コード例 #1
            public Vector3 GetForce(Steering steering)
                if (isResponsibleForNeighbourUpdate)
                    // TODO: figure out how to add or remove neighbours automatically here or in neighbours

                 * Avoid collisions by determining for each neighbor when their paths will be closest to each other
                 * and then steer laterally to avoid collision.
                 * https://www.red3d.com/cwr/steer/Unaligned.html
                float distanceToBeginReacting = 4f * (steering.GetSize() + steering.GetStoppingDistance());

                foreach (Neighbour <Steering> neighbour in neighbours)
                    if (neighbour.dd > distanceToBeginReacting * distanceToBeginReacting)
                    Steering otherUnit        = neighbour.obj;
                    Vector3  offset           = otherUnit.GetPosition() - steering.GetPosition();
                    Vector3  relativeVelocity = steering.GetVelocity() - otherUnit.GetVelocity();
                    // Decrease the timeToCollision so that closestOffset is nonZero.
                    float combinedSize    = steering.GetSize() + otherUnit.GetSize();
                    float timeToCollision = (offset.magnitude - combinedSize) / SteeringUtilities.parallelComponent(relativeVelocity, offset).magnitude;
                    if (timeToCollision > 2 * steering.GetStoppingTime())
                    Vector3 closestOffset     = (offset - (timeToCollision * relativeVelocity));
                    float   preferredDistance = 1.5f * combinedSize;
                    if (closestOffset.sqrMagnitude > preferredDistance * preferredDistance)
                    SteeringUtilities.drawDebugVector(steering, timeToCollision * steering.GetVelocity(), Color.cyan);
                    SteeringUtilities.drawDebugPoint(steering.GetPosition() + timeToCollision * steering.GetVelocity(), Color.cyan);
                    SteeringUtilities.drawDebugVector(otherUnit, timeToCollision * otherUnit.GetVelocity(), Color.cyan);
                    SteeringUtilities.drawDebugPoint(otherUnit.GetPosition() + timeToCollision * otherUnit.GetVelocity(), Color.cyan);
                    // TODO: for head-on collisions steer to the right
                    // Steer in the direction of the component of the collision normal that is perpindicular to the current velocity.
                    // This way the unit will turn instead of just slowing down.

                    // TODO: use an amount of acceleration proportionate to the time until collision and the severity of the collision
                    return(SteeringUtilities.scaledVector(steering.GetAcceleration(), SteeringUtilities.perpindicularComponent(-closestOffset, steering.GetVelocity())));
                    //return SteeringUtilities.getForceForDirection(steering, -closestOffset);
コード例 #2
            private RaycastHit2D Raycast2D(Steering steering, Vector3 directionVector, float raycastDistance)
                RaycastHit2D hitInfo = Physics2D.Raycast(steering.GetPosition(), directionVector, raycastDistance, layerMask);

                //SteeringUtilities.drawDebugVector(steering, SteeringUtilities.scaledVector(raycastDistance, directionVector), Color.white);
                if (hitInfo.collider != null)
                    SteeringUtilities.drawDebugPoint(hitInfo.point, Color.magenta);
                    SteeringUtilities.drawDebugVector(steering, (Vector3)hitInfo.point - steering.GetPosition(), Color.magenta);
                    SteeringUtilities.drawDebugVector((Vector3)hitInfo.point, hitInfo.normal, Color.white);
                    SteeringUtilities.drawDebugVector(steering, SteeringUtilities.scaledVector(raycastDistance, directionVector), new Color(Color.magenta.r, Color.magenta.g, Color.magenta.b, 0.25f));
コード例 #3
ファイル: Steering.cs プロジェクト: AlmostMatt/UnityBaseCode
            // TODO: call GetForce for each behaviour and provide a reference to the Steering object, or provide MAXV ACCEL etc.
            // TODO: call rb.AddForce on the weighted sum of the available forces. Also if a behaviour provides a force of size < accel, it counts less towards the total weight

