コード例 #1
ファイル: Separate.cs プロジェクト: AlmostMatt/UnityBaseCode
            // TODO: add functions to get and modify preferredDistance

            public Vector3 GetForce(Steering steering)
                Vector3 steeringVector = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f);

                // steer away from each object that is too close with a weight of up to 0.5 for each
                foreach (Neighbour <Steering> neighbour in neighbours)
                    if (neighbour.dd > preferredDistance * preferredDistance)
                    Steering otherUnit       = neighbour.obj;
                    Vector3  offset          = otherUnit.GetPosition() - steering.GetPosition();
                    float    currentDistance = Mathf.Sqrt(neighbour.dd);
                    // TODO: consider relative velocity when computing importance
                    float importance = (preferredDistance - currentDistance) / preferredDistance;
                    steeringVector += -importance * offset;
                if (steeringVector.sqrMagnitude > 0)
                    // TODO: do something like arrival to avoid over-separating
                    return(SteeringUtilities.getForceForDirection(steering, steeringVector));
コード例 #2
ファイル: Arrival.cs プロジェクト: AlmostMatt/UnityBaseCode
            public Vector3 GetForce(Steering steering)
                return(SteeringUtilities.getSeekForce(steering, target));
                // TODO: actually use stopping distance to arrive

                 * // can approximate with (if too close : break)
                 * // alternatively stopdist from current pos and current speed
                 * // or expected stopdist after the current frame assuming accel wont change the current frame much
                 * // for the duration it takes to go from maxV to 0
                 * //stoptime = v/ACCEL;
                 * //stopdist = stoptime * v/2;
                 * //dist = desiredv * desiredV/(2 * accel)
                 * //desiredv = sqrt(dist * 2 * accel)
                 * Vector3 offset = dest - ((Vector3) transform.position + (dt * rb.velocity));
                 * float dist = offset.magnitude;
                 * float stopdist = MAXV * MAXV / (2 * ACCEL);
                 * float desiredV = dist < stopdist ? Mathf.Sqrt(dist * 2 * ACCEL) : MAXV;
                 * Vector3 deltaV = scaled (desiredV, offset) - rb.velocity;
                 * float dvmagn = deltaV.magnitude;
                 * if (dvmagn > forceRemaining * forceRemaining * dt * dt) {
                 *      rb.AddForce(scaled(forceRemaining, deltaV));
                 *      forceRemaining = 0f;
                 * } else {
                 *      rb.AddForce(deltaV);
                 *      forceRemaining -= dvmagn;
                 * }
コード例 #3
            public Vector3 GetForce(Steering steering)
                if (steering.GetVelocity().sqrMagnitude == 0f)
                    float initialAngle = Random.Range(0f, 2 * Mathf.PI);
                    float sinAngle     = Mathf.Sin(initialAngle);
                    wanderPoint = 2.4f * new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(initialAngle), Steering.YMult * sinAngle, Steering.ZMult * sinAngle);
                if (steering.GetVelocity().sqrMagnitude > 0f && !hasMoved)
                    hasMoved    = true;
                    wanderPoint = SteeringUtilities.scaledVector(2.4f, steering.GetVelocity());
                float xNoise  = Time.fixedDeltaTime * wanderNoise * Random.Range(-1f, 1f);
                float yzNoise = Time.fixedDeltaTime * wanderNoise * Random.Range(-1f, 1f);

                wanderPoint += new Vector3(xNoise, Steering.YMult * yzNoise, Steering.ZMult * yzNoise);
                Vector3 forwardPoint = steering.GetPosition() + SteeringUtilities.scaledVector(1.41f, steering.GetVelocity());

                // Constrain the wander point to the unit circle in front of the player.
                wanderPoint = forwardPoint + (wanderPoint - forwardPoint).normalized;
                //return SteeringUtilities.getForceForDirection(steering, wanderDirection);
                //SteeringUtilities.drawDebugCircle(forwardPoint, 1f, Color.black, 32);
                SteeringUtilities.drawDebugPoint(wanderPoint, Color.red);
                return(SteeringUtilities.getSeekForce(steering, wanderPoint));
コード例 #4
 public Vector3 GetForce(Steering steering)
     if (_target != null)
         return(SteeringUtilities.getSeekForce(steering, _target.GetPosition()));
         return(SteeringUtilities.getSeekForce(steering, _point));
コード例 #5
            public Vector3 GetForce(Steering steering)
                if (isResponsibleForNeighbourUpdate)
                    // TODO: figure out how to add or remove neighbours automatically here or in neighbours

