private void ReadyToPay(Student std) { string amount = string.Empty, Payment_For = string.Empty; int payment_type_id = 1; Specialization spec = db.Specializations.Find(std.Student_Specialization_Id); if (std.Student_Status_Id == 6) { amount = spec.Specialization_Registeration_Payment.ToString(); Payment_For = "Registration"; payment_type_id = 1; } else { amount = spec.Specialization_Study_Payment.ToString(); Payment_For = "Study"; payment_type_id = 2; } int student_id = std.Student_Id; string entityId = ""; string currency = "SAR"; string paymentType = "DB"; Payment_Process payment = db.Payment_Process.Create(); payment.Student_Id = student_id; payment.Send_Amount = float.Parse(amount); payment.Send_Currency = currency; payment.Send_EntityId = entityId; payment.Send_PaymentType = paymentType; payment.Payment_IsPaid = false; payment.Payment_Type_Id = payment_type_id; payment.DateCreation = DateTime.Now; payment.Comment = Payment_For + " Fees"; payment.Payment_Trackingkey = StringCipher.RandomString(5) + student_id + StringCipher.RandomString(3) + DateTime.Now.GetHashCode() + StringCipher.RandomString(5); payment.Payment_URL_IsValid = true; db.Payment_Process.Add(payment); db.SaveChanges(); //Send Email send_ReadyToPay(std, payment, Payment_For); // Send SMS SendSMS send_sms = new SendSMS(); string sever_name = Request.Url.Authority.ToString(); string URL = sever_name + "/Payment/PaymentProcessDetails.aspx?Trackingkey=" + payment.Payment_Trackingkey; if (URL.Substring(0, 4).ToLower() != "http".ToLower()) { URL = "http://" + URL; } string Text = "Dear " + std.Student_Name_En + "\nNow you can pay the fees of " + Payment_For + "\nPlease use this link: " + URL; string number_Phone = std.Student_Phone; string reslt_message = send_sms.SendMessage(Text, number_Phone); }
private bool rest_account(string email) { email = email.Trim().ToLower(); db.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false; Employee emp = db.Employees.Where(x => x.Employee_Email.ToLower() == email).FirstOrDefault(); if (emp != null) { string New_Password = StringCipher.RandomString(7); string Encrypted_Password = StringCipher.Encrypt(New_Password, "Password"); // emp.Employee_Password.ToString(); emp.Employee_Password = Encrypted_Password; db.Entry(emp).State = System.Data.EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); string sever_name = Request.Url.Authority.ToString(); // Send SMS SendSMS send_sms = new SendSMS(); string url = ""; string Text = "Reset Password\n\nEmail:" + emp.Employee_Email + "\n\nPassword:"******"\n\nURL:" + url; string number_Phone = emp.Employee_Phone; string reslt_message = send_sms.SendMessage(Text, number_Phone); SendEmail send = new SendEmail(); bool result = send.ResetEmail(emp.Employee_Email, New_Password, sever_name, "Reset Password"); if (result) { Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "CallMyFunction", "show_model_sucess();", true); txtEmail.Text = ""; /* Add it to log file */ LogData = "data:" + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(emp, logFileModule.settings); logFileModule.logfile(10, "إعادة تعين كلمة السر", "reset your password", LogData); return(true); } else { Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "CallMyFunction", "show_model_error();", true); return(false); } } else { Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "CallMyFunction", " show_model_notfound();", true); return(false); } }
