コード例 #1
ファイル: MyGorilla.cs プロジェクト: weimingtom/erica
        private Node CreateBall(Vector3 pos)
            var cmp = new MyBall ();

            var spr = new Sprite (Resource.GetTexture ("media/Earth-32x32.png"), 32, 32);

            var col = new SphereCollision (16);
            col.SetOffset (col.Radius, col.Radius, 0);

            var body = new PhysicsBody ();
            body.Type = ColliderType.Dynamic;
            body.SetShape (col);
            body.SetMaterial (new PhysicsMaterial ());
            body.ApplyForce (50000, 0, 0);

            var node = new Node ("Ball " + ballIndex++);
            node.Attach (spr);
            node.Attach (cmp);
            node.Attach (col);
            node.Attach (body);

            node.Translation = pos;

            return node;
コード例 #2
 public void UpdateSphereCollision(int index, SphereCollision col)
     if (index < sphereCollisions.Length)
         sphereCollisions[index] = col;
コード例 #3
        public static Boolean GetCollision(SphereCollision collidableA, RingCollision collidableB, out Vector3 position,
                                           out Vector3 normal)
            // first let's get the collision parameters from the Plane Collision.
            SphereOnPlaneCollision.GetCollision(collidableA, collidableB, out var planeCollision, out var planeNormal,
                                                out var scale1, out var scale2);

            // Now get distance from our origin to the point planeCollision

            // transformation matrix 1
            var tm1 = collidableA.Parent.ScaleMatrix * collidableA.Parent.RotationMatrix;

            // transformation matrix 2
            var tm2 = collidableB.Parent.ScaleMatrix * collidableB.Parent.RotationMatrix;

            var sv1 = Vector3.Transform(collidableB.SpanVector1, tm2);
            var sv2 = Vector3.Transform(collidableB.SpanVector2, tm2);

            var distanceOnPlane = (scale1 * sv1 + scale2 * sv2).Length();

            var ringNorm = (scale1 * scale1 + scale2 * scale2) * collidableB.Radius;

            var ringScale1 = scale1 / ringNorm;
            var ringScale2 = scale2 / ringNorm;

            position = collidableB.Position + Vector3.Transform(collidableB.Origin, tm2) + ringScale1 * sv1 + ringScale2 * sv2;

            normal = collidableA.Position - position;
            var collide = normal.Length() < collidableA.Radius + collidableB.InnerRadius;


コード例 #4
        public static RayCollisionPoint GetCollision(Ray ray, SphereCollision sphere)
            // https://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/96459/fast-ray-sphere-collision-code

            // distance from ray start to center of sphere
            Vector3 distance = ray.Position - sphere.Position;

            float radiusSquared = sphere.Radius * sphere.Radius;
            float pd            = Vector3.Dot(distance, ray.Direction);

            if (pd > 0 || Vector3.Dot(distance, distance) < radiusSquared)
                return(new RayCollisionPoint());                // no collision
            Vector3 a = distance - pd * ray.Direction;

            float aSquared = Vector3.Dot(a, a);

            if (aSquared > radiusSquared)
                return(new RayCollisionPoint());

            float h = (float)Math.Sqrt(radiusSquared - aSquared);

            Vector3 i = a - h * ray.Direction;

            return(new RayCollisionPoint(sphere.Position + i, i, h));
コード例 #5
        public static Boolean GetCollision(SphereCollision collidableA, SphereCollision collidableB, out Vector3 position,
                                           out Vector3 normal)
            var radiusDist = collidableA.Radius * collidableA.Parent.Scale.X + collidableB.Radius * collidableB.Parent.Scale.X;
            var dist       = collidableA.Position - collidableB.Position;
            var rd2        = radiusDist * radiusDist;
            var dist2      = dist.LengthSquared();

            if (dist2 >= rd2 - 0.0001f)
                // no collision
                position = new Vector3();
                normal   = new Vector3();

            // we got a collision.
            // normal vector should always be from A to B, thus B collides with A and needs to exit.
            normal = dist;

            position = collidableB.Position + normal * collidableB.Radius * collidableB.Parent.Scale.X;