                 * Avoid collisions by determining for each neighbor when their paths will be closest to each other
                 * and then steer laterally to avoid collision.
                 * https://www.red3d.com/cwr/steer/Unaligned.html
                float distanceToBeginReacting = 4f * (steering.GetSize() + steering.GetStoppingDistance());

                foreach (Neighbour <Steering> neighbour in neighbours)
                    if (neighbour.dd > distanceToBeginReacting * distanceToBeginReacting)
                    Steering otherUnit        = neighbour.obj;
                    Vector3  offset           = otherUnit.GetPosition() - steering.GetPosition();
                    Vector3  relativeVelocity = steering.GetVelocity() - otherUnit.GetVelocity();
                    // Decrease the timeToCollision so that closestOffset is nonZero.
                    float combinedSize    = steering.GetSize() + otherUnit.GetSize();
                    float timeToCollision = (offset.magnitude - combinedSize) / SteeringUtilities.parallelComponent(relativeVelocity, offset).magnitude;
                    if (timeToCollision > 2 * steering.GetStoppingTime())
                    Vector3 closestOffset     = (offset - (timeToCollision * relativeVelocity));
                    float   preferredDistance = 1.5f * combinedSize;
                    if (closestOffset.sqrMagnitude > preferredDistance * preferredDistance)
                    SteeringUtilities.drawDebugVector(steering, timeToCollision * steering.GetVelocity(), Color.cyan);
                    SteeringUtilities.drawDebugPoint(steering.GetPosition() + timeToCollision * steering.GetVelocity(), Color.cyan);
                    SteeringUtilities.drawDebugVector(otherUnit, timeToCollision * otherUnit.GetVelocity(), Color.cyan);
                    SteeringUtilities.drawDebugPoint(otherUnit.GetPosition() + timeToCollision * otherUnit.GetVelocity(), Color.cyan);
                    // TODO: for head-on collisions steer to the right
                    // Steer in the direction of the component of the collision normal that is perpindicular to the current velocity.
                    // This way the unit will turn instead of just slowing down.

                    // TODO: use an amount of acceleration proportionate to the time until collision and the severity of the collision
                    return(SteeringUtilities.scaledVector(steering.GetAcceleration(), SteeringUtilities.perpindicularComponent(-closestOffset, steering.GetVelocity())));
                    //return SteeringUtilities.getForceForDirection(steering, -closestOffset);
コード例 #6
        public static ISteeringCommandGenerator SparcVote(ref double prevCurvature, Coordinates relativeGoalPoint, List <Polygon> perimeterPolygons)
            double newCurvature = FindBestCurvature(prevCurvature, relativeGoalPoint, perimeterPolygons);

            prevCurvature = newCurvature;
            if (double.IsNaN(newCurvature))
                return(new ConstantSteeringCommandGenerator(SteeringUtilities.CurvatureToSteeringWheelAngle(newCurvature, 2), false));
コード例 #7
        public static ISteeringCommandGenerator SparcVote(ref double prevCurvature, Coordinates goalPoint)
            double newCurvature = FindBestCurvature(prevCurvature, goalPoint);

            prevCurvature = newCurvature;
            if (double.IsNaN(newCurvature))
                return(new ConstantSteeringCommandGenerator(SteeringUtilities.CurvatureToSteeringWheelAngle(newCurvature, 2), false));
コード例 #8
            private RaycastHit2D Raycast2D(Steering steering, Vector3 directionVector, float raycastDistance)
                RaycastHit2D hitInfo = Physics2D.Raycast(steering.GetPosition(), directionVector, raycastDistance, layerMask);

                //SteeringUtilities.drawDebugVector(steering, SteeringUtilities.scaledVector(raycastDistance, directionVector), Color.white);
                if (hitInfo.collider != null)
                    SteeringUtilities.drawDebugPoint(hitInfo.point, Color.magenta);
                    SteeringUtilities.drawDebugVector(steering, (Vector3)hitInfo.point - steering.GetPosition(), Color.magenta);
                    SteeringUtilities.drawDebugVector((Vector3)hitInfo.point, hitInfo.normal, Color.white);
                    SteeringUtilities.drawDebugVector(steering, SteeringUtilities.scaledVector(raycastDistance, directionVector), new Color(Color.magenta.r, Color.magenta.g, Color.magenta.b, 0.25f));
コード例 #9
ファイル: Steering.cs プロジェクト: AlmostMatt/UnityBaseCode
            private void TurnToward(float desiredAngle)
                // TODO: verify that the sign of these numbers is correct for both XY and XZ
                float currentAngle     = (ZMult * transform.localEulerAngles.y) + (YMult * transform.localEulerAngles.z);
                float angleDiff        = SteeringUtilities.angleDiff(currentAngle, desiredAngle);
                float rotationPerFrame = turnRate * Time.fixedDeltaTime;