private bool rest_account(string email) { db.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false; Employee emp = db.Employees.Where(x => x.Employee_Email == email).FirstOrDefault(); if (emp != null) { string New_Password = StringCipher.RandomString(7); string Encrypted_Password = StringCipher.Encrypt(New_Password, "Password"); // emp.Employee_Password.ToString(); emp.Employee_Password = Encrypted_Password; db.Entry(emp).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); string sever_name = Request.Url.Authority.ToString(); SendEmail send = new SendEmail(); bool result = send.ResetEmail(emp.Employee_Email, New_Password, sever_name, "Reset Password"); if (result) { Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "CallMyFunction", "show_model_sucess();", true); txtEmail.Text = ""; /* Add it to log file */ LogData = "data:" + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(emp, logFileModule.settings); logFileModule.logfile(10, "إعادة تعين كلمة السر", "reset your password", LogData); return(true); } else { Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "CallMyFunction", "show_model_error();", true); return(false); } } else { Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "CallMyFunction", " show_model_notfound();", true); return(false); } }
public bool AU_Emplooyees(int EmployeeID, string ArabicName, string EnglishName, string Email, string Phone, bool Active, int GroupID, int lang) { try { db.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false; Employee Emp = db.Employees.Create(); if (EmployeeID != 0) { Emp = db.Employees.First(x => x.Employee_Id == EmployeeID); } Emp.Employee_Name_Ar = ArabicName; Emp.Employee_Name_En = EnglishName; Emp.Employee_Email = Email; if (EmployeeID == 0) { string New_Password = StringCipher.RandomString(7); string Encrypted_Password = StringCipher.Encrypt(New_Password, "Password"); // emp.Employee_Password.ToString(); Emp.Employee_Password = Encrypted_Password; string sever_name = Request.Url.Authority.ToString(); SendEmail send = new SendEmail(); bool EmailResult = send.ResetEmail(Email, New_Password, sever_name, "New Account"); if (EmailResult) { Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "CallMyFunction", "show_model_sucess();", true); } } Emp.Employee_Phone = Phone; Emp.Employee_Active = Active; Emp.Group_Id = GroupID; Emp.Language_id = lang; //Emp.Calendar_id = calander; string ImagepathProfile = UploadFile(1); string ImagepathSignature = UploadFile(2); if (ImagepathProfile != "") { Emp.Employee_Profile = ImagepathProfile; } else if (EmployeeID == 0) { ImagepathProfile = "Profile.JPG"; } if (EmployeeID != 0) { db.Entry(Emp).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; } else { db.Employees.Add(Emp); } db.SaveChanges(); /* Add it to log file */ LogData = "data:" + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Emp, logFileModule.settings); if (EmployeeID != 0) { logFileModule.logfile(10, "تعديل بيانات موظف", "update Employee", LogData); } else { logFileModule.logfile(10, "إضافة موظف", "Add Employee", LogData); } } catch { return(false); } return(true); }
public bool AU_Emplooyees(int EmployeeID, string ArabicName, string EnglishName, string Email, string Phone, bool Active, int GroupID, int lang) { try { db.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false; Employee Emp = db.Employees.Create(); if (EmployeeID != 0) { Emp = db.Employees.First(x => x.Employee_Id == EmployeeID); } Emp.Employee_Name_Ar = ArabicName; Emp.Employee_Name_En = EnglishName; Emp.Employee_Email = Email; if (EmployeeID == 0) { string New_Password = StringCipher.RandomString(7); Encrypted_Password = StringCipher.Encrypt(New_Password, "Password"); // emp.Employee_Password.ToString(); Emp.Employee_Password = Encrypted_Password; /* if (EmailResult) * { * Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "CallMyFunction", "show_model_sucess();", true); * }*/ //Send Email string Text = ""; string sever_name = Request.Url.Authority.ToString(); string StuEmail = Email; SendEmail send = new SendEmail(); Text = " <Strong style='font-size:16px;'>Dear " + EnglishName + "</Strong><br /><br /> " + "Now you can access the online admission system through the link:" + "<br /><br />" + "User Name :" + Email + " <br />" + "Password :"******"<br /><br />" + "Best Regard," + " <br />" + "Admission System" + " <br />"; bool R = send.TextEmail("Riyadh Elm University", StuEmail, Text, sever_name); // Send SMS SendSMS send_sms = new SendSMS(); string smsText = "Dear " + EnglishName + "\n" + "Now you can access the online admission system through the link:" + "\n\n" + "User Name : " + Email + "\n" + "Password : "******" \n\n" + "Best Regard," + " \n" + "Admission System"; string number_Phone = Phone; string reslt_message = send_sms.SendMessage(smsText, number_Phone); } Emp.Employee_Phone = Phone; Emp.Employee_Active = Active; Emp.Group_Id = GroupID; Emp.Language_id = lang; //Emp.Calendar_id = calander; string ImagepathProfile = UploadFile(1); string ImagepathSignature = UploadFile(2); if (ImagepathProfile != "") { Emp.Employee_Profile = ImagepathProfile; } else if (EmployeeID == 0) { Emp.Employee_Profile = "Profile.JPG"; } if (EmployeeID != 0) { db.Entry(Emp).State = System.Data.EntityState.Modified; } else { db.Employees.Add(Emp); } db.SaveChanges(); /* Add it to log file */ LogData = "data:" + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Emp, logFileModule.settings); if (EmployeeID != 0) { logFileModule.logfile(10, "تعديل بيانات موظف", "update Employee", LogData); } else { logFileModule.logfile(10, "إضافة موظف", "Add Employee", LogData); } } catch { return(false); } return(true); }
public bool AU_Emplooyees(int EmployeeID, string ArabicName, string EnglishName, string Email, string Phone, bool Active, int GroupID, int lang, int calander) { try { db.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false; Employee Emp = db.Employees.Create(); if (EmployeeID != 0) { Emp = db.Employees.First(x => x.Employee_Id == EmployeeID); } Emp.Employee_Name_Ar = ArabicName; Emp.Employee_Name_En = EnglishName; Emp.Employee_Email = Email; Employee_Structure Emp_Stu = new Employee_Structure();; if (EmployeeID == 0) { string New_Password = StringCipher.RandomString(7); string Encrypted_Password = StringCipher.Encrypt(New_Password, "Password"); // emp.Employee_Password.ToString(); Emp.Employee_Password = Encrypted_Password; string sever_name = Request.Url.Authority.ToString(); /* SendEmail send = new SendEmail(); * bool EmailResult = send.ResetEmail(Email, New_Password, sever_name); * if (EmailResult) * { * Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "CallMyFunction", "show_model_sucess();", true); * }*/ } Emp.Employee_Phone = Phone; Emp.Employee_Active = Active; Emp.Group_Id = GroupID; Emp.Language_id = lang; Emp.Calendar_id = calander; string ImagepathProfile = UploadFile(1); string ImagepathSignature = UploadFile(2); if (ImagepathProfile != "") { Emp.Employee_Profile = ImagepathProfile; } else if (EmployeeID == 0) { ImagepathProfile = "Profile.JPG"; } if (ImagepathSignature != "") { Emp.Employee_Signature = ImagepathSignature; } else if (EmployeeID == 0) { ImagepathSignature = "Signature.JPG"; } /////////////////////////////////////// Employee_Structure ///////////////////////////////////// Boolean DefaultStructure = false; for (int i = 0; i < Emp_Structure.Items.Count; i++) { int id = 0; Boolean IsFound = false; int.TryParse(Emp_Structure.Items[i].Value, out id); var Emp_Stru_found = db.Employee_Structure.Where(x => x.Employee_Id == EmployeeID && x.Structure_Id == id).ToList(); if (Emp_Stru_found.Count > 0) { IsFound = true; } if (Emp_Structure.Items[i].Selected) { if (!IsFound) { Emp_Stu = new Employee_Structure(); Emp_Stu.Structure_Id = int.Parse(Emp_Structure.Items[i].Value); Emp_Stu.Status_Structure = true; Emp_Stu.Type_Delegation = false; if (!DefaultStructure) { Emp_Stu.Default_Structure = true; DefaultStructure = true; } else { Emp_Stu.Default_Structure = false; } Emp.Employee_Structure.Add(Emp_Stu); } else { Emp_Stu = db.Employee_Structure.First(x => x.Employee_Id == EmployeeID && x.Structure_Id == id); Emp_Stu.Status_Structure = true; Emp_Stu.Type_Delegation = false; if (!DefaultStructure) { Emp_Stu.Default_Structure = true; DefaultStructure = true; } else { Emp_Stu.Default_Structure = false; } Emp.Employee_Structure.Add(Emp_Stu); } } else if (IsFound) { Emp_Stu = db.Employee_Structure.First(x => x.Employee_Id == EmployeeID && x.Structure_Id == id); Emp_Stu.Status_Structure = false; Emp_Stu.Type_Delegation = false; Emp_Stu.Default_Structure = false; Emp.Employee_Structure.Add(Emp_Stu); } } /////////////////////////////////////// Employee_Structure ///////////////////////////////////// if (EmployeeID != 0) { db.Entry(Emp).State = System.Data.EntityState.Modified; } else { db.Employees.Add(Emp); } db.SaveChanges(); /* Add it to log file */ LogData = "data:" + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Emp, logFileModule.settings); if (EmployeeID != 0) { logFileModule.logfile(10, "تعديل بيانات موظف", "update Employee", LogData); } else { logFileModule.logfile(10, "إضافة موظف", "Add Employee", LogData); } LogData = "data:" + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Emp_Stu, logFileModule.settings); logFileModule.logfile(10, "هيكلة موظف", "Employee Structure", LogData); } catch { return(false); } return(true); }
public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task <bool> confirm_To_Payment() { string Entity_ID = ""; bool Response = false; try { /* Start Prepare the checkout */ Payment_Process checkout_payment = db.Payment_Process.Where(x => x.Payment_Trackingkey == Trackingkey && x.Payment_URL_IsValid == true && x.Payment_IsPaid == false).FirstOrDefault(); if (checkout_payment != null) { if (PaymentType.SelectedValue == "1" || PaymentType.SelectedValue == "2") { Entity_ID = "8acda4ce72e5a3df0172fb754c3c488c"; } else if (PaymentType.SelectedValue == "3") { Entity_ID = "8acda4ce72e5a3df0172fb75d45d4891"; } if (PaymentType.SelectedValue != "4") { string paymentBrand = "VISA"; if (PaymentType.SelectedValue == "1") { paymentBrand = "VISA"; } else if (PaymentType.SelectedValue == "2") { paymentBrand = "MASTER"; } else if (PaymentType.SelectedValue == "3") { paymentBrand = "MADA"; } VISA_MADA NewVM = db.VISA_MADA.Create(); NewVM.UUID = UUID; NewVM.PaymentProcess_Id = checkout_payment.Payment_Id; NewVM.Trackingkey = checkout_payment.Payment_Trackingkey; NewVM.Result_JSON = string.Empty; NewVM.DateCreation = DateTime.Now; db.VISA_MADA.Add(NewVM); db.SaveChanges(); Dictionary <string, dynamic> responseData = Prepare_Check_Payment_Request(UUID, paymentBrand, Entity_ID, checkout_payment.Send_Amount.ToString(), checkout_payment.Send_Currency, checkout_payment.Send_PaymentType, StudentName.Text, Studentsurname.Text, StudentEmail.Text, StudentCountry.SelectedValue, StudentState.Text, StudentCity.Text, StudentAddress.Text, StudentPostcode.Text); if (responseData["result"]["code"] == "000.200.100") { checkout_payment.Result_Code = responseData["result"]["code"]; checkout_payment.Result_Description = responseData["result"]["description"]; checkout_payment.Result_BuildNumber = responseData["buildNumber"]; checkout_payment.Result_Timestamp = responseData["timestamp"]; checkout_payment.Result_Ndc = responseData["ndc"]; checkout_payment.Result_Id = responseData["id"]; checkout_payment.Send_EntityId = Entity_ID; db.Entry(checkout_payment); db.SaveChanges(); Response = true; } else { Response = false; //return false; } // Save Result in all cases VISA_MADA VM_UpdateResult = db.VISA_MADA.Where(x => x.UUID == UUID).FirstOrDefault(); if (VM_UpdateResult != null) { VM_UpdateResult.Result_JSON = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(responseData); db.Entry(VM_UpdateResult).State = System.Data.EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); } } else { int studentID = 0; int.TryParse(checkout_payment.Student_Id.ToString(), out studentID); string PayeeId = StringCipher.RandomString(10); string Gender = StudentGender.SelectedValue; Dictionary <string, dynamic> responseData = await