private static int CompareTrlItems(KeyValuePair <string, KPTranslation> a, KeyValuePair <string, KPTranslation> b) { KPTranslationProperties pA = a.Value.Properties; KPTranslationProperties pB = b.Value.Properties; int c = StrUtil.CompareNaturally(pA.NameEnglish, pB.NameEnglish); if (c != 0) { return(c); } c = StrUtil.CompareNaturally(pA.NameNative, pB.NameNative); if (c != 0) { return(c); } c = StrUtil.CompareNaturally(pA.ApplicationVersion, pB.ApplicationVersion); if (c != 0) { return((c < 0) ? 1 : -1); // Descending } return(string.Compare(a.Key, b.Key, StrUtil.CaseIgnoreCmp)); }
public int Compare(object x, object y) { bool bSwap = (m_oSort != SortOrder.Ascending); ListViewItem lviX = (bSwap ? (ListViewItem)y : (ListViewItem)x); ListViewItem lviY = (bSwap ? (ListViewItem)x : (ListViewItem)y); string strL, strR; if ((m_nColumn <= 0) || (lviX.SubItems.Count <= m_nColumn) || (lviY.SubItems.Count <= m_nColumn)) { strL = lviX.Text; strR = lviY.Text; } else { strL = lviX.SubItems[m_nColumn].Text; strR = lviY.SubItems[m_nColumn].Text; } if (m_bCompareTimes) { if ((strL == m_strNeverExpires) || (strR == m_strNeverExpires)) { return(strL.CompareTo(strR)); } DateTime dtL = TimeUtil.FromDisplayString(strL); DateTime dtR = TimeUtil.FromDisplayString(strR); return(dtL.CompareTo(dtR)); } else { return(StrUtil.CompareNaturally(strL, strR)); } }
public int Compare(PwEntry a, PwEntry b) { string strA = a.Strings.ReadSafe(m_strFieldName); string strB = b.Strings.ReadSafe(m_strFieldName); if(m_bCompareNaturally) return StrUtil.CompareNaturally(strA, strB); return string.Compare(strA, strB, m_bCaseInsensitive); }
/// <summary> /// The compare. /// </summary> /// <param name="a"> /// The a. /// </param> /// <param name="b"> /// The b. /// </param> /// <returns> /// The <see cref="int"/>. /// </returns> public int Compare(PwEntry a, PwEntry b) { string strA = a.Strings.ReadSafe(this.m_strFieldName); string strB = b.Strings.ReadSafe(this.m_strFieldName); if (this.m_bCompareNaturally) { return(StrUtil.CompareNaturally(strA, strB)); } return(string.Compare(strA, strB, this.m_bCaseInsensitive ? StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase : StringComparison.CurrentCulture)); }
private static int CompareProfilesByName(SearchParameters spA, SearchParameters spB) { if (spA == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return((spB == null) ? 0 : -1); } if (spB == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return(1); } return(StrUtil.CompareNaturally(spA.Name, spB.Name)); }
public static int CompareByRoot(FsxContext a, FsxContext b) { if (a == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return((b == null) ? 0 : -1); } if (b == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return(1); } return(StrUtil.CompareNaturally(a.RootDirectory, b.RootDirectory)); }
public static int CompareByPath(FsxResult a, FsxResult b) { if (a == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return((b == null) ? 0 : -1); } if (b == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return(1); } return(StrUtil.CompareNaturally(a.Path, b.Path)); }
public int Compare(PwEntry a, PwEntry b) { string strA = a.Strings.ReadSafe(m_strFieldName); string strB = b.Strings.ReadSafe(m_strFieldName); if (m_bCompareNaturally) { return(StrUtil.CompareNaturally(strA, strB)); } #if KeePass2PCL || KeePassRT return(string.Compare(strA, strB, m_bCaseInsensitive ? StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase : StringComparison.CurrentCulture)); #else return(string.Compare(strA, strB, m_bCaseInsensitive)); #endif }
public static int CompareProfilesByName(PwProfile a, PwProfile b) { if (a == b) { return(0); } if (a == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return(-1); } if (b == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return(1); } return(StrUtil.CompareNaturally(a.Name, b.Name)); }
public int Compare(ListViewItem x, ListViewItem y) { Debug.Assert((x != null) && (y != null)); return(StrUtil.CompareNaturally(x.Text, y.Text)); }
public int Compare(TreeNode x, TreeNode y) { Debug.Assert((x != null) && (y != null)); return(StrUtil.CompareNaturally(x.Text, y.Text)); }
private void RecreateCustomIconList(PwUuid puSelect) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); List <ListViewItem> lUnnamed = new List <ListViewItem>(); List <ListViewItem> lNamed = new List <ListViewItem>(); for (int i = 0; i < m_pd.CustomIcons.Count; ++i) { PwCustomIcon ci = m_pd.CustomIcons[i]; bool bMulti = (ci.Name == MultipleValuesEx.CueString); ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(); if (ci.Name.Length == 0) { lvi.Text = lUnnamed.Count.ToString(); lUnnamed.Add(lvi); } else { lvi.Text = ci.Name; if (bMulti) { lUnnamed.Insert(0, lvi); } else { lNamed.Add(lvi); } } lvi.ImageIndex = i; lvi.Tag = ci; Image img = ci.GetImage(); if (bMulti) { lvi.ToolTipText = ci.Name; } else if (img != null) { if (sb.Length != 0) { sb.Remove(0, sb.Length); } if (ci.Name.Length != 0) { sb.AppendLine(ci.Name); } sb.Append(img.Width); sb.Append(" \u00D7 "); sb.Append(img.Height); sb.AppendLine(" px"); sb.Append(StrUtil.FormatDataSizeKB((ulong)ci.ImageDataPng.Length)); #if DEBUG if (ci.LastModificationTime.HasValue) { sb.AppendLine(); sb.Append("((( "); // Debug indicator sb.Append(TimeUtil.ToDisplayString(ci.LastModificationTime.Value)); sb.Append(" )))"); // Debug indicator } #endif lvi.ToolTipText = sb.ToString(); } } Comparison <ListViewItem> f = delegate(ListViewItem x, ListViewItem y) { string strX = (((x != null) ? x.Text : null) ?? string.Empty); string strY = (((y != null) ? y.Text : null) ?? string.Empty); return(StrUtil.CompareNaturally(strX, strY)); }; lNamed.Sort(f); List <ListViewItem> lAll = new List <ListViewItem>(lUnnamed.Count + lNamed.Count); lAll.AddRange(lUnnamed); lAll.AddRange(lNamed); ImageList ilCustom = UIUtil.BuildImageList(m_pd.CustomIcons, DpiUtil.ScaleIntX(16), DpiUtil.ScaleIntY(16)); m_lvCustomIcons.BeginUpdate(); m_lvCustomIcons.Items.Clear(); m_lvCustomIcons.SmallImageList = ilCustom; m_lvCustomIcons.Items.AddRange(lAll.ToArray()); m_lvCustomIcons.EndUpdate(); SelectCustomIcon(puSelect); // Doesn't always work before EndUpdate() }
public int Compare(PwGroup a, PwGroup b) { return(StrUtil.CompareNaturally(a.Name, b.Name)); }