                if (angleDiff > rotationPerFrame)
                    float newAngle = currentAngle + rotationPerFrame;
                    transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0, ZMult * newAngle, YMult * newAngle);
                else if (angleDiff < -rotationPerFrame)
                    float newAngle = currentAngle - rotationPerFrame;
                    transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0, ZMult * newAngle, YMult * newAngle);
                    transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0, ZMult * desiredAngle, YMult * desiredAngle);
コード例 #10
ファイル: Steering.cs プロジェクト: AlmostMatt/UnityBaseCode
            // TODO: call GetForce for each behaviour and provide a reference to the Steering object, or provide MAXV ACCEL etc.
            // TODO: call rb.AddForce on the weighted sum of the available forces. Also if a behaviour provides a force of size < accel, it counts less towards the total weight

            public void FixedUpdate()
                float   totalWeight = 0f;
                Vector3 totalForce  = new Vector3();
                int     i           = 0;

                foreach (KeyValuePair <SteeringBehaviour, float> behaviourAndWeight in weightedBehaviours)
                    Vector3 behaviourForce = behaviourAndWeight.Key.GetForce(this);
                    totalForce  += behaviourAndWeight.Value * behaviourForce;
                    totalWeight += behaviourAndWeight.Value * behaviourForce.magnitude / acceleration;
                    // TODO: define a mapping from behaviour-type to color, and provide some way to only draw lines for some behaviours
                    SteeringUtilities.drawDebugVector(this, 0.1f * behaviourForce, BEHAVIOUR_COLORS[i++ % BEHAVIOUR_COLORS.Length]);
                // TODO: consider averaging the desired velocities instead of forces
                if (totalWeight > 0f)
                    //SteeringUtilities.drawDebugVector(this, 0.1f * totalForce / totalWeight, Color.blue);
                    // TODO: scale the force with the object's mass
                    AddForce(totalForce / totalWeight);
                // Enforce a maximum speed
                float velocitySquared = GetVelocity().sqrMagnitude;

                if (velocitySquared > maxSpeed * maxSpeed)
                    SetVelocity(SteeringUtilities.scaledVector(maxSpeed, GetVelocity()));
                // Turn toward the current velocity (so that the x axis is forward)
                if (turnAutomatically && velocitySquared > 0.5)
                if (velocitySquared > 0f)
                    _movingDirection = GetVelocity();
                //SteeringUtilities.drawDebugVector(this, (0.5f * getVelocity()), VELOCITY_COLOR);
コード例 #11
        private void ExecutePass()
            // determine what to do

            // get the moving order
            AbsolutePose pose = Services.StateProvider.GetAbsolutePose();

            curTimestamp = pose.timestamp;

            ParkerVehicleState state = new ParkerVehicleState(pose.xy, Coordinates.FromAngle(pose.heading));

            if (pulloutMode)
                movingOrder = parker.GetNextPulloutOrder(state);
                movingOrder = parker.GetNextParkingOrder(state);

            // test for completion
            bool isPullinCompleted = false;

            if (parkingSpotLine.P0.DistanceTo(pose.xy) < 1.5 && Coordinates.FromAngle(pose.heading).Dot(parkingSpotLine.UnitVector) >= 0.5)
                isPullinCompleted = true;

            finalPass = false;
            if (movingOrder != null && movingOrder.DestState != null && parkingSpotLine.P0.DistanceTo(movingOrder.DestState.Loc) < 1.5 && parkingSpotLine.UnitVector.Dot(movingOrder.DestState.Heading) >= 0.5)
                finalPass = true;

