コード例 #1
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        /* Create SenseManager Instance */
        sm = SenseManager.CreateInstance();
        sm.CaptureManager.Realtime = false;

        // Selecting a higher resolution profile
        StreamProfileSet profiles = new StreamProfileSet();

        profiles.color.imageInfo.width  = 1280;
        profiles.color.imageInfo.height = 720;
        RangeF32 f_rate = new RangeF32(30, 30);

        profiles.color.frameRate        = f_rate;
        profiles.depth.imageInfo.width  = 640;
        profiles.depth.imageInfo.height = 480;
        RangeF32 f_drate = new RangeF32(30, 30);

        profiles.depth.frameRate = f_drate;

        // Setting the resolution profile
        sampleReader  = SampleReader.Activate(sm);
        sampleReader2 = SampleReader.Activate(sm);
        sampleReader2.EnableStream(StreamType.STREAM_TYPE_DEPTH, depthWidth, depthHeight, colorFPS);

        // Enable and Get a segmentation instance here for configuration
        seg = Seg3D.Activate(sm);

        // Initialize
        seg.FrameProcessed          += OnFrameProcessed;
        seg.OnAlert                 += Seg_OnAlert;
        sampleReader2.SampleArrived += SampleArrived;

        /* Initialize pipeline */

        // Flip the image horizontally
        sm.CaptureManager.Device.IVCAMAccuracy = IVCAMAccuracy.IVCAM_ACCURACY_FINEST;
        sm.CaptureManager.Device.MirrorMode    = MirrorMode.MIRROR_MODE_HORIZONTAL;

        /* Create NativeTexturePlugin to render Texture2D natively */
        texPlugin = NativeTexturePlugin.Activate();

        // Configuring the material and its texture
        RGBMaterial.mainTexture      = new Texture2D(colorWidth, colorHeight, TextureFormat.BGRA32, false); // Update material's Texture2D with enabled image size.
        RGBMaterial.mainTextureScale = new Vector2(-1, -1);                                                 // Flip the image
        colorTex2DPtr = RGBMaterial.mainTexture.GetNativeTexturePtr();                                      // Retrieve native Texture2D Pointer

        /* Start Streaming */
コード例 #2
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        /* Create SenseManager Instance */
        sm = SenseManager.CreateInstance();

        /* Selecting a higher resolution profile*/
        StreamProfileSet profiles = new StreamProfileSet();

        profiles.color.imageInfo.width  = 1280;
        profiles.color.imageInfo.height = 720;
        RangeF32 f_rate = new RangeF32(30, 30);

        profiles.color.frameRate        = f_rate;
        profiles.depth.imageInfo.width  = 640;
        profiles.depth.imageInfo.height = 480;
        RangeF32 f_drate = new RangeF32(30, 30);

        profiles.depth.frameRate = f_drate;

        /* Setting the resolution profile */

        /* Enable and Get a segmentation instance here for configuration */
        seg = Seg3D.Activate(sm);

        /* Subscribe to seg arrived event */
        seg.FrameProcessed += OnFrameProcessed;

        /* Initialize pipeline */

        /* Create NativeTexturePlugin to render Texture2D natively */
        texPlugin = NativeTexturePlugin.Activate();

        SegMaterial.mainTexture      = new Texture2D(segWidth, segHeight, TextureFormat.BGRA32, false); // Update material's Texture2D with enabled image size.
        SegMaterial.mainTextureScale = new Vector2(-1, -1);                                             // Flip the image
        segTex2DPtr = SegMaterial.mainTexture.GetNativeTexturePtr();                                    // Retrieve native Texture2D Pointer

        /* Start Streaming */
コード例 #3
ファイル: pxcmcapture.cs プロジェクト: mbahar94/libpxcclr.cs
     @brief Set the active profile for the all video streams. The application must configure all streams before streaming.
     @param[in] profiles			The stream profile set. 
     @return PXCM_STATUS_NO_ERROR successful execution.
 public pxcmStatus SetStreamProfileSet(StreamProfileSet profiles)
     return PXCMCapture_Device_SetStreamProfileSet(instance, profiles);
コード例 #4
ファイル: pxcmcapture.cs プロジェクト: mbahar94/libpxcclr.cs
     @brief Return the active stream configuration parameters (during streaming).
     @param[out] profiles		The stream profile set, to be returned. 
     @return PXCM_STATUS_NO_ERROR successful execution.
 public pxcmStatus QueryStreamProfileSet(out StreamProfileSet profiles)
     return QueryStreamProfileSet(StreamType.STREAM_TYPE_ANY, WORKING_PROFILE, out profiles);
コード例 #5
ファイル: pxcmcapture.cs プロジェクト: mbahar94/libpxcclr.cs
     @brief Return the unique configuration parameters for the selected video streams (types).
     @param[in] scope			The bit-OR'ed value of stream types of interest.
     @param[in] index			Zero-based index to retrieve all valid profiles.
     @param[out] profiles		The stream profile set.
     @return PXCM_STATUS_NO_ERROR successful execution.
     @return PXCM_STATUS_ITEM_UNAVAILABLE index out of range.
 public pxcmStatus QueryStreamProfileSet(StreamType scope, Int32 index, out StreamProfileSet profiles)
     return QueryStreamProfileSetINT(instance, scope, index, out profiles);
コード例 #6
ファイル: pxcmcapture.cs プロジェクト: mbahar94/libpxcclr.cs
     @brief Check if profile set is valid.
     @param[in] profiles			The stream profile set to check
     @return true	stream profile is valid.
     @return false	stream profile is invalid.
 public Boolean IsStreamProfileSetValid(StreamProfileSet profiles)
     return PXCMCapture_Device_IsStreamProfileSetValid(instance, profiles);
コード例 #7
ファイル: pxcmcapture.cs プロジェクト: mbahar94/libpxcclr.cs
 internal static extern pxcmStatus PXCMCapture_Device_SetStreamProfileSet(IntPtr device, StreamProfileSet profiles);
コード例 #8
ファイル: pxcmcapture.cs プロジェクト: mbahar94/libpxcclr.cs
 internal static extern Boolean PXCMCapture_Device_IsStreamProfileSetValid(IntPtr device, StreamProfileSet profiles);
コード例 #9
ファイル: pxcmcapture.cs プロジェクト: mbahar94/libpxcclr.cs
 internal static pxcmStatus QueryStreamProfileSetINT(IntPtr device, StreamType scope, Int32 index, out StreamProfileSet profiles)
     profiles = new StreamProfileSet();
     return PXCMCapture_Device_QueryStreamProfileSet(device, scope, index, profiles);
コード例 #10
 internal static extern pxcmStatus PXCMCapture_Device_SetStreamProfileSet(IntPtr device, StreamProfileSet profiles);
コード例 #11
 internal static extern Boolean PXCMCapture_Device_IsStreamProfileSetValid(IntPtr device, StreamProfileSet profiles);
コード例 #12
 internal static pxcmStatus QueryStreamProfileSetINT(IntPtr device, StreamType scope, Int32 index, out StreamProfileSet profiles)
     profiles = new StreamProfileSet();
     return(PXCMCapture_Device_QueryStreamProfileSet(device, scope, index, profiles));
コード例 #13
 private static extern pxcmStatus PXCMCapture_Device_QueryStreamProfileSet(IntPtr device, StreamType scope, Int32 index, [Out] StreamProfileSet profiles);