static Harass() { SpellsMenu.AddGroupLabel("Dürtme:"); _useQ = SpellsMenu.Add("harassQ", new CheckBox("Q Kullan ?")); _useW = SpellsMenu.Add("harassW", new CheckBox("W Kullan ?")); _useE = SpellsMenu.Add("harassE", new CheckBox("E Kullan ?")); }
static Harass() { SpellsMenu.AddGroupLabel("Harass Spells:"); _useQ = SpellsMenu.Add("harassQ", new CheckBox("Use Q on Harass ?")); _useW = SpellsMenu.Add("harassW", new CheckBox("Use W on Harass ?")); _useE = SpellsMenu.Add("harassE", new CheckBox("Use E on Harass ?")); }
static Combo() { // Initialize the menu values SpellsMenu.AddGroupLabel("Combo Spells:"); _useQ = SpellsMenu.Add("comboQ", new CheckBox("Use Q on Combo ?")); _useW = SpellsMenu.Add("comboW", new CheckBox("Use W on Combo ?")); _useE = SpellsMenu.Add("comboE", new CheckBox("Use E on Combo ?")); }
static Harass() { SpellsMenu.AddGroupLabel("Harass Spells:"); _useQ = SpellsMenu.Add("harassQ", new CheckBox("Use Q on Harass ?")); _useE = SpellsMenu.Add("harassE", new CheckBox("Use E on Harass ?")); SpellsMenu.AddGroupLabel("Harass Settings:"); _manaHarass = SpellsMenu.Add("harassMana", new Slider("It will only cast any harass spell if the mana is greater than ({0}).", 30)); }
static Harass() { SpellsMenu.AddGroupLabel("Harass Spells:"); _useQ = SpellsMenu.Add("harassQ", new CheckBox("Use Q on Harass")); _useW = SpellsMenu.Add("harassW", new CheckBox("Use W on Harass")); _useE = SpellsMenu.Add("harassE", new CheckBox("Use E on Harass")); SpellsMenu.AddGroupLabel("Harass Settings:"); _manaHarass = SpellsMenu.Add("harassMana", new Slider("min. mana for harass", 50)); }
static Harass() { SpellsMenu.AddGroupLabel("Dürtme Büyüleri:"); _useQ = SpellsMenu.Add("harassQ", new CheckBox("Q Kullan ")); _useW = SpellsMenu.Add("harassW", new CheckBox("W Kullan")); _useE = SpellsMenu.Add("harassE", new CheckBox("E Kullan ")); SpellsMenu.AddGroupLabel("Dürtme Ayarları:"); _manaHarass = SpellsMenu.Add("harassMana", new Slider("Manam şu değerden yüksek ise dürtme Kullan ({0}).", 30)); }
static Harass() { SpellsMenu.AddGroupLabel("Dürtme Ayarları:"); _useQ = SpellsMenu.Add("harassQ", new CheckBox("Dürtmede Q Kullan")); _useW = SpellsMenu.Add("harassW", new CheckBox("Dürtmede W Kullan")); _useE = SpellsMenu.Add("harassE", new CheckBox("Dürtmede E Kullan")); SpellsMenu.AddGroupLabel("Dürtme Ayarları:"); _manaHarass = SpellsMenu.Add("harassMana", new Slider("Dürtme modu için en az mana", 50)); }
static Combo() { // Initialize the menu values SpellsMenu.AddGroupLabel("Kombo:"); _useQ = SpellsMenu.Add("comboQ", new CheckBox("Q Kullan ?")); _useW = SpellsMenu.Add("comboW", new CheckBox("W Kullan ?")); _useE = SpellsMenu.Add("comboE", new CheckBox("E Kullan ?")); _useR = SpellsMenu.Add("comboR", new CheckBox("R Kullan ?")); }
static Harass() { SpellsMenu.AddGroupLabel("骚扰:"); _useQ = SpellsMenu.Add("harassQ", new CheckBox("使用 Q?")); _useW = SpellsMenu.Add("harassW", new CheckBox("使用 W?")); _useE = SpellsMenu.Add("harassE", new CheckBox("使用 E?")); SpellsMenu.AddGroupLabel("骚扰设置:"); _manaHarass = SpellsMenu.Add("harassMana", new Slider("只使用技能清线当蓝量大于 ({0}).", 30)); }
