// Handles clicking a hyperlink public void HandleNoteLink(object sender, Hyperlink h) { // get all the files in the user's documents and search for a match with the sent hyper link var files = Directory.GetFiles(defaultFolder, "*").Select(f => Path.GetFileName(f)); if (files.Contains(System.IO.Path.GetFileName(h.NavigateUri.OriginalString))) { bool trigger = false; for (int i = 0; i < tabItems.Count; i++) { if (tabItems[i].Header == System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(h.NavigateUri.OriginalString)) { trigger = true; TabControl1.SelectedIndex = i; } } if (!trigger) { addTab(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(h.NavigateUri.OriginalString)); TabControl1.SelectedIndex = tabItems.Count - 1; activeBox = tabItems[TabControl1.SelectedIndex].Content; LoadXamlPackage(h.NavigateUri.LocalPath); } } else { addTab(new TextRange(h.ContentStart, h.ContentEnd).Text); TabControl1.SelectedIndex = tabItems.Count - 1; LoadXamlPackage(h.NavigateUri.LocalPath); } }
public void HandleTextUpdate(object sender, SpecialBox b) { Trace.WriteLine("clicked!"); var temp = activeBox.CaretPosition.Paragraph.Inlines.FirstInline.Style; //GetPropertyValue(Inline.FontWeightProperty); cmbFontFamily.SelectedItem = temp; }
// fires when a new tab is selected private void TabControl_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { var tc = sender as TabControl; if (tc != null) { MyTabItem item = (MyTabItem)tc.SelectedItem; activeBox = item.Content; } }
public Form_AddSpecialItem(ref SpecialBox SpecialBox) { base.Load += Form_AddSpecialItem_Load; InitializeComponent(); StyleManager.UpdateAmbientColors(this); wType = WindowType.SpecialBox; specialData = SpecialBox; { var withBlock = specialData; IntegerInput_Alpha.Value = Conversions.ToInteger(Math.Round(withBlock.Alpha / (double)255 * 100)); IntegerInput_Scale.Value = withBlock.Scale; LabelX_Height.Text = string.Format("Height: {0}", SpecialBox.Y); LabelX_Pos1.Text = string.Format("Edge 1: {0}, {1}", withBlock.X1, withBlock.Z1); LabelX_Pos2.Text = string.Format("Edge 2: {0}, {1}", withBlock.X2, withBlock.Z2); } var switchExpr = SpecialBox.WaterType; switch (switchExpr) { case WaterType.Default: ComboBox_WaterType.SelectedIndex = SpecialBox.InvisibleWater ? 1 : 0; break; case WaterType.JRBWater: ComboBox_WaterType.SelectedIndex = 2; break; case WaterType.GreenWater: ComboBox_WaterType.SelectedIndex = 3; break; case WaterType.LavaWater: ComboBox_WaterType.SelectedIndex = 4; break; } var switchExpr1 = SpecialBox.Type; switch (switchExpr1) { case SpecialBoxType.Water: CheckBoxX_Water.Checked = true; break; case SpecialBoxType.ToxicHaze: CheckBoxX_ToxicHaze.Checked = true; break; case SpecialBoxType.Mist: CheckBoxX_Mist.Checked = true; break; } }
public static void ReorderBoxDataPositions(SpecialBox SpecialBox) { short x1, x2, z1, z2; x1 = Math.Min(SpecialBox.X1, SpecialBox.X2); x2 = Math.Max(SpecialBox.X1, SpecialBox.X2); z1 = Math.Min(SpecialBox.Z1, SpecialBox.Z2); z2 = Math.Max(SpecialBox.Z1, SpecialBox.Z2); SpecialBox.X1 = x1; SpecialBox.X2 = x2; SpecialBox.Z1 = z1; SpecialBox.Z2 = z2; }
private String LoadSearchFiles(string filePath) { if (File.Exists(filePath)) { SpecialBox dummybox = new SpecialBox(); var range = new TextRange(dummybox.Document.ContentStart, dummybox.Document.ContentEnd); var fStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate); range.Load(fStream, DataFormats.XamlPackage); // Debug.WriteLine("[" + filePath + "]: " + range.Text); // Test output showing text found in each loaded file, delete later fStream.Close(); return(range.Text); } else { Debug.WriteLine("[ERROR file not loaded fixme"); return(""); } }
public ManagedSpecialBox(SpecialBox sb) { SpecialBox = sb; Load(); }