTimer.Elapsed += TurnTimer_Elapsed; secondTick.Elapsed += SecondTick_Elapsed; //audio = new WaveOutEvent(WaveFormat); //new BufferedWaveProvider( //var format = new WaveFormat(8000, 16, 1); //buffered = new BufferedWaveProvider(format); //client = new TcpClient("", vmname == "vm1" ? 7004 : vmname == "vm2" ? 7005 : vmname == "vm3" ? 7006 : vmname == "vm4" ? 7007 : vmname == "vm5" ? 7008 : 7010); /* Task.Run(() => * { * var a = client.GetStream(); * //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); * byte[] info = new byte[6]; * a.Read(info, 0, info.Length); * buffered = new BufferedWaveProvider(new WaveFormat(BitConverter.ToInt32(info.Take(4).ToArray(), 0), info[4], info[5])); * buffered.BufferDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5); * //buffered.DiscardOnBufferOverflow = true; * audio.Init(buffered); * audio.Play(); * * for (; ; ) * { * byte[] buffer = new byte[16]; * a.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); * buffered.AddSamples(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); * //Send(Console.ReadLine().Split('|')); * }; * }); */ }
public void Play(string fname, int SoundFlags) { fname = "\\MP3\\PIANO\\" + fname; fname = Application.StartupPath + fname; //PlaySound(fname, 0, SoundFlags); System.Media.SoundPlayer sound = new System.Media.SoundPlayer(fname); sound.LoadAsync(); sound.Play(); }
public void SignUpHandler() { System.Media.SoundPlayer player = new System.Media.SoundPlayer(); while (true) { IDCardReader cardRead = new IDCardReader(); //初始化 if (cardRead.Initialize() == false) { //LogHelper.WriteWarnLog("身份证读卡器初始化失败"); Thread.Sleep(500); continue; } if (cardRead.Authenticate() == -1) { //LogHelper.WriteWarnLog("身份证读卡器注册失败"); Thread.Sleep(500); cardRead.CloseComm(); continue; } if (cardRead.ReadContent() == -1) { //LogHelper.WriteWarnLog("获取身份证信息失败"); Thread.Sleep(500); cardRead.CloseComm(); continue; } if (mClassCourse == null) { try { player.SoundLocation = @".\Voice\selectCourse.wav"; player.LoadAsync(); player.Play(); } catch (Exception err) { LogHelper.WriteWarnLog(err.Message); } continue; } LogHelper.WriteInfoLog("获取身份证信息成功"); string name = ""; string IDNum = ""; cardRead.GetNameGBK(ref name); cardRead.GetIDNumGBK(ref IDNum); cardRead.CloseComm(); string outMessage = ""; string response = RESTClient.SignUp(mClassCourse, IDNum, mClassStauts, ref outMessage); if (response == null || response == "") { if (outMessage == "") { outMessage = "签到失败,服务器错误"; } this.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { broder_back.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; _loading.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; //WarningTipWindow tipDialog = new WarningTipWindow(outMessage); //tipDialog.ShowDialog(); }); LogHelper.WriteWarnLog(outMessage); try { if (mClassStauts == 1) { player.SoundLocation = @".\Voice\signUpInFail.wav"; } else { player.SoundLocation = @".\Voice\signUpOutFail.wav"; } player.LoadAsync(); player.Play(); } catch (Exception err) { LogHelper.WriteWarnLog(err.Message); } LogHelper.WriteWarnLog(outMessage); continue; } try { JObject jResp = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(response); String status = (String)jResp.SelectToken("status", true); if (status != "success") { string message = (String)jResp.SelectToken("message", true); this.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { broder_back.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; _loading.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; //WarningTipWindow tipDialog = new WarningTipWindow("签到失败:" + message); //tipDialog.ShowDialog(); }); LogHelper.WriteWarnLog(message); try { if (mClassStauts == 1) { player.SoundLocation = @".\Voice\signUpInFail.wav"; } else { player.SoundLocation = @".\Voice\signUpOutFail.wav"; } player.LoadAsync(); player.Play(); } catch (Exception err) { LogHelper.WriteWarnLog(err.Message); } LogHelper.WriteWarnLog("签到失败:" + message); continue; } LogHelper.WriteInfoLog("签到成功"); this.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { broder_back.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; _loading.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; }); try { if (mClassStauts == 1) { player.SoundLocation = @".\Voice\signUpInSucc.wav"; } else { player.SoundLocation = @".\Voice\signUpOutSucc.wav"; } player.LoadAsync(); player.Play(); } catch (Exception err) { LogHelper.WriteWarnLog(err.Message); } QuerySignUp(); continue; } catch (Exception err) { this.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { broder_back.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; _loading.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; //WarningTipWindow tipDialog = new WarningTipWindow("签到失败," + err.Message); //tipDialog.ShowDialog(); }); LogHelper.WriteWarnLog(err.Message); try { if (mClassStauts == 1) { player.SoundLocation = @".\Voice\signUpInFail.wav"; } else { player.SoundLocation = @".\Voice\signUpOutFail.wav"; } player.LoadAsync(); player.Play(); } catch (Exception errSub) { LogHelper.WriteWarnLog(errSub.Message); } continue; } } }