static Combo() { // Initialize the menu values SpellsMenu.AddGroupLabel("Kombo Büyüleri:"); _useQ = SpellsMenu.Add("comboQ", new CheckBox("Komboda Q Kullan")); _useW = SpellsMenu.Add("comboW", new CheckBox("Komboda W Kullan")); _useE = SpellsMenu.Add("comboE", new CheckBox("Komboda E Kullan")); _useR = SpellsMenu.Add("comboR", new CheckBox("Komboda R Kullan")); }
private static void LoadMenu() { JinxMenu = MainMenu.AddMenu("Sebby Jinx", "jinx"); SpellsMenu = JinxMenu.AddSubMenu("Spells Menu", "spells"); SpellsMenu.AddLabel("Q Settings"); SpellsMenu.Add("autoQ", new CheckBox("Auto Q")); SpellsMenu.Add("Qharass", new CheckBox("Harass Q")); SpellsMenu.Add("farmQout", new CheckBox("Q farm out range AA")); SpellsMenu.Add("farmQ", new CheckBox("Farm Q")); SpellsMenu.Add("Mana", new Slider("LaneClear Q Mana", 80, 30)); SpellsMenu.AddLabel("W Settings"); SpellsMenu.Add("autoW", new CheckBox("Combo W")); SpellsMenu.AddLabel("Harass W"); foreach (var enemy in ObjectManager.Get <AIHeroClient>().Where(enemy => enemy.Team != Player.Team)) { SpellsMenu.Add("wharass" + enemy.ChampionName, new CheckBox(enemy.BaseSkinName)); } SpellsMenu.AddLabel("E Settings"); SpellsMenu.Add("comboE", new CheckBox("Auto E in Combo BETA")); SpellsMenu.Add("autoE", new CheckBox("E on CC")); SpellsMenu.Add("AGC", new CheckBox("AntiGapcloserE")); SpellsMenu.Add("opsE", new CheckBox("OnProcessSpellCastE")); SpellsMenu.Add("tel", new CheckBox("Auto E teleport")); SpellsMenu.AddLabel("R Settings"); SpellsMenu.Add("autoR", new CheckBox("Auto R")); SpellsMenu.Add("useR", new KeyBind("Semi-manual cast R key", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, "T".ToCharArray()[0])); SpellsMenu.Add("hitchanceR", new Slider("Hit Chance R", 0, 0, 2)); SpellsMenu.Add("Rturret", new CheckBox("Don't R under turret")); SpellsMenu.AddLabel("Misc Settings"); SpellsMenu.Add("manaDisable", new CheckBox("Disable mana manager in combo")); JungleStealMenu = JinxMenu.AddSubMenu("Jungle Steal", "JungleSteal"); JungleStealMenu.AddLabel("Jungle Steal Settings"); JungleStealMenu.Add("Rjungle", new CheckBox("R Jungle stealer")); JungleStealMenu.Add("Rdragon", new CheckBox("Dragon")); JungleStealMenu.Add("Rbaron", new CheckBox("Baron")); DrawingsMenu = JinxMenu.AddSubMenu("Drawings", "drawingsmenu"); DrawingsMenu.AddGroupLabel("Drawings Settings"); DrawingsMenu.AddSeparator(); DrawingsMenu.Add("qRange", new CheckBox("Q range", false)); DrawingsMenu.Add("wRange", new CheckBox("W range", false)); DrawingsMenu.Add("eRange", new CheckBox("E range", false)); DrawingsMenu.Add("rRange", new CheckBox("R range", false)); DrawingsMenu.Add("noti", new CheckBox("Show notification", false)); DrawingsMenu.Add("semi", new CheckBox("Semi-manual R target", false)); DrawingsMenu.Add("onlyRdy", new CheckBox("Draw only ready spells")); PredictionMenu = JinxMenu.AddSubMenu("Prediction", "prediction"); PredictionMenu.AddSeparator(); PredictionMenu.Add("Wpred", new Slider("W Hitchance", 50)); PredictionMenu.Add("Epred", new Slider("E Hitchance", 50)); PredictionMenu.Add("Rpred", new Slider("R Hitchance", 50)); }
static Combo() { // Initialize the menu values SpellsMenu.AddGroupLabel("连招技能:"); _useQ = SpellsMenu.Add("comboQ", new CheckBox("使用Q连招 ?")); _useW = SpellsMenu.Add("comboW", new CheckBox("使用W连招 ?")); _useE = SpellsMenu.Add("comboE", new CheckBox("使用E连招 ?")); _useR = SpellsMenu.Add("comboR", new CheckBox("使用R连招 ?")); _minR = SpellsMenu.Add("minR", new Slider("最低敌人数量使用R", 2, 0, 5)); }
