public GameObject CreatePrefab() { GameObject gameObject = EntityTemplates.CreateSolidOreEntity(ElementID, null); Sublimates sublimates = gameObject.AddOrGet <Sublimates>(); sublimates.spawnFXHash = SpawnFXHashes.BleachStoneEmissionBubbles; = new Sublimates.Info(0.000200000009f, 0.00250000018f, 1.8f, 0.5f, SublimeElementID, byte.MaxValue, 0); return(gameObject); }
public GameObject CreatePrefab() { GameObject gameObject = EntityTemplates.CreateLiquidOreEntity(ElementID, null); Sublimates sublimates = gameObject.AddOrGet <Sublimates>(); sublimates.spawnFXHash = SpawnFXHashes.ContaminatedOxygenBubble; = new Sublimates.Info(4.00000026E-05f, 0.025f, 1.8f, 1f, SublimeElementID, byte.MaxValue, 0); return(gameObject); }
public GameObject CreatePrefab() { var entity = EntityTemplates.CreateLooseEntity(ID, Name, Desc, 1f, false, Assets.GetAnim("palmeraberry_kanim"), "object", Grid.SceneLayer.Front, EntityTemplates.CollisionShape.RECTANGLE, 0.77f, 0.48f, true); var foodEntity = EntityTemplates.ExtendEntityToFood(entity, new EdiblesManager.FoodInfo(ID, 0.0f, TUNING.FOOD.FOOD_QUALITY_AWFUL, 255.15f, 277.15f, TUNING.FOOD.SPOIL_TIME.SLOW, true)); Sublimates sublimates = foodEntity.AddOrGet <Sublimates>(); sublimates.spawnFXHash = SpawnFXHashes.OxygenEmissionBubbles; = new Sublimates.Info(0.001f, 0f, 1.8f, 0.0f, SimHashes.Hydrogen); return(foodEntity); }
/// <summary> /// Spawns an FX object only if it is on screen. /// </summary> private static void SpawnFXIf(Game instance, SpawnFXHashes fx, Vector3 position, float rotation, Sublimates caller) { if (caller != null && instance != null) { int cell = Grid.PosToCell(caller); // GetMyWorldId but with precomputed cell if (Grid.IsValidCell(cell)) { byte id = Grid.WorldIdx[cell]; Grid.GetVisibleExtents(out int minX, out int minY, out int maxX, out int maxY); Grid.CellToXY(cell, out int x, out int y); if (id != ClusterManager.INVALID_WORLD_IDX && ClusterManager.Instance. activeWorldId == id && Grid.IsVisible(cell) && x >= minX && x <= maxX && y >= minY && y <= maxY) { // Properly do the Z layer setting position.z = Grid.GetLayerZ(Grid.SceneLayer.Front); instance.SpawnFX(fx, position, rotation); } } } }