            if (movingOrder.Completed || (isPullinCompleted && !pulloutMode))
                Type type;
                if (pulloutMode)
                    type = typeof(ZoneParkingPullOutBehavior);
                    type = typeof(ZoneParkingBehavior);
                Services.BehaviorManager.ForwardCompletionReport(new SuccessCompletionReport(type));
                Services.BehaviorManager.Execute(new HoldBrakeBehavior(), null, false);
                // determine the stopping distance
                TransmissionGear targetGear;
                if (movingOrder.Forward)
                    targetGear = TransmissionGear.First;
                    targetGear = TransmissionGear.Reverse;

                bool counterClockwise = false;
                if ((movingOrder.Forward && movingOrder.TurningRadius > 0) || (!movingOrder.Forward && movingOrder.TurningRadius < 0))
                    counterClockwise = true;
                    counterClockwise = false;

                double radius     = pose.xy.DistanceTo(movingOrder.CenterPoint);
                double startAngle = (pose.xy - movingOrder.CenterPoint).ArcTan;
                double endAngle   = (movingOrder.DestState.Loc - movingOrder.CenterPoint).ArcTan;

                if (counterClockwise)
                    if (endAngle < startAngle)
                        endAngle += 2 * Math.PI;
                    if (endAngle > startAngle)
                        endAngle -= 2 * Math.PI;

                double stopDistance;
                if (Math.Abs(radius) < 100)
                    stopDistance = Math.Abs(radius * (endAngle - startAngle));
                    stopDistance = pose.xy.DistanceTo(movingOrder.DestState.Loc);

                this.stopDist      = stopDistance;
                this.stopTimestamp = curTimestamp;

                Services.UIService.PushPoint(movingOrder.DestState.Loc, curTimestamp, "uturn stop point", false);

                //double sign = movingOrder.Forward ? 1 : -1;
                double steeringCommand = SteeringUtilities.CurvatureToSteeringWheelAngle(1 / movingOrder.TurningRadius, parking_speed);
                ISpeedCommandGenerator    shiftSpeedCommand      = new ShiftSpeedCommand(targetGear);
                ISteeringCommandGenerator initialSteeringCommand = new ConstantSteeringCommandGenerator(steeringCommand, steeringRate, true);

                ISpeedCommandGenerator    passSpeedCommand    = new FeedbackSpeedCommandGenerator(new StopSpeedGenerator(new TravelledDistanceProvider(curTimestamp, stopDistance), parking_speed));
                ISteeringCommandGenerator passSteeringCommand = new ConstantSteeringCommandGenerator(steeringCommand, null, false);

                ChainedTrackingCommand cmd = new ChainedTrackingCommand(
                    new TrackingCommand(shiftSpeedCommand, initialSteeringCommand, true),
                    new TrackingCommand(passSpeedCommand, passSteeringCommand, false));
                cmd.Label = command_label;


            passCompleted = false;
コード例 #12
ファイル: Brake.cs プロジェクト: AlmostMatt/UnityBaseCode
 public Vector3 GetForce(Steering steering)
     return(SteeringUtilities.getForceForDesiredVelocity(steering, Vector3.zero));
コード例 #13
 public Vector3 GetForce(Steering steering)
     return(SteeringUtilities.getForceForDesiredVelocity(steering, SteeringUtilities.scaledVector(steering.GetMaxSpeed(), steering.GetDirection())));
コード例 #14
            public Vector3 GetForce(Steering steering)
                Vector3 currentOffset = target.GetPosition() - steering.GetPosition();
                float   dist          = currentOffset.magnitude;

                Vector3 unitV = steering.GetVelocity().normalized;

                float parallelness = Vector3.Dot(unitV, target.GetVelocity().normalized);
                float forwardness  = Vector3.Dot(unitV, currentOffset / dist);

                float halfsqrt2 = 0.707f;
                int   f         = SteeringUtilities.intervalComp(forwardness, -halfsqrt2, halfsqrt2);
                int   p         = SteeringUtilities.intervalComp(parallelness, -halfsqrt2, halfsqrt2);

                // approximate how far to lead the target
                float timeFactor = 1f;

                // case logic based on (ahead, aside, behind) X (parallel, perp, anti-parallel)
                switch (f)
                case 1:                 //target is ahead
                    switch (p)
                    case 1:
                        timeFactor = 4f;

                    case 0:
                        timeFactor = 1.8f;

                    case -1:
                        timeFactor = 0.85f;

                case 0:                 //target is aside
                    switch (p)
                    case 1:
                        timeFactor = 1f;

                    case 0:
                        timeFactor = 0.8f;

                    case -1:
                        timeFactor = 4f;

                case -1:                 //target is behind
                    switch (p)
                    case 1:
                        timeFactor = 0.5f;

                    case 0:
                        timeFactor = 2f;

                    case -1:
                        timeFactor = 2f;

