public override void Activate(MonsterCharacter character, int index) { if (character.SkillCooldowns[index] > 0) { Sounds.CreateSound(FailSound); return; } if (character.ChargePoints < ChargeCost) { Messaging.GUI.ScreenMessage.Invoke("NOT ENOUGH CHARGE",; Sounds.CreateSound(FailSound); return; } if (character.SoftDamage <= 0) { Messaging.GUI.ScreenMessage.Invoke("NO ACCUMULATED DAMAGE",; Sounds.CreateSound(FailSound); return; } int HealPerTick = (int)(character.SoftDamage * Portion / ActiveTime / 50); if (HealPerTick <= 0) { Messaging.GUI.ScreenMessage.Invoke("NOT ENOUGH ACCUMULATED DAMAGE",; Sounds.CreateSound(FailSound); return; } Sounds.CreateSound(ActivationSound); HealSkill s = Instantiate(this, character.transform); s.targetCharacter = character; s.healPerTick = HealPerTick; character.ChargePoints -= ChargeCost; character.SoftDamage = 0; character.SkillCooldowns[index] = ActiveTime; }
private bool Fire() { if (RaiseTimer > 0f) { return(false); } if (HolsterTimer > 0f) { return(false); } if (attackCooldownTimer > 0f) { return(false); } if (emptyTimer > 0f) { return(false); } if (UsesAmmo >= 0) { if (character.ammunition[UsesAmmo] < AmmoUseAmount) { Messaging.GUI.ScreenMessage.Invoke("OUT OF AMMO",; Sounds.CreateSound(EmptySound); emptyTimer = .4f; return(false); } } if (attackCooldownTimer <= 0f) { attackCooldownTimer += attackCooldown; DamageBeam(); } OnFire.Invoke(); return(true); }
public override void Activate(MonsterCharacter character, int index) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(GrenadeDesignation)) { return; } if (character.SkillCooldowns[index] > 0) { Sounds.CreateSound(FailSound); return; } if (AmmoType != -1) { if (character.ammunition[AmmoType] < AmmoAmount) { Messaging.GUI.ScreenMessage.Invoke("OUT OF AMMO",; Sounds.CreateSound(FailSound); return; } character.ammunition[AmmoType] -= AmmoAmount; } Sounds.CreateSound(ActivationSound); character.SkillCooldowns[index] = Cooldown; GrenadeSkill g = Instantiate(this, LevelLoader.DynamicObjects); g.targetCharacter = character; Mouse.UpdateWorldPosition(); float distance = (Mouse.WorldPosition - character.transform.position).magnitude; g.speed = Mathf.Lerp(ThrowSpeed.x, ThrowSpeed.y, Mathf.InverseLerp(AttackDistance.x, AttackDistance.y, distance)); }
public override void Activate(MonsterCharacter character, int index) { if (character.SkillCooldowns[index] > 0) { if (character.Buffs.ContainsKey((int)StatusEffect.Shield)) { character.Buffs[(int)StatusEffect.Shield].GetComponent <Skill>().DeActivateInstance(); character.Buffs.Remove((int)StatusEffect.Shield); } } else { if (character.ChargePoints < ChargeCostPerSecond) { return; } Sounds.CreateSound(ActivationSound); ShieldSkill s = Instantiate(this, character.transform); s.targetCharacter = character; s.skillIndex = index; } }
private bool Fire() { if (cooldownTimer > 0f) { return(false); } if (RaiseTimer > 0f) { return(false); } if (HolsterTimer > 0f) { return(false); } if (UsesAmmo >= 0) { if (character.ammunition[UsesAmmo] < AmmoUseAmount) { Messaging.GUI.ScreenMessage.Invoke("OUT OF AMMO",; Sounds.CreateSound(EmptySound); cooldownTimer = .4f; return(false); } character.ammunition[UsesAmmo] -= AmmoUseAmount; } cooldownTimer = attackCooldown; CreateRocket(); salvoRemain = Salvo; salvoTimer = SalvoTime; return(true); }