Prepare_Check_Payment_Request_SADAD(checkout_payment.Payment_Id, PayeeId, UUID, checkout_payment.Send_Amount.ToString(), checkout_payment.Student.Student_SSN, checkout_payment.Send_PaymentType, StudentFirstName.Text, StudentLastName.Text, studentID, Gender); if (responseData["Status"]["Code"] == 0) { checkout_payment.Result_Code = (responseData["Status"]["Code"]).ToString(); checkout_payment.Result_Description = responseData["Status"]["Description"]; checkout_payment.Result_BuildNumber = responseData["SADADNumber"]; checkout_payment.Result_Timestamp = responseData["Status"]["Severity"]; checkout_payment.Result_Ndc = responseData["InvoiceId"]; db.Entry(checkout_payment).State = System.Data.EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); string InvoiceId = responseData["InvoiceId"]; Rosom_Request Rosom = db.Rosom_Request.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Trackingkey == Trackingkey && x.InvoiceId == InvoiceId); Rosom.Response_Status_Code = (responseData["Status"]["Code"]).ToString(); // Rosom. = responseData["result"]["description"]; Rosom.Response_SADADNumber = responseData["SADADNumber"]; Rosom.Result_JSON = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(responseData); db.Entry(Rosom).State = System.Data.EntityState.Modified;; db.SaveChanges(); SADAD_Number = responseData["SADADNumber"]; string Text = ""; string sever_name = Request.Url.Authority.ToString(); string StuEmail = checkout_payment.Student.Student_Email; SendEmail send = new SendEmail(); Text = " <Strong style='font-size:16px;'> Dear " + checkout_payment.Student.Student_Name_En + "</Strong><br /><br /> " + "The invoice number of SADAD is:<Strong>" + SADAD_Number + "</Strong>.<br />The total amount: <Strong>" + checkout_payment.Send_Amount + "</Strong> SAR.<br /><br />Please complete the payment before 48 hours." + " <br /> <br />" + "Best Regard," + " <br />"; bool R = send.TextEmail("Riyadh Elm University", StuEmail, Text, sever_name); // Send SMS SendSMS send_sms = new SendSMS(); string smsText = "Dear " + checkout_payment.Student.Student_Name_En + "\n\n" + "The invoice number of SADAD is:" + SADAD_Number + ".\n\nThe total amount: " + checkout_payment.Send_Amount + " SAR.\n\nPlease complete the payment before 48 hours." + " \n\n" + "Best Regard"; string number_Phone = checkout_payment.Student.Student_Phone; string reslt_message = send_sms.SendMessage(smsText, number_Phone); Response = true; } else { Response = false; //return false; } } } else { Response = false; //return Response; } } catch (Exception er) { db.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false; /* Add it to log file */ LogData = "data:" + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(er, logFileModule.settings); logFileModule.logfile(10, "خطأ جديد للدفع", "New Exception in Payment", LogData); return(false); } return(Response); /* End Prepare the checkout */ }
public string RandomTrackingkey(int student_id) { string Trackingkey = StringCipher.RandomString(5) + student_id + StringCipher.RandomString(3) + DateTime.Now.GetHashCode() + StringCipher.RandomString(5); return(Trackingkey); }
/// <summary> /// ROSOM - SADAD /// </summary> /// <param name="UUID"></param> /// <param name="amount"></param> /// <param name="SSN"></param> /// <param name="paymentType"></param> /// <param name="FirstName"></param> /// <param name="LastName"></param> /// <param name="Student_id"></param> /// <returns></returns> public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task <Dictionary <string, dynamic> > Prepare_Check_Payment_Request_SADAD(int Payment_Process_Id, string PayeeId, string UUID, string amount, string SSN, string paymentType, string FirstName, string LastName, int Student_id, string Gender) { List <Rosom_Request> rosom_request = db.Rosom_Request.Where(x => x.Payment_Process_Id == Payment_Process_Id).ToList(); string Res_str = ""; string NewInvoiceID = ""; string School_Id = "2426"; // Female if (Gender == "1") { School_Id = "2427"; // Male } string CreateDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss"); string ExpiryDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(7).