コード例 #1
        public ActionResult Add(int earningID, bool earningIsAchievement, String text)
            /* TODO:
             * if(WebSecurity.CurrentUserId < 0) {
             *  return new HttpStatusCodeResult(401, "Custom Error Message 1"); // Unauthorized
             * }*/

            // Need text for a comment
            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text))
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(406, "Invalid comment text")); // Invalid text

            UnitOfWork work = new UnitOfWork();

            // Are comments enabled, and can we access the earning?
            user   earningUser = null;
            object template    = null;

            if (!CommentsEnabled(earningID, earningIsAchievement, work))
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(403, "Comments currently disabled")); // Disabled comments

            if (!UserCanAccessEarning(earningID, earningIsAchievement, work, out earningUser, out template))
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(403, "Earning cannot be accessed")); // Invalid earning access

            comment c = new comment()
                date                = DateTime.Now,
                deleted             = false,
                last_modified_by_id = WebSecurity.CurrentUserId,
                last_modified_date  = null, // Not being modified, just created, so this is null
                location_id         = earningID,
                location_type       = earningIsAchievement ? (int)JPPConstants.CommentLocation.Achievement : (int)JPPConstants.CommentLocation.Quest,
                text                = text,
                user_id             = WebSecurity.CurrentUserId

            // Access is validated, create comment

            // Get the current user's display name
            user u = work.EntityContext.user.Find(WebSecurity.CurrentUserId);

            //ID, Photo, Name, Text, PosterID, Deleted

            // Send a notification

            /*if (earningIsAchievement)
             * {
             *      achievement_template a = template as achievement_template;
             *      work.SystemRepository.AddNotification(
             *              earningUser.id,
             *              WebSecurity.CurrentUserId,
             *              "[" + u.display_name + "] commented on [" + a.title + "]",
             *              u.image,
             *              new UrlHelper(Request.RequestContext).Action(
             *                      "IndividualAchievement",
             *                      "Achievements",
             *                      new { id = a.id }
             *              ) + "#" + earningUser.id + "-" + earningID,
             *              false);
             * }
             * else
             * {
             *      quest_template q = template as quest_template;
             *      work.SystemRepository.AddNotification(
             *              earningUser.id,
             *              WebSecurity.CurrentUserId,
             *              "[" + u.display_name + "] commented on [" + q.title + "]",
             *              u.image,
             *              new UrlHelper(Request.RequestContext).Action(
             *                      "IndividualQuest",
             *                      "Quests",
             *                      new { id = q.id }
             *              ) + "#" + earningUser.id + "-" + earningID,
             *              false);
             * }*/
            // Success

            EarningComment response = new EarningComment()
                Deleted              = false,
                ID                   = c.id,
                Text                 = c.text,
                PlayerID             = u.id,
                DisplayName          = u.display_name,
                PlayerImage          = u.image,
                CommentDate          = c.date,
                CurrentUserCanEdit   = true,
                CurrentUserCanDelete = true

コード例 #2
        public ActionResult Delete(int commentID)
            UnitOfWork work = new UnitOfWork();

            // Grab the comment and check for edit capabilities
            comment c = work.EntityContext.comment.Find(commentID);

            // Is the current user the instance owner?
            bool instanceOwner = false;

            if (c.location_type == (int)JPPConstants.CommentLocation.Achievement)
                instanceOwner = (from e in work.EntityContext.achievement_instance
                                 where e.id == c.location_id && e.user_id == WebSecurity.CurrentUserId
                                 select e).Any();
            else if (c.location_type == (int)JPPConstants.CommentLocation.Quest)
                instanceOwner = (from e in work.EntityContext.quest_instance
                                 where e.id == c.location_id && e.user_id == WebSecurity.CurrentUserId
                                 select e).Any();

            // Instance owner, comment owner or admin?
            if (!instanceOwner && c.user_id != WebSecurity.CurrentUserId && !Roles.IsUserInRole(JPPConstants.Roles.FullAdmin))
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(406, "Invalid credentials")); // Invalid text
            LoggerModel logCommentDelete = new LoggerModel()
                Action    = Logger.CommentBehaviorLogType.CommentDelete.ToString(),
                UserID    = WebSecurity.CurrentUserId,
                IPAddress = Request.UserHostAddress,
                TimeStamp = DateTime.Now,
                ID1       = c.id,
                IDType1   = Logger.LogIDType.Comment.ToString(),
                Value1    = c.text

            Logger.LogSingleEntry(logCommentDelete, work.EntityContext);

            // Mark as deleted
            c.deleted             = true;
            c.last_modified_by_id = WebSecurity.CurrentUserId;
            c.last_modified_date  = DateTime.Now;

            // Get the current user's display name
            user u = work.EntityContext.user.Find(WebSecurity.CurrentUserId);

            EarningComment response = new EarningComment()
                Deleted              = true,
                ID                   = c.id,
                Text                 = JPPConstants.SiteSettings.DeletedCommentText + u.display_name,
                PlayerID             = c.last_modified_by_id,
                DisplayName          = null,
                PlayerImage          = null,
                CurrentUserCanEdit   = false,
                CurrentUserCanDelete = false

            return(Json(response)); // Success