private bool AltFire() { if (AltFireBulletDamage <= 0) { return(false); } if (cooldownTimer > 0f) { return(false); } if (RaiseTimer > 0f) { return(false); } if (HolsterTimer > 0f) { return(false); } if (UsesAmmo >= 0) { if (character.ammunition[UsesAmmo] < altFireAmmoUseAmount) { Messaging.GUI.ScreenMessage.Invoke("OUT OF AMMO",; Sounds.CreateSound(AltFireEmptySound); cooldownTimer = .4f; return(false); } character.ammunition[UsesAmmo] -= altFireAmmoUseAmount; } cooldownTimer = altFireCooldown; Sounds.CreateSound(AltFireSound); if (MuzzlePrefab != null) { GameObject muzzle = Instantiate(MuzzlePrefab); muzzle.transform.rotation = _weaponPrefab.transform.rotation * Quaternion.Euler(MuzzleRotation); muzzle.transform.position = _weaponPrefab.transform.position + muzzle.transform.TransformDirection(MuzzlePosition); muzzle.transform.SetParent(_weaponPrefab.transform); } int burst = altFireBurst; while (burst-- > 0) { if (BulletPrefab != null) { Bullet bullet = Instantiate(BulletPrefab, LevelLoader.DynamicObjects); bullet.owner = character; bullet.Damage = AltFireBulletDamage; bullet.damageType = BulletDamageType; bullet.LifeTime = BulletLifeTime; bullet.Force = BulletForce; bullet.Speed = BulletSpeed; //make a special raycasting move from character to barrel bullet.transform.position = character.transform.position; bullet.InitialMove((_weaponPrefab.transform.position + _weaponPrefab.transform.rotation * BulletPosition) - character.transform.position); if (AttackDirection == { bullet.transform.rotation = character.LookDirection; } else { bullet.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, Mathf.Atan2(AttackDirection.x, -AttackDirection.y) * Mathf.Rad2Deg); } //add spread float firstRoll = Random.Range(-altFireSpread, altFireSpread); float secondRoll = Random.Range(-altFireSpread, altFireSpread); bullet.transform.rotation *= Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, Mathf.Abs(firstRoll) < Mathf.Abs(secondRoll) ? firstRoll : secondRoll); bullet.GetComponent <SaveGameObject>().SpawnName = BulletDesignation; } } OnFire.Invoke(); return(true); }
public override void DeActivateInstance() { GoingDown = true; Sounds.CreateSound(DeactivationSound); OnDeactivateInstance.Invoke(); }
private bool Fire() { if (cooldownTimer > 0f) { return(false); } if (RaiseTimer > 0f) { return(false); } if (HolsterTimer > 0f) { return(false); } cooldownTimer = attackCooldown; reboundTimer = reboundCooldown; character.CallAnimation(AttackAnimation); character.CurrentWeaponAnimation = AttackAnimation; Vector3 pos = _weaponPrefab.transform.position + character.LookDirection * attackCenter; Collider2D[] targets = Physics2D.OverlapCircleAll(pos, radius); bool hitEnemy = false; foreach (Collider2D target in targets) { Damageable d = target.GetComponent <Damageable>(); if (d == null) { continue; } if (d == character as Damageable) { continue; } Vector2 dif = target.transform.position - pos; Vector2 dir = dif == ? : dif.normalized; Vector2 hitPoint = (Vector2)target.transform.position - dir; d.HitSound(hitPoint, AttackType.Melee); d.Impulse(dir, Force); d.Damage(new DamageFrame(Damage, AttackType.Melee, DamageType.Physical, character, hitPoint)); hitEnemy = true; } if (hitEnemy) { character.ChargePoints += RechargeChargeAmount; } if (EffectPrefab) { GameObject effect = Instantiate(EffectPrefab, LevelLoader.TemporaryObjects); effect.transform.position = _weaponPrefab.transform.position + character.LookDirection * EffectPosition; effect.transform.rotation = character.LookDirection; } Sounds.CreateSound(AttackSound); return(true); }