                // Multiply the timeToArrive by some approximate constants based on how similar the two velocities are.
                float   approximateArrivalTime      = dist / steering.GetMaxSpeed();
                float   improvedArrivalTimeEstimate = Mathf.Min(MAX_PREDICTION_TIME, approximateArrivalTime * timeFactor);
                Vector3 newTargetPosition           = (Vector3)target.GetPosition() + improvedArrivalTimeEstimate * target.GetVelocity();

                SteeringUtilities.drawDebugVector(target, newTargetPosition - target.GetPosition(), Color.white);
                SteeringUtilities.drawDebugVector(steering, newTargetPosition - steering.GetPosition(), Color.magenta);

                return(SteeringUtilities.getForceForDirection(steering, newTargetPosition - steering.GetPosition()));
コード例 #15
        private ITrackingCommand BuildForwardPass(out bool finalPass)
            BehaviorManager.TraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 0, "UTurn Behavior: Determine Forward Pass");

            // rotate the polygon into the current relative frame
            CarTimestamp      curTimestamp = Services.RelativePose.CurrentTimestamp;
            RelativeTransform relTransform = Services.RelativePose.GetTransform(polygonTimestamp, curTimestamp);

            finalOrientation = finalOrientation.Transform(relTransform);
            polygonTimestamp = curTimestamp;

            // retrieve the vehicle state
            Coordinates headingVec   = new Coordinates(1, 0);
            Coordinates headingVec90 = headingVec.Rotate90();

            // check if we can make it out now
            Line        curLine = new Line(new Coordinates(0, 0), headingVec);
            Coordinates intersectionPoint;
            LineSegment finalLine = finalOrientation;
            Circle      outCircle = Circle.FromLines(curLine, (Line)finalLine, out intersectionPoint);

            double steeringCommand;

            if (!outCircle.Equals(Circle.Infinite) && outCircle.r > minRadius)
                // we found an out circle
                BehaviorManager.TraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 0, "found final pass output");

                // build the circle segment
                double hitAngle   = (intersectionPoint - outCircle.center).ArcTan;
                double startAngle = (-outCircle.center).ArcTan;
                if (hitAngle < startAngle)
                    hitAngle += 2 * Math.PI;

                hitAngle -= startAngle;

                if (stopOnLine)
                    // get the angle of the end point of the line segment
                    double endPointAngle = (finalLine.P1 - outCircle.center).ArcTan;
                    if (endPointAngle < startAngle)
                        endPointAngle += 2 * Math.PI;
                    endPointAngle -= startAngle;

                    if (endPointAngle < hitAngle)
                        hitAngle = endPointAngle;

                // get the obstacles
                Coordinates    frontLeftPoint  = headingVec * TahoeParams.FL + headingVec90 * TahoeParams.T / 2;
                Coordinates    frontRightPoint = headingVec * TahoeParams.FL - headingVec90 * TahoeParams.T / 2.0;
                Coordinates    rearRightPoint  = -headingVec * TahoeParams.RL - headingVec90 * TahoeParams.T / 2.0;
                List <Polygon> obstacles       = GetObstacles(curTimestamp);
                GetObstacleHitAngle(frontLeftPoint, outCircle.center, obstacles, ref hitAngle);
                GetObstacleHitAngle(frontRightPoint, outCircle.center, obstacles, ref hitAngle);
                GetObstacleHitAngle(rearRightPoint, outCircle.center, obstacles, ref hitAngle);

                // calculate stopping distance
                stopDistance  = outCircle.r * hitAngle;
                stopTimestamp = curTimestamp;
                curvature     = 1 / outCircle.r;

                intersectionPoint = outCircle.center + Coordinates.FromAngle(startAngle + hitAngle) * outCircle.r;

                // calculate steering angle
                steeringCommand = SteeringUtilities.CurvatureToSteeringWheelAngle(1 / outCircle.r, uturnSpeed);

                // mark that this will be the final pass
                finalPass = true;

                Services.UIService.PushCircle(outCircle, curTimestamp, "uturn circle", true);
                Services.UIService.PushPoint(intersectionPoint, curTimestamp, "uturn stop point", true);
                Services.UIService.PushPolygon(polygon, curTimestamp, "uturn polygon", true);
                finalPass = false;
                // draw out 3 circles
                //  - front right wheel
                //  - front left wheel
                //  - rear left wheel