コード例 #6
 void Start()
     collisionCheck         = GetComponent <SphereCollision>();
     Fallingspeed           = 0.1f;
     JumpSpeed              = 0f;
     SoundSourceSphere      = GetComponent <AudioSource>();
     SoundSourceSphere.clip = AudioContainer.au_BackBeat;
コード例 #7
        public static Boolean GetCollision(SphereCollision collidableA, BoundEdgeCollision collidableB, out Vector3 position,
                                           out Vector3 normal, out float scale, out float distance)
            if (SphereOnEdgeCollision.GetCollision(collidableA, collidableB, out position, out normal, out scale, out distance))
                return(collidableB.Restriction(scale, distance));

コード例 #8
        public static Boolean GetCollision(SphereCollision collidableA, BoundPlaneCollision collidableB, out Vector3 position,
                                           out Vector3 normal, out float scale1, out float scale2)
            if (SphereOnPlaneCollision.GetCollision(collidableA, collidableB, out position, out normal, out scale1, out scale2))
                //Console.WriteLine($"SOBPC @{collidableB.Position + collidableB.Origin} + {scale1} * {collidableB.SpanVector1} + {scale2} * {collidableB.SpanVector2} = {position}");

                return(collidableB.Restriction(scale1, scale2));

コード例 #9
 void Start()
     Sphere           = FindObjectOfType <SphereCollision>();
     Movement         = Sphere.GetComponent <Movement>();
     collisionCheck   = GetComponent <BoxCollider>();
     timer            = 0f;
     LooseSceneTimer  = 0;
     IsJumping        = false;
     SoundSource      = GetComponent <AudioSource>();
     StartLooseTimer  = false;
     unloadLevelTimer = 0;
     ShallUnloadLevel = false;
     PickedDiamond    = false;
コード例 #10
        public static Boolean GetCollision(SphereCollision collidableA, PlaneCollision collidableB, out Vector3 position,
                                           out Vector3 normal, out float scale1, out float scale2)
            Vector3 eq = VectorMathHelper.SolveLinearEquation(collidableB.Normal / collidableB.Normal.Length(), collidableB.SpanVector1,
                                                              collidableB.SpanVector2, collidableA.Position - collidableB.Origin);

            // get the point of collision
            position = collidableB.Origin + eq.Y * collidableB.SpanVector1 + eq.Z * collidableB.SpanVector2;
            normal   = (eq.X < 0 ? -1 : 1) * collidableB.Normal;           // invert normal if the scalar is negative

            scale1 = eq.Y;
            scale2 = eq.Z;

            return(Math.Abs(eq.X) < collidableA.Radius);
コード例 #11
ファイル: MyTurret.cs プロジェクト: weimingtom/erica
        public static Node Create()
            var cmp = new MyTullet ();

            var spr = new Sprite (40, 72);
            spr.SetOffset (-20, -52);

            var col = new SphereCollision (cmp.effectiveRange);
            //col.DrawEnabled = true;

            var node = new Node ("Tullet");
            node.Attach (cmp);
            node.Attach (spr);
            node.Attach (col);

            node.DrawPriority = -2;
            node.Translate (0, -8, 0);

            return node;
コード例 #12
ファイル: MyProjectile.cs プロジェクト: weimingtom/erica
        public static Node Create(Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot)
            var cmp = new MyProjectile ();

            var spr = new Sprite (16, 32);
            spr.AddTexture (Resource.GetTexture("media/Projectile.png"));
            spr.SetOffset (-8, 16);

            var col = new SphereCollision (10);
            //col.DrawEnabled = true;

            var node = new Node ("Projectile");
            node.Attach (cmp);
            node.Attach (spr);
            node.Attach (col);

            node.Translation = pos;
            node.Rotation = rot;

            return node;
コード例 #13
        public static Boolean GetCollision(SphereCollision collidableA, EdgeCollision collidableB, out Vector3 position,
                                           out Vector3 normal, out float scale, out float distance)
            // transformation matrix 1
            var tm = collidableB.Parent.ScaleMatrix * collidableB.Parent.RotationMatrix;

            var pos    = collidableA.Position;
            var origin = collidableB.Position + Vector3.Transform(collidableB.Origin, tm);
            var sv     = Vector3.Transform(collidableB.SpanVector, tm);

            scale = (sv.X * (pos.X - origin.X) + sv.Y * (pos.Y - origin.Y) + sv.Z * (pos.Z - origin.Z)) /
                    (sv.X * sv.X + sv.Y * sv.Y + sv.Z * sv.Z);