private bool Fire() { if (RaiseTimer > 0f) { return(false); } if (HolsterTimer > 0f) { return(false); } if (attackCooldownTimer <= 0f) { if (UsesAmmo >= 0) { if (character.ammunition[UsesAmmo] < AmmoUseAmount) { Messaging.GUI.ScreenMessage.Invoke("OUT OF AMMO",; Sounds.CreateSound(EmptySound); attackCooldownTimer = .4f; return(false); } character.ammunition[UsesAmmo] -= AmmoUseAmount; } attackCooldownTimer = attackCooldown; if (SprayPrefab != null) { Spray spray = Instantiate(SprayPrefab, LevelLoader.DynamicObjects); spray.owner = character; spray.Damage = SprayDamage; spray.damageType = SprayDamageType; spray.LifeTime = SprayLifeTime; spray.Force = SprayForce; spray.Speed = SpraySpeed; spray.BurnTotalDamage = SprayTotalDamage; spray.DamagePerBurn = DamagePerApplication; spray.RadiusOverLifetime = SprayRadius; //make a special raycasting move from character to barrel spray.transform.position = character.transform.position; spray.InitialMove((_weaponPrefab.transform.position + _weaponPrefab.transform.rotation * SprayPosition) - character.transform.position); if (AttackDirection == { spray.transform.rotation = character.LookDirection; } else { spray.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, Mathf.Atan2(AttackDirection.x, -AttackDirection.y) * Mathf.Rad2Deg); } //add spread float firstRoll = Random.Range(-spread, spread); float secondRoll = Random.Range(-spread, spread); spray.transform.rotation *= Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, Mathf.Abs(firstRoll) < Mathf.Abs(secondRoll) ? firstRoll : secondRoll); //inherit speed spray.Speed += InheritSpeed * Vector2.Dot(character.physicsBody.velocity, character.LookDirection * Vector3.right); spray.GetComponent <SaveGameObject>().SpawnName = SprayDesignation; } } if (UsesAmmo >= 0 && character.ammunition[UsesAmmo] < AmmoUseAmount) { return(false); } OnFire.Invoke(); return(true); }
public override void Activate(MonsterCharacter character, int index) { //would result in illegal normalization, need a direction to dash into if (character.physicsBody.velocity == { return; } //need 65% of full power at minimum if (character.ChargePoints < (ChargeCost * .65f)) { Sounds.CreateSound(FailSound); Messaging.GUI.ScreenMessage.Invoke("NOT ENOUGH CHARGE",; return; } if (character.SkillCooldowns[index] > 0) { Sounds.CreateSound(FailSound); return; } Sounds.CreateSound(ActivationSound); character.SkillCooldowns[index] = Cooldown; float strength = Strength; if (character.ChargePoints < ChargeCost) { strength *= (float)character.ChargePoints / ChargeCost; character.ChargePoints = 0; } else { character.ChargePoints -= ChargeCost; } DashSkill d = Instantiate(this, LevelLoader.DynamicObjects); d.Strength = strength; d.direction = character.physicsBody.velocity.normalized; d.targetCharacter = character; d.timer = ActiveTime; if (AttachmentEffect != null) { foreach (string attachPoint in AttachmentPoints) { GameObject effect = Instantiate(AttachmentEffect); GenericTimer e = effect.AddComponent <GenericTimer>(); e.LifeTime = ActiveTime * 5; e.OnTimer.AddListener(() => { TrailRenderer tr = effect.GetComponentInChildren <TrailRenderer>(); if (tr != null) { tr.emitting = false; } }); DestroyAfterTime t = effect.AddComponent <DestroyAfterTime>(); t.LifeTime = ActiveTime * 10; effect.transform.SetParent(character.GetAttachmentPoint(attachPoint), false); } } }
private bool Fire() { if (cooldownTimer > 0f) { return(false); } if (RaiseTimer > 0f) { return(false); } if (HolsterTimer > 0f) { return(false); } if (UsesAmmo >= 0) { if (character.ammunition[UsesAmmo] < AmmoUseAmount) { Messaging.GUI.ScreenMessage.Invoke("OUT OF AMMO",; Sounds.CreateSound(EmptySound); cooldownTimer = .4f; return(false); } character.ammunition[UsesAmmo] -= AmmoUseAmount; } cooldownTimer = attackCooldown; Sounds.CreateSound(FireSound, transform.position); if (MuzzlePrefab != null) { GameObject muzzle = Instantiate(MuzzlePrefab); if (swap) { //muzzle.transform.rotation = _weaponPrefab1.transform.rotation * Quaternion.Euler(MuzzleRotation); muzzle.transform.position = _weaponPrefab1.transform.position + _weaponPrefab2.transform.TransformDirection(MuzzlePosition); muzzle.transform.SetParent(_weaponPrefab1.transform); muzzle.