                // figure out center point of turn
                Circle      rearAxleCircle = Circle.FromPointSlopeRadius(Coordinates.Zero, headingVec, minRadius);
                Coordinates center         = rearAxleCircle.center;

                // calculate the points of the wheels
                Coordinates rearLeftPoint   = headingVec90 * TahoeParams.T / 2;
                Coordinates rearRightPoint  = -headingVec90 * TahoeParams.T / 2;
                Coordinates frontLeftPoint  = headingVec * TahoeParams.L + headingVec90 * TahoeParams.T / 2;
                Coordinates frontRightPoint = headingVec * TahoeParams.L - headingVec90 * TahoeParams.T / 2;

                // initialize min hit angle to slightly less than 90 degrees
                double minHit = Math.PI / 2.1;
                //GetMinHitAngle(rearLeftPoint, center, true, ref minHit);
                //GetMinHitAngle(rearRightPoint, center, true, ref minHit);
                GetMinHitAngle(frontLeftPoint, center, ref minHit);
                GetMinHitAngle(frontRightPoint, center, ref minHit);

                // get the obstacles
                List <Polygon> obstacles = GetObstacles(curTimestamp);
                frontLeftPoint  = headingVec * TahoeParams.FL + headingVec90 * TahoeParams.T / 2;
                frontRightPoint = headingVec * TahoeParams.FL - headingVec90 * TahoeParams.T / 2.0;
                rearRightPoint  = -headingVec * TahoeParams.RL - headingVec90 * TahoeParams.T / 2.0;
                GetObstacleHitAngle(frontLeftPoint, center, obstacles, ref minHit);
                GetObstacleHitAngle(frontRightPoint, center, obstacles, ref minHit);
                GetObstacleHitAngle(rearRightPoint, center, obstacles, ref minHit);

                // trim some off the hit for safety
                //if (minHit > 0.5/minRadius)
                minHit -= (0.5 / minRadius);
                minHit  = Math.Max(minHit, 0.6 / minRadius);

                double startAngle = (Coordinates.Zero - center).ArcTan;
                double hitAngle   = startAngle + minHit;

                // set the stopping point at the min hit point
                Coordinates stopPoint = rearAxleCircle.GetPoint(hitAngle);

                // calculate the stop distance
                stopDistance = minRadius * minHit;

                // calculate the required steering angle
                steeringCommand = SteeringUtilities.CurvatureToSteeringWheelAngle(1 / minRadius, uturnSpeed);

                Services.UIService.PushCircle(new Circle(minRadius, center), curTimestamp, "uturn circle", true);
                Services.UIService.PushPoint(stopPoint, curTimestamp, "uturn stop point", true);
                Services.UIService.PushPolygon(polygon, curTimestamp, "uturn polygon", true);

            // build the command
            ISpeedCommandGenerator    shiftSpeedCommand      = new ShiftSpeedCommand(TransmissionGear.First);
            ISteeringCommandGenerator initialSteeringCommand = new ConstantSteeringCommandGenerator(steeringCommand, steeringRate, true);

            ISpeedCommandGenerator    passSpeedCommand    = new FeedbackSpeedCommandGenerator(new StopSpeedGenerator(new TravelledDistanceProvider(curTimestamp, stopDistance), uturnSpeed));
            ISteeringCommandGenerator passSteeringCommand = new ConstantSteeringCommandGenerator(steeringCommand, null, false);

            ChainedTrackingCommand cmd = new ChainedTrackingCommand(
                new TrackingCommand(shiftSpeedCommand, initialSteeringCommand, true),
                new TrackingCommand(passSpeedCommand, passSteeringCommand, false));

            cmd.Label = forwardLabel;