static Combo() { // Initialize the menu values SpellsMenu.AddGroupLabel("Combo Spells:"); _useQ = SpellsMenu.Add("comboQ", new CheckBox("Use Q on Combo ?")); _useW = SpellsMenu.Add("comboW", new CheckBox("Use W on Combo ?")); _useE = SpellsMenu.Add("comboE", new CheckBox("Use E on Combo ?")); _useR = SpellsMenu.Add("comboR", new CheckBox("Use R on Combo ?")); _minR = SpellsMenu.Add("minR", new Slider("Min Enemies to use R", 2, 0, 5)); }
static Combo() { // Initialize the menu values SpellsMenu.AddGroupLabel("Kombo Büyüleri:"); _useQ = SpellsMenu.Add("comboQ", new CheckBox("Komboda Q Kullan ?")); _useE = SpellsMenu.Add("comboE", new CheckBox("Komboda E Kullan ?")); _useESnared = SpellsMenu.Add("comboESnared", new CheckBox("Rakibi Her zaman E ile Tuzağa düşür ?", false)); _useR = SpellsMenu.Add("comboR", new CheckBox("Komboda R Kullan ?")); _useRSnared = SpellsMenu.Add("comboRSnared", new CheckBox("Rakibi Her zaman R ile Tuzağa düşür ?")); }
static Combo() { // Initialize the menu values SpellsMenu.AddGroupLabel("连招:"); _useQ = SpellsMenu.Add("comboQ", new CheckBox("使用 Q?")); _useE = SpellsMenu.Add("comboE", new CheckBox("使用 E?")); _useESnared = SpellsMenu.Add("comboESnared", new CheckBox("敌人被定身才使用E ?", false)); _useR = SpellsMenu.Add("comboR", new CheckBox("使用 R?")); _useRSnared = SpellsMenu.Add("comboRSnared", new CheckBox("敌人被定身才使用R ?")); }
static Combo() { // Initialize the menu values SpellsMenu.AddGroupLabel("Combo Spells:"); _useQ = SpellsMenu.Add("comboQ", new CheckBox("Use Q on Combo ?")); _useE = SpellsMenu.Add("comboE", new CheckBox("Use E on Combo ?")); _useESnared = SpellsMenu.Add("comboESnared", new CheckBox("Only use E if target is snared ?", false)); _useR = SpellsMenu.Add("comboR", new CheckBox("Use R on Combo ?")); _useRSnared = SpellsMenu.Add("comboRSnared", new CheckBox("Only use R if target is snared ?")); }
public static void InitMenu() { MenuPrincipal = MainMenu.AddMenu("Kappalista", "kappalista"); //Spells Settings SpellsMenu = MenuPrincipal.AddSubMenu("Spells Settings"); SpellsMenu.AddLabel("Combo Settings"); SpellsMenu.Add("use.q.combo", new CheckBox("Use Q")); SpellsMenu.Add("use.e", new CheckBox("Use E")); SpellsMenu.Add("atk.minion", new CheckBox("Attack minions for chasing")); SpellsMenu.AddLabel("Harass Settings"); SpellsMenu.Add("use.q.harass", new CheckBox("Use Q")); SpellsMenu.Add("manapercent", new Slider("Mana percent", 60)); //LaneClear Settings LaneClear = MenuPrincipal.AddSubMenu("LaneClear Settings"); LaneClear.Add("use.q", new CheckBox("Use Q", false)); LaneClear.Add("q.min.kill", new Slider("Min minions killable", 3, 1, 5)); LaneClear.Add("use.e", new CheckBox("Use E")); LaneClear.Add("e.minkill", new Slider("Min minions killable", 2, 1, 5)); LaneClear.Add("manapercent", new Slider("Mana percent", 60)); //JungleClear Settings JungleClear = MenuPrincipal.AddSubMenu("Jungle Clear Settings"); JungleClear.Add("use.q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); JungleClear.Add("use.e", new CheckBox("Use E")); JungleClear.Add("manapercent", new Slider("Mana percent", 60)); //Misc Settings Misc = MenuPrincipal.AddSubMenu("Misc Settings"); Misc.Add("e.killsteal", new CheckBox("E