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(MuzzleRotation); } else { //muzzle.transform.rotation = _weaponPrefab2.transform.rotation * Quaternion.Euler(MuzzleRotation); muzzle.transform.position = _weaponPrefab2.transform.position + _weaponPrefab2.transform.TransformDirection(MuzzlePosition); muzzle.transform.SetParent(_weaponPrefab2.transform); muzzle.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(MuzzleRotation); } } if (RocketPrefab != null) { Rocket rocket = Instantiate(RocketPrefab, LevelLoader.DynamicObjects); rocket.owner = character; rocket.Damage = RocketDamage; rocket.ArmDistance = RocketArmDistance; rocket.ArmTimeRange = RocketArmTimeRange; rocket.Force = RocketForce; rocket.Speed = RocketSpeed; rocket.Slowdown = RocketSlowdown; rocket.ExplosionRadius = RocketExplosionRadius; rocket.LifeTime = RocketLifeTime; rocket.damageType = RocketDamageType; //make a special raycasting move from character to barrel rocket.transform.position = character.transform.position; if (swap) { rocket.InitialMove((_weaponPrefab1.transform.position + _weaponPrefab1.transform.rotation * RocketPosition) - character.transform.position); } else { rocket.InitialMove((_weaponPrefab2.transform.position + _weaponPrefab2.transform.rotation * RocketPosition) - character.transform.position); } if (AttackDirection == { rocket.transform.rotation = character.LookDirection; } else { rocket.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, Mathf.Atan2(AttackDirection.x, -AttackDirection.y) * Mathf.Rad2Deg); } //add spread float firstRoll = Random.Range(-spread, spread); float secondRoll = Random.Range(-spread, spread); rocket.transform.rotation *= Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, Mathf.Abs(firstRoll) < Mathf.Abs(secondRoll) ? firstRoll : secondRoll); rocket.GetComponent <SaveGameObject>().SpawnName = RocketDesignation; } swap = !swap; OnFire.Invoke(); return(true); }
private void Move(Vector2 step) { if (step == { return; } Vector2 dir = step.normalized; float distance = step.magnitude; int count = Physics2D.RaycastNonAlloc(transform.position, dir, hits, distance, LayerMask.WallsWalkersAndShootables); Damageable target = null; float closest = float.MaxValue; Vector2 hitpoint =; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { RaycastHit2D hit = hits[i]; Damageable dmg = hit.collider.GetComponentInParent <Damageable>(); if (owner != null && dmg != null) { if (owner.gameObject == hit.collider.gameObject) { continue; } if (owner.Faction != Factions.AgainstAll) { if (owner.Faction == dmg.Faction) { continue; } } } float d = hit.distance; if (d < closest) { hitpoint = hit.point; closest = d; target = dmg; } } if (closest == float.MaxValue) { transform.position += (Vector3)step; } else { transform.position = hitpoint; PendingForDeletion = true; if (OnHitObject != null) { GameObject onHitObject = Instantiate(OnHitObject, LevelLoader.TemporaryObjects); onHitObject.transform.position = transform.position; onHitObject.transform.rotation = transform.rotation; } if (target != null) { if (!target.HitSound(hitpoint, AttackType.Bullet)) { Sounds.CreateSound(DefaultHitSound, hitpoint); } target.Damage(new DamageFrame(Damage, AttackType.Bullet, damageType, owner, hitpoint)); if (BurnTotalDamage > 0) { target.Dot(new DotFrame(BurnTotalDamage, DamagePerBurn, DamageType.Fire, owner)); } target.Impulse(dir, Force); } else { Sounds.CreateSound(DefaultHitSound, hitpoint); } } travelled += distance; if (travelled >= Options.MaxAttackDistance) { PendingForDeletion = true; } }