コード例 #16
            public Vector3 GetForce(Steering steering)
                float raycastDistance = 2f * (2f * steering.GetSize()) + 2f * (steering.GetMaxSpeed() * steering.GetMaxSpeed() / steering.GetAcceleration());
                // TODO: send out 3 rays and define static quaternions to determine the rotated direction vectors.
                Vector3 directionVector = steering.GetVelocity();
                // TODO: update the side raycast lengths based on steering's size, and the center raycast based on speed.
                // TODO: constrain hit normals to the relevant plane in case the collider has a complicated shape
                Vector3 hitNormal1 = RaycastNormal(steering, (Steering.UseXZ ? xzRotateLeft : xyRotateLeft) * directionVector, raycastDistance * 0.5f);
                Vector3 hitNormal2 = RaycastNormal(steering, directionVector, raycastDistance);
                Vector3 hitNormal3 = RaycastNormal(steering, (Steering.UseXZ ? xzRotateRight : xyRotateRight) * directionVector, raycastDistance * 0.5f);
                // If multiple raycasts hit, sum the normals.
                // TODO: weight the normals differently based on which collision point is closest.
                Vector3 combinedNormal = SteeringUtilities.scaledDownVector(1f, hitNormal1 + hitNormal2 + hitNormal3);

                if (combinedNormal.sqrMagnitude > 0f)
                    // For the normal of the wall ahead, steer to have a velocity that is perpindicular to it.
                    Vector3 leftVector       = new Vector3(combinedNormal.y + combinedNormal.z, -Steering.YMult * combinedNormal.x, -Steering.ZMult * combinedNormal.x);
                    Vector3 rightVector      = new Vector3((-combinedNormal.y) - combinedNormal.z, Steering.YMult * combinedNormal.x, Steering.ZMult * combinedNormal.x);
                    float   rayLeftDistance  = RaycastDistance(steering, leftVector, raycastDistance);
                    float   rayRightDistance = RaycastDistance(steering, rightVector, raycastDistance);
                    // TODO: Consider updating the logic when approaching a corner.
                    // Currently the unit kind of turns toward the side that they are coming from even if the other turn is shorter.
                    // Case 1: Wall in front, wall on left, wall on right.
                    if (rayLeftDistance < raycastDistance && rayRightDistance < raycastDistance)
                        // Move towards the left/right wall that is closer. That should be moving away from the corner point.
                        if (rayLeftDistance < rayRightDistance)
                            return(SteeringUtilities.getForceForDirection(steering, leftVector));
                        else // rayRightDistance < rayLeftDistance
                            return(SteeringUtilities.getForceForDirection(steering, rightVector));
                    // Case 2: Wall in front, wall on left
                    else if (rayLeftDistance < raycastDistance)
                        return(SteeringUtilities.getForceForDirection(steering, rightVector));
                    // Case 3: Wall in front, wall on right
                    else if (rayRightDistance < raycastDistance)
                        return(SteeringUtilities.getForceForDirection(steering, leftVector));
                    // Case 4: Wall in front
                        // Move towards whichever of left or right is closer to the current velocity
                        Vector3 perpindicularVector = SteeringUtilities.perpindicularComponent(combinedNormal, steering.GetVelocity());
                        // Edge case: the normal is parallel to velocity. In this case, pick one of the two perpindicular vectors at random.
                        if (perpindicularVector == Vector3.zero)
                            Debug.Log("Exact perpindicular!");
                            int randomSign = Random.value < .5 ? 1 : -1;
                            perpindicularVector = new Vector3((-combinedNormal.y) - combinedNormal.z, Steering.YMult * combinedNormal.x * randomSign, Steering.ZMult * combinedNormal.x * randomSign);
                        return(SteeringUtilities.getForceForDirection(steering, perpindicularVector));
コード例 #17
 public Vector3 GetForce(Steering steering)
     return(-SteeringUtilities.getSeekForce(steering, target));
コード例 #18
        private ITrackingCommand BuildBackwardPass()
            BehaviorManager.TraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 0, "UTurn Behavior: Initialize Backward Pass");

            // rotate the polygon into the current relative frame
            CarTimestamp      curTimestamp = Services.RelativePose.CurrentTimestamp;
            RelativeTransform relTransform = Services.RelativePose.GetTransform(polygonTimestamp, curTimestamp);

            finalOrientation = finalOrientation.Transform(relTransform);
            polygonTimestamp = curTimestamp;

            // retrieve the vehicle state
            Coordinates headingVec    = new Coordinates(1, 0);
            Coordinates headingVec180 = headingVec.Rotate180();
            Coordinates headingVec90  = headingVec.Rotate90();

            // figure out center point of turn
            Circle      rearAxleCircle = Circle.FromPointSlopeRadius(new Coordinates(0, 0), headingVec180, minRadius);
            Coordinates center         = rearAxleCircle.center;