Killsteal")); Misc.Add("e.mobsteal", new CheckBox("E Mob Steal")); Misc.Add("e.lasthit.assist", new CheckBox("E Lasthit Assist")); Misc.Add("r.savebuddy", new CheckBox("Save your sup with R")); Misc.Add("r.balista", new CheckBox("R Balista")); Misc.Add("e.siegeandsuper", new CheckBox("Auto E Siege and Super minions")); Misc.Add("e.harass", new CheckBox("E Harass")); Misc.Add("e.dontharasscombo", new CheckBox("Don't harass with E in combo")); Misc.Add("e.beforedie", new CheckBox("E before die")); Misc.Add("w.dragonorbaron", new CheckBox("Auto W on Dragon or Baron", false)); Misc.Add("w.castdragon", new KeyBind("Cast W on Dragon", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, "J".ToCharArray()[0])); Misc.Add("w.castbaron", new KeyBind("Cast W on Baron", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, "K".ToCharArray()[0])); //Activator Settings ActivatorSettings = MenuPrincipal.AddSubMenu("Activator Settings"); ActivatorSettings.Add("use.botrk.cutlass", new CheckBox("Use BotRK/Cutlass")); ActivatorSettings.Add("", new Slider("Health percent", 60)); ActivatorSettings.Add("use.youmuu", new CheckBox("Use Youmuu")); //Drawing Settings Drawings = MenuPrincipal.AddSubMenu("Drawings Settings"); Drawings.Add("draw.q", new CheckBox("Draw Q Range")); Drawings.Add("draw.w", new CheckBox("Draw W Range")); Drawings.Add("draw.e", new CheckBox("Draw E Range")); Drawings.Add("draw.r", new CheckBox("Draw R Range")); Drawings.Add("draw.e.dmgpercent", new CheckBox("Draw E Damage Percent")); Drawings.Add("draw.damageindicator", new CheckBox("Draw Damage Indicator")); }
static Combo() { // Initialize the menu values SpellsMenu.AddGroupLabel("Kombo Büyüleri:"); _useQ = SpellsMenu.Add("comboQ", new CheckBox("Kullan Q ?")); _useE = SpellsMenu.Add("comboE", new CheckBox("Kullan E ?")); _useR = SpellsMenu.Add("comboR", new CheckBox("Kullan R ?")); SpellsMenu.AddLabel("R Ayarları:"); _minR = SpellsMenu.Add("minR", new Slider("R için gereken düşman ?", 2, 0, 5)); _useRKillable = SpellsMenu.Add("comboRKill", new CheckBox("Kill alacaksam sayıyı önemsemeden R kullan ?", false)); }
static Combo() { // Initialize the menu values SpellsMenu.AddGroupLabel("Combo Spells:"); _useQ = SpellsMenu.Add("comboQ", new CheckBox("Use Q on Combo ?")); _useW = SpellsMenu.Add("comboW", new CheckBox("Use W on Combo ?")); _useE = SpellsMenu.Add("comboE", new CheckBox("Use E on Combo ?")); _useR = SpellsMenu.Add("comboR", new CheckBox("Use R on Combo ?")); SpellsMenu.AddGroupLabel("Combo Settings:"); _useRCancel = SpellsMenu.Add("comboRCancel", new CheckBox("Cancel R if target is out of range ?")); }
static Combo() { // Initialize the menu values SpellsMenu.AddGroupLabel("Combo Spells:"); _useQ = SpellsMenu.Add("comboQ", new CheckBox("Use Q on Combo ?")); _useE = SpellsMenu.Add("comboE", new CheckBox("Use E on Combo ?")); _useR = SpellsMenu.Add("comboR", new CheckBox("Use R on Combo ?")); SpellsMenu.AddLabel("R Settings:"); _minR = SpellsMenu.Add("minR", new Slider("Minimun enemies to use R ?", 2, 0, 5)); _useRKillable = SpellsMenu.Add("comboRKill", new CheckBox("Only use R if it will kill at least one ?", false)); }