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss"); string InvoiceId = StringCipher.RandomString(5) + StringCipher.RandomString(3) + DateTime.Now.GetHashCode() + StringCipher.RandomString(5); string DisplayInfo = "REU Riyadh Elm University - Admission System. "; List <student_local> student_List = new List <student_local>(); student_local std_local = new student_local(); std_local.Id = SSN; std_local.FirstName = FirstName; std_local.LastName = LastName; student_List.Add(std_local); PaymentRange paymentRange_object = new PaymentRange(); paymentRange_object.MinPartialAmount = Decimal.Parse(amount); paymentRange_object.MinAdvanceAmount = Decimal.Parse(amount); paymentRange_object.MaxAdvanceAmount = Decimal.Parse(amount) + 100; Invoice invoice_object = new Invoice(); invoice_object.Students = student_List; invoice_object.InvoiceId = InvoiceId; invoice_object.PayeeId = SSN; invoice_object.InvoiceStatus = "BillNew"; invoice_object.BillType = "OneTime"; invoice_object.DisplayInfo = DisplayInfo; invoice_object.AmountDue = Decimal.Parse(amount); invoice_object.CreateDate = CreateDate; invoice_object.ExpiryDate = ExpiryDate; invoice_object.PaymentRange = paymentRange_object; // If it's Update if (rosom_request.Count > 0) { invoice_object.InvoiceId = rosom_request[rosom_request.Count - 1].InvoiceId; invoice_object.InvoiceStatus = "BillUpdated"; NewInvoiceID = rosom_request[rosom_request.Count - 1].InvoiceId; } Rosom rosom_object = new Rosom(); rosom_object.UUID = UUID; rosom_object.Timestamp = CreateDate; rosom_object.MerchantId = "12190"; rosom_object.SchoolId = School_Id; rosom_object.Invoice = invoice_object; var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(rosom_object); var data = new StringContent(json, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); // Get and Add the certificate to http client WebRequestHandler handler = new WebRequestHandler(); handler.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = (message, cert, chain, errors) => { return(true); }; // Load certificate string certificateSerialNumber = "79011992a06448bb4d19fd844cb54731"; X509Store store = new X509Store(StoreName.My, StoreLocation.LocalMachine); store.Open(OpenFlags.ReadOnly); X509Certificate2Collection certs = store.Certificates.Find(X509FindType.FindBySerialNumber, certificateSerialNumber, false); store.Close(); if (certs[0] != null) { // Fetch private key using (certs[0].GetRSAPrivateKey()) { } // Add certificate to web handler handler.ClientCertificates.Add(certs[0]); } string url = "Bill/CreateBill"; HttpClient client = new HttpClient(handler); client.BaseAddress = new Uri(""); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Clear(); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json")); var response = await client.PostAsync(url, data); Res_str = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; if (Res_str == "") { Dictionary <string, dynamic> responseData2 = new Dictionary <string, dynamic>(); return(responseData2); } var s = new JavaScriptSerializer(); Dictionary <string, dynamic> responseData = s.Deserialize <Dictionary <string, dynamic> >(Res_str); if (responseData != null && responseData["Status"]["Code"] == 0) { Rosom_Request Rosom; if (rosom_request.Count > 0) { Rosom = db.Rosom_Request.Find(rosom_request[rosom_request.Count - 1].Id); } else { Rosom = db.Rosom_Request.Create(); } Rosom.Trackingkey = Trackingkey; Rosom.Payment_Process_Id = Payment_Process_Id; Rosom.CreateDate = DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString(); Rosom.Invoice_Students_Id = InvoiceId; if (rosom_request.Count > 0) { Rosom.Invoice_Students_Id = NewInvoiceID; } Rosom.PayeeId = PayeeId; Rosom.InvoiceStatus = "BillNew"; if (rosom_request.Count > 0) { Rosom.InvoiceStatus = "BillUpdated"; } Rosom.BillType = "OneTime"; Rosom.DisplayInfo = DisplayInfo; Rosom.PaymentType = 4; //SADDAD option type id; Rosom.IsPaid = false; Rosom.DateCreation = DateTime.Now; Rosom.MerchantId = "12190"; Rosom.Timestamp = CreateDate; Rosom.UUID = UUID; Rosom.Invoice_Students_FirstName = FirstName; Rosom.Invoice_Students_LastName = LastName; Rosom.InvoiceId = InvoiceId; if (rosom_request.Count > 0) { Rosom.InvoiceId = NewInvoiceID; } Rosom.DisplayInfo = DisplayInfo; Rosom.AmountDue = amount; Rosom.CreateDate = CreateDate; Rosom.ExpiryDate = ExpiryDate; Rosom.PaymentRange_MaxAdvanceAmount = amount; Rosom.PaymentRange_MinAdvanceAmount = amount; Rosom.PaymentRange_MinPartialAmount = amount + 1; if (rosom_request.Count > 0) { db.Entry(Rosom).State = System.Data.EntityState.Modified; } else { db.Rosom_Request.Add(Rosom); } db.SaveChanges(); } return(responseData); }
public Dictionary <string, dynamic> Prepare_Check_Payment_Request_SADAD(string UUID, string amount, string SSN, string paymentType, string FirstName, string LastName, int Student_id) { string CreateDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); string ExpiryDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(7).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); string InvoiceId = StringCipher.RandomString(5) + StringCipher.RandomString(3) + DateTime.Now.GetHashCode() + StringCipher.RandomString(5); string DisplayInfo = "Free text for merchant to add details to the bill"; ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = true; ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12; Dictionary <string, dynamic> responseData; string data = "UUID =" + UUID + "Timestamp =" + CreateDate + "MerchantId =" + "'1001'" + "Invoice =" + "{" + "Students =" + "[" + "{" + "Id =" + SSN + "FirstName =" + FirstName + "LastName =" + LastName + "}" + "]," + "InvoiceId =" + InvoiceId + "PayeeId =" + Student_id + "InvoiceStatus =" + "BillNew" + "BillType =" + "OneTime" + "DisplayInfo =" + DisplayInfo + "AmountDue =" + amount + "CreateDate =" + CreateDate + "ExpiryDate =" + ExpiryDate + "PaymentRange =" + "{" + "MinPartialAmount =" + amount + "," + "MinAdvanceAmount =" + amount + "," + "MaxAdvanceAmount =" + amount + "}" + "}"; string url = "";//; byte[] buffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(data); HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(url); request.Method = "POST"; request.Headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer OGFjN2E0Yzg3Mjg0ZjZjOTAxNzI4ZTYxMTI5YjE1MGF8TldCblpGNUdUYg=="; request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; Stream PostData = request.GetRequestStream(); PostData.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); PostData.Close(); using (HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse()) { Stream dataStream = response.GetResponseStream(); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(dataStream); var s = new JavaScriptSerializer(); responseData = s.Deserialize <Dictionary <string, dynamic> >(reader.ReadToEnd()); reader.Close(); dataStream.Close(); } if (responseData["Status"]["Code"] == 0) { Rosom_Request Rosom = db.Rosom_Request.Create(); Rosom.Trackingkey = Trackingkey; Rosom.PaymentType = 4; Rosom.CreateDate = DateTime.Now.ToString(); Rosom.MerchantId = "1001"; Rosom.Timestamp = CreateDate; Rosom.UUID = UUID; Rosom.Invoice_Students_FirstName = FirstName; Rosom.Invoice_Students_LastName = LastName; Rosom.InvoiceId = InvoiceId; Rosom.DisplayInfo = DisplayInfo; Rosom.AmountDue = amount; Rosom.CreateDate = CreateDate; Rosom.ExpiryDate = ExpiryDate; Rosom.PaymentRange_MaxAdvanceAmount = amount; Rosom.PaymentRange_MinAdvanceAmount = amount; Rosom.PaymentRange_MinPartialAmount = amount; db.Rosom_Request.Add(Rosom); db.SaveChanges(); } return(responseData); }