            // calculate the points of the wheels
            Coordinates rearLeftPoint   = headingVec90 * TahoeParams.T / 2;
            Coordinates rearRightPoint  = -headingVec90 * TahoeParams.T / 2;
            Coordinates frontLeftPoint  = headingVec * TahoeParams.L + headingVec90 * TahoeParams.T / 2;
            Coordinates frontRightPoint = headingVec * TahoeParams.L - headingVec90 * TahoeParams.T / 2;

            double minHit = Math.PI / 2.1;

            GetMinHitAngle(rearLeftPoint, center, ref minHit);
            GetMinHitAngle(rearRightPoint, center, ref minHit);
            //GetMinHitAngle(frontLeftPoint, center, false, ref minHit);
            //GetMinHitAngle(frontRightPoint, center, false, ref minHit);

            frontLeftPoint  = headingVec * TahoeParams.FL + headingVec90 * TahoeParams.T / 2;
            frontRightPoint = headingVec * TahoeParams.FL - headingVec90 * TahoeParams.T / 2.0;
            rearRightPoint  = -headingVec * TahoeParams.RL - headingVec90 * TahoeParams.T / 2.0;
            rearLeftPoint   = -headingVec * TahoeParams.RL + headingVec90 * TahoeParams.T / 2.0;
            List <Polygon> obstacles = GetObstacles(curTimestamp);

            GetObstacleHitAngle(frontLeftPoint, center, obstacles, ref minHit);
            GetObstacleHitAngle(rearLeftPoint, center, obstacles, ref minHit);
            GetObstacleHitAngle(rearRightPoint, center, obstacles, ref minHit);

            // trim some off the hit for safety'
            minHit -= (0.3 / minRadius);
            // move at least 0.6 meters
            minHit = Math.Max(minHit, 0.6 / minRadius);

            // calculate the exit stopping point
            // shift the line by the minimum turning radius
            Coordinates u = finalOrientation.P1 - finalOrientation.P0;

            u = u.Normalize().Rotate90();
            Line offsetLine = new Line();

            offsetLine.P0 = finalOrientation.P0 + u * (minRadius + 2);
            offsetLine.P1 = finalOrientation.P1 + u * (minRadius + 2);

            // final the intersection of the current turn circle with a radius of twice the min turn radius and the offset line
            Circle twoTurn = new Circle(2 * minRadius + 2, center);

            Coordinates[] intersections;

            double startAngle = (-center).ArcTan;

            if (twoTurn.Intersect(offsetLine, out intersections))
                // figure out where there were hits
                for (int i = 0; i < intersections.Length; i++)
                    // get the angle of the hit
                    double angle = (intersections[i] - center).ArcTan;

                    if (angle < startAngle)
                        angle += 2 * Math.PI;

                    angle -= startAngle;

                    if (angle < minHit)
                        minHit = angle;

            minHit = Math.Max(minHit, 0.6 / minRadius);

            // set the stopping point at the min hit point
            Coordinates stopPoint = rearAxleCircle.GetPoint(startAngle + minHit);

            // calculate the stop distance
            stopDistance  = rearAxleCircle.r * minHit;
            stopTimestamp = curTimestamp;
            curvature     = 1 / minRadius;
            // calculate the required steering angle
            double steeringCommand = SteeringUtilities.CurvatureToSteeringWheelAngle(-1 / minRadius, uturnSpeed);

            ISpeedCommandGenerator    shiftSpeedCommand      = new ShiftSpeedCommand(TransmissionGear.Reverse);
            ISteeringCommandGenerator initialSteeringCommand = new ConstantSteeringCommandGenerator(steeringCommand, steeringRate, true);

            ISpeedCommandGenerator    passSpeedCommand    = new FeedbackSpeedCommandGenerator(new StopSpeedGenerator(new TravelledDistanceProvider(curTimestamp, stopDistance), uturnSpeed));
            ISteeringCommandGenerator passSteeringCommand = new ConstantSteeringCommandGenerator(steeringCommand, null, false);

            ChainedTrackingCommand cmd = new ChainedTrackingCommand(
                new TrackingCommand(shiftSpeedCommand, initialSteeringCommand, true),
                new TrackingCommand(passSpeedCommand, passSteeringCommand, false));

            cmd.Label = backwardLabel;

            Services.UIService.PushCircle(new Circle(minRadius, center), curTimestamp, "uturn circle", true);
            Services.UIService.PushPoint(stopPoint, curTimestamp, "uturn stop point", true);
            Services.UIService.PushPolygon(polygon, curTimestamp, "uturn polygon", true);