static Harass() { SpellsMenu.AddGroupLabel("Harass Spells:"); _useQ = SpellsMenu.Add("harassQ", new CheckBox("Use Q on Harass ?")); _useW = SpellsMenu.Add("harassW", new CheckBox("Use W on Harass ?")); SpellsMenu.AddGroupLabel("Harass Settings:"); _manaHarass = SpellsMenu.Add("harassMana", new Slider("It will only cast any harass spell if the mana is greater than ({0}).", 30)); SpellsMenu.AddGroupLabel("AutoHarass Spells:"); //Add Key bind _autouseQ = SpellsMenu.Add("autoHarassQ", new CheckBox("Use Q on AutoHarass ?")); _autouseW = SpellsMenu.Add("autoHarassW", new CheckBox("Use W on AutoHarass ?")); SpellsMenu.AddGroupLabel("AutoHarass Settings:"); _automanaQ = SpellsMenu.Add("autoHarassMana", new Slider("It will only cast any harass spell if the mana is greater than ({0}).", 50)); }
static Harass() { SpellsMenu.AddGroupLabel("骚扰技能:"); _useQ = SpellsMenu.Add("harassQ", new CheckBox("使用Q骚扰 ?")); _useW = SpellsMenu.Add("harassW", new CheckBox("使用W骚扰 ?")); SpellsMenu.AddGroupLabel("骚扰设置:"); _manaHarass = SpellsMenu.Add("harassMana", new Slider("蓝量高于({0})时才使用骚扰技能.", 30)); SpellsMenu.AddGroupLabel("自动骚扰技能:"); //Add Key bind _autouseQ = SpellsMenu.Add("autoHarassQ", new CheckBox("Q自动骚扰 ?")); _autouseW = SpellsMenu.Add("autoHarassW", new CheckBox("W自动骚扰 ?")); SpellsMenu.AddGroupLabel("自动骚扰设置:"); _automanaQ = SpellsMenu.Add("autoHarassMana", new Slider("蓝量高于({0})时才使用自动骚扰.", 50)); }
static Harass() { SpellsMenu.AddGroupLabel("Harass Spells:"); _useQ = SpellsMenu.Add("harassQ", new CheckBox("Use Q on Harass ?")); _useW = SpellsMenu.Add("harassW", new CheckBox("Use W on Harass ?")); _useE = SpellsMenu.Add("harassE", new CheckBox("Use E on Harass ?")); SpellsMenu.AddGroupLabel("Harass Settings:"); _manaHarass = SpellsMenu.Add("harassMana", new Slider("It will only cast any harass spell if the mana is greater than ({0}).", 30)); SpellsMenu.AddGroupLabel("AutoHarass Spells:"); _autoHarassKey = SpellsMenu.Add("autoHarassKey", new KeyBind("Switch On/Off AutoHarass", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'Z')); _useAutoQ = SpellsMenu.Add("autoharassQ", new CheckBox("Use Q on AutoHarass ?")); _useAutoW = SpellsMenu.Add("autoharassW", new CheckBox("Use W on AutoHarass ?")); _useAutoE = SpellsMenu.Add("autoharassE", new CheckBox("Use E on AutoHarass ?", false)); SpellsMenu.AddGroupLabel("AutoHarass Settings:"); _manaAutoHarass = SpellsMenu.Add("autoharassMana", new Slider("It will only cast any harass spell if the mana is greater than ({0}).", 30)); }
private static void Init() { try { if (Orbwalker.MovementDelay < 200) { Orbwalker.MovementDelay = new Random().Next(200, 500) + Game.Ping; } MenuIni = MainMenu.AddMenu("AramBuddy", "AramBuddy"); var build = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("Current Build"); SpellsMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("Spells"); MenuIni.AddGroupLabel("AramBuddy Version: " + version); MenuIni.AddGroupLabel("AramBuddy Settings"); var debug = MenuIni.CreateCheckBox("debug", "Enable Debugging Mode"); var activator = MenuIni.CreateCheckBox("activator", "Enable Built-In Activator"); var DisableSpells = MenuIni.CreateCheckBox("DisableSpells", "Disable Built-in Casting Logic", false); var quit = MenuIni.CreateCheckBox("quit", "Quit On Game End"); var stealhr = MenuIni.CreateCheckBox("stealhr", "Dont Steal Health Relics From Allies", false); var chat = MenuIni.CreateCheckBox("chat", "Send