コード例 #1
    void HandleDroppedPayload(Object[] objects)
        bool hasDuplicates = false;

        foreach (var obj in objects)
            Texture2D tex = obj as Texture2D;
            if (tex != null)
                if (spriteCollectionProxy.FindSpriteBySource(tex) != -1)
                    hasDuplicates = true;

        bool cloneDuplicates = false;

        if (hasDuplicates && EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Duplicate textures detected.",
                                                         "One or more textures is already in the collection. What do you want to do with the duplicates?",
                                                         "Clone", "Ignore"))
            cloneDuplicates = true;

        List <int> addedIndices = new List <int>();

        foreach (var obj in objects)
            Texture2D tex = obj as Texture2D;
            if ((tex != null) && (cloneDuplicates || spriteCollectionProxy.FindSpriteBySource(tex) == -1))
                string name = spriteCollectionProxy.FindUniqueTextureName(tex.name);
                int    slot = spriteCollectionProxy.FindOrCreateEmptySpriteSlot();
                spriteCollectionProxy.textureParams[slot].name         = name;
                spriteCollectionProxy.textureParams[slot].colliderType = tk2dSpriteCollectionDefinition.ColliderType.UserDefined;
                spriteCollectionProxy.textureParams[slot].texture      = (Texture2D)obj;
        // And now select them
        searchFilter = "";
        foreach (var entry in entries)
            if (entry.type == SpriteCollectionEditorEntry.Type.Sprite &&
                addedIndices.IndexOf(entry.index) != -1)
                entry.selected = true;