            position = origin + scale * sv;
            normal   = pos - position;

            distance = (pos - position).Length();

            return(distance < collidableB.Distance + collidableA.Radius);
コード例 #14
 public static Vector3 HandleCollision(SphereCollision collider, SphereCollision collidable, Vector3 position, Vector3 normal)
     return(position + normal * collider.Radius);
コード例 #15
 void Start()
     explosionRadius = GetComponent <SphereCollision> ();
     anim            = GetComponent <Animator> ();
     audioSource     = GetComponent <AudioSource> ();
コード例 #16
        //        internal TransformSceneHandle targetEffector;

        public void SetUp()
            initialized = 0;
            int length = joints.Length;

            edges            = new NativeArray <Edge>(length, Allocator.Persistent);
            positions        = new NativeArray <float3>(length, Allocator.Persistent);
            velocities       = new NativeArray <float3>(length, Allocator.Persistent);
            forces           = new NativeArray <float3>(length, Allocator.Persistent);
            masses           = new NativeArray <float>(length, Allocator.Persistent);
            flags            = new NativeArray <int>(length, Allocator.Persistent);
            constraints      = new NativeArray <Constraint>(2, Allocator.Persistent);
            sphereCollisions = new NativeArray <SphereCollision>(1, Allocator.Persistent);

            for (int i = 0; i < sphereCollisions.Length; i++)
                sphereCollisions[i] = new SphereCollision()
                    enabled        = 0,
                    centerPosition = float3.zero,
                    radious        = 0.0f
            for (int i = 0; i < flags.Length; i++)
                flags[i] = 0;
            flags[0]       = 0x8000;
            constraints[0] = new Constraint()
                pointIndex    = 0,
                fixedPosition = rootOffset,
                fixedVelocity = float3.zero
            constraints[1] = new Constraint()
                pointIndex    = -1,
                fixedPosition = rootOffset,
                fixedVelocity = float3.zero
            vectorData = new NativeArray <float3>(3, Allocator.Persistent);
            gravity    = new float3(0.0f, -9.8f, 0.0f);
#if false
            stiffness = 500.0f; //
                                //            restLength = 1.0f;
            dampingCoefficient = 1.0f;
            dragCoefficient    = 0.1f;

            restitutionCoefficient = 0.3f;
            stiffness = 1300.0f; //
                                 //            restLength = 1.0f;
            dampingCoefficient = 7.0f;
            dragCoefficient    = 2.1f;

            restitutionCoefficient = 0.3f;
            UnitVector =
                new float3(baseAxis == BaseAxis.X ? 1.0f : 0.0f,
                           baseAxis == BaseAxis.Y ? 1.0f : 0.0f,
                           baseAxis == BaseAxis.Z ? 1.0f : 0.0f);

            baseAxis = AnimationJob.BaseAxis.Y;
            timeIntervalInSeconds  = 1 / 30.0f; // Time.fixedDeltaTime;
            resolution             = 0.5f;
            timeIntervalInSeconds *= resolution;
            elapsed = 0.0f;
コード例 #17
 public static Vector3 HandleCollision(SphereCollision collider, BoundPlaneCollision collidable, Vector3 position, Vector3 normal)
     return(SphereOnPlaneCollision.HandleCollision(collider, collidable, position, normal));
コード例 #18
 public static Boolean GetCollision(SphereCollision collidableA, PlaneCollision collidableB, out Vector3 position,
                                    out Vector3 normal)
     return(GetCollision(collidableA, collidableB, out position, out normal, out var f1, out var f2));
 void Start()
     explosionRadius = GetComponent<SphereCollision> ();
     anim = GetComponent<Animator> ();
     audioSource = GetComponent<AudioSource> ();
コード例 #20
 protected override void Start()
     sphereCollider = gameObject.AddComponent <SphereCollision>();
     planeCollider  = gameObject.AddComponent <PlaneCollision>();
コード例 #21
 public static Vector3 HandleCollision(SphereCollision collider, EdgeCollision collidable, Vector3 position, Vector3 normal)
     return(position + normal * (collidable.Distance + collider.Radius));
コード例 #22
 public static Vector3 HandleCollision(SphereCollision collider, RingCollision collidable, Vector3 position, Vector3 normal)
     return(position + normal * (collider.Radius + collidable.InnerRadius));