Start / End msg In-Game Chat", false); var texture = MenuIni.CreateCheckBox("texture", "Disable In-Game Texture (Less RAM/CPU)", false); MenuIni.AddSeparator(0); var Safe = MenuIni.CreateSlider("Safe", "Safe Slider (Recommended 1250)", 1250, 0, 2500); MenuIni.AddLabel("More Safe Value = more defensive playstyle"); MenuIni.AddSeparator(0); var HRHP = MenuIni.CreateSlider("HRHP", "Health Percent To Pick Health Relics (Recommended 75%)", 75); var HRMP = MenuIni.CreateSlider("HRMP", "Mana Percent To Pick Health Relics (Recommended 15%)", 15); MenuIni.AddSeparator(0); var Reset = MenuIni.CreateCheckBox("reset", "Reset All Settings To Default", false); Reset.OnValueChange += delegate(ValueBase <bool> sender, ValueBase <bool> .ValueChangeArgs args) { if (args.NewValue) { Reset.CurrentValue = false; debug.CurrentValue = true; activator.CurrentValue = true; DisableSpells.CurrentValue = false; quit.CurrentValue = true; stealhr.CurrentValue = false; chat.CurrentValue = true; texture.CurrentValue = false; Safe.CurrentValue = 1250; HRHP.CurrentValue = 75; HRMP.CurrentValue = 15; } }; SpellsMenu.AddGroupLabel("SummonerSpells"); SpellsMenu.Add("Heal", new CheckBox("Use Heal")); SpellsMenu.Add("Barrier", new CheckBox("Use Barrier")); SpellsMenu.Add("Clarity", new CheckBox("Use Clarity")); SpellsMenu.Add("Ghost", new CheckBox("Use Ghost")); SpellsMenu.Add("Flash", new CheckBox("Use Flash")); SpellsMenu.Add("Cleanse", new CheckBox("Use Cleanse")); if (AutoShop.Setup.CurrentChampionBuild.BuildData.Length > 0) { var i = 0; foreach (var item in AutoShop.Setup.CurrentChampionBuild.BuildData) { i++; build.AddLabel(i + " - " + item); } } if (!DisableSpellsCasting) { try { if ((Base)Activator.CreateInstance(null, "AramBuddy.Plugins.Champions." + Player.Instance.Hero + "." + Player.Instance.Hero).Unwrap() != null) { CustomChamp = true; Logger.Send("Loaded Custom Champion " + Player.Instance.Hero, Logger.LogLevel.Info); } } catch (Exception) { CustomChamp = false; Logger.Send("There Is No Custom Plugin For " + Player.Instance.Hero, Logger.LogLevel.Warn); } } // Sends Start / End Msg Chatting.Init(); // Initialize Bot Functions. Brain.Init(); // Inits Activator if (EnableActivator) { Plugins.Activator.Load.Init(); } if (!File.Exists(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "\\EloBuddy\\AramBuddy\\temp\\DisableTexture.dat")) { if (DisableTexture) { File.Create(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "\\EloBuddy\\AramBuddy\\temp\\DisableTexture.dat"); } } else { if (!DisableTexture) { File.Delete(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "\\EloBuddy\\AramBuddy\\temp\\DisableTexture.dat"); } } Drawing.OnEndScene += Drawing_OnEndScene; Chat.Print("AramBuddy Loaded !"); Chat.Print("AramBuddy Version: " + version); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Send("Program Error At Init", ex, Logger.LogLevel.Error); } }
