public override void AddRecipes() { SpiritRecipe recipe = new SpiritRecipe(mod, NPCID.Guide, 20); recipe.AddIngredient(ItemID.StyngerBolt, 10); recipe.SetResult(this, 10); recipe.AddRecipe(); }
public override void AddRecipes() { SpiritRecipe recipe = new SpiritRecipe(mod, NPCID.Guide, 200); recipe.AddIngredient(null, "Veerium", 10); recipe.AddIngredient(ItemID.VenomStaff, 1); recipe.AddTile(ModContent.TileType <Tiles.Altar>()); recipe.SetResult(this); recipe.AddRecipe(); }
/*public override void AddRecipes() * { * ModRecipe recipe = new ModRecipe(mod); * recipe.AddIngredient(ItemID.DirtBlock); * recipe.SetResult(this, 999); * recipe.AddRecipe(); * recipe = new ModRecipe(mod); * recipe.AddRecipeGroup("ExampleMod:ExampleItem"); * recipe.SetResult(this, 999); * recipe.AddRecipe();*/ /* * // Start a new Recipe. (Prepend with "ModRecipe " if 1st recipe in code block.) * recipe = new ModRecipe(mod); * // Add a Vanilla Ingredient. * // Look up ItemIDs: * // To specify more than one ingredient, use multiple recipe.AddIngredient() calls. * recipe.AddIngredient(ItemID.DirtBlock); * // An optional 2nd argument will specify a stack of the item. * recipe.AddIngredient(ItemID.Acorn, 10); * // We can also specify the current item as an ingredient * recipe.AddIngredient(this, 2); * // Add a Mod Ingredient. Do not attempt ItemID.EquipMaterial, it's not how it works. * recipe.AddIngredient(mod, "EquipMaterial", 3); * // an alternate approach to the above. * recipe.AddIngredient(ItemType<EquipMaterial>(), 3); * // RecipeGroups allow you create a recipe that accepts items from a group of similar ingredients. For example, all varieties of Wood are in the vanilla "Wood" Group * recipe.AddRecipeGroup("Wood"); // check here for other vanilla groups: * // Here is using a mod recipe group. Check out ExampleMod.AddRecipeGroups() to see how to register a recipe group. * recipe.AddRecipeGroup("ExampleMod:ExampleItem", 2); * // To specify a crafting station, specify a tile. Look up TileIDs: * recipe.AddTile(TileID.WorkBenches); * // A mod Tile example. To specify more than one crafting station, use multiple recipe.AddTile() calls. * recipe.AddTile(mod, "ExampleWorkbench"); * // There is a limit of 14 ingredients and 14 tiles to a recipe. * // Special * // Water, Honey, and Lava are not tiles, there are special bools for those. Also needSnowBiome. Water also specifies that it works with Sinks. * recipe.needHoney = true; * // Set the result of the recipe. You can use stack here too. Since this is in a ModItem class, we can use "this" to specify this item as the result. * recipe.SetResult(this, 999); // or, for a vanilla result, recipe.SetResult(ItemID.Muramasa); * // Finish your recipe * recipe.AddRecipe(); */ public override void AddRecipes() { SpiritRecipe recipe = new SpiritRecipe(mod, NPCID.Guide, 75); recipe.AddIngredient(ItemID.HallowedBar, 15); recipe.AddIngredient(ItemID.TempleKey, 1); recipe.AddTile(ModContent.TileType <Tiles.Altar>()); recipe.SetResult(this); recipe.AddRecipe(); }