            public void FixedUpdate()
                float   totalWeight = 0f;
                Vector3 totalForce  = new Vector3();
                int     i           = 0;

                foreach (KeyValuePair <SteeringBehaviour, float> behaviourAndWeight in weightedBehaviours)
                    Vector3 behaviourForce = behaviourAndWeight.Key.GetForce(this);
                    totalForce  += behaviourAndWeight.Value * behaviourForce;
                    totalWeight += behaviourAndWeight.Value * behaviourForce.magnitude / acceleration;
                    // TODO: define a mapping from behaviour-type to color, and provide some way to only draw lines for some behaviours
                    SteeringUtilities.drawDebugVector(this, 0.1f * behaviourForce, BEHAVIOUR_COLORS[i++ % BEHAVIOUR_COLORS.Length]);
                // TODO: consider averaging the desired velocities instead of forces
                if (totalWeight > 0f)
                    //SteeringUtilities.drawDebugVector(this, 0.1f * totalForce / totalWeight, Color.blue);
                    // TODO: scale the force with the object's mass
                    AddForce(totalForce / totalWeight);
                // Enforce a maximum speed
                float velocitySquared = GetVelocity().sqrMagnitude;

                if (velocitySquared > maxSpeed * maxSpeed)
                    SetVelocity(SteeringUtilities.scaledVector(maxSpeed, GetVelocity()));
                // Turn toward the current velocity (so that the x axis is forward)
                if (turnAutomatically && velocitySquared > 0.5)
                if (velocitySquared > 0f)
                    _movingDirection = GetVelocity();
                //SteeringUtilities.drawDebugVector(this, (0.5f * getVelocity()), VELOCITY_COLOR);
コード例 #4
            public Vector3 GetForce(Steering steering)
                Vector3 currentOffset = target.GetPosition() - steering.GetPosition();
                float   dist          = currentOffset.magnitude;

                Vector3 unitV = steering.GetVelocity().normalized;

                float parallelness = Vector3.Dot(unitV, target.GetVelocity().normalized);
                float forwardness  = Vector3.Dot(unitV, currentOffset / dist);

                float halfsqrt2 = 0.707f;
                int   f         = SteeringUtilities.intervalComp(forwardness, -halfsqrt2, halfsqrt2);
                int   p         = SteeringUtilities.intervalComp(parallelness, -halfsqrt2, halfsqrt2);

                // approximate how far to lead the target
                float timeFactor = 1f;

                // case logic based on (ahead, aside, behind) X (parallel, perp, anti-parallel)
                switch (f)
                case 1:                 //target is ahead
                    switch (p)
                    case 1:
                        timeFactor = 4f;

                    case 0:
                        timeFactor = 1.8f;

                    case -1:
                        timeFactor = 0.85f;

                case 0:                 //target is aside
                    switch (p)
                    case 1:
                        timeFactor = 1f;

                    case 0:
                        timeFactor = 0.8f;

                    case -1:
                        timeFactor = 4f;

                case -1:                 //target is behind
                    switch (p)
                    case 1:
                        timeFactor = 0.5f;

                    case 0:
                        timeFactor = 2f;

                    case -1:
                        timeFactor = 2f;

                // Multiply the timeToArrive by some approximate constants based on how similar the two velocities are.
                float   approximateArrivalTime      = dist / steering.GetMaxSpeed();
                float   improvedArrivalTimeEstimate = Mathf.Min(MAX_PREDICTION_TIME, approximateArrivalTime * timeFactor);
                Vector3 newTargetPosition           = (Vector3)target.GetPosition() + improvedArrivalTimeEstimate * target.GetVelocity();

                SteeringUtilities.drawDebugVector(target, newTargetPosition - target.GetPosition(), Color.white);
                SteeringUtilities.drawDebugVector(steering, newTargetPosition - steering.GetPosition(), Color.magenta);

                return(SteeringUtilities.getForceForDirection(steering, newTargetPosition - steering.GetPosition()));