private static void CreateMenu() { try { foreach (var p in CurrentPatchs) { BuildsServices.Add(new BuildServices(p.Key, p.Value)); } MenuIni = MainMenu.AddMenu("AramBuddy", "AramBuddy"); SpellsMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("Spells"); MenuIni.AddGroupLabel("AramBuddy Version: " + version); MenuIni.AddGroupLabel("AramBuddy Settings"); BuildMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("Current Build"); InfoMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("Extra Options"); var lolversion = BuildMenu.Add("buildpatch", new ComboBox("Select Build Patch: ", 0, BuildsServices.Select(s => s.Patch).ToArray())); var buildsource = BuildMenu.Add("buildsource", new ComboBox("Builds Service: ", 0, BuildsServices[lolversion.CurrentValue].AvailableServices)); lolversion.OnValueChange += delegate(ValueBase <int> sender, ValueBase <int> .ValueChangeArgs args) { foreach (var i in BuildsServices[args.OldValue].AvailableServices) { buildsource.Remove(i); } foreach (var i in BuildsServices[args.NewValue].AvailableServices) { buildsource.Add(i); } }; BuildMenu.AddLabel("MetaSrc: Very Good For Aram"); BuildMenu.AddLabel("Championgg: Decent For Aram"); BuildMenu.AddLabel("KoreanBuilds: Decent For Aram"); BuildMenu.AddLabel("LoLSkill: Not Good For Aram"); var debug = MenuIni.CreateCheckBox("debug", "Enable Debugging Mode"); var activator = MenuIni.CreateCheckBox("activator", "Enable Built-In Activator"); var DisableSpells = MenuIni.CreateCheckBox("DisableSpells", "Disable Built-in Casting Logic", false); var CustomPlugin = MenuIni.CreateCheckBox("CustomPlugin", "Enable Custom Plugins"); var quit = MenuIni.CreateCheckBox("quit", "Quit On Game End"); var stealhr = MenuIni.CreateCheckBox("stealhr", "Dont Steal Health Relics From Allies", false); var chat = MenuIni.CreateCheckBox("chat", "Send Start / End msg In-Game Chat", false); var texture = MenuIni.CreateCheckBox("texture1", "Disable In-Game Texture (Less RAM/CPU)", false); var evade = MenuIni.CreateCheckBox("evade", "Evade Integration[BETA]"); var ff = MenuIni.CreateCheckBox("ff", "Vote Surrender With Team Always"); var cameralock = MenuIni.CreateCheckBox("cameralock", "Lock Camera Always"); MenuIni.AddSeparator(0); var Safe = MenuIni.CreateSlider("Safe1", "Safe Slider (Recommended 1250)", 1250, 0, 2500); //MenuIni.AddLabel("More Safe Value = more defensive playstyle"); //MenuIni.AddSeparator(0); var HRHP = MenuIni.CreateSlider("HRHP", "Health Percent To Pick Health Relics (Recommended 75%)", 75); var HRMP = MenuIni.CreateSlider("HRMP", "Mana Percent To Pick Health Relics (Recommended 15%)", 15); MenuIni.AddSeparator(0); var Reset = MenuIni.CreateCheckBox("reset", "Reset All Settings To Default", false); // Misc Settings MiscMenu = MenuIni.AddSubMenu("Misc Settings"); var autolvl = MiscMenu.CreateCheckBox("autolvl", "Enable AutoLvlUP"); var autoshop = MiscMenu.CreateCheckBox("autoshop", "Enable AutoShop"); var fixdive = MiscMenu.CreateCheckBox("fixdive", "Try to Fix Diving Towers"); var kite = MiscMenu.CreateCheckBox("kite", "Try Kite Near Enemies"); var ping = MiscMenu.CreateCheckBox("ping", "Move To AllySpawn On High Ping/Ping-Spikes"); var bardchime = MiscMenu.CreateCheckBox("bardchime", "Pick Bard Chimes"); var corkibomb = MiscMenu.CreateCheckBox("corkibomb", "Pick Corki Bomb"); var dravenaxe = MiscMenu.CreateCheckBox("dravenaxe", "Pick Draves Axes"); var olafaxe = MiscMenu.CreateCheckBox("olafaxe", "Pick Olaf Axe"); var zacpassive = MiscMenu.CreateCheckBox("zacpassive", "Pick Zac Blops"); var azirtower = MiscMenu.CreateCheckBox("azirtower", "Create Azir Towers"); var teleport = MiscMenu.CreateCheckBox("tp", "Enable use of Teleporting Logic"); var logs = MiscMenu.CreateCheckBox("logs", "Save AramBuddy Logs", false); var savechat = MiscMenu.CreateCheckBox("savechat", "Save In-Game Chat", false); var tyler1 = MiscMenu.CreateCheckBox("bigbrother", "Run it down mid", false); var tyler1g = MiscMenu.CreateSlider("gold", "Run it down mid if my Gold >= {0}", 3000, 500, 17500); Reset.OnValueChange += delegate(ValueBase <bool> sender, ValueBase <bool> .ValueChangeArgs args) { if (args.NewValue) { Reset.CurrentValue = false; debug.CurrentValue = true; activator.CurrentValue = true; DisableSpells.CurrentValue = false; CustomPlugin.CurrentValue = true; quit.CurrentValue = true; stealhr.CurrentValue = false; chat.CurrentValue = true; texture.CurrentValue = false; evade.CurrentValue = true; ff.CurrentValue = true; cameralock.CurrentValue = true; Safe.CurrentValue = 1250; HRHP.CurrentValue = 75; HRMP.CurrentValue = 15; // Misc autolvl.CurrentValue = true; autoshop.CurrentValue = true; fixdive.CurrentValue = true; kite.CurrentValue = true; ping.CurrentValue = true; bardchime.CurrentValue = true; corkibomb.CurrentValue = true; dravenaxe.CurrentValue = true; olafaxe.CurrentValue = true; zacpassive.CurrentValue = true; azirtower.CurrentValue = true; teleport.CurrentValue = true; logs.CurrentValue = false; savechat.CurrentValue = false; tyler1.CurrentValue = false; tyler1g.CurrentValue = 3000; } }; Safe.IsVisible = false; // disabled corkibomb.IsVisible = false; // disable for now SpellsMenu.AddGroupLabel("Built-In Casting Logic:"); SpellsMenu.CreateCheckBox("combo", "Use Spells in Combo Mode"); SpellsMenu.CreateCheckBox("harass", "Use Spells in Harass Mode"); SpellsMenu.CreateCheckBox("flee", "Use Spells in Flee Mode"); SpellsMenu.CreateCheckBox("laneclear", "Use Spells in Lane Clear Mode"); SpellsMenu.AddSeparator(0); SpellsMenu.AddGroupLabel("SummonerSpells"); SpellsMenu.Add("Heal", new CheckBox("Use Heal")); SpellsMenu.Add("Barrier", new CheckBox("Use Barrier")); SpellsMenu.Add("Clarity", new CheckBox("Use Clarity")); SpellsMenu.Add("Ghost", new CheckBox("Use Ghost")); SpellsMenu.Add("Flash", new CheckBox("Use Flash")); SpellsMenu.Add("Cleanse", new CheckBox("Use Cleanse")); InfoMenu.AddGroupLabel("Disabling In-Game Texture"); InfoMenu.AddLabel("To Disable In-Game Texture Type In Chat \"Disable Texture\""); InfoMenu.AddLabel("To Enable In-Game Texture Type In Chat \"Enable Texture\""); InfoMenu.AddLabel("Takes affect after 1 or 2 games"); Console.Title = $"{Drawing.Width}x{Drawing.Height}"; texture.IsVisible = false; if (DisableTexture) { Disabletexture(); } else { Enabletexture(); } Chat.OnInput += delegate(ChatInputEventArgs args) { if (args.Input.ToLower().Contains("disable texture")) { Disabletexture(); texture.CurrentValue = true; args.Process = false; } if (args.Input.ToLower().Contains("enable texture")) { Enabletexture(); texture.CurrentValue = false; args.Process = false; } }; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Send("Program Error At CreateMenu", ex, Logger.LogLevel.Error); } }
static Harass() { SpellsMenu.AddGroupLabel("Dürtme Büyüleri:"); _useQ = SpellsMenu.Add("harassQ", new CheckBox("Kullan Q ?")); _useE = SpellsMenu.Add("harassE", new CheckBox